The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 30, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    t :---:'
i ;
I !
J. i -
Lisle 50c, all colors, at 40c
Silk and Lisle 75c, all colors, at 50c
Silk $1.00, all colors, at 75c
Heavy Silk $1.50, at $1.00
Fancy clocks, White, Beige $1.50, at 1.00
All our 25c, 30c, 35c and 4Cc grades of men's hose go on the counter at 25c per
pair. We have these in all sizes and shades, with a good work sock selling at
20c. These are rare values for dress socks.
You will lose nothing by buying them by the box.
Kii'-m Tuesday's Daily.
.Mrs. Maude Itust erholt z of LouL
ville came fk n to this city on the
i!i iriii!iK train for a short visit with
relatives and friends.
.Mrs. V. W. ates, of Kansas City,
vas a passenger to Omaha on the
afternoon trait;, where she will visit
fric ids for a short time.
Miss Aiiie Met 'am. II of I'nion.
who spt nt Sunday in this city, the
Kiie.-t of .Miss Ma itie Larson, return
ed ! ('!)! ytsterday morning.
Mrs. J. K. Meis'ni;er came down
i'iimii Cedar Creek this :iirninn for
short visii with relatives and
fr:'-i.ds atid to atiend to some busi
s ii;at t- rs.
Mr. ;",e W'alliaer of Asl:iantl
aiiic down to t:is cit' on the morn
ri: train id attvnd h- funeral -f
tin- lac John Uauer. Sr. and to at
tend o swine business matters.
Clen Va'.bry and lataily of .Mur
ru .-.lind t this ciiy this after
iniuM iia!;itjd in si-irf business mat-
nI visit trlends for a few
ho i: s.
Mr. a:.d Mr,. M HnVs lepart
id i'.ir lia-i'ieK. .,,:.. on i !ie iiiidn:i;lit
rr.tii!. . Li t e .tliey v. i'.l visit rela
ti -s at: I friends for a few days.
'! l.-'.v v;i!. ;;l-o. attend to :-om.' btl.-i-i
.s matters.
Mr. and Mr-. A. Ca:ln f
s-';. t ida :. Wy.i.. who are inakint; ai.
ex'en'ieil vi.-it witli i!ie:ii--- in t'.e
city m.ti' p.i- I'li.'.vrs to Omaha thi-i
!a ii:iin-. where- they will the
t'.ay visit it: frieii's.
C. K". Tefi! i i Wi' i jiu Water. :ir
rr. ! la-t i-vnn's frc;a Oiiu.ha,
wl;ere in h.a.l li.'en during the day.
and was 1 i "i i : i it after foi!,
lei sine:;
for a horl tirae. and after iiivin;
'!:! r-lei ed h's biisine .t' iu re depart
i.d I't hi l.o:.:' via the Mi.--.-nijr! Pa
H -ro'd et'.ii f
bei n 1 ; xl.'u-;:pf'i-
p.d in ih:-:
I.i'ieoh1. vh.
h' i f Mr.
t ii '.r
.. for
city i
I- the:
i ti ?.!
.;:ie. tii:e. sto'i- j
;i tlreir "asiv ti: ;
v.i!l vi.-it at the!
s-. James flerold
for some tiaiv V.inie in the city
Ih'V were the .nests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Uerold and
also with Mrs. Wm. Ilereld.
Klein Mmelav's' I;ji!v
J. W. Wa;?-a of Bal'lutto. Mo., is
visiting in the il y. and !. soling af-j Him. K. U Windham was a visit
ter some b inc;s lor a few days. ! c.r at hon.e for over Sunday and last
Mrs. J. M . 5'atterton or Cnion, ' evening departed for Lincoln. io
who is visiting in this city was a ! take up his work with the legisia
passt nger to Omaha this afternoon, j ture. Mr. Windham H a member of
Wm. Ottersteiu. of near Mynard. 1 t,!f" committee of cities and towns-,
was a visitor in f 'hit 1 niout h this'1111'1 a'-" Judiciary, which entails a
morning, 'having come up to look al-:;(',, (!c' ,;f '!',r' v'h.
ter some biisinoi s. interests. j John Bararik. who but a : bort
John lla'ier v. .is a vi.-iior in ;bi.-;
city this raorning from Cedar C.eric
and a looking after some b'lunicso
for i)i ilav at the court iujii.-te.
Otto S'haetier. f.-Ou. south of Ce-
CItc way before the pene
trating effects of Sloan's
So i j taosc rheumatic twln;"s nd
t!ie ia-achc3 of lumbago, tnencrvc
in,1arnmation of nctiritb, the wry neck,
lri2 jcir.t wrench, the liamont sprair.,
the nuscle strain, and ths throbbing
The ease of applying, tbe quickr.cs3
cf relief, the positive results, tlie clean
liness, and the economy of S!oan'3
Liniment make it universally preferred.
Our Socks Are
Philip Zhivicll
Alihrmdh thp Tntfirwoven Stocking
A WXXV .... w-m...-
Corrpany ordered an increase in
close out our present stock at the
dar Creek, was a visitor in this city
last Saturday evening, looking after
some business for a few hours.
Ialen Khoden of southwest ot"
Mynard was a visitor in IMattsmouth
this morning, where he was looking
alter some business for a short time.
J. A. AleNatt from tiear Uock
Bluffs was a visitor in riattsmouth
this morning for a few hours call
ed here to look after some business.
Mrs. S. C McKlwaiu departed
last Saturday afternoon for Ureen
wooil. callel there by a mesawe an
uounciup: t he extreme illness of her
Mrs. Hobert Shipley arrived in
the city this afternoon from La
i'latte. and is vititinir at the heme
of Clause iJoettl and wife for a
short time.
Charles I-Vtzer. of near Iuisville,
v.vs a visitor in IMattsmouth today,
coming down on the Hurlingtun
train l his morning and returning to
his lunne this afternoon.
Harry 1). lieed of Weeping Water
was a business visitor ir. I'latts
mouth for a shrt time today, and
iiad some business matters to look
after at the cmirt house.
I.. A. Austin and Charles Kopisch
ka departed this afternoon far
Sheridan. Wyoming, where they will
enter work with the Burlington at
that place as fireman, running out
of that city.
Pjul Roberts and wife arrivt-d in
the city yesterday morning from
Omaha, and visited at the home of
Mr. Robert's father for the day. They
departed thk- m ruing for their home
at Cedar Creek.
.1. M. Teeaarden, of Weeping'
Water, was a visitor i't this city to-j
!a . coining up this morning to look!
afl'4r tome businoss at the court I
house and also attend to some mat-;
tera claiining his attention about the
Mrs. J. W. StiBin gvr and daagl:-
jter Rose, and Mir? Mille Millard, ar
wlin have I rivi-d in the city ye-terdiy nurnlng
.t Miiine- - from their home at (V.iinril P.lnfl"s
and visited at the home of Martin
Xelson and wife nerlhwc-t if thi
city fT th day
) Fred Klejser and mother Mrs.
j Cam KK p.-er, wee in the city from
their homes M'-ar Weeping Water
ami were looking aft.T some mat
: ters in the justice court, regarding
j an artomobile, in which the sellers
I of the cj;r failed to make gocd.
T'Uii- time returned iro:;i rrai:-,
where he was with the 1'. S. Army,
and was mustered nut of the 127th
vr Camp Dodge, departed t !i is- morn
ing for ilavelock. where he is visit-
i ing for a few days at the home of I
his uncle Michael Warga for a few
P. S. fSarfistad. theonlv remaining
is;o!dier member of the local exemp
tion hoard, has received notice that
j he will be retained at this place in
charge of the work of closing up t he-
records for some time yet. Cpoji the'"g-
coinpltion of their duties, numerous
of t lie clerks over the state are being
called into Lincoln to asuist in the
ofiice of Draft Kxecutive of Xebras-
Jka Captain Walter L. Anderson.
Krotn Wednesday's Dally.
Raul Fitzgerald of Louisville was
attending to some business matters
in this city yesterday.
Airs. H. Shipley and Mrs. J,
lra ley of Oreapolis earne down to
this city yesterday at noon and
spent a few hours shopping.
.Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Meil and Miss
Lizzie Meil of Louisville came down
to this city yesterday uiorniuK to
attend the funeral of the late John
Coming Down!
" " ' J
retail prices of all l;nes, we will
old price:
Bauer. Sr., who was an old friend of
the Heils. They were, also, visitors
at the home of J. M. Kobert.son.
Mrs. H. J. ochroeder and little
daughter Klleii of Cedar Creek, came
down to this city yesterday morn
ing and spent the day with her
mother Mrs. J. I Keil.
II. A. Bates, manager of the Joit
nai motored to Murray yesterday
morning where he s-pent a few hours
gathering news items fur the Mur
ray Department of the i'iuttsmoiilli
Mrs. J. C. Barber of Sterling.
Neb., who came to assist her father.
Mr. Daniel Tor.rtelo. in celibrating
his eighty-fifth birthday Monday,
return. il t her heme ye-terriay aP
ernoon. Mr. i iid Mrs. Frank J dinson a:td
children of Weeping Water motored
to this city tins morning am! sp. nt
the day with Mr. Johnson's mother.
Mrs. J. W. Johnson. Mrs. Joint Chap
man and other relative?.
William Hassler. who has been
confined to his home with the Span
ish Influenza, is reported as bei.ig
much better end getting along very
satisfactorily. Hi many friends
trust that he will enjoy a spei:dv re
covery and scon be in their mid.-t
Miss Klizabet ! Bajeek. w b is
teaching near .Murray, is visiting
her parents in this city for a few
days. Her school has been cbi.-ed
on account of the Spanish Influenza.
i there being several homes uuar; ti
nned in that district for that dis
ease. Charles Milier. more familiarly
known as '"Whitev" Miller and n w
located on a farm near I-iitisviek.
Neb., is visiting old time friend.-, in
the city for a few day?. lie wa a
pleasant caller at this ol'ice and
while here had his subscription ex-
. tended for another yeaf.
Rev. Ii. !. McClu.-key. wiin v a:
j a Sunday vi.iior at I'awnee iiy,
j Xcb., and who has been visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Ii. C. Kliioif at St. Joe,
Mo., for the past few days, returned
home this evening. Mrs. Klliott
was formerly Miss Mauriue ilugnos.
and a sister of Mrs. McClusky.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Roeber of
Louisville were attending to some
business matters in this city ye.-le.-day,
coming down on the morning
train and returning to their i;oa;e
in the afternoon. While here they
were pleasant callers at this; ohiie,
and had their subserivt ion extended
for another year.
Mr. Henry Keith and daughter of
Li 'j o In came down to this city yes
terday morning to attend tu funer
al of the lute John Bauer Sr. Mr.
Keith was an old schoolmate and a
very near irietnt ol :ir. Mauer. l hey
were boys together a' the old iu- iie
at Reiubeim. I lessen, Darnista'' .
Mr-. .v. I ., who hrs been
vi:-:iii:ig at the heme of lu-r father.
Mr. J. A. Hennings at Cedar Cre k,
for the past few day
returned heane
yesterday afternoon. ohe was ac
companied by her father and sister.
Miss Myrtle, who w ill vi.-i: at the
Tritsch home and also nt tin: J. J.
Me'singer home for a time.
Air-5. Frank D. I'.arg ;.s.s of ( "cd ir
Rapids. Neb., v, lio ha been stiet;d-
the winter months with her
husband. Captain Rurgess at Camp
!ewis. Wash., has arrived in ibis
city for a shoit visit with her fath
er Mr. A. W. White and sL-ter Mrs.
Fdilh Dolielau. 'at)tain Itnress-
has been called to Washington, It. j
C. and while he is at the national!
capital. Mrs. Rurgess will visit in !
this city.
rer Infants and Children
!n Use ;'or0vcr30 Years
1 wars
ers Were Present Yesterday
to Help Hun Celebrate.
From Tuesday's Daily.
"Grandpa" Tourtelot as lie h- fa
miliarly known, tiijuy:- playinir the
fascinating fame of Kook. Ye.ter-
day markins his Stli birthday ;inni- j
versary, his daughter, Mrs.
Baird. invited a number of
frieuiis to come to the Baird
about ::30 o'cloc k in the afteri.on,
to pl-.y a few sanies of progressive ' la
Rook with "Grandpa." The guests $3
filled three table; and til- g rec i J
were entered into with" the usual vim t
and . net huiasm mm! furnished sv- I &3
v-ral hours of pleasure. When the i
Tina! count of tb" number of ganKs't
'V(;i. v. as j.iad.-. ji v.-;:s fe::i:d tltat t
Mrs. John llatt.
had be ii the
luch.iest :r.d was ; warded tiie prize,
a game of Rcok. After the game-,
the hostess scrc! a dainty birth
day luncheon, which was likewise
thoroughly enjoyed by' the guests.
The centerpiece consisted of a birth
day cal-e. decorat". 1 with e e 1: v-ye
se.jall birthday c.!udlec. Afte1- the
lutuhcoii (Irandpa as made the re
cipient of a mimb.-r of hir' hday
gifts, which will assist him in re
membering this birthday. At du-k
the Rook fiend.- wished (irandpa
many more happy Virthduys and said
they Wtjuid be back on bis ei.;hty
sixlh birthday e imi versary to play
anoilie'- game of Ueik will; him.
Thtuiking Mrs. Baird for her kind
hospitality :.n-l d-lig!itrul after
noon's '!Heriai!!;.'.eii alTonled ti.em.
t!;e guests wended their way home
Oil lhetmb'-r 17th. Charles A.
IN yn bis bii is with Coionatiy M.
4 1 !i Eu;r. Atnericati R. .edit iouary
'"orees. wrote the ft. Rowing inter
esting otter to his brother and sis
ter i i th; ; -ity:
"Receivi- 't: r letters every weik
:ind they : t;re do i heer me up. By
this time yuti hae all heard the
erer.t nev. s. V.':,.m a relief i! most
be to the milli-ns that have l-.een
righl We don't sec a very great
change here fur tin- armies are ad
vancing into (.Icrtiiany and as we
are at a supply depot we have to
keep on working." 11
also, states
that lie has. t;ot been abb' to work
as he lias been on the sick list ;.nd
the Captain had ordered him sent to
the barracks. lie says it may be
some time before they come heme
and is hoping- to be abb.' to pet away
in the spring. tie then lell about
his trip across: "Left New York on
the Kith of August aboard the II.
M. tt. Kmipidos, were accompanied
by 1 1 other transports and a small
convoy. Had pleasant weather all
the way. Nothing exciting" to
speak ot. No subs. We were met
by convoy consisting of about 2
destroyers and sub-chiisors. Pulled
up the Mersey on the night of the
Mli at Liverpool. Lutraiued in
the afternoon on the luidon 5i N
L. for Romsey where we went into
camp for a few da vs. While, there
we all visited a beautiful old estate
belonging; to a colonel in the IJri'ish
iriiiy. From there we march'd to
tlout hampt ion about 10 miles, where
we embarked en the S. Vale, from
the west coast. Made a flying trip
across the channel in the night and
landed in France at !.! 'avr. Again
went into a rct camp for a day and
night when we boarded the train
for this place, where we are still
station' d. ft js 14 mi'es I'rem Dijon
'.vrich you cyn find on the map. Our
company is composed of mechanics
and art- working at repairing" diff
erent things. We are a long way
from the old front and one or two
of the boys have seen it. They went
up on a R. R. convoy. This is the
.greatest place for mud I ever saw.
We all wear boots at all times and
it sure is fine. But, at that, not
many of the hoys are sick. Flu is
all stamped out, I guess."
Frntii Monday's Oally.
Several minutes after . K. L.owry
"21 Litieoln I'OMlevsrd. Omaha, pur
ehasefl a uev autuniohile un Sattirday
biht, thieves stole It.- Mr.
left the car standinfT near
the following
I E'
. r,
Unbleached per Yard
36-in., wajs 23c, for llits sale.
3 6 -in
vas 25c, for
was 28c, for
36-in., was 30c.. for this sale. .23c
was 25c, for
was 30c, for
36-i:i., var. 35c, for this sale. .27c
Bleached best quality
36-incIi, sale price
40-inch, sale price.
42-inch, sale price
45-inch, sale price
Lisa a
lni.'u! and Harney streets, while he
was ;pi lying for a 1. cense number.
When he returned the car was gone.
Two unidentified men were foiled
in an attempt to steal an automobile
belonging to Fred Delfs, Harney ho
tel. Saturday night. After failing to
start the
motor, the men pushed it
o Thirteenth and Harney
i'ban-loned it when the owner came
, , , . -,
after them. They boarded a t ouiki!
Bluffs stree. car.
An automobile stolen by Ralpii
Tow, of 4714 South Twenty-fourth
street, was recovered by detectives
near the city limits in Benson.
Dr. I. V. Count. 11, Rlaekstone ho
tel, reported the loss of an automo
bile from in front of the Fontenelle
hotel Saturday night.
fU'Diut ul- iu:itiN;
fll. ii Pfi-llllfiii for Si'l-
ii ii-
lleiiK-ill cf lii'iiiiul.
Iii the c.juntv Court of I'ass eounly,
N'et.i -as-ka.
Slate of Nebraska. Cass county, ss;
To all persons interested in the es
tate of .li.'en Clialfant. de eased:
in reading the petition of J!in M.
CJ a '. I'e n t. praying a tinal sett lenient
ill. I a I low a m e ol i is aeeount tileit in
this Com t on li e t.'th day of Janii-
iry. t'.il-i, and for distribution and as-
;i '.1111. nl Of ewt:iti-
"jt is heieiiy dered that you sl mi
.11 persons h, teres n said matter
m.i. and do. anneal- at the t onntv .
coiiii to be held in and for said f oun -
iv. on the nub dav of Februfrv, .. 1.
i:i:e at ..- i.u k a. ni., to sbow eause.
if anv there be. why the prayer of the
not i I io nil- sllolll.l not lie el-iinl...! !
that nothe of the pendency f said:Sold everywhere
In tition i, nil li:e lieaiinir thereof 1
given to all persons interested in .said
matter by publishing: a copy of this
tjr.ier in the 1 'la 1 1 sniou l h Journal. a
semi-weekly news pa per printed in said;
county, for one successive week priori
to said day of .bearing'. j
in whereof. I have 'icreuiito
sel iny '.and and tin Seal of said Court 1
this ICth dav nf Janiiarv, .. 1 .. t 'i I ;i
Ai. i.k.n" .i. tii:i;si x.
Count- .In. ly..
r.y f'i.oi;L:Nci; wnn i:.
Si all Clerk.
in the lust riot Cour
of t I.e County j
of I "ess, Nebraska.
Charles C. J'arineJe, I'tatntiff
Jaeo! i'. J'si Iter; Mar Fa I tor; ft
I'. Olson, first real nam. unknown:
Mrs. O. I'. Olson, firs' real name
unknown, wife of O. I-. Olson; J.
N. King, first rcul name unknown;
Mrs. J. N. King, iirst ionl name
unknown, wife of .1. N. King-; V.
V. "Wins low, first real name, un
known; Clarence A. Atkinson: Kr-
nest. ;. Shellenbarger; Texas Kio
lliande Company, a Corporation,
ami l'red Wagner.
otit't f Suit
To the defendants, O. I". Olson, firs-t
il name unknown: Mrs. O. I. Olson
first real name unknown, wife of O.
I'. ol-fui: .1. N. Kintr. first real name
unknown: Mrs. J. N. Kinp:, first real
name unknown, wife of .1. N. Kins:
Tevas liio tlrandu Company, a Corpo-
i a t ion :
ion and each of you are hereby noti
fied that the rdaintitT has filed his '
amended petition in the above fentitled
tu t ion jii i ne iMsirn t t oiirt m i ass
county, Nebraska, to foreclose a moit
gRS:e " jflven by Jacob 1. Falter and
wife. Mary falter, Io Charles V. Davis,
assigned by said Charles K. Davis to
l.e.inard "VV. Seheibcl and Ui-sined by
said Leonard W. Seheibel to tlie idain
ti.i. which said iiiorltuso is dated
l n.riisr -. l'Jl::. i.tnl was re'...rd.-d in
l.OWrvjthe ofiice of the l;p-'ister of Deeds of
" ' Cass couutv , Ncbreska. "il August
Seven- lovs, at 10:01 a. in., in book sy o
Muslirs, Sheetings and
this sale.
8- 4 at per yard
9- 4 at per yard. . . . .
! 0-4 at per j'ard . . . '.
this sale. . 18c
this sale
this sa!e
43c I
45c 5
48c I
z.z&xiAlZzS ZSMxm&Zm) 2S235SS5a eS22SSS!!5? C
mortgage,---. :ii .ui;e .". )7 thereof, e.n-voying-
lots 11 jind 1 " in Meek 27 in
tl.e City i-f I'la ttsnioiith, Cass eountv.
Ac', vi. s i ; i . to si-euie- ine irem i ssi r ' i
note for tbe sum of f 1 .VOOO.Oii duteill
August 191::. and bei Dining due
: SI-TileiTl I".,!' 1 1 r 1 C eiMi i.,t..r.l -it C
, eent per annum from September 1,
J 1'.' I ;w:';ii;illy :is e ideueed Ijv live in-
teres t nou s therewith of even date
; ii-i wi.j.ii pfineiji.-ii note draws inter -
u nt ii paid and tbut tiie interest iwtt
treers auiijj wHh in.,1Vjst !lt 10 .,f(rr
. ..,': iii i mi riit-reot) jiiie sp'.t.-tn n..r l.
maturity has not .ten jmid. and that
s;iid prineipEiI note and said interest
i Ilut. art, iotl ,;ist due and l.y tie
leiins Kit siinl moi t g:ifre. the w no'i;
:ii!iui't is dee ;ind pHyalde: tliat tin
tu's for the year HIT in the siun of
f!0ii.75 Peeame delinipient on t lie 1st
day of May. Itus. anct remain unpaid
and tliat the pJaintiiY asks judgment
on said prineiial note and interest
note and said mortgage and to tore
elose t lie equity of redemption against
a!l the parties therein.
Vol: and aeli of you are repiired to
answer said petition o:i or lu l'ore Mon
day, the 10th ilay of February. i:tlL or
default .-(gainst you and eaeli of you
will te duly entered therein.
Dated this Mn dav of Jlocetuber,
1 y 1..
Cli.iKI.KS C. r.VlIMKhK.
W. A. Robertson,
llis Attorney. tdJ0-4tw
He Knows Whereof He Speaks!
J. F. Harper, 410 rsavarre street,
San Antonio, Texas," writes: "I con
sider Foley's Honey and Tar ahso-
j 1'itcly the best cough remedy on the
m:irket. I know whereof I SDOnk.
IYour remedy ac.s uuickly ami relief
I , ., . . , .
I coughs, croup. Contains no opiate?.
;S permanent." Good for
The largest and best equipped dental offices in'. F.vtvrts
in charge of all work. Lady attendant. M G 1 3 1 R AT Ii I R ley 5
Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Insiruniotus carefully stenh-"5 fi
after using.
for treat meat and no n.encv to nId until can
DR. C. a. TARRY 240 Be. Bul
K Sf.0"." '" a" yo,,r " that need
gummmtr. Wo have a power Mw cummer
and are equipped to put worn out sivU "
c8oidoit,r,ca dta84-- "
Sheldon Rlanufncturing Comoanv
Pillow Tubing:
Bleached- best quality on the
A special offering of seamed
bleached sheets, 72x90, of
rplendid quality, no dressing
in them. For this sale only. $1.33
Only Three Sheets to a Purchaser
The above are offered in full
confidence ihal our customers are
getting the best bargains in thi
class of goods offered thsm during
the past year.
To Ward OiT Illness.
If you are- nioateii. languid or
; Iazv
have "the blue.-," headache.-.
; palpifat ion, bil ! u:s!;ess. bad breath.
Ir.., n, ... t : i i. . i :,,:;.., i;
! "' cc!-t .p.sM'.ui ; --'uige; ( (-u
1 will fuel bitter in t 1k liiernirg" if
.vc;' a loky : atkarrlc Tablet
tonight. This is a wholesome
' five and cloaniii.. physic that acts
wuiioui jncwnveiMt in e. griping
nausea. Sold everyvhtre.
t r is the in-.t io jo.n tLe r.Var
ti!amp Li.'it Cl-jfa. See Chas. C.
Farciele for railiculsn.
pc AtfcuH... i'. , ot Wum
Kyes Testnl t.d cixu. .
night Calls Ac STerei After Koan
ard Sundays by Appointment.
'.tu a . i o ij-et 1:23
V. m. tj
I'fhfle llloek. I-Ji
P hu n ;ij. I lattl
tsmoutli, Neb
C?utcs Block.
Res. j!3 PHONE. Oilkc o67
Hul,a-pay When'Curec!
A nr. iuikiii i.' tr.,..,... .
jvh... iK.tii.Mii or tre:itir( ft, .. ...... i...
'!,-, JU,rJl',''r",'-'"d ! ? pr'T
Gummed" !