VaUI si - -1 i ' - ir ill- -r iTim 1 1 "il ' r THURSDAY. uQTZYJBXR 7. 1913 REPUBLICAN GAIN N DOUSE AND TWO IN SENATE SHOWN BYlNCDRflPLETE RETURNS Capper Elected Senator in Illinois and Ball Democratic Now York. Nov. C. At 2 o'clock thi3 morning 120 congressional dis tricts were unreported. Iiy the re turns then in hand the republicans had gained 11 seats in the house of representatives and two stats in the ; -nate. Senator Thompson of Kansas (democrat), had been beaten by Governor Capper (republican); Sen ator Lewis of Illinois had been beat en by Representative Medill McCor mick (republican), and Senator Faulsbury, democratic president pro tern of the senate, had been beaten by former Senator Ball (republican). Senator Weeks (republican). of Massachusetts, was reported defeat el by David I. Walsh (democrat). The surprise-of the election was the possibility that Speaker Clark had been defeated in his home dis trict in Missouri. Acting Chairman Cummings of the democratic national committee issued a statement claiming demo cratic gains in both houses of con press. Chairman Hays of the republican national committee had not issued a Ftatement. but said he felt sure the republicans would control the house. Party Leaders Re-elected. The turnovers came in New York Kentucky. Illinois. Pennsylvania. Maryland and Kansas, but so closely was the democratic defeat in one district neutralized by a republican defeat in another that the net re sults were very close. The democratic leaders in con gress. Senator Simmcns of North Carolina and Rjpresentative Kitchin of North Carolina, were re-elected, as were the house republican leader. Representative Mann of Illinois, and the acting republican leader. Repre PIATTSMOUTH BOY DIES IN IOWA From Wi1r)o.lay"s T"aily. Tlu following account of death of a little child which born in this city to Mr. and the was Mrs. Phillip Hubbard, the father having been an employe of this -office for some time, was taken from the Creston. Ia.. Advertiser-Gazette, and tells of the death of the little one: Little Robert Wilson Hubbard was born at Piattsmouth. October the Sth 116. and died November the 1st. 191 S, at Oeston. Iowa. He was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hubbard who reside at 309 East Monroe street in this city. The little fellow was a very beautiful child of a sunny disposition and was loved by all who knew him. The funeral services were held at 3:00 o'clock this afternoon at the home and Rev. Elias Handy will have charge of the services and the re mains will be interred in Grace land. ROY CLINE HOME. From Wednesday's Dally. Last evening we were somewhat surprised to see Roy ('line alighting . . tt i I from the evening train. He has been stationed at Manhattan, Kan., but is now home for a furlough and to regain some of his strength. He has been unfortunate enough to be one of the ones who have had the Flu. He says that he is better now but is still rather weak. Roy is looking rather thin. too. but with a little time to rest and enjoy life with the home folks he will scon be himself again. When baby suffers with eczema or some itching skin trouble, use Doan's Ointment. A little of it goes a long way and it is safe for children. COc a box at all stores. Read the Journal Ads It Pays DR. H. G. LEOPOLD OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN fpnr'ml Attention to DUraiu f Womn ACUTE DISEASES TREATED Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted Night Calls Answered After Houri and Sundays by Appointment. 8:33 a. m. to 12:00 1:30 d. m. to 5:31 rt. nioek PlattsmoutL. Neb A few good usee lords for sale T. H. Pollock, Garage. 2S-tf OF II SEATS in Kansas, McCormick in Delaware Over Incumbents sentative Gillette of Massachusetts. Former Speaker Cannon of Illinois, was re-elected to what will be his 22d terra in congress, a record of service interrupted by only two de feats. Socialist Member Beaten. Meyer London, the only socialist in the house of representatives, was defeated by Henry M. Goldfogle, a democrat running with republican support, but the socialists retained representation by electing Victor Berger from Wisconsin, a former member of the house, now under in dictment under charges of violating the espionage law. Other socialist candidates were defeated, among them Morri3 Hillquit, candidate for mayor of New York a year ago. The only complete governorship returns at hand at midnight showed the republican tickets elected in Pennsylvania and Connecticut and Governor Whitman of New York coming down 'State with a heavy plurality which promised to wipe out the advantage of Alfred E. Smith, the democratic candidate, in Greater New York. Democrats Claim Success. Washington, Nov. 5. Increased democratic majorities in both sen ate and house were claimed late to night by Homer S. Cummings, act ing chairman of the democratic na tional committee. "The returns thus far received," said Mr. Cummings, "indicate that the country has given the president a splendid endorsement. The senate and house are both democratic by increased majorities. " Smith has been elected governor of New York by a very large plurality, probably about 75,000." DIED OF DOUBLE PNEUMONIA. From Wednesday's Dally. Last evening at about five o'clock, Aubra Leutroll, who has been pick ing corn for Elmer Davis, and who was taken with the Spanish Influ enza, some time since and which ran into the pneumonia, passed away at the home of his friend Earl Fields of Murray. They had both been friends at Mountain Grove, Mo., and hud come to Nebraska to pick corn, the wages being better than at the home town. Mr. Leutroll, had left his wife and their three children, at their Missouri home, coming to make pome money for the caring of the family over winter. The remains were shipped to the home In the south last night by the kindhearted people of Murray, who with a gen erosity, characteristic of them, cared for the unforutnate man rendering all care and assistance possible. MARRIED BY THE JUDGE. From Wednesday's Daily. Yesterday occurred a very nice wedding at the office of the county Judge when the lives of Mr. Charles Buffington and Miss Alice Kearnes ' horn in this city and has lived here the most of her life, having a large circle of friends who extend con gratulations and felicitations, on account of the marriage. The groom Mr. Charles Buffington's home is at Lykens. Fa., and he is situated at Camp Funston at this time, where he is a member of the United States army. EIGHT SICK IN ONE HOUSEHOLD. From Wednesday's Daily. At the home of W. II. Baughman, there are eight sick with the Flu, and one to nurse them. Mrs. Baugh man and three -children and Mrs. Cline and three children, while Mr. Earl Cline is nursing them all or rather waiting on them as best he could. This" makes the cares pretty heavy whether it be a person train ed to it or not. Protect the Children. Children are as likely to get the grip and influenza as grown-ups. Foley's Honey and Tar gives quick relief from all kinds of coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough; covers raw, inflamed surfaces with a healing, soothing coating; clears air passages, checks strangling, , choking, coughing, Contains no j opiates. Sold everywhere. MRS. JAMES M. FARRAR DIES. From Wednesday's Dally. Word was received by H. H. Kuhney, last evening telling of the death of Mrs. James M. Farrar, of Omaha of double pneumonia, as a result of a case of the Spanish In fluenza. Mrs. Farrar's husband, is a brother of Mrs. Harry Kuhney. Mrs. Kuhney and daughter Mrs. Roy Mayfield departed this morning for Omaha to attend the funeral which occurs this afternoon. Mrs. Farrar was sick but a short time and had pneumonia in both lungs. DEPART FOR A CAM- PAIGN OF WORK From Wednesday's Dally. S. L. Cotner departed this after- noon for Lincoln taking with him five men from this places they be- ing j. a. ueiciiei, . r.,. oiaiiiuii. vm. Smith, G. II. Closson, and C. II. Frans, and will be Joined by some twenty-four others who will consti- tute a crew of thirty men, who will have the lines west for their held of operation, and will go to Hastings first, and where the necessities of the case demands it do work in the line of car work. Mr. Cotner is a capable man and the Burlington have made a good selection in plac- j the seventeenth regiment and I be ing the crew of workers under his ng in the fourth. Several days direction. MADE FROM GRAINS OF CORN. From Wednesday's Dally We notice that in the window of "The Toggery", the store which is owned by Fred Busch, is a very in teresting flag which has been made entirely of grains of corn. The flag is about 5x3 feet and is made of the three colors of corn, the red and white alternating in the stripes and blue corn for the field on which are arranged the white stars. The flag must have 'taken a great amount of work and quite a little ingenuity. Mrs. Fred Spangler made it and it is now on display so that all may see it. WHAT IS THE NEWS? "Do you know that an editor or a reporter tor a newspaper can in his rounds stop and ask a hundred persons "What is the news?" and ninety out of the hundred will re- ply, "Nothing special." And yet fifty out of that number knew some- thing that if not found in the next paper will astonish them greatly and disapoint them more, and per haps make them madder than hor nets. Don't be afraid to let the newspaper man know It." E. S. SETZ RETURNS HOME. From Wednesday's Dally. On the late Burlington train last evening Eugene S. Stz who has been in the west for some time, looking over the country with a view-of lo- eating there, returned home. While in the west Mr. Setz found an ele- gant country, and one which ap- pealed to him. He will ask for a transfer to one of the western divi sions, and will endeavor to take a homestead as well as work there. In his departure for the west his many friends here will wish him abundant success. WAS FINED $100 AND COSTS. From Monday's Daily. Yesterday Clarence Mason and James Deal were arrested Just this side of Mynard, after they had alighted from a Missouri Pacific train Dy fcnenir yuinion anu um- cer G. H. Manners, having in their care two vanses or wnisKey, wnicn they were bringing from Kansas City. They were kept in Jail until this morning when they were ar- raigned before county Judge A. J. Beeson, who imposed a fine of one hundred dollars and costs, giving them liberty to go and raise the amount -of the fine. HOGS STRAYED. 1 red sow and three pigs and one that weighs about 75 pounds. Stray ed from my home. U. L. Barnard, d&w. Full of Cold: Had the Grip. Many will be pleased to read how I i,ewis wewman, 506 Northrand St., Charleston, W. Va., was restored to health. He writes: "I was down I sick ana nothing would do me any I good. I was full of cold. Had the grip until I got two 50c bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar. It is the best remedy for grip and colds I ever used. Sold everywhere. Messrs. O. A. Moore and A. W. Cloidt and wives departed this af ternoon for Omaha where they: will A. A. A . . - I anena some oi tne shows which are in operation there, although they are closed here. I x ranK nne was looking after some business in Omaha for the afternoon going to that place on the I lone fifty-eight train. ALBERT VALLERY r DCTTCD ML ULI ILfl STILL AT THE HOSPITAL, WILL BE SOME TIME BEFORE HE IS WELL, BUT BETTER. From Wednesday's Dally. The following letter comes to us by the party to whom it is written and as Mr. Vallery has many friends nere wno are greatly interested in I nis welfare we are publishing this letter that all may know his condi- I tion. Mr. Joseph B. Sedlak who Is at the lakes, and a friend of Mr Vallery's writes as follows: j Dear Sir: Am writing you a few lines in connection with Albert Vallery, a piattsmouth bov who is sick here j wjtn the Influenza. t met him at the Soldiers and Sailors club in Chicago, while we I were on liberty and after being to- gether for the afternoon and part Gf the evening we made the trip back to the Great Lakes together. I There we separated as he was in I later I went over to see him asrain and learned that he was very sick with the "flu" (his epidemic being very severe here at that time. They refused to let me see him then and later I learned he was transferred to the main hospital. Today was my first opportunity to look him up so after a great deal of trouble, I managed to locate him. Although he is in no condition to write or has not been for quite a while he is improving, and as entered he recognized me and we shook hands. Then he fell asleep so I didn't bother him any longer. The head nurse kindly requested me to write a letter to his parents as he would -gladly write, but he won't be able to for some time. Not knowing his parents address I am asking you for information and if possible, to get them in touch with U1C- 4 uum 6"uj mem ho whe is from time to time. He also received a box of cakes from his brother in Montana, for which he sends many thanks. Hoping this reaches you ana please give u your kind attention, I remain. Yours sincerely. JOS. B. SEDLAK. NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that pur suant to an order of sale issued to me by the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, on the 4th day of November 191S, in an action pending in said court in which Carey L. Stotler, was plaintiff and Loren B. Stotler, Sarah Irey, Eden Irey, George Stotler, Nettie Stotler, waiter Stotler, Ella Wayant, Clar- ence Wayant. "Mabel Speakman. Harry Speakman, Mary Pope, Joseph Pope, David Stotler. If living, if de ceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in his estate; J. F. Clugey, as admin istrator of the estate of William Stotler. deceased, are defendants. I will on the 9th day of December 1918, at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day at the South front door of the Court House in Piattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, offer for sale at public vendue to the highest bid- der tne following described real estate situated in Cass County, State of Nebraska, to wit: The East thirtv-five (35) acres of the Northeast Quarter of the South -ast Quarter of Section nineteen (19 V Townshin ten (10) Ranee fourteen (14) East 6th P. M. Cass County, Nebraska. The terms of said sale being Five Hundred ($500) Dollars on the day of eale, and the balance of the pur chase price on the day said sale is confirmed by the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open for one hours. CHARLES E. MARTIN, C. A. RAWLS, Referee. Attorney. 4-30t Smith Hide Co., Market Square, St. Joseph, Mo., are paying 19c lb. for No. 1, salt cured hides. Horse hides $5.00 to $7.00 each. Write for free shipping" tgs and fur price. 4-tf How a Salesman Suffered. R. J. Porter, Sterling, Co:., writes: "I suffered with a painful, weak back. . As a traveling salesman I had to stoop frequently to pick up my grips, and the pain when I straightened up was awful. I was induced to try Foley Kidney Pills Relief was immediate. Say, they are great." Prompt and tonic. Sold pvprvwhpm Ton Know you will find a com- plete line of flags at the Journal of- flee. We have Inst received h new upply. 0 y r-" Jm m U Best ft Ut ' I ( J M " I BV T,IE RRO. U.S. PAT. OPP. I z Carter knit T Tn r tVT T assures you va'ue or every cent invested - this i-J-vJ-Vli. W Cell is not a mere statement, it is a fact. It wears so long, because it fits so well, and above all, you are assured of comfort. Why don't you begin today to get "all the underwear comfort in the world" as will surely be your good fortune in one of these suits? We can suit you in size, weight, style and comfort. And another point is certain you can't buy better underwear for the reason it is not made. Yours for full value, H. M. SOENNICHSEN, See Our Window Display. QC Marshal Foch To Give Conditions of Armistice; Germans Informed They Can Have Peace on Terms Enun ciated by Wilson; Von Winterfeldt to Con duct Negotiations Amsterdam, Nov. 5. Germania of Berlin says that General von Winter feldt, former German military at tache at Paris, will conduct the armistice negotiations for Germany on the western front. Washington, Nov. -Marshal Foch has been authorized by the United States and by the allies to receive representatives of the Ger man government and to communi cate to them the terms of an armis tice. The German government is so in formed in a note handed to the Swiss minister here today by Sec retary Lansing. The note announces that the al lied governments have declared their willingness to make peace with the German government on the terms laid down in President Wilson's ad dress to congress last January and on the principles of settlement enunciated in his subsequent ad dresses. Reserve Freedom Of Action. The allies reserve to themselves. however, complete freedom of action when they enter the peace confer ence on the subject of the freedom of the seas. It was further stated with refer ence to restoration cf invaded terri tories that the allied governments understand that compensation wil be made by Germany, for all damage !F to the civilian population of theja allies and their property as the re-j suit of the aggression of Germany by land, by sea and from the air." The note now is on the cables. In 24 hours it should be in the hands of the Germans; in 48 hours the world may know whether an im mediate end of the war is at hand. Publication of the details of the armistice terms still is withheld. They may not be made known until the Germans have accepted or re jected them, as was the course fol lowed by the allies. in dealing with Bulgaria, Turkey and Austria. Only the details are in doubt, however, and no one questions that accept ance means abject surrender. Text of Lansing's Note. The text of Secretary Lansing's note follows: "In my note of October 23, 1918, I advised you that tne president had transmitted his correspondence with the German authorities to the governments with which the . gov ernment of the United States is asstr elated as a belligerent, with the suggestion that, if these govern ments were disposed to accept peace upon the terms, and principles indi cated, their military advisers and the military advisers of the United States be asked to submit to the gov ernments associated against Germany DC as long as you have to pay more anyway for Underwear that is scant in proportion, inferior of material, and indifferent as to workmanship? 01 the necessary terms of such an armistice as would fully protect the interests of the peoples involved and insure to the associated govern ments Iho unrestricted power to safeguard and enforce the details of ' the peace to which the German provided government had agreed, : they deem such an armistice possi- I ble from the military point of view. "The president is now in receipt of a memorandum of observations by the allied governments on this correspondence, which is as follows: Willing to Make Jeace. "The allied governments have given careful consideration to the correspondence which has passed between the president of the United States and the German government. Subject to the qualifications which follow, they declare their willing ness to make peace with the gov ernment of Germany on the terms of peace laid down in the president's address to congress of January, 1918, Geiiera! Pershing insists that his men bs well clothed. More especially for the stimulating effect it has upon the men themselves. If gcod clothes help to make an army more effective, what about the men in the civil ranks. Good clothes, not extravagant clothes, induce self respect and command respect of others. Our St yleplus Clothes $25and$30 lach ade th? same price the nation over are medium in price bat high in quality, At the present time we have a good sfock of all wool materials in this well known make, which are far superior to anything we can possibly buy for future at these prices. A suit or overcoat -at this price is a good investment just now. -MEN'S RIBBED UNION SUITS $1.50 - C. E Wescotfs Sons "EVERYBODY'S STORE." 3C ft 0 Not Get the n n i Call Phones 53 and 54 and the principles of settlement enunciated in his subsequent ad dresses. They must point out, however, that clause two, relating to what is usually described as the freedom of the seas, is open to various inter pretations, some of which they could not accept. They must, there fore, reserve to themselves com plete freedom on this subject when they enter the peace conference. Compensation Exacted. "Further, in the conditions of peace laid down in his address to congress of January S, 1918, the president declared that invaded ter ritories must be restored as well as evacuated and freed. The allied goT ernments feel that no doubt ought to be allowed to exist as to what this provision implies. By it they understand that compensation will be made by Germany for all dam age done to the civilian population of the allies and their property by the aggression of Germany by land, by sea and from the air.' "I am instructed by the president to say -'that he is in agreement with the interpretation set forth in the last paragraph of the memorandum to notify the German government that Marshal Foch has been author ized by the government of the Vnitod States and the allied governments to receive properly accredited rep resentatives of the German govern ment and to communicate to them the terms of an armistice. "Accept, sir, the renewed assur ances of my highest consideration. "ROBERT LANSING." G. G. Mayfield of Louisville was a visitor in this city this morning coming to look after some business. i t mm