PAGE TWO. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL P OLA RINE s QUAOTIE No excess carbon to pile up engine trouble. No thinning out at high est engine heat That's Polarine oil for motor cars. Efficient lubrication all the time. Power leaks plugged up tight at the piston heads. That's Polarine, too. To keep the engine running smooth as a whistle, look for the sign when you need oil for your motor car. When you need gas the Red Crown brand means more mile age per gallon. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) Omaha m H EJ U O U fc a s 3 e "J AS rjuomd REMEMBER r- TR P w n m m THE SIGN " 1 1 . . , LOCAL NEWS l"i'in Saturday's Pally Wr.i. Marsh of Murray was look-in-.; alter mne lnvsiiiess in Platts month Friday evening. Jeso McVey was a visit ins in tlii i t y for a while this afternoon from his heme in Murray. John Tinner from west of Murrav was a visit nr in Plattsmouth afternoon. and was visiting Phillip Fornoff from near Cedar ("reek was a visitor in Plattsnumth for the day, and wrs doing the weekly budget of shipping. Mrs. John Twiss and son were in the city this morning from Louis ville and were looking after some business matters at the court house. Kny Chriswisser from near Mur ray was a visitor in this city this afternoon, having soni? busings matters to attend to at the county this ! fpat- wiihj Will Hcnder.-on who 'in 1P.S been triomts. there Ttr Fome days past on a Joeph r.eil and family fr.nn eat -cugh will depart tonic, rrow. Sun of Murray were in the city thij '!'. for 'is station at Fort P.Iiss. morning looking after the week's trading. S. L. Furious: was a visitor in Plattsmouth this afternoon where ho was doing some trading for a few hour?. Arthur Jacohy of Mynard was a vi-iter in this city this morning locking after some matters at the county seat. I. '. Uhoden was in the city this afternoon from his home at Murray, coming to bring some passengers frnm there to the county seat. George Reynolds of near lt;ck 1 Muffs was a visitor in Plattsmouth this niorninir. coming to Uok after wnn; trading for the week end. Texas. Mrs. Leonard Horn was a visitor in On; a ha for the d ly where she is visiting with friends and went to see Mrs. Charle Stoehr at the Ford hospital while there. Mrs. James Plana and children who are row making their hone in South Omaha, arrived in this city this mornin; and are visiting with friends for over Sunday. Henry Horn frepi south of Odar (.'reek was in the city for a few hours today, driving in with the family in the car to look after the weekly budget of shopping. Mrs. T. J. Todd of Kearney, who has been visiting in this city for I rfrt5! Sat q it W4M Any delay in building is liable to cost you higher pi ices for lumber and materials. You can't afford to wait in expectation of lower lumber prices. There is bound to be a tremendous building de mand this season. Come to us now and we will savq you more than we can later. the past few days, the gv.e-.t at the home ' f her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maur.y departed this rnornin;: for her home in t lie west. Mrs:. John F.i:rtn of F.t n .-; rn. Iowa, who has been visit!::;: r.i ti e In me of her daughter Mrs. ilaymi vd Henry and family south of ?Iur.iy returned to inr home in Iowa this morning, pa sing through this city on her way. Win. K: i i"i:ia mi d p;: rte 1 on the early afternoon train for Omah;.. wlier? he is visiting his daughter Miss Nellie Kaufmar.n :v.u'. brotlur Henry Kaufmanr.. who are in the Immanuel hospital recovering f r ri an operation under which they e-cli went some time since. It. W. livers who lias been visit ing in thio city for ihe past f-w days and spenciir.g the time very i"Iea--antly with his many friend "nre. departed this morning for his lie ni"' in Lincoln, and said that lie had enjoyed himself greatly while here, and that lie would try and get down again for decoration day which comes soon. From Thursday's InUy. Alex Khoden was a visitor i;i Wii. city hist evening for a short time. . Mrs. w as E. J. MCHEY, PHONE 4-0 Lumber and Building Material M. K. Ford of Cedar Creek visiting with friends in this city for the day. C. darkening from west of the city, was ;, visitor in Omaha yes terday and returned last evening. Ji'.coh Tritseh was a visitor in Omaha this morning where he is looking after some business matters for the day. Win.- Wagner was looking after some business matters at the court house this morning, having come down this morning from Louisville. Will Kichardson and timer Wet t encamp from Mynard were Linking after some business in today for a few hours. Frank Schlictenioinr from be tween Murray and X-l,awka was a business visitor in l'Ia!tsmo;ith yes terday afternoon bavin in his car. Mrs. John Murray, who is :,i.v living in Omaha, and who has been a visitor in this city for some days past, returned to her homo in the metropolis this afternoon. Miss I'attie Met.ger of Co. iar Creek was a visitor in Llattsmomh H .'"ii-nidj . loOKinir after some I ess and also visiting with fi lends : returning to her home last evening. Fred Brandt was a visitor toiav ... iiur. euy rrom his home T nti. .-111,. "uioMiiv, w nere lie is en fice, Mr. Porter extending his sub scription to this paper. F. II. Stcimker of Lincoln, came down this afternoon. bringing a number of plants and flowers with him. and taking them to the ceme tery planted them on the lot which lie has for a faimly burying place there. Mr. Hugh Cory and wife of Sac City, Iowa, are visiting la this city for a short time, stopping at the heme of Mr. Cory's brother John Cory, while on their way to Odell. where they are going to visit for a while. Professor Frank S. Jean of the Peru Normal school, was in the city last evening visiting over ni-jht, and this morning departed' for I'r ban a. 111., whore he is looking after some business matters at, the Uni versity at that place. James Johnson tne popular black smith, of Cedar Creek was a visitor in Omaha for yesterday morning and returned to this place to look after some business matters in th citv to pav his taxes and a few nth cr things, returning to nis .nunc in the evening. MONDAY. MAY 19. 1919. 11 driven up From Friday's Pally. W. T. Itiehardsnn. of Mynard. wa loci ing after some business natter: in the city today. A. C. Carey of nar Mynard w 1 looking after some buine. s matter it the county seat yesterday. John I'halfant, of near 1'iuon. wa a visitor in this t it y for a few hour this morning looking after som i-i'.-iness matters. Misses L'lva Hertford and Mary U' '-enerans who are attiiniing -hr;'l at Heilovue cause down thi at term on tor the week en a at their homos. C. X. P.i from outlwe! o . ! v '::!. wa ; :: e-s'U r li: 1 'lat ;!.. out 1 his imciing, comiig to look ai"" l.;i-;!i:-' !!::: er-; claiming iii Attentio:: here. Mrs. I'dv. ard Lewis, of I'o'K'vm v. ; i o.r..: be"n vi'King in tins cr.y 'or s.ouv time pa.-., the guest o frie'nh !ie: e. r- ', urncd to her honi this afternoon. Henry I'tterhaek. of r.-a.r Cvl '. 'r.- . was v. vi.iio; in t h is city tl morning c !-irng i w n on. too tra'i t; look aft-"" so;ae ;iat!e!"s in th ei;v for the day. Mrs. Jvhn ri LaP!a.tto was a visitor in this city thi.; aft eraoon. coming ov(-r hotveeu train to look after sonv shi ppitig, a a returning home on the next trait:. Fran'.: Va.Ler;.' am'. Col. W. K oitng b'th ot Murrav and r.aar th're were 1:1 the city tins i::cr;im;' looking after some business matters tor the i Toiion;!. having driven u in (heir cars. '-::s; uh! ('. F. It., iehart. of Louis vil'.e. was a. visitor in this city for f.v hours tliis morning, comiii ! )a;; to look after some business ' :ti; :.nd returning during th morning in his car. J. M. Patterson, ca.-hier of tl; i'ank of i nion. accompanied ly hi v.iie and taildreii. were in tr.e cifv last evening for a f 'w hours, look i'.-g after some business ami viitin: wi:h friends here. W. H. Puis and wife Win. Puis and daughter Miss I.aura and I'nck Pen l'ecma:i maiie up an auto load of people from .Murrav last evening who visited in this city for a fev hours ana also were looking alter some trading here. Hev. Herman Poper of KImwood a minister ami of Cerman birth. but now an applicant for citizen ship, was-in the citv this morning coming over to make application for his first papers before tiie clerk of ihe district court for citizenship. Congressman C. O Lobeek and George C. Clarke of Omaha, were in the city for a few hours this after noon, where they were looking after some business, and were consulting with Col W. K. Voting, the auction or. Mr. Clark will soon depart for the south where in Mississippi they j are both interested in raising cattle on a ranch. J. V. I. Patsch, who has been in Lincoln' for the past few days at tending the state Masonic conven tion, returned home last evening. As well as being in attendance at the convention, Mr. Paufsch went pri marily to deliver some portraits of his own painting of the Lite F. H. Young a former member of the board of control of thf- state Mason ic home here, and who was drown ed off the coast of Florida some time ago. -v-i II A&M.. ' V 1 w 4'v .... i't m'jmmvm ...... r d . ,VW?':i'2tM . . x ttJ ..t; y..M Mtf- i m ft ! i! i;! mmmmm vVy- !U I'll ffillw Bathroom Enamel mLQ1 lil No. 23 White VKy par:- m- 43 '(V:. Make Your Bathroom Clean Looking Keep the bathroom we'! painted for sanitation and clcmliness. l'int will s'anJ the steam and leep i:s clcaa appearance for years. With Caialn-iccd you can cover more surface witu the use of less paint, owing to its quality. The best basic pigments only are used in its making. They arc ground to the utmost fineness and mixed with pure linseed oil in the proper proportion to secure the best results for each purpose. Modern ma chinery of the highest type insures uniformity. Every ingredient is tested and weighed before using, and the paint is submitted to rigid tests during manufacture to prove its quality. If you have your paintin? done, ask the painter to ne Crrtain-Url he will tret !t for you. If you !o the paint.r.jf yourse'.f, you czn buy Certain, ttei in any t'.r.t can. and in all popular hade. Certain-teed Paints and Varnishe are made for every exterior and interior turface. Lich u specify prepared to give the bc and most lasting result! for it use. Ask for Certain-ued wherever paints are sold. Certain-teed Products Corporation Offices and Warehouses in Principal Cities jSrC,tfBff iL-LL: - - eirnarin rank ob ONLY EXCLUSIVE PAINT-WALL PAPER STORE IN CASS COUNTY WIRES GREETINGS ON MOTHER'S DAY Icon Stenncr Cables froin France to Mother Eere Says to Sail for the States Soon Now I-'roni Thursday's Daily. Uist Sunday hoins Mother's day, Mr.-s. Alice I'owlos and Mrs. Jarub Stonnor. sistors. went to tne criue- torv wlicre rest tne meriai re.nani o: ucar ones, aim wuue uiue m versation. .rrs. fowles recalled the , - . 1 fact that .Mrs. Menners auiiuvi Mi?s (Icrtrude. had visited at lioiue a year aco. ana inai ner sou, Stemter. then stationed at Camp Grant, 111., had sent her u Mother's dav .Greeting: in the torni 01 a icie- crain and that perhaps he would do likewise this year. 'The ladies eon- PRODUCE MERCHANT GAINS 30 POUND IS ALSO BELIEVED OF RHEUMA TISM THROUGH TAKING COURSE OF TANLAC. versed about the matter and conclud-j er every day. "I not only gained thirty pounds on a few Iottles of Tanlac but can do more work than I have been able to do at any time in the last ten years." said C. H. Gwin. a well known produce merchant of Armory, Miss. "For a lonff time my system was debilitated," he continued, and ni digestion out of order so I could hardly eat a thins.' I suffered from awful headaches, my nerves were on a strain and my muscles felt like they were tied into knots with rheu matism: I lost weight and got weak- Plattsmoulb. Nebraska Suggestion for a Camping Trip. ed they could hardly expect it. On returning home, however. a letter was found from the daughter. Miss Gertrude in which she recall ed being home a year ago ana sem kindliest greetings to her mother en this Mother's lay. Scarcely had the ing-ling went the telephone and the following message was rra-i to -Mr.. Stenncr. having been canir.i rest. Trance: "Greetings this Moth- l t , V. VicllfV- er s nay. nailing ll n n ninth division for home. I co:i." Thus the day became a most happy Mother's day tor .Mrs. Mer.ner. though it seemed to ner u. children were far away. ini von more joyous day is in .-fore for her when her boy shall nae am.- td homo again. "I was induced to try Tanlac by a friend and it is making a new man of me. I now eat and sleep bet ter than I have in years, my rheu matism is all gone and I feel strong er and better than I have in a long time. "Tanlac is sold in Plat tsmoul h by P. G. Fricke & Co., in Alvo by Alvo Drug Co., in Avoca by O. K. Copes, in South Ilend by K. Stur.'.ener.ger, in Greenwood by E. F. Smith, in Weeping Water by Meier Drug Co., in Elmwood by I,. A. Tyson, in Murdock by II. V. McDonald, in Louisville by Iilakes Pharmacy, in Eagle by F. W. Hl.Kimenkamp, and in Union by E. W. Keedy. EGGS FOR HATCHING. Single combed IiuT Orphingfon eggs for hatching. One dollar per setting of fifteen eggs, or five dollars per hundred. See or call Sam Good man. Mynard, N'ebr. 10-tf SEED CORN FOR SALE The largo white variety, picked before the frost; 100 per rent tot. $4.00 per bushel. C. C. Parriott. in aued in I t t - t', hing'er s 7 rMc and Diarrhoea Kemedy before court house p-"- at the . i,.avn- Aa a rule It cannot Trc-rc ti n . . i 1)0 ithx ained nu a hunt iug. fish- " 1 oner. .. U. Ai: ! tin and irr. C ;::r!:. :.;i l tverf! 1 1: t Tir- 1 1 t i in driv.n rt",,r A: -::r" rnr - Meim?h:PS mtl at such tim- , w ,, ;, v ;i;nr some rtuMnes.-, matter.-. a:i v;liIo l they all called at the Journal cf- o. Cr. ing or prosprting trip. Neither can it be obtained whil en board the LOWER TIRE PRICES. Ccme in and get our new low prices on tires and tubes. Big cat just nade. T. H. POLLOCK GARAGE. "The Best Thing in Life" is a Big Picnic with Plenty of GOOD EATS For Picnic Dinners JUST CALL ON US! FOR SALE. and place, it i mos' r.eeied. The fafe way 'ith you. likely to n i; to :'t A Ford Touring car. in good ruc ninsr order. Priced to sell by An drew Stohlman, Louisville, Xebr. We Carry a Large Line of all Kinds of Mcata BREAD BEANS SARDINES RADISHES LETTUCE CHEESE of All Kind CANNED FRUITS GOLDEN SUN COFFEE COOKIES CRACKERS ORANGES BANANAS APPLES POTATO CHIPS OLrVES PICKLES H ATT TELEPHONE NO. 4 OR 5