The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 09, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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J2tmPfl It Cslkfs4
f Av Hdro and Electto-ThcraOeutk
pita's cE-FrJhce and England are
s - j , w
reortd to phyicfl?pcien
The .Solar Sanitarium'
' '
Hvdro-TheraDeuiic eauiDment
most advanced 'methods knon tomedtcal Aciece
A s -nit!
die UC14
same as
...U ',ti ,U U,..- r,;T-
ine ioiar aan iznuci is ao easanr.
- v : - ' i 1 -";',;';. r:r.:7ia . 'i
those etyen in the Base.HosptuIs of Europe.' V$&W'tiiJH
C i conditions. Sciatica Neuritis and MtyHZ-Wrt
of Joints 4a well s Stomach, riidney and) tgtPf
Disorders all yield to oiir system of treat-
VC'e fte daily treating successfully many ljM$J2i
rerestmg piace to come to-ynor a nospiuu nuea wun
sick' people. People do not stay a; the Saniurium,
but come only for daily treatments. This permits
xone to the comforts of home or hote! and
stiil secur? treatments which caip be found only in
world-famous institutions. i , j
Out U'wjteJ BccV.e: accuratelydescribes our system .of
trfatur.ts. VC'e wi!! be pleased to( send you a Copy. '
;: VC'rte for tt tocUy! ' j
4th Floor Brandes Eldg 1 6th and Douglas
Veiy Interesting Letter From Antone
Eys, Plattsmouth Boy, Who
Is 27ow in France.
France, Nov. 11th.
v i! Jo: phiiu-'s letter, date
I";!;. c:tirday. with Frank's
Ofi. 1 'ith, enclosed, and
;.;. r that everything was
,r i:.':re
I have
or fort
! write about
visited a city
.- uioiles from
the rotr.pany of
Left here aoout
t here about noon
Ve.-Terday was a
ihe i-c'-nery was
1 k ; :.
The undersigiied will sell at Pub
!:c Aucticn it his fam two miles
fcalh a:id a quarter mile west of
f'flar Creek: lour miles east, a half
nlle north .tr.d a quarter mile weat
ri Louisville; izn miles west, a half
mil.? r.orth rnd a quarter mile west
cf i'lattsnouth. commencing at 10
cv!o.k on
TuzsrAY. ezce:ibzr 10
'.!. f described property:
Kcrscs - Cattle - Hogs
C e hay tv..iii. teven years old,
v!:i t -'.J)'); r.e torr:l team, five
n- n!d. v.iiulit 2100; one bay
t;i-n .-ix year" jld, weight 2200; one
'd.i-. I: hor-e live years old, weight
T-.m ::ty-oi.e h-..d Z tattle. Four
."r.vli. rx f r--!i ol).
T-.v.-ty-.dx U ad of hos. One line
I'he.-ter While stuck hop.
Tvm fari:i wi,'Oiis, one new boh
s-led. ne prii:s wagon, one new top
!i:;;y. (ne roari tart, one Keystone
one Hock Island ruling lister,
r.e ht. Joe walking lister, one Bad
,zer ridin? cultivator, one Jno. Deere
tv.f-rov, one new McCormitk mow
er, one Jn-ennsf iinaer, one KmerFon
ang plow, one lC-inch walking
plow, ono Monitor press drill, one
forn elevator, one hand corn shel
l.r. one hrrse clipper, one gasoline
enpine, one power washinsr machine,
nc pump jack, one incubator, one
new l ay rack with truck, one Can
ton 2-row stalk cutter, one Jenny
r.ind walking cultivator, one new
."-section Moline harrow, one new
Primrose cream separator, two sets
work harness, one new buggy har
ness, one single harness, two sets of
fly net?, fifty reet ol slat corn crib
and many other articles not listed.
Terms of Sale
All sums of $20 and under cash.
On sums over $20 a credit of six
months will be given, purchaser giv
ing bankable note bearing eight per
cent interest from date. No property
to" be removed from premises until
settled for. Luuch will be served at
J. J. MEISIN'GER. Owner.
V. K. Young, Auctioneer.
JI. A. Schneider, Clerk.
WL. J W 12
ofay wwt m -mmz
i hatKe bfcesEiVcW and j . .
i,pment,in.tbe.$t..l71e feVf
A. ' 1
neauniui. in- ryrsirr
A boy about thirteen years of age
came ud to us as we got off the car
and offered to take us around. He
was born in San Francisco, and lived
there until he became ten years old.
and therefore talks very good Kng
Iish. He tooS; us through the court
housi and then to a very old Cat ho
lie church, which was very beauti
ful, with many large hand-painted
!k-ture. etc. Had a large pipe or
gan made in the eleventh century,
a 'id ihey played the Star Spangled
l'anner on it for us. Two of the
priets spoke very good English and
escourted us through. They have
been in England several times and
studied the English language for
many years, and are teaching it to
s(rtne orphans that the Catholic sis
ters, attached to the tonvent. are car
ing for. After going through the
church, the priest took us through
the hospital and museum. An Amer
ican M.ddier was in the hospital, he
had been caught between a couple of
trucks and crushed pretty bad, and
hud been in the hospital about three
fvk-. One of our bunch was from
hi.; hotii" city. Cleveland, and lived
on the same side, ami therefore he
v a.-, ry giuti to see us, as he was
!.";inniiig to get lonesome. He said
that tie expected to be moved to an
.n;vr--a n t'.o.-piiui in another weeK,
as he thought he then would be
strong enough. There is no Amer-
i.-a:i ro'pital in that citv, as no
troops are stationed there.. We saw ixnuitimi rugs in tne museum
which we took for painted pictures
until we got tip close. They are
nanu u'.rraueu needles, and we
v.--re to;i t:.;;t it took a vear to
't it cl: one square yard in one of the
rug--- by the party who did it. One
of the rugs was valued at ten million
franc:-, or almost two million dol-htr--.
A!.o saw a couple of hand
carved doors that took a lifetime for
a man !o accomplish. This was the
be.-t that I have seen in France yet,
.ie. d :n-e an: glad that I took the op
port nit y to go. Had a regular cir
cus on the cari; coining back. A
Lritish Tommy" " two sheets in the!," or a little intoxicated, if you
don't understand the first term, cre
atd a lot of amusement. He per--isted
in txnoking an old pipe, almost
strong enotiRh to walk, much to the
dispp-anure of a middle aged woman,
who was sitting next to him. She
ke;;t calling his attention to the sign
' Defense De Fumes," (no smoking)
i;' ihe car. to which he would persist
in replying, "pa com pry" (Don't un
derstand. He could get by with just
enough French to ve comical. A
big fat French blonde sat right
a troy-; from him. and he finally got
real interested in her, and visa ver
sa, and they concluded a date for a
coi'ple of days later. He finally got
t lie idd lady amused and in a good
Saw Clarence Staats here one
night last week. He is a member of
a Camp Cody band that is stationed
here for a period' of time. They play
ed for our company in our Y. M. C.
A. that night, and it was sure a
treat to hear a good U. S. Army band!
again. Needless to say we were both
surprised to see each other here.
They left the states only about one
month ago. being quarantined at
Camp Dix for some time. Will see
him again as they will be here for
unni fi linA
we are not worKing tun atter-
noon and do not work tomorrow, I
celebrating Ihe good news of the.
Armistice having been proclaimed,'
which means, the end of the war.
W i ' -
The French are just wild with joy,
as you might expect, after four and
a half years of war. They ulowed
the shop and factory whistles, rang
the church bells, decorated ,the(
whole city with flags of the aliies,
suspended all work not essential, and
are having a high old time. I'll bet I
things are not very quiet in the
states either. I'd like to be in New
Yory City tonight. It will now our
anticipation as to when we will get
back. It will probably be several
months, at least, before out outfit
gets back.
Well, we can consider ourselves
lucky if we do get back safe and
sound. I don't thing Frank will get
to come across now. He will never
rotTot ttin I imp tli:lt lip li:w nut ill
the army, I"I bet, taking into con
sideration the benefits derived.
Tell Dr. Flynn that I was sorry to
hear of his misfortune and hope his
arm is well again by this time.
Today has been a beautiful day,
just like spring. Am going to town
after supper and mingle with the
Well, will close for this time with
hopes Hiat this finds everybody well,
anil that the Spanish Flu iiau suc
cumbed. (Jive my love to Frank
and Hazel. With love to all. I am
ao ever, your son and brother. Toue.
Company P., ;5th Regiment, Trans
portation Corps. American E. F.,
A pp. 752, France.
The Journal Receives, a Very Inter
esting Letter from Our Young .
Friend, Roy Holly, Who
is now in France.
From Thursday's Daily.
Am. Expeditionary Forces.
Somewhere in France.
October 29th.
Dear Friend Mr. Hates:
Having a little time to spire be
tween dodging the Hun H. E. and
Shrapnel, and getting under cover
from observing Hun planes, I hap
pened to snatch a little spare time
to drop you a few lines to let you
know that I am still alive and on
the job. I have been receiving the
Journal right along, and believe me
the Journal is a mighty welcome vis
ltor here. I've spent many pleasant
evenings absorbing the contents, an
was disappointed several times when
the candle burned down and I co".ld
not finish reading the news. Thi
war is some exciting game, and there
is plenty doing all the time to keep
your nerves on edge. We are locat
ed at th.e present time in a derma;
camp, as this territory was occupied
by tin? Roche since 1914. The build
n:gs are an pretty wen torn up
from shell fire, and the Huns still
i;.i f on dropping "whizzy bangs
in this vicinity, but are thankful
for the shelter from rain anyway, as
we move quite often and don't al
ways m:d sneiter irom the rain
Thi.- is Koine rainy count rv. it has
be-n raining here about five day
out of the week, and the sun seldom
shine. It has been an exceutibn
so far this week, as it is a resrular
pring nay, and lias warmed up con
siderably. We are being fed fine
now. as wp have been located for
few days and the kitchen is with
us again. nen on the move it is
very hard for the heavy rolling
Kiicnen to Keep up with the com
pany, so we are issued reserve ra
tions. which consist of corn beef and
nam lacK. anu we also carry a con
diment can. which is filled with su-
ar. coffee and salt, so we can build
fire and make hot coffee which
i t . .
neips c-onsideranie. canned heat is
2 - , 1 . . . ,
iiic'i 10 met in i tie trendies, so
they can heat themselves food. As
.'ule the food is carried to the
renches ii warmite cans which
Keep ui" iood not. and hot food 13
i.ef cst ary to the fight ins: men.
We ore sure hearing encouraging
news and the general oninion br
s that the war will be over by
'hri tnirs. I hope tiiis is true for
nil of us are anxious for one more
trip across the Atlantic. I have had
number of different positions
since I am in the arm v. Whpn w
were quartered in town T held thP
job of Reg. Billeting Officer or Town
Majc;r in- it is- called here, and had
charge of billeting all the troops
riti i ii into i, -.-; 1 1 Ai i
the opnortunit v of rin!r ,,. rw.
e i uu 1.
fleers Training Camp, but din not
accept as I like (he bank work verv
wen, but a new order has been is
sued, and the band is detained as a
burial squad and follow the regi
ment, hurrying the dead. So now
1 happen to be the 1st SargtMit of the
company, and am kept busy most of
iri'n. oe me isi arj;;Mii ot wiej
company, ana am kept busy most of
the time, making reports and keep-
tab on the company.
I have sent the "Colonel" several
copies of the "Stars and Stripes that
I hope he has received by this time,
Will close with best resards to
yourself, Mrs. Bates and the Journal
355th Inf. Band, A. E. F., France,
A. P. O. 761.
If You Want the Business of the;
Farmer Provide a Way For Him J
To Get To Town.
Thursday's Daily. j
account of the roads nut being !
the best just at this time, the mer
chants are making some complaints
I ... . 1 ....... 1 I 2.,
j as iu me uy uusmetvs i3
The advent of the automobile has
been a means of bringing much
trade to this city, and others of its
size, which has gone to smaller
towns as well as much which had
gone to the mail order houses, be
fore their coming. The matter of
the good roads problem is forcible
brought to the attention of the peo
ple, when the occasion like the pres
ent, when the roads if only for :
short time is bad, keeps the country
trade from the cities adjacent to
their farms. The lure of the mail
order house, is ever present, and if
the roads can be kept in a good con
dition. so that it is a pleasure for
the farmer to come to town, and get
home again, he will do it, an'J the
farm trade is and has been, and wil
continue to be a very important fac
tor in the prosperity of the medium
sized city merchant, as wsll as the
city itself. They have good roads
means much to the country, both
the rural portion as well as the city
and is a burden which both should
bear. The matter of getting after
this matter is a feature which busi
ness men's associations should ge
after. It is being given much con
sideration, but needs more active
hustling to make passable portions
of the rural read which lead to the
cities, and which would if they
were anv wavs good be traveled
much more htan at present.
rinm Thursday's Dally.
Mi.?s JJIanche Horning yesterday
received a message telling of the
death of W. H. Rrockhart. of Nel
s-on, who is a brother-in-law of the
Mi3s Horning, being the husband of
a sister cf the Miss Homing and
was formerly Elizabeth Horning.
having married Mr. Rrockhart sev
eral years ago. Mrs. Rrockhart died
about a year ago. They leave two
son?, both grown and having famil
ies of their own. Miss Rlanchc
Horning departed yesterday after
noon for Nelson to attend the fun
eral of .Mr. Hroekhart. which occurs
today, lie was engaged in farming
and was about 05 years of age.
i Tin-:
!' OH TV,
Ill tl;f n:att-r of ihe application of
H-iii-v Snuki', ai ml n is t ra t in , for license
to sell real estate.
olMiKl: To snow, c.u'si;
Now. on this I'iHh lay of November
V . 1!il. this cause came n for Inar
it.;-r upori the petition, nntler oath of
lier.rv Simkc. administrator of the es
tate of Klizaheth Sumner. deceased
I raving' for license to sell the follow-
inir described real estate of said Kli.a-
1-etli Sumner, deceased: Lots Knur ( 4
K;e .". and Six ii'ii. in Ulnck Twenty
Thiee i of the Village of Kale.
Ctiss I'ountv. Nebraska, or a sufficient
amount thereof to brinsr the sum of
? fo- the pamcnt of debts al
lowed airi'insf said estate, and allow-
tnees and costs of :nlni inist l at ion. lor
!.; reason that there is not a sulYi-
ci-nt amount or personal property in
the possession of said Henry Sno'ce,
S'dminlstr.'itor, belonging to said cx-
t:1e. to p. iv said d.-lts, allowances and
It is therefore ordered that all per
ops interested in said estate appear
before me sit chambers in the City of
I'lattsmoni h In said county, on the Htli
da'- of January. -. D. ItM !. at the hour
f ten o'clock a. m.. to show cause. If
my there he. why a license should not
be Kiarted-to said Henry Snoke, d-iiiini.-li-i'l.or.
to sell so much of the
ihove described re:il estate of said
doeener.t as shall !e necessary to pay
said debt., and expenses.
It Is further ordered that a copy or
1 1 1 - order he served upon all persons
u -v.' tcl in said estate by t-a.u.siii;
Hit si-me to be published once, each
week tor four successive weeks in li:e
rial tsmoiith Journal a newspaper piio-
iishrd iiml prinled in said county of
Cl-:. JAM ICS T. HKIil.KV,
iwi:s Jmle of the District Court
In the County Court of Cass
Nebraska. State of Nebraska
Countv. ss.
To the Heirs and all persons inter
ested in the estate of Clallent Hakes
:i Heading the I'etition of faille
L. Kakes prayins: n final settlement
ar.u allowance ol i;er nccoinii men 111
this Court on the L'!th lHV of Novem
ber 191. and for distribution of the
esta te.
It is hereby ordered that yon and
ill persons interested in said matter
may, and do, appear at me t ouni
onrt to be held in and for said I oun
r. on the !Hh day of December A. D.
i:U at tn o'clock A. M.. to show
a use. If any there be, why the prav-
of the petitioner should not be
Ktanted. and that notice of the pend-
ncv of said petition anil II e near-
ijit; theteof be uiven to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishing
copy of this order in the I'latts-
moiith Journal, a weekly newspaper
uiuted in said county, for one week
prior to said day of hearing.
In Witness liereot, i nave Here
unto set my hand and the Sent "I sa'i!
'Dull, this ytii day of November ..
. i!HS. A I.LI. N m ;i ;;si .n.
(Seal) County .lude.
i:y V iolence vt line, t hi k.
smjth Hide Co.. Market Square,
?t. Joseph. Mo., arr paying: 19c lb.
fcr No. 1. rait cured hides. Horse
hides $5.00 to $7.00 each. Write
for free shipping tags and fur
price. ; 4-tf
TT"T"TT?T rnAT rriTrT? mT r'nTATTT'n
Thirty Feet Under the Ground,
While Serving As Watch for
the Gas Shells.
l-'i-u,- Thursday's Dally.
Earnest F. Wallengren, who is a
member of the engineers corps,
writes to his parents, while serving
as watch in a dugout in France, a
short time before the signing of the
armistice, which stopped the fight
ing: Somewhere in France.
October 24. 1918.
Dear Folks:
Having received your letter dated
September .".0, will try and drop you
a few lines as we have moved since I
wrote you last. As we took quite
a hop when we did move.
The boys were sure glad to get
off of the train, it is not so pleas
ant traveling as it is in the states.
They have to pile them in like sar
dines as the cars are just like wag
ons in the states. And as there are
.o many troops to be transferred
they have to put forty men to a
Rut the worst we have to contend
with is the hiking as it has to be
done bv night and as the weather
over here is muddy, you can ima
ine what it is to hike with a pack
on your back. There was two
nights that we started to hike at
sun down until sunrise, but it was
quite a ways from the front and the
roads were not shelled so it wasn't
so bad.
Then we billeted and stayed at a
place for about two weeks, quite a
wavs back of the line until here
about two weeks ago we got orders
to move and then is when the fun
commenced as we started to get in
range of the German guns so they
tore up the roads pretty bad and the
mud up to our ankles, it was sure
an enjoyable time to think of about
a fifteen mile hike.
While making this hike we pass
ed through quite a few villages
that old Fritz had played his dirty
work as I suppose that you have all
read of his work that he has been
doing since he started his war. Some
verv fine buildings that were de
stroyed by the big shells the build
mgs look like rock piles and some
were still standing with holes blown
in them large enough for a horse to
go through.
And a lot of their airplanes took
part so nothing but the walls were
standing. There is one town es
pecially that have about twenty
thousand in population that the
Germans have ruined he has at least
the biggest majorities of buildings
We are now living in the trench
es and dugouts that the Kaiser had
to vacate in a hurry when the
Yanks made their big drive. And
as we have a pretty good dugout
we are sitting quite comfortable
again if it were not tor a lew 01
the fleas and ccoties. IJut I would
rather be here than way back liv
ing in some concrete barn, laying
in a hay loft or manger as there
was where we were living before wo
came here. Ana now our home is
about forty feet under the ground
and beds built for fifteen men and
stove in it.
It is quite comfortable, especially
when we are all in here and tell of
the excitement of the day and
Aim as we are now where we can
hear the flying shells and bursting
shrapnels that old Fritz is sending
over. And we sure can hear when
the lanks begin to play "When the
Boys Come Marching Home." As
the batiks are back of us and Fritz
ahead of us. IJut as you know it is
war time and the Germans have
done us some dirty work, as they
got two ot tne uoys trom the regi
ment and wounded a few. Hut we
have been quite lucky as we only
had one man wounded from a piece
of shrapnel from our com pan v. Hut
not bad hi I suppose he will be back
with us in a few days.
Hut here a few days ago was a
miracle, as we were out working, it
must of been h boclie plane that
spotted us and went signals back to
the artillery titid tltcy Murted to
throw shell over every ten seconds
and they were from three to six
inch guns and .you can almost imag
ine how we hovH Kcuttored as some
of the boy even took for twigs for
shelter. And wheu they were com
ing thickest one boy said. Lord,
please pick my feet up and I will
place them and he said the Lord
March with Oar LV;- Eat tvith them, live with thcr.-,
then follow them up to the Mamc, as they go
The Whole CoiossaS
EE all ihat our boys sec
thru the eyes of a thousand cameras every great
incident on all the big fighting fronts for four years
See an air raid, a battle of flyers, see the German pris
oners, see the Hun fought to a standstill. Go thru a ?rs
attack with our boys, march with them, watch them
amuse themselves, see how they live, how they fiht, hov
they're cared for. See Paris go wild over them. Look
behind the scenes at all the big events. Grasp the wai
ns a whole. Spend a couple of hours with the boys who
are givinr their lives to save you and your home. See it A
and be a better citizen. See it NOW!
Wednesday and Thursday,
December 11th and 12th
Matinee and Night.
must of, as there were three men
ahead of him going for shelter and
as he was passing, he asked them
why they were running.
Well as it is nearly midnight and
my gas guard is nearly up for the
evening and will have to wake up
the next fellow to guard as you
known'in No Man's Land we are not
taking any chance of the Kaiser
sending over any of his favorite gas
Wiii nave to close and get a little
hay myself. Good night,
With love.
Co. D, 5th V. S. Engrs. A. E. F.
There is a bache plane humming
over us now. I suppose he is ngur-
ing on starting his dirty work,
dropping a few bombs before day
In the District Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate of
William A. Edmisten, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that, in
pursuance of an order of the Hon
orable James T. Begley, judge of the
District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, made on the 7th day
of September, 19 IS, for the sale of
the real estate hereinafter describ
ed, there will be sold at public ven
due to the highest bidder for cash
at the front door of the Bank of Un
ion, in the Village of Union, in said
County, on the 7th day of December,
1918, at 11:00 o'clock A. M., the
following described real estate, to
wit: the E of the NEU of See.
29, Twp. 10, Rge. 14, and 10 acres
along the west side of the NW'U of
the NWU of Sec. 28, Twp. 10, Rge.
14, all in Cass county, Nebraska;
also Lots 2 and 3, in Block 3, in t he
village of Union, Cass county, Ne
braska. Said sale will remain open
one hour.
Dated this 4th day of November,
191 S. DAN LYNN.
Administrator of the Estate of Wil
liam A. Edmisten, deceased.
V. 1j. HUH,
Attorneys. 4-5wks.
Homestead Lands for
Soldiers and Sailors
The Government is going to help those boys to secure a homcstoad. Creat.
bodies of fine grass-covered agricultural and grazing lands in section allotment-,
will be available for entry, on the most favorable terms, by honorably dis
charged soldiers and sailors. Government-irrigated lands, a valuable prize,
will be part of the National bounty.
Thousands of our young men who have
life will never so back to indoor salaried
12.0CU acres of the finest Government -
expected soon to be opened for entry,
'ift. You should interest yourself at, once,
you can inform him as to just what the
1 ikjB 1
Drama of the War
and a hundred times more
Admission 1 1 and 28c
Scaled pioposals will he received by
the county clerk of Cass county on nr
before noon January 1st, ll'lti. for fur
nishing 'he following Hooks, Clanks
1 -s
! at ionery t or
-aid county duiim
vear of 1H1!!:
iiniir Chattel Alo
1 prinl .-'i head i.
i ) s
-tjiane II
Ta Lists L'eeoii'.--
with tabs
ea r
1 1 s l prin ted head I
i;uire med. Deed Kecord
I aire .
iuii e med. Heed Kecol d
( loose
lea r i.
mitre llletl. .MortiTaiic Liio;
i printed pa e I .
puire med. M iscei laiii.-.'us Deed
ll cord (loose leaf l.
ouii-e med. MnrlK'iis'i' Kecord.s
(loose leaf.
ijuire iJeneral Index, to I ed.s
printed pawrel.
iuire Cenciiil Judex to Mortf4.1j.1s
( printed pa pre .
Millie Hied. Probate J-'cc 1 !o..le
! printed pnirc .
All records to be extra bound of No.
1 Linen Ledger paper, ltyiori Wes
ton's terser I'apar or Whitings
Lid:;cr paper.
C LA SS I : ST T 1 1 i N I : I : V.
Ilubber Hands. No. 11, per tross.
Penholders, .N'o. JVTii. per doz.-ri.
Writing Fluid Arno'd's. per "ait.
Krasors. No. 101. Kaher's, per .Ini n,
l-.stabrooks No. ai pens, per umss.
I'orwess Tie Knvelopes, No. K) 1-
thick. per lim.
Kstabrook's No. pens, p. r cross.
Congress Tie I'rivclopes, No. l'l, 1-
thick, tur luo.
Consrross Tie Knvelopes No. 1D-J, thick
per 100.
liis ila;;e. Carter's Arabian, per ipiait.
Congress Tie Knvelopes, No. ln-t. thiik
per law.
Denison's Notarial Seal No. 21, per 1'.
:tiAtcss Tie Knvelopes, No. in, o-l,
per ili'.i.
Pencils. o;)infr. per
Penholders, No. 1 Crown, per dozen.
CJiilott's No. t01 pens, per moss.
Congress Tie Knvelopes, No. p), 1-2
thick, per 10(.
Pencils, velvet, per doen.
Kubber Hands, assorted. No. 10"', per
lied Writing Fluid, per unart.
Separate bids must be made on ea. b
class of supplies In the estimate.
The commissioners reserve the riiihl
to reject any or all bids.
Hiils will be addressed to County
Clerk and liUMked "Proposals lor
Hooks. Blanks and Stationery."
Holders must file frond and sullh ienl
bond for the faithful perl oi ma tu c if
I heir contract.
P.ids will be opened the lirst meetin;;
in Januarv.
County fl-jj-.i.
For Croup.
"Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
splendid for croup." writes Mrs.
Edward Hassett, Frankfort. N. Y.
"My children have been quickly re
lieved of attacks of this dreadful
complaint by its use." This remedy
contains no opium or other narcotic.
and may be given to a child as con
fidently as to an adult.
Stationery at the Journal office.
been drawn by war into an out-door
irrigated lands at Denver, Wyo. , at e
with perpetual water rights almost a
so by the time your boy returns
Government proposes to do. I am r mi
ployed by tho Burlington to inform and aid you alori
these lines. Get in touch with me.
S. B. HOWARD, Immigration Agent, C. B. & Q. Ry.,.
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha. Nebraska.
A Jr