The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 26, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, 'DECEMBER 26, 1918.
Children Cry
She Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in tse for over thirty years, has borne the signature cf
and has beea made under his per
jT T'r' scnal supervision rince itsinfancy.
uzJX'4u46 iiow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle, with and endanger the health of
Iixfaats and Children Experience agairst Experiment.
' What is CASTOR 5 A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neivher Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
?e is its For more than thirty years it has
teen ia ccnstant use for the relief of Constipation, flatulency
Wind Colic ana Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowe's, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep,
Tne Children's Panacea Tte Uothei's Friend.
I Bears the
i he rlnd Ycu Have Always BoiTght
!"- t M.f ..'ay'.' I;'Iv.
PliiPin and Louis Kornoi'f from
;. -ur t'.slar Crfek were visiting in
::.t :"; f " tl'e day.
I-"'.- Ann, . :"ii..d.r of west 01
Myr.rir'i. whr i teaching at Omaha,
.an:-' l.c::iJ last Saturday for the
!. ::..:.".
r :.-: 1; v. I.o r:i;p,.fy ed at
.-" ... ;:. r; r.e in t :: .-. i;:oriiii:g for a
- I ' x, :' r.t l".T.;r. and to enjoy
ih- Ciirls-n::;s holiday.
Mr. ".:t-: Mr.--. v.-r;t;r j. shiutder
4 f i'. "; :r t' v..r i-i ir.g in tbi
ri -- :" -.v tl.o 'ry. ccming diwn on
: .- . ;-'y i: aii: tl-is rtorning.
).,- L'.yKr tat young attorney
fr-: - Al .o v r.r a v:-.i:or in this r'iy
t . '.::'.:r.g to leck after
n;.. ''.-!:us at the court house.
I ; i"..-.-t i.r v. aj- r. vlcit:r i:i tl'e
v- ;r.'rni:iK.. coming from his
.4 : . . . a..; rr'-c-k. u:il is look
ii. I'e.- ttn.e buvinc-s for the day.
V - ivni'a '.rtor. ..-ho i v. crk
i : in tJ:t:;,J.2 a visitor ikV
r' ;w the ?. l'te of her parents
rr. 7 t.:.-r.;. o cr wor: this nior-
l: It. i:--:.--r riann.o. ;VyoTt
!::. r.rrivv'i here yt'r:i.rday and ic
-rk'-g '. f i.-.-ri "r;iito.i static 1.
f -r .- . -v d.t'-j. r-K t i:e "pecond friri:
r pt-r? cr.
:!r. . w. J. IV"( V:. v. ;o I: us bren
vi-i'tr:" i;t M.-mpai-. ut i'.-.e 1:ct):c-
f r .en I! !. iJtscl: atv.l family
f .r t !:- i.'p.-.t wck. rc-tTirnei home
l-'.t v-P!i vr.
Aii-i-.-s Pv;ii"e i-: J OIcih:-.n.
f r -:ti r.Jurray w--r. in the city this
f?ernjon. coming to do some
in i--i iits shf-pping and to visit
wi'l; tiuir frfend in this city.
Mrs M. iSt''-., and ?on Marvir., ac
i;:iaTiuJ by Airs. Stiles' sister Mrs.
Ib i.ry I miy. who has recently mov
ed to t!:: (.;,y from Palmer, were
I a,-, ngers to fJmalia tliis corning
To Holders of Second
Liberty Loan Bonds
Your next coupons will be payable
November 15th. We skall be glad to
cash them for you free of charge any
time it is convenient to you.
Ash us about our plan for the free safekeeping of
your Liberty Bonds.
The Bank of Cass County,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Capital and Surplizs, $80,000 .
Your Personal Bank.
for Fletcher's
Wj ny ml
Signature of
where they were looking after some
business ar.d will visit with friends
Tor the (jay.
Mr. G. X. ' Heriuist of Milwaukee,
arrived n the city yesterday morn
ing, frc-in
his home and is visitiiig
ai the Lome of V. W. "Was ley. when
his wife, who is a sister of Mrs.
Wasley has been staying fcr tcme
time p..?t. on account of the illness
of Mrs. Wasley, and will visit here
fcr on:e time.
WcbMt-r Ii;it:eU returned to hi
v. ork this morn'ng. after having
bet-n confined to his home. ?.t Weep
ing V.'ater with the Influenza, and
Look up his task, again with the lo
cal bird. Mr. Rucell lost while
he sick tome twenty pounds,
but 5 .it thi? time making good
progrL'. ana hi.
Pry Zirkle. who has been at C;;:np
Trtiv.oi.t. fcr the past ix months,
where he has been in training for
the United State- Army, gcin. to
that place? frc:n here lat rrmpitr.
v?.s mustti'f-d out of the service a
fev. lays Kince r.i:-l rttur:i3d here
Ir.f? Saf.-rday. Mr. Zirkle wii one
of the boyr, to go last stimmrr f,n
tl.e call for troops. anl at the
cf hi:; rrceiviiig t'.ie call was unable
to t'D for a r.onth or s, ;is account
of a l:rok:-:i l:::t revpcTi'lriI. a1;
'-(.cr. :t:: hr p -izi- !y could get away.
It. I.. Armstrong of Gi c e:n.-ood
v :u ir. tl.r city a'tcr;io;n. lok
ii'.f. rfier ..r.n:s bu'-dncs fr-r tlie day.
Key C'ine from CedtT Crek
a visitor it1 the city this morning,
coming down on the morning train.
lfir. ('. V,". Vcs!er, who hai 1 een
visiting at the home of her parent 3
rear V.'ann, returned home la:t
Ilarri.-on McCorJ departed tlrio
afternoon for Dellevut, where he
will spend the Christmas holidays
wSth relatives.
AHi" 'Mcisin?er a visitor in
tl'.is city from 'hi.; home near Cedar
4 h
' i
business for the day.
J. R. Jordan frora near Cedar
Creek was a visitor in the city this
morning where he is looking alter
some business ior me uaj. i
Joseph Kearnes and wife arrived
in this city this afternoon from
their home at Hellevue and will
spend Christmas with relatives here.
Hoy Cole and wife departed this
afternoon for Alvo, where they will
spend the holiday with the par
ents of Mrs. Cole. C. M. Keefer and
Will P. Cook departed last even
ing fro Malnio, where he gees to
visit at the home of his daughter
Mrs. W. D. Clock and family fSr
over Christmas.
James K. 1'oUoek departed the
other evening for Minneapolis,
wJiere lie will spend the holiday
season with his sister Mrs. C. M.
MeElroy of that place.
t and .Mrs. John Uuoika arriv
ed this morning from Casper, Wyo.. j
and will spend t!i4. holiday season
at the home of Mr?. rvuLika's par
ents. John Roettcr and wife of ll.U
Mrs. C. L. Diets departed I.'.st
evening for Keokuk. Iowa. whore
she will visit for a short. time with
relatives and wiU be the guest at
the home of her father for ovi r
Wil'iam Miller who has boon
making his heme at MiMip'ii.;,
where he is employed., came home
yesterday and is spending his Xnj.-.s
holiday at the home of his parents
W. II. Miller.
L. M. Cu:ir.!::v;hain was a m.i
senger this morning for Wytucr-.
where he goes to spend Christmas
at the home of his brother Cieor;:
Conninghr,!.! and family, who lived
near' that place.
Mrs. J. Ilolerton who
been viciti'.'g at the ho.ue 'f
laughters at Omaha for the
fe.v days where she was the
a l l-.4tr ij-uiv ,. - - - - -
I.oai-e Kline, returned home last
(Juy Crcok w!;.i va in the ser
vice, and spent rcnie ;i:i months in
England, in a clerical position, and
returnfc4 to the Siato, fsno tim1
since, arrived home Sunday cve-.iug
after bavin tr fce.-i: mustered out at
Camp Ijd?re last week.
J. I). Warshnrj. of lU'.vhK-k. ud
wife arrived in this city tiis morn
ing and will f-psnd Christmas at
the home of Mrs. Warshatri'ji par
ents, John R. lioetter ami wife,
and at the homo of Fred !5. Pg.'n
berger, Mrs. Kgenberger being a
sister of Mrs. Wars ham.
Joe 1,. Thompson vu? ia yt-ator-day
from iiis station at the A'.'to
PricKe over the Platte ri'.er. and
was looking after some mutters in
the city. lie tells of Mr.?. Thomp
son not feeling very v. ell at tN..:
time, on account of a catch iii 1'cr
side which Las 'wen causing a con
siderable trouble.
Joseph who ha?. i it Ii h'3
wife and little son made Ihir
home Ik re fcr rome time, working
in the Hurling ton shops, departed
thig afternoon for I5ed Oak, low?..
I-."ro they v !!'. rpend Christmas
with Mrt:. Vogt's parents, after
v.-birh they wi'l depart fer Colorado
Sorings, where tley will make their
The f.iP.owir.c
ju ;( been rc-c i,
iirarv fro.m t!.
ii.:ieu ij'io.c'i have
J ::t the IMMic I A
Vi.'.v Library "o.v.
liiission. Those books will be
tainel Hire? moinhs and llien
turned to the commission to he
cjpnjj?d for othors:
r'of-3 Roii'.anet 1 a vol 1-:..
Arbe- Knihy novel :i povidek.
Uause - Alalka zeie.
P.c-r.e ?-Trcbi7.-ky Pud doVovymi
r.cncs-Trebizsky V. ruz.dob. vo
Cech iJi'ui-y KV.'t.
Cech-- Vetsi p-o-;a.
Durclik Karakter.
Durdil; - Pet let na' Sums; I re.
Fiajchans--MisSr Jan ilus.
I laved Lira n eel: y i loeny C,7.
Her rin h n n Zi rest one h istorky.
Jelinek Crty litevsho.
Jlrnsek Poh1avie.
Jiraselj Za boure iklidu.
Klecanc'a Tvrde hiavA-.
KIccanda Ftary hnch.
Kos-:tt!eel:y Humoresky vol. 1.
Krai Vera, a - veda.
Macliar Coufitt-or vol 1.
Aeruda nrob.ic klepv .vol
Pleda Myslenky o nover.-i
Rais Vyminkiri.
Rais Stchle.
Smilovsky Parnasie.
- Sruilovsky Pod doskovymi
t re
SiOiija merirkc
ToU2?rn;! - 'vi
Winter i'evioky
-to ncv.-o
a obrazkv
ly by.
vj-.yc-r Ni)V(-.y vol l. -Ondrej ( ernev.
Xoyer Raje Sosany.
I lavUsa -Povidky z taler.
Creek, coming to transact
Kvapilcva Z detskeho sveta.
Kvet Co lekar vypravel.
Krasnoiiorska Tri pohadky.
Plunilovska Snehurka.
Pfleger - Morav&ky Z male ho
Prazjky Uistoricke
Proshaky Vybraae
ore&ky vol 1. 4
Anderson Pohadky
Korenky Afrika.
ceske litnu
vol 2.
VOl 3.
Pod i ; Dska Po v id I: y
Sokol Touha po stesti.
Konrad Dalmatske povidky.
Swttla rri; u potok.a.
S vet la 'vonaekova kralovna.
Recited by a traveling man
Johmi.i:, of Des Moines:, Io
Sam (J. Smith, while cut on a
"Not in the far-off regions of
The Spirit hath its throne
In every he?.rt it fi inlet h p!:
And waiteth to be known.
to '.'
answereth alone
And Soul with Soul hath kin.
The outward God, lie findeth not,
Who finds not God within.
And if the vision comes to thee,
Revealed by inward sign,
Karth will be full of duty,
And with his glory shine.
Thou sh.-ilt mi unattended go,
Ncp pitch thy tent alone.
The indwelling God tha'l go with
And show "thee of his own.
G go thou rot in search of Him,
Rut to thyself repair;
And wait within the silence dim.
And thou sliait lir.d -him there.
llj that g.tod thiiiu-'th Good may
And God will help him thereunto
Rut never yet, wr.s good deed
Without beginning of good
thought." 1 ' ' ' .
was hoped that Harris Cook
i. i i r i
io ut uti? lot iii'.:
holidays, but lie ha? int suaicieut
ly recovered frcni the Spanish In
fluenza, to permit libs traveling
During the late summer. Harris
enlisted at Municipal pier, in the
Naval Reserve ' 'Officers - training
" -
school, where- he-i-ao s- for - seme
time, and was after having com
pleied the course there s.ent to the
Grep.t Lakes Train'iig Station.
Completing th-e portion of the
course wnic:i .is promeo ai.uiai
. I. ? t .. 1 1 A i
place he rent to Cleveland, O
wncre lie wa-s piaceit on a roat, lor
experience ar.d there, an
made a number of trips, havinr
completed that portion of the cc-,ro
and was to hnve gO!:e to Pelham
Ray, X. Y.. where he was tn liavc
graduated as KnsigBv - The weather
being good, he wa.3 taV;en fcr an
other trip cu the bor.t from Cleve
lr.nti. ?.nd during that tr!n was tak
en with the influenza, being on the
boat four days, before reaching port
at Detroit, where he reoueted tc
i:c put on. anu went to tne heme
of his uncle David Ilawksworth.
wnere .Air. uawKsvnrth. also was
taken with the. influenza. Harris
i;as had -the influenza for the past
three weeks, and is not su.Tieiently
recovered to be able to come at tliis
time. This is a disappointment to
Harris-, his parents, and relatives
here, as well as the host of friends
which he has at this place
They Are Worth Having, the Best
Investment Which It Is
Possible to Have.
Hint the people might have Hie
1 I ;il!vant:ii( rf nn-nlnff. liirV fOc-
. - -' . " - - . .11. ....... O tit
vestment, and they have been made
in denominations thnt one
could purchase just that amount
there they could handle. That it
nau iic'i! urgeu mat an tawe as
much rs they could handle even if
it. required something of a sacri
fice to -so, is true, and this is as
P Fhould be as it is teaching tlirift
and economy, v. Inch is an essential
on t lie educatk.ii of everyone. Now
you have the bonds, ypu may not
havo them all paid for, luif never
theless, hcid to them, yem are a por
tion of tni government and when
you are -holding the bords", you. are
adding that much to tlie firmncu3 of
their price, when you let go yoa
arc adding just your influence to
the breaking of their value. This
is our country, and tiie obligation
is on.-s, let us make the investment
the best. Why could we offer these
obligations for less than their face
value. pay 11ie diiTeronce to the
purchaser, when bye ami bye, if
cu desired to be the possessor of
t!i bends, you will be compelled to I
j osy n premium in order . to get
lihO'ji. You !;;e the.ia now keep
' 1 liei'
them and profit by the holding of
them, and do not let that profit be :
p-icct ever to
i-: jvil'y yours.
tii.' otliei- folic
ia many ways.
Vifualiaed Story cf America's
First Year Ih the Great
World's War.
Following Oii
more than th
tliis day and ag
! Flag to France, is
mere pageantry, of
e. It Is the accom
plishing of a great idea. In the bet
terment of the World, in govern
ment, society and commerce. The
answer which "America has made to
the bruttish hun, who sank the un
armed passenger ships of neutral
nations, and on -which American
cUirens were pnesengers, the scut
tling of the ships of this country
carry "uig foodstuffs for the starving
world, is answered by this -Nation,
in a way which no one in the whole
world can fail to appreciate. This
Is vividly pictured in the new play,
which ran at the Parmele yesterday
and this evening. -
This play is one which ordinarily
would have cost many times the
amount that is charged for it, but
the Government o.f..,thj Uuited
States has fixed the" price, on ac
count of' the great educational 'fea
tures which the play presents, and
which the government desired the
citizens to know. No ona interest
ed in the. welfare of this govern
ment, or who wishes to be ihf own
ed on the resources of this greatest
nation of earth, fail to see it.
This play is at the Parmele
Theatre, and the price which has
been fixed by the government, i3
just 17 cents, a mere trifle when
compared with the chow and the
cost of production, and tne amount
of information which it furnished
besides the pictures which of the
highest' standard, and excellence.
There were large crowds, which
were well pleased at both the playc
yesterday afternoon and last night.
You as pleased at the per
formance this evening.
The day of harsh physicc Is gone.
People vaunt mild, easy laxatives.
Regulets have satisfied thou
SOc at all drug stores.
Mrs. W; T. . Scotton and daugh
ter Miss Margaret were passengers
to Omaha this afternoon where
they will spend the Christmas with
T. L. Murphy and family.
The Cass
Q7i3JyVfa' ' Jyf- 'm.'Vy'
Ladies' Tog
extends a hearty greeting for
A Merry. Christmas" and
laeoY new i ear
Saccss and Happiness for the Entire Year
l'r.itii Memlav'f Daily.
Yesterday Charles Low, who is a
Top Sergeant, arrived home after
having been mustered out of the
service at Sound Reach, Conn., lat
Thursday. Sergeant Low was on a
boat for thirty-six hous, enroute
for France with others, when the
boat was stopped by wireless mes
sage, and the boats ordered to re
turn to port. This was at the time
of the signing of the armistice. As
the time slips by we get
of ' getting
U'ilUK, til Ull Cllj,lB -l ft
into action, many who have been
through the campaign, while others
had just landed in a foreign land
and others who had Just started.
Sergeant Low, makes an elegant
looking soldier, and is glad to get
back to his home.
In the Justice Court of the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska, before M.
Archer, Justice of the Peace.
Frank R. Gobelman, Plaintiff vs.
O. P. Olson, first real name un
known, Texas Rio Grande Company,
a Corporation, and J. N. King, first
real name unknown, Defendants.
To the defendants O. P. Olson,
first real name unknown, Texas Rio
Grande Company a Corporation and
J. M. King, first, real name un
known. You are .hereby notified that on
the 4th day of December, 191S, Mn
Archer, Justice of the Peae cf Cass
County, Nebraska, issued an order
of attachment for the sum of
$131.15 in an action pending be
fore hi:n. wherein Frank R. Gobel
man is plaintiff and O. P. Olson,
first real name unknown. Texas Rio
Grande Company, a Corporation
and J. N. King, first real name un
known, are defendants; that prop
erty of said defendants consisting
of $30.00 has been attached under
said order. Said cause was con
tinued to January 25, 1910, at 10
o'clock A. M.
Plattsmouth, Nebr., Dec. 14,N 19 IS.
For croup or sore throat, use Dr.
Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Two sizes,
30c and 60c. At all drug stores.
County Monument Co.
extend to you their cordial
and best wishes for
A Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year
:.y; v.;-
a, '
Staled proposals will lie receive. I y
the county clerk rf Cass emmtv m r
liefore riouii January 1st, lain, tor fur
nishinic t lie following Hooks, I'.hmks
and Stationery for said county during
the year of 1918;
niire Chattel Moitaye Record
U-rinte-ft head).
2 Tax Lists Kecord.t with tabs year
K'JS (printed head)
1-S quire nied. Deed Record (printed
J-S quire rned. Deed Record (Iooso
1-S. quire med. Mortgage Record
ipi'jntt-u pfi-e).
1- 8 puiro med. MiscelianeuTrs Deed
R"eord (loose leaf.
2- S quire n:ed. Morta"e Rei-ords
(loose leaf). .
1-S quire (Jeneral Index to Deeds
(printed pae).
1-8 quire General Judex to Mortgages
(printed pagc.
1-S quire med. J'robate Vvc Rook
i printed pajre).
All records -to be extra hound of No.
1 iSinen Ledger paper, Uyron Wes
ton's J'rj?er 1'aparor Whitings
Lcdffer paper.
Rubber Rands, No. 11, per kioss.
JVii!.oders, No. 227. per dozen.
Writing Fluid Arnold's, per quart.
Rrasors. No. 104, Kaher's, per dozen.
Kstabi ook's No. pens, per sross.
Congress Tie Knvelopes, No. 10 1-4
tide!;, per 100.
Rstabrook'p No. 79 pens, per gross.
Congress Tie Knvelopes, No. 10, 1-1
thick": per 100.
CuiiKi'esH Tie Knvelopes No. 10-H, thick
per loo.
Muscilat'. Carter's Arabian, per quart.
CoiiKresa Tie Knvelopes, No. lo-l. thick
per 100.
I icnison's- Notarial Seal No. 21. per 10T:
C'Onsrcsrt Tie tin velopc-s, No. 10,
per i00.
Pencils, opyintr, per dozen.
Renhoblei No. 1 Crown, per .jtozen.
til!ott's No. 601 pens, per jrross.
Co'ufriess Tie l-Inwlopes, No. 10, 1-2
thick, per 100.
Pencils, velvet, per dozen.
Rubber Bauds, assorted. No. 100.
Rc-.l Writing Fluid, per q".art.
Separate bids must he made on each
class of supplies in the cttimate.
The commissioners reserve tiie riiii-t
to reject any tir all hhls.
liids will be addressed to County
Clerk and in;-iked "I'roposa Is lor
Rooks. Rlauks and Stationery."
Bidders must tile good anil sufl'icii-nt
bond for tlio faithful performance e.f
fcheii- contract.
Bids will be opened the first meeting
in January.
County Cl.'i-xi.
Few Escape.
There are few indeed who escape
having at least one cold during tlio
winter months, and they are fort
unate who nave but one and get
through with it quickly and with
out any serious consequences. Take
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
observe the directions with each
bottle, and you are likely to be one
of the fbrtutiate ones. The worth
and merit cf this remedy has been
fully proven. There are many
families who have always used it
for years when troubled with a
cough. or cold, and with the cv
best results.
LF 1 JlttHfJyl