FAOZ TWO. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1018. Plattsmouth, Neb., Oct. 28. Banker's Automombile Ins. Co., Lincoln, Neb. Gentlemen: On Sept. 28th, I had the misfortune to damage a Dodge car owned by L. L. McCarty, of this place. Your adjuster, after investigating the acci dent gave me a check covering the damage to Mr. Mc Carty's automobile. I hold your policy No. A. N. 229, on my automobile covering fire, public liabilty and pro perty damage. Yours truly, P JOHN W. CRABILL, Ask our agent, Mrs. L. W. Egenberger, in regard to our complete coverage policy and special farm car rates covering your car anywhere in the United States. BANKER'S AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO., Lincoln, Nebraska. NOW IN IK OLD ENGLAND GEORGE SCHEISSEL WRITES MOTHER FROM ENGLAND, TELLING OF COUNTRY. From Wednesday s laily. George who was born and raised in America, finds things strange and different in England, but is en joying the time there, and desired to hear from the home folks, more often than he does, as it takes a long time to get the mails through. The following is the letter he has written: Somewhere in Kngland. October 3. 1918. Dear Folks: I will drop you a few lines to night as it has been a long lime since I have wrote but have wrote every chance I get. I got here safe and am in the Ie?t of health. Had s-cnie ride cn the water and was sea sick for two clays, but soon got over that. This is sure some country, different from what we have seen. Am now a good many miles fn.m home. The country here is thickly Htttled. the ground here is sandy and lots of rocks but raise good crops Vhat they do raise. Most gardtn. wheat, oats mid lots of hay the farms are not very big, only tiv? and ten acre farms. They have ne or two horses and three or four tows. Have not see uany hogs yet. The buildings here are all made of brick and house, barn, shed all in r.r.e. sure looks funny but have "things kept up nice. They have Fcn:e awful nice trees here but have not learned yet what they are call ed, at least I have never saw any before. This is a nice country but I don't want any for mine as the rtates look best to me. Joe is still with me and we two have sure some PUBLIC SALE! TUESDAY. NOV. 12TH. Owing to the influenza through rut the country. I was compelled to postpone my Public Sale to Tuesday, November 12th. Everything on the bills riapteu for the 30th of Novem ber, will be offered for sale, the hour bein.'jj the sa:i:e. and everything on b bill carried out with hte excep tion of the date. JOHN" TKl'K. mi i it 1 TKp mrv witrv morvev bedarv saviivj putting THE BEST BOOK YOUR BOY CAN HAVE IS A BANK BOOK THERE'S LOTS OF KNOWLEDGE TO BE GAINED BY THE POS SESSION OF MONEY.. YOU SHOULD TEACH YOUR BOY THE BEST LESSON HE WILL EVER LEARN "THAT HIS MONEY IS HIS BEST FRIEND" AND TEACH HIM TO PUT IT SAFE IN THE BANK. SOME DAY THE BANKER CAN ADVISE HIM HOW TO IN VEST IT AND HE WILL BE A RICH MAN. WE ADD 31-2 PER CENT INTERESTJ ON SAVINGS AC COUNTS AND H PER CENT ON TIME CERTIFICATES. COME TO OUR BANK. Spammers State Bank :CUHE NEW BANK. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS FPOM 7:00 TO 9:00 time. We sure enjoyed our trip Write to Anna and ask her if she ever hears from me. Tell her I am O. K. " Well now mother don't worry about ine for I am O. K. so far, c plenty to eat and plenty of sleep and that's all 1 care for. Write and tell me all the news. I would like have a letter from home again. to would like to write more, but I -am not allowed to write what we are doins and where we are. Tell the rest of the folks hello for me and give them my love. Will write often as I get time to, so don't worry about me. Good-bye, with lots of love. Your son, GEORGE SCHIKSSL. Address Med., Replacement Units No. ::0, Am. E. F. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY. Fri.rti Saturday's Daily. Yesterday Mrs. Fred Morgan ent ertained at a dinner party in honor of Mr. Morgan's birthday at their home on south Seventh street. The occasion was a merry one and was in part a surprise to Mr. Morgan who was not expecting such a large company for dinner. After the sumptuous repast which was up to Mrs. Morgan's usual high standard Mr. Morgan was presented with a beautiful large flag which he will proudly display on the new- flag pole which he has had erected After the presentation of the flag the company which was a very pat riotic one decided that it was fitting time for the national anthem. So they all joined in the Star Spang led Banner. There were eighteen guests enter tained at the Morgan home and they all declared themselves as having had the very best time possible and extended to Mr. Morgan their very best wishes for a long life and a happy one. APPOINTED COUNTY CHAIRMAN Krrn Mornlav's Dally. Miss Olive Jones spent part of the day in Omaha where she was re ceiving instructions as to her d,uties which she will have in the new position to which she has been ap pointed. Miss Jones will be County Chairman of the American Library Association and in that capacity will have a part to perform in the com ing big drive which will be conduct ed by the United War Work. There are seven branches of this work and the library will be responsible for one of them. We can be sure that Miss Jones will see that Cass Coun ty's part will be done in an efficient manner. School hifii Time" it m the Bank, Ik5 LOCAL NEWS From Monday's Daliv. August Pausch from near Louis ville was in the city, for the day, coming down to look after some business. John Urish and daughter Louise of Cedar Creek spent the day in town visiting friends and attending to matters of business. Mrs. C. E. Urwin of Louisville was a visitor in the cify this morn ing having some business at the of flee of the county judge. Miss Locia Haddon who has been visiting friends in Plattsmouth for some time returned to her home in Louisville Saturday evening. Norman Patterson and Charles Perry of Weeping Water were in the city today coming to take exami nation before the local board. George W. Snyder from west of Mynard was looking alter some business at the stock market at the south side in Omaha for the day. Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping Water was a visitor in this city this morning where he was looking after some business before the county court. Mrs. George Parks and children were in the city last Saturday and were callers at the office of this paper advancing their subscription to the Journal. William Heiers and son Irvin from near Murdock, were in the city to day, coming to look after some busi ness matters, and while in the city had the Daily Journal make their home visits hereafter. C. Richards of South liend was a visitor in this city this morning coming down to look after some business and also to appear b?fore the election board, to. take the phy sical examination. C. Pettijohn of Long Pine, was a visitor in the city this morning for a short time, looking after some business and was on his way to Kansas City, also where he is look ing after some business matters. Verdon Vronian is now in France having reached there a few days since, and is numbered with those who are now in active service for the land which all Americans love as well as for the liberties of the world. Earl Hunter of the Weeping Water Republican was a visitor in this city for over Sunday, coming to visit with his brother A. V, Hunter pastor of the Methodiat Church, having driven over with his car and returned home last even ing. John Haynie left on this afternoon train Tor Tabor, Iowa, where he will assist his father in husking his corn crop. Mr. Haynie has been cm- ployed on the farm of W. A. Tulcne but as his father was unable to ob tain any help he decided to go and help him out. George Wiles from' Weeping Wafer was a visitor in this city for a while this morning coming to bring with him, William Asche, Len Snyder and Walter Lovell, from that place, they coming over to take the physical examination before the local board. Ben Menchau and wife and J. C, Smith all of near Eagle came over yesterday morning to visit with W T. Smith and wife, and see how Mr. Smith was feeling since his return from the hospital at Omaha where he was for some time. Mrs. Men chau is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs Smith. From Tuesday' Daily. County Attorney A. G. Cole was in Louisville last evening looking after some business for the county. Homer Shrader of east of Murray was a visitor in this city this morn ing coming to look after some busi ness for the day. S. E. Wixson, from near Rock 11 luffs was a visitor in this city this morning, coming to look after some business for the day. W. P. Cook, the barber who is em ployed with A. J. Trilety, departed this afternon fcr a few days visit with his daughter Mrs. W. D. Glock at Malmo. Mrs. Harry Hinton returned this afternoon to her heme at Louisville after a visit of several days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Oliver. A. W. lla&ke departed this morn ing for Omaha, where he is looking after some business for the day. and also having some matters to attend to at South Omaha. John J. Meisinger from near Cedar Creek, w3 in the city this morning being called here on ac count of some business which he has to look after. Miss Mary Uornenieier of Murdock arrired in the city this afternoon from Omaha, and departfd for the I home of John Vallery, BouthTveEt cf Mynard, where she will officiate ; nurse, Mrs. Vallery being very sick, i Will P. Sitzman and family of Weeping Water have all been down with the Spanish Influenza. Mr. Sitzman, who took it first is now at work again and the family are getting along better though not yet entirely recovered. Joseph Cemper, who has been farming for the past years some five miles south of this citv. and who 'moved here last snrintr from Omaha, on account of not being able to get I the farm again, has moved back to Omaha, and today is loading his J goods Into cars at the Burlington station for shipment. From Wednesday's Daily. Dee Austin and Earnest Morton of Union were in this city today, coming to look after some business for the day. C. E. Boyles of near Elmwood was in the city this morning coming to bring in the election returns of Stove Creek precinct. L. R. Upton was a visitor in Plattsmouth this morning from Un ion coming to bring in the election returns from Liberty precinct. Charles Freeberger was a visitor in this city this morning from his home at Louisville coming down to look after some business for the day. John Mefford came in this morn ing from his home at Greenwood and brought in the returns of the elec tion 'of yesterday for Salt Creek pre cinct. Oscar McDonald was. a visitor in thsi city this morning coining from his home at Murdock, and bringing with him the election returns from Elmwood precinct. George Lloyd was a visitor in Plattsmouth this morning, coming to look after some business for the day and also to bring in the election reutrns from Xehawka. J. W. Edmonds was a visitor in the city this morning, coming to look after some business for the day, and also to bring in the elec tion returns from West Rock Bluffs. Miss Clara Haddon left last even ing for her home at Louisville where she will spend some time in regaining her strength, as she is just recovering from a rather severe illness. Mrs. Nettie Coleman and son Thomas Coleman from Greenwood were visitors in this city this morn ing coming to spend the day with friends and also to look after some business. Fred Menchau of near Eagle was a visitor in the city this afternoon, and is looking after some business in the city, after having brought in the election returns from Tipton precinct. H. R. Reasner from South Bend Precinct was a visitor in Platts mouth this morning driving down in his car coming to bring the returns for his precinct, and was accom panied by his wife. James Rabitts of Elmwod, and Walter Wood, of the same place ar cived in Plattsmouth this morning, coming to depart for Omaha, where they expect to enlist in the Ma rines, should the opportunity afford. N. C. Halmas of Weeping Water and Richard (Dick) McNurlin was a visitor in Plattsmouth this morn ing, coming to this city to bring in the returns of Weeping Water City and were accompanied by Parker Nolan. W. D. Duffield of Weeping Water was a visitor tor a snort time in this city, coming over on the early Missouri Pacific train, and depart ing on the Burlington, where he is going to endeavor to enlist in the Marines. Nicholas Freidrich was a business visitor this morning from his home near Murray, and was looking after some matters for a few hours. Mr Freidrick like the patriarch Job, is having somewhat of a wrestle with a few boils. Thomas Brown of Greenwood was a visitor in this city this morning coming to look after some business for the day and will make his home here for the present. He was accom panied by his son Charles T. Brown of that city also. Last evening C. F. Harris was a visitor in the city, for a short time. coming to bring Mont Robb to the city, after the days work at the election, that he might go out on his trip for the Hayncs Grain Com pany, for whom he is purchasing agent. Since writing the article regard ing the case of Spani&h Influenza at the home of W. H. Bockman, where eight were sick, and were being at tended to by Earl Cline, since that time he has also-taken sick, ana with another making ten in all at the one household. The folks at the home of Will CASTOR iA For Infants anH Children In Uo For Over 30 Years Always bears th" C-'irnarure f-f Si Troop who have been so sick with I the Spanish Influenza, are reported as being better, and are now on the highway to recovery. Mrs. Charles ; Troop who has been at the home of Will Troop near Nehawka, returned home today being the report of the , improvement,, the whole family the parents and five children were sick. but are now considerably improved. FOUND POCKET BOOK IN RIVER. From Monday's Daily. . One day last week, a man travel ing via auto, from some place in Kansas,' to a point in Iowa, passed through the city, and over the ferry at the river. In doing so he was willing to assist In the operation of the ferry, and went to take up the apron which admits the passage of the vehicles on the boat, and in so doing allowed a pocket book to fall out of his pocket into the river, which floated away and no one the wiser. Arriving at Glenwood. he discovered his loss and immediately phoned to Mr. Richardson, asking him to see if he could find the pock et book. It so happened ako that some one carelessly has allowed one of the small boats of Mr. Richardson to get away. He had to take another one and go after it. On his return he espied the well soaked purse lying just at the water's edge and securing it, was soon in com munication with its owner, who re turned and received the same do nating $20.00 to Mr. Richardson for his service. The pocket book contained a $500.00 government bond. $135.00 in money, and other papers, in all $S00.00. Had it have fallen into the hands of some irre sponsible person it would probably never have been returned, but in the hands of Mr. Richardson it was safe. HAS THE FLU TOO. From Monday's Daily. Roy Denham, the operator at Cedar Creek is reported as being cn the sick list, as he is laid up with the "flu." His friends will be sorry to learn of his illness and hope that it will not prove a serious case. The many cases of the disease are not only troublesome to the people af flicted with it but are also a source of inconvenience to the different places where they are employed. At present the labor problem is a great one and it is to be hoped that the epidemic will soon lose its hold. The depot will be glad to welcome Mf. Denham back as soon as he is able to resume his duties. Wnllrr A. Slolilma ti t. Itnlph 'oon, a Minor. Not ire is hereby uiven tbat by vir tue of an nnlpr entered in tbe fore- jfoinK entitled cause on tlie 4th day of October. b- tbe District Court of ("ass County, Nebraska. I, the un dersigned, Charles K Martin, sole re feree appointed by said court, will, on 12th day of Xevembt-r, 1918, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the south door of the Court House in Fiatts- mouth. Cass County. Nebraska, offer for Fae to the higrhest bidder for cash. the following described real estate, to- wit: Lot Kleven fll Block Three (3) in the village of Manley. in Cass County. Nebraska, according to the published ulat thereof. Vaid sale will remain open for bids for one hour. CHARLES E. MARTIN, Referee. 10-7-30ds JOHN M. LEYDA. Attorney. ORDER OF llEARIVC OV PETITION FOR .riMdTMKT OF AD MIN IN Tit ATOH. The State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. In County Court. In the Ma.tter of the Estate of Grace Den Windham, deceased: On reading and filing the petition of Robert 11. indham, jr., praying that administration o said estate may be granted to R. B. tVini'liani, as adminis trator. Ordered, that November 2nd, A. D. 191P. at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all per sons interested in said matter may aP' pear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and tne bear ing thereof le given to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper nrinted in said county, for three suc cessive weeks, prior to saiir day of hearing. i Dated October 8th, 1918. ALLEN J. BEESOX. 10-14-3w, County Judge. LEU A I, NOTICE. in the Coiintv Court of the County of Cass. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Burton C. Kerr, deceased. Now on this 21th day of October 1918. this cause came on for hearing ii non the tietition of Sarah Elizabeth Kerr. Dravinsr that administration of ie estate of uurion J. Kerr. ie ois nensed with, and that the names of bis heirs be determined and establish ed bv an order of this court, and that an order be entered barring all claims; on consideration whereof: IT IS ORDERED that a hearing on said petition be had upon the 25th day of November 1918 at ten o ciock .. ai. at the Court House, County Judge's Office, Plattsmouth. Nebr., and that notice thereof be given to alt persons interested bv publishing this order in the Plattsriiout'ii Journal. a semi weekly newspaper in general circula tion in Cass County. Nebraska. for three successive weeks prior to the date of hearing:. By the Court. ALLEN .1. BUK'IV County Judge. Constipation' causes headache, in digestion, dizziness, drowsiness. For a mild, opening' medicine, use Doan's Regulets. 30c a box at all stores. If you -want to help win th& war buy a Liberty Bond and do It today. Are You Hard to Suit? Vote for One I. M. TALL M. SHORT AM STOUT I. B. SLIM They are all good and "KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES" them all perfect . Modern Clothes build ers have taken a lot of pleasure from the man who boasted he was hard to fit. You big fellows sized 44 or 46, do you know you can bs fitted whether you are short or tall, and did you know there was such a thing as a forward model, made especi cally for the man who has a tendency to lean slightly for- ware We defy any clothing house in the State to offer you any better clothes at the price we ask $20 and $25 f If you are a big Gink and need a suit look these over. zPhilip i.i:;i. xotick, NOTJCK TO XOX IMjSlOKNT HK FKN'I tANTS. ALSO TO NoN KKSl DENT DKKKXDANTS THKIU lN- KNoWN m:n:s. ikvi.skks. m:;. tkks. I'Kiisox.M. i:ki'Ki:si:nt.- TIVKS AXI ALL OTH Ell I'KKSONS IXTKKKSTKI) IX THKIlt KSTATES. To Ueorjre Davis, if living-, if deceas ed, the unknown heirs, devisees. leKa tees, personal representatives and all persons inteersted in his estate: Charles Vofft, if living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in his estate: Abra ham leyo. if living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons Interested in bis estate: Augustus Frans, Kemper Frans, La vina Wolfe: Kmma Cross; Joseph Sans and Susie Sans. You and each of you are hereby noti fied that on the 24th day of October 1918. a petition was filed in the Dis trict Court of Cass County, Xebraska. in which Flora F. Sans was plaintiff, and you, together with others were de fendants. The object and prayer of which pe tition is to quiet the title in the plain tilt and her grantee to the following described real estate to wit: The East half of the Northwest Quarter: also the West half of the Northeast Quarter; also the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; al so the Northeast Quarter of the South east Quarter: also the East half of the Northeast Quarter of the South west Quarter: all in Section seventeen 17 Township eleven 11 North Ttange fourteen 14 East 6th 1. M. Cass County, Nebraska. You are required to answer sa-id petition on or before the 16th dav of December 191S. FLORA F. SANS. C. A. RAWLS, Plaint iff. Attorney. I's-iwks. IX TUB niSTHICT C'OIItT OK THE COfSTV OF CASS, NEBRASKA. John IV. Cm bill mid Cieorge A Mci luger, plalnllfl'x, v. W. 1). lerrlm, first real mime un knowu, et n I .. defendant. XOTICE OF Sl'IT TO QVIET TITLE To the defendants, W. P. Merriam, first real name unknown: Mrs. V D. Merriam, first real name unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of W. D. Merriam. first real name unknown. deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees. legatees, personal representatives and a! other persons interested in the es tate of airs . D. aierriam, first real name unknown, deceased: Selden X. Merriam also known as S. X.-Merriam; Lydia Merriam. the unknown heirs, de visees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested in the estate of Selden X. Merriam, also known as S. N. Merriam, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Ly dia Merriam. deceased: A. E. Alexan der, first real name unknown; John Doe Alexander, first real name un known, husband of A. E. Alexander; Pub O nc At Murdoch, Neb. Friday, November 8th A CAR LOAD OF Will be sold at public auction, terms to suit purchaser. Sale starts at 1 :00 o'clock sharp. W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer Plattsmouth, Neb. chiwwU the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rpresentat ives and all other persons interested in the estate of A. I-:. Alexander, first real name unknown, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of Jolin Doe Alexander, first real name unknown, deceased, husband or widower of A. E. Alexander; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives Vnd all other per sons interested in the estate of Alcinda. .1. Crabill, deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all ot'ier persons in terested in the estate of .lohn Ma gee, deceased: the County of Cass, Nebras ka: the unknown owners and unknown claimants f lots one 1) and two () in block ten (10) in the City of I'latts mouth, Cass County, Nebraska. Yon are hereby notified t hat on the 4th day of October, A. I ., 191S. plain tiffs filed their suit in the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska, lo quiet plaintiffs title to the above described lots, to-wit: Lots one (1 and two (2) in block ten (10) in tbe. City of riattsmouth, Cass County, Ne braskat because of their adverse po ssession by themselves and their grantors for more than ten years prior to the commencement of said suit and to enjoin each ami all of you from having or claiming any right, title, lien or interest, either legal or equit able, in or to said lots or any part thereof; to require you to set fort I. your right, title, claim, lien or inter est therein, if any, either legal o equitable, ami to have the same ad judged inferior to the title of plain tiffs and for general equitable relief. This notice is made pursuant to tho order of the court. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before Monday, November IS. 191K, or your default will be duly entered therein. JOHN Y CKAEILL and C. FORCE A. MEISIXOER, W. A. RORERTSOX. 1'lnintilTs. Attorney , for Plaintiffs 10-7-4 w SH0PSHIRE RAMS FOR SALE. We have several flue Shopshire rams for tale at our farm five mil ok south of Plattsmouth. For partic ulars, call phone 3205, and inquire of James Warga. 2S-2tdotv Cut This Out It Is Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co., 2S35 Shefheld Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kid ney Pills and Foley Catlrirtic Tab lets. Sold everywhere. Sale!