THURSDAY. FEBRUARY G. 101?). PAGE FOUR. PIATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Cbe plattsmoutb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at PostofTiee, Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE TOWNLEYISM IN ACTION. Did the ground hog sec his shad -:o:- l'ortupal is not going it for Man ual training again. :o:- We don't care if we sec six more weeks of the same kind of weather we have been enjoying. :o:- One of the hardest things to find in Plattsmouth is a friend who isn't hard up at the same time you arc. :o: When the profit-grabber starts out to do the most good to the greatest number, it's "number one" with him. :o: Put on another plate at the peace table. Lusatia wants in. Nobody knows much about Lusatia. but she sounds hungry. :o: I'nless the weather changes, t he groundhog probably will not see his shadow, prefering to stay in the shade where the hot sun won't strike him. :o:- Sometimea two baldheads not better than one. are A fool's inability is never inter fered with by his modesty. -:o: No man even though he be an adnostic, admires a woman who scoffs at religion. -:o:- Too much praiso can't be given to the Red Cross for their work among the prisoners in the Herman ramp.-. Had it not been for the food sent through them. many, many of the American boys would have starved. -:o: As between giving the wife an al lowance and givinu her the whole pay check, the argument is all in favor of niving the whole pay check. No husband can borrow much from a wife who has to worry alone; on an allowance. :o: It is folly to believe there will be no more war. It is equally fool ish to make ourselves believe the procedure followed in the past war was the best. A drilled youth of our land will come nearer banish ing such struggles in tho future than any other one factor. :o: While we do not approve of ev erything that President Wilson does, yet there are so many acts that are right and good, that we do not. feel just Tied in criticising those few we do not like. That is the way every American should look at the acts of President Wilson. -:o:- "(ormany is beginning to per ceive that she is an outcast nation," says a headline. It took only about three and a half years for her to gt that through her head. And once Germany is in a receptive mood, it may be only a matter of forty or fifty years before she learns that by assiduous application to her own business, bhe may be gin to regain her place among civil ized nations. -:o:- Thc "icn" which is reported to have attacked some of the delegates at the Peace Conference is not an unusual epidemic at such gather ings. It was very pronounced at the Congress of Vienna and caus ed much trouble. The Germans caught it while making the Treaty of Frankfort and never really did get over it. The present outbreak is said to be in the form of a slight skin irritation, not dangerous. Hut time and the map of Europe will show. There Is mors Catarrh In this section of thf country than all other diseases put and for years it was sup posed to be incurable. Do'.tors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it lncL.ra.ble. Catarrh is a local disease, preatly Inlluerctd by constitutional con ditions and therefore requires constitu tional trcatr. ?nt. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine, manufactured by 1. J. Cheney Co.. Toledo, Ol io. l.s a constitunona' remedy. I taken Internally and eett thru th Blood on tho Mucous Surface: of the Sy3tem. One Hundred lo'.lar3 t" ward 13 offered for any cn?o that i't-.W: Catarrh Me.Il ir.e laila to cure. Sen 1 to circul.iri and t osri menial. . I". J. CHUNKY A- '. Toledo, Oi.lo. i-'olu by rutf ifi "0u. Hall's Family Fills constipation. All the rest of the meal having hiked in price long ago, now comes some higher priced coffee with our dessert. :o: The Army of Occupation has re ceived its American machine guns in excellent time for the spring duck shooting season. -:o:- One thing about the members of the legislature, they can adjourn as often as they please, but they get no per diem for the time they are doing nothing. -:o: German papers say Theodore Roosevelt was tho "arc'i enemy" of Germany. This is the nost com plete and wholly satist'ac ry eulogy that has yet been uttered. The North Dakota nonpartisan house refused Monday to pass a bill forbidding the display of the red flag in that state. The man who will bring a bill like that into a body controlled by that socialist, A. C. Townley, and expect to get it adopted might as well expect to open a Methodist class meeting with "Tho Gang's All Here." But it was a good tiling to pro pose it. It put the nonpartisans on record. The virtual declaration of the nonpartisan legislature that they would do nothing to prevent the substitution of the red flag for the Stars and Stripes makes it just a little clearer what kind of an ex perience the people of North Dako ta are going through under . non partisan leadership and how neces sary, it is going to be for that state to shake off the yoke of the bolshe vik! if she h? to have the confidence and share the prosperity of the rest of the country. Minneapolis Tribune. than 50 years ago. The name of that army was or rather, iu the ! Grand Army of the Republic. Over the same route there march ed, in July, 1917, a lot of fine old gentlemen who wore the gray and proud they were to march there. For that reason there can be nothing sectional in the idea that, after all perhaps the most ap propriate place for the A. 10. F. to receive the plaudits of its grateful fellow countrvment would be along the sweep of Pennsylvania avenue. Washington. D. C. Stars and Stripes (official A. K. F.) :o-- :o:- WEEPING ALONE. -:o:- However, there is this to be said for the modern safe: No honesi man can break it open and take away the contents. It takes a fairly well educated yegg. :o:- The little war with the Germans ended in November, but apparently the war between regular army offi cers and national guard divisions continues with unabated fury. Congress will be doing some thing for the common people when they strike a .death blow to profit eering not only in high places but in low places also, where the great est good to the greatest number can be done. -:o: Champ Clark made one good move toward the presidential chair the other day when he nipped in the bud the plan to Inaugurate an other salary grab, increasing the pay of congressmen from $7,500 to $10,000 a year. :o: The Mexican government wants to buy some airplanes from us. with which to soar over and drop bombs on their countryman. Pancho Villa. Is it possible that the Mexi cans are growing weary of this lo cal celebrity, too? :o: No doubt those who have been revealing .conscientious objections to subscribing to Liberty loans and war relief funds will feel better about it now, since Mr. Baker has rewarded the military objectors. And since the number of those who religiously object to giving ijp money greatly exceeds the number which objects to military duty, Mr. Baker's course begins to look like better politics every day. :o:- has will will Young Tom Walling who been in France f:r some time arrive soon on this side and land in Boston, with many of the boys with whom he has been asso ciated, a host of them being direct ly from that city, and the people of the bean city expect to give the boys a great reception on their ar rival. Tom is the only one from this section with those boys, who has been with them for some time. and tncreiorc not altogether a stranger and will enjoy the time of his life. Tom has been in some hard fighting in the country in France and Germany where most of the hard fighting was done and deserves fine treatment over here. He will most assuredly get the best in the land when he arrives in Old Plattsmouth, where we are all ready ro welcome him with open arms and gild hearts. There is nothing in the way of truth in the poet's statement about "Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone." mi les st he latter part of it was in tended lor those who dwell in large cit ies. Here in Platlsmoulh, and in most every community of like population. it won't hold good. Let one of the familos of our community be in sorrow ami the wnoie coininiinii feel for them in their affliction and weeps with them. When parents lose a soldier boy in the service, in stantly out goes the sympathy of other parent, who. too. have a son fighting for us at home, or ready to fight, and often there flows a sympathetic tear for those in sor row, even though they be not sic (luainfed with cither the dead or the living. It has always been the case in mitk i: m-' si it to w ii:t ti i i.i:. In the District Court l the County of Cass, Nchra.Ua. Albert Timmas. Plaintiff Mrs. .lames Neill. first real riame unknown, et at. Defendants. To the defendants. Mrs. .lames O'Neill, first leitl name unknown, the unknown heirs. le isees I ft a tees, personal rep resent Ht ives and all other persons in terested in the estate of Thomas I! I'.i.idon. deceased: the unknown heirs if visits, legatees, personal representa tives and all id her persons iiitorevto. in i he e siate of Mrs. Thomas I!. Gordon lii-st real name unknown. de eased, the unknown ln-irs. devisees, legatees, por . onal representatives and all other pei- .-.....: iiii. -rest .'ii in t he c.-iaio 01 .10110 W. Clark, deceased: Mrs. John A. Do! I, ..i, first real name unknown: the un- L n.iirii lieirs. lli-visiM'S. legatees. per sonal lciire.-ciilal ives and all other pel interest..! iii the estate of John Doleiuaii. d used: the unknown iicirs. devisees, legatees, personal I c rescnlal ives .in. I all other persons in terested in the estate of Mrs. John A. In. 'email. Hist nal name unknown, de ceased: Mrs. A. "West, tu name unknown: the unknown devisees, leiratces. personal repii- lives and all other persons in the estate or I'rainis A. eased: the tinUiiown heir Icuate.-s. per.- .. I I fit Lei- liel'.- late of Mrs. I-tamis A. West, first real name unknown, deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, peisona! rep resentatives and all other pet ie rested in the estate of .hell, deceased: tie devisees, legatees, pel lives and all : l H the est a t e 1 -t I l.l il ' . sent;. - 1 lit crested West, de . devisees. nal representatives are ms interested in the -s- i s III- .la no s M i :i- nnkliowii hens, una I rcprescii t a - II, er nelsons lllt.los'eO id' .lames I . M mm in ! I. - c. ;.cd: lh" unknown liens. no i.-. . . Icgatei s. personal n pi cs n la I i v es i;n all other persons interested jTl the es tale of Anna .1. Mim-hell. deceased: tl unknown lieirs. de isees. legatees, pel u.oeil rcio esenta' i fs ami an innei vons interested I'l the estate of . i ..n.. r dec-ased: the unknown devisees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interest. 'J i-i the estate of I.. Cmpcr. tiisl real name unknown. deceased: the tm Known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other pel -interested in the estate of S.i I : t; Minimin. .Ie cas-d: the niikn heirs devisees, baaf-is. personal , 'es and all other pel lel ested ill ! he estate of lh I tiriit real name unknown, dec'; Ma rv heirs. o -A 11 li-tl- sops n- 1 1 I l! II . Ml se.l: lh. unknown lieirs. .i.visecs. i.-k.i -.iiiil Irpn septal i cs and all other p.-r-voiis interested ill the estate of M:rh' 1 Heche, deceased; the unknown !;cts. devisees, legatees, personal I cprcscii : a -ives and all other persons Interested i.. it... ..ant,, of I ill Heche, deceased: . i. .. i ,,.i. ! l-.etiailoiu: .aiis. .-H""ii ' I i ...iiadoin. first real nami our community. It is only in large cities that people weep alol,r- j, "'7 In .lac t he per: pet -oils .1 a coli e-irs. (,we..o Ml.-a. Pljiicmniilli thr-re i -; : oersons Interesttn siinnii i - in ii.t always plenty of human sympathy and unselfishness. It is in the city where men's emotions are deaden ed and where friendships are con fined to little groups Instead of en tire communities. The world is all right, and there is enough love and effect ion to save it for a million years, but when it comes to the dark side of this old world we want to be in a com munity just like 'this vhen it comes. :o: I .. .. I..;.- Shimon IV uuh'iov. n : leviseis. legatees. and nil other in the estate m deceased: the un known hells. l!e .sees. ieuaiet-s. e . - sonal representatives and all otl,-r per ;..tis interested ill the estate of Mrs. wimon IV Heiia loin. first leal name un ktri'wn deceased: .I.icoh Ilium: Mrs. -li I'calll. HI'S! t eas name our.. luknov.ti heirs, devisees, legatees. iii-;tl representatives ami all ether -e.-1 eil 111 i in cs i.i i e Ilea PI. ili cease i: me iimkm-.".. devisee, personal tci- tcsi nt.itivts and an "inn ... ..rested iii the eft ale of Mrs. .lacon He-nit first real name unknown. de- 1- Mans IV Mllnieii, .iiaiiett John Knmi.ii: Mrs. John Knm-i al name unknown: me iiiumc-".- devisees, legatees, peisnn.ii i.r- nd ill! other in terested in the esiao n p deceased; the unkliow i heirs. de is. es legatees personal representatives :f other persons leiiciesieo in n. if Mrs John Krotiarn. in si c.i . unknown, deceased: the unknown .levis.-cM leiratces. personal n-p- THE GRAND REVIEW. The topic of post-armistice dis cussion that crops up often in these discussionful days (after "When are we going home?") is, "Are they going to have a big parade for us when we get back and where is it going to be?' The launching of that question can start a good two-hour wrangle around the oil issue stove, a knock-down-ahd-drag-out sectional squabble, in ani" barracks or billet in France or (ier many. The I'ostonians, of course, wan? that parade to go down Trcmonr street and debouch upon Jiostcn Common, scene of America's earl iest struggles for liberty. The New Yorkers, of course, want it to start from the Washington arch and pro ceed up Fifth avenue to Columbus circle, thence across town ami up Hiverside drive to Grant's tomb which is quite a hike. The Chicag oans, of course, want it to go down Michigan boulevard: and the Po dunkers, of course, want it to start from the Kagle house and go down Main street as far, at least, as Mas on's block. While wo are rather inclined to take the side of Podunk (which is a general term) against its bigger sisters, we have just a bit of a sug gestion, which we put out here just to see how it takes. There are a lot of fine old gentlemen in the United States who will remember all their days the review of an other review of another great army .Hr.T.vf l ll More than four thoussnd Deico-Liht plants were de livered for war work. They were used to supply elec tric light in camps, storehouses, hospitals, Y. M. C A. huts, airplane hangars, .sub-chascrs and other branches of the service. In Red Cross hospitals at the front, Deico Light operated life-savins X-ray apparatus. Delco-Light was specified by the Government because it is dependable, efficient, simple to operate, requires little attention, and because it is AIR-COOLED. The result of Government tests and the satisfactory use of Delco-Light on over 60,000 farms r.r your as surance that Delco-Light will give you the same de pendable service. It betters living conditions. increases farm efficiency, and soon pays for itself in time and labor saved. ISY ROSENTHAL', Phone D. 5093 Omaha, Neb. THE DOMESTIC ENGINEEIUNG CO.. Dayton. 0!io MaLara of DEXCO-UGUT Products ; rn n n n n n n n r . .1. j If -. 7 ? I -Til -j. I tt-xtj.i:. jj. ti..' Jij 1 ' ' j ! j 1 ?ii t if s. I'l-rsonal ri-iHi-si-ri ta t i is iiii'l i!l nthi-r r.-i ti .-- i n t i-i-s t il in thi- i-.i- t;ito of W. 1 . .Mi II iam. fii-t li-nl n;im- ti ii ktinw ii. il.-ii-asiil ; lln- iiiikii.iwn hi irs. visi'i's. ;. t its. ;n r.- i n;i i i . ; . . rsi-ti I . i - tivi-s Jim! all nlhi-r lirrsnns iiit .-t -.! in lh. .tal- i! Kuth '. M.'iiiain, .1. niil: l..lia M .-rii.-i mi. wiilnw: t. iMikimwii ln-irs. .Ii' i.-i i-s. li'at. i s. in i .-i. il r. in I'm iila 1 1 s ar,.l all nthi liillS i !i t .Ii--1 I'l I ill l'- ivt;i- i.l S. liliiii N. Mi l l iam. ;ihn kiinvn as S. Mi rriaiu. iliirasi.l: Wil'i.ii-i laishitiskv I :t t . ' . ii i.'i-hiask-: Maltha Kinsmr linn ; C; rii tt. iii--t fi'al naiin tMikiiiiwii : l : l.iikii.nvn In n s, ilcvisi-i : li-Kiil.i-s. iiitMiiial 1 1 1 1 ri '.s . ii t a t i i s an.l til nthi-r in'isiii i a l t'ipsi eil in tin- t- tati- nf l-taritt. lirst rial naiin I'.r.iwii. liisl .-as-i'pM: t -vt I.i-irs. ri-si-n ta t i ves lati-nami In ir: roenla 1 1 tif-stf.l in I'iilmor. il' I ii - ....1 ;.ll Ot I Iff llllSllll.- tli.' statt nf Tlmnias 1. ..,.r..i- tin- iiiikiiiiwn luirs. .'.i-visi . liu'atfs. ii.rsi.tial rfM sent a -livi-s ami all ntln-r ..msimis inliMfSl in tho ostat.- of Mrs. Th-mas .. lal- iiiiknuwn. ili'ii first rial TialiH' i:u- ; lira IT, tirst i-i- iirt-r. first rf!" I naiin ,.,1 - '. S. tirnfl'. , . M.-w W . .. .. ...1.. 11,. IK naniH iifiKliiiwn; tin- v ist.s. i.KHt.fs. pirsnnal r:.r,-s,-i. ta -tiviw ami all othor ,,ors..,.s intfr.-st.-. n tin- .'olat.- of W. S. Uralf. Inst r.a a,:,,' nnkm.w.r. ....-i-as.-.l : 1 1..- k.,..w v h.-irs. il. vls. es. 1 a t .s. ..-i I I . -... ...t .it hot- p.-rs.nis iii- t.-irst.-il in tin- -state -f Mrs. f,.t i-.hI nam- unknown. ...1: M. ". Ill n, tirst r-al at.. m w tlr n, .inknown i.-n i.inr-iii.ui.' ni-rsoiial l t;.1ivos ;itil 311 min i P'T"tis inti-r I 111 l-1 - . , I nriL-mtU'ti lM-';iPl h.iis. .i-vis.-s. - sonal ri-M-s-t.Uitiv-s ami all oth l 1 1 -sons in tl'- -sat- ' M V. :i n. tirst r-a I riant- n iIimchs I: .los-li .M'r-arv v.i.ii Mi-Crnarv. lirst r-al Kii.Mwi. tu- un,l i'Ua ies, iifisoiiai i - - ...i ! in tli- iii' W. S li-ci-as- nam- nn tirst ri-al in-si-n- f.rn. tirn lln- t:n- llii-- of Sa ill- Mrs. .1 nam ua- .1,.. .,..U....'ll n- I S. lll- !.-- i ' . isi'iila I iv-s am ....i-uoriu tit first -il in lull- of .liist tili '' ' ' " ' ' tl,- unknown l.-irs. .1-vls s. ; noi sonal i -.r-s-nta i iv-s ml al ot i t ,,,.,-sons inl-r-st-.l in tli- -stal- l Mi-.l,.s-,.l, M. l'r-arv. lirst r-al nam- . n irm.wn. .1 as-.l: Mrs. M.mml rust nal nam- unknown: Mis. .nnni 11 l-:il.rt. lirst t-al nam- nti.m'"i i i-Aiii-Kuoiiiniivos n ml all i.itsiiiis inti-l-sl-il In tli- -sta t.-l II. Kll.-i t. .I.-. -as-.l; tli- unknown H.-irs, .1-vi.s s. 1-Kat's. r-rsonal r-l- Ives an.l all ' " 1 ' I er "A1 1 ". teresle.l in tl.e estate of Mrs. " II i:il.-rl. Inst r-al nam- unknown. . ' .1 L ....W .1 l.- is. ll. VISI -S. letrat-es. personal an tnii-i i'-i '"- in.----- ,i,r la- of Kmma K-iiiuk. ....-...-.... unknown 1,-irs. .levise-s 1 ' f, mrsolial lepri senlalives ami al I ot I , i nelsons interesteil in tlm -stat- .i Flora lmi.K-ii- l:-fnik. .lee-as-.l. tl unknown li-irs, .l.-vis-es. H-i,'ate-s. j.-i-stmal lepr-K-nlaliv-s ami all otl'-i persons interesteil in the estate oT SptP-r S. Killings, also known as r-. S Hillings, ileeea-il: '- unknown l,"eirs il.-vis s. legatee s. personal r.l " '...ii i n nelsons in- ri'sr ii i ii i i rn ni" nn ..I.. ..i.t.iti" II... linkllllWII .sees', l-uat-.'-s. persotial repi - ' ami all other persons i "u'r'r,V' ' i.. estate of I'linton l.illlntjs, n - i-onui.,1 l-'.lls. M.-iiia Hillings .-pi-n... Allen . Spene-r: tlraeie liarlini; lines fom laii.l: OemR- opei.tmi unknown lieirs. ilevis" sonal representatives sons Interesteil in tlu1 lepresentatives sun. leil in me i:il- Irene Mur- lieirs. il-vi til- ll.e JeKatees. per mit nil oi n-i- i"- -estate of il-orir- Speneer Itlllinirs. .le-t fs 1 ler Rilling, wi.low: .Samu. I I.ilMnus. Clinton HilllnKs; I.ouis Hillings: .ia; -l-v RillhiKTs; Kern l?illlnrs: Mora l. i- ll..o- Is. fir llilli.,..- . I'. ' ii ii k now- ii. il- -ea seil : tl i.aim- unknown: th- ..nkinmo heirs, devisees, liKaiees. persona! rep resentatives ami all other persons i;;- eresled in the estate of Hi"" n. irst real name :nkii'w n. i .-.- a e.'. : l'.arietl - nrow n. a part n-rsn n eoiv- ,,....,,! ,,r liarrett. tirst leal n.i.::e nkm.iwn, ami flrown. lirst real n,ihii"Wi; . i.ipiiian. ni si i . .i r.aiii.- unknown: the unknown heirs. i . legatees, personal t e,)iesen ta -tn.l all other persons interiste.l estate ol A. Ship man. lirst n-.i' unknown. ' as.. I ; Annie IV IC1 the unknown lu irs. devise, s, s. persona' representatives am! it her per., of Ann ie il. i. ti is in th na 1:1" lis. .11 1. -at all tut i:r- tiesl levise-s. Ii-wa; tives ami all in lh.- i--t.lle east. I: Kd.lie lis interested 111 lh. IV Kllison. d. .eeased: n : the unknown heirs, ees. personal represenia olher persons interested I' i:rtiest I-:. i:ilison, !.' lh Kllison: tlie unknown heirs. .! isees. legatees, personal reo resi ntallves and all other persons i . . .tested in the t state of l-ahli- i:. l-:i-Msou d.-iiased. the unknown heirs. !e is.-es. ie-alees. pirsimal represen tatives and all oth. r persons interest ed In the eslaif !' M. I". Kllison, lirst real name unknown, de-eased; the un known owners and the unknown elaitn ints of lots one Ml. two three i:!l. four til. live iTii. six tl . s.ven l7. i;hl i. nine ('.'. ten (10). Mil. twelve il.'). thirteen- I 1 :: teen till, tit'leeii M"il. sixteen lj!i. . veiileen M7. eighteen IIM. nineteen i tweiitv iJHi. t went v-om twenlv-two (-. T-r.-entv-thl ee I - :in,l tweiitv --four I." Ii. in U k nin tOi. ill 'I'hompson's Addition itv 'f I'laltsimuitli. N'ehraska one iiundred live Mi:.l. l.-iiisj eleven . foil I' ll . lor niim- s!)ll-li!VISIiMl .1 ten lit". I 1 S I, all in Towi:- MMilh l:anue fiur- st of the Mil IV M . tne iss. X. l.iaska: ti lh airl .lot a suli- division of the lorlheast iiiarter i .x r. '.i of the northeast quarter .K'4 of . lion nineteen Mil, and '.end twenty-two i-l'l. a of I Jo v eminent lot niinilei jf Sei'tlun eighteen ship I Wei ve I 1 ".' '. teen Ml). I'nUlltv of I You are h.rel.v notified that on fi lst da- of IVliriiiny, 1!t I :. plaintin lih-d his suit in th- liistri't I'mirt of the I'.'., in t of -ass. N.l.raske. to pii.l '.lain tiff's title to the a Lot - d-silil.-.l land. t... wit: I.ots om- M . two 't. hue . ::i. four I U, liv. six ii.i. seven ( T . iuht x, nim- !'. ten MOi. levin MIL I wi U" ML' . thii n-i! !:. i-oiirte. n MIL lilt" -ii 1 " , sixteen MM. .... .....i...... i 17i eighteen MM. nine teen M !t i. twenty I t went V - I wo ( I. a ml t went - foil r I Ml 'l'hollllson I Ma 1 1 smoiit h. I'll, tu .-111 -one I - 1 ). I went v-t I : re.- ( I I i in hloi k nine :i i. .l,lili,,ii to the I'ltv el Nehraska, a nd lot .n. i i l in-., .l.i-.i lie nir a s u i .o i is i ,.u ,,f the northeast u-atler 'Nt.'i' "f the northeast ipiarfr ' N K ' i of s-e'--liitn nineteen M'.U. em! lot n inn twentv-two IJi. a sulidivisi-iri of .o - emmet. I lot ler, ' I'M. of S-Hl'it, Hllh- leen MM. all in Township twelve M l. v.,ifi, iranee fourteen Ml), east of the i:tt, r M. in the county of Cass. N-- i si.-:. I.e.ause i,f the adverse posse shin I'V liimseif and his t,...i I.-n -ars prior .,t of said suit and to etijoi ml all ol on- 1 1 om n.i . ... inv r L'ht. 1111'', lien o' ;ran1ors lr to the eo'n- eai'h elaitninir or i n - m; i i t In II. . of 'ass, "V i 1 1 ia ni vs. Almond I od " e. K Xeeu will and I e s t a l l 1 1 1 1 I'l'l hes. d. ei ased. el ii'' M. IT I M-'l i ii I Nehraska. A. Callowa ill Ol II.I iiirl of tin- iii i.i:. Count I'la ill! r the hisl A i:i. i mla of tl. In I. mlants. To tl.e defendants. Almond i...1j.-, eeeuior of the last will and testa ment of Amanda l-'orhes. dei e.ise.l: j. In.ile..-; I'hei'e Moor. ; the i,n- klloW'll Il. llS. ilex isees. legatees. i, - sonal representatives and all olhei persons inleiested in the .-slate nf Vmamla Km hes. deceased: Win. .1. Cul ler: the unknown heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal re pi esenta I ives am! all other persons interested in the estate of Wm. .1. Cutler, deceased; Margaret K. Cutter: the unknown heirs, devisees, leirat.-es. personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of Mariraret K. Cutter, dec.ased; Wm. II. Kmori.k. .lr: Mrs. Win. !i. Kint-riek, .lr.. lirst real name unknown: the unknown l:"l's. .lev isees. l.-uat-es. personal lvpri sen ta t i v.s and all other persons inleiested in the estate of Win. H. Kmcriek. Jr., de, eased: tl.e unknown heirs, devisees. le"ratee. personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested i.i th- estate of Mrs. Wm. II. Knit rick. Jr., Itrsi real mime unknown, deceased; C. W. Kins-, first real name uiikliown: the unknown heirs, devisees, leuate.-s. perso'ial representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of C. W. Kinii'. first real name un known, deceased: Harriett Kins;: the' unknown lieirs. d-visees. 1-aatees. per sonal representatives ami all other persons interested in the estate of Harriett Kin;, deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of Anna Sohul diee. deceased: and the unknown own ers ami ll'.e uiikiiowii ciaimaius m nn. three I :'. ami eighteen MM. in Section seven (7 1. Township twelve M.I. Norlli Kanue fourteen Ml), east of the nth IV M.. in the county of Cass, Nehraska: You are herehv mdihed that on the 1st dav of Keliftiary, A. I. 1 i' 1 :. plain- tiff filed his suit in the lustrict I'niiH of the Count v of Cuss, Nehraska. to uiel plaint ill s title to the follow kiu liescrincii lami. to-wn. i.o-m imee i .. i ami eighteen MM. in Section seven Mi. in Township twelve 1121. North llanue urteen illi. east of tho fith IV M .in the eountv of Cass, Nehraska. hecause f 1 1 is-- adverse possession hv hmisell and his grantors for more than ten vears prior to the commencement nf aid suit and to enjoin each and all of ou from havintr or claimmt; nny riht, title. Ii-n or interest, either local or e'luitaole in or to sain lami or an'. jail thereof, am! alleitini; tnat none of von are In the militarv or naval ser vice of the l'fii-d Stales of Atn-rien: to re. in In on to set forth lour riul t. title, claim, lien or int. rest therein. If any. either lecai or ciiuita Me, and to . a i t it I ;u f. : i j I'll. : - 1 1 or t .. I re 1 .t. i -a.l.- p'ir said P- - i.i nil : r. ; i lie same a il i in 1 of pla i n t i fl a !ld l or ; i a hie I ! h-; . This n. : i , e slant to tie ord.-r of ii, You ar.- re.i iiiid 1o .iii- tilioil o l,- l.efole M..,d . I I. 1 ! 1 ''. o, -. ,. .1 d. 1.1 Mil entered 1 i I e Ie i 11. W I 1.1.1 A M A. IA I. I.i iU" v v. I 'la in I ill' W. A. Kohi itson, Attorney for 1'laintilT. or m:itii. nin! iie l'i-fitl..n for -l- lleiiiriit of t-4-4,11 at t . In the Countv Court of c,,ss Nehraska. Slate of Nehraska. Ci- i.e.n!. s I" tiii' io ns oi i;. ofre . i ii,i deceased, and :t ' I nersons in!"., .-ti the esta t e of ' :. . : u ... ( ml ! m. ceased. Ol 1 cad inur the pel it i .-: of I ',, I'ldham. ad :u i n is ; i ,i t r i . ;t ,( -. i ,tl. :, sett leiu.oit ami aiiowal...1 of i r con nf tiled in this ,...ii 1 on i : . day of January. lvi:. and for heirship ami a.-.-iuiiiii.-nt i f . and pi-rsona I . I I is hel l hv ii. de! d 1 h i I all persons ii,("n - i-,l in s.. may. and do, al ; Colli t I o I..- held i n a t'd f ir i t on the Mil, dav of I'. 1., .. i :!:. at i mliuk a. m. lo ;.,.w- if any there he whv the pnn.-r ., i petitioner should n,.t he t-1 a . t ., nun iioijcc oi i',e ei.i;ei. ,i; tit i"n a ml i he iiea i in t i. t , , ,f I . en to all petsoi-.s i at i es t .-d in :ii. ler l.y ptildishiue.' a i pv . ( is in the I'latfsinoiith .loaiv i de. i . tat- . i'ii. 1 in 't I 1 I A. I !- WeeKly newspaper county. for one Wee dav of iii a I i it si 1 11 Wit to SS W he. of. sC in. Pap,l ai d ti e this :; M it dav of .!.,.,. a i.i.i :n .nli'. pi n I i'.v (Scall-n-lw. :llv . J. m ;i 'oil II ! v ! i. i:i:nci ! et . ; 'd '.. I '. 1 ' S. i. .!: wiiiti:. CU I i FOR SALE Or will rent after .Mareli I t. acres of very rit !i land, iiu lui'.ine house ami tvt lot.', barn, tie, all leuceil with r.-lt. uoven wire. I.... catetl in Mynanl. Neltr.. A la:!, s riattstnuuth. only -j blocks from depot. 2 blocks I', o. ;ii,.l store. .Ms,, iV dw-Iliiitr bouso j,, Mynanl. f(,r sale. T.tip.s if wanted. w. n. l'ouTr.i:. Drs. Mach & (Viach, The Dentist The largest and best equipped dental offices in 0l.a Experts in charge o 1 work. Lady attendant. Mod erate Prices. Pored :!n f ilings jVt Lie looth. Ia3t:u ments carefully steii!icd nflcr tifing. THIRD FLOOR, FAXTON BLOCK, CM AH A ra teresl.. either Puai or .-i i. i.. ... . to said lands or any part., th.-r.-or to reqiiire yon to s-t fort li V-n r lih, title, claim, lion or Interest herein. I. a.,v. either 1eal o,- e.o.ltahle. a r,d I o have the same .nl.imUveil inferior to tie .1.1.. .a- ..l iintilT and for m-tiera! eiin- , .1.. ,...i:. .r rri. is notice is mad t. ...... In the order "f th v- .....lilted lo answei .' l.r.r.,1.. M I.I . Mil II I' 1 nun .. .i..r:init will he duly erit i.. i.-. --. -.- - - - tlierein. . .;ti m.mas . l'laintiff. ". .. Uohertson, His Attorney. court. pur ,1 p- red W. O.. rvUI-L-Tk..1 CV'H , Lawyer. East of Riley Hotel. Coates Elock. Second Floor. ! held in the national capital more' tirst" real name imknown: Jt"tU d -iglea" .M-'I'HIn' liaui; the unknown btrlrs, oe"""- Fistula Pay When'Curet! othMR-talll.-.o.i,. - .k. . "r" ."r9- f'ula Bad Un a I pprrntmn. N ChWorm " 'ft.- .0lAr.yTr ": --. uuirr cocil c u u -aar uis gu-al pprrntum. N Chloroform. Ft'hrr for treatment, and no money to h paid onti I nirnd Writ for Kirk and testimonial of mors than lOOii prominent people ho have bo DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Boo QnIIdln- rm a . i on Keet, I 1im.,. it!, Jr ,9 Alfalfa-Molasses Feeds! The best and most economical feed for live stoclc. Write us for description and prices Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co., Omaha, Nebraska A A V