The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 06, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, JAHUAKY C, 1919.
From Saturday's DaHv.
Ifarvey Shipley of LaPlatte was
a visitor " in this city for a short
time today, looking after 'some busi
ness. Davis Mullenax of Old Rock Bluffs
was called to this city this morn
ing to look after some business for
the morning.
George Reynolds of near Old Rock
Bluffs, was a visitor in Plattsmouth
for the afternoon, coming to do
some trading with the merchants.
Miss Anna Snyder who is employ-)
ed as teacher in , the Omaha city
schools arrived home last evening,
to spend the week end at the homo
of her parents Geo. W. Snyder and
wife southwest of the city.
Grovertior Dovey who has been
visiting here with his wife for some
time, departed this afternoon for
Omaha, and was accompanied by
his wife and mother, where they
were spending the time with
George W. Olson the mail mes
senger has found some time between
trains to get out and Icok for a lost
rabbit or two. whom he fears
would become blinded by the snow
and find nothing to eat. Very kind
of the genial mail carrier, to thus
care foe the apple tree barkers.
Mrs. J. L. Thompson who bas
been sick at her home at the Pol
lock Auto Bridge, is reported as still
... ..." ,.7with friends, returning to resume
confined to
her oea. witn sciauva
i jv -I n -na tW- 11 rl hfivin?
a b
medical care nil the time, and while
she is verr sick. It is hoped that
showing improve-
she will 'fMn be
' W(ft?r rtuseell of Weeping Wat
er who was formerly one of the lo
cal loard here, was over from his
home town today visiting with his
frfer.ds r.nd locking after some busi-
As I am gxing to Perkins County,
Neb., next spring, I will sell at
Public Auction at wnr.t is Known as
the Ge. M. llild farm, seven nines
west and three miles south of
mm t m
riattsmioulu. ana a nan uaniiFrnm Fridav Dally.
and one mile west of Eight Mile
Grcve cemetery, beginning at 10:00
o'clock A. M., on
The following described property:
ir TTcn A TTTCPe
One black mare.
4 vears old. wt.Tor a short time
1300. nith, foal.
Due b:y It. 3 re
8 jears old, wt.
100. with foal. ,
'One bay goiding, 5 years old, wt.
One bay gelding. 7 years old. wt.
One black gelding, rniooth nvmfh.
weight 1400.
One bay mare.
(i vcars cid, wt.
One bay-gelding. 1
year old.
One suckling colt.
One team bay gelding;
12, wt. :J200.
ie dapple gray mart.'
11 and
0 year?
old. wt. 1500.
On-? black gelding, 3 years
wt. 1:500.
12 Head Qf Cattle.
Three milk cows, two fresh, cue
fresh hhju.
Three heifers:, one and two years
One- Stun llijrii bull, thirteen
months old. ,
One -Rod Ptlled bull.
IY.tir b-'H calves, four arid five
niontiio old. I
17 Head Of Hogs.
Sixteen head of Duroc-Jcrrey
brood wi:.
One pedigreed Iluroc-Jersey boar.
Farm Machinery.
One Newton wagon.
On? Mitchell wagon.
' One spring wagon. v
One hay rack.
One McCormick mower. ,
One press drill.
One John Dcrre seeder.
One 3-section harrow.
One center cut disc.
One stalk cutter.
One King cream separator.
One tank heater.
Five dozen chickens.
' .One Acme hay rake, nearly new.
One Sattley gang plow, almost
One new Moline riding lister.
One Moline combined walking
Two New Departure cultivators.
One CO-gal. kerosene tank with
Many other articles too numerous
to mention.
Lunch Will Be Served by W. A. Scott
TERMS OK SALE All tuios un
der $10. cash in hand. On sums over
$10 a credit of six months will be
given on bankable note bearing
eight per cent interest 'from date.
"So property to be removed from the
premises until settled for.
W. R. YOUNG. Auctioneer.
ness for a short time. Speaking of
the influenza, he said that there
was but one case now quarantined
in Weeping Water.
Hon. R. B. Windham departed
last evening for Lincoln, where he
goes to take up his labors, as a
member of the legislature repre
senting Cass and Otoe counties. Mr.
Windham has had a good deal of ex
perience in the matter of legisla
tion, and should be able to serve
the people to the best, which we are
sure he will do.
Miss Emily McGregor, of Sargent
who has been visiting in this city
for eome time and also with her
sister Mrs. Fred Majors who live3
some ten miles pouth of ttis city,
was a passenger to Omaha, where
she will visit over Sunday, when
she will return for a longer visit
hrnr r( limine to her home at
The Journal has just gotten out
a brief for County Attorney A. G.
Cole, and he is highly pleased
with the promptness which the work
was executed and the high grade of
the work done. The brief is in the
case of County Attorney A. G. Cole
vs. The Jones-IIansen Cadillac Co..
and has to do with the carrying of
the booze car case to the Supreme
court. .
Miss Mary Clark, stenogrspher in
the office of Superintendent Baird.
at the Burlington shops, wss a pas
senger this afternoon -to Lincoln.
where she will visit over Sunday
- .
lier work Monday morning. Before
accepting her present position here,
. - , .
Mic Clark was for the past year
employed as a stenographer at the
Administration ounning oi lue.oiaic
University, at Lincoln.
E. S. Mason end titter yir. Mar
tin Sheldon departed this morning
for Omaha, where they go to visit
with the little daughter of Mr. Ma
son Miss IJelen. who has been at
a hospital three for some months, re
ceiving treatment for the correction
of an iujury which she received at
play when one of her playmates
struck her in the back with a brick.
Mr. Mason thinks it better to have
t!ie little girl remain at the hos-
. , untn the wcather
shall have
gotten warmer.
j Ralph Shipley, of lal'latte, was a
.business visitor in Plattsmouth for a
few hours this afternoon.
Walter' Sans, from south of Rock
1 Bluffs.
as a" visitor in the city this
i morning
looking after some business
George Snyder was a pssengerJ
to Omaha, this morning where he is
looking after some business at. the
live stock market on the south side.
John True and wife, who conduct
a restaurant at Cedar Creek, were in
Jthc effy this morning looking after
i,IlsillPS nnt visiiinsr with obi
time friends.
I . ... ...
I Mrs. A. II. Campbell -arrived this
'morning from Waterloo and-will vis
lit with her cousin. Mrs. John Shel
It'.oii, and runt, Mrs. David Neil!, for
a few days.
i Mrn. George Lewis cf Bcll'-'vue
, who ha3 been visiting in this city
' for the past few days spending the
I holidays with friends, returned to
heme tins afternoon.
Lieut. Ralph Larson wa3 a pas
render !a?t evening for Louisville
where fie is visiting with friends for
a short time and also loosing after
some business, fjr the day.
Mrs. John Parkening who has
been visiting in this city the guest
at tlie home of her. parents M. Ilild
and wife, for the day, yesterday re-
turned to her home near Cedar
rtek last evening.
J. M Jordan was a visitor in the
.city this morning, coming over from
;hls home near Cedar Creek to look
after snmfi hnsines an'.l ct K,n.
pairs for his pump, which the rieors
of zero weather proved too much for. t
With, the sugar -and other
rertrictions off we are now simply;
reminded of our duty to conserve to
help feed the Htarving populace of
KTlef-stricken France arwl Pelirimn
J Ami we vhtmlil An It" nne-riirlfriiip-li-
A petition was' filed in the county
court this morning for the final
hearing of the matter of the' estate
of Kdwin Metcalf. formerly of near
Glen wood, and "for which estate, N.
K. Meeker has been the adminis
trator. The members of the i'aniily . of
Yeagcr Smith and wife south of the
city who hive been down with the
influenza, are all getting along In
pretty good condition fitpresent.
RoyM Smith, who, was the , worse,
and who lias much the highest fev
er continuing the longest time, is
also getting along in fairly good
From Tliursdiiv'ij railv.
George II. Meisinger, from wer?t of
Mynard, was looking after some busi
ness in the city this afternoon.
Ben Ueckmah of ner Murray
was in "the city this morning look-
ing after some business for a few
hours during the day.
Mrs. Joseph Masseney of Mauley
who has been visiting in the city,
a guest at the home of her daugh
ter Mrs. John Habel.
Mrs. R. .11. Newell who has been
visiting in the city for touic. time
past departed last evening for her
home near Louisville.
J. M. Jordan, from near Cedar
Creek, was in the city New . Years
day, looking after some business, lie
returned home last evening.
Mesdames Harry Hinton and Wil
Oliver of Louisville who has boon
visiting in the city for some tint,
returned last evening for their
Ft. II. Newell, of near Louisville,
was; a visitor i-n yesterday.
being a guest at the home of his
father, W. II. Newell over the New
Henry Likewise who has been
visiting in the city and looking af
ter some business lor the day yes
terday, returned home to Cedar
Creek last evening.
A. G. Cole county attorney, who
has been kept at home on account
of a severe cold, for the pt few
days was. able to set down io th
office this morning.
Marion. Of.senkop of Louisville
visited in this city for the New
Yf?r and '.va-3 the gucf t of hi
friend Rev Winscoti and returned
home List evening. Mci3inger from near Ced:tr
Creek was in the city this moruiu
looking after some business for ths
day. and transacting some matter;
at the court house.
Ed. Storms who is working for
phone Cs'-Jpany and located
Louisville was a visitor at home for
the New Year, and reft last even
ing for his work again.
l-eltoy winscott. who is employ -i:
with the Lincoln Telegraph ai'J
Telenhone Company, at Louisville.
was home for New Yearsr and last
evening returned to his work.
Edward Schuhloff iis a visitor
In Louisville for the evening yester
day remaining over night, and af
ter having given his band their
trailing returned home this morn
ing. , '
Our old friend. J. T. Porter, from
near Nehawka. was in PlattsmoiUh
one day last week and paid the Jour
nal office a brief call. John is al
ways "a mighty welcome visitor
around the Journal headquarters.
Clarence G. Maytield of Louis
ville wa a visitor in the city yes
terday coming to attend the funer
al of ilrs. John E. Schutz. which
was held yesterday afternoon. re
turned to his home in the afternoo-i.
Clarence Mcismger from r.rur
Cedar Creek was a visitor in Platts
mouth for a short time yesterday,
and was accompanied by his sist- r
Iora. and were guests or friends t;r
the day, returning to their home ii.
the evening.
Jlcnry Ilcebuer cruie , up tl;is
morning from Murray, where he luui
been spending ti e New Year. ::d
4'epartel for Cedar CrecTi. where he
takes up hi4; work, as the repre
sentative lf the Dull' Grain Compand
or that place.
Jchn Parkening froi Cedar Creel:
Wat; a business, visitor at the county
reat ye;terduy, coining in in the
r.'orning, and after having trans
acted the business calling hiai here,
returned to his heme on the train in
the afternoon.
Russell S'andtT about a week
i-inco injured his bnck "while work
ing atxjut the farm, and is not aide
to get around with his work. vHe
has been keDt to his bed lor "cme
time, but was able to be up for a
! little while today.
Mrs. Phillip Trit::t'i of McP?.ul,
Ioa- Tvho has ''n vlsiirns m this
r-!"'" a Re-?t of her motSier Mrs. J.
p- Keii' lor NtMV Vours departed
las tvt Jlin fyr ''tdar vk- whore
i s he will vidt with her tister Mrs
IT J Kciirneder fr n Kfii.rt time.
i Henry Sanders who has been at
Cedar Creek, was a Tisitor in the
city for. the day, and vn? accom
panied bv li is daughter Mrs. Philip
lAinert, who-' is looKing airvr some
, business matters and ( viit - at the
home of her parents.
August Oi.senkop, who is the tore-
i man
of the Parmele ranch near
Bow, and who litis beer,
visiting at his former home, at
LoukviHe, and looking after some
business here, departed yesterday
afternoon, for the west where t.e
takes up his work auain.
Mrs. Henry Specht was a visitor
in P'attsiuonth ibis morning, cou
ing down to do pome trading, and,
hIfo desiring to visit at 'the h:ime
of her parents Wm. Wixsoii and
family, but on account of them hav
ing the influenza she was not per
mitted to go to their home. She
Vent up in the street and talked to
t.hem fcr a short time at a dist
ance. They are all cret?ir
very ve'l. ,
Flags at the Jrorcql Offi?p.
r A New Spirit of Eood VVill:
! . - ! f
E '
l A. I,W
IX Till-: lUSTItltT fOl'HT ' Jjaiuiaiy 1!1S.
Of c iss rill rv. XKItlt.t o'i lock .. JI.
Henry fnok, atlrainistratar, for license
to eil real estate.
m:m:i: t sikhv cm'si:.
Now. on 1 1:1: &th iay of Novcmtier,
. l. 101S, tliis cause rame on for luar
irjr non the petition, under oath of
Henry Simlio, nclniinist ra tor of tlie es "'f I Mizabftli Siuiirn-r. tlot'eastftl.
rnyinp: for lioonse to sell tlie l'ollow
inK ilesi-rltnl real estate of nail IClizn
l.el'o Sumner, ( : t.ot. Four 4,
Fi-(? 15). anil Six (). in UJock Twenty
niiT .! of tl:e. Villajre of Kale.
t:.-iss County, Nebraska, or a suflicit-nt
n moil lit thereof to lninpr Hie sum of I
J :."!.(. fo- the pajtnont of .lelts al
lowed uKbinst aicl esiat-, ami allow-
tice ar.n costs of adiniritstiation, Cpr
!.e reason that there is not n MiiTi-
t-ii-iit amount of personal property In
the possession of saiil Henry Snoko,
iminlstralor, leloriKiit?r to sahl !-
li te, to pay said debts, allowances an-'
it is therefore ordered that all per-
--;t.s iiifri stcd In said estate appear
rnfore me at chambers In the City of
J'lattsiTiunt !i in sanl covnty, on the 1 Hh
.(ay ot January, A. I. 13j:. at tlie p.oi:r
'.i t n o ( hick a. in., Jo show cause. If
any there he, why a 1 icensie sl,:o'ihl not
:u: platted to aid lenry Snoke, a'l-initii.-lralor.
to jiell fu inncti of the
uljove Oescrihed real estate of said
deceoerit as fehall he neccssaiy to pay
said deht:; and e.vpcnsos.
It ftirttier ordered that a copy of
th-5 order he crved upon all j.eisons
: ute : stca in sail estate ly cauMii ;
tlie same to oo pn I.! istn-il unco, eacil
i ei lor lour sin-eesslye weeks -lu ti:c
llii Itsmonlii JoiM-nal a tiewspapc-r puo-
iis'.ied end prinH-d In raid - county of
iljss JAMKS T. BKCl.KV.
i-iivi'.s Jiidire of the Oistrict Court
i.i:;ai. otick.
i:sTi:i) T!' tiik kstati-: of icckt
ox j. kkui;, )i;ci:A!SKP. and to
ki:t:i:, ukceasku.
Vou ae ln-4-ehy potilied that on the
lath day of 191X. Sarah
i-:iizabetli Kerr, filed tier petition in
the County Court of Cass County, Ne
braska; the object and prayer of
which are for the judpre of said
county to fix a time and place of 5:ear
iniz the allegations of the petition,
und to determine .who all they lieics of
Hurton C. Kerr, are. and who all the
heirs of Charles Kerr. are. and- to find
that both Burton C. Kerr and diaries
Kerr, uioil intestate in Cass ''unry.
Xebr.. and to enter i's orter barring
all claims ascainst the estate of H-irton
C. Kerr, anil nKalnst the estate of
Charles Kerr, and said petition al
leging' that Merrit S. Kerr, now inter
married Willi Lottie Kerr, who re
sides In Houston, Texas; Alice Kerr,
now Inter-married with l;v K. An-,
orews. residing In Plattsmouth, Xe-j
braska; .Elizabeth Kerr, now Liter- :
married with James Tlishel, re-iding1
at Glenwood. Iowa; and Julia M. Kerr,
single, residing in I'latismouth, Xe
bratika. together with ytiur petition
er, constitute the heirs at. I.nv
of l.turton C. Kerr, and that-the pet!-IT-ner
Saraii Klizabetli Keri is the
nly heir at law of the decea.seii
Charles Kerr.
Yon are further notified' that a
herin;r upon the sili'satlcii-; w:d
prayer tjf said petition will lie hud at
the office of the County Judire, in the
Court House at I'lattsmouth, Cass
County, Nebraska, on the 22nd day of
Thanks to the opportunity given it
by the War Department at home
and abroad, a new spirit of good will
has grown up around Dodge Brothers
Motor Car. -
Wherever soldiers meet, this car is
spoken of in terms of adrniration and
even affection.
Soldiers grow to love the tools &nd
weapons and implements that serve
They admire especially the inani
mate thing that shows grit and en
durance in a tight place.
That "is American and that is the
American soldier in .particular and
that is the sort of glory being woven
around Dodge Brothers Motor Car.
There will always' be associated with
it the remembrance ofjLhe'work it
did in the world war in army service'
cn both sides'of the'ocean..
Thousands of American soldiers are'
coming back now from the camps in
America and the battle-front in
France, telling how well that work
was done.
The gasoHne consumption Is unusually low
The tire mileage is unusually high
i h mimi iii hBiiTTM
at the
hour of ten
ami all
will l'p allow ii ani! l rce entersU
Ky Oir Couvt.
LLKX .1. rHt:sNT.
23-3'Iii. J;!M. i'lmiily Jmle.
Tlll'l IHSTKKT CltlltT K
tiik nii.Aiv of t'ss. -Xi:ii,
In the matter f the fluanlianship
of Henry Kikenbary, mentally iiu-oin-petent.
is hereby ifiven thnt -in pur
suance of an order of James T. ISeK
ley, Judsre of the IHstrict Court of
Cass -Countv, Nebraska, inde on the
3 tli day of Hirrtnlr 19 IS. fr the
sale of the real estate hereinafter de
scribed there will be soid 'at the
South front door of the Court House
in I'lattsmouth, Cas.s County. Ne
braska, on the 21st day- of January
j:tl!, at ne vio:k I'. M. or said" day
.-it public ".'endue to the hlwJ'est bidder
for cawli the following described real
istate, to wit:
I.ot lour (t) In the Northwest
tiuartt-r of the Southwest Quarter; al
so I-ot five ) in the Southwest
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter,
all in Section nineteen f I ! ) Town
ship twelVe--J ' Kutie fourteen (Hi
Cass County, Nebraska.
' Said ale to remain open one hour.
Hated this lSth dav f liecembei,
Guardian of tn estate of Henry
r.i K-n oury, inenti.:iiy 1 itoinpeient.
In the lAstrict f!ourt of the County
of Cass, Nebraska.
Charles C. I'artnelc, I'laintifT
-vs- ,
Jacob I. Falter; Mary Falter: O.
1. Olson, first real name unknown;
Mrs. O. I. olsou. first real name
unknown. wfe of O. J. Oteon; .1..
X. Kint?, first real name unknown;
Mrs. J. X. Kinp. first renl name
unknown, wife of, J. X". Kins; W.
F. Winslow, first real name un
known; Clarence A. Atkinson; Er
nest 1. Shellenbarger ; Texas Uio
Crnpde Company, a Corporation,
and Fred Wagner.
Defendants. .
otlee of Suit
To the defendants, O. P. Olson, first
real name unknown: Mrs. O. I'. Olson,
first real name unknown, wife of O.
IV Olson: .1. X. K in sr, first ', real name
unknown: .Mrs. J. X. Ktn;r, first real
name unknown, wife of J. X. Kiner:
Texas Itio Grande Company, 1 a Corpo
You and each of you are hereby not
fled that the plaintiff has filed "Ids
amended petition inthe above entitled
action "in the District Court of Cass
county. Nebraska, to foreclose a mort
gage plveri by Jacob I. Falter and
wire. .Mary Falter, to Charles F. Davis,
nssiprned bv said Charles- V. Davis, to
Leonard W. Schelbel and assigned by
t-aid Leonard W. ScI.eibel to tlie plain
tiff, which, said mortsrajre is dated
August 26, 191:5, and was recorded in
the olTic-e of the liesister of Deeds of
eur,- Vel raska, on August 2i.
191::, at 10:01 a. ni., in book 9 of
iniivicapi's, at jvayo ii'l thereof, con-vi-vintr
lots J! and I'J in block 1:7 in
the City of I'lattsmouth, Cass county,
Ne;.i:'ak, to secute on nrcmlssnrv
tiojte for the sum of Jlo.O'JO.OO dated
August 26, 1913, and becoming due1
They are telling it to their fathers and
mothers, their worshipping small
brothersJ their sisters, their sweet
hearts and their friends.
It is the central figure in many a
stirring story told about the family
To many a "white-haired American
mother it, means something more, as
it goes by, than just a motor car.
She links it," somehow, with what her
own boy did, with what America did,
and with what America stands for.
Dodge Brothers are proud that theirs
was the one car of its type and class
chosen by the War Department.
They are prouder still that it has
been taken into the hearts and
homes of the American people.
The old folks, and the little folks who
don't forget,'are spreading a leaven
of good will which will. endure for
years to come.
Dodge Brothers cherish this new
spirit of good will which lias come
out of the world war as their most
valued possession.
- x
.IJivn.i.ri i, Willi lllfPlPSit lf
Per cent per annum from September 1.
lfl.l. annually as evideiw-o.l in.- Kv- i
terest notes tkerewitii of even date
and whfeli principal note draws inter-
esL!.a 10 .',er cent l)f"r annum after due
until paid and tiiat the interest note
of $yik.00 thereon, due Septemlier 1
IMls, with intM.-e.x-t at 10 per cent after
maturity has not been paid, and that
said principal note and said inteist
note are Ions past due and bv the
terms, f said mortRasre, he Whole
amount is due and payable: that the
il;'.'s--fo1' lllp -vt'ar 917 in the sum of
il0b.i; became ilelinquent on t(ie 1st
ti.i.v .i ;m.i. isik, an. I remain unpaid
ami mat the plaintilT asks judgment
orr said prineial note and interest
iiie ami saiu inoitifaw and to fore
close the eiuity of redemption against
all the parties therein.
You and each or you are required to
answer said petition on or In-fore Mori
day, tlie 1 fit 1 1 day of February. HII9 or
d fmilt asjainst you ami each of you
v.i:i be duly entered therein.
l'JIsate1 tliis 2Sth 0ay ot December,
... .,.,. 1'laintifT.
. A. Uqbertson,
His Attorney. (d30-4tw
Since the government has Impos
ed an income tax on the earnings of
all foreigners, of two per cnt of
their yearly earnings, it is stirring
many of the people, who have
thought to have profited by the fact
of living in this country and have
avoided the obligation of citizen
ship, to a realization that it is bet
ter to be fulPand true American,
.Soldiers, sailors and eivili... :'-,.. .
deeded landS,-ill do well U search , , , hV""-.-ud lands or huy la
Koute. Itsliocsthrouvv-'rJ ' lbe. lloiy -erved by the llutlfnoo
have .beeopulated within iLcZCT- l'" and Mlanu
sperous type. , .
areas of rLT-cVed'la
buy deeded lanas for day LrminoT
on terms that any gooJ ?
u opening irrigated lands in the l"i Horn
almost gift. If yott seUJe alon"r
? progressive local iTv
c ? 2 H a r t ft iniiiujHiinn
"04 FSD
KiV,n.. , .. .
expect mis country to carry
uue iney enjoy iio
benefits of a residence here, and al
low the country to get along with
out their allegiance.
John IJreckage of Ktiid. OMa
who has JVist been discharged from"
the army at Camp Fun-ton. arrived
yesterday and departed in the after
noon for Murdoch, where he u visit
nilCk 1 1 . J rv .,.1. : 1 ...
ing at the home of his uVle Ilenrv
Meyerjirgen, for a short time before
iroing to his home in the eouth.
C-lande Hutclinson. lo !ias
been at Camp Raleigh. N. c.. where
lie was in training, as one of tl-c
fighting force of Uncle aSm. ne
was for some time at (Jreer. villc. .
('., as well for some time, but j-Jm-n
the signing of the armi.stice had
been sent to Camp Dodg, wh-re
he has been since the 2Gth or De
cember and was mustrred our. yes
terday, and arrived here today.-
Itaymond Walsh who has l . tn
here for the past few weeks, taking
Ins vacation and visiting with his
relatives here, departef! this aftir
noon for his home in Omaha, where
be returns to his work with the
Ltico ignition people.
" " l,vlliHon or tbo most
'Ve1 l,-v Hui-lifton la.-o
e"tr-V iU CH) lr' Yo , c -an
C olonul"
f ''""V" JC" U,ft .ro.n.,nl
InL lUh ator right s
.k , you reAr -Voup iu '
. - ? irai ti it
- AOeW-T0ltL AOENT..
vmana, riebra&Kd