The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 13, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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lii ( g Mr-
i n In i j r fill
J r
Foreman, called her on
the phone, aha, where they were for a few days
lie nas oeen uiscnars
Plattsmouth Garage
Reo Service
J. E. MASON, Proprietor
Reo Cars and Trucks
, The New Reo 4-Passenger Coupe
For the man who uses his car every day in the year;
who must cover much ground and be in many places
every day, regardless of weather conditions, this Reo
is especially made. Wt cordially invite inspection of it.
Turner McKinnon was in M unlock
L. Lauritson went to Lincoln on
business Tuesday.
Dr. and Mrs. L. Muir autoed to
Lincoln Thursday.
Rev. V. K. Connell autoed to Lin
coln on business Wednesday.
Mrs. Fred Ruse is improving
slowly from her recent illness.
Harley Toland has purchased the
Miller residence from II. Roelofzs.
Dr. and Mrs. L. Muir autoed to!
Omaha and Council R luffs Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark were Lin
coln visitors Tuesday ami Wednes
day. Harley Toland ami family have
moved into the W. E. Xevvkirk prop
erty. Charles Snavely and H. Roelofsz.
of Lincoln, were in town on business
Joe Clements and wife left Tues
day for a visit with relatives in So.
Dakota and Iowa.
Mr. Peterson, of Stuart, Nebraska,
spent a couple of days this week with
George I. Foreman.
The Ladies Aid society held their
resular monthly meeting last Thurs
day with Mrs. Roy Coalman.
Miss Lillian Dev. of Rradsliaw,
to Omaha
Best road is to turn west at La
Platte School House and north along
West Side of Fort Crook. No mud
and roads in the very best condition
for many months.
Nebraska, came in Monday to visit
her sister, Mrs. Andy Brobst.
W. II. Suders and family have
moved here from Clatonia, and will
occupy Grandma Craig's house.
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Foreman and
Mr. and Mrs. George Whitman auto
ed to Lincoln Tuesday mfrning.
Morgan Curyea was down from
Lincoln over Sunday, for a "visit at
the home of his brother and wife.
The IJunnell family are planning
to move to town again March 1st.
and will occupy the Rickli property.
About sixteen men are engaged in
putting up new telegraph poles and
stringing wije on the Rock Island
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Skinner and
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark autoed to
Lincoln Saturday evening to attend
the Opera.
Clay Foreman returned home on
Wednesday of last week from Camp
Funston, Kansas, where he has been
in training.
Mrs. Mable Foreman and little
son, Charles G., of Lincoln, visited
over Sunday with Grandpa and
Grandma Foreman.
Clifford Appleman returned home
Tuesday on . No. 37 from the army
service, having been discharged at
Camp Dodge, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. John Foreman and
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Keefer autoed to
Valparaiso Sunday to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Oris Foreman.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark and sons.
George and Lee. were dinner guests
at the home of their son, Ray Clark
and family last Sunday.
Orville Ingwerson and brother,
Willis, of Pawnee City, autoed up on
Saturday evening' to visit with El
mer Rosenow a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Boyles and Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Ganz went to Platts
mouth Saturday to visit over Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cole.
Mrs. Lauren Mickle and children
autoed to Weeping Water Friday to
take the former's nephew, Floyd
Ruby home after a week's visit at
their home.
George P. Foreman shipped two
carloads of white-faced cattle to the
Omaha markets Tuesday the very
finest bunch of cattle ever shipped
out of Alvo.
Mrs. George P. Foreman was very
happy Tuesday when her son, Joe
We have several new 1919 Ford cars in stock at
the following prices:
Runabout - $500
-v Touring Car 525
Coupelet 650
Sedan 1 775
One-ton Truck Chassis 550
better call now and get one of these cars or if you
are not ready for a Ford now sign an order for future
delivery and get a car when you want it.
Fordson Tractors in Stock Call and Look Them Over
Storage and Repairs
T. H. Pollock Garage
Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth, Nebr.
from Omaha
ed and will soon be home.
Mrs. Herman Schmidt and daugh
ters. Lea and Hilda, returned home
last Wednesday from Waukomis.
Oklahoma, where they spent three
weeks among relaiives and friends.
Charles God bey and family and
Turner McKimson and family mo
tored to Ashland Sunday and at
tended the Roosevelt memorial ser
vices. Governor McKelvie gave the
Harley Toland received a letter
written on January 16th. from -his
brother, Oscar Toland, in Germany.
He was well but had been in great
danger, being one of the lucky ones
to escape injury.
Mr. and Mrs. George Whitman,
of Chicago. 111., visited Monday night
with the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George 'P. Foreman. Mr. and
Mrs. Whitman are on their way to
Burlington, Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hardnock at
tended the funeral of their friend,
Miss ((pieman, at her home in Lin
coln Friday afternoon. Mrs1. Hard
nock lived with Miss Coleman for
several years prior to her marriage
Hubert Strong and wite came in
Tuesday from San Benite. Texas, at
which place Hubert has been doing
his "bit" in Troop K, 16th Cavalry.
He has been discharged and will
spend some time with his mother
and sister here.
An entertainment will be given
under the auspices of the Indies Aid
society at the school auditorium on
next Saturday night beginning at
7:30 o'clock. Miss Gladys Appleman
will give a recital of "Peg O My
Heart." Admission 35 and 20 cents
Everybody invited.
WrdYck items
Wm. Gehrts was in Lincoln Tues
day. Kd Thimgan was in Omaha on last
Miss Mable Rush was on the sick
last last week.
Miss Jessie Mehrn was in Omaha
m Friday.
John Amgwert went to Alvo on
business Monday.
Miss Ida Gehrts spent the week
end at her home here.
McKinley Ridgpath. of Dewitt, Ne
braska, is here visiting relatives.
- Mrs. Jerry McIIugh returned lat
week from Salt Lake City, Utah.
Mrs. George Allies and son. James,
were in Ashland Saturday afternoon.
Miss Meta Fuehr, of Archer, Ne
braska, is visiting at the Rev. Schwab
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson, of
Alvo. were in our little city Saturday
Miss Anna Trout, of Lincoln, was
the guest of her sister. Miss Madge,
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kuehn and
children were Sunday guests at the
Chas. Haertel home.
Miss Edith Kelly returned to her
home in Plattsmouth this week, af
ter visiting here for some time.
mil Kuehn and family spent a
few days lst week at the Fred Gor
der home in Weeping Water.
Mrs. E. T. Tool came home Sat
urday from Lincoln, where she was
visiting Revi Howard Tool and fam-.
'Mrs. Paul Goehry had the misfoY
tune to break her arm Moriuay after
noon, while trying to crank her
Mr." and Mrs. Floyd Negley and
Miss Clara Miner, of Wahoo. Nebr..
were Sunday guests of Emil Miller
and wife.
Miss Edna Miller is taking a sew
ing course in the Omaha college, as
are also Misses Hulda and Martha
Emil Kuehn went to Burchard,
Nebraska, Monday to look after his
farm interests there. They will move
there March 1st. .
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burt, George
and Ernest Roessig and sister, Miss
Elsie, of Omaha, were Sunday guests
at the Wm. Rush home.
, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clements "were
visiting at the Wm. Rush home last
week. He has only recently received
his discharge at Deming, N. M., and
they are on their way to their home
in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
O. E. McDonald and family motor
ed to Plattsmouth Sunday to visit
relatives. They returned on Monday
forenoon, accompanied by Edward
Kelly, Mrs. McDonald's brother, who
has but recently returned from over
seas. J. C. Weddell, of Ashland, and Joe
Weddell, whose home is in Bayard,
Nebraska, but who was recently dls-
n w 1m A I n TAwn ... 1
jViiaigcu iu w iici V U5. was III
, the aviation corps, were visiting on
' Friday wiih'Wm." Wadde"irandfanY-
ily of this place. '
' Mrs. E. E. Marshall and son,
Charlie, returned Saturday from Om-
and while there Charlie had a growth
removed from one of his fingers,
which had been giving him some
little trouble.
Mrs. G. V. Pickwell, Mrs. Harry
Davis and daughter, Jeanette, Mrs.
H. V. McDonald and children, Irene
and Bryan, Mrs Harry Gillespie and
Mrs. L. G.McDonald spent last
Thursday at the Henry Tool home,
north of town.
William Weddell and family have
sold their residence property to Hen
ry Gakemeier. who will move to
town March 1. The Weddell family
will go to .Strasburg, Colorado, to
make their future home, and while
we hate to lose them from our midst,
we wish them health and happiness
aod prosperity in their new home.
Office of the County Commission
ers of Cass county. Plattsmouth. Ne
braska, February 5, 1919.
Board met as per adjournment.
Present, Julius A. Pitz, C. F. Harris
and H. J. Miller, County Commis
sioners and George R. Sayles, Coun
ty Clerk.
The following business was trans
acted in regular form:
County Judge Allen J. Beeson filed
his appointment of Florence White
as Clerk of the County Court for the
year 1919, with salary of $1,000.00
per annum, as provided by law. The
appointment was duly approved by
the Hoard.
. Quit claim deed by Herman F.
Schweppe and Lydia Schweppe the
said deed being on file in the office
of the County Clerk granting cer
tain land for road purposes, was ac
cepted by the Board.
Bids for County Printing
As called for, three bids were fil
ed for county printing for 1919. .as
follows, towit:
Printing Bar Docket, per case 10c
Other pages - 60c
Printing road notices legal rate
Printing Notice to Contractors.-
V legal rate
Printing Calls for Bids, Etc
Legal rate
Printing Commissioners' proceed
T-St-- ..... , . . i, ,
lkfc. IP- i
vf TV - - '
, - v 7 i
Sweater Days
are always with us. There's not a more necessary or use
ful garment in men's, women's or children's wear.
This Week---
we will make some extra ordinary offers in all grades of
heavy weight sweaters. See them in our east windows.
Heavy, close rib shawl collar coat
Wescott's Sons
City. 3rd ward. Bids for Pauper Burial
Bond of the First National Bank, Tie following bids were filed for
of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, County hurial of paupers for the year 1919:
Depository, filed and approved by JOHN P. SATTLER
the Board. Varnished colli us. per foot $ 7.50
Resolution I Outside boxes, per toot
Whereas, It has been shown toj' rrip to cemetery
the Board of Countv Commissioners ' Shrouds
that on account of the absence at
the Sheriff of Cass county in pur
suit of duties of his office in other
parts of the county, it is often incon
venient for him to take care of t lie
beating of the county jail; there
fore. Be it Resolved, by the Board of
County Commissioners in session this day of February, 1919, that the
Janitor of the Court House be re
quired to attend to the heating of
the county jail, and further ordered
that the said Janitor be allowed the
sum of $10.00 per month as com
pensation for said services.
Countv Commissioners.
Extra trip
Extra fiouU-rs 15.00
This being the only bid received,
same was approved and accepted.
Bids for Physician
As called for, sealed bids were re
ceived for physicians for pauper prac
tice for the vear. 1919. as follows:
Dr. R. P. Westover 1200.00
Ir. J. B. Martin 220.00
Dr. R. P. West over's bid was ap
proved by the Board and he was duly
appointed as physician- for the firs'
Dri. Brendel & Brendel $59.(.0
...lUc per -line j Tins being the only bid received.
EACON I the bid was approved and Drs. Bren-
Printing Bar Docket, per case COc el urendel appointed tor piiysic-
Other pages 10c ' ian of the second district.
Printing road notices legal rate
Printing Notices to Contractors
. legal rate
Dr. J. W. BrendeU $75.00
T)i is bein the onlv bid received.
Printing Calls for Bids, Etc ' Dr. J. W. Brendel s bid was anDroved
2 legal rate amj ,e was (iuv annointed as phv-
Printing Commissioners' proceed- sician for the third district.
ings lc per line, 4th an(1 r,tn DISTRICTS
WEEPING WATER REPUBLICAN No hi(ls were received for district
Printing Bar Docket, per case 20c four ami fiVp and no appointment was
Other pages $1-10. made.
Printing road notices 1 j SIXTH DISTRICT
65 per cent of legal rate j j)r. g. Douglas $S.0O per month
Printing Notice to Contractors j This being the only bid received.
Legal rate pr. Douglas' bid was approved and
Printing Calls for Bids, Etc he was duly appointed physician for
Legal rate the sixth district.
Printing Commissioners' proceed-
ings 2c per line S-pt. solid ""
The bid of the Plattsmouth Jour
nal being considered the lowest, the
Board approved and accepted the
said bid.
Jurors Selected
At the request of Clerk of the
District Court, James Robertson, the
following were selected as Jurors
for the next term of the District
court: i
John Adams. Tipton Precinct.
Joe Allen. Tipton precinct. '
B. F. Judkins. Tipton precinct.
C. C. Bucknell. Greenwood.
J. P. Rouse. Greenwood.
J. C. Lemon. Salt Creek.
Joe Climer. Salt Creek!
Thomas Reese, Salt Creek.
Wm. A. Atchison. Sr.. Stove Creek.
Henry Hays. Stove Creek.
Ed Gustin, Stove Creek
W. O. Gillispie, Elmwood.
William Rush. Elmwood. -
J. A. Bauer, Elmwood.
Fred Weaver. South Bend.
John Campbell. South Bend.
W. C. Wollen. Weeping Water.
Torrence Fleming, Weeping Water.
C. M. Andrus. Center
Charles Gerlach. Center.
W. F. Diers, Louisville.
James Stander, Louisville.
Lee Cole, Louisville.
Ray Norris, Avoca.
W. A. Rose. Avoca. '
Frank Massie, Mt. Pleasant.
Wilson Gilmore, Mt. Pleasant.
F. E. Woods. S Mile Grove.
L. H. Heil. 8 Mile Grove.
Julius Helflicker, 8 Mile Grove. '
Edwin Shoemaker. Nehawka.
Nick Klaurence, Nehawka.
J. D. Cress, Liberty.
James Pitman, Liberty.
William Porter, Liberty.
Will Fight, Rock Bluffs 1st.
Jake Bengen, Rock Bluffs 1st.
Gail Rhoden. Rock Bluffs 1st.
Frank Grauf, Rock Bluffs 2nd.
George Ray, Rock Bluffs 2nd.
Peter Halmes. Plattsmouth Pet.
Henry Hirz, Plattsmouth Pet.
Will Schutz, Plattsmouth Pet.
Mike Mauzy, Plattsmouth 1st ward.
Geo. Dovey, Plattsmouth, 1st ward.
James Rebal, Platts., 2nd ward.
Henry McMaken, Platts., 2nd ward
Harry Thomas, Platts.. 2nd ward.
J. R.,KelIy, Platts, 3rd ward.
Henry Jess, Platts., '3rd ward.
Geo. Klinger. Platts., 3rd ward.
Oliver Hudson. Platts., 3rd ward.
John Schulhof, Platts., 4th ward.
Emil Weyrich, Platts., 4th ward.
- Harry Rice. Platts.. 4th ward.
Lee Fickler, Platts.. 5th ward.
P. B.. Beckwlth, Platts. 5th ward.
R. D. McNurlin, Weeping Water,
City. 1st ward. -
William Coatman. Sr., Weeping
Water, City, 2nd ward.
John N. Fowler, Weeping Water.
Motion by Miller that Joe Allen,
of Eagle, Nebr., be appointed road
overseer of road district No. 1G, to
fill vacancy, seconded by Harris and
the appointment unanimously ap
proved by the Board.
Claims, Allowed
The following claims were exam
ined and approved by the Board:
D. C. Morgan, for envelopes,
stamps and post cards fur-
nished to Record er.
Urs. Martha Haddon, care of
4 dependent children for the
month of February, 1919
c. F. Harris, salary and mile
age II. J. Miller, salary and mile
age Henna Ti F-.hueppe. land for
road purposes
Mrs. Susie Urwin, care of 4
dependent children for Feb
ruarv. 19 19
Nebraska Lighting Co., elec
tricity to county farm, coun
ty jail and court house, and
gas to county jail
Mrs. IJa Sehlieske. care of 4
(U-pendent children for Feb
ri':;ry. 1919
O. K. Garage, livery and stor
age of booze autos
D. C. Morgan, stamps to the
County Superintendent
Hans Sievers, Falary heating
couiMy jail, January, 1919
Plattsmouth Garage, storing
booze cars .
Plattsmouth Journal, print
ing ami supplies
Mrs. Lucy B. Lyle, care of 2
dependent children for Jan
uary. 1919
Mrs. Earl C. Hyde, care of 4
dependent children for Jan
uary. 1919 25.00
Mrs. Earl C. Hyde, care of 4
id nl
10. CO
dependent children for Feb
ruary, 191
Catherine Meyers, care of. 2
dependent children for Feb
ruary, 1919 1"
Herman Scheuppe, land fur
nished to county for road
Carl S. Johnson, dragging in
road district No. 6 ,
Merrit P. Pollard, dragging
in road'district No. 12
Monarch Engineering Co.. pt
payment, bridge No. 6, Sec.
25, Elmwood precinct fSOO.OO
Monarch Eng. Co., concrete
and reenforcing bridge No.
8, Sec. 25. Elmwood Pet 895. SO
Monarch Eng. Co.. material
bridge No. -22. Center pre
cinct, for balance due 291. .11
Monarch Eng. Co., balance
due material for bridge No.
:12, Mt. Pleasant precinct,
and overhaul 455.02
Monarch Eng. Co. concrete
reenforcing and overhaul on
bridge No. o5, north of Sec.
4, Nehawka precinct C49.70
Monarch Eng. Co.. bridge
No. 28, in Sec. 29. Center
precinct 338.4 5
No further business appearing, the
Board adjourned to meet on the 4th
day of March, 1919.
County Clerk.
. 10.00
John TLghe who has lived near
Manley for many years will go to
Omaha and has for sale, his stock
and farming implements, consisting
of some 25 head of horses and
mules, eight head of cattle, five
brood sows, and an endless array of
farming machinery, wagons and
household goods. They will be offer
ed at his farm five miles south of
Louisville, four miles north and one
mile west of Weeping Water, one
half mile north and one-half mile
east of Manley Thursday February
20th. Sale begins at 10:00 a. in.
j Lunch served on the grounds. ltw
rn Tractor
si. i
Ass?- jr.. ,-. - J v
f vr .... -"Sh- , i.
We can make immediate delivery from our big
stock in Plattssmouth of the famous Fordson Tractor, mads by Henry Ford &
Son, and which has been sold by the thousands in the agricultural sections of the
United States during the past year, therefore needing no introduction to those
who are no r or will soon be on the market for a reliable. Farm Tractor.
The Fordson Tractor has a Pulley Attachment
and will operate all stationary machinery on the farm as well as all Tractor
drawn faim implements.
We will accept and fill Fordson Tractor orders
from residents of Cass county, or adjacent counties will ship to any point in
this or other states. Telephone or write to us for descriptive literature on the
Fordson Tractor and full line of Farm Implements. Call on us at our new Garage
at Plattsmouth and let us show, you that the Fordson is the Tractor you should
buy. We have a full stock of Fordson Tractor Repairs and will be in a position
to give "Ford Seivlce" on Fordson Tractors as well as on Ford Cars.
T. H. Pollock Auto Co.
Phone Wo. 1.