ILONDAY. APRIL 28, 1919. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE. Ij II THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Sedan is high-class in appearance and appoint ments. The seats are restful, and deeply upholstered with cloth of high quality. Large doors Rive convenient entrance on either ;ide; plate glass windows make it a closed car for inclement weather, and give freh air when open. With high quality in ap pearance and "uipment there is the simple and safe control in irrivinc A woman's car a family car for every day in the year. Ford Sedan. $S5u f. o. b. De-.roit, with new electric starter and T. H. POLLOCK AUTO CO. -:- -:- Phone No. 1 Piattsmouth, Nebr. Are You Happy? To be happy you r.nist be well. If jiii are frequently troubled !!? t ipat ion and indigestion you cannot bo ahogth'T happy. Ta Ke ''s TaMets to correct t!.:e disorders. They are prompt I effectual, easy and pleasant to take. Nathan I!::nkin.-in was a passen ger t (lUnuood. bua, this morn i where he goes li vi.-it with his grandparents over Sunday. Weekly Specials! TRY A SACK OF GOLD MEDAL FLOUR IT'S FINE. .1 lbs. rolled oats for 35c 31, o lbs. rolled oats, large rk?--30c 2 lbs. good lice for 25c 3 lbs. green Scotch peas 50c 2 lbs. navy beans 25c 2 lbs. pinto beans 25c 3 pkgs. Eg; Noodles. Macaroni. cr spaghetti for 27c 10 bars Bob White soap 60c 10 bars Crystal Spark soap 60c 10 bars Fearl White soap 57c 10 bars White Borax Naptha 57c MILK 2 cans Carnation milk 50c 3 cans Wilson milk 50c 3 cans Heebe milk 42c 3 snail cans Heebe milk 22c No. 2 can corn, per can 15c No. 2 can Lima beans, per can. -10c No. 2 can tomatoes, per can 15c Good American cheese, per lb 40c 32 ozf. pure fruit jam 35c Coffee, per lb 35c GET YOUR SUFFLY OF SUM MER UNDERWEAR NOW E. P. LUTZ USED CAR AD ELSE WHERE THIS ISSUE There will be found elsewhere in this paper an advertisement of John F. Gorder, who has ome timely sug gestions on Farming Implements, which he is carrying a stock which meets the requirements of the farm in? community. Also he has some excellent used cars, which he is off ering at prices which must appeal to the buyer of cars, and from which the purchaser will gtt pood value and excellent service. If in the market, look over the list and also look over the cars, for if you are needing a car. the neglect to see them and pet prices will lose you son if money, just the same as mak ing the purchase will save you tonic MUCH STATE HAIL INSURANCE TAKEN From Thursday's Pally. County Clerk Geo. It. Saylcs. re ports there are a larpe number cf applications for hail insurance on crops, being made by the farmers over the county, in accordance with the provisions made by the statute of the state, whereby the precinct assessors received the application at the time of the assessing is done. The rates is 25c per acre for an in surance of f 10.00 and 40c where the risk carried is for fifteen dollars. How is Your Complexion? A woman should prow more beau tiful as she grows older and she will with due regard to baths, diet nnd exercise, and by keeping her liver and bowels in pood working order. If you are happard and yel low, your eyes losing their lustre and whites becominp yellowish, your flesh flabby, it may be due to in digestion or to a sluggish liver. Chamberlain's Tablets correct these disorders. e .e Pi n ' b . o -a - a .a , e:;x ,m . s : c a' m :m :; a, ..a . 'B . -a :.m..a .e I Spring Vash Goods u M O, Beauty, Thy Name Is a Cotton Gown!" c H 0 his9 F 33i THAT'S what the poet said as he watched the Italian peasant girls in coarse brown frocks. He should see THESE Cottons Ginghams and Palm They dress soul of women; the prices speak to the thrift soul. Usually the two souls are one and that's why our Wash Goods business is con stantly increasing. Voiles, Madrases, Tissues Beach Cloths. appeal to the DON'T LET A COLD ,f KEEP YOU AT HOME f Dr. Ring's New Discovery clmost never fails to bring quielz relief Smll dosc3 once in awhile and that t!iroat-tcaring, luas-splittinsj couch, e Don quict3 down. Another dose and a hot bath before jumping into bed, a good sleep, and back to normal ia the Dr. Kind's New Discovery is well nown. l or fifty years it's been rrlhving coughs, colda and bronchial attacks. For fifty years it has been sold by druggists everywhere. A reliable remedy that you youi self or any member of yourfamilycan take safely. Train Those Stubborn Bowels Help nature take its course, not vith a violent, habit-forming purga tive, but with gentle but certain and natural-laxative. Dr. King's New Life I 'ills. Tonic in action, it stimulates the lax bowels. Sol ibydrussists everywhere. V CHEER UP! S''" ;r f 7 IS COMING TO PLATTSMOUTH WHAT ED HARMON .! THINKS OF 'MiCKEY' Famous Author. H. C. Witwer, of "Dear Joe" Letter Fame Tells i His Views of Picture. i this' At a private showing of the fam ous photoplay "Mickey," which will he shown in IMattsmouth at the I'ar mele next Wednesday ami Thursday. April CO and May 1. Mr. H. C. Wit wer ( Kd Harmon l the hrilliant and witty author, mad" a remark that afterwards materialized in a letter as memorable as his famous hall to Roches" stories. "Jo ought to know about he said. And the following week this char acteristic letter was received: A Atlantic Port P.y the Name of New York. ; Dear Joe i Well. Joe, I have just seen a movie which makes them other pictures' 'ook like oesteopath views, or what-,' ver they call them things you look at with a muunifyin' glass. This here i-5 some picture. Joe, I'll tell the world, and the r.ame of it is Mickey.) Mo ami Jeanne went to see it on ac- count cf not hein' able to g't i-ea's for the Fifth Avenue Library, and. maybe we ain't glad, we are. only Jeanne, that feller will come and maybe slip's riht. in this hero burs; you pot nothin for nothin' saw this for nothin. Well. Joe is more action in this thing Joe. I'll fay she's afraid j and collect. J Joe, because never could ; exc pt we ' i ib-yj 1 ! :i 1 A Si & I ft i M 2 -DAYS 2 Wednesday and Thursday, APRIL 30th MAY 1st FOUR SHOWS DAILY EVlATIftSEE 2:00 and 4:00 Admission 25c plus war tax EVEIEMG 7:15 and 9:00 Admission 25 and 35c - plus war tax Routing of "MICKEY" as foliows: St. Louis Kansas City Omaha Piattsmouth, Etc., which insures a new up-to-date picture A Picture You Will Never Forget! 1 The picture is McCall Patterns Nos. aud showing the possibil ities of Giugham, Calico and Linen. B H B a n a a :.e Telephone 53 and 54 :. o : b:.:: nr. s.:;: s..:."Bib.::b..: .B.::B..;rB..::B..::B they wa.s at the battle of the Marii' J and they ain't a dull minute from the time Mickey makes her first r:n at the audience fill she starts on her honcymenn and the like, with the l.aiid.-ome ntid cood-lookin' yoiui? here. Malxd Normandy is Mickey, and she is some dame, believe m! Joe. she can swim, ride, scrap, dance, and oh. boy, how s'uo can love! Joe. if I wasn't in the war, I would rath er be in the movies, especially one with Mabel Normandy in it. If the leadi:i" man in Mickey j.-ots any waces it is a outrasre. because bo does nothin' but make Pive to Mabel Normandy from start to finish, and if I could do that I would pay the people which make the picture. Well. Joe. 1 can t tell you r.ll about this movie, because then you would Kive the money, and not pro when they play it where you are, but I will say that they is the f;rate'-t horse race, for instance, in it I ever seen. It is the same as the real thirp. only better, and 1 bet the puy next 1o me fifty buck on Mickey a place. Joe. Well. Joo. Mickey win it, pulled up. and this bi stiff wouldn't pay of! hccaiiK" he says it's only a movie, and he don't tMnk the oth ers were tryin. Joe. If it hadn't been for Jeanne I would have bust him then and there, but he was bir and toufih. anyways. Joe, and they is times when discretion is better than a punch in the nose. Joe. t hey is also a fipht in this picture be tween the hero ar.d the villain that would make the war look like a prarne of bean bafr. Joe, thos guys fipht with everything but axes, and wrecks a house d'in it, whilst the adorable Mickey is hani;in by her f.ails from the roof. Well. Joe, I jjjjjrot so excited they was as many peo ple lookin' at me as at the picture, and Joanne peis sore and says I am so Ft nek on Mabel Normar.dy what did I Ret married for. Well. Joe. with Jhat, they was nothin" for me to do but shut up, and anyways. m they was some purs in back of me i invited me to do the same, because they claimed they come to see Mick- and not to hear ire. j Joe. the first time you pet a fnr n(low po and see this here picture, be ll j cause Mickey is the greatest thins ji that was ever throwed on a screen. and the rest of them is just plain movies. Yours truly. ED HARMON. i ft iggest Comedy Drama Ever Produced! .7 v r j& .--v :':. :: i " r i - i k V y " o $ n i :i r - 1 ? ; J' " k I " jrr lYI hi kiJ r7 - v i PUBLIC AUCTION ! . : fy. The undersigned, executor, will tell at Public Auction at the late home of I. T. Walton, just t-outh of IMattsmouth and opposite C'has. Cook's, on SATURDAY, MAY 3D The following described property, to-wit: One pood cow. fix years old. Six pood sized pi;;s. dozen llhode Island red hens. One 2 'a -in. wapon, pole and shafts. One et of sinple wapon harness. One set of double team harness. One S-in. wood beam plow. One 12-in. John Deere walking plow. One double shovel cultivator. One r.-tooth cultivator. One feed cutter. One 1-hole corn sheller. One spray pump. One 2-horse Deere disk harrow. One 2-section drap harrow. One cream separator, practically new. One 4-horse Waterloo pas enpine. One feed grinder. Some carpenter's tools, woven wire and other small articles. Sale Will Commence at 2:30 P. M. TERMS OF SALE. All sums of $10 and under, cash iti hand. On sums over $10 a credit of six months will be given, pur chaser giving bankable paper bear ing eight per cent interest from date. All property must be settled for before being removed from the premises. T. A. WALTON. W. R. YOUNG. Executor. Auctioneer. TOIL SALE 2 HEEF0RD BULLS I have for sale, two roung high bred registered Ilerford bulls, four teen and fifteen months of age re-spoctivclj-. Inquire of Fred T. Ramge. Thones 102 and 532, riattsmouth. Neb. 5-tfw Why wear your last year's hat when you can pet hats at reduced prices at Jardon's Millinery. d&w FOR SALE. New Overland Model 90. We purchased this car from a dealer and it is absolutely new and has never been driven. We will sell this car for considerably less than the regular retail price. We have several good used Fords for sale. T. H. POLLOCK AUTO CO. Phone No. 1. Piattsmouth, Neb. "Wanted: Girl for general house work, in small family. Must do plain cooking; good wages. Write Mrs. T. M. Patterson, Tlattsmouth, Nebr." Herman Smith and family from i tar Nehawka were In this c'ty this afternoon, coming to visit at the home of Mrs. Smith's parents, J. 3. Hall and wife. BACKACHE IS DISCOURAGING UNDERWENT AN OPERATION. the From Thursdays Daily. Mrs. Phillip S. Harrison at Emmanuel hospital at Omaha yes terday underwent an operation for the removal of a growth on her breast, and last evening was report ed as getting along nicely. The physicians in charge say she is do ing as well as could he expected. Her friends Mrs. T. T. Wilkinson of this city and Miss Kate Seidenstrik er of Omaha were with her during the ordeal. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The great bencrit derived from the v.r-e cf ChamLerk'in'o Couh Remedy has been gratefully ac knowledged my many. Mrs. Benja min F. Ulakeney, Decatur, 111., writes, "Chamberlain's Touvli Rem edy is by far the best :':edirine f-T colds and coughs we have ever used in cur family. I gave it to my children when small for croup and have taken it myself." Subscribe for the Journal. i::l,;a:i;:B.::;:B.;;::Q'":;B;!.:Bi;:B.:BT:B::::Bi:!'B'!:Ei ::b "M zsv:m.rm:::a :; :a :; .a ::a - ;s .: b , .b . a b 1 B Farming implements that are needed right now! But Not So Bad If You Know JIow to Reach the Cause. Nothing more discouraging than a constant backache. Lame when you awaken, pains pierce you when you bend or lift. It's hard to work or to rest. Backache often indicates bad kidneys. IMattsmouth people recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Read this case: Mrs. C. C. Burbridge, Vine St., Piattsmouth, says: "About five years ago, my back caused me a great deal of misery. It ached most all the time. After I had taken Doan's Kidney Pills for awhile, my back felt as strong as ever. Since then. I have always considered Doan's fine for backache and kidney trouble and have recommended them to my neighbors when I have heard them complaining." Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Burbridge had. Foster Milburn Co., Mfgrs.. Buffalo, N. Y. Time to plant corn "&nd wc have the Cass, Deere and John Deere planters and listers. The P. & O. wide tread lister. In listed corn cultivators we have the J. I. Case, the John Deere and the Rock Island. In walking cultivators we have the New Depar ture and Jenny Lind. In riding cultivators we have the New Century, Overland and Badger. Also a complete line of Deering End McCormick haying and harvesting machinery and will have 25,000 pounds of new Deering Standard twine when the sea son opens. Let us nil your requirements. ed Cars! Bargains in ii p ji Q S::i; One six-cylinder five-passenger Buick, 1917 model. Also one Monroe roadster; one practically new Ford roadster and good five-passenger Dodge touring car. These are good cars and have a price on them that will move them soon. B i u n JOHN F. The Implement Man, Piattsmouth, Nebraska