The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 16, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1918.
I ft fw
UflhYi f3WfH Mtf B9
J percent Tflrdisablt
by Hydro and Electxolfkrapfu
$ f iW cLFrZnce and Errand or
jjJ .riored to physical 'tpaax$yiE&T
U. S. Ariny Mt&carf.
The jSoIar SanifarijHn hay Ke Urges EJdtt and
1 Hyro -Therapeutic equipment, to tb'c wsc The
2 most advaneedinethocfs knn tc medical fciefce
U ire used here. Qur treaifhenttare identically ihe
8 same as those riven in tht Base.Hospifals of Europe.'
rnndiffon. Stiatica
' Diseases, of Joints,- well is Storrfach, Kidnej ancj pfM
Nervous Disorders all yield to orir system of jtreat- W&Mfyffi;
'ww--' y 7
t'it come only for daily treatments.
'one to enjoy the comforts of home
still secure treatments which canbe
world-farfious institutions. i
Out Illustrated Bock'et accuratelydescribes
, ... ..
trratments. We will he pleased to send you
"Ti i r- . Clr ad'Cam it
The bolar banifanum is pleasant, neaitnnu, in- gg
teresririg place to -come to-ot a hospital filled witji m:;r0
sick' people. Prbple do not stay at the Sanitarium, it TFTl
. ...
From atunlay's Dally.
Henry C. Long of Murray was
looking after some business at the
court house this morning.
Attorney Win. Dellesdenier of
Elawood was a visitor In the city
for a short time this morning.
C. N. Hansen was a passenger
evening fcr Cedar Creek where
he is looking after some business
for a shcrt time.
J. M. Jordan from Cedar Creek
wa- a visitor in this city this morn
i"T crKin? down to look after some
lu ino-s for the day.
L. Q. Hogue was a visitor in the
rity yesterday from his home in
Louisville where she is locking af
ter seme business for a few hours.
Julius Hilflicker and family
were in the city this afternoon from
their heme near Cedar Creek and
were doing some trading with the
city merchants.
Mrs. 11. A. Schneider and daugh
ter Catherine end Miss Theodosia
Krcehler were passengers to Cedar
Creek last evening where they
srent the evening.
James Hall from Murray was a
visitor in this city last evening,
ccming to look afer r.ome busine?s
fcr the evening, and returning
heme later in the evening.
E. H. Pchuh!cfT was a passenger
to Louisville last evening. where
he looking after tome business
for the evening, and this morning
returning home this afternoon
Mrs. V. E. Young of near Mur
7Z" 'vs ? a viitor in Louisville go
ing last evening, where she is
- 'in? r.-me t'ne at the home cf
her brother Harry Hinton and
Miss Verna Kn-cji who has been
-trending cchco! at Peru, arrived
r- -,)-. nrt'.rncon, coming to re
main until the schools there should
rren ?si. having closed on ac-r-'jnt
cf the fiu.
Hy tne blacksmith at My
r.ard was a passenger to Omaha this
morning, called there on account of
rie I :r:r.c-s matters needing his
r-nre relative to supplies for his
Lusiness at Mynard.
Henry Ileebner of Murraj' was a
visitor in this city this morning
coming from Cedar Creek, on his
way home from his work, where he
is in charge of the Duff Grain Co. '3
elevator at Cedar Creek.
Soldier3, sailors and civilians, in seekir free homestead lands or buying
deeded lands, will do well to search in the territory served by the Builinjrton
Route. Its lines through Wes'ern Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado and Montana
have been populated within ibe past twenty years by a civilization of tbe most
prosperous type.
There are yet in the' Wyoning territory served by tbe Burlington large
areas of grass-covered lane's fer homestead entry in (iL'0-scre tracts. You can
buy deeded lands for dairy farming in
on terms that any good farmer can meet, r rom year to year the Government
is opening irrigated lands in tbe Big Horn Basin, with perctual wuter rights
almost a gift. If you settle along along the Burlington you rear your home in
a progressive locality, where every community is increasirg
in population. Write me. I wunt to start you thinking as
to where you or your sou had best locate.
1004 Fa'UL'm Street, Omaha, Nebraska
Sr J:l 1 1 III irc2f
.1 K v .4 11 AS r.m
A rr. ,,-
Neuritis and
, i i i'- '', :.,- .y,u.l.
.This permits
or hotel and
found only in
i I
our system ;of
a opy. '
AniMU Mmzt V?Hy&,
Henry Inhelder of Mooreficld
who has been visiting at Cedar
Creek for some days past was a
caller at Plattsmcuth today and
was looking after some business
matters, and visiting with his many
old time friends.
Webster Russell, the fat and jolly
soldier clerk of the Local Board
from Weeping Water inquired to
day via telephone concerning his
October pay check. The nature of
the call, considering this is the
first day he has been out of 'flu bed'
betrays the fact that Webb is still
a soldier.
Gus Hyers the newly appointed
?tate agent for the apprehension of
those engaged in illicit traffic of in
toxicating liquor was a visitor in
the city today, coming to confer
with the sheriff and county attor
ney, regarding some business. He
was also a visitor with his many
friends in the city.
Joseph Vogt and wife with their
little son Joseph jr., accompanied
by a brother of Mrs. Vogt, Wm.
Wells, were all passengers to Oma
ha this afternoon where they are
looking after some business, and al
so will held a conference with Mr.
Santa Claus. while the young Jos
eph is endeavoring to come to
Plattsmcuth for a short stay dur
ing the Christmas week.
A. S. Bennett and wife received
a letter this morning from their
son-in-law Mr. Joseph Vlois. who
with his wife at the hcspitnl at
Kirksville. Mo., where Mrs. Vlois
underwent an operation a few days
since cf a serious nature, which
says the young lady is not meeting
with that improvement which is
desired. It is hoped that later in
formation may be that she will have
changed for the better.
Mrs. Margaret Kennedy, who is
staying with her sister Mi3s N'ora,
at. the Emanuel hospital in Omaha, a visitor at home over night,
and returned to the bedside of her
sister this morning, where she is
raring for the patient. Miss Nora
desires much to return to her home
here, but her strength is not suffi
cient, and she will have to be cno
tent to remain there for the pres
ent, or until she shall have gotten
H'ri.m Frll;y'ji Taltv.
Henry Specht cf LaPIatte was a
visitor in this city for the afternoon
coming over on the noon train cf
the Burlington.
S. L. TN'achtel arrived yesterday
Western Nebraska and Eastern Colofat'o
l4 7c: A
from Omaha and is working the
third trick in this city, which was
made vacant by the going to La
Plat te of L. B. Kakow. j
Henry Sanders who has been
working on the farm near Cedar
Creek for the last few days came in
this morning to look after some
business and . visit the heme folks.
i J. A. McXatt and wife were .in
the city this afternoon from their
home south of Itock Bluffs, and
were looking after some business
for the day as well as doing some
i Con Gillespie who is at the
Emanuel hospital at Omaha, where
he underwent an operation some
I few days since for corerction for
hernia, is reported as getting alensr
in good condition, and showing sat
isfactory improvement for the time
which he has been receiving treat
ment. AVm. Holly had a letter last even-
inc from his son Sergeant W. R.
Holly in France, in which he says
the war has ended, and that he is court house.
getting along all right. He al?' Robert Stiver:; of Cedar Creek ;.r
says that he had heard that Emil rjvej ja the citv la-M night from li is
Hild had been slightly gassed, but
was getting along when last heard
from. )
Arthur Dean and wife receive! a
letter from Mrs. Deans brother
Louis Bronko. who went to the ser-
vice from Louisville, telling that
he had just arrived in France, hav-.
ing started a while before the sign
ing of the armistice, getting there
to late for the fighting which was
all over when he arrived.
Horace Scott who has been visit
ing with his parents Rev. and Mrs.
L. W. Scott, of this city departed
last evening for Lincoln, where af
ter another trip on the road as
mail clerk, will depart for Denver,
where he will accept a position as
a driver of an automobile which
has been offered him, that is a
pretty good position.
Henry Herold wire3 from the
fields where he is working in
Kansas, that the Spanish Influenza
is so bad there that it is not pos
sible to do any satisfactory amount
of business, and that one is met us
he leaves the trains and required to
put on a Flu Mask, and that he is
getting out of that portion of the
country and will work elsewhere.
From Thursday's Dally.
Gust Splitt from below Murrny
and wife were in this city tfcis af
ternoon looking after some busi
ness. Frank Good of Murra- was trans
acting business in this city today
having driven up with his automo
bile. F. W. Sherwood of near Union
was a visitor in this city this af
ternoon having come up from his
town in his car.
Con Berger was a visitor in this
city this morning coming from his
home southwest of Mynard to look
after some business for the day.
Joseph J. Prince departed thi
morning for Crete, where he will
visit fcr a short time at the hrune
of his daughter who lives near that
Louis Henning is reported as be
ing sick at his home couth of Cedar
Creok with the Spanish Influenza,
but it is hoped that he will soon be
well again.
B. W. Livingston was unloading
a car oi cattle today, "purchased
at South Omaha 3-esterday and
which he will fatten on his farm
eolith of this city.
Brick Eekman who has . been
serving as assistant foreman und-r
II. K. Zavgren is reported down
with the flu at Louisville where he
has been working for the Burling
ton. Ashley Alt of Cedar Creek was in
the city last evening coming to
bring his clerk Robert Stivers to
this city, to catch the train for
Glenwood, Iowa, this morning, driv
ing over in his car.
James Stander was a business
visitor in this city this morning
looking after some matters in the
court house, and also in the city
and returning to his home at Louis
ville this afternoon.
A letter a few days since tells of
Harry Gobelman having just ar
rived in France, he having shipped
from this country, just before the
signing of the Armistice, and has
just gotten over.
Mrs. -EI wood Buttery who Las
been at Wahoo, for the past few
days, where she wa3 caring fcr the
business at the telephone exchange
there, during the sickness of one of
the operators at that place.
George Lonp from hear Nehawka,
was in the city thir. morning lack
ing after some business and is get
ting along nicely after having his
arm fractured some two weeks tince
while starting the motor on an auto.
Miss Jennie Shrader of Omaha.
who has teen visiting with rela-
tives near Murray, and Mrs. Charles
Creamer were visitors in Piatt ?-
mouth this morning having some
Put a stop to them with old
reliable Dr. King's Ncv
That ra7, hoarse throat must bo
BOolhcd. That phlegm-loaded chci,t
must be loosened. That cough mutt
be checked so you can sleep.
Dr. King's New Discovery ha3 been
relieving colds, and coughs for half a
century without the least disagreeable
after-cllccts. . .
Your druggist has It because it u
rrcll-knov.'a and in Lig demand.
Try this for Constipation
Keep the bowels on schedule tunc
with Dr. King's Ncw Life Tills, t'.:e
system freed from poisonous wastes,
the complextion clear, the stomach
6weet, the tongue uncoated, the Dreath
untainted, ftllld yet positive ia action.
business matters to look after at the
ilonic, coming to catch the early
train this morning for Gleiiwuoa,
mlleJ there bv a telephone mes-
rage last evening that his father
John Stivers vas very sick.
Stivers the elder. is s ixty-thrt'j
years ef ago and ha not been strong
for some time.
Henry J. SchroeJcr. cf r.eur Ced
ar Creek, who has been Pick for -o
lozifj with the i r.'.umoni.i. is re
ported as showing good improve
ment at this time lt.' war- prr.mi.-e !
by his attending physician that he
would be allowed to it up seme Jo
day. This is nice, as Mr. Schroeder
has been very sick, and that hi
health is returning is very pleas
ing. if!
Tells His Friends and Neighbors Cf
His Experience.
Kvrrv I'latttmo'ith resident
should re-id what Mr. Starkjohan
.av, and fellow, his example. He
lias used Dean's Kidney Pills and
sdojKs from experience. Is there
any need to experiment with imita
tions or untried kidney medicines?
Then. Starkjohan. retired farme
Locut & Ninth Sts.. Plattsmouih,
envs: "For several vears Bonn's
Kidney Pills have been used in our
family for backache and kidney
trouble and they have always prov
ed to be all that is claimed for
them. When my back feels a little
lame and my kidneys are not act
iv.ix a? t he v should. I take Doan's
Kidney Pi'.Io a few days and they
never fail to do me good. Doan's
ran't be equaled and anyone having
kidney trouble should u?e them, for
they are reliable."
Price roe, at all dealers. Don't
fimply ak for a kidney remedy
pet Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mr. Starkjohan had. Foster-
Milbum Co.. Mfgrs.. Buffalo. X. Y
S. L. Furlong from his home at
Rock Blufis was a visitor in this
city thi.i afternccn.
1? cr Iifants and Children
In Uoo for Over 30 Years
A.lwavs iars V
.... j -
i.iJ -----
Poulfry Wanted!
A car load of live poultry to be de
livered at poultry car near Burling
ton Freight Depot, Plattcmouth,
Nebr., on Friday, Dec. 20th. One
day only, for which we will pay in
cash :
Hens per lb. 10c
Springs per lb. 10c
Old Roosters per lb. 15c
Ducks, full feathered. per lb. 18c
Geese, full feathered pcr lb. 17c
Will be on hand rain cr shine and
take care, of nil Poultry offered for
Bale, Don't tie noultrv.
Yours very truly.
7 v
j Pall Benrcrs Composed Mostly Of
Relatives, lhr?e Are iter
From Siitnrday's D.ii'.v.
The funeral of the late Mrs
George Brinklow, who died a few
days ago at the St. Joseph Hospital i
at Omaha, was held this afternoon j VEGETABLE AND FRUIT DE
frcm the Methodist church the Rev. j PARTMENT.
A. V. Hunter delivering the ad-. Is " yy filled with the best
dreis. Mrs. Brinklow has suffered Oranges, per doz 5c and 70c
j for a number of months, the hope
health alternating by
;if rocovenn!
its lack and fear, that the health
would not return, while the flick
ering spark of life kept aglow.
Witn a patience that was truly
wonderful, this heroic lady sub
mitted to much treatment which
was attended with much suffering,
thp.t she niij;ln have her health re
stored that she might devote her
life to the family which she so
fondly loved.
Vhen the time came, that it was
known that the last of hope of her
recovery had vanished, .'he resign
ed to the will of the father who
had sustained her in ell trialr.
awaited the end when the call
rhould come for her to go to that
other world, where no care or suffer
in? would come. With all the fam
ily at her bed side, she bidding
them good-bye. -departed in peace,
for a greater work in the world
above. The funeral which was
conducted in her memory being con
eluded, the remains were tenderly
taken by her three brothers, Wil
liam. James and John Wynn, her
rephew. Fred Wynn, and L. V
Conenhaver and Don C. Y'ork end
bcrne to their last resting place
There is left to mourn of her im
mediate family, her husband Geo
Brinklow sr., her children Geo
Brinklow jr.. and daughter Miss
Marjory Brinklow.
"Talking about things that help
reonle." said Mrs. P. II. Bobbins
of 1449 South 14th street. Omaha
Xeb., in an interview- recently
"Tanlac is doing more good than
any medicine I have ever known in
my time, and I'm now past sixty
years of age.
'In 1SS9. nearly thirty years at;o
now," sho continued, 'when la
grippe first came along and so many
people were having it, I had an at
tack of it myself and have had it
in some form cr Jther from once to
twice a year ever since. The first
rnell left me in a badly weakened
condition and I would no sooner re
cover from one aUack than I would
be pulled down again. The doc
tors at that time called it rheuma
tic grippe, and I had aches and
pains all through my body, in all
mv limbs and muscles. Three years
ago I had one of these spells, which
was so severe that they took me to
the hospital, and I nearly died. I
had the worse headaches it seems
anyone could have and I was bad
ly rundown and frightfully weak. I
couldn't sleep well for all those
thirty years. My appetite was poor,
I lost twenty pounds in weight and
i tist had to drag myself around. I
was hardly ever without some kind
of an ache or pain, and the past
spring I was in such a bad fix that
we couldn't keep house, so I went
to my duaghters. My husband
went, to boarding and where he
boarded he heard of a remarkable
case like mine, that had been re
lieved by Tanlac.
"Then he went straight to Sher
man & McConnell's drug store and
got two bottles, one for me and one
for himself, as he was in very bad
health, too. Well. I showed some
Improvement on the first bottle and
kept on getting better slowly. My
appetite came gradually, and my
strength came back a little each
day. My aches and pains wore
away, and I got to sleeping better.
When wo woul dsee one bottle get
ting low we would hurry to get
another and since I finished,- my
sixth bottle I'm feeling better and
more like myself than I have. inj
Our Meat Department in well filled
with the best the market affords.
TURKEYS will be about 40c per lb.
So Order Early.
Macl.rel, each
Salmon, per lb
Pickled Herring, each
Lake Trout, each
Cod Fi.;h( per package 1
Smoked White Fish per lb
Grape Fruit, each
iguanas, per lb lie
Cranberries, per qt. 18c
APP2.ES 25c, C5c, 45cfi 55c and
60c per dozen
Cabbage, p2r lb
Parsnips, per lb
Turnips, per lb
5 c
Sweet Potatoes, per lb. S l-:.c
Celery, per bunch 15c
We Receive a Fresh Supply Every
rookies, 25c. 30c and 35c per lb.
Echo Sugar Wafers, Vaniila Wafers,
Chocolate Cookies, Plain and
Frosted Cookies
years. With all the sickness and
"Flu" epidemic that's going over
the country I'm feeling stronger and
better than I ever did. We are
keeping house again now, and I eat
well, sleep well, do all my house
work and feel fine all the time. I
am taking Tanlac with the Tanlac
Tablets again now to keep in shape
for the winter. It certainly
in 1
IS u
i ,.,,-,. o,, i. ,i
.'.111, l W KUlliailll Ull U 11(13 i
inneh fnr mv hushaml nml tup thnt1
I will praise it the longest day I
"Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by
F. G. Fricke & Co., in Alvo by Alvo j
Drug Co., in Avoca by O. E. Ccpe?,
in South Bend by E. Sturzenegger.
in Greenwood by E. F. Smith, in
Weeping Water by Meier Drug Co.,
in Elmwcod by L. A. Tyson, in Mur
dock by II. V. McDonald and in
Eagle by F. W. Bloomenkamp, in
Louisville by Blakes Pharmacy, and
in Union by E. W. Keedy.
Few Escape.
There are lew indeed who escape
having at least on cold during the
winter months, and they are fort
unate who nave but one and get
through with it quickly and with
out any serious consequences. Take
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
observe the directions with each
bcttle, and you are likely to le one
of the fortunate ones. The worth
and merit of this remedy has been
fully proven. There are many
families who have always used it
for years when troubled with a
cough or cold, and with the very
best results.
To Holders of Second
Liberty Loan Bonds
Your next coupons will be payable
Novsmber 15th. We shall be glad to
cash them for you free of charge any
f time it is convenient to you.
Ask us about our plan for the free safekeeping of
your Liberty Bonds,
The Bank of Cass County,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Capital and Surplus, $80,000
Your Personal Bank.
Try Oue Crcmo Coffee at 35c per 11).
Butternut 40c per lb.
Walnuts, per lb 45c
Mixed Nuts per lb 35c
Almonds, per lb 4 0c
Black Walnuts, per peck 50c
OLIVES Plain and Stuffed
Fresh Sweet Cider This is from
New York, per gal. 70c
We carry all kinds of good thing'
for the Fruit Cake Just look
MEXT: Currents, Fancy Peas, Raisins, Cit
ron, Peaches, Apricots, Lemon.
Peel, Prunes, Orange Peel, Figs
and Dates.
Tender Evaporated Com, per pack-
15c. -Try It.
XMAS TREES 40 and 50 cents
In the bulk at 'iDc per pound. In
packages at 15c and ISc
Peaches, Corn, Homony, Salmon,
Pears, Tomatoes, Sauer, Kraut, Pine-
al,n,c' Swt'et latoes. Aspergras,-,
Spanish Red Peppers, rove Oyesters,
Apricots, Pears, Spaghetti. Green
Beanj, Strawberries and Spinach.
10c and 15c LOA?
From Tln.r?day's Taily.
C. B. Hunt of Swan, Iowa, vvuj
a visitor in this city this afternoon
coming to call on Luke L. Wiles,
and to look over his herd of Red
(Polled cattle, with a view of mak-
for h own hprri in
I11S l' U V 41i-' v " - ' ------ " " -
Iowa. After seeing the cattle
F pled with the herd
i i- .i... .-.. .1 : ..: 1 .... I I li .i t
ailU Ol lilt 1IIU1MU1IU1 limiv
he made a selection from the herd.
and purchased the same.
For Croup.
"Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
splendid for croup," writes Mrs.
Edward Hassett, Frankfort, X. Y
"My children have been quickly re
lieved of attacks of this dreadful
complaint by. its use." This remedy
contains no opium or other narcotic,
and may be given to a child as con
fidently as to an adult.
If McAdoo could not live on his
salary, will not Carter Glass go
lrc'nl Attention tol)lrnra of Wiimrt
iCyt-H Tested and masses Fitted
Vight Calls Answered After Houn
and Sundays by Appointment.
.3.0 a. m. to 12:00 1:30 p. m. to 6:30
nt.e: "'wS Plattsmouth. Neh