The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 13, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1.3, 19 1U.
Cbe plattsmou tb journal
Entered at Postoffice Flattsmouth, Neb., as second-cass mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Fine winter weather.
Don your booming suit.
Spring will soou be here.
Never kick your self when you
are down.
Now that the war is over
Willard wauts to fight.
It's an oDcratlon that Russia
nec-ls. Not co-operation.
Why should a person cry over
spilt milk when it is only 12'.
cents a quart?
One-third of what we eat enables
us to live and the other two thirds
is what enables the doctor to live.
The dear pirl that appeals so pit
eously for sympathy for her rack
ing cough is often the same one
that puts on her extra low-cut
waist in cold weather.
Postmasters have been ordered
not to ca.-h in any war saving
stamps for people who have brought
them from the original purchasers.
Good. Now do the same thing with
Liberty bonds and benefit a heap
more people.
- : -. : o ;
The fact that two Sinn Fein
members escaped from a London
j3il and ran away ought to prove to
anybody that they aren't forever
breaking into jail just because they
like it. They differ from suffra
gettes in other ways, too.
The big leaders at the peace con
ference ought to-impress on the
young nations right at the ttart
that while we shall see that they
get enough to eat nqw, we don't ex
pect to board them always, and
that they must be looking around
for a place to keep house as soon as
All banks and financial institu
tions are prophesying the most
prosperous year ever for 1919. with
a great building boom all over the
country and with real estate in
great demand. It Is to be hoped
that such will be the case.
Tbc Christian Advocate in an edi
torial in its last issue, says the
blame for the bad feeling against
the Y. M. V. A. by the boys over
sea, should obe laid upon Gen. Persh
ing. That the plans of the Y. for
overseas work was not to have a
canteen In connection, but Persh
ing insisted and .they put it on.
Some day the truth will be brought
to light and this paper believes it
will be through no fault of the Y.
or its secretaries.
Several correspondents arc worry
ing now, because the Allies seem to
bo too blamed willing to let the
United States take the leadership
and responsibility for the League of
Nations. The other Allies, it seems
are suspiciously eager to let Uncle
Sam do all the work and bear all
the expense. This need not disturb
the correspondents at all. None of
the duties will fall on them. Presi
dent Wilson will conduct the
League of Nations without incon
venience or effort on the part of
the correspondents.
There is morn Ca'arrh In this section
of the country than al.' othr diseases
put tcjether. and for years it was sup
in ha inrurahle. Doctors Drescrfbed
local remedies, and by constantly lailinsr
to cure with local treatment, pronouncea
it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease,
preatly infiuerced by constitutional con
ditions and therefore requires constitu
tional treatr.?nt. Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine manufactured by I J. Cheney &
ir.i.j nnr ij a constitutional
V, (J. , XUIUV, wi v.
remedy, is taken internally and a-ts
thru the Blood o.i trie wuotub tunacea
m c.toTTi Onn Hundred Dollars re-
i- -e,- .i tnr. anv i2j that Hall's
Catarrh Medivine falls to cure. Bend lor
circulars and te:-umn
F. J- CHENEY ' Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Orus&ists. Too. .,,
Hall a Family fills 4--r constipation.
The legislature is working hard
As soaps costs more, the boys
kindly consent to economize on it
President Wilson will start home
in one week, so the dispatches say
Jlr. Ford will never be senator
Just as well make up his mind to
that effect.
Three of the several labor bills
uetore tne iseuraska house were
given the death sentence last Fri
The Commercial Club should
wake up now and do something and
every business 'man in tow n should
The folks that complain of. the
high rate of fire insurance common
ly include a lot that keep ashes in
wooden barrels.
It is infinitely pathetic to see peo
ple running to buy egr at forty
cents a dozen because f.rty cents
seems so cheap.
The war hasn't crippled any of
the women, but they are doing their
best By wearing high heels to ac
quire deformities as a substitute.
A casual observer says- that the
happiest folks are not those who
have the best of everything but
those who make the best of every
s ; :o:
It is rumored that men's trousers
next season will be made to flare
out at the bottom, like sailor's
trousers. The style men don't ex
pect this fad to be popular with the
ex-sailor, do they?
"Prohibition will change many
movie plots," says a headline. So
briety among scenario writers was
one of the great reforms the pub
lic had hoped for from the begin
ning of the dry campaign.
ALout the most fjrlorn object we
happen to meet upon the street is
the man who is so h ippy he wants
to whistle a tune, but can't get the
right sort of a pucker to whistle a
tune or even make a good noise.
It ia unfortunate that the Amer
ican Protective League disbanded
before locating the German propa
gandist who started the story that
castor oil is just fine to put on your
hair when it is falling out after a
siege of the flu.
A lot of New York lawyers have
been writing to the local news
papers suggesting ways 'by which
the new prohibition amendment
may be disregarded or frustrated.
They are also suggesting a way by
which a lot of more or less unsus
pecting people will get into a peck
of trouble, for which those lawyers
ought to pay.
When a goose lays an egg sbe
just waddles off as If she were
ashamed because it is a goose egg.
When a hen lays an egg she calls
heaven and earth to witness it. The
hen is a natural born advertiser.
Hence the demand for hen eggs ex
ceeds the demand for goose egg3 and
the hen has all the business she can
attend to.
Judge liroacht has wisely con
eluded to withdraw his contest for
Senator Tanner's seat In the state
senate. No one ever became popu
lar by bringing a contest because
his party had a majority in the
house or senate. Never go behind
the returns in a contest. An exper
ience of fifty-eight years in politics
has taught us that contests brought
after election never did bring the
contestant anything.
Several years ago the legislature
passed a law which was intended to
stop the sale of cigarettes to boys.
It has utterly failed in its purpose.
Experience has shown that it is
fundamentally wrong In that it
prohibits the sale of cigarettes to
everyone, grownups as well as
Public opinion is almost unani
mously indifferent as to whether
men do or do not smoke cigarettes.
In fact, it is strongly in favor of
letting adults decide the matter for
Consequently the law soon be
came and is now- a dead letter. Cig
arettes may be purchased in almost
any cigar store and in rainy groc
ery stores.
And since officials did not bother
about enforcing the law as to adults
they practically forgot it entirely.
The result has been that boys as
well, as men were able to buy cig
arettes unless the moral conscience
of some dealer interfered.
This undesirable situation will
be remedied if the legislature pass
es a Dill that it is now consiucnr.K.
The new measure prohibits the
sale of cigarettes to boys under IS.
It has teeth in it. Violation car
ries a heavv penalty. .Moreover.
cigarette dealers are licensed ami
may lose their license if they dis
obey the law.
Such a measure would accomplish
more good results man one w nun
is completely msregarueti. uuian.i
... i s i. . .
rom Tuesday's I 'ally.
Last night the elegant farm lioni'
of Fred II. Stohlman was burned to
the ground with the entire loss of
the building which was valued at
more than nve tnouanu uonar?.
There was inusrance thereon to the
amount of ?2,300, which will in no
way compensate for the loss sustain
ed. The place is some two and a
half miles north of Mauley, and
some four -miles south oi L,ouisme.
and was a two story
brick. As
not hing
how the fire started
knov n.
Minn: in i i.m i oik
The Stat of N. l.i asUa. Cass utit V-
In tin- County Court.
In tin- m:itt-r of tin- Kstatr
i.f IMV-
1 Stotlor. 1 ---i.-l.
T'l!n' rreil i tors of said r.
You ar- lnrfl.v notified. Tliat I will
it at Conntv Court room in I'lntl.-'-
tnotitli. In sai'l rounty. on tin- Ith 'liy
of March. 1!M! and .",tli day of .ItitH'.
UM:-. at !( o' lo k a. m. on each of
aid flays to receiv e sunt examine ii n
I-iimx against said estate, wit 1 1 a view
o their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for !! prrycntation ot
laiius against said l-.state is three
months from the Ith duv of March. A.
. l'.MS. and the time limited for pay
ment of dehts is one year from saio
nth day of January. 1!'1A.
Witness ly hand and the seal of snid
Count v Court this 30th day of Janu
ary, r.nrt.
ai.i.kx .1. nr:i:sox.
Seal )-fS-It w. County .Indue.
I have for sale, .two young high
bred registered Herford bulls, four
teen and fifteen months of age re
spectively. Inquire of Fred T.
Itamge. Phones 102 and ."32.
Plattsmouth. Neb. 5-tfw
Frank McNurlin from south of
Cedar Creek was called to this city
this moning to look after some
business for the day.
Fancy box japer at this office.
Go after it with Sloan's
LInlmeat before It gets
. Apply a Hide, don't rub, let it pene
trate, and good-by twins:! San.- f;r
external ache3, pains, strains, EtifTr.esj
of joints or muscles, lameness, bruisec.
Instant relief without ir.usslnsss oc
soiled clothing. Reliable the biggest
Bellirg liniment year after year. Eco
nomical by reason cf enormous sale?.
Keep a big bottle ready at all tinea.
Ask your druggist for Sloan's Liniment-
1 rchsHtefWk
I xoticr ok sti r to qviet titli:
I In the IMstrlct Court of the County
or Cass, Nebraska.
Albert Timnias, riaintifT
Mrs. James O'Neill, first real name
unknown, et al, ljefemlants.
To the defendants, Mrs. James O'Xeill
first real name unknown, the unknown
heirs, dovisees, legatees, personal rep
reseiitat Ives and all other persons in
teres ted in the estate of Thomas I'
Cordon, defeased: the unknown heirs
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Mrs. Thomas 15. Cordon
first real name unknown, defeased, the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, jut
.,nal representatives and ali other per
sons Interested in the estate of John
YV. Clark, defeased : Mrs. John A. lole
man. lirst real name unknown: the tin-
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons Interested in the estate of John
A. loleman, defeased: the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
leseiilativeK and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Mrs. John A
Onleman. first real name unknown, de-
eeased: Mrs. Kranets A. West, lirst real
name unknown: the unknown heirs
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons Interested
in the estate of Franels A. West, de-
eeaseil: the unknown Heirs, oevisees
ieiratees. personal representatives ami
ill olher nelsons interested In the es
t:ite of Mrs. b rape s A. V est. ni si . real
name unknown, deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other person, in
forested in the estate of James Min
.hell, deceased: the unknown heirs.
levlsces. letratees. liersonul rprsenta
lives and all other persons interested
in the estate of James 1 . Mincliell. de
.!; ued the unknown heirs. de isf es
leir:itees. perse:::'! representatives and
ii 1 1 other persons interested in the
late of Anna J. Mincl.el!. deceased; the
unknown heirs, di visees, legatees, per
sona! represeiuai i". es ami an omi n-i -
sons interested in the estate of Mary
C.Cooper, deceased: the unknown heirs.
dev isees, legatees, personal .representa
liv.s anil all other persons interested
in the estate of C. I.. Cooper, first real
name unknown, defeased: the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estate of Sarah
I-:. Ilinman, deceased: the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and ail other persons in
liested in the estate of M. I. Hinm.jn.
first real name unknown, deceased: the
unknown In irs. devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons interested i.i the estate of Maria
M. lie, he. deceased; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legates, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of liavld Heehe. deceased:
Simon I'. I'.enadoin: Mrs. Simon P.
Itenadoiu. first real name unknown:
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees.
Tiersonal representatives ami all other
persons interest! d in the estate of
S iiion !'. Henadoin. deceased: the un
known heirs, devisees. lojtiltcs, pel--unal
representatives and all otlur per
sons interested in the estate of Mrs.
-imon P. I'.enadoin. first real name un
known, deceased: Jacoh I. cam: Mi'r
.Ineoh P.eam. first real name unknown:
I he unknown heirs, devisees, leiratecs.
pilsonal representatives ano an oimi-i
is. in.- interesled in me estate oi
laeoii Ih-am. deceased: the unknown
irs. devisees, legatees, personal rep
sentatives and all other persons in
vested in the estate of Mrs. Jacoh
(am. first real name unknown, ile-
ased: Hans P. SutideH: Martha Mm-
dell: John Urolith: Mrs. John Kromru.
lirst real name unknown; the unknown
I - firs, devisees. Icratrcs. personal rep-
rcsenlativ ' -s ami an inner ieiso..s in-
il in the estate of John Kronen.
I. cased : the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
ill other persons interested in the es
tate ot .Mis. .lo:in Motion, HIS! 11.11
name unknown, deceased: the unknown
irs. devisees, leiratecs, personal rep
scntatives ami all other persons in
terested in the estate of Thomas h.
Palmer, deceased; the unknown Heirs,
ievisees, legatees, personal representa
tives ami all ofper persons inieresicu
in the estate of Mrs. Thomas C. Pal
er, first real name unknown, itcecas-i
I; ' ". s. Craff. first real nam- un
known: Mrs. W . S. Cran. first real
name unknown: the unknown heirs.
lovisccs. legatees, persona! representa
tives and all other persons mu-resteu
in the estate of W . S. CratT. first real
me unknown, deceased: the unknown
heirs, devisees, leiiatecs. personal rcp-
i sent a fives and all other person s in-.
tei-esteil in tin- estate or .mis. v . .-v
Craff. first real name unknown, deceas-
1: M. W. Creen. first real name un
known: Mrs. M. YV. Creen. lirst real
tame unknown: the unknown heirs.
Ievisees. legatees, personal represon
:tives and all other persons interest
1 !n the estate of M. TV. Creen. first
real name, unknown. ie-esei. iu- un
known hejis. devisees. legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other pcr
, ...... ..
'ons l n t c res lcl ill llie estate .11 r .
YT. YV. Creen. first leal name unknown.
lecoased: Joseph Mci'renry; Mrs. .10
ph McCreary. first real name un
known: the unknown heirs, devisees,
letrateis. personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Joseph Met reary, deceased:
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
persona! representatives and all other
nersons interested in the estate of Mrs.
Joseph McCrearv. first real name' un
known, deceased: Mrs. Samuel Manna,
first real name unknown: Mrs. Samuel
U. Klhert. first real name unknown:
tin- unknown heir, devisees, legatees.
is nal representatives and all other
persons it teresteu in l'e estate m .-sam-uel
II. Klhert. deceased: the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Mrs. Samuel
II. Klhert. first real name unknown:
deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees.
legatees, personal representatives and
ill other persons interested In the es
tate ot Kmma Ketnick. deceased; tne
unknown heirs. devisees, legatees,
personal representatives ami all other
persons interested in the estate of
Fl o:-i Imogene Peinick. deceased; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives ami all other
persons interested in the estate of
Spencer s. i'.illings, also Known as
Ihllmgs. deceased: the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Iaicimla Hil
lings, deceased: iOlizahetli Irene Mur
phy, widow; the unknown heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representatives
and all other persons interested in the
estate of Jahez Clinton Hillings, de
ceased: Kll.t Maria Millings Spencer:
Allen c. Spencer: Cracie lar!ing
lings Copehind; Ceorge Cope-land; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other tier
sons interested in the estate of Ceorge
Spencer Hillings, deceased: Addie Hut
ler Hillings, widow: S.imm I Hillings:
Clinton Hillings: Louis Hillings: 'Srad-lev-
Hillings; Kerr. Hillings: Flora Hil
lings: Jack Hillings: V- T. . Merriam,
first real name unknown: Kuth C. Mer
riam: the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representative: ami
all other persons inteiesteil in the es
tate of YV. I). Merriam. first real name
unknown, deceased: the unknown heirs.
ievisees, legatees, persona! representa
tives and all other persons interested
in I he estate of Until C. Merriam. de
ceased: I.vdia Merriam. widow: the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, tier
sonal representatives and all other
net-son interested in the estate of
Seldo-i X Merriam. also known as S. X
Merriam. deceased: William Tushinsky:
Pauline I.usliinskv: Martha .Hoesner.
widow: Knrrett. first real name
unknown the unknown heirs, devisees
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es-
t.,to f Han-clt. first real name
unknown, deceased: ftrown. first
real name unknown: the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons In
forested in tile estate of Hrown,
first real name ::nknown. deceased
Harretf Hrown. a partnership craii-
oosed of Han-eft. first real namo
unknown, and r.rovvn. first real
name unknown: A. Shinman. first real
name unknown: the unknown heirs,
, 1 e i s e e s lecratees. nrfiOTi:l! reuresenta
fives and all other nersons interested
in the estate of A. Shlpman. first real
name unknown, decbased; Annie P. El
lison; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons Interested in the es
tate of Annie P. Ellison, deceased; Er
nest K. Ellison; the unknown heirs,
devisees. legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Ernest E.- Ellison, de
ceased: Eddie Ii. Ellison; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives ami all other persons in
terested in the estate of Eddie il. El
lison, deceased: the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons interest
ed in the estate of 11. 10. Ellison, first
real name unknown, dej-eased: the un
known owners and the unknown claim
ants of lots one fl), two (2), three CO,
four ( O. five (5 , six (6), seven (7,
eight fS). nine !). ten (10, eleven
(IH. twelve (12), thirteen 13), four
teen (II), fifteen (IS),' sixteen (Mi,
seventeen (17), eighteen (l!?). nineteen
(ID), twenty ll'O), twenty-one CM),
twenty-two C'i ), TTventy-three i':o
ami twenty-four (21 1. itf hlock nine
(!0, in Thompson's Addition to the
City of F la t tsmout h. Nehraska and lot
one hundred five (10", heing a suh
dlvlsion of the -jortheast quarter (XE
'4 of the northeast quarter (XE'i) of
Section nineteen (lit-, and lot nutn
'ereil twenty-two (22). a su h-ii vision
of Oovernment lot numbered ten (10).
of Section eighteen (IS), al! in Town
ship twelve (12). north Range four
teen (II), east of the 6th P. M.. im the
County of Cass. Nebraska:
You are herehv notified that on the
1st day of February, 1919, plaintiff filed
his suit in the District Court of the
County of Cass. Nebraska. to utiiet
Plaintiff's title to the above described
land, to-wit: Lots one (1. two 2.
three CD,- four (4t, five (a), six (fi),
seven (7). eight (Si, nine (f. ten (IOi.
eleven (11). twelve (121. thirteen (l:i.
ourtecn (111. fifteen fl.V), sixteen (16),
seventeen (17). eighteen (ISi, nine
teen (1!)t. twenty (201. twenty-one (21).
twenty-two (22. twenty-three C.'.'l)
tnd twenty-four (21) in block nine (9).
in I hompson s Addition to the Citv of
lat tsmout Ii, Nebraska, and lot one
hundred live (10.",), being a subdivision
of the northeast quarter IXK!4I of
the northeast quarter (XK'i) of Sec
tion nineteen MSI, and lot numbered
twenty-two (22), a subdivision of Oov
ernment lot ten (10). of Section eigh
teen (IS), all in Township twelve (12.
North Kange fourteen (14). east of the
fith P. M.. in the county -of Cass. Ne
braska, because of the adverse posses
ion l.v himself ami his ir ran tors for
more than ten years prior to the com
mencement of said suit ami to enjoin
ach and all of you from having or
claiming any right, title, lien or in
terest, either legal or equitable, in or
to said lands or any" part thereof: to
require you to set forth your right.
title, claim, lien or interest therein, if
iny. either legal or equitable, ami to
lave the same adjudged inferior to Un
title of plaintiff and for general cqui-
tble relief. This notice is made pur
suant to the order of the court.
You are required to answer said pe
ition on or before Mondav. March 17.
IIM!-. or default will be dnlv entered
YV. A. Kobertson,
His Attorney.
MlTICr. OF SI IT TO Ul lET 'I'l l I K.
In the I ist rict Court of the County
f Cass, Nebraska.
William A. Calloway, Plaintiff
Mmond Dodge. Executor of the last
will and testament of Amanda
Forbes, deceased, el ul.
To the defendants. Almond Dodge,
xecutor of the last will ami testa
ment of Amanda Forbes, deceased; Sey
mour Dodge; Phebe lonre; the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
ersons interested in the estate of
manda Forbes, deceased: Y'm. J. Cut
ter: the unknown heirs, devisees, lega
tees, personal representatives and all
other persons inteiesteil in the estate
if YVm. .1. Cutter, deceased: Margaret
K. Cutter; the unknown heirs, devisee,
bgiltees. personal representatives and
all other poisons interested in the es
tate of Margaret E. Cutter, deceased;
YVm. 11. Emerick. Jr; Mrs. YVm. II.
Emerick. Jr.. first real name unknown:
the unknown heirs, devisee? legatees,
personal representatives anil all other
persons interested in the estate of Wm.
If. Emerick. Jr., dec-eased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and ali other persons in
terested in the e.' fate of Mrs. YVm. II.
Emerick. Jr.. first real name unknown.
leceased: C. YV. King, first real name
unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees.
legatees, personal representatives ami
ul other persons interested in the es
tate of C. YV. King, first real name nn-
inown. deceased: Harriett King; the
inknown heirs, devi:. ces. legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
ersons Interested in the estate
Harriett King, deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rcp-
osentalives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Anna Schul-
dice. deceased: and the unknown own-
rs and the unknown claimants of lots
three (.'O and eighteen (IS), in Section
-even (7), Township twelve (II'). .North
I'ange fourteen (14), east of the 6th P.
M in the county of Cass, Nebraska:
You are hereby notified that tin the
1st day of February, A. D. l'.H). plain-
tin" tiled his suit in the District touri
r the Count v if Cass, Nebraska, i
liiiet plaintiff's title to the following
lescribed land, to-wit: I.os three CD
and eighteen (IS), in Section seven ().
in Township twelve (12). Norm j.ange
fourteen (II). east of the fith P. M .in
the conntv of Cass. Nebraska, because
of his adver: e possession
by himself
Tnd his grantors for
more than ten
years prior to the
commencement of
said suit and to
enioin eacti ami. an
f vou from having or claiming an
right title, lien or interest, either legal
or equitable in or to said land or any
nart thereof, and alleging that none of
vou are in the military or naval ser
vice of the Fnited States of America:
to require vou to set forth your right,
title, claim, lien or interest therein, if
my. either legal or equitable, and to
have the same adjudged inferior to the
title of plaintiff and for general equi
table relief. This notice Is made pur
suant to the order of this Court.
Y'ou are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Mo inlay, March 1,
Y. D. mm. or your default will be duly
"iiterctl (herein.
YV A. Tlobt rtson.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In th- County Court of the Conntv
if Cass. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. Cass County, ss:
To Charlotte E. W hite. Ceorge .
Vallerv Ida M. H iggi nsmi. Margaret
P Livingston. Charles A. Y'aUery,
Katherine F. Minor. Amelia J. Streight.
Louis II. Y'Hllerv. -Mathilda C. Yallcrv
John F. Y'aUery. Claire Drummond
', Louise Drummond Hurky.
Thodore Drummond Hanks. Amelia C.
Drummond. Annie Polk and all other
ersons interested in the estate of
Jacob Y'aUery, Jr.. deceased:
On reading the petition of Francis
I-:. White, surviving executor, praying a
final settlement and allowance of his
account filed in this court on the loth
dav of February, mm. and for his dis
charge and release and on reading
the petition of Amelia J. Streight filed
herein on February 1 o, J 'J 1 3, praying
for the appointment ofCharlcs A. Y'al
leiy as administrator c. t. a., to suc
ceed the said Francis E.. White;
It is hereby ordered that you and all
persons interested in said matters ap
pear at the County Court to be held in
and for said county on the 3rd day of
March, PJlit. at 10 a. in., to show
cause, if any there be, why the pray
ers of said respective petitioners should
not be granted and that notice of the
pendency of said petitions and the
hearing thereof be given to alt per
sons interested in said matter, by pub
'ishing a copy of this order in the
ria-ttsiuoiith Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said -county, for
three successive weeks prior to said
dav- of hearing.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto
Ket Contents 15 fluid r-racnu
Mil 11 :
- f-i! frT ; -
I 'tl ki l E -r-r.--r- -.- .t ' 1
' . - ...T j ru 7 r.F NT. J
1 AVcgctaDlcircpaj" oumo--.
SlIIlll:lliit--;ui.-.-"" "j -
tinthcStomachs and Bow ilsor
! ?
Cheerfulness and RcsLContains
Mineral. Not akootic
Jtoch.Il Saltt
Anise Seril
Knrm Sad
- fhtvnr
A helpful Remedy for i
ConstipaUon and Diarrhoea.
' r-FT
i .loss "f
Facsimile S-nanire
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
yi-t inv iianil irnl the seal of saiil Court,
this 3 0th dav of Kel.rtiurv, 1!H.
(Seal! flti-3vv County Jul?e.
I have for sale or trade, one five
year old jack, "sure foal setter, and
one I'ercheron nine-year old, 1,700
pound stallion. Sound in every par
ticular. See Minchau & Sacks, Kast
Side garase, Eagle, Nebr. fG-Svv
Come in and
opeix a
SI IV 44 Ml ?S SLM
SCixA lay
You work hand for your money
fiank it it will then work for yoiu
TIFICATES. Farmers State Bank
Alfalfa-Molasses Feeds!
The best and most economical feed for live stock.
Write us for description and prices.
Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co,
Omaha, Nebraska
"Saws Gummed"
Bring or send in all your saws that need
gumming. We havo a power saw gummcr
and are equipped to put worn out saws, from
8-60 inches in diameter, into first-class
Sheldon Manufacturing Company.
f f '"'.Wl 9F-I I ItWI
VG&r H3 vm a m mm ua mm m
For Infants and Children.
Mothers !to That
Genuine Ca itoria'
. Ik
W LljTio
n Ct
Most disfiguring skin eruptions,
scrofula, pimple, rashes, etc., arc
due to impure blood. Burdock
i Blood r Bit tors as a cleasing Mood
tonic, is well recommended.. $1.25
at all stores.
George S. Kay of near Murray
was a visitor in this city this morn
ing coming to look after some business.
1 "" "T "
Bears tlw Jf F
ii bi n nt
ffijh Use
For Over
Thirty Years
Oil I lill
U W IA w fa W. 39 U MM
: ctfiTkuq comfANv, new vonk citt.