The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 13, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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12 152$.
To Holders of Liberty
Loan Bonds!
We shall be glad to cash your interest coupons free
of charge any time it is convenient to you.
Ask us about our plan for the free safekeeping of
your Liberty Bonds.
Income Tax Blanks will soon be here. We will give
any information and fill out statements
.free of charge.
The Bank of
Capital and Surplus, $80,000
Your Personal Sank.
Republican V-
IJorn to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mould
en a hoy. on .Monday, February
Mrs. Ben Rich, her daughter Bar
bara and the three boys left Wed
nesday morning for Thomas. Ok la.,
for a month's vi-dt with her par
ents. A. K. Jameson ha.- b mrht the
property known as the Gibbon Ho
tel grounds and that means r.e r
more new hou?M. work on w-hieh is
now commenced.
Mr. Georpe Seaman : 1'iymouth.
Xebr.. was here Tuesday closing ili'
dal for the 12 acres northwest rf
town '! ::! he had fold i:i r 'd H'ii
meier. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wiles return
ed Tuesday evening fnn Omaha
after a visit with tlieir son. Harold,
at a hospital there, and report him
paining' slowly.
!!. l. Reed receive vr- lertT
Tuesday from hi- son. Robert, stat
ing that he was on his .a to Camp
Dodge. Iowa. This news means that
I'ob-rt v. ill s.-.on he heme.
J. J. Mei'-r bought the Ku-sei!
boy.s' ;:j'resf in the o'l 'i;-tor. iVuP
Store last week. We und-rMand
Webb Russell is in Omaha ?odny
f'.gurinp jn new fixtures for a new
driis: stor.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Colbert or Wa
bash and Grandma Colbtrt spent
the dav l?st Thursday at tin John
Colbert home. Mr. Tom Colbert en
joy gettinp out after "ii- Ions sick
lpwiil A f fen: lew . Miwt of Wnm-
Eyes Tested inJ Glasses -'jttej
Sight Calls Answered Aft--T IIo .in
and Sandays by Appointment.
8.30 a. rr to 12:00 1:33 d. ni 5:3
i'ai1rm Block
I b ZfiM
Plattsmouth. f'-V.b
CD-tes Elock.
Ees. 313 PHONE C:Uce 6B7
-iwtiii Mi:Tii.iTtri m-' Tin: i mtkii iTTi-:i (aivi-,nMi: r
Dated November 1, 1918
DUE November 1, 1938
Redeemable at par and accrued interest on any inter
est date after five years frcm date of issue. Coupon
bonds fully registerable and interchangeable. Denomi
nation, $1,000. Interest payable semi-annually. May
Vst and November 1st. Principal and interest payable
at the bank of issue in exchange Approved by the Fed
eral Farm Loan Board of the United States government.
Exempt from All Federal, State, Municipal
and Local Taxation!
This exemption includes the Federal Income Tax and
income from these bonds need not be included m returns
Chas. C- Parmele,
Bank of Cass County
Cass' County,
I:lo: mat ion comes to the Repub
lican thai Mr. and Mrs. Dan Switzer
who recently had their farm sale
are to leave ('ass County going- 1 3
IZhi Lake, Colo., v here Dan will
enter the bank with Geor" Corley.
Jim Cooper, who drives the dray
for R. Laurrtzen is wearing his arm
in a slinc from tie kick of the Ford
truck Wednesday night, spr-.'ininsi
his wrist aiid causir.p him consid
erable pain. Jim v.fll be "off duty"
now for a few days.
John Colbert reports the sale of
the Nick Halms li;.o southwest of
town to John Danklcff. cousidcra
tica per acre. C. E. C'mrad
has th piace rented for the enminsr
year t-o y.Ir. Danklefi' will not tak"
possession until lSi'o.
Mrs. Kdna Shannon and daugh
ter R':th -came over from Piatt s
r.iO'tt!i Friday evvnirg to look after
the moving of !. household poc.l-
he county i-af.
took th.e poods over on the true';
Saturday ; u Mr--. Shannon end
Ruth returned on the Sunday mor::
iv.vr train.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rates of Coffee
county. Kansas. arrived Tuesday
evening fr a visit at the home of
Mr. Bates" sister. Mrs. C. T. Noeli.
whrm, he hadn't sen for about
twelve years. He is Mrs. Noei'.V
only brotLer. Mr. Rate i a Ca
county product a- he was born r.'-ar
KiPl.t Mil" Grove in t!:e tally s.ix
t is.
The ('has. Murphy heme which
has piven t'.ve sons to I'ncle SamY
service is roon to have a home-coming
of the bey.-. !i of ti e fir t to
come is, James, whose commanding
offteer has notified Mr. and Mrs
' Murphy of his early discharge with
I an hr ncrable and pratifyinp t"c rd
of servic and a rtronp recomnun ia
tion as to hish character.
Mr. and Mrs. Ti. W. Hiatt and son
of Risinp City. th-ir daughter, Mrs.
Oeorce Grepory and husband of
Lincoln, their daughter. Mrs. Allen
Kelly of Linwood. spent several
days last week at the home cf their
daughter. Mrs. C. H. Gibson. They
were all at the S. A. Jackman and
Chas. Cole homes at Wabash. Sat
urdav niclit and Sundav for a fam
ily satherinp.
T'eter Miller, v ho recently boupht
the B. R. Phiipot house on the hill
near the railroad cut in the sou'h
eat prt of town, and 20 acres of
land of II. D. Reed. will start a
Plymouth Rork chicken ranch th"re
rn the sprinp. Xothinp but PlyT
month Rock chickens will he kept.
Mr. Miller has been noted fur thejV
fine Plymouth Rock chickens he has j y
been" raising and we predict a viit
to his chicken ranch will he a great
pleasure To any one inters.-.! oil
that strain. of chickens.
if. if. V
Mr. and Mrs. St. John and Joy
went to Avoca Saturday afterno(i.
Mr. and Mrs. J dm Rehrns nd
Gertrude were
Pl.:ttsrnouth visitors
Ftlitl Anderson and tvo friends
from Peri: Normal, Bessie and
Betty Lauman. spent the week end
at the Anderton home.
It is unusual to-see men plowinp
in J-anuary. Arthur Wolpli hu !" n
plowinp with the tractor for two
V eeks.
clarence and Doras Hansen.
Granville Heebner and Rua l'ii ui
inpwere Monday nisht puests
with fri-nds in Ncl!avka.
R. C. Pollard left Monday after
noon for Fairmont, Hatinps and
ArapaiK-e. v.hrre he will attnd a
Hampshire hoir sale near those
Mrs. Oren Pollard and two child
ren were passenpers for Lincoln
Sunday afternoon, where they will
visit with Mrs. Pollard's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. R. X. White f-.r m-v-c-ral
Oiof Lund'.erp receive! werd
Tuesday morniup from his - r
Verner. wh has been statu. r.ed at
Camp Ix-e. Va.. that he v.-o;:bl ar
rive at Camp D idsje. Monday iripht
or Tuesday m'-rninp. Tl'- f .?r::!ly
expect home within a we k.
Last Thursday week. Jan. :'0;h.
vas a bip day in land deals. It per
haps marked the record land trans
actions in Cass county (iurin
the entire year in dollars and rn's.
It bepan with L. C. Tod ! s c-lhna
throuch D. C. West.' his r.cer. th"
2 S ' a ere farm lyir.p northwest r.f
N'ehavka a few miles to 7.. W.
Shrailcr. Tl is farm is known fa'
and r.ear one of he rest in thi.
sect If n of the country. The 'rice
taid hv Mr. Siirader was i('4.4'".
Mr. Todd !
quart tr sect!
mao.v -e--s.
i j
? h--
:1 for
Led cer
if. if. 3f.
r - -r
r a v,f it
Mr. Wavne Frans f
cam up Su::day r;c-rniiip for
with J. H. Fran and fan :
'! ,i r Tf'.A' i v -.
Mr. Marv Tavlor returned
ti af
iv oti :
from Omaha Saturday aft eruoo
ter a siurt viit wi'h her dau
Mib? Rachel. v.ijo ; atte:
.-ch.ool there.
Mr. and Mr-. .1. TL Frans r
ed word Tuesday from th'-ir
Forest the: he has arrive'! ii
t h
w a v
state and will
mpuii b on hi
h me.
Darrel! Younp
nirit for Ser.'-ca.
left Saturda
Ka:is;t.s. where
1 e will he emtdoyed
as a tta'-dinz
iilf'Ci.ii! for a stove manufa'cturin
D. C. LaRue left Triday
norn to join a companv rf
sers. who were leamtip for Texas
with the prospects cf buying lao.d
aloriT the Rio Grar. r'e.
W. II. Porter, who has been suf-
ferinp considerable of late w ith
tjieuriatism left Motid"v aft
for Lincoln, where he will
treatment in a sanitarium.
E'tpene Applciute. who hnd been
viitinp s-everal days at the home cf
J. TI. Frans returned o his hor.f
in Lincoln last Monday. He will
leave about Thursday for cn east
ern camp as his furlouph expires
the ninth.
Garrett Taylor came in from
Manning, Iowa. Sunday nipht for
a visit with relatives here. His
brother Almond. who has been
serving in France in the heavy fir Id
artillery for the past six nvnihr, re
turned home last week.
Pvt. Ralph Davis, who lias bean
stationed at Camp Lloyd Wheaton.
near Chicago, received his discharge
from the service ard returned home
last. wwek. Judpina from his sud
den returned to civilian clothes he
was plad to discard the army uni
form. The baby of Mr. and Mrs. V. H.
McCarthy was taken to the Metho
dist hospital in Omaha last Friday
where she can receive medical at
tention and proper nourishmenT.
She was not getting along as well
as expected but since ln-ing in the
hospital she l s been doing "nicely,
xjuite to her Daddy's satisfaction.
Improved SO acres, three wiles
west of Plattsmouth. two hundred
and fifty dollars per acre. For par
ticulars inquire of T. H. Pollock.
y f,
Mi.:s Res.sie C.adv.My, t,f Miller, is
here lor a visit viih hvr tdd time
f 1 iemhs.
Mrs. S. A: Loveland has returned
hot:ie after an extended visit with
relatives at Si. Francis, Kansas.
Rev Oeschper, who pave an illus
trated talk o nthe liiblo at the
Christian church hot Thursday
even ins.', expects to return on t ht
r,h .ir,. rornnlete the course.
Frank Tvo had the mi.-ii.rtuae
have the mcoiu
r of
hand cut off last v ): wh- n he w as
sawinp W(od at the boiitt .of iii. un
cle. H. N. Taylor.
Mrs. C. W. , Trmbly and two
children, of Keofa. Cclorado. who
have been in this vicinity the past
three months, visitiap her fat tit r.
Georpe Dehzene r.i:d other ?'.'
tivis will return hi: e next week.
John W. Timm. :ct
:lv of the
S. S. Louisiana, vro c.r.tne ho?:;e
f-(r.i t!:C war w it hoi;! a seratch. is
nursinp a ery arm. Several
weeks apo. John v. as bitten by a
spi.l'T and this ca.eI an itc'.ior
which he could m lo-ep from rub
binsr. and l.b.-od i .iscn in.
Everett t'line and h!s bride. of
Hod pes, Montana, who have be-n
vi-itinp in this vicinity, left Wed
nesday for Vor.a, i ' to visit
his partnts. Mr. ai.d Mrs. . W.
("line and family. Mrs. Everett
crine. prior o her marriage was a
telepraph operator fur the K'ort h-Tr
Pacific railrf'ad.
IM Kane, at or..- time forctoan of
Wood wort h'F t oj: fjitarry. m v.-v:
workinp in Lincoli!. called at the
Courier cflice las' v. , t-Vc in company
with Pi:'. P.lackw
t wo hro' h'-rs kill
1 .s a.notier br-it!
Th." two brother
live?, were servi:
Miss Anna Lac
pboisant surptif
Mr. Kanf- 1
h: France
in h" serv
".ho lost t:
::i the Enpl
was piven a very
ary on W-.1 nas--t
we-k. Jai:'""ry
i finS h- r ?U
day evening fd' !
2th. the cca.-?. ::
'orthday attniversa
is the eldest fiat".'
Mrs. Ferdinand La
and i very popula
circle f friends n
baskets of lunch
l.'-r and extend !
hapi'V return of
very pleasant even-"
ti! a late hour. i
f"rs pmvi'ip i'..
-y. Mi
t'-r cf
A t! n a
a r. d
t. tuar Mi!
r an'.in? a
:-a::e i n w t ;
to cott a""p. ;'".) t
i-l)0 for many
tlie tccasi'-n .
)cr was spent un-
iss Anna
;rd si--capital
f C"
if. if, ;
?irs. ii. i
f.dn today to :
wo. r:
to !.!'-
T,,.ain the rro.a:
th Mr. Fmnt:.
( f the w eek v
Mr-. Om. Ii'o'tfr, Jr. who
!l a .
bet n vi?itinp at the home of Ge.
F. letter, is i:ow viitinsr in - Lincoln.
Mrs. C force Mayer, who was op
crated ."ti ut the St. RIL-ahetk Pr-
urdav is t tin- alon
icelv at this
writ in p.
M'-s. Keil is fpendoip the
in Lincoln at the home cf Mrs
lanuir.cham. v ho ha? had a
w eeV:
'h od vessel br ak In her eye.
Qtiite a few of the Elmw-nr-d buy
who came tip to skate, missed the
train Saturdav nipht. aniT had to
-iav over and take ike morrinp
j train
Mrs. L. TI. Earll of Palmyra 'vs
in Eiple Tuesday ard paid'this co"
fice a pleasart call
Taper chanpod from
havir -T
Mrs. Jack is entertain in p
brother Mr. R. Winklepleck.
his daughter, Mrs. Ressie rurtr-on
this week. Mrs. rurpeson's home
's in Edprrmor.t. S. D.
Rev. Harmon, has been asked to
pive his Theodore Roosevelt lecture
to the citizens of De Witt, Xeb. on
next Sunday P. M. in a big union
patriotic -memorial services, but be
cause of his week end meetings here
he had to decline the invitation.
Mr. -and Mrs. Ira Kidd, and three
children arrived aSturday for a visit
at the home of the editor, r.r.d t-,v
alio wthe little kids to pet acquaint
ed a pa in with grandma and grand
pa, Mr. Kidd refurned to his home
in Adams county Monday, an 1 thr
daughter and the grandchildren will
remain for a couple of weeks.
I have an abundance of good
white seed corn, Walford Xord.
Plattsmouth. Neb. S-tfdw
Subscribe for tbe 3?nrnal.
Tor Infants and Children
?n Usg for Over 30 Years
Mwas bears
S, f 3$. y
j ipt mfa
Mr.-. Elias Peck who lui been
vey lick is reported to be t;r bet
ter a! present.
Win. Soib-r who underwent an op
eration at a ho.-pital af Lincoln
Friday for hernea is doing very veil
at present.
Mrs. Win. Fisher who underwent
tin operation at St. Elizabeth's hos
pital for appendicitis .-ome time apo
is doing nicely and will soon bo
Noel Tyson has accepted a peti
tion as traveling salesman with th
Heinz Co.. maker of ."7 varieties
and is now on the road. lie will
probably have his headquarters at
Rent rice.
We notice by the Routt County
Seminal iliat Chas. S. Stone, form
er cahi. r of the Eimwood Stat-
Rank has been made president of
the bank of Steamboat Springs" at
a recent meeting of the stockholders
i f th;;t hank.
Chas. Kerr and family motored to
Reatrice Sunday to spend the day
visiting with relatives."
Mr. and -Mrs. Sherman Long and
children mo'ored over from near
I'e-nnet on Friday of last week to
visit the Wm. 'Long family.
The American Exchange Rank
v. ere presented a tine specimen of
the Golden eag'e by George Wilson.
The eagle was shot by one of the
Roileway bovs ner I'nadilla. The
bank is having tiie eagle mounted
ard will have if put in the hark
w here it may be seen as natural a
when alive.
La;t Saturday a deal was made
where! y George Kunz sold his 12i
acre farm i ear Alvo to Harvey Rasp.
This was the farm tiiat Mr. Kunz
purchased of Mr. Ingwer.-on ovtr a
year ago. This is some important
hind deal and involves about S;12.
oed. Fitc'i i- Lcrenz of this place
closed the deal.
Mr. and Mrs. An;?. Peters and
two little boys returned from Don
.r, Colo., i ti Fonday nipht and
w-iil visit for a short time at the
home of .Airs. Ptters' brother. Henry
Vc pt and famiiy. V.'l'.ile at Denver
they visited Mr. Peters' sister. Mrs.
Pigi.v. and he w;ri:e;l on the new
governmert hospital now being con
tracted at that place. The Peter
fot.iily will move to a farm r.ear
Douglas some time in .'larch.
We wor, Jered why Milton Pres
ton was feeling so happy on Suit
day morning when lie came dawn
town. The matter was soon ex
plained for v.T.s the proud daddy
of a bouncing baby boy. .Mr. and
Mrs. Pre.-ten have the hearty oea
gat ni; t kns of their many friends
in ii.i- their happy good fortune
man enjoy r.
hmp. prosperous and usciul life.
Eer.'t Fool Yourself.
A man suffering from, backache
rheumatic pains, stiff joints or sore
muscle? may laugh and say thee
symptoms of kidney trouble "don";
amount to anything." It is folly tc
ignore Nature's warnings. Foley'Khl
::ey Pills give quick relief in kidney
r bladder troubles and "it is better
to be f-af? than sorry." Sold every
where. . GHSIST & GHlilST,
JIake a specialty of good por
traits. Do enlarging, copy and cc'ored
Kodak finishing, etc.
Wa guarantee all work.
Sunday sittings by appointment
We are "always lere.
Telephone 645. Coates Block
Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
Go Ahead With Your Plans:
9 " '
Building Restrictions Have Been Removed On
! All new homes costing not more than $10,000.00.
Now is the time to plan. Let us help you do it.
Fob Sal!
900 acres in Holt county, Nebraska, consisting
ff (100 acres a nder cultivation; SO acres of alfilfa
and balance hay land and pasture. This land lays
level and is all good hard land. No sand. It pro
duces as well as ecstern Nebraska land; corn last
year made 4 0 bushels per acre. Four sets if im
provements, consisting of houses, barns, corn cribs
and granaries, hog houses and other small build
ings, wells and windmills. The land is fenced ami
cross fenced; four hog pastures in alfalfa, fenced
hog tight. Running water in pasture; wells are
"0 feet deep and - furnish an abundance of good
water. I am offering this tract at ?C.".00 per acre
and will take in an eastern Nebraska farm as part
payment. As there are four complete sets of im
provements 'his can be divided to suit purchaser.
.""O Jicres lying IT, miles north of Aberdeen. So.
Dakota. About one-half of this is under cultiva
tion. The i hay hind. All can be cultivated
if desired. This is rood deep black soil and the
be.-t kind f wheat lard. Two and one-half miles
from town, no improvements. Will consider a
small tract in eastern Nebraska as part payment.
Price $.",0.00 per acre.
l;o acres four miles from Long Pine, Nebraska.
This is a very choice quarter of land; well int
proed. consisting of a pood six room house, new
barn, hop house, chicken house, two wells, fenced
and cross fenced. IS actes of alfalfa, perfect stand.
Price StiTf.yO pe:- acre. Will consider a "mall tract
in eastern Netr..:ka as part payment. Cood terms
can be f.iven on all the above described lands to
suit purchaser.
For further information regarding any of these
propositions see J. P. Falter, Plattsmouth. Nebras
ka. Phone Iso. S.
J. C. Seyson, Grant, Neb. Fell. 17.
Matthews Hop Sale, Malvern, la.,
Feb. ISth.
Tuesday. Feb. IS. James Johnson,
Vr.aupo. Neb.
John Wiles, sr. Plattsmouth, Ft b.
10th. .
Otto Schafer, Red Sow Sale. Ced
ar Creek. Feb. 2 0th.
Huple & Sprecher. Nehawka, Feb.
Sfxton's Horse Sale, Murray. Feb.
Mrs. L. T. Holland, Neb. City,
Feb. 24.
Fred Ross, Nehawka, Feb.
Wm Gillispie. Mynard. Feb. 2 0th.
Ray Pollard. Hampshire Sale,
Feb. 27th.
Car SchraTler, Hampshire Sale
Avoca, Feb. 2Rth.
March ?.. Ed. Kohrell. Nebraska
March 4. Todd Pros.. Nehawka.
March 0-7. Will Easmussen.
Rrunswick. Neb.. Red Sow Sale.
March 11. Kitchen & Ellington,
Rrunswick. Neb.
1C0 acres located five miles west
of Plattsmouth on the Louisville
Road, and known as. the Resior
farm. This is one of the good farms
of Cass County and the best of loca
tion. "
I have the exclusive sale of this
farm. If interested, see me without
delay. Easy terms to purchaser.
Phone No. 28. Plattsmouth. Nehr.
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money
DONT MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with 5c to Foey & Co..
2S3T, Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111.,
writing your name and address clear
ly. You will receive in return a trial
package containing Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds
and croup. Foley Kidney Pills and
Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold everywhere.
This is the advice of the-War Industries Board
Maybe you have hoped that another year would sec your plans of a new
home realized.
Those hopes can "be a reality.
All farm and ranch buildings.
All schools, churches, hospitals and public
You tell 'eir we keep all kinds of
stationery at the JonrnaL
Public Auction
At the Murray Stock Yards
Commencing at 1 0'Clock P. M.
Saturday, Feb. 22
Consisting of the Following
Well Broke Ilorses
One span of bay geldings, five years
old. we'. broke, weight 2200; fine
span of brown "geldings. Fix 'years
old. well broke, weight 3200; six
bay geldings, four years old. all hit-c?u-.j
a few times, weight 1300 each;
one span of brow n mares, seven years
old. well broke, in foal by 2000 lb.
Shire horse, weight 800; one bay
mare, seven years old, in foal by
same horse, weight 1400; one span
of black geldings fve years old, well
broke, weight 2 COO; one span of bay
mares, seven and eight years old.
well brolt-e, weight 3000; one span of
roan mares, five years old, well broke,
weight 2400; one span of gray geld
ings, fcix years old. well broke. vt.
2.r,00; one span well matched sorrels,
five years old. driven a few times,
weight 2700; one good all-around
saddle horse, weight 1100.
This is a true description of these
horses, all sound and iif good con
W. It. YOUNG, Auctioneer
W. G. B0EDEKEE, Clerk.
buildings costing not more than
Journal Want-Ad Vav