The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 19, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY. MAY ID, 1919.
Children Cry
!Hie Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
ia use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of
- and has been made under his pcr
X7Z?Z' S3nal supervision eince its infancy.
tv-C -c-. jiow no one to deceive you ia this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and 44 Just-as-good ' are but
Experiments that trine with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience agcirst Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute f cr Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant- It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its suaramee. For :nore than thirty years it has
ceen in constant us for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency.
Vind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
ti?refrc, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowe's, aids
the assimilation of 5ood; giving healthy and natural Bleep.
The CLiLirtn's Panacea Tbe Mother's Friend.
Bears the
la Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind Yen? Have Always Bought
lie Had Though To Slip la On His
Friends Bat World-Herald
Gave Snap Away.
I'rom Saturday's I'aily.
"Prow ni"" i. e. Maldm Drown,
the fruiT versatile ami clever
jtwf'.vr with John V. Crabill. who
Las Letn in the service of the 1. S.
army for the past nearly two years
arrived in this city on the mid
night train from Omaha, where he
had visited for a short time at the
home of his sister Mrs. Louis F.
Trimpe. ha vine been discharged
from t'amp Dodge last Wednesday,
and having arrived in America in
April. lie was accompanied by his
brother Clarence Brcwn who is
makinc his home at Murray, but
had g'ne to Omaha to greet his
brother. "Ilrownie" has seen some
long days and nights in the zone of
baftl-. and with the ending of the
Mrugsl was glad to see the statute
of liberty loom r.p over New York
harbor on hi? return to thi land of
the free and home of the brave. He
raid wbn we told him we were glad
t-i se hi" ho-i.n again. "I am sure
glad to b here too. America. Xe
braska. I'litt-mouth. th'y all look
r:od to ne." He is around feeins
h:-s friend who are legions in this
ciy and wherever he may be for he
makes friend and keeps th-mi as
w 11. Dv the way be is looking fine
:m d seems mii'h larger than when
he pave his service. to hi.s country
nearly two years ago.
Flars at the Journal OS:.
One of "The Greatest Things in Life"
is to be veil dressed.
A Dress Dp Coat
We have .for your inspection
something new in the rain-dress coat
line. This coat is no friend to rain,
and for scckty she's a catbird. Made
up in the double breasted, two but
tons. his;h waist seam line, all the
way around. Very Class!
If it doesn't rain another drop
this Spring, you have an elegant
evening coat, and if it does rain
Oh. Boy!
You'll find these coats in the
darker shades, very attractively lin
ed in silk to harmonize.
They're priced at
$13.50 to $22.50
You'll find most any coat to suit
your taste, from the heavy utility
teat to a shower proof slip on.
$4.75 to $12.0.0
cPiiilin Shiaxct
for Fletcher's
Signature of
The Afternoon Train Brought Two
JTore Boys From Overseas,
Just Discharged.
Kr'-rn Sa 1 1. n!;i vs Iai1y.
This has been a good day for the
returning soldiers from overseas,
there having arrived here for the
day five men. wiio were overseas.
Three having been noticed elsewhere
in today's paper, the other boys to
arrive were Charles Stock of Ne
hawka and Frank Kinnanion of this
city. The boys were looking hardy
and strong, but somewhat sunburn
ed as though they Lad come from
a pretty warm country. They lth
evinced a greal deal of satisfaction
at being Lome again. Mr. Stock
while not at home when he alighted
from the train, was well pleased
that he was this neas. He departed
on the early afternoon train for the
south going via the Missouri Pa
cific and will gladden the hearts of
his relatives and friends this after
noon. Frank Kinnamon, after
alighting and greeting his friends
at the station, started direct for
home, that he might greet his
mother and no grass grew under his
feet as he in eagerness sought the
home, from which he had been
away for so long.
From Sj.tnrilay I'aily.
Last Thursday at York at the
state convention of the Knights of
I'ythias, Dr. LeRoy Dodge, of Oma
ha, but a former Plattsmontu boy,
was honored in the elect ioii. He
was elected to the position of
Grand Chancllor of the order for the
State of Nebraska. His popularity
was shown by the fact that there
was not a vote in the convention
against him. Dr. Dodge is not only
an able practitioner. but a very
agreeable and able gentleman as is
seen by his popularity.
From Saturday's Dally.
Marvin Egenberger of St. Joseph,
Mo., was in the city this morning,
coming to see Mr. L. C Sharp of the
L. C. Sharp Manufacturing Com
pany, regarding the manufacture of
some cone making machines. for
which Mr. Sharp has a patent, and
facilities for manufacturing cone
machines very rapidly.
Why not attend the Oldest. Larg
est, and Leading Business Training
School in the West the school en
dorsed by Banks. Commercial Hous
es and Business Firms everywhere.
Send for free catalogue. Address:
Grand Island Business College,
Grand Island, Nebraska the school
built up to a standard not down to
a price.
EaF.t of Riley Hotel.
Coates Elock.
Second Floor.
Friends Of Miss Marie Nevotney
Have Merry Time Last Evening,
Give Many Gifts.
From Saturday's Daily.
Last evening Mesdamey Anton
Vctesnik. Euiil Stanek and Aug.
Kopp entertained a few of their
friends at the beautiful Louie of
Mrs. Aug. Kopp in a kitchen show
er in honor of their sister Mis;
Marie Novotny whose marriage to
Mr. Jos. Kvapil of South Omaha i'J
to occur in the near future. The
evening was indulged In conversa
tion, writing "recipes" and pinning
contest at which Miss Anna Jirousek
being the lucky one winning the
first prize and Mrs. Thomas Swo
boda carrying off the booby prize.
Refreshments consisting of ice cream
and cake were then served after
which all departed at a late hour
wishing Miss Marie much happiness
in her future life.
Those present v ore Me: dames
Thoimi Svoboda. Cyril Kalina. Tom
Skoda. Dror Christ ensen. Jos. Woost
er. CLas. F. Janda, .Ics. M. Iliber.
Jas. Sedlak jr.. Timothy Kahoutek.
Jos. Libersh:'l. Juo. A. Libershal.
Jas. Racek. Jos. Zitka. Chas. C.
Janda. Henry Brinkman. Juliu
Pitz. Vincent Slatinsky. Anton
Vetesnik. Krnil Stanek. Aug. Kopp.
Misses Anna Jirousek. Anna and
CVlia Policek. Helen Libershal,
Catherine Novotny. Margaret.
Eleanor and Lucile Vetesnik. Mast
er Arthur Kopp and Marie Novotny.
Bert Ellege Who Had Been At Sani
tarium Fcr Some Four Months
Or More Passed Away.
From Saturday"? Daily.
Bert Richard Ellege born across
the river in Iowa, some thirty-three
years ago, and ha lived in this city
for some time, was here during the
early winter, and went to the sani
tarium at Kearney for treatment of
tuberculosis and passed away there
at the institution last Wednesday.
The remains reached here Thursday
night, lying in state at the under
taking rooms of W. J. Streight, and
from there taken to the home of his
mother Mrs. Wm. Pruitt of this city,
where yesterday afternoon the fun
eral was held, being conducted by
the Rev. A. V. Hunter.
The interment was made at Pa
cific City, which is a short distance
north of Pacific Junction, where he
was buried by the side of his fath
er who preceded hirn some years
ago. Mr. Ellege leaves besides his
mother Mrs. Wm. Pruitt. who makes
her home with her son George El
lege, at Missouri Valley, three
brothers. George Ellege of Missouri
Valley. Iowa. Oscar Ellege of Oma
ha, and Raymond Ellege of this
city. They were all present at the
funeral and burial.
From Saturday's Daily.
As we paused in the street this
morning to make a jotting of an
item, we were startled by a sound
like the cracking of the. 'Day of
Doom.' and after alighting with our
hat standing on head, not our hair,
we looked around to see what was
the matter, and s-aw that genial
smile of Attorney Rawls. coming up
the s.treet behind the windshield of
a brand new Dodge Brothers car,
which he was learning to operate,
and he was doing it, too. For the
sake of 'Safety First he had sent
out the clarion notes from the toot
horn of the machine, that all who
step in the street might take warn
ing, to move along, and we moved
we assure you. We think Carl will
make as careful a driver as he is an
attorney, and that is all that will
be required.
For a Weak Stomach.
As a general rule all jou need to
do is to adopt a diet Milted to your
age and occupation and to keep your
bowels reguhir. When you feel that
you have eaten too much and when
constipated, take one of Chamber
lain's Tablets.
From Friday s Dally.
. Mrs. Fred Miller, of Spokane,
Wash., formerly Miss Carrie Green
wald of this city, but who was mar
ried two years and two days ago,
and who has been visiting in this
city for the past two days, depart
ed last evening for her home in the
west. Mrs. Miller was a visitor at
the home of her mother and other
relatives at Falls City for several
weeks, and after completing her
visit came this way to visit the old
time friends, which she had in this
Dr. Gilmore, Murray Physician, Has
Arranged for Purchase of Car
to Use in Near Future.
From Thursday's Dally.
Dr. G. II. Gilmore. Murray phy
sician, who has been in France for
more than a year as a commissioned
officer in the United States army,
has instructed Mrs. Gilmore to pur
chase a new Ford car for use in an
swering calls as soon as he shall re
turn to take up his practice in the
village to the south of us.
When he entered t lie service. Dr.
Gilmore left one Dr. H. C. Ross in
charge of his practice, but that gen
tleman, Ihinking he saw other and
greener fields, went to Union, re
maining but a short time, after
vhich he left for still other fields.
Upon his return Dr. Gilmore will
uiickly regain the good practice that
was his prior to the time be enter
ed the service and li is many old
.rieuds in Murray will be pleased
o see him back among them.
Last evening James M. Robert
From Thursday's Dally,
-en and W. A. Robertson and fam
ily, departed for the farm heme of
Harvey Gamer and wife which is
near Cedar Creek, expecting to
: per.d the evening there. but the
rain came last evening materially
changing the plans and they were
compelled to spend the night in the
country, which they enjoyed great
iy, and had to await until this
morning to return, they finding the
roads very muddy.
From Thursday's Daily.
People who have been out in the
countv several miles report the
iain only extended out a few miles,
and beyond tLat the roads are dry.
Word comes from many places in
the south that in Arkansas and
southern Oklahoma, that a lack of
precipitation is in evidence, and
they would be better off if they had
more rain than they have been en
joying. They might have had a
drop or so of ours.
little Mildred Alexander. 2-Year-
Old Girl. Sustains Fracture
This Morning.
From Thursday's I'aily.
Near the noon hour today little
Mildred Alexander, the two-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Alex
ander, while at play, having climb
ed onto the bed to take her accus
ionied noonday nap, became overbal
anced and fell over the railing at the
foot of the bed to the floor below,
iicr right arm being twisted under
neath her body and caught by the
impact of the fall in such manner as
to fracture the bones just above the
wrist. Just before the fall little Mil
dred was frolicking across the foot
of the bed and looking and laughing
at her sister, which caused her to
lose her balance and fall. She was
brought to the city immediately by
her parents and Dr. P. J. Flynn re
duced the fracture.
The suffering of the little one was
extreme, but she is resting as well
as could be expected, considering
the nature of the injury.
Do Your Best.
Everyone should do all he can to
provide for his family and in order
to do this he must keep, his physical
system in the best condition pos
sible. No one can reasonably hope
to do much when he is half sick a
good share of the time. If you are
constipated, bilious or troubled with
indigestion get a package of Cham
berlain's Tablets and follow the
plain printed directions, and you
will soon be feeling alright and able
to do a day's work.
Neat printing is assured if you j
have it done at the Journal office.
EeI Mow wlffii More PoweiTl: Irz:
sc ue 'a is clean ard powerful Terfectlor Kerosene Oil. I' Ov -
Z It maLe3 keroscne-burcir.j; trrlora p;:!l wlih fjll rated poer. ',
It contains nothing to gst in the e-.ine parts and result ia r - -
overhauling end repairs. It burns clean. it 7 I
ZZZIZZ Perfection Kerosene Oil is real engine e nergy every drop oi J J
- it. Its high quality shows :a caore acres rcwcJ, p'owed or : j I I
- ; harrowed. Its economy ia tt once epparect ia oil kerosene- J I vtS
j burning engines. "V ti ! 1 . tjV
I . Quick to ignite and vaporise uniform, poslt'vc. It nennf j j J
. much to farmers who demand power that does the most, today 'f A J-
and every day. - i j f- J
Perfection Kerosene Oil is the same dependable product tUzt ' : : y m
HIZ Las been used in your home for years, fur cookinj, lighting ' '
j" j and beating purposes. " "L
j. ! Telephone our nearest nent and be will arrange iir fmmcdlata i J
delivery of Perfection Kerosene Oil ia any quantity. ;j . j"
"J For gasoline burning machines use Red Crown Gasoline. ,1 S I'Cv'VSfJ. I
( (Nebraska) OmahpH? ' ;i J
i .. - ... ..... ..... ......
T7ri -rVj T? 'VV?5 v? w-J jr .rx
Tf T Td TT tf 'TJ ISJa Tr?5 li IT
JhMMjijnOTw5MsTSrrTS ' . . . . -
Three Different Firms Get Finger is
the Pie Work Scheduled to
Begin at Early Date.
rYotn Thursday's Iii.ily.
The .government aid road running
south out of this city to Nebraska
City is scheduled to receive atten
tion at an early date along the en
tire length of its course, some twenty-eight
or nine miles, the contract
having been let yesterday, three dif
ferent firms being successful bidders
for portions of the work.
This is the road leading out of
Plattsmouth on Chicago avenue, and
which formerly continued cast from
t lie United Drethren church a quar
ter of a mile, south a mile and back
west a mile, but has now been re
routed by the county board to run
three-quarters of a mile west from
the United Bethren church and
thence south to a point directly east
of Union, thereby doing away with
the quarter mile jog east and back.
The only possible objection to this
lies in the fact that there is a heavy
growth of trees at the church cor
ner, which makes it impossible to
see beyond the turn, but if the mo
torists will use caution and discre
tion in driving when they approach
this corner the number of accidents
for which it is noted can be reduced
to the minimum.
This road, when completed, will
make the Washington highway much
better than it has been in the past,
although the roads leading out of
Plattsmouth have been kept up un
usually well this spring. The fact
that it is a federal aid road insures
the improvements being up to snuff
in every respect and we tnay reason
ably expect good roads between here
and Nebraska City all summer long.
It. is expected that the improvement
work will begin not later than the
first of June.
From Thursday's Daily
This afternoon on the early Bur
lington train Robert Well departed
for Omaha, where he enters the
University hospital, where he will
undergo an operation for relief from
troubles which have ber,et him for
some time.' Mr. Well has been very
sick, and the children vyho were
called home on account of his ill
ness thought best that their fath
er be taken to the hospital in the
hopes that something could be
done to restore his health. This
afternoon in company with his
daughter Mrs. Orvil Stiles his son
Harvey Well who has just returned
from the army and Mr. Well's father-in-law
Geo. Bussard of College
Springs, who is visiting here ac
companied Mr. Weil to the hospital.
The operation will be as soon as it
can be arranged for after arriving
at the hospital.
From Thursday's Dally.
Some time since James Smelly
was incarcerated in the county
jail for burglary of some places
here in the city and was released
after a short term served, and de
parted for Murray, where he found
employment at the livery stable cf
li. C. Iihoden and when the robbery
cf the store of Gansemer's occurred
night before last, and the sheriH"
was called, he deemed it the best
to take him into custody. This was
done and later when the blood
hounds were secured, they led the
way to the stable where ha slept.
The young man was brought to this
city and is held here in jail.
?rom Thursday's Daily.
Phillip was a visiter in
Plattsmouth yesterday afternoon
from his home near Murray, and
was looking after some business for
a few hours, returning to his home
in the evening. Phillip was telling
of a peculiar experience which he
had, while dragging the road, which
is a part of his business. Some one
had gotten stuck in a mud hole
with a car and had secured some
rails to pry the car out. When the
job had been done the persou went
away leaving the pieces of wood in
the road. When Mr. Keil went to
drag the road, one horse stepped on
the end of the piece throwing the
ai'KSKZB ::B';:::B.;:'!C:::::B;::B.:!:iB.::::B:,:::B ;;.;b.;;::e:;, ;a rn ; b :r.:n tm'.m .m b.;:::b ;r:x :
3 "The Greatest Thinn in Life" is the Possession of
Plenty of Liberty Lean Bonds
To Hold
Loan Bonds!
We shall be glad to cash your interest coupons free of
charge any time it is convenient to you.
Ask us about cur plan for ths free safekeeping
of your Liberty Bonds.
Income Tax Blanks will soon be here. We will give
any information and fill out statements
free of charge.
The Bank of Cass County,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Capital and Surplus, $80,000
Your Personal Brink
other cud up between ttie horse.-;
les and he says only by a miracle
that the animal was aved from
being killed.
When iirn: things like that to
get a car out of the mud it would
seem like og: could do nothing 1sh
than remove the stuff
road, in order to injure the safety
of others. While in the city Mr.
Keil called and had the Journal
come to his address.
Frmr Thursday's I'ai'v.
Last evening George Lan.phcar
who has been spending some time
at the home of his parents George
Lamphear ar.d wife of this city,
having been on a furlough from his
ship Alabama, which is at this
time at the harbor at New ". York,
and having spent an exeellent time
while here departed last evening
for the west on the evening P.ur
lington train, going to rejoin his
From Friday's Daily.
Charles I-ahoda departed this af
ternoon for Omaha, where he goes
oh invitation of the comrades of the
S!)th division, with whom he serve 1
during the war in France and who
have just returned from overseas.
While he waa a member of the
same division, on account of his be
ing in the hospi'al lie was sent borne
ahead of the others and now goes :
Omaha to spend a week with the.
friends he made while in Uurope.
t -
of Liberty