The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 28, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    PAtji SIX.
iIjumubjiiij MBttctBSEcawrw
TJtufcSIiAY, JfOraiSEB 28, 1913.
7b Holders of Second
. Liberty Loan Bonds
Your next coupons will be payable
Novsmber 15th. We shall be glad to
cash them for you free of charge any
time it is convenient to you.
Ask us about our plan for the free safekeeping of
your Liberty Bonds.
The Bank of Cass County,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Capital and Surplus, $80,000
Your Personal Bank.
Prim Wilisly's Dai'.
Leonard and George Fornoil of
near Cedar Creek, were business vis
itors in Plattsmouth this afternoon.
(J. P. Meisinger a business
visitor in this city this morning, hav
ing come down to look after some
n atters claiming his attention.
Wyatt Hutchison was a visitor in
the city this afternoon from his
home near Rock Bluffs, coming up
to look after some business matters
claiming his attention.
cumhed this morning. After com
pleting arrangements for the funer
al tomorrow, they departed for Mur
ray late tMs afternoon.
In vesterdav's list of those who
shot at the rine range Sunday men
tion was made of Private M. C.
Franks and Private A. J. Snyder. In
both instances it should have read
cornoral. the error being made by
the party furnishing this paper with
the copy of the scores.
Mrs. John Hansen from the south
portion of the county. Is just now en
joying her Christmas present, it be
ing a player piano. They were in
the city yesterday and got the In
strument, from which they will de-
William Wegner, of Louisville, was , rjve much enjovment before the day
of gift giving actually arrives.
n visitor in Plattsmouth yesterday.
ind after having attended to the
business calling him here, returned
to his home last evening.
Kohert McCleary. from near Weep
ing Water, was a visitor in Platts
i!K;:th yesterday afternoon, looking
.-f;r some business for the day. He
returned home last evening.
S. K. Wixson and son were in the
ity this morning from near Rock
Bluffs, bringing some wood to the
city and doing some shipping of
hides to the Omaha market.
Harvey Shipley and wife were vis
it'": hre from their home near La
l'latte today, coming down on the
afi-rnm train. They are both just
gi-Tiing over a cose of the Spanisu
W. T. Smith and wife departed
thi. af ?rroon for Kagle. where they
will cp:d Thanksgiving with their
d.iughttr. Mrs. Ben Menehau and
--vi.'e. and also with their son, J. C.
iJ:-ii;!i and wife, near that place.
Frank Vallery and Harry Baxter
-rrivd in Plattsmouth fj-om Omaha
t'ii- morning, they having been at
led.-id- of Mrs. Baxter who sue-
i-cr Infants and Children
In Urc For Over 20 Years
Always tfarn
From llonday's DaiJy.
Charles Christweisser and J. B.
i Doufon or near Aehaw ka, were visi
tors in Plattsmouth today.
Eck Cook departed this morning
for Cedar Creek, where he is doing
some work in cutting wood near that
Mrs. Harvey Shipley came down
from Oreapolis this afternoon to look
after some trading for the camp at
that place.
Dick Christweisser was a visitor in
this city from below enawka a
was looking after some business dur
ing his stay.
Miss Bernice Newell departed on
last Saturday afternoon for Louis
ville, where she spent Sunday with
her brother, R. 11. Xewell and fam
ily. Charles Ward, of near Louisville
was iu the city this morning to look
after some business at the court
house. He was accompanied by his
two sons, Roy and Herbert.
Webster Russell was a passenger
to Weeping Water this morning, to
which place he went to attend the
funeral or a boy friend who died a
few days since at that place.
Mesdames Ora Davis and I). Pitman
of Murray, were in the city this af
ternoon doing some trading and vis
iting with friends here, of whom
they have a large number.
Mrs. Forest Schurr, of Table
Rock, who has been visiting in the
city, a guest of Mrs. E. C. Hill, de
parted this afternoon over the Mis
souri Pacific, for her home.
was a visitor in Plattsmouth yester
day looking after some business. He
returned to his home lost night.
Louis Fornoff, of near Cedar Creek
was a visitor in Plattsmouth this
morning, coming down to look after
some business for a few hours.
Sam Goodman, from southwest of
Mynard, was a business visitor in
town this afternoon, coming to look
after some matters demanding his at
- Simeon Maurer, who is employed
near Murray, was a passenger this
afternoon to Omaha, where lie is
looking alter some business tor a
few hours.
Joseph Johnson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Johnson, southwest of the
city, who is attending a military
school in Missouri, is at home for a
visit of a few weeks.
Henry Specl.t, of LaPlatte was a
visitor in the city this afternoon,
having some matters to look afler,
Mrs. Robert Knight, of Malvern, J ami taking advantage, of the oppor
who has been visiting in this city and
at Murray with her sister, Mrs. John
Wiles, for the past wek. returned
to her home last Saturday evening.
Harrison McCord, who has been
visiting at Bellevue for the past few
days returned home and to his work
with the Burlington this morning.
Mr. McCord is employed with the
bridge gang.
Mark lies departed yesterday af
ternoon for Earlham, Iowa, where he
eoes to visit with his mother who
tunity to visit his friends.
C. A. Atkinson has sold his auto
to L. Pontias, who will use it for
the purpose of carrying the mail
from the Mynard pbstoflice to the
rural districts on his route.
Charles E. Xoyes and wife, from
Louisville, were visitors in this city
for a few hours last evening, calling
on friends here and looking after
some business for the time.
Gallant Rakes, of near Union, was
a visitor in Omaha for the day ye
lives near that city on the same , terday. On his return he stopped oil
farm upon which Mr. lies himself . here for a short time last eveninir
was born 56 years ago.
to look after some business matters.
Louis Schutz, who has been visit
ing here for some time past with his
Miss Henrietta Waintroub. who
has been visiting at Omaha for the
past week, caring for her little niece, i sons and daughter, departed this af
Annette Kirsch, who has been sick at ternocn for his home at king-viHe
her home since the death of her xowa. lie is in naste to get Home in
mother, Mrs. Charles Kirsch,
ed home this morning.
her Iowa.
i , . . ... ...
return-' or(ier 10 to picKing corn while
the weather continues good.
Louis Freidrich was in this morn- . Xorris, formerly of this
ng from his home near Cedar Creek city,, out now of near .Nehawka. to-
and was looking after a number of set her with Mis family, is in town
matters claiming his attention in the this afternoon, they having driven
- f 2 ... 1 I . A. . 1 1 -
city. While in town he called at the j u-' 111 lIlt ir lr " UM,h- auer some
Journal office, leaving the price of : business and al?o to do some M-ad-
hi s-ihscrintinn to Hip nnnur with "K 'ltn l'lattsmout ll merchants
----- - - -
he printer.
Clarence Mason is nursing a very
sore hand as the result of a portion
of the machinery with which he was
working tailing on the index linger 1
cf his left hand cutting a deep gash
n it, that required the work of a
urgeon to close. Dr. Leopold dressed
the wound and had to sew the coll
usion together in order to get the
wound in shape for healing.
I Mrs. M. 15. Allen received ft letter
nd ! . . ... .
irom ner son, wayne Alien, uno is
now at Bordeaux, France, which tells
1 of them getting all richt. in refer-
George Lohnes of near Cedar Creek itknM tn v,moolf T-aT,oM,
Mrs. J. F. Weisland. of Omaha,
who has been sick with pneumonia,
and who was at a hospital there l'or
somo time is so far recovered that
fhe is able to be out again. She
has come to Plattsmouth and is now
stopping at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Lewis, residing
in the southern portion of the city.
Mess-o-je from Dinsmore Ely,
Chicago Youth Who Paid in
Full for His Devotion.
We are closing out our Royal Innsbuck China, consisting of two patterns
the Rose and Gold Band, (18 carat) at exceedingly low prices for this high
grade china. Ve are not able to procure any more of it and do not possess full
sets of any of these patterns. We have practically all pieces of any of these
patterns with the exception of cups and saucers.
This sale also includes the Basset pattern in high grade china, and we have
a few pieces of Rose Wreath design all priced exceedingly low.
In connection with this sale we are offering you a large selection of fancy
china at attractive prices and have grouped some, of these in three price ranges
eana luc
A personal investigation will convince you of the merits of these prices.
ii 1.
nam mvo
III iiHiU TH10
Arrangements Perfected for Address
by Assistant Director of the
Nation on December 6th
Battle Eascribed in Today's Tele
graphic News Participated in
by Plattsmouth Boy.
Arrangements are being perfected
for a monster meeting of the orga
nization to enforce peace, to be held
in Omaha December Gth, at which
meeting Vice-President Marshall will
be one of the speakers and will
make the principal address. In this
connection it is desired that all the
defense councils fend as large a rep
reservation to the meeting as pos
sible. Just at this time it is being dis
cussed in government circles what
is to be the destiny of the Councils
of Defenpe. as they would be an ex
cellent medium through which the
country might return to an after the
v:.r status. For the good services
which the Councils have rendered to
the country and for the hearty co
operation, the National council de
sires to extend its thanks and asks
that all publicity be given to the re
moving of the restrictions imposed on
thy, they being the onls two from j
morning, looking after some business ... . . , i
1 this vicinity who are together at the;
matters for the dav. ! . ... . ... '
present time. Aayne tells of having.
j. . jones ana 1 neouore Jones. cnrainrl,i
From WednesiT.ny's r)a11y.
Charles C. Parmele has a friend
in Chicago, who was present at the
one of his ankles, which wedding something like thirty years
him lame temporarily. The ago. and
from near Wabash, were in the city!r,ia(e
1:1s morning navmg some uusiness i.., .-. ot.- tu . .-j,,.
I was mauea cerore the signing of
with the local board.
Gust Hollenbert residing the other 'the armistice.
Frm Tuesday's Daily.
Eddie Bulin departed last evening
for South Bend, where he is working
side of Murray, was a visitor in the
city this afternoon, looking after
some business for the day.
Carey and Ix)ren Stotter. of near
i.,; ..-o-o in ;,r uic mnm. ' a t the home of a brother-in-law
L II l"llf t' CI t III Lll. t 1 fc. J lllld M -f 4
ing, having some business matters to a s':ort time.
00k after at the court house. M. E. Davis, of Murray, was
X. K. Peoples and Harry Kruger j Passenger to Lincoln this morning.
If-nart! this moraine' for Cedar . where he is looking after some busi-
rec k, where they are working on a
'.ifC ra w home for Jacob Baechler.
who has .since become the
Ameri- '
can boy who died in t ranee last
spring, being about the same age as
Pollock Parmele. whom he had vis
ited a number of times.
In young Ely's last letter home
he sent to his mother the following
tender message:
"And I want to say, in closing, if
a! anything should happen to me let's
mourning, in spirit
ness matters for the das.
G. A. II. Hicks, of Cedar Creek.
have no
r"m WIneslay"s lailv.
The foreign news of today con
tains nn address made by Field Mar-
hal Ilaig. in which he ealls atten
ion to the valor, the spirit, the
fighting qualities of the Americans
who were with him on the western
front. The account will be found in
nil the papers of today and is well the construction of new buildings,
worth reading. Look it up and see ;
what it has to say regarding the
way the boys fought.
As evidence we quote from the
telegraphic news the following ex
tract: "The thirtieth division is now
embarking for home, containing 4SS
officers and 12,099 men. The full
strength of this division was 27,000
men. which shows the losses to have
been more than fifty per cent in the
time in which they were engaged."
In thir. division was one Platts
mouth boy. Pollock. Parmele, and on
the 29th day of September he with
others of the division went over the
top. Pollock had written weeks ago
about this battle in which the men
did such valiant fighting, the letter
being received by his father. Mr. C.
Good home grown potatoes for
sale, $1.50 per bushel. A. G. Bach
& Co. 4-tf
The name Doan's inspires con
fidence 'Doan's Kidney Pills for
kidney ills. Doan's Ointment for
skin itching. Doan's Kegulets for
a mild laxative. Sold at all drug
stores. ;
Poultry Wanted!
A car load of live poultry to be de
livered at poultry car near Burling
ton Freight Depot, Plattsmouth,
Nebr., on Saturday Nov. 30th. One
day only, for which we will pay ii
Hens 19c
Springs 19c
Ducks 18c
Geese 16c
Old Roosters 15c
Will be on hands rain or shine
and take care of all the poultry
offered for sale.
Yours very truly,
or in
Beginning Wednesday, Nov. 27th,
and extending for a limited time.
We offering our entire stock of Fall and Winter Coats at
m ft
" l i hi
If you are in need of a coat you cannot afford to miss this
opportunity. Your inspection invited.
adies' To
FRED P. BUSCH, Manager
C. Parmele some time ago. Field Mar-
dress. Like a Liberty Pond, it is an . r,,al 1Jai now corroborates his ex
investment, not a loss, when a man i;l o:x t,f the tenseness of the
is an honor , i,P U, nn.l t'in pnnrnrp d1-nlaved liv
the time
dies for his country,
to his family and i
for weakening?
"I would rather leave my family
rich in pleasant memories of my
life than numbed in the sorrow of
my death."
From Wednesday's Daily.
Ovan J. Taylor, wife and six child
ren are all down at their home in
the west portion of the city with the
Spanish influenza and just now are
not able to secure anyone to care
for thorn. They have a half promise
of -one after tomorrow providing the
people where she is now nursing are
the men at a time when such heavy I
ios.-res were being sustained. I
Plattsmouth boys have done their j!
full portion in this fighting for the"!
Linerty cf the world, their losses at- l
testing their valor and determination i
to Micceed and their courage in the
fnce of most trying circumstances,
r.nd when they riurn there should
be nothing too good we could possib
ly do for them.
Pollock Garage,
From Wednesday's Daily
While A. D. Manier and son, Wal
ter, were passing through this city
improved sufficiently to permit of her enroute to Omaha to brnig home an
leaving then. Just now the Taylor :0ther son- Chester Mannier, who had
family are getting along as best they
can, with -all the children and par
ents sick. Such a condition makes
it very difficult to get anything ac
complished about the house.
Protect the Children.
Children are as likely to get the
grip and influenza as grown-ups.
Foley's Honey and Ti:r gives quick
relief from all kinds of coughs,
colds, croup and whooping cough;
covers raw, inflamed surfaces with
a healing, soothing coating; clears
air passages, checks strangling,
choking, coughing. Contains no
opiates. Sold everywhere.
Dyspepsia is America's curse. To
restore digestion, normal weight,
good health and purify the blood,
use Burdock Blood Bitters. Sold at
all drug stores. Price, $1.25.
been in the hospital there receiving j
treatment, the youth was on his
way home via rail and they passed
each other between" here and Oma
ha. Chester remained here until the
return of his brother and father in
their car when he went home to
Murray with them. He will return
for a second operation in a short
time, when it is hoped he will be
entirely cured.
Full of Cold: Had the Grip.
Many will be pleased to reaa how
Lewis Newman, 506 Northrand St.,
Charleston, W. Va., was restored to
health. He writes: "I was down
sick and nothing would do me any
good. I was full of cold. Had the
grip until I got two SOc bottles of
Foley's H,cney and Tar. It is the
best remedy for grip and colds I
ever used. Sold everywhere.
Ford Pleasure Cars, Ford Ton Trucks, Fordson Trac
tors, Republic Trucks, Automobile Accessories, Tires,
Tubes, Chanes,Radiator Covers, Hand Steer Warms,"
Winter Tops, Alcohol Freeze Proof for Radiators.
Mobile Oils and Gasoline
Used Ford Cars overhauled and guaranteed, New
Ford Bodies, in fact everything for the automobile.
Storage Batteries Recharged and Repaired
Let us do your Auto Repair Work. We employ only
reliable expert . mechanics and guarantee all work.
Charges reasonable.
Store your cars in our new steam heated, fire-proof
garage. Fords $6.00 per month; all other cars $7.50
per month.
New Ford Cars Soon
Leave your orders for New Ford Cars, as we have re
ceived notice that production will resume soon.
Gasoline 26c at our Filling Station.
Garage Open Day and Night.
Our shop open from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. week days.
Night emergency calls answered and prompt repair
service given.
Tel. No. 1 Plattsmouth, Neb.