The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 26, 1918, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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To Our Friends:
At this joyous Holiday Season we turn in gratitude to you, our
friend and patron. We heartily thank you for the good will you
have shown us.
We extend you our. most cordial greetings and best wishes for
Peace, Prosperity and Happiness and for those whose happiness,
depends upon you.
Sincerely Yours,
C. C. Barnard, dragging 9.00
M. Lutz 24. SO
James Wynn, road work 6:30
Q. K. Parmele, road work 3.50
Luke Kennard. road work 33.25
Peters & Parker, keys 1.00
Peters & Parker, repairs on
City Hall 62. SO
V. R. Gobelman, work on,
City Hall 6.90
And Allow Expenses For Firemen
Attending State Convention
At Fremont.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Last evening there was ' not a
member missing from his place
when the-gavil of -the Mayor rap
ped to order, and ' the readijig to
two sets of minutes was listened to
with a commendable degree .of pat
ience. The first thing to challenge
the attention of the law makers,
was a request for an increase in
rates for the electric current, this
was deferred until under another
head, and the regular order of busi
ness proceeded' with.
Finance Committee Report.
The report of the finance com
mittee showed the following col
lection of accounts, and were rec
ommended to be paid by vote of
Bi'ls Paid.
John Zitka. road work $12.95
J. H. McMaken, sand etc 19.80
Will Send Delegates.
Under the head of the Voluntary
Fire Department, which the coun
cil at its last meeting had instruct
ed the Fire and Water Committee,
to attend the last meeting of the
Fire Department, and council with
them, the committee had to report,
that they had been at the meeting,
and had found, that, the department
was a weak sister in number of
J members, but that they were pick
ing up, and would soon- have a
number of new members in and
that the numerical strength of the
department would socn be greater.
Imbodied in the 'report, which
was made by Councilman Harris
from the Fifth Ward, he made a
motion that forty dollars be appro
priated to bear the expenses of two
delegates to the state fireman's con
vention which is to meet in Fre
mont in January. This provoked
much discussion, and was passed
by every legislator voting for it,
when the roll was called.
The Snow Ordinance.
The city attorney was asked to
report upon his investigations, on,
the ordinance governing' the mat
ter of snow on side walks, and said
in substance, that the ordinances,
touching that was so framed that
the leaving of snow on the walks
in front of one's resident or place of
business), was made a misdemeanor,
and was punishable by arrest and
fine, for the one guilty of the of
fense, and that this did not apply
to one who was a non resident, as
tlley could not get service on such.
Regarding the matter of 'taxing'the
removing of the Fnow from walks,
to the property abuting, he said:
There wtis no laws on the statute
which would allow this procedure,
and therefore, what was supposed
could be done in that line was now
sanctioned by the law. The com
mittee which had in hand "the re
pairing of the city hall after the
future, reported that it had been
done and that the damage payment
by the insurance companies, has
provided for the repairs.
Light Ordinance "Passed.
Then was taken up thematter of
the increasing of the electric light
ordinance, which was drawn to al
low an increase during the months
of January, February; March and
April of 1919, and allowed an in
crease o! ten per cent of all bills for
the time, on current used for both
light and power to private consum
ers. The. ordinance after having
been read by text the first time,
was placed upon its reading by mo
tion of Luschinsky and supported
by Beesion, placed upon its second
and third reading by title, under
suspension of the rutes. The vote
was then taken which gave the Ne
braska Lighting Company the
privilege of charging the new rates,
beginning with the first of the com
ing year. One roll call all voted in
favor of the passage of the ordi
nance. It was claimed that this increase
of the electric light would carry
the gas, which is claimed to be tin
losing proposition through, until
the company would begin making
ice again in the spring. The mat
ter is now disposed of, and is up to
the company and the public for final
Appreciate Home Guards Service.
Mayor. Schneider said,. that when
the first report of the signing of
the peace protocal, the one which
was not, Ihe feeling ran pretty high
and that there was danger of
trouble, and of such t magnitude,
4 hat the police power were unable
to grapple with the question. lie
had appealed to Captain Itawls of
the Home Guards, for protection,
during that night, when things
looked pretty bad for sonic ele
ments, and the protection had been
given in the shape of a guard sent
by Ca plain Rawls. There was no
bill presented for the services, and
the Mayor stated that he thought it
nothing more than right that a gift
bo given to the Home Guards com
pany, in recognition of their effi
cient work. The motion to appro
priate the sum of $25.00 passed
with every one eager to vote for
Inf'uenza Relief Committee.
Mayor Schneider reported that
there were numerous instances in
the city where there were all sick
at one house, and that it had been
impossible to" get anyone to care for
those homes, and that the physician
had to build fires when he went to
rail on his patients. This condi
tion shouldbe taken care of, and
recommended something be done to
alleviate it. Much discu.-sion was
hatl on the subject, and the matter
was disposed of by the setting aside
one hundred dollars, for thu use of
a committee, which should be creat
ed to look after "such cases in the
city. Many would be glad to pay
the bills themselves, but as in many
instances if was not a matter of
paying, but being able to get the
desired service. The motion pre
vailed, and the money was set aside.
Would Erect. Monument.
Buttery in a neat address pre
sented the matter of having set
aside a plot of ground in the ceme
tery, for the purpose of erecting a
monument to the boys from Cass
county, who have given their lives,
for their country in the late war.
The motion prevailed which was
offered for setting aside the ground,
and the inviting the commissioners
to erectMhe monument for' all the
Cass County boys.
Eczema spreads rapidly; itching
almost drives you mad. For quick
relief, Doan's Ointment is well rec
ommended. 60c at all stores.
Last evening Morris Stander ar
rived in the city from Marion, la.,
where he has been for some time,
working on a farm, but had the in
fluenza so that he could not work
very much, and after having gotten
over that sprained both arms so
that-it kept him from work al?o.
LlFTER a year of giving and of sacrifice,
' may your Christmas be doubly joyous for
' what you have done toward re-establishing
peace on Bartb
Wm. Rockseim, and family de
parted -this morning for Lincoln,
where they will spend Christmas at
the home of relatives and friends,
that having been their home for
some time and they having lived
there until recently, when they
came to Plattsmouth to make their
Robert XeiH who has just been
mustered out from the aviation
school at St, Paul, arrived in the
city this morning and is visiting
at the home of' the parenrs of Mrs.
Neill. Gust Lowe and wife of this
city and will visit utnil after Christmas.
M. C. Franks was a visitor in
Omaha thi3 afternoon, where she
will visit with' her mother.
Mrs. J. W. Parker departed for
Omaha where s'6he will visit with her
daughter for the aftrehoon.
C. M. Parker and wife departed
this afternoon for Omaha, where
they will visit for the afternoon.
Eugene Maurer and wife were
visiting in Omaha with 'friends for
Christmas, having gone there tWs
Mrs. James Andrews departed
this afternoon for Omaha, where
she is looking after Some business
for the day. "
Money t lean on city real estate
by the Plattsa.ruth Loan & Building
Association. Sae T. M. Patterson.
Secretary. ' 3-2tfi
! . . . - ml
He Wishes All to Know Their Kind
nesses, And Assistance is
Greatly Appreciated.
4 i "Of N D there were in the same country
Shepherds abiding in the field, keep
ing watch over their flock by night. And,'
1q, the Angel of the Lord came upon them;
and they were sore afraid.
TT N D the Angel said unto them, fear
not, for behold, I bring you good tid
ings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
f O R unto you is born this day in the
City of David, a Savior which is Christ
the Lord." Gospel of Luke 2&-11.
For any concern, be it great or
small, to publish a readable news
paper every day, week in and week
out, and through times 'when there
is plenty of news, and when there
is dearth of items, it is a difficult
task, and one man, however hard he
shall work, can not cover any given
territory, and gather the items of
interest to the people, and it. is the
people we server, .cannot accom
plish the task, unaided. We have
met with friends, who are hosts,
who are willing to do all they can
to aid in the making of a paper here
worthy of the name, and fulfilling
the mission of such an ' institution.
We are indebted to their kidnesses, j
in the many ways which our friends j
have assisted us in gathering "the
best of news.
We 'want those friends who have
so nicely agisted in making this
publication the creat medium it is. !
and has been, for that public spirit-
We wish you a joyous Christmas,
ed and unselfish support, which
they have given. For the future it
will be our aim, to make the Platts
mouth Journal even better than it
has been in the past, and we are
certain, --with the aid of our friends
the public, we will be able to do so.
When you have an item of inter
est, if you cannot see us, call us
on the telephone, and we will be
pleased to receive the news. This
is your city, you make your home
here, and as well, it is ours, and let
us all work to "make it the best
town, for we have elected to live
here, and let us have the best home
paper, that it is possible to publish.
Again thanking all for their
friendship, for their co-operation
and assistance, I am 'wishing all a
Merry Christmas, and Happy and
Prosperous New Year.
Woman loves a clear, rosy com
plexion. Burdock Blood Bitters is
splendid for purifying" the blood,
clearing the skin, restoring sound
digestion.' Ail druggists sell it.
Price $1.25. . .
To Wo Pollock Garage U
Steam Heated Fire-Proof Storage! 1
Fords per month $6.00. Other cars per month $7.50.
We make a specialty of car washing. Fords $1.50; others $2.00. 50c ad
ditional for polishing.
We carry a complete line of Auto Supplies.
Used Fords for Sale!
We have several used and overhauled Ford Roadsters and Touring Cars for G
sale from $275 to $550.
One Dandy Ford Ton Truck with Farm Body and Stock Rack, completely
overhauled and guaranteed in first-class condition, price $500.00.
New Ford Bodies!
Let us overhaul your Ford and install a 1918 body and you will have as good
as a new car. "
Every farmer should own a Ford Ton Truck or a Republic Truck. Wes can
fill orders from our stock. Come in and look them over.
IT'ordsomi Trsuetoir
lite0 n
: Tv dJ7 i
: fetter - iMn ayj i
I , ,. ...... -i - .. --- - - ...... ... it , ..j..,...; . .-. i
Closed Tomorrow.
mm 1IT '
Stomach Trouble.
"Before I ueeG Charaberlain'3
Tablets I doctored a great deal for
stomach trouble and felt nervous
and tired all the time. These tab-
( lets helped me from the first, and
inside of a week's iime I im-1
proved in every way," writes Mrs. 1
L. A. Drinkard, Jefferson City, Mo.
We have just unloaded a car of Fordson Tractors and Oliver Gang Plows,
which are for sale to residents of Cass or adjoining counties.
Let us show you where you will save money by dealing with us.
Gasoline 26c at our New Filling Station.
T. H. Pollock Auflto Co.,
TEL. NO. 1
Plattcmouth, Neb.
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