The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 13, 1919, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    JTOXDAY. JANUARY. 13. 1919.
Having bought a farm iu the
v extern part of the state and ex-
: tir.g- to move thereto in the early
I will offer for sale at Pub
lic Auction at my home a mile and
a quarter north of Kurrav, on
following described property:
. Sixteen Head of Horses
ne sjr.m Mark geldings, a and 7
irs old. weight 3. Hid; one span of
.. geldiims. and r, years old, wt.
::.(: one gray mnre eight years
fid. weight l.niMi; one pray mare.
! - --1 1 years old. weight 1.400; one
ur:y relding. l'cmr years old. weight
j i: on- Mac? mare, four years ; p., t ir.. p.nnollv a Pleasure to
tributcd directly or indirectly to the
making of the candy, are more than
repaid in the knowledge of how the
treat was enjoyed by
at the Fort.
the soldiers
the Girls to be of Such Assis
tance to the Soldiers.
; 1. u. ieM !."(.(; one Mack gelding.
Tj.r,.,. year oid. weight l."00; one
i.; y uridine, three years old. weight
I. ;!!: !: hay mare, three years old.
"'L;I ont- nay mare, lour-j imring the early winter, it will be
, -i: y. ars out. wei-Jot one ; remembered, sugar baskets and sug-
: ; y ,-,,!. i, m- -ar old; one bay colt.;ar i,ux.s wt-re kept at certain stores
-mi :.:;: old; on- mule colt, nine j I1,ul other places for the receipt of
v..:.:hs ..;.!: one buckskin pony, 12 1ackapes of susar to be used in the
;. ear- old. weight ."'. making of candy by the local Camp
(V,e good milk cow. giving milk, i Firo (;iris for tlu. soldiers. The girls.
;-.:- ears fid Ten head of shoats. lender the supervision of their jniar
Farm. Implements. Etc. dian. worked hard and produced
).,. iiiu-; one carriage; one SORie t,f tae finest candy possible to
:r;i- v.i.i-t:; two sleighs; one 4--jnak., After mature deliberation ir
: Ion narrow : one disk harrow; I xv.,s concluded best to send the swet
. ! -..rn ;:rni: one hay rac,;; one ,() yx . crook, itself really a part of
:-f( k sad:b-: tuo iron wheel wanons Kt Omaha, under now existing army
v:-!i !.f.-.; u:.- peering 7-foot bi nd- n.uu ia . joI1S- j view of it being the
' ' i:i - ! repair; one John Deere nearest government post, and the fol-
: er :r. f-d r. pair; ore liock Is- ', lowing letter tells how the treat was
! tongue cultivator: three David :,rrireei;iieil liv the bovs -tationed at
!-.;' riding Ih-ters; mic Johti jm. i,rt-
r- torn planter, rois wire; j
.loli 1 e rv- riding lister; one1
rinick i:uy rak ; on'- corn eu j
r. -? 1-ng. and power. i:i j
I r-T:ir- t 1 ree t'.:(f'(r I'm!' iv:i - i
:.T-: ::e Crand-'ti.ur riding lister;
el:' I". (). i-;.ig plow: one Cas"
id. .v. : two m-k of work bar--aha. I desire to express to you
. - jv.,1 M.-s of sin -le h-me.o- through you to the Tamp Fire Girls
. i ':!" .;gh? ;...rnehs
'.liia and piairie jl;,y and
articles too numerous to mention
Sale Corr-rrcr.ees at 10 O'Clock.
Lunch Served bv W. A. Scott
Fort Omaha. Neb.. Dec. 0.
I Miss Margaret Ionelan.
! (Juardiau Camp Fire Girls.
riattPinouth. Nebraska.
Iear Miss Don elan:
On behalf of the men in Fort ()::;-
i .f q I iTii1 n i ?i . i i ill ftir tlio lmV(S
:-,i.m " -v... ... w..
'of candy von forwarded to us for our
. Christ mas celebrat ion.
I trust that
lan who received a box will
riit::- (".
iriv- !i ( );:'.
per t :.! i n: er
All prop, r'y t
! i:. remove'!
Ail 'urns of
in hand. On
mor.ths' tiiv."
.able life bearins S
from da'e of sale.
:et;led fir beioie
Iron; premises.
i every
I write a like appreciation. I'.ut iti
vit w of the demobilization some may
hurry away before thoy write their
note of appreciation. I can assure
you :hcy appreciated what t lie frirls
sent. Juvt such t houcht fulness and
libera!:! v made our celebration this
i.viar ti e biimest of i's kind Fort Om
;aha has ever seer.. The commanding
i'oll-cer says he never saw in other
'posts such a Christmas treat. The
men will always remember their last
t'hri'tmas in the service with pleas
ure. Ajrain thai.kin.u you. I am
'1st !,i"u' . Chaplain. T". S. A.
Mi-s I'o'.ulan. accept mi; tlie pro-
thank.- of tin' siduiers throne,!;
it. Cliamberlain's Tab- j Samlers. w islies all the mein-
-ei.-i movt asent of the ibers of the Can p Fire Girls to know
W wi'OUN'i:. Auctioneer.
G. i:nEM:kEk, Clerk.
Chamberlain's Tablets.
V!o n you are troubled with in-'
di'-:eM.o!i or constipation. take,
Chamb. riai:."- Tablets. They'
s' rei.L-t 1-ti t I , . : ')!u;-.-h and enable,
ii To perform i: iunciiens lu-.tural--
H Indite.--! ion is usuallv accom-1
p.itiied 1 y c in'-- ipai ion and is ac-!lnse
rava;ed by
le s u- e ;i
From Thursday's Daily.
Last evening Norman Dickson,
who has betn in the service of the
V. S. Navy for many months past,
returned home havinp been muster
ed out of the service a few days
ince at Great Lakes Training Sta
tion. Mr. Dickson had been at
Fortress Monroe, Va.. and was sent
to the Great Iakes Station for dis
charge, away before Christmas, and
it looked like he should have gotten
home for the Christmas holidays,
but was kept at the Great Lakes
for 22 days, before he was allowed
to come home. We are glad to wel
come Mr. Dickson again as a citizen
of riattsmouth as
be such.
he is also glad to
From Thursday's Daily.
A petition was hied awkiim for
the appointment of J:in:t-s S'ander
as administrator of the r-T;ite of bis
mother Mrs. Klir.a A. Ptander. who
di"d at Louisville some time since.
There is a larue number of heirs.
The will of Mrs. Mary J. Hub
bard, of Weeping Water was ;'1
mitted to Probate.
A pe'ition for the appointment
of an administrator on the matter
of the estate of the late Karl G.
Stoll esiate filed and a day s-t for
the hearing.
A marriage license wa:: granted
for the marriage of KJwin (' Pteck
ley of Linee'n anil Mi.-s Grace Tee-ca.rd.-n
of Wetjiii:
In the matter of ill" estate of T"d
win Mttealf. f.nal heari!!-- -vie; had
;:nd N. II. MeeKer of Greenwood the
administrator was discharged.
From Satiirrtny's" raily.
Last evening at South Omaha,
where the line up was completed,
the two teams looked like they
could play ball, though the aggrega
tion at South Omaha showed larger,
brownier. and well groomed. our
boys also showed the grit, but were
not as large or strong as the one
they were to play against. With a
determination to win though they
went after the game, but there was
no use of looking for a reason, for
the victory of the other team. There
was no special miracle which took
the game from our Jioys. the others
were just too much for them. The
hoys from Plattsmouth put up a
goo dgame and played one that was
a credit to them and the city, but
the other crowd was ju: t too heavy,
that is all there is about it. They
out played us. They treated us
nicely, and we will have them here
on February 7th for a return game.
The boys here are goiim to put up
as good a game at that time as pos
sible, and win if they can. The
score was last evening. South Oma
ha 2C, Plattsmouth 7.
"1 have saved just $5." remarked
a customer, as he paid for a sheep
lined coat. "While in Omaha I priced
them at two big stores, and the coats
shown me were $4 to $7 higher than
You Can Tell
Philip STiia-LC
The Workman's Friends---
Don C. York, and "Wife Now Have
Moved Into Their New Home.
A Nice Place.
. Cla.
! i ' v : ! :;
: lu
cent! Ill'
constipated jhow much their work was appreciat
1 led. and. also, those who contributed
; so generously the sweet s necessary
E.JX paper from 2jC to $5.00 at 1 ' enter into the manufacture t.f
the Journal cfSce. i;!li' candy. The acts of all who con-
1.9'. 'v-, c: l.',Vx , - T. tei-sv.wWV " e2i-i 5-fSsi4
4-V,:-"v : .Vl' V?' '- 9X VIA Cat,
r ' sc '. 'f-.
7. v" -
Wfti The famous HEADLIGHT
iZ&S Guarantee etill holds cood.
,: "Wear r pair 30 days. If,
ct the end cr that. itm? y;-.t
!o not say that the Head
light it ihe best overi'I you
ever V-ore, mney wiA
he refunded cheerfully.5
-i '
Twv-t'irce Overall
v J'A'; i'1
, .
We've got a big. nr:w stock
rn&ds of the sam: highest
quality denim of pre-v.-er dayc
The price is right.
Come in, right away and look
P"' - "" them over.
"Headlight" stands for qualify in Overalls
Everet Denim $2.50; Amoskeag $3.00
A high grade full cut bib overall (not Headlight)
. for $2.15 and $2.35.
Yo-tenhty four of the I'lat t smovn li
attorneys. nunitiy ( outity Attorney
A. (I. Cole. M:.ttl;ew Oerina. A. L.
Fid ! and !. O. Pwyer. were at
m in. wtif-re ttiev ariHtiieu oeiore ine
ui-re!:,e court, in various eases in
which hev are interesteil. 'unty
:!!orn.- Cede was aruuiniz ihe c;ise
if the County vs. the Jones Hansen
Cadillac comjany. of 0;;'.;-.ha. which
case was annealed hv the company.
after a decision wtis rendered m the
lover conrt apainvt their claim of a
mortrare on a car winch was c;ip-
ture'. near lore Topetner wnn us
owner, ami later disposed 01 rv tr.e
conntv and the money turned to the
school fund as hy law provided. At-'.rn-'j'--
(icriiiL', Tidtl am! Dv.y-'r ail
appc-cred as interested counsel in a
.;.?e known v." Kaast h vs 'he Lund
Lat-.d company, v. hich crew otit of a
transaction or trade of a farm near
Greenwood for some lands in South
l-'nui; Tl i:r.-!,-' 1 ::iiv.
W. It. Scarhorcumh. wift and
da'uu liter arri-ed this afternoon Irom
their former home at Watson. Mo.,
and will make this their heme in
the future. Mr. St rhorouiih and
wife are the parents of T. M. Scar
borough of tlii- citv. and come to
make their home in this cit. We
welcome them to this city, and
i;i!''.v they will make cood citizens,
as their sen T. M. Sea r horou c h is
such a man that they could he no-h-in?;
hut first class citizens.
From Satiiid.iv's Iaily.
l-tr some time Hon. C. York and
wife have had workmen construct
ing a new and modern place to live,
and have secured as a result one of
the most beautiful modern homes
imaginable. The work of construc
tion heir.g done bv V. M. Welsheim-
er, and his two son?. James and
Chester, they all being expert build
ers. The finish in?? was done by X
K. Peoples, who is a p;:st master ac
v. ell in the art of interior rieenrat
inp". as well us all kinds of work in
his line, which insures the bet of
work. Mr. York and wife who have
worked hard, and have expended
much on this house, are entitled to
the best of a home, and which they
have now just occupied.
Blanket lined work coats, warm and servicable, $3.75 to $7.50.
Vests, leather lined, corduroy and mole-skin, $6.50 lo $12.50.
Work Suits, something new in a work or motor suit. W e ri3ve them in
all sizes in corduroy and moleskin, very heavy, warm and durable at $12
and $15.
Heavy Work Socks Fur Caps Caps Fur Inband
3 for 50c $4 and $5 75c to $2.25
If you need a good Flannel Shirt you can save a. few thrift stamps by
coming here. We have them at from $5 to $6 some bargains in old
stock broken sizes.
Cotton work sweaters?
We have five numbers of work sweaters. They are priced with;n
your reach, and not one can be replaced in stock at the price we offer
them to you $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50.
We are still headquarters for the Carhartt Overall and are still selling
them at last summer's price, $2.75 the good old heavy Mastercloth.
W HEN it seemed that overalls were going out of reach of the average
man's pocket-book, we put in another line of overalls to sell at $2.25
these we still have in nearly every size, as our sales are mostly "Carhartt"
we offer you this blue white stripe at $2.00 to close them out.
.i it i h:t titi.i;.
Wo wih to extend to our friends
and neighbors who so kindly as
sisted at the sickness and death of
our beloved husband anil father.
John Seagraves. and for the floral
tributes and the kind.'i'-ss of the
pallbearers, at the funeral.
From S.i t ui-.ta v's 1 tail v.
Mrs. Dr. C. W. Pughley, of Omaha,
arrived in lki city last evening, and
went to the home of her parents, W.
A. Talor and wife, south of the city,
where she is visiting for a short
iime. Mrs. Pughley said she had
just heard from her husband, who
has been in Prance for a number of
months, ami that he had been pro
moted to the position of Major. He
stated he had no idea as to when he
would he able to return home.
1'rom Sa t ti taia v's l!ii!v
Mrs. Adolph Wesch jr. of Nio
brara, arrived iu this city last even
ing from her home, staying over
nikt at the home of Mr. Adolph
Wesch sr. of this city. and this
morning departing for Omaha,
where the attends the funeral of
her aunt Mrs. Emily Meyers. of
Heaver Crossing, who died at that
place a few days since and who is
to be buried in Omaha today. Mrs.
Meyers had made her home in Oma
ha for I'S ears. and has moved to
Heaver Crossing only. ?, years since.
C. N. I lanson, v. ho h:
,;-en woi
mg near Ce!ar Creel:, was a business
visitor in the city this morning.
Mi.-s O'jve Gass departed this
morning for Glenwood. where she is
giving instruction in music to a class
which she has there.
Cured at a Cost of 21, Cents.
E. Wescott's Sons
"Eight years ago when we first
moved to Mat toon, I was a great
sufferer from indigestion and con
stipation." writes Mrs. Robert Alli
son. Mntteori. 111. "I had frequent,
headaches and dizzy spells, and
there was a feeling lik" a heavy
weight pressing on my stomach an5
t best all the time. I felt miserable.
Every morsel nf food distressed .me.
I could not rest at night and felt
tired and worn out all the time.
One bottle oT Chamberlain's Tablets
cured me am' I have felt like a
From K.-itur.layN I;iilv.
Mrs. N. 11. Isbel. who has been
confined to her bed for the past four
weeks, first with the Spanish i iflu
onza, ami later with other complica
tions, is reported at present as show
ing some substantial improvement.
Mrs. Isbel, after h'-r prolonged ill
ness, has not recovered her strength
as rapidly as she hoped, but other
wise she is making progress. Mr.
Isbel has been very well considering
his frailty, and until just recently,
when they were able to secure a
nurse, he cared for his wife and did
the housework as well.
j different person."
The annual meeting of "The Cul
ltm Farmers Elevator Co., will be
held at the Becker school house.
School District No. 41. on Jan. 18.
10 1! at one o'clock P. M. for the
purpose of electing officers for the
coming year and transacting such
other business as may come before
the meeting.
The Board of Directors will also
accept sealed bids lor manager un
til the next annual meeting. All
bids to be mailed to the secretary.
9-2twotd Cedar Creek. Nebr.
In the lesiri.-t t'ourt or the County
f ';iss. N : l.r;i ska.
Henrietta Halines. I'laiiitilT
I "lat t.- tnou ! ii Kerry t'ompanv. a
'ri'!-a t inn. et al. I elVn-ia nts.
T the ilefernlants. I 'la 1 1 smou 1 1: fer
ry company, a corporation: the un
known successors, k ran tecs ami assitrns
of the I Ma t tsmout Ii Ferry companv. n
corpora t im : Thomas J. Jones: Mrs.
''horeas .1 Jones, first real name un
known, wife or willow of Thomas .1.
Jones. the unknown heirs. devisees,
lecatees. persona! represent a t ivrs and
all other o rsoiis i n t crest ! in the cs
ta!e of Thomas J. Jones, decease.! ; t.e
unknown .i.-irs. ie jsees. lecatees. per
sonal rep-. s-nat ives alel all other p. ! -sons
interesteil in the estate of Mrs.
Thomas J. Jones, tirst real name un
known. iteeensC.l w i f e er whlow of
Thomas .1 Jones: James O'Neill: Mrs.
James Nill. first real name un
known, wile or willow if James 1'Ncill :
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
ocrsenal representatives nml all other
ocrsons interesteil in the estate of
James O'Neill, riecensed: the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Mrs. James
.I'.N'eill, first real name unknown, de
ceased wife or widow of James
O'Neill: J. M. Dewes. also known as
J. M. Dews, first real name unknown:
Mrs. J. M. 1 cves, also known as Mrs.
I. M. I'ews. first real name unknown:
the unknown heirs, devisees, leeratees
Personal representatives and ail other
hi rsens interested in the estate of J.
M. ewcs. alsi. known as J. M. Icvs.
tost real name unknown, deceased:
the nnUnown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives ami all other
persons interested in the estate- nf Mrs.
.1. M. I'cwes. also known as Mrs. .1. M.
I.-ws. first real name unknown, deceas
ed wife or widow of J. M. I (ewes, also
known as J. M. I ews. tirst real name
unknown: l:. S. Krown. a-widow, tirst
real name unknown and the unknown
owners and unknown claimants of lots
to and It in I lock 1. in the City of
l'lattsmoutli. Cass county. Nehraska:
You and each of you are hereby no
tified that on the Mil day of January,
. I . 1 1 !. plaintif filed her suit in t he
district court of Cass county, Nebras
ka, to quiet plaintiff's title to the fol
lowinir described lots, to-wit:
"Lots ten (10) ami eleven 11. in
block two CM in the City of lMatts
month. Nebraska"
because of her adverse possession I
bv herself anil her grantors for more
tnan ten years prior to the comnien-e.-ment
of said suit: to have dec-reed
and established that a certain ileed
from the defendant K. S. Hrown. widow,
tirst real name unknown. delivered
June "4. to Nicholas Halmes. hus-
tami of plaintiff, and throuph whom
plaintiff claims title, to liave been duly
executed, delivered and to have pass
ed the title from the said K. S. Brown,
widow, tirst real name unknown, to
the said Nicholas Halmes. and to en
join each ami all of you from having
or tlaiminc any ritrht. title, lien or in
terest, either lcal or equitable, in or
to sn il lots or any part thereof : to
require yon to set forth your rifrht.
title, claim, lien or interest therein, if
any. either let:al or equitable, and to
have the same adjudged inferior to
the title of plaintiff and for pcneral
equitable relief. This notice is made
pursuant to the order of tie- court.
Von are required to answer said p. -tition
on or before Monday, l'ehruary
phoned near two o'clock yesterday
afternoon, telling of her condition.
inly she was just recovering from the ,;-
21. 1!'l!', or your detain will
entered therein.
H!KTTA ll.M.MKS. ' fects of the ether, which had Imn
. A. Ilobertson. IMaintift. I
Attorney for Plaintiff. (.il:!-lw
oti i: i mi:h
Notice is hereby civn that bv vir
tue of a chattel npiripair-. dated M,n
-''). lSlv. and dulv (He. I in the offjee ..f
the. county clerk of Cuss eontilv. Ne
braska, on Ma v 'ii. l!ip. arol eeellteil
bv David A. Mullenas and Katie 1 :
Muilenav his wif-i to A. C. M.C.n.!
to secure the paynp-n! of JS hi. en will,
'merest thereon, and upon whieh there
is now due the sum of fsC im. said
mortirairee feeling itise-ui.- ji, I, is se
curity, elects to declare said indebted
ness now due. and no suit or other
procecding at law having been insti
oted to recover said debt or any part
thereof, therefore 1 will sell the prop
erty therein described, viz: two brov. i,
meies. one brown mare, one brown
co-It. four red cows, live red heifers,
two red steers: two wairons. one spring
waeron: one mowing : two sets
of double harness at public auction at
the Fred Patterson farm in Kast Kock
Bluff precinct in Cass county. on the
4th day of February, J J 1 at ! o'clock
a. in. of said day.
Dated Jannarv 4, 1 T 1 !.
A. K. Md'oUD.
.ii:;-::w Mor.gauee.
From Saturday's Daily.
A phone message telling of the
extreme illness, of Mrs. V. II. Skin
ner of Buffalo, Wyo., who has been
brought to Lincoln for treatment
for cancer, the lady entered the hos
pital a few days since and under
went an operation for cancer this
morning, with the result, and the
physicians report a very successful
operation. When the friends tele-
administered for the operation. Mrs.
Mattie Herold her mother dcpart'-d
last evening for Lincoln to be close
to her daughter, during her illness.
Frur Thursday's Daily.
Charles Gradoville who enlisted
in the navy more than a year auo
and who bus been in the Naval Hos
pital since the fourth of last March,
where he lias been given medical
attention since that date, return. -d
home this morning. Mr. Gradoville
has been in the hot-pita! during all
this time and was under the care
of the physician, at the time of
his Havir.rr the hospital. He v ill
rest here ir some time until he
feels that he is completely restored
to health, when he will depart for
a shcool at Minnapolis, to take a
course in mechanical engineering.
Tim Kahoutek went to Chicago a
few days since where lie met Mr.
Gradoville. his brother-in-law, re
turning with him this morning.
Alfalfa-Molasses Feeds!
The best and most economical feed for live stock.
Write us for description and prices.
Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co.,
Omaha, Nebraska
Go Ahead With Your Plans:
That is the advice of the War Industries Board.
Maybe you have hoped that another 3 ear would see your plans ofa new home
Those hopes can be a realit
Building Restrictions Have Been Removed On
Ali farm and ranch buildings
All schools, churches, hospitals and public buildings costing not more than
All new homes costing not more than $10,000.00
Now is the time to plan. Let us help you do it.