The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 21, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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WTsen School Calh
Miss "6 to 14"
she must be provided with dresses to meet the occa
sion. This section is equipped to furnish girls with neat,
durable school dresses of percale, chambray, gingham and
a variety of other merchandise. The kind of dresses and
prices that will find approval in parents eyes, too.
Bhs Ladies' Toggery
FRED P. BUSCH, manager.
From f.iturJay's T:iilv.
George Wll of LaPIatte was a
vi.-i:or in this city for a few hours
thi- afternoon.
l'!.i!Iip Horn was a visitor in tLe
ci'y this afternoon freni his home
i.v Cellar Creek.
H.;rrion McCurrt departed this af
t. rii-i, :i ir Iiellevue, where he will
: l S::nday v:th friends.
John l:rtMiir.g fn-m near Cedar
'r-c'r: was a victor in the city to
iIhv b'king after umo business . for
t in.- .lay.
J. y.. J.-rdan was a visitor in this
i!:y tf:i r.v-rr from his home
!! .ir ltr I'rteV:, c:nning to look
mo busines4; for the day.
a vi.-Itnr in this
( iy I'r'cu rll'::v.'0 d las evening.
: ri -r to look .lfter business
i.Mtt-rs. .imI r: over night
a::d retr.rnin:: h n.e 1 1 1 f morning.
J .'.m J. Meisiimer w-JLa a vi.-itor in
t!' rity last evening accompanied by
hi-; lata ily. from 1 1 i - i r home near
("(! ;r Cr"-1:. and v. re visiting with
i r i t : 1 - !urii:g the afternoon, and
looking after some hu-:ness
T!.e county "ouncil of defense, at
ti ;r :-r-ii:i je-'icrday instructed
t!i"ir secTc;ary ? se;!;l a letter of
:!!.; tthy to their member Rob-
rr. who is a lio-pi!' at Omaha,
v V re ho is ree.i ving treatment.
II. nry ilce'ner of Murray -vho is
working ;it Cedar "r. ek was a visit
or !:i I'iattsjiw.trth t !'.!; morning.
!:'king ai';-r srn.e business for a
v. iii! during t h day. and going to
i i iiome for a visit over Sunday
v :tl the f.mily.
I.riis Kouknl who has been at
Gr;::: fr smi:? time returned home
C;is morning, and has; to report that
everything !-. growing r.Tcely out
!':: way. an-! that when he started
1 i:. that the rain had began to
fa'l and kept it up all the wy home,
thus drenehing the entire s;tate.
Jaines H. Foreman was in the city
las evening acor.rnpinied by his
Splendid Irrigable Lands with Government Irrigation
that Insures Water Are Yet Available
-. - ., ... I. 1 '
j.ju gei nn, iTHuictr .am. ,.,,-, ,u ,-... .ox a amp.e suiy 01 water, iiiai
available hent.eeded, on the easiest financial terms, with no inter Kt. About
thirty irri-aied farms yet remain in the first Deaver Unit of 12,000 acres
alongside the Hui lington's Central Wyoming- main along in Northern Wvom-
in. File now. Do not wait until Spring. Visit How ell. Wyo., neat by. and
not3 ibe value of exactly the same kind of lands, watered under the same Gov
ernment canals. .
' Let u- semi ytju nrinlvd matter and help von locate. 1 -want to put s-ct-
t.ers rijjht now on
ool crop next Summer ami the country needs all you tan
R. W. GlM-NT. Ticket Aent
L. W. Wakeley, Gntal Pasin2r Airent.
1004 Farnum Street.
friend Harry McDonald of Murdock.
they looking after some business.
Mr. Foreman is candidate for the
position of county commissioner for
the Third district, and lives near
Alvo. where he has made his home
fr a number of years, and is well
qualified for the position for which
he is a candidate. He was the man
who a few years since was run into
at Alvo by the Rock Islnd train and!
From '"hurselay's Daily.
Fred Warner from near Murray
was a visitor in Plattsmouth this
morning coming to look after some
business matters.
1'. F. Wiles departed this morn
ing for Omaha, where he is looking
after some business at the live stock
market on the south side.
M. K. Davis and Kmest Milhurn.
both of near Murray were visitors
in Plattsmouth yesterday afternoon,
and were looking after some business-.
, George W. Snyder was looking
after some business at Omaha this t
morning having some interests in 1
the live stock market at the south i
J. R. C. Gregory from south of
CeIar Creek was a visitor in this
city this afternoon, where he is
looking after -onie business for -a
few hours.
Adam Kaffenberger was a visitor
in the city this morning accompan
ied by Mr:;. KaffenberRer and were
looking after some business for a
few hour..
Frank Vallery was a visitor in
this city this morning from his
home at Murray and was looking af
ter some business at the oflice of the
county judge.
John F. Wolf of Cedar Creek was
h visitor in Plattsmouth this morn
ing called here to look after some
business for the forenoon, and driv
ing down with his auto.
James H. Foreman, -andidate for
county commissioner from the third
district and Harry McDonald of Mur-
dock, two true blue Americans were !
I ! 1 r ., . . I
every lrriga'ed farm. You can raise
Omaha, Nebraska
in' the city this afternoon looking car of cabbage, which lie had ship
after some business. ped from Colorado, departed this
George R. Sayles was a visitor in ' morning for his home in the west
Cedar Creek for over night, where portion of the county. He however
i,a tii nt of hi mother and had the Journal, come to the firm
also was looking after some business
as well as perhaps some little poli
tics being mixed in.
Del I,. Pickett of Kimball is in
the city with a car of potatoes which
! he is selling, he had some seven
' car load from the raising near Kim
i ball, and while here is visiting at
.the home of his brother Luther l-
! Pickett also.
! Mrs. V. K. Skinner of Hul'iaio.
! Wyoming, who has been visiting in
jthis city at the home of her mother
I Mrs. Martha Herold for the past
1 week or more, departed last even
ing for Lincoln, where she will visit
, with relatives before returning to
her home in the west.
It. i:. Newkirk of (Jreenwood was
in the city last. evening and today
disposing of portion of a car of cab
baire. which he shipped to this
, place. He reports two of his daugh
ters as having the Spanish Influ
enza at their home at tlreenwootl.
but neither exhibiting dangerous
symptoms at this time.
j H. It. Robertson of Fowler. Iowa,
who has been at Louisville for the
past week, called on account of the
death of John Thomas, at that place,
departed last evening for his home
in the east. Mr. Robertson was
here in attendance at the funeral,
of Mr. John Thomas, who is a brother-in-law,
Mrs. Thomas being a sis-
; ter of Mr. Robertson, as is also Mrs.
!J. O. Ward.
From Fridays Dailv.
Sam Goodman from near Mynanl
was a business visitor in this city
j this morning.
W. H. Puis of Murray was a visit
or in this city last evening coming
to look after some business for a few
George Hartung of LaPIatte de
parted this afternoon for Arapahoe,
Colo., for a visit with his sister, Mrs.
Mary Wyant.
W. II. Heil was a visitor in this
city today, coming down from his
home near Cedar Creek to look af
ter some business here.
.Mrs. Phillip Tritsch of south of
Cedar Creek, was a visitor in this
city this morning coming to visit
with friends for the day.
W. K. Jenkins of Murray was a
visitor in this city last evening com
ing to attend the patriotic meeting
onthe court house lown.
K. II. Gibson and M. J. Wicker
sham of Weeping Water were in the
city this morning. looking after
some business at the county seat.
Attorney Dale Iloyles of Alvo was
a visitor in this city today, coming
to look after some business wit it
the county council of defense.
Kmil Sturzenegger of South lJeno.
a member of the county council of
defense, was looking after some
business at the court house today.
I). M. Graves who has been at
LaPIatte for a short time visiting at
the home cf his daughter Mrs. Will
Shipley, returned home this morn
ing. Wilson Gilmour was a visitor in
this city this morning from near
Weeping Water, and is attending
the council of defense as a member
Charles L Noyes and family were
in the city last evening having driv
en down to look after some business
at the court house, and some other
matters in the citv.
Glen Hoedaker from Murray was
a visitor in this city last evening
with his car, bringing a load of
Murray people to attend the Liberty
Loan meeting here.
J. G. Stark from Kim wood was a
visitor in this city today, coming as
a member of the County Council of
Defense, and was meeting with that
body at the court house.
George Lloyd and family of Mur
ray were in the city last evening,
coining to attend the meeting at the
court house lawn, in the interest of
ithe Fourth Liberty Loan.
Floyd II. McCarthy was a visitor
in the city last evening having driv
en up L. G. Todd and Frank Itroek.
to hear the Liberty Loan address by
Congressman C. F. Iteavis.
W. K. Paling, president of the
Farmers Hank at Greenwood, was
a nusiness visitor in this citv for
the day, and was looking after some
business at the court house.
J. H. Palmer of Xehawka, was a
visitor in Ihn rilv lot. ...
-. cv-illll w I
tending the Fourth Libertv loan
meeting, and remaining todav 'for
the nieeting of the s(ate cou;
Ralph Sturm and sister Mis
Genevieve Sturm and Mijs Knima St.
John of Nehawka, were in tl;e city
last evening, coming to attend the
patriotic meeting which was held
last evening 'on the court house
W. E. Newkirk of Grecn"oo'l, who
has been in the city for the past
few days engaged in disposing of a
of which he Is a member, at Green
wood, which is doing a good busi
ness in the grocery and market line.
Kr :m Satmuays i;iHy.
The entire list now has been gone
over by the local bo;rd of the regis
trants of the last registration, be
tween the ages of eighteen and
t hiriy-'ix. This will complete the
first division of this last registra
tion, and the remaining amount,
those between the ages of thirty-six
and forty-six will be for later work.
The local board is now working on
the applying the order number to
the list of registrants and are get
ting along nicely with that, will
have that work completed within a
short time. The following are the
names and classification as listed by
the local board, and will be given to
the district board for work on. and
to have applied by them the classifi
cation as found by their occupation
Of the 74 in Weeping Water, there
are 25 of class one, one of class two
2." of class four, and 2." of class five
Weeping Water Precinct.
Homer Howard Lauton 4-a.
Knoch Woodbridge Greer 1-a.
Walter William Bockford 4-a.
Ralph Gordon Pdrger 4-a.
J$se Agnilax 5-f.
Frank Uakelman 4-a.
Vernon Randall Duck 1-a.
Jerms Choqulla 5-a.
John Norton Cole 1-a.
Geo. Washington Conley 4-a.
' James Franklin Cooper 1-a.
Sylvester Desorta f-f.
Jesse Hansen Domingo 1-a.
Warren Dewey Duffield 1-g.
Kverton Kgbert Dewey Fisher 1-a
Eed Marion Garrison 4-a.
Bartolo GoV.zalez ."-f.
Truina Gonzalez o-f.
Antonio Gomez r-f.
Macaris Guilal a-f.
Constantine Banner lladley 1-a.
Alex Hamilton ."-g.
John Scott Harter 4-a.
William Henry Hath 4-a.
Agapeto 5-f.
George D?wey Hitehman 1-a.
Frank Lawrence Hobbs 1-a.
Virgil William Homer 1-a.
Ray Mearle Jamifon 1-a.
William Wallace Jamison 4-a.
Jans Peter Jensen 4-a.
John Kdward Johnson 4-a.
Lemuel Raymond Lane 1-a.
Little Ray Kreider 4-a.
Rasmus Lawritzen 4-a.
Walter Charles Lovell 1-a.
Santo Macias 5-f.
George Nelson Metcalf 5-g.
Francisco Mora 5-f.
Guy R. McCalmont 4-a.
Kspifanio Orosco 5-f.
Rofaele Osgare 5-f.
('has. Mingle Perry !-i.
Hiram Newton Phillips 4-a.
Harvey John Phillips 1-a.
Burt LcRoy Philpot 2-a.
Pablo Ramez 5-f.
Rollie Orie Rector 4-a.
0.-:car Blom Robet 4-a.
John Rodou Roberts 4-a.
Walter Husfin Riley 4-a, 5-b.
Tuscse Rodoigus 5-f.
Lusese Rodoigus 5-f.
Ismail Ivis 5-f.
Arthur Merritt Russell 1-a.
Bernahe Salosar 5-f.
Walter Doane Sargent 1-a.
Amelia ns Sogera 5-a.
Win. P. Sitzman 4-a.
Frances LeRoy Simper 4-a.
Charlie Henry Snyder 4-a.
Harry Warren dwindle 1-a.
Herchall B. Tibbitts 4-a.
Amato Tomallo 5-f.
Karl William Towle 4-a.
Albert Crb-seo Tuck 1-a.
Herbert Clinton Wilkinsen 1-a.
John Dewey Wise 1-a.
Henry William Krugcr 1-a.
John William Thomas 1-a.
Guy Raynut Zessin 1-a.
Ricordo Yuarez 5-f.
Otto Worth 5-g.
Vincent Doris 5-g.
John Kunzman 5-g.
John I). Savage 5-e.
Flairs at the Journal Offict.
Automobile Owners!
Do you want to save as, get more
power and mileage, and at the same
time keep your spark plugs clean?
will do it! Sold on a money back
iiuarautte by
IJPf r? ft r I! d T P
lUu U EL ii 11 I Oi
3 t
3 rfj C
I -t- L. I
rautous ca. eoKwurr
1 1. (itici:.
llieir lli-irM. I .-. ut --. Ie i.o-r, lt-r-fcoiml
IteprcKfiil.-tlUeM mill all iVr
oji lnlrrcKti-tl in llieir Klnt, r
. Ili-ir iier'w.or :
To tl;e unknown T:eirs, 1',
ttes, j'ers-Mia! I " : es. ii t a t i Ves ai.d all
thei- i.iisnn.s Interested in t!ie estate
f iM'.iru't- i larilinii. d.-eease!: H. I'rie Win. M. I'riee, Albert
."elley. ee( ut'irs of tin' last will and
estaii.eiit f Ceoie i:. Uardint?, it--eased.
if living, if "leceased. the un
cii'iwn heirs, ilovisees. legatees, ier
"lial i ej.i sentat i es and all other t.-r-
oris interested in the estate of nidi , v.'i'lowrr of A. K. Alexander: the un-
f them respectively or their succes- Known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
ors. soiial i "'pi ese:i ta t i ves and all other tu v-
V":i and e;fc!i of von are hrr bv no-ls"i's intereste-l in th.e est;;te of Aleinda
;iri.d that William F. Si hli.f.i ':. as'.l. Crabill, .b-cease!; the unknown
laintirT. n the '1-t "lav of Septeni
er. 1 m 1 v. nie.l !-!s petition in the His.
rict c..;irt of Cass County. Nebraska,
.'herein yo'i and each of you are de-
nd. uits. the objfit ami prayer of
. hicli petition are that you ami each
f you. and a!! persons elaiminir bv.
Il":i:ih or under- vein a 1 1 v.-i-sel -
hiintifr. b- ailjuilire'd to have no inter -
st. rivrht. estate or iien in or t:
Tl Xortliwest Quarter .if Sect Ion
'eventee,, (17), Township Kleven 1 !
:ariLr- l.'U-veii till, Cass Countv, No -
Or any part or portion thereof, and
Mat the plaintitT. William F. Sch 1 ie-
it. together with his urantois be ad -
;uled to have been in the ad verse
. ssessi ui if said lai'.d for more thin
on years last past, and that the leiral
itie" thereto has become fullv vestt d
n William F. Schlk fort, not withstand-
us; the claims .if vou and iich of vnu, ll-.n "T interest, either leral or -.nut-r
anv.ine elaiminir bv. through or "un- I ,,!'-- irl "' s:,1,, Ints Jl"V vnvt
r vou. and that the title to said bind thereof: to require you to set fort!.
be forever quieted in the said William
-. Sohlicfert. as airainst vou and raeli!
r "u. a net that each and all of said
def nda nts named, and those whose
.nines are unknown ami not stated.
oe forever barred from claiming or
is.--e-rt intr iinv riplit, title, interest er
siaie in an.t to sani real estate, or
(iiy part thereof, and for such other
ami further relief as to the e-ourt may
m just and equitable
You and e-ach of you tire further
notiried vou are require! to answer
said petition on or before Monday, the
-lid day Ie-ce-mber. 1 !M S.
C. A. Il.UVUS. . I'laintiff.
Attenney. jo-1 l-bv.
iMiDi'.ii or lii:i(i; v ii:titiiiv
l-'OH AI'I'lllMMKM' OF
MIMSTIt Allllt.
The- State "if Nebraska,
County of Cass, ss.
In County Court.
In the Matter of the F.state of Crace
l)-n Windham, deceased:
On rea.iinir and tilinp the Petition of
Kobert II. Windham, jr.. nravintr that
.iminist rat ion or
iistratioii e.f sai.i, estate may b,.
"! to K. 1. ia i tn nam, as ndntims-
ra nt
t ra tor.
Or.lere-d. that November 2nd. A. I).
101S. at 10 o'elen-k a. m., is assipned
ior n.;aiiiip sai.i jei 1 1 ion. Wl.en all per-
seins intereste-.i in said matter mav an-
;.,ai at a county Court to be held in
ind for said eounty. ami show cans-
why the prayer of petitioner sl,oiiM
mu be planted; ami i m ti. ,-e f the
inp the-reof be pive-ri to all persotis in-
tere-ste-d in said matter by publishing
i copy ef this orde-r in the- Flattsmouth
lournal, a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said eounty, for three sue-
essive weeks, prior to said elay of
1 rated October Mb, I HIS.
10-1 l-3w. Count.v Judge-
i. tiik nisTiticT ttauT or thk
'Ol M'V H '.S, M-:ilt MvA.
Joliu Crabill mnl lieu rice
A 31 ci-
niuKrr, iilHliilillM.
W. 1. lerrlnm. hrl rent name uu-
knoivii, et U drfc udmitM.
To tiie defendant,, W. I. Merriam,
first reel liHine utiKiieiwii; .Mrs. w . i
A'erriam, tlrst real jiame unknown;
!ii unknown heirs, devisee-s, leKat'-e-s.
icisonal t'-preseii '. a t i ve s ami ali other
ersons i n t cret ;1 in toe estate en .
. Merriam. lirst real name unknown.
deceased; the unknown heirs, eievisees.
ejratees. personal representatives nnu
ii pt,.r pe'tsons interesiea m me
Vie of Mrs- W. D Mevrnni. fn-;t rfl
name unKnown, oereas-eu: neiuru
Me ilia n: also knoh as S. X". Merriam:
Lvdis M"rriam. the unknown heirs, de
I visees. legatees, persejnal representa
tives and all other persons interested
YOUR car bounds away the
instant the spark touches the
gas, if it's Red Grown Gasoline.
Red Grown is a straight-distilled,
clean gas, that's all gas. It vaporizes
readily in coldest weather. It
doesn't keep you busy with car
buretor cleaning. It is motor fuel
with more than ordinary power
and mileage.
Wherever you buy it, it's the same.
At service stations and good gar
ages. Look for the Red Grown
ffiolarine a cold-proof lub-
cym ' ricant that keeps cyl
inders clean and compression tight.
th"' estate of Seidell X. ' Merriani. also
known as S. X. Merriam, deceased; t!i.;
unknown b.lrs .l,visK-s 1-KatH-s per- To .ll-ir,w Av. IVntTand. if
senul . ei.r.senlatiyes and all other ,f df.a,, lUv unknWI ,M.irjt , ;, ....
..-rsoas it.tei este.l in t he estate of 1 - j .Ratees r i,crsi:al repi esenta t i v. s or
dia M.rriam. .b-e.ased ; A. : Aleva n- j Al,,ir..-.v V. ivntland. :.nt S. (
:.r. nrs-t i vn 1 nam.- unknown: John ( S:ililh tyU!.t naine unknown) if 1 i -l..e
AUsaii'l.r. I.rst real natne :-intr. if dead, the unknnun h.Mis. .!. -known,
husl.aml of 'A. V.. Alexander; j visees. legatees or in rsotia I re.r.-s. nta
the r.:, known heirs, .b-vise. s, legatees, j tives of sai-1 S. . Smith, de fetid;: u t -:
;i. sonal i ; .resetita ! ives and all other You and each -oii, aie hen bv
;.eisons lrit-restel in ti:e estate of A. j notified that en tlo ! !1. day of Sei
. !, tiist real name un known, j ter.iber, H'lS. Frank lluchson. phiin-d-
easf-"l; ti.e miknown heirs, devisees, j t iff heroin, has fib-"! h:s i-tition in
ieat--s. iiersonal representatives ami j the Instriet Court of Cass County, Xe
all other persons :nt vested in the es- braska. fieainst said defendant,-;, the
t;ite "f .I'd ti Ioe Alexander, lust real
inline unknown, deceased, husband or
1-ejrs, d.-visees.- legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all ot'ier persons in
terested in the estate of John Mapree,
ii. ceased; the County of Cass. Nebras-
;i: t!:e nnknov. ti owners ar.l unknown
"laiiaants of b'ts one 1) and two CJ)
in block ten 1"' in the City of I'latts-
fo'ni'Olth. Cass County, Neoraska.
) Yon are hereby notified that on the
jlth "h'.y of October, A. I .. IMS. plain-
1 ris tiled their suit in the District
, Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska,
!'" i"iet plaintilTs title to the above
iiesciii'f'i iois, ii . i.oi one 11
ami two (') in block ten (10) in the
' ' 1 V I 'la t tsmout h, Cass County, Xe
tbrasUa. because of their adverse po
' ssesion by themselves ami their
I f-'r.Uiiiirs for more than ten years prior
'," ""mmencc :m? tit of said suit ami
i t(-' enjoin cadi and ail of you from
' v''-" I;'im!i1sT any l split, title,
your risht. title, claim, lien or inter-
- "t therein, if any. either lesral
if any. either
equitable.:, and to have the same ad-
.iudired inferior to the title of jdain
tiffs ami for sTeuieral e'fiuitable relief.
This notice is made pursuant to the
oi'ebr ef the court.
Yoi. are- required to answer said pe-
Itition on e r before Monday. November
1 s. Jitis.'or your default will be duly
4'ntered theredn.
JOHN W. CKA151I.r and
c.KoiieJi-: a. m i:isixii:i:,
W. A. K iHKKTSOX. J'laintitfs.
Attorney for Plaintiffs 10-7-lw
Misses Wallace and Foster, opera-
I tors for the telephone company were
spending the afternoon in Omaha
with friends.
! judge Charles B. Letton, formerly District Judge at Fairbury,
one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, is a candidate for re-
; i ..
cictuun. 9
The Judge has made a record
fl ;,l:1,ir;nllI5 o.w.l e
vi muvmon ivis tacuiuci vji inc
bv the District Jndires of tho statp. hv lawvers cenerallv. and bv
. . ,
! Illeu OI ail SiailOllS 111 Hie WHO KllOW Ilim personally. 1I1IS IS IUU
important an office to be considered lighMy by the voter. Every
I voter should think twice before
to that which is good.'
0 IKx-President State Board of
association, j
Banker and Farmer.
Farmer, Regnt of the University of Nebraaka-J ...
IHude & Guenzel Company.!
Ex-Member State Board of Pharmacol
Harpham Brothers, Harness and Saddlery. . T
Miller & Faine. Company. Mayor of Lincoln.
Speaker of 'the House of Representatives
I Lawyer, serving as U. S. Fuel Administrator for Nebraska.
Byrne & Hammer Co. State Chairman Liberty Loan Committee.
0. G. SMITH, !
President Nebraska State Farmers Congress. v:c.s Presid .nt National
. - - PaxrnersC oppress. J
' ' mill.
i.k;.i. notici:
onjeet ami prayer if t;i. fi are.
"Uiiet in plaintiff the title t th
Southwest uarter (SU '4i, of tlo
Southeast ('uarlir (SI-:',i. of S".ti"ii
Kicrht ci, and l.ot number iin.j 1 ).
with ti- ae'eret iiois thi"to, in See.
tion S.nteen "17'. all in towns'iip
Ten (,1'. Xortli. KaiiLT.- Fourteen C!li.
Fast of h'th I". M.. in said Cass Count v.
a pa inst nt claims riirhts ami e'emamls
of eaca arid all of tin defendants.
You are required to at.sw.-r said pe
tition oti or before the? Jth ilav ot
( 11.
l.atcd September ;.th. IMS.
FItAXIC lll'iIHS" X.
D. O. IWYi:i:. IMaintilf.
A trorney.
.iTin; if itr.Fi:ni:i:L"
Walter A. f oIiIiiihiiii
Itnlpli exin, ii 'Mlueir.
Notice- is 1 ereby Liven that by ir
ttjc of an e-nlcrcd in lb.- fo?j e:it:tb-d cause' on the 1 1 h dav
of Octobe r. 1!M. by th- 1'istlict Court
of Cass County, Nebraska. I, I he- un
elersiuiied, Chatles F Martin, sole ro-feree-
appeiinted by said e-ourt, will, on
K'ih elay of Nevembe-i-, litis, -tt ten
o'clock in the fore-noon, at tin- south
door of flu- Ceniit House In llatt:--mouth.
Cass Count.v, .Nebraska, oiler
for sale to the hiphost bidder for .ash,
the followinp described real estate, to
w i t :
l.ot Kleven Ml llloek Three ( " in
the villape of Mauley, in Cass 'ount,
Nebraska, accorilin; to the publishcel
,dat there-of.
Said safe will remain pcn feir bids
for one hour.
lOliN M. Ki:VIA. Uefer.e-.
Attorney. lU-7-30ds
IJ. Koevec departed this afternoon
for Omaha where he is looking af
ter some business for the dav.
as an able, independent, honest
C 4- Tito l,n.'t,r ,'c rnencrnort
VU in e . uio nuunjr if i vwf,in.
, , . 1 .n. mt-s- i a
casting his ballot. "Hold fast
Secretary Stat Dairymen'!