The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 13, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THURSDAY; FEBRUARY 13, 1019.
V H ::B 5 USS lHrStmill rtMR-'l .Z.;:ar:.1B,;;:lB-;:!.a business torfa y
10th Annual Eftask Ball
Given by Plattsmouth Aerie, No. 365
F. O. E.
... i
in connection wiui
I . . . 4 1. 1 1 - 1 . .. .. . .
j'TllC interests ui oie uauiv ue iijiu-
I ent3-
Howard Cotner who is stationed
"-'at Camp Jessup. (Ja., arrived home
!?lu'st Saturday evening calicd liere on
account of the illness of his father
SjJ. B. Cotner, who lias had a stroke
iQ!of paralysis, and who is now report
ed as heing some hotter. Mr. Col
lier is only home on a furlough, he
I exnects that his clischarfre will he
5j ready y the time he shall return to
1 the camp.
Saturday Evening, Feb. 15th
Liberal Cash Prize?.
Dancing Starts at 8 O'CIock.
Unmasking Promptly at 1 0:00.
Music by Kroehler Orchestra
Gents 50c ADMISSION Spectators 25c
Ladies in Mask Free
Lunch and Soft Drinks Served in Aerie Club Rooms
s b r n a h n z a n s.a a e h. a a b ,a. s ieibe a
gglF'rom Monday's Oally.
-( business called John Y. Sutton
- from his home south of Rock B!ui!s
5jto this city to look after the same.
ji Henry C. Long of Murray was a
HI; visitor in Plattsmouth this after
IB ' noon looking after some business for
j-j a short time.
g! M. L. Furlong was a visitor in
! I1nlcnmlllh thi-; J 1 1 1 r II i II !T tVdlll lllS
t uai.lHIMlUI . J .....
this city at the home of A. F. Sey-
hert and wife, returned to their j
home last evening. t
D. C. West of Nchawka, was a 1
visitor in this city for a short time
this afternon, coming from a busi
ness trip (o Omaha and stopping
here to look after some matters.
J. II. Me.Maken hauled hogs to
the South Omaha live stock market
yesterday and, by the way, he is do
ing a pretty good business of haul- fr
ing live stock to that market. .
J. M. Jordon was a business visit
or in this city today, arriving on
the early morning train from . his
home at Culloni. and is looking af
ter some business matters at the
con my real.
Charles K. Troop, the stock feed- 1 jJ
cr, departed this morning on an
earlv train for Omaha, where he
From Tuesday'. l'aily.
I). C. Kb.odi'ii of Murray was a
visitor in this city for the morning
ct liiiiig to meet tiie LurlitiKtou
James S. Pitman -.-f I'ni. n was in
li.e ciiy ye'ti rd.iy and was looking
after some bv.sKie-s at tie court
.Mrs. Will S'tiph-y. of LaPlalte.
v .i-- a visitor ia the city ihi-' morn
j: ;. co;:: ing to her lather. I. M.
C. '; ve -'.
; t rr..- iale R.iylcs of Alvo was
iti the city last evening, ciuing to
was a visitor in Piattsmouth this
afternoon, coming to look after
seme business, and to consult vith
Mr. -l'. A. Kawls about some legal
matters. ;
Mrs. Omar Vardley. of nc-tr Louis-,
viile. was a visitor m the cPy this
luorniug. coming to make connec
tion for Murray, where she uill visit
at the home of her mother. Mrs.
Earl llarkcr.
home near Rock Hhiffs and
looking after : omo business.
James Halchett of .Murray wa- a
visitor in this city thi afternoon
for a short time being called here
to look after some business.
Hi Will Meisinger from northwest of
y Mynard. was a -passenger to Oi.'.iha
i. this morning, where he is h.ol ing
fj after some business for a few hours.
a, Mrs. L. Cm. Larson, who has been
j visiting her daughter Mrs. K. K.
Foster and family at I nion lor the
past week, returned home Saturday
Lewis and Leonard Fcrnoff of
. near Cedar Creek were in the city
! today, having driven in with their
car. and are looking alter some
. business for the day.
K. C. Coleman. (Joorgo Pearson
: and D. K. Petersen all of Greenwo d
I vi re in the city th:r morning lok-
E. A. Kirkpatrick. of .Whav ka. :
i:r: after
was a visitor in I he city thi:-, morn-
the city an I
?t t 1:0
; here, both
onrt i. iuse.
ing.. looking after some business for,
i Mr. and Mrs. John Parkening who
the day. and last evening departed
for Omaha, where Tie has some mat
ters of business to tranact.
! have
been visiting in this city for
Sunilav at tho home of her
ipuents M. flild and wife, return":!
i to their heme at"Ce;lar Creek this
Paul Tighe who lives near Man- ; niorning.
legal matter for
look aft.:-r some
short tiive.
V,. Sfiu'of,' evening depart -e!
.'r Louisville, whore lie was
called for over nigh; ar.d- returned
home thi--. morning.
Robert. Shradt r. of near Murray,
v.a.; a vi itor in J'lattsmtmtli this
morning, couiii g to look after sot.;"
bo.-iii -.-; for t he day
C.en. V. Shrader of near Murray
. vi itor in thi?. city this morn
ing ! t.';:ing :.f;r : me inisi iir. aiid
visiting with friends.
- S:ua Cie'ai'!:?:i of iiar Aiynard
"a--- a vi'-!,(.r in tlii-; ciiy t Lis n:orn
i'lg ceiaing t h ok after seine busi
im" for a Qhrrt tint1.
,Icib Fro".;lie!i of n-:ar Eagle,
was a v'..-:i'?r in this r it y last eve::
i'ig at: i wa !o king after si ioe busi-i;e-s
;'.t the c-ourt house.
W. F. S'diieirert )I near Mat
ley was in the city this afternoon.
coming to look after some business
in the city and visiting with his '
former Plattsmouth frktids.
end 1 1 . Whiteinan
friends from Ne-
; this city
the afternoon vi-ited also :it Omnha
in the evening.
Andy Pitman
i with their lady
l.av.ka were visitors with friend- in
for a v. bile Sunday, and in
John Long, who iias been visit in
in this citv since yesterday and look- 1 returning home
ing for an opportunity to rent i. j I'l'itrv J. :v'lroeder of ( eu tr
small place, departed this morning : crc.0i.- -,Vas a visiter in Plattn'outh
for Lal'latte. where he will look af-j for ti,P ,iay today, coming down on
ter some business for the day. i inP t.arly train this morning, and
Miss Lenora Snyd- ! having some i-m.uie raa-.e ...
I,nu frr ll o K'K UIUT a.. WHI . l-..ll ri.ii..
has s.,n.e business matters to look
after at the live .stock market at ;
South Omaha. j
Mrs. S. E. McElwain who has '
been in Greenwood for some time'
pat. filled there last week by the;
death of her sister Mrs. E. J. Eth-i
lege, and remaining for the burial. I
and until the household was in a !
way adjusted to the new conditions
of things, arrived home this morn
ing. Je-eph P.ierl. from wet of My
: nr.! was a visitor in the city last
eveiii-i-r. looking after some busine's J
for a short t !::. Mr. liierl and
family will i'i a short time remove
to Grant, in Perl; ins county, near
which place Mr Iiierl but a short
time since purchased a farm of three
hui'.dre I and twenty acres which he
goes to live on and fain.
James t'.laha. who has been here
for some time, and who just a few
days since held a sale for the dis
position of his farming implements,
preparatory to removing from here,
departed for Omaha where he is
woiking. Mrs. !Jlaha is still here
and will remain for the present, but
they will st me time in the future
ri nrjve to Omaha to live.
t f " " - - - -
3 MODELS $41 - 568 - $100
Use.tne New Blue Amberol Records
The3e have been played 3,000 .
Times without Showing Wear
Mr. Edison has recently devised a special fitting for all the older types of
2-minute Edisons, which will adapt the new Diamond Stylus Reproducer and
permit the playing of the Blue Amberol Record, and we will fit it, adjust and
guarantee your instrument. All this refutes the slander that some talking ma
chine dealers have been spreading about Edison discontinuing the cylinder line.
The Edison Cylinder Phonograph is Better than Ever Before and
Record Production will Soon be Greater than Ever Before
W ey rich & Hadraba,
Last even in?
. who has been
j past few days, and was visiting with t
her mother in Omaha, where .Mrs.!
j Snyder underwent an operation last
Saturday, returned to her sun dies at
! Peru, on the evening Poirlington
i train.
treatment from the physicians he:v.
Elmer Hallstrom, cashier of the
bank at Avora. arrived in the city
last evening, and after vk-iting over
'night at the home of his parents, de
parted tliis niorning for Omaha, at
Prom Wednesday's Taily.
Mrs. Mol'.ie llan-on departed last
evening for Louisville where she is
visiting for a short time with
I Frank Vallerv of Murray was a
(visitor in this eity last ev.-i'i::"
I looking ;.f:er some business for a
short time.
y which place he will look alter son:";
I Henry Sander- departed last v-
Wednesday. February 1S4h
As 1 must reduce my farming operations on accour.t
of other business, I am going to consign 30 head of
High-Grade Guernsey Cows and Heifers to a public
sale, held at the Adam Kas farm, ?2 rrtile south of
Fort Crook, on above da'e.
JOHN FRAZEUR, La Platte, Neb. far his farm near Cedar Creek
i wl.fre he we-ii to assist in the work
for a few days.
Fred Sehleifcrt of near Louisville
. wa'-. a vi-itor in this city last ev !:-i!-g
for a few hours and was looking
after F.otr.e business for a short time.
I C. R. P.engen of soi'thws-st of My
' nard was a visitor in this eity f-r
! the il;y. ard while in tovn made a
' pleasant call at the Journal oftic -.
j l';:r'oy Shipley and wife of La-
Phitte were viit irs in this city for
ia short time this afternoon eoming
j on the, noon train and returning in
i the evening.
i William Kcil and wife of near
j Cedar Creek who were visiting in
EHrst Annual Sale
ieroM Mr ml
The Sows are all immuncd and guaranteed to be just ss repre- fci
fA scnted in the catalog.
at the homo of Otto Schafcr, near Cedar Creek, Nebraska,
Thursday, February 20th,
snnunn mum u
Kr.Mii Wednesday's Pally.
Coming from ?-hool and cast:ns
down the High Sehol hill, which is
decidedly steep. Klmer Jeiining's
came in contact with Miss Lillian
Th acker, the impact knocking the
young lady down and rolling her
along the walk, bruising her con
siderably. She was able to get up
though as soon as she .stopped roll
ing, while the fall from the wheel,
caused unconsciousness to ensue.
The young. man was picked up and
taken to the o:!ice of Dr. Flynn
where he was resusifated and foetid
more stunned than hurt, but had re
ceived a severe blow in his fall,
bruising him considerably. He was
able to walk from the auto to liar
clay's restaurant, after a short time,
and it is hoped that neither are in
jured severely.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
- - - ' - i f
oitnKR or ick it i n f
mid .otW- f Prolialf
ir W III
In t!a County Court of Cass enmity,
Stale of Nebraska. County ot Cass,
To all persons interested in the es
tate nt Madalena Veilery. d-'eeasod:
til reiidin tlie petition of Charles A.
Vallerv praying that the instrument
tiled in this court on tlif "til day of
l-'etuuary, 1 1 1. and nurportlnK' to be
the last will and testament of the said
d-e-ased, may be proven and allowed,
ami reeordnl as the last will and tes
tament of Ntr.jrdalena Vallerv, deceas
ed: that said instrument be admitted
t prol.ate. and the administration of
said estate be granted to Matbihle
Vallcry. administratrix o. t. a.:
It is hercb: ordered that you, and
all persons interested in said matter,
may. ami do, appear at the County
Court to be lic-KI In ami for said eoun
ty.on the Mid day of March A. I. l'Jl!
;it10 o'clock a. m., to show causf. if
any there be, why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the. pendency of said pe
tition and the htarinu thereof be civen
to all persons interested in satd mat
ter by publishing a copy of tliis order
in the I'lattsmouth .lournal. a semi
weekly newspaper printed in said coun
t v, for three successive weeks prior to
Siiid day of hearinjr.
Witness my band, and seal of said
court this th day of .February. A. D.
Seal 1 flU-oW. County JuiIkc.
of Plattsmouth.
Charter No. 1130 In the State of Ne
braska at the close of business
on January ltutt.
mitki: ok mm:
Loans ami liscounts .
Bonds, securities, judgments,
claims, eti
other assets Liberty Honds
I::iinkinj? house, furniture and
Current expenses, taxes and
Interest paid
lue from National and State
ttold coin
Sliver, nickels and cents....
.!r.. i .1
4 7
In the Iistrict ("nurt of the Coiintv
of Cass. Nebraska.
In the matter of the C,u;i id ia tisl, i
of Henry Kikenbary, mentally ineem
pet en t :
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance, of an order of .lames T. 1 li-
ley. Judge of. the li:trict 'ourt of
Cass county, Nebraska, made on the
Mh day of I e ember. r.HS. for the sale
of t real estate hereinafter describ
ed, there will be sold at the South
front door of the com t house in I'latts
mouth. Cass county, Nebrrska, on the
".tli day of February,- lSt:. at one
o'clock p- m. of said day at public ven
ture to the highest bidder for cash the
following lb-scribe, I real estate, to-wit:
Lot four Mi in the Northwest
U-i'ter of the S.nithwest qu.irter;
Jllso Iot live i.".) in the Southwest
ouartcr of the Southwest i'iarler:
all in Section nineteen (l'.'i. Town
ship twelve Mi' i. flange fourteen,
(It). Cass county. Nebraska.
Said sale to remain open one hour.
Iated this :51st dav of Jnnuarv. A.
D. KM!.
(tiiardian of the F.. -state- of Itncy l-'Jk-fu-."w(
enbary, mentally iii'-omp' ti nt.
OF Til 1-2
of Hurdock, Nebr.
No. t.Tx in I he State ot
hi.iska at the do ! ouslues;
on January s, i:il.
ki:s fi:ci-
You Know, but Sometimes Forget
Everybody knows an imitation Is
never as good as the genuine article.
Foley's Honey and Tar stands at the
top of the lit of family remedies for
colds, croups, whoojung cough, bron
chial and grippe coughs. AV. L. An'g
lin. Antioch, La., writes: "I have
used Foley's Honey and Tar for 15
years. It is the best." Sold everywhere.
Next Saturday evening, February
15. a program and a pie supper will
be given at the "Fairview" School
house. District 9, seven miles west
of Mynard. All ladies are requested
to bring pies and the gentlemen to
come "pie hungry."
10-2twltd Teacher.
Box paper from 25c to $5.00 at
the Journal office.
Capital stock paid in $ iiO.noiVOO
Surplus fund
t'ndivide.l profits 1.7S7.H0
Individual deposits subject to
check 14
Time certificates of deposit. SS.770.2:'
Cashier's checks outstanding; 1,(6'J.S!
hue to national anil state
banks I!l.."fi7.:.l
Depositor's guaranty fund... t'.79S.jO
.$311, 507. IG
State of Nebraska)
County of Cass ) ss:
1. T. M. Patterson. President of the
above named bank. lo hereby swear
that the above statement is a correct
and true ropy of the report made to
the State Hanking- Board.
Attest: President.
A. J. SCHAFKl:. Director.
K. P. Lt'TZ. Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this sth dav of February. P.tl9.
(Seal) Notary Public.
My Vommisision expires March J4,
Says It Is the Best in the World
Are you looking for a sate, relia
ble remedy for coughs, colds, croup
and whoopng cough? A. H. McDan
iel, Rox 51. Lindside, AW Va.; writes,
"I am glad to tell you that Foley's
Honey and Tar is the best medciinc
in this world, 'i had a severe cough.
Someone recommended it and before
I used half a bottle I was better."
Sold everywhere.
Journal Want-Ads ray I
Weekly Specials!
Try a sack of Gold Medal flour.
its fine, per sack l'.'i
Scotts Bluff potatoes, per bu $1.4(
No. 3 can Apricot butter, SSc
No. 2 can Apricot butter 2e
No. 2 can Apricot b'utter, cans57c
1G oz. Van Camp's Pork & Ileans 2!)c
22 oz. Pure fruit jam. per jar;'.."c
Large pkg. Seafoam, per pkg.
10 bars Pearl White soap
f lb. can syrup
10 lb, can syrupl
Washington Crisps
White Salmon, per can
Rex Lve, per can
3 lbs. bulk gloss starch
No. 1 English Walnuts, per lb.
Qt. jar Mustard, per jar
Large can peaches
No. 2 Lima Beans, per can
. lev
. '' o c
E. P. LU7
Loans and 1 i scon n t s . . . .
ivcnl ra f t s
P-mds. securities, judgments,
cl.i ims. etc. . .
H tier assets
P inking bouse, finnitiire and
Current expense:-:, taxes and
interest pa id -
One from National
and State banks.. $ :".:!,! LI. S."
'hecks ami i t ems '
of exchange "'.1.1
ciu-refiev ::.i:7.e
Cold coin .MMi.iiii
S i i ' i - r, nickels and
cents S!. 15
r. i.m
4. i:n;. is
r..i :.7.r.o
l ;!.;::
::s.::o7. ik
-tuck pa id in . .
. . . $
. .. ::, in !..".:
Write for catalog to
Surplus I ii nd
I " lid i veb-t prnlos .
Individual ih po-i?-.
su biect to chf ck : . S I ' ."; ---o
Tim" cettificafes ot
b posit 11 s. ('..".:. II
"ashler's checks
ontstHu.lieu I3.1S 2.1 .!!!.
I ;epoitoi s ;:uai'aiity fund... 2.171.1:1
Slate of Nebraskai
Count v of Cass ) s.-:
I, II. A. CulhiiiHtin. Cashier of Ui
above-named bank do hereby swear
that the ahoy st itei,;ent is a eorrei i
and true copy of the report made to
the State P.ankin Hoard.
At test : Cashier..
.1. L. Cl'THMANN. loreifor.
ili;.i:V A. Tool,, pirector.
Su if ,-ri Ik-iI and swm n to before tiio
thi.J 7th day of February. 1'Jlf.
jki:i:v i:. Miiii'c.n.
S'al Notary l'ublic-
v-tcity this ni(rning coming up troin
fff bi liomf neur I'ninn to lriii'k' after
some business for the day.
My Comin ission expires Mar. 2.1, l!i2ai
C. F. Harris was a visitor in this
What are the folks going to do about
that suit they promised you? You need it don't you? . As a rule
stores are not insane about the "looker" or "plumber" variety of shop
pers, but we're so sure we can knock their ears off by a saving of $3
to $5 over the city stcre "sales," that we want yoif to bring Dad and
in Ma and LOOK.
If you want a suit, just lug 'em in, they'll buy when they see these
models and fabrics we are offering at
$8.50 to $13.50
Others as low as $6.50
All the trimmings go with 'em too, kids; such as bu
plenty of pockets, belts, club buttons, cartridge pe
periscopes, guarantee and class.
Philip ffiimclL
&C&CC&C Stationery at fk Journal ofiTce.
Men's overs 1 Is a re not gett ing1 any '.'heaper.
and ours are not goim Up. but we are sell-
iing them 25c cheap sr than Omaha, and
when we sav overalls, we say Carhartt's.
ons' pvX