The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 27, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    PCt3 TKR33
rHnkEAT.. jiaach ..37.. isia.
THE Y, W. C. A.
Each Solicitor Did Her Part toward
Making Drive a Success All
Wards "Over the Top."
Frrrn Tups day's Tallv.
For the benefit of tho.e who have
been wanting to know how the Y. W.
Cl A. campaign for funds for 1I19
has been progressing in the city of
Plattsmouth. the following report is
submitted. On account of the bed and lack of collectors in
some localities. fh? time v as extend
ed two weeks, but Saturday found all
funds secured, being as follows:
First ward, under Misa Dora
Fricke. $27. r,.
Second ward
Gorder. $20.00.
Third ward.
under Mrs. John
under Mrs. J.' E.
Wiles, $22.."0.
Fourth ward, under Mrs. Robert
Hayes. $24.20.
Fifth ward, under Mrs. Jese El
lion. $12.70.
Miscellaneous collected later from
Main street residents. $2.25.
This brings the total amount col
lected up to $ll.r.S0.
It was an effort to keep this cam
paign wholly among the women of
our town, and we would like to men
tion each collector who so kindly as
sisted in the canvas if space permit
te.l. hut we take this means of ex
tending thanks to thern and also to
those who so graciously received us
and responded so generously in con
tributions. Every ward went over the top and
the greater number passed their ob
jective. We also feel we must men
tion Plattsmouth precinct, which,
under Mrs. A. J. Deeson and Mrs. K.
O. Cole, sent in $S3. almost double
their apportionment. A complete
county report will be made later.
lira. Frank Streets Receives Letter
from Her Brother in the
Army of Occupation
From Tuesday's Dally.
Mrs. Frank Streets is in receipt of
a letter from her brother. John P.
Miller, in which he tells of his ex
perience in the army of occupation,
and of his impressions of army lif-
over there, as seen first hand. 1 f is
letter follows:
Bleiolf. Germany, Feb. IT.
Dear Sister:
I will drop you a few lines, telling
you I am still in the land of the liv
ing and that I am feeling fine, hop
ing that you are enjoying life and
are well and happy. How is little
Emma? Does she have much to say
about me? I sure miss her. but then
I think I will be home again in a few
months. We have been having some
pretty cold weather for this country
lately. In fact, for tlte past three
weeks it has been unusually cold. It
has begun to rain now and believe
me, I have seen more rain since I
came to France than I ever saw in
'all the remainder of my life. When
we were at the front it was rain and
mud all the time. It was a fright,
but now we do not have to get out
into the mud as we did then.
I am going to leave here for a
few days and get away from the
company for a short time. I have
not had a pass since I was in the
army. We are going to a big town
which is about sixty miles from here
and will try and enjoy the trip. Tell
Frank we bought some souvenirs.
The Yanks bought -all the booches
had to sell. What we do not get on
the field we purchase when we march
through. We sure had a great time
when we hiked through Germany.
It is a distance of one hundred, and
fifty miles from where we were when
the armistice was signed to wehre
we are now. For history the boys
made up a good song. The name of
it is. "Don't see how the Hell They
Made a Soldier of Me." I will close
for this time. From your brother.
Extra good early yellow seed
corn. John Long. 2 miles east of
I Fum Tuesday's PaMy.
I Mrs. George Wtidman, Sr., is in
receipt of a letter from her daurh-
er. Mrs.- Ebinger, in which she
states that Mr. Ebinger, - who has
been in the hospital for I lie past few
j weeks, re covering from an operation.
is pet.ting along v ry nicely at tins
time, and will soon he able to re
turn to his home in 1'lainview. This
will indeed he pood news to the
mar.y friends of Mr. Ebinger at the
old Plattsmouth home.
'And the Poor Teacher Had to Take
the Blaine for It AH But It
Often Havens Thus.
j Fror Tnesday's IaiJy.
A school teacher not a thousand
mile-i from Plat t.-.tiiouth received the
following note the other day:
"Deam Madam. Please excus my
tommy today, he won't com" to skule
because h is. acting as timekeeper
for his father and it is your fault.
U gave him a example, if a field is
f miles around, how long will it take
!a man walking T. miles per hour, to
walk 2 U tims around it.' Tommy
ain't a man. so we sent his. father.
They went ear!- this morning and
father will walk round the field and
tommy will time him. but please do
not give my boy such examples agin,
because my husband rau?t go to work
every day to support hi family."
.N'ov; we are not iroing to tell win)
this party is this time, so don't ak
us, but do not let it happen again.
Arthur Cock, the Seven-Year-Old
Nephew of W. P. Cock, Pass
ed Awav Last Week.
Frfpm Tuesday's Taliy.
Will P. Cook, the barber, has just
receive J a letter from his brother,
tc-I'.ing cf the death of his brother'r
son at Osceola a few days ago. About
a month s-ince. the mother of the
little fellow. Mrs. .Orlando Cook,
died with pneumonia, ai'd at the
time of her death the five children
were all sick with the disease. Since
then the other children have progre..--fc
1 nicely and all are seemingly get
ting along fine now. Arthur Cook,
the deceased son. was extremeiy skit
and although he made a brave fight
for his life. he succumbed to the
malady last week, and the funeral
was held Saturday.
English Girls Who "Fell" for the
Sammies Stationed in British
Concentration Camps.
From Tuesday's Pally.
Harry Schuulice was a visitor in
Omaha this afternoon, being accom
panied by hi4? friend, Carl Droege.
both o'f them having some business
interests to look after. Harry re
turned from France but a few days
ago. he having been connected with
the hydro aeroplane service at one
of the ports on the coast of France
for a good while.
Harry states that on his return he
was sent to England, from England
to New York, from New York to
Charjeston. S. C and from there to
the Great Lakes, 111. On the same
ship with him were fifteen war
brides, who had married sailors or
soldiers and who were coming to this
country to make their homes. They
were all girls from England.
Fr"m Tuesday's Daily.
Edward C. Ripple and John W.
Seagraves departed yesterday after
noon for Htstings, where they are in
attendance at the state convention of
the Woodman of the World, going to
represent Evergreen camp No. TO, cf
this city. Clerk W. B. Rishel de
parted Sunday for the same place,
while W. F. Gillispie and wife went
last Saturday.
The convention open3 today and a
large representation from the vari
ous lodges over the state is expected
to be in attendance.
I Eave for sale, two "roung high
bred registered Herford bulls, four
teen and fifteen months of age re
Fpectively. Inquire of Fred T.
Ramge. Phones 102 . and 532,
riattsmouth. Neb.
Are Plainly Set Out in Order that
Women of Nebraska May Be
come Fully Informed.
The Nebraska Woman's Suffrage
association is putting out a circular
that give" t!e interpretation of the
Nebraska K.:v: Suffrage law by the
Attorney General of the state and al
so contains instruction for trie wom
en v.fio wish to vote. They are urg
ed to exercise their elective franchise
rights at the coming municipal elec
tions over the state and in view of
the fact that many of them will do
?o. it might be well to publish the
circular, which we are doing here
with: "The Attorney General of the state
of Nebraska has ruled that women
may vote' in the spring elections.
"Under the Partial Woman Suff
rage Act of 1017 women may vote
fur the following officers and meas
ures :
1 President of the United States.
2 All county officers, such ss
commis .inner, clerk, attorney, regis
ter of deeds, sheriff, assessor, sur
veyor, etc. (except judges.)
Z All city, village, precinct ant',
school district officers, such as raay
r. councilman, clerk, treasurer, en
gineer, city attorney, city assessor,
etc.. (except justice of the peace anu
police judge.)
4 Women may vote on all ques
tions submitted to the voters, the
manner of the submission of which
is not determined by the S:ate Con
tituticn. such as bond issues, etc.
"The law further provides thaf
.-pecial ballots be prepared for wom
en voters having only the name;
and questions prin'ed thereon for
which women may vote. Your bal
lot will, therefore, be your guide in
his matter.
"Registration rules .vary according
o the community in which yru live.
Find out from your ci'y or town
c'.erk. or from a man voter, the re
quirements in your roTTv.urfty r?nd
"o:r;!!y with them. (Ed. Note No
registration required in Plattsmouth
before you cn vote).
"In order to vote you must have
lived in Nebraska six months; your
county forty days and precinct, town
ship or ward ten days. .
"You are urged to be early at tho
polls and to take with you some
woman likely to neglect this oppor
tunity. "Election officers are usually cour
teous and helpful". Apply to them
for further information if .you need
"Your vote is absolutely your
own affair. You are alone in a booth
"hen you mark your ballot. Place
an 'X' opposite the name or measure
fer which you wish to vote. Leave
the other spaces blank.
FrMn Tuesday's Dally.
N. S. Piatt, who has been visiting
at the home of his son. George Piatt,
the barber at Silver City, returned
here this afternoon, and is making
his home at his granddaughter's,
Mrs. Pert Reed. He says things ar-?
prosperous at Silver City and that
while his son George is needing a
barber badly, there is no possible
way for him to get one, as the town
is too small to induce a good work
man to remain there.
We want the news, if you have
visitors, if any one is sick, if some
one is leaving for a visit, a gather
ing of any kind, wedding, birth or
in fact any happening which is of
interest. Call up the reporter No.
fi, three rings and we will thank
you for the favor.
We cannot get around over the
city in one day, so help the matter
along and telephone us the news. If
you can't get us at No. 6, three rings,
call No. G, two rings and tell them.
For tasty printing you can't go
wrong in having the Journal office
turn out your job.
For Infans and Children
Yn Uso or Over 30 Years
Always bears
""' "
From Monday's Dally.
Mrs. Frank E. Schlater was a visi
tor with friends in Louisville over
Sunday, returning home this morn
John Wiles, of near Murray, was
a visitor in Plattsmouth last Satur
day afternoon, coming to transact
some business with the city mer
chants. Mrs. George E. Sayles, of Cedar
Creek, came in this morning and ii
visiting at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. W. II.' Seybert, for a short
L. II. Young and son Parr, from
ncr.r Nehawka. was a visitor in this
city last Saturday, visiting with
friends and looking after some busi
ness for the da j'.
Frank Hull, from near RoekBlufTs
was a visitor in Phu t; mouth on last
Saturday, coining up to look after
some business matters and do his us
ual amount of trading v.ith the lo
cal merchants.
P.en Dill was a business visitor in
the city last Saturday afternoon from
his home near Murray, and while in
the city called at this office and re
newed his subscription, being ac
companied by his son.
Fred James, of Mountain Grove,
Mo., arrived this morning via the
Missouri Pacific railroad, and depart
ed during the forenoon for Cedar
Creek, where he" goes to work for
Louis Likewise on the farm.
James Deles Denier, of near Mur
ray, was in the city last Saturday,
being accompanied by his son, 'Ivan.
They - called at the Journal office
while here and extended their sub
rcription to the Daily Journal.
C. F. Reichart was a visitor in
Plattsmouth this morning for'a short
time, coming from his home at
Louisville- to look after some busi
ness matters. He came over the Bur
lington and returned home on the
afternoon train.
Lafayette Gilmore. Jr. and broth
er, James Gilmore. both of whom are
working in Omaha, spent the week
end in the city at the home of their
parents, Lafayette Gilmore, Sr. and
wife, returning to their work in the
city this morning.
Mrs. A. J. Enberg. of Sheridan,
Wyoming, who has been visiting in
this city for some time past, as the
guest of her sisters. Misses Gerda
and Alpha Petersen, for the past
week, departed this morning for her
home in the northwest.
Mrs. N. A. Leist, who is employ
el in Glen wood, Iowa, arrived here
last Saturday evening and visited
with her sister, Mrs. Robert Troop,
and this morning the two ladies de
parted for Omaha, where they are
looking after some business.
Frank Lattimer, of Shelbyville.
Mo., arrived in the city yesterday
morning and departed at once via
auto for Louisville, called there by
the illness of his son, Bennie Latti
mer, who is making his home with
his aunt, Mrs. Mary Thompson.
Last Saturday afternoon W. F.
Gillispie and wife departed for Hast
ings, where they visited over Sun
day, and where Mr. Gillispie is at
tending the state encampment of
the Woodman of the World, which
is being held at Hastings this year.
Miss Anna Siever, who is working
for the Lincoln Telephone and Tele
graph company, being chief operator
at David City, Nebraska, came in
last Saturday for a few days' visit
with home folks. She will return to
resume her work about the middle of
the week.
George McDaniel departed yester
day for Chadron. Nebraska, where he
goes to accept a position with the
Northwestern railroad company as a
blacksmith in their shops located at
that point. Mr. McDaniel is a good
workman and will make good in his
new position.
Mrs. Don Norman, who has been
visiting in this city for some time
past, departed on Saturday evening
for Lusk, Wyoming, where Mr. 'Nor
man has been for some time past,
and where they have recently taken
a homestead on which they will re
side during the summer months.
Frank Koubek. who has been in
the east and south during the past
couple of weeks, visiting with rela
tives and friends, returned home on
last Saturday evening. He visited
first in Indiana, being a guest of
friends at Indianapolis, after which,
on his return trip, he stopped off at
Kansas City, where he visited with
his brother, A. H. Koubek, who is in
business at the corner of Thirteenth
and Baltimore streets. After having
an excellent time visiting with his
brother, he left there Saturday morn
ing and arrived. here that evening.
r -
From Tuesday's Dally.
Dr. B. F. Brendel was a visitor in
Plattsmouth last evening, having
some business matters to look after
here. i : '
Florence IReed
Taken from the Story of the Same Name
Upstairs 25c I
A. B. Fornoff was a visitor in the
city this morning, coming to look
after some business for the day and
do some trading at the stores here.
Carl Isenhut, of Murdock, was a
visitor in Plattsmouth today, coming
in this morning to look after the
transaction of some business matters.
Glen Boedeker, cashier of the Mur
ray State Bank, was a business visi
tor in this city last evening, coming
up to look after some business mat
ters. Mrs. John Busche. of Cedar Creek
was a visitor in this city for the day,
coming down on the early train and
calling on friends as well as looking
after some business.
P. P. JVIeisinger was a passenger
to Cedar Creek yesterday, where he
went to sow some wheat on his farm
near there. He expects to put in
about twenty-five acres.
Mrs. W. S. Jean departed last ev
ening for . South Haven. Michigan,
where she goes to visit at the. home
of her father, Roscoe F. Dean. Mrs.
Jean will remain for several days.
Stephen Clifford, who is making
his home at South Bend, was in
the city yesterday, and after having
transacted the business" which call
ed bim here, returned home in the
Eddie Steppett. who is located out
near Cedar Creek, was a visitor in
the city this morning for a few
hours, coming to look after some
business matters and visit briefly
with his parents.
George Theirolf was a visitor in
Omaha this morning from his home
near Cedar Creek, returning on the
noon train to look alter some busi
ness here during the afternoon and
departing for hime this evening.
Charles Chrisswisser, of Nehaw
ka, was a visitor in Plattsmouth last
evening, staying over until today to
look after some business matters he
had on his hands, both at the court
house and elsewhere about the city
as well.
Mrs. Frank Downey departed this
morning on an early train for Dav
enport,' Iowa, where she is visiting
with her sister, Mrs. William Bell,
and family not the least important
of which is the little baby that came
to the Bell home a short time ago.
George Sites and Clay Sexton,, of
Union, were in the city last evening
coming to meet Mrs. A. E. Sites, who
has been visiting at Ainswojth, Ioa.,
and who will visit for some time at
Union, after which she will depart
for her home at Asunsion, Washing
ton. Mrs. R. II. Newell who has been
visiting in this city for some time
past, a guest at the home of her
parents, V. M. Mullis and wife and
at the home of her husband's par
ents. W. H. Newell and wife, de
parted last evening for ber home in
Mrs. Hans Chartansen. of near
Union, was a visitor in tbi city yes
7 k
terday, stopping off for a short time
on her return home from a visit with
relatives at Red Oak, Iowa. She came
in on the morning Burlington train
and took the afternoon Missouri Pa
cific train for home.
Miss Anna Siever, who has been
visiting at the home of her parents,
John Siever and wife, of this city,
departed this morning for David
City, where she is employed as the
chief dispatcher for the telephone
company. She was accompanied as
far as Omaha by her fcis.ter, . Miss
Sophia Siever. t
Con Lynch and wife, who are vis
iting at Blue Mound, Kansas, write
to friends here telling of having an
excellent time. They state they are
spending a good deal of tneir time
fishing in "Sunny Kansas," as it is
very warm there now and the weath
er is most pleasant. They report al
so that they are having good catches
as a result of their fishing efforts.
They expect to return home soon.
Wilber Benscoetter, of Pacific
Junction, who has been visiting in
this city for the past few days, de
prated this morning for his home on
the other Bide of the river. Wilber
has but recently returned from over
seas, where he spnt fifteen months
as a member of the Glenwood com
pany in the famous Rainbow divi
sion. He seen a great deal of hard
fighting during his long sojourn in
France and was not sorry when the
armistice was signed and later when
he himself got an opportunity to re
turn home. '
Advertising is the heart of trade.
Everybody uses it in some form or
other to advance their business. But
newspaper advertising is the cheap
est and best. Try It.
To Holders of Liberty
Loan Bonds!
We shall be glad to cash' your interest coupons free of
charge any time it is convenient to you.
Ask us about our plan for the free safekeeping
of your Liberty Bonds.
i Income lax Blanks will
t any information and fill out statements
1 free of charge.
The Bank of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska n
Capital and Surplus, $80,000 f
S . Your Personal Bank A
j Downstairs 35c
iiO.000 boys from the cornhuhker
Answered the call to punch Wil
liam's pate;
They streamed o'er the ocean, and
with shot and shell.
They got the King's crown, and
the Empire fell.
Now they're coming back to their
native land;
And you and I must take a hand.
We'll buy Victory notes and pay the
And we'll finish the jab, we will,
we will.
Woman's Victory Loan Com..
From Mpnday'a Datty.
Earl Jenkins, who has the Ford
agency at Roselie, and who with,
Mrs. Jenkins and their little daugh
ter,' have been visiting at Murray,
guests of relatives and friends for
the past few days, departed today
for home, Mrs. Jenkins and daughetr
going to Omaha this morning, where
they will be Joined this evening by
Mr. Jenkins, and all proceed to their
home in the northern part of the
A Friend Recommended Them.
J. N. Tohill. clerk Lottie Hotel,
Evansville, Ind., writes: "For six
weeks . I suffered constantly with
pains in the muscles of my thigh.
Upon recommendation of a friend,
I tried Foley Kidney Pills and be
gan to get relief almost immediate- ,
ly." They stop backache, rheuma
tic pains, soreness and stiffness. Sold
soon be here. We will give y
Cass County, j