0 . 1 PL ATTSMO UTH . SEMI-WEEKLY JOUBNAC PAGE FOUR. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1918. tZbz plattsmouth journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Pustofficc. Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 Holidays next. -:o:- Tlic greatest day yet. The 11th day of November. -:o:- Ii.m't forget that winter is here. :o: And that weather prophets say it i to he a very told one. :o: Than'K.-giviii two wrcks from to day. Oh. Turkey, where art thou? :o: Of course the pacifist will begin to she.iit for "justice to Germany." I..i's think about Belgium and I'ra'ice. first. We aI.-o liave some hope of re lief trim tlie wi.-e ones who profess if s e "a new note" in the latest German note. ;o: Poor Holland standing io near flu1 fclif. !:ad to smier the usual lut A of the innocent l.ytander. The ku: r ha takt:i refuge there. :o: Not t i: t it imiks anv particular !i;fT':i'-'-; but did yn'i notice that the fichting stoppi-d at the eleventh hour of the eleventh, day of the h t nt ii month ? :o: Tl averane m:in. says the Kumas 1 1!; -tri;ili.-f . very broadly, wants a r'icioii that will allow how to piof.tr-. -r si (!;ns in the week and pr.s ti rontriii.itioii box on the stv.-nth. :o: llowevfr. poor telephone service shi-ubl not be taken as personal in i:lt. Tli'T- is considerable testi mony to the effect that Central fre quently cuts off other people's con versation?, too. :o: "Old Cilory" has been in evidticc this w ek more than ever before in the hi.-tory of Plat t. -mouth. That mMem of Liberty we arc all proud of. Kvery child carried one that was aMe to v;ilk. Many babies in its mothers arms carried them, too. :o: The Socialist r presentat i ve in Congress remains the .same Victor Berger takes a seat, and Meyer Lon don loses his. Hut whether it is an even trad" depends upon whether vim arc an American oocialht or a pro-German Socialist. :o: It i-: pretty hard, if you live at b"Mif. to reduce 0:1 the 2 meal a day plan. That i -, it requires consid erable will power. P.u( if you omit the noon meal and take the other two at a boarding house, reducing i the easiest thing in the world. :o: Tho: e who ob rvetf the speed v.ith which the "i'u" few from place to place li.t niollh pronounced i remarkable, and It was. But did you notice bow far-f the abdication epidemic swept through the royal families of the- German Umpire last Saturday? :o: - The girl-, bless Yin. are sympa thetic creatures. Next to getting a letter from over th-re, nothing pleases Yin so much as to hear that fonic other girl's beau has been call td to service. Th-huh," they say with great satisfaction. "This time next week she'll know how wc all suffer !" State of Ohio. City of Toledo. , Lucas County. s. I "rank J. Cheney makes oath that n Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Cf., do'.n? business In the City of Toledo. County and State afrfresald. and that VaiJ tirm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each "nil vprv case of Catarrh that cannot be r bvtheiise of HALL'S CATARRH UFDICIVE? FRANK J. CHENEY. . , h''0f mo and subscribed In nr or?ec th Gth day of December. Trr? ii-6 A. V.'. GLEASON. l? -.rotary Public. i7n-. c-r-rrh MeU'm is taken In terra l" fnd'Irri tnreu.Th th Blood on U HiuVous Surface of Ui9 System. Send tcr testi.jonUX?fr-e; Xotedo. C. PrM tv 'p. flrvirs'-nr. Toe. .. .. . Kii'- Family v.u or coronation. PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Get your holiday stock before the people. -:o:- Peace falls like a mantle over the battlefields of Europe. :o: Buy a Liberty bond. We need the money to bring our boys home. Beautiful fall weather. And the farmers are taking advantage of it. :o: Revised proverb: A Ford will go anywhere except up the Capitol steps. :o:- You never regret that you have helped Uncle Sam by buying Liber ty bonds. -:o:- The Crown Prince is no more. His enemies got him. Now, what about the Kaiser? :o:- Tiie principal trouble with the yellow paint treatment for slackers is that it has always been car ried cither too far or not far enough. :o: When our boyj come home every one who refused to buy Liberty bonds will be scorned by them, and pointed out as arch traitors to the United States. :o: "Barber should scald razor after shaving each customer," says a health bulletin. And the barber's fingers should be scalded, too after shaving some customers. :o: Really, the differences of opinion among correspondents as to whether the German morale is low or not vccm unimportant. The Allied mor ale is high, which is all we care about. :o: However, Mr. Ford probably would not have re-employed those enemy aliens if he had been running a munitions plant. Let it never be said that Mr. Ford is a poor busi ness man. :o: Some irreverent cuss has suggest- d that the first section of the con stitution bo amended to read, "Con- Tress shall consist of a Senate, a House of Representatives and a House of Texas." :o: Briefly, what usually happens to the longer skirt movement is this: Kvery time somebody comes out from New York with the word that the skirts arc longer there, somebody cables over from Paris that they're shorter over there. -:o: Plants for the purpose of ridding returned soldiers of trench vermin have been built at .several points on the Atlantic Coast, known as "de- lousing" plants. The life of the soldiers is interesting and varied recruited at the start; decootied at the finish. :o: Are you good at imagining your self in other people's .places? If you think you are try to thrill your self with the sort of thrill those Yank artillerymen felt Monday when they loaded up the big guns for one last, blistering crack at the fleeing Huu3, just at the tip of the tenth hour. Then when the boys come home compare your home made thrill with the one they will describe to you. :o.- What, by the way, ever became of that old nuisance who was afraid of Germany? He didn't say he was afraid of Germany, but he shook his head and extolled the power and elficicncy of Germany and said the Allies couldn't possibly force a de cision until 1923, and probably couldn't hold out that long. You couldn't find him in this country today with a fine tooth comb, al though that would be the proper in strument to hunt him with. WAS ONLY A DREAM. Throughout his reign of a quarter of a century, the German kaiser had but one ambition, "to Teutonize the world." He subordinated everything else to his ambitions. It was through the kaiser's de mands that both were raised to sec ond place among the nations. It was the same with the German army. The vast German military machine was actually the child of the kaiser's ambition. Because he taught and practiced the theory that only through mili tary and naval supremacy could Ger many arrive at a "place in the sun," the kaiser became known as the war lord. Although he forced out Bismarck the "iron chancellor," the emperor followed Bismarck's teaching that only by the "mailed fist" could Ger many live and grow. His oft-repeated insistence that he ruled by divine right aided him in carrying out his policies. It tended to make his subjects, both high and low, more subservient to his demands and whims. As the German empire grew from a population of 47,000,000 to 67,- 000,000, and to a place in the com mercial world surpassing in some lines even Great Britain, his in fluence and power increased. The kaiser was born January 27. 1S59. In saving his mother's life when he was born the main nerves of his left arm were so strained that the arm became shriveled and has hung useless ever since. Since child hood he has had to us? a specially made fork with a heavy edge that served as a knife as well. One reason for his well-known dis like for his mother, who was a daughter of Queen Victoria of Eng land was laid to this operation, which resulted in the loss of the use of his arm. The kaiser was the ninth monarch of the house of Hohenzollern. He was the third of that family to guide the destinies of the German empire. He married Princess Augusta Vic toria, daughter of the Duke of Au- gustenburg, in 1881. He was crown ed king of Prussia and emperor of Germany June 5, 1S88. The crown Prince, Frederick Wil- ' helm, was born May 6. 1882. He was married in 1005 to Duchess Cecilie of Mecklenburg-Schwarin. The crown prince aspired to become one of the great military leaders of history. His efforts were all dismal failures, he being charged particu larly with the bloody and fruitless effort to reduce Verdun fortress and the failure of the scries of German offensives which began in March, this year. :o: SAVE US FROM MUSH! Heaven spare us now from mush. Save us, oh, Gracious Providence. from the food of the pacifist, the dreamer and the mollyciddle. We have a work to do which calls for a diet for red blooded statesmanship. We have been "fed up" on rhe torical mush; on the theory of do ing nothing rude to the Hun. The victory which Americans and the English and the French and all the Allies are celebrating is not a paci fist victory. It was not won by a gentle slap on the wrist. It was won by a smash of iron and steel. Only a week ago the pacifist whs shedding tears over the fact that those who demanded unconditional surrender were asking for the im possible, asking sbmthing that would prolong the war for another year at the los3 of millions of lives in the futile effort to gain a military vic tory. Had it been a pacifist war there would have been no military vie tory. It would have been a negotiat ed peace. There would have been no white flag for the Huns. It would have been a situation of compromise in honor. Now that there has been a mill tary conclusion, now that Germany is broken, the pacifists, theorists and the parlor Socialists will come forth, all bearing mush. We will hear much of "charity for a fallen foe." We will be ex "OH, IF I COED BREAK THIS COLD! if (Almost ii3 soon as said 7lth Dr. King's New Discovery Get a bottle today! The rapidity with which this fifty-year-old family remedy relieves coughs colds and mild bronchial attacks is what has kept its popularity on the Increase year by year. This standard reliever of colds and coughing spells never loses friends. It docs quickly and pleasantly what it is recommended to do. One trial puts it in your medicine cabinet as absolutely Indispensable. Sold by all druggists. 'Bowels Usually Clogged? Regulate them with safe, sure, com fortable Pr. King's New Life P1II3. Correct that biliousness, headache, sour stomach, tongue coat, by cluxun ating the bowcl-clogginess. horted to "show mercy to the de feated." They will come bearing bouquets, asking to be permitted to offer consolation to the prisoner and to leave tracts and flowers in his cell. The terms of the armistice, it was told in the story of the meeting of the envoys to hear the terms from Marshal Koch, wero a "shock" to the Germans. They were not the terms of the pacifists. They were the terms that brought Germany to her knees, broken and crushel. The peace terms must also .shock Germany. They must contain the stern expression of the world's dis cipline against the world's greatest offender. Otherwise, Germany nev er Will realize the crime she has committed against civilization. There must be no paroling of the criminal to his "next friend." A man or a nation cannot be saved from the re sult of crimes by putting on a new coat. K. C. Star. :o: Help fill the war chest and keep it full. :o: Time to display your holiday ... I.-,, ,1...... (,uuua (inn cti7o, iu autviiioc U11.1U. :o: Perhaps Karl will be a little more careful of the company he keeps hereafter. -:o: When the Kaiser signed, it is taid he "appeared deeply moved." And considerable removed. :o: Judging from the letters they write home our boys overseas are finding the French people astonish ingly French. :o: The contest between Itoso and Martin for Supreme Judge contin ues to be very close, with Hose a few votes in the lead. -:o: When you become so "sure you have a quotation right that you are willing to bet on it, then is when you'd better look it up. -:o:- Thc next map of Austria is going to look like a crazy quilt, but at that there will be lots more sense to it than there ever was before. -:o:- The end of the war has brought the end of autocracy not one of the rulers of the nations of the Teu tonic alliance remains on his throne. A human being is a creature who. while he has it. denies vigorously that it is the flu, and then goes p round bragging that it was, after he gets well. :o:- It is believed that there will be no further question about Holland's pro-Ally ism. Indeed, we go so far as to predict that Sweden may be found completely converted to the justice of our cause today. :o:- ; THANKING THE VOTERS. Wm. Stohlman. from Louisville, was in the city a few days ago, and paid this office a pleasant call, and instructs us to thank the voters of Cass county for the vote he received in the recent election. He wishes to thank every one of those who supported him. Get the Genuine and Avoi Watte Economy Tn Every Cake NOTICE OF ADMINIS TRATOR'S SALE In the District Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of William A. Kdmisten, Deceased. Notice , is hereby given that, in pursuance of an order of the Hon orable James T. Begley, judge of the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, made on the 7th day of September, 19 IS, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter describ ed, there will be sold at public ven due to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the Bank of Un ion, in the Village of Union, in said County, on the 7th day of December, 1918, at 11:00 o'clock A. M., the following described real estate, to wit: tho of the N E of Sec. 29v Twp. 10, Kge. 14, and 10 acres along the west side of the NW'i of the NWU of Sec. 2S, Vwp. 10, Kge. 14, all in Cass county, Nebraska: alf-o Lots 2 and 3, in Block 3, in the village of Union. Cass county, Ne braska. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 4th day of-November. 19 IS. DAN LYNN', Administrator of the Estate of Wil liam A. Edmisten, deceased. ('HAS. L. GRAVES. A. I j. T1DD. Attorneys. 4-5 wks. IN 'I II: IHSTItlC-T It T Of TIIK U TV !' SS. .NKIIIt SlvA. I'tsarle.s I'jirmole, IMaintlfT, VP. .laeob P. Falter: Mary Falter: . P. olsen. first re;il n?nio unknown; Mrs. o. r. Olson, lirst real name un known: wife of . I'. Olson: J. N. Kini;: first real name unknown: Mrs. J. N. Kin;r. first real name unknown, wile of .1. N. Kintr: W. l- Kinslow, first real name unknown; Ohirenco A. .Xtkinson: Krnost ;. Sliallent'aig er; Texas Kio (iramle Company, a cm poration. and Fred Warner, Defendants. Nolle- of tiilirnlion for Appointment of lt--fl rr. To I lie defendants. J. N. Kincr, first real name unknown: Mrs. J. X. Kinp, first real name unknown, wife of J. X. Kin; O. I'. Olson, first real name unknown: Mrs. o. 1. Olson, first real name unknown, wife of . I. Olson; V. F. Kinslow, first real name un known: and the Texas Bio Grande c 'urn pa ny : You are l.ereliv notified that Jacob P. Falter and wife Ma ry Fall er, defendants in tlie above entitled eause, upon ans wer duly filed in said cause have made aoplieation for tlie appointment of .1 lines Hot.ei tson. Clerk of tlie District Court as receiver to take hare of tlie rents and income from the build in us and property described as lots eleven (111 and twelve IlL'), in block t went v-seven 7, in tlie City of I 'lattsmout li. Cass county, .NePrasna; that i:. F. Cat terson and J. M. Kobeits ire proposed as sureties for said pro posed receiver, and that !eorj; K I love v and Frank Schlater are propos ed as sureties for said applicants; that aid application for the appointment of said receiver will lie presented to tho Jud-re of the District Court or tlie Second Judicial District of tho ir'tate of Nebraska, in the District Court Koom in the court house in the City or I'lattsmoiiili. Cass County, Nebraska. on the JKIh day of December, 1918, at 1 o'clock -- M. Dat.d this Slst day of October. A. d.. i;m. of all of which you will take clue notice. JACOi: !. FAl.Twi; and JIAUY FALTKi:, 11-l-bv Defendants. NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE. Notice is hereby iven that pur suant to an order of sale issued to me by the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, on the 4th day of November 101S. In an action pending in said court in which Carey H. Stotler, was plaintiff and Loren B. Stotler, Sarah Irey, Eden Irey. George Stotler, Nettie Stotler, Walter Stotler, Ella Wayant, Clar ence Wayant, Mabel Speakman, Harry Speakman. Mary Pope, Joseph Pope, David Stotler, if living, if de ceased, his unknown heirs, devisees. legatees, personal representatives and nil other persons interested in his estate; J. F. Clugey. as admin istrator of the estate of William Stotler, deceased, are defendants, I will on the 9th day of Decern her ID IS. at one o'clock in the afternoon of said dav at the South front door of the Court House in Plattsinouth, Cass County, Nebraska, offer for sale at public vendue to the highest bid der the following described real estate situated in Cass County, State of Nebraska, to wit: The East thirty-live (35) acres of the Northeast Quarter of the South east Quarter of Section nineteen (19) Township ten (10) Kange fourteen (14) East Gth l M. Cass County, Nebraska. The terms of said sale being Five Hundred ($500) Dollars on the day of sale, and the balance of the pur chase prico on the day said sale Is confirmed by the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open for one hours. CHARLES E. MARTIN, C. A. RAWLS, Referee. Attorney. 4-30t l.tMM. XOTItT. Notlrc tit N.ii-lt evident IlrfrndaiHw, i heir Uir. la Rntee. Il l, l'rr ...iiiiI ltepreentle B". 1 moii Interested lu llieir I.Mate, or ..their Jucee.iort To tho unknown Tioirf, devisees, lec nttcs. personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of George 10. Harding, deceased; WH Uam II. Price. Wm. M. Price Albert KtVley, executors of the last will end etanVent of Gcorm. K Harding", de ceased,, if living, if deceased tlie un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and nil other per sons Interested ' in the estate of each of them respectively or their succes- SYoii and ench of you are hereby no tified that William J? . Schlie re 1 1. as i plaintiff, on the 21st day of Septem- v v - veer "7v V iMmm urn nvA WE HAVE ALL HEARD OF THAT "RAINY DAY." SINCE CHILDHOOD WE HAVE HEARD OF "PUTTING SOMETHING ASIDE FOR A RAINY DAY." THAT RAINY DAY COMES VERY SUDDENLY TO SOME PEOPLE. IF YOU HAVE PUT SOMETHING ASIDE, HAVE IT SAFE IN OUR BANK. FIRE CAN'T BURN IT. BURGLARS CAN'T STEAL IT AND YOU CAN'T LEND OR SPEND IT SO EASILY. EE PREPARED WITH A BANK ACCOUNT. WE ADD 31-2 PER CENT INTEREST ON SAVINGS AC COUNTS AND H PER CENT ON TIME CERTIFICATES. COME TO OUR BANK. Farmers THE NEW BANK.1 her, IMS. filed his petition in tlie Dis irict Court of C?ss County, Nehraska, wherein you unit each of you are de ft nd;ints. the oh.iect mid prayer of which petition are that you and each of you. a lol all persons claiming' by, through or under you adversely to plaintiff, ho adjudcred to have no inter cut, rirht. estate or lien In or to: TIrj Northwest Quarter of Section Seventeen (17), Township Klcven (11) Uanvn Klevcn (11), Cass County, Ne hraska. ir anv part or portion thereof, and that the plaintiff. William F. Schlie fert, toKftlier with his prantors he ad jiifietl to have been in the adverse possession of said land for more than 1 n years last past, and that the lejral litie thereto has become fully vested in WMliam F. chlkfert. notwithstand ing the claims of you and each of you, or anyone claiming by, through or un tler you. and that the title to said land be forever iuieted in tlie said William F. sichliefert, a.s a.srainst you and each of you, anil that each and all of said tit fc-ntlants named, and those whose names are unknown anil net stated. be forever barred from claiming or asserting any rltrht. title, interest or t state in and to paid real estate, or fMiy part thereor. and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem just ami equitable You and each of you are further notified you are required to answer vajtl petition on or before Monday the Und dav of December, 1018. Wlf.l.IAM F. SC11 LI EFErtT, o. a. i;.ni.s. riaintiff. Attorney. 10-14-4W. i.kuai, .notici: TO FMCIfAHD CONWAY OLDHAM AND WIFF. Kf .MA OLDHAM; LAEl'NA CON'N 1-JLLY ; JOHN J. OLDHAM AND WIFF. COSH OLDHAM; .IFSS1K D. SNYDKK AND HI'S HAND H10NU V SNYDFi:: AND MAliV L. CKA1G, Dli FKN'DANTS. You will take notice that on the 24th day or October 1!1S. Fay Oldham, plaintiff herein, filed her petition in tlie District Court of Cass County. Ne braska, apainst von jind Cuzia J. Bak er, Pauline Oldham. Kllison L. Oldham iintl wife Maud Oldham; James W. Oldham and wife F.ffie Oldham: Vera II. Oidhnm. Polly Younpr and husband Homer Younsr, the object and prayer of which are to partition between plaintiff yourselves and the above nam ed defendants, the following described real eslate. to wit: The West half of the Northwest Quarter of Section thirty CH: the West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section thirty (30: and Lot two (-) in the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section nineteen 1 St all in Township eleven (11 Kanpe fourteen (It) Cass County, Nebraska. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the lfith day of December 1 01 S. FAY OLDHAM. C. A. KAWLS. Plaintiff. Attorney. :S-lwks. -:o: Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Do not imagine that because oth er cough medicines failed to give you relief that it will he the same with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Bear in mind that from a small begin ning this remedy has gained a world wide reputation and immense sale. A medicine must have excep tional merit to win esteem wherever it becomes known. There Three Books "Goto Southwestern Nebraska." "There's a Farm for You in Colorado," "The Bis Horn Basin of Wyoming." Describe sections with low priced lands that grow large and high-priced crop3 and should appeal equally to investor and home-maker. If you are searching for a home where wheat and live stock farmers flourish, where their families enjoy modernized farm life and where Burlington lines afford quick service to every market eenter, visit SOUTHWESTERN NEBRASKA and NORTHEASTERN' COLORADO; see these great, fertile prairies and locate your son or yourself where you are sure to prosper. Or, if you prefer irrigated farming, go to the BIG HORN BASIN OF WYOMING, where every irrigated acre is sure to reach a high price. Take an irrigated homestead in the Deaver project one of the best projects the gov ernment has developed 20 years to pay for water rfght no interest and no 1 profit taken. B - - ' prtiRp THAT RAINY DAY DOES COME State Bank EVER HAVE IT? If You Have, tlie Statement of This Plattsmouth Citizen Will Interest You. Ever have a "low-down" pain in the hack? In the "small," right over the hips? That's the home of backache. If it's caused by weak kidneys. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Plattsmouth people testify lo their worth. Read a case of it: Mrs. Harry Kuhney, Eighth & Pearl Sts., Plattsmouth, says: "I couldn't say anything but good words for Doan's iKdney Pills for I know from personal experience that they are all that is claimed for them. I use Doan's when my back aches and my kidneys are not acting as they should and they never fail to give quick relief. We use Doan's Kidney Pills in our home when nec essary for kidney trouble and they always give good results." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pjlls the same that Mrs. Kuhney had. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Greatly Benefited by Chamberlain's Tablets. "I am thankful for the good I have received by using Chamber lain's Tablets. About two years ago when I began taking them I was suffering a great deal from dis tress after eating, and from head ache and a tired, languid feeling due to indigestion and a torpid liv er. Chamberlain's Tablets corrected there disorders in a short time, and since taking two bottles of them my health has been good," writes Mrs. M. P. Harwood, Auburn, N. Y. w Trv i i i rn i W. A. ROBERTSON, I Lawyer. Bust of Riley Hotel. Coates Elock, Second Flcor. Let me assist you to a full understanding of these ex ceptional investments. Ask for the folders today. S. B. HOWARD, Agricultural Agent, C. B. & Q. R. R. 1004 Farnum Street, Omaha, Nebraska