THJlEr EZC l f flf For The fol'owin pieces of Platts mouth property are for sale at a pvice that will sell tjiem quickly: 1. "-room cottage, t'i water, 2 4 4-ft. lots, one block from paved Mreet. In pood repair. Price fl.aOO. 2. 6-rom house, 2 lots, close to paved street. Price ? 1.200. 00. 8. r.-room , house.' 2 C2-ft. level lots, on paved street, close in. I 'rice n.?:,o.oo. A. 6-room brick house, close to phops. City water. 1 lot. Price $1,000. Tt. C-room house on one floor. 2 pood lots. City water. Price $1,500. fi. ." acres close to town, all un der cultivation. Lays smooth. New cottage and other outbuildings. The price Is $2,C00.O0. 7. 2 acres uniciproves. Close to shops, lays well, pood soil. Price $400.00. 5. G-room house, all modern ex empt heat. 4 C2-ft. lots, pood loca tion and in pood repair. Price $3,S00. 6. 8-room brick house. 2 good lots, best of location. House in ex cellent repair. Price S3, COO. 00. J. P, Real Estate PHONE NO. 2S TLf coiui-lete ELectric Likl and Pover Plant Mak'Sthe farm a better and mot e desirable place to live and work. " 2 '. "" - r-l r-l i-. , J v7 vMiW ' ISY ROSENTHAL. Tel. I). 013 Omaha. Neb OVER THE COUNTY WEEPING WATER 3f- Republican Harold Wiles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Iaac Wiles. who has had a Ions siege of the flu. was taken to Oma ha Wednesday and underwent an op eration which it is hoped will re lieve his trouble. Alfred Nelson, of Council P.luffs, Iowa, came down Saturday evening for an over Sunday visit. Alfred is looking well and says he has a pood job and likes Council Bluffs fine. Otto Shaeffer, northeast of town, was a passenger for Lincoln Monday while enronte to Hickman and Te cumseh to attend some hog sales. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bird came down from Alvo Wednesday morning for a few days' visit with Mr. Bird's aunts, the Misses Ella and Lillian Bates. A telegram was received from El win Hunter Monday forenoon stat ing that he was in New York City, well and happy. His ship, the Sierra, landed at Hoboken Sunday about 3 p. m. He is now at Camp Merritt. N. J., and will probably be sent from there to Camp Dodge and mustered out soon. Wilber Barber, of Scottsbluff. who is attending the Legislature, at Lin coln as representative from Scotts CLEJiLikjiA i 1 . p Plattsmouth Garage J. E. MASON, Proprietor Reo Service Reo CiUrs and Trucks The New Reo 4-Passenger Coupe For the man who uses his car every day in the year; whe must cover much ground and bje in many places every "day. regardless of weather conditions, this Reo especially made. W cordially invite inspection of it. Sales and Insurance PLATTSMOUTH 31 ZtC bluff county, visited from Saturday morning until Monday morning with relatives here, the Philpot families and his brother-in-law. Charlie An drus. Wilbur was one of this com munity's younir men a few years ago and has a host of friends here who will be glad to know that he has won the distinction of beins elected to the Legislature from his county. Miss Carrie Schafer. of Manley. who has been visiting her sister. Mrs. Ed Pankonin. returned home this morning. Her brother, Charlie, who had been home on a, furlough, left Wednesday night to take up his work again on the transport Arkan sas. Mrs. A. Olander received a post card Wednesday from :ier son. Oscar, whom she had not heard from since June. His division has been on the front butis now in Germany, and he writes that he is alright. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller, of Des Moines, Iowa, who had been spend ing a few days nt the home of Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cherry, returned home on Monday morning. Miss Esther Butler, of Kearney, md Miss Margaret Dafoe, of Te-cunu-eh, were week-end visitors at this place, the former at the home of her brother. C. E. Butler, and the latter at the home of her aunt, Mrs. E. L. Hunter. The young ladies are students at the Nebraska Wesleyan 1'niversity. Word has been received from Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Teegarden. in Cali fornia that their little daughter. Kathryn. was seriously hurt from some unknown cause. Kathryn had i gone across the alley to play with seme little friends and as' had been her custom. Not long after she had left lor her home two little girls found her unconscious in the alley, and carried her home. She was quite j badly bruised up about the face and t person and was practically uncon scious and took no food for SO hours. But at last reports she was improv ing slowly. You tell 'eir we keep all kinds of stationery at the Jonrnal. NEH A VK A V News ' y ? P.orn, to Mr. iiiid Mrs. Will Rchoe-, east of town. on J:; unary lCth. a girl. i Miss Cert rude Sturm bnrrded tht( west-hound train for Lincoln Tries-i lav evening. i Mrs. Schoeir.aker, of Weeping Water came Sunday morning for a ifit vith her daughter, Mrs. Guy Snyder and family. Mrs. Malcolm Pollard "went to' Springfield Thursday morning to help cre for her daughter. Itowena. i who is sick -with the flu. William F.etts. of Avoca. was in town Wednesday. ' bringing with him his t ran or and plowing rig, vhfr- he loaded it on to a Hat car to be -hipped to Lincoln. Frank Donaldson, proprietor f the Nehawka restaurant, left Sat urday morning for a week's trip to lies Moines ami other Iowa points. The usual spring scramble for houses in town has begun. It looks like many ate going to be disap pointed unless some new houses are built. Grover Hoback and wife are re joicing over the arrival, of tiie first born, a son which came Saturday ev ening. He is said to be a lusty youngster and gives promise of grow ing up to be a man who can beat rugs equal to his pa. Mrs. Roy Kirkpatrick left Satur day morning for Wood Lake. Tulif.. where her parents are spending the winter on their orange ranch. Vi the spring they will all go to T:i coma. Washington, where they will make their home. The property known as the "old hotel buildiim" adjoining the Ha'.I livery ham on the north, was sold this week to Frank Martin. Mr. Mar tin intends to make it his home so-, -. This property hetonged To I). S'effeii and sold at a considerahie advance above the price he paid for it. UNION Ledger Sergeant S. Gruber left Tuesday ifternoon for Camp Sheridati. Al.i '"niiu. after visiting with relatives md friends here for a co'sob werks. Miss Wilson, cf Sidney. Iowa. !i has been visting here, return-::! home Saturday, aicompauied by hT sister. Mrs. Nova Lehr. V. T. Am :.!:! family, of I'la Mi llionth came down on Sunday for e -hort visit with Mrs. A. J. Anderson and family and many friends here. Pvt. Clarence Baldwin. son oT Sol. men Baldwin, received his di--chirge from the army and returned 'tome last week from Camp Hodge, iowa, where he has been in training. Miss Velrr.a DeLong returned to her home in Lincoln Friday morning lftcr visiting here several days with her daughter. Mrs. O. W. Finney and "aniily. Eugene Applegate, who lias been visiting relatives and friends her? The past tvwo weeks returned to his home in Lincoln Saturday afternoon. He expects this to be his last visit here before returning to camp. Miss Adeline Bichcfi', who tork sick in school last week has been suffering from an attack of the flu. and will not be able to begin her work until the first of next week. John Pearsley has charge of her room during Jier absence. Mrs. G. W. Saxon came dorn from Lincoln Thursday morning to assist ier husband in caring for their son. Floyd, who has been very ill of 'jneumonia. He is being card for at the home of his aunt. Mrs. Ida Freeman, and is reported as being nuch better. Pvt.. Earl Marritt and wife return ed home frr.m Camp Funston hist Friday and they were both might v glad to pet back to their old home' town. Earl ban seen seven mouths service in France, four of which have been in the front line trenches. His war t-tories are real and he has had some experience. Miss Alice Crozier suffered, a ner vous break down the first of the week when news reached her of the critical condition of her sister, Mrs. Pritchard. cf Weeping Water, who had been operated on in a hospital in Lincoln. Miss Crozier v.-as unable to take charge of her school work, and Mips Edith Frans has been se cured to take her place during her absence. Lincoln "Wiles, son of Isaac Wile-?, now making Li-? home at Syracuse, together with his wife, were visiting in this city for a short time Satur day. Lincoln has been away frcm Plattsmouth some thirty-three years an4 has only occasionally paid the town a visit in that length of time. ifi -Y- V f- f Mrs. Ellen P.aihbti'.i war- called tu TIavelotk Tuesday on account of the flineys of her daughter, Mrs. Ceorpe Thompson. Ja:ii"s ftander litis bH-n suffering with a severe cold that settled in his vocal cords ai d for a lew days the first of the Week he could scarce ly speak above a w hi: per. 11. A. Kunke and William Ossen kep returned the lau-r part, of last week from Exc.!-i':i- Springs, Mo., where they have'be.-n taking the baths for rheumatism. Mrs. W. K. Joio : was called to, Kansas.. Friday, n attend her sou. Leniar .lone,, who is very ill with pneumonia fever. Lemur is spend ing the winter with hi-; si-ter. Ivan Becker, the oujge:-t son of J'r:.i'. and Mrs. .A. F. Becker, is ill. Fntil the return of his mother from a viit in Fremont, he has been un der the ef'icieat ctTf of Mrs. Mary Thoni pson. I'. A. J;cobon ::''i:led ;:n auto i-al at Gretna recently and pur-chas-ed a Ford. Mr. Jacobson is gretting his affairs ; thape to go o:it' his furm in .Monii! coi:!:'.y. near Bayard r.Iarch "rsr. Louisville friends of Jo'.n Olsen will regr-t to le;irn -hat his he;ilth has failed to such a:i extent a;- to make it neeesrary f r him to re' ire for a time at lea-- r.s manager of tTie Khawood milks. P'loyd Gerhling i --. assisting" with work in the ahser ( of Mr. Oh- ti. Mrs. j. V. ve:.i to Asli land Friday eve:r;t: fur an ove nirht visit with h-r n, Hfr.vard and family. How.ird hn- a pn:t h-n v. :th thra F.urilngtf n s operator and is well pleased with Ms new job and ; hey like A -hit. ml very much. He ran down Monday for a few nour ' vi-it with his old rriei.ds in !. -:i.-vilie. M:cs Ilsiher Far-. f Y'rl', arriv S'ltnrday for a:; .'-cr S,::id.iy vis it with her aun. "i. W. F. !)i'r ::,u t'. mlly. M.--- '!.;rt's father '. A. 1 ! ;. rt. a pre mho : ' hank-." ' !' York and who was TfCc:'y appointed see. reiary (f the .- Bai.king! by Govarno- McK. I'.i". The Hart? will move, to Lhico::; to reside t.i.a "Iis Hart went to Lincoln Monday !o lord; for a hr.'.:-;.-l v !;;ch to reside. r an apartment. sf. q: v gm 3 Sfm E A G L E flr Lhaer Judkit.-- b it on last Friday 'or ?atie. Washington !or a vi.-.ii with his "t i er. Wii I!or.-h and Herry Ger.le..s 'id v.-ife ard bat.y are the latest vic :ir.? of .'Vii repor-ed. Y.'illiam (uinn returned is morning from a visit with friends and relatives in Missouri. Y.'illiam Fair, who i- icw farming near 'ral Orchard, was in Lagle ti e irs: of the week on bu-dness. Mrs. Boss v as a guest heme Sun da 'v C.; btree. o: iH.COiil. t the C. W. Crabtrec r ti' on the ev- ':?ng train. William Bav -o!!. who was look ing after farm interests near Pet;: weelc, returned to Eagle .Mcn l&y afternoon. En. est I'orsythe, v.i.o has brai: f-njoyinir i'. vaoa;ion in the western part of the sta'a for the past two weeks, returned Tuesday evening. We have not yet seen the much ioc ked for robin which is said to be the forerunner .f spring, but last satufdi y we saw a sparrow build ing its nest as if preparing to begin housekeeping. Glenn Howard, editor of the Ash land Gazette; H. B. Carey, superin tendent of schools; C. X. Walton, cashier cf the Ashland State bank, and B. S. Almy. secretary of the -chool board, were in Eagle on last Saturday looking up matters in re gard to the consolidated school dis trict. Consolidation is in the air in Ashland and these' gentlemen are seeking al! the dope available. Some ten days ac:o Mrs. T. Ii. Adams received word from Des M.'dres saying her grandchildren, who live there, Mr. and Mrs. George 1). Waters and baby and Florence Manker. sister of Mrs. Waters, were j just leaving there for a trip to Cal-j ifornia, and a letter from, there ai day or tvo ago says they arrived safe j and had a' fine trip and are at Long Beach for the winter. j LeafYoung and son, Monroe, who, i are cmpl'oyed'in the "Burlington rail-, road company's bridge crew station-' ed at this place, departed last even ing for th.eir home at Ashland, where they spent Sunday, returning last evening' to take up their work again. : Henry Fgenberger who is employ ed in Omaha came down tliis after noon and is spending the week end LOUISVILLE Courier at the home of his parents. ELM WOOD Leader-Echo 2i i vft 9ft rfa fifi fi J5 Sol West was on the sick list sev eral days last week and his daugh ter. Norma, came down from Lincoln t; help care for him. He is now out again. Mr. and Mrs. John Morford have moved from Chilocco, Oklahoma, lo Wilbur, Nebr., after having spent a number of months in the Indian schools at that place as instructors. Mis- flmma Kunz is home from Milford. Nebraska, where she has be n teaching school. She has re--ugnedTker position and wiil remain in Elm wood. Guy L. Clements is home from Camp Hodge, having received his honorable discharge. He is looking the best ever and will soon be back at hi.- post at the American Exchange bank again. Paul Manhart, son of Mrs. Cath erine Manhart. is now attending the Georgetown Law school at Washing ton, I). C. Tom has been stationed on the F. S. P. Yantic but is now at home looking after the farm work. Mrs. Henry Frisbee and children if Lincoln, visited at the home of her sister. Mrs. A. C. Ferguson sev eral days the latter part of last week, returning home on Sunday after noon. , Bruce Wray, who has been stav ing at the Henry Yoeht home for some time, returned to Stanton, Ne braska, to assist his parents, Mr. and Mr. William Wray. the entire fam ily having been sick with Influenza. Jack 1 1 il lard is home from South j Carolina, where he has been station-' "I in the Infantry service. He was in town on Tuesday, visiting his i friend. Karl Schneider. He looks! rood and says that he enjoyed thei armv life. i l On last Friday a successful opera- ion was performed on the little child jf Mr. and Mrs. Louie Kunz. who vas suffering; with Emp Emia, fol - lowing pneumonia. Dr. Welch, of '.i:K";!ii. with the family doctor, per - formed the operation. The child at 'he present time is doing well and very hope is entertained for its speedy and complete recovery. I'r. and Mrs. O. E. Liston and hihiren arrived from Camp Green leaf. G:i.. on Saturday evening to visit restive.-: nr.d friends. They were "tt'inod at Kansas Citv a short time, Irs. - Liston being hick. They re amed to Lincoln Wednesday, where l.e elector has charge of the X-ray ork i:i the firm of Frs. Welch, Ro' 'j Liston. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. enry Fleischmann on Friday,- Jan uary 17. IfUff. Of coorse they are rend of their first son and heir. i enry 5 inemls cuspicjonetl tha emething i;nu.i:al had occurred for e wore a smile as big as the man in the moon but. they soon became ware of his happiness. 'illei lie MKI?!; -t- ci.'ii nt l-l!l' it i r A u ii 1 . tie t.'"u:,t Court of Cus-i In v S!ate of Xl i s ka. Cass eon Jit y. s To t'ie ! "Its am! .'ill jeYsTis jute -te.l in tie f Josot hi tie" Agn : !', ' r, eaiiiti: M.f fet it ion of peter K. i ,. i . . r: yiti- a tit. a! s-etttetiiem ate! Wt'.ti'-e of I js; i!( TlrlMii lileil ill t I ' vt on i! - -j:,r. !av of .luniiary. ,. l'.H, ::':il lor t i.t r i i 1. 1 ion of sail i.- cnlete.i that you at't ! steil in saiil injiTter Ior;ir at tlie I'ountv 1 in ami r sael ui ';, of Fi'iry. A. I . ! r olir i li '", aii'l (!o.- ! I t to It it I'll l!.e Tl't ''l'.i. at t'.i n"lock a. tn.. to shov ".i.S". if : - t ! i re !... ivhv tiio ; r ' 'he it!Tio!i-t sioiilii no; l.e trrant--.1. ami t' at tiotiee of the petoleiiev of -aii! T"'t item end t'e iiettrintr tler-eo'' . !:i ven to a i r 'siins t n t ere:-1 e'l i1; ;nt!i r 1 i 1 is !, i 'i a v eojiy of :! :s iril-r in the I'latt.-moet h .Imirnat, a s.tni-week I y uewst-a irtntid i" ":' eonr t e. fur oi,- wei'k prior to sao! itav of t:eal"imr. 1 p. witness iier.eof. 1 have l,f If ill:!': Go Ahead With Your Plans: Building Restrictio&s Have Been Removed On Now is the time to To Holders of Second Liberty Loan Bonds Your next coupons will be payable Novamber 15h. We shall be glad to cash them for you free of charge any time it is convenient to you. Ask us about our plan for the free safekeeping of your Liberty Bonds. The Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth, Nebraska Capital and Surplus, $80,000 Your Personal Bank set mv l:.-ir,l and the seal of said Court tl.i" ri.iv ..!' .lanuarv, .. 1 1. lHl'.t. .1. i:i;i:si ., C'nimtv Jll'le. l: FI. K US' "K WHIT K. i Sa! i "i. i k. COL. YOUNG'S SALE DATES. Lloyd Gapen. Murray, Jan. 28. Geo. A. Meisinger, Mynard, Jan. 29. Pirl Albin. Fnion, Jan. :$0. Pitman Administrator's Sale, Fn ion, Jan. "1. M. Baumgart, Neb. City. Feb. ?,d. F. C. AYeatherhead, Poland China Sale. Tabor. Ia.. Feb. 4th. Satchell t Metzger, Mynard, Feb. r,th. F. V. Cole. Mynard, Feb. Cth. Joe Wagner, Murray, Feb. 7th. .Tas. Blaha. Plattsmouth. Feb. 10. Holstein Sale, Omaha. Feb. 11. Ffb. F'.th and 14th Imperial, Neb. W'w. Kohl. Avoca, Feb. 17th. Matthews Hog Sale, Malvern, la.. j : j j ) I ! b. 1Mb. John Wiles, sr. Plattsmouth, Feb Hth. Otto Schafer. lied Sow Sale, Ced ar Creek, Feb. 20th. Hugle & Sprecher, Nehawka. Feb 21. Sexton's Horse Sale, Murray, Feb Mrs. L. T. Holland. Xeb. City. Feb. 24. Fred Boss. Nehawka. Feb. 25th. Wm Gillispie, Mynard. Feb. Bay Pollard. Hampshire Feb. 27th. Car Sthrader. Hampshire Avoca. Feb. 2Mb. Sab Sale I OBITUARY. William Wesley Currey. sen of Miles S. and Mary S. Currey. was born at Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebr.. on July 6. 1S!2. and died at his home in Keystone, Keith Co., Nebr.. Dec. 2D. at S:2.r. p. m. of ty phoid pneumonia, being 2C years 5 months and 2-''. davs of age. He was educated in the nublic schools of Cass County and lived with his parents there till twelve years ago. When he removed with his parents to a homestead to MePherson' coun ty. In lltlfi, he was united in mar riage to Miss Uessie Dunwoody, a" young lady nf high character and respect. Relatives left to mourn his departure are as follows: his be loved wife, her mother, his father and father, four brothers and one sister and his aged grandmother, five sister-in-laws and three brother-in-laws and a host of friends. Filly as he was always called, was This is the advice of the War Industries Board. Maybe you have hoped that another year would see your plans of a new heme realized. Those hopes can be a reality. All farm and ranch buildings. All schools, churches, hospitals and public buildings costing not more than $25,000.00. All new homes costing not more than $10,000.00. plan. Let us help a loving self-denying boy. always trying to help others and think good of everyone he met, as his many friends will testify. His" sterling worth won him many friends, for to know him was to love him. He was honored and loved by all who knew him and his character was above rt proach. He was a kind and loving husband son and brother, and noth ing but kindness and good will were ever shown to all he come in con tact with him. He was buried at Ogallala at 2:30 o'clock New Years day. Funeral services by the Rev. Wm. J. Spire and C. Arrowsmttb, funeral director. EXTENDS THANKS FOR THE KINDLY DANIEL W. FOSTER OF UNION. CELEBRATES HIS 85TH BIRTH DAY. THANKS FRIENDS. We are in receipt of a commut ation from our venerable friend Daniel W. Foster, of Union, in Ahich he wishes through the col umns of the Journal to express his thanks for the many kinck rememb rances which he had received of the passing of the S'th milestone. Mr. Foster was born in Washington county, 111.. January 11th, 1S34. and was 85 years of age, on Satur day. January 11th. this year. .Mr. Foster for a man of his years, is hale and hearty, and with a very keen and active mind. He has a host of friends in this county, many or whom remember this venerable American, and ex pended good wishes. He wishes now to acknowledge the receipt of the 'good wishes, and to thank those who 'sent the cards, and expressions of ! good for him SEED CORN FOR SALE. Extra good early yellow seed corn. John Long, 2 miles east of LaPlatte. John Livingston and wife, of near Greenwood, were visiting with their friends and relatives in this city on last Saturday. They returned to their home on the evening train. Two Ford Can For Sale- J. E. Mason, Plattsmouth Garage. you do it.