THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1918 PA3E SIX PLATTSMOUTH EVENING JOURNAL. L H, '. iV - -- - V ' SPEND 'DELIGHTFUL DAY IN THE WILDS NEWS FROM ALVO Special Correspondence i FRANK SITZMAN KILLS A DEAD SQUIRREL, HARRY KUHNEY . QUOTES SCRIPTURE. EAT DINNER FIT FOR Rabbits Are Frightened Until Their Hair Turns Gray and Falls Out. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 12th, 1918 II. N. Dovey, Plattsmouth, Neb., Chairman Cass County. We cannot too strongly impress upon you and your people the fact that there must be no slackening of effort in the Liberty Loan campaign on account of the publication of the news of Germany's acceptance of peace terms. It would be nothing short of a tragedy in American historv if the loan should fail. Our task is not by any means finished and Ger many is watching the results of our loan just as closely as ever. . The facts are that the money which is being subscrib-kr0;x ed to this loan has already been con tracted and actually spent by the Gov ernment. Furthermore our Govern ment has enormous outstanding obliga tions yet to be met and unless every unit in the loan organization of the tenth dis trict meets its full obligations we may properly be classed quitters. Give this telegram widest possible pub licity and wire us immediately to the ef fect that there are no quitters in your county. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and Central Liberty Loan Commute Tenth Federal Re serve District. FROII NEAR ITEHATvKA. Mr. and Mr.-. A. V. .;. r :.::! vu,i ii 1 :-on. Ceorise I)''.v, frM !. .ir Xehawka. were in tin- city i'or :i few hours l ist Pa t r.-i::iy. (l-nr; h.-ing in tin- ;:ex :.. ft ch;s.- c.:a i:g up to make out rora papers and sifter other m-'.U'T.- - 'iin?t :1 with his entering th" army. While It' .' Mr. I.;efh k-r v u ,!t';r;;uu caller at the Jo.irnal :"rc. ::o. ?ac. bu:tch ronia well. Keep November fith mird iv.r that is the day of ihe Rig Type P- land sale at I 'at i He Junction. Iowa, j at Hodges. It w I fjoven at the M-rrcttri Pacific srr.ti.;n. a .ri: r.f them working :p. the srt !')!'.. ):r;ve ju-t taken ?1. Fr.'i.fO v.i:;t the recent Liberty I .nan Train r::inc t J is way t'o other day. W re all tr do that well the Loan v-r.ti!I he awry oer the top, and then some. The-e men are to ho ctr.i4ra!;-l over their excellent sdhforin! 'k us fo the hoiuN, and is a demons t rat inn of their Loyalty ami IV.'? i ;:;;. r.i. Jcrxrnal Want-Ads I Don't forget IJod.Efes sale of liig i j typo p.;-la:ids at I'acific Junction. I Xoven.lit-r Dth. ltw I 32 Autumn .bays ARE w ? n M The crisp atmosphere prompts i one io proviue a ijua tuuiiciiiLiai sweater for protection against the chilly winds. These warm sweat- i ers are to be had in various com m hinattons and solid colors. Price i i ll V V- l ' M $3.75 to $11.50 fife Laaies 1 o FRED P. BUSCK MANAGER. rri'T'i WcilDi-f'aV:.- railv. The hoard of health had pnt the han on church service, and a crowi if the citizens of Plattsmouth de parted at early down for the wilds -outh of this city along the Uis j .Muddy. Loading the liartroru trucK (he merry crowd tlepartet lor me home of Fred Beil. twelve miles south, where after having- unloaded they immediately took for the Lrush, raid spent t lie morning in hunting. having an immense amount of sport, but frightening out cf the country 'what name thev did not kill. For a while it was doubted whether the crowd would all come back, for the roar of the guns, was like the battle of "Hull Hun." It is reported that they had a full truck load of squir rels. some of which were killed when alive and some dead ones were slaughtered. Paul Sitzman was the nilot of the boat which took the party to the hunting grounds, and hrouiiht them home again. There was a calf in the woods, which had and both Paul and ho faw it while running, thought it a jack rabbit, and tried to get its scalp, but were not able. A squirrel climbed high into a tree, and Tony Koubek, think ing maybe he could coax the animal down with some acorns, held them :.hft and kept saying, come pretty squirrel, but he would not come. Just then Harry Kuhney getting a bead on his sruirrelhip. touched the trigger, and the squirrel with its feet spread out, came sailing through the air. Frank Sitzman thought it a flying squirrel, and after it had lit on the ground, ran and fired a shot into it. decL.ring he had killed it. lie evidently thought it was trying to fly away, for after it had hit the ground and he had shot another charge; in the dead carcass, he kept shouting "I killed it! I killed it." Everyone gave Frank the horse laugh, telling him it was dead be fore it hit the ground. Hemming to the house. dinner wr.s served by Grandma IJeil, assist ed by Mrs. Frank Sitzman. which was one of the finest ever served anywhere, everything possible was conked and served just to a turn, which was sure enjoyed by the crow dof hungry hunters. After the dinner the men went in for pitch, and as Mr. Peil is the champion pitch player of that section the town boys had but little show. On the way home the truck came to a hill, and as Frank Sitzman was changing gears, on the truck, they come up with a jerk, which nearly threw the crowd out of the car. Paul Sitzman thinking the cor was going to run away wanted to jump out, and said he had been in one run-a-wsy in the 'obi country and did not want any more experience. Harry Kuhney said "Fxcept you abide in the ship you cannot be saved". So assured Paul, that is Paul Sitzman, remain ed aboard. They arrived safely home in the evening and were well satisfied with their day's pleasure. Those to enjoy the occasion were: Paul Sitzman. Harry Kuhney, Kay Campbell and wife with his two daughters, Dorothy and Violet, Fred ISeil and wife, Greeley and Ruth. Miss Pudge Campbell, Anton Koubek and mother. Frank Sitzman and wife, three daughters, Hazel, Fran ces and Goldie. Grandpa and Grand ma I5ei!, Marvin Stiles, Henry Hydo. RED CROSS 1IEETHTG POSTPONED The Smith Side Hed Cros3 meet ing that was to have been held at the Uein's home has been postponed indefinitely on account of the death of Mrs. Goos. HOME FROM BEAVER CITY. Miss Mabel . Rummel returned home from'lJeaver City last Friday, where she has been visiting with her. cousin. Carl Rummel, for the past month. She Reports a very pleasant visit in the western part of the state. FORD CAR FOR SALE. In good condition and well equip ped with extra appliances. Phone 47G-W. Ed Casey, of Lincoln, was in town Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rosenow were in Klmwood Sunday evening. iiss Grace Bailey, of Lincoln, vis ited Sunday with home folks. George Uucknell, who was sick at Camp Grant, 111., is recovering nice ly. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, of Eagle, were callers Sunday at Geo. Hall's. Mrs. George Hall visited with her daughter at Murdock a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles and son Dale S. Doyles and wife, autoed to Fremont Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Doyles, of Klmwood, visited with Grandma Doyles last Sunday. Chas. Cook, of Plattsmouth, and Uncle George Cook called on thir sister. Mrs. Dina Kitzel last Fridav. Mrs. Ray Cole, of Mynard, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Keefer, from Wednesday till Satur day. The Alvo schools are closed on ac count of the Influenza epidemic, as there are several cases in this vi cinity. Henry Miller, J. A. Shaffer, II. L Dornemeier and Wayne Swarts au toed to South Rend and Murdock last Saturday evening. Mrs. John McDonald, of Ceiftral City, spent a few days recently with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Jor don and other relatives. Mrs. M. C. Keefer has purchased the heme place from the other heirs and is moving into it this week. Some remodelling has been done. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Perkins and children, of Cairo, are visiting with Mrs. Perkins' grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Jordan and other rela- t rves. In the co-operation with the act ion of the local school board, the Friday Club postponed their meeting on Oct. 11th, as an effort to help check the epidemic of influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mickle. of Lvoca. Mrs. Elizabeth Doty, and son Frank Doty, and daughter. Mrs. Net tie Amick. of Weeping Water, and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. L. H. Mickle, the occasion being Mr. Mick- les birthday. A delicious birthday linner was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Vallery and Joe Cook ami daughter, of Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, of Plattsmouth. Mr. and .Mrs. Cole, of Mynard. Mr. i:ul Mrs. Will Cook and children, of Klmwood and Mr. and Mrs. Orest Cook paid a brief visit to their sis ter and auntie. Mrs. Dina Kitzel. Sunday afternoon, which all enjoyed very much. Friends were grieved .to learn Monday of the death of Ralph Par- sell. at 10:45 Sunday night, of Plu ral pneumonia, followed by an at tack of the Spanish Influenza He was taken sick on the previous Tues- lay. His mother, .Mrs. Joe Parsell, left Friday night to be with him, up on receiving a message that he was in a critical condition. He was tak ing first aid work in the base hospi tal detachment at Camp Dodge, la., having left here July 22. last. Mrs. Parsell returned hame Monday and the remains will arrive later. S SARAH SMITH DIES tt LIVED IN THIS COUNTY FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS, RESIDED ON FARM LONG TIME. From Wednesday's Daily. Mrs. J. C. (Sarah) Smith, who has reached the advanced age of ninetv years, and who has been sick at her home southwest of Murray for sev eral weeks, passed to the other world this morning about nine o'clock. Mrs. Smith was preceeded by her husband, J. C. Smith about five years. .Mrs. Smith was the mother of J. L. Smith, Irving north of Xe- hawka. and of W. T. Smith who is now in a hospital at Omaha. Mrs Emaline Kniss, living near Murray Mrs. S. I). Smith of Havelock. P. 1J hmith ot IMoomfield, Mrs. T. 15 Smith, who has been making her home with Granuma. Smith. There nas oeen no arrangements as yet made for the funeral but will be an nounced when they shall have been completed. 'A Healthy Yearling' Farmers State Bank Plattsmouth, Nebraska First Anniversary September 28, 1918. Opened for Business, September 29, 1917. An Independent Eank with its ownership vested in Forty five, citizens of Plattsmouth and vicinity. RESOURCES. Loans - ?247.Co3.0G Ileal Estate, Furniture and Fixtures i 1,834.20 Cash, and available funds 87,311.10 Liberty Ponds, and United States Certificates of Indebtedness; 22,100.00 Total 1378,898.42 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Undivided Profit es, net Depositors Guaranty Fund Ixp'isits "0,000.00 2,742.92 2,000.00 324,155.50 Total 1378,898.42 POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Register of Deeds. A. J. Snyder, candidate for re election, on democratic ballot for the office of Register of Deeds. Your support solicited, and any favors ex- lenueu me win lie thanktullv re ceived. A. J. SN'YDER. For Float Representative. I am a candidate for the office of Float Representative from Cass and Otoe county, on the democratic bal lot. Having served one term in the legislature I believe I am in a good position to care for the voters inter ests in the coming session. Your support is solicited and will be a preciated. L. G. TODD. The above statement is correct, T. M. PATTERSON, President. We thank the people of Plattsmouth and surroundincg coun try for what you have done for us in the past year, and we shall do our be. 4 to repay you as the years roll on, by con stant fidelity to your interests. Farmers State Bank, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. START AN ACCOUNT AND QROW WITH US. V '. 5" i - ; n MURDOCK ITEMS Special Correspondence -V- WILL GO OVER SEAS SOON. General Pershing has sent out a S. O. S. call for canteen workers and Miss Edith Martin has volunteered for service, and will be sent overseas in a short time. Miss Martin is an exceptionally capable young woman, and is eminently qualified for the position. She is displaying much patriotism in Americanism in her volunteering for the position. IN THESE DAYS OF INFLUENZA. - Among the golden rules for the days of influenza one of the most important is to avoid constipation and keep the bowels active. A daily hoewi movement increases our re sisting powers and lends us the most substantial aid in combating the disease. Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine is the most reliable remedy for this purpose. It is not onl very efficient, but also very palatable, which makes it much su perior to the common laxatives. You will get it at all drug stores, Price $1.10. Other remedies which should be always at hand in your home are Triner's Cough Sedative for colds and coughs( prices 25 and 50 cents at drug stores, by mail 35 and CO cents), because a cold may esily de velop into pneumonia, and Triner's Liniment (prices 35 and 65 cents at drug stores, by mail 45 and 75 cents) which relieves the pains of rheuma tism, neuralgia, lumbago, etc. Joseph Triner Company, 1333-1343 S. Ash land Ave.. Chicago. 111. And by the Read the Journal Ads It Payi. way: Buy more liberty bonds! For Representative. I take this method of informing the voters of Cass countv. Xebr. that I am a candidate for the office of Representative on the Re publican ballot. In soliciting vour support I wish to assure you that any favors extended me. will be greatly appreciated. II. R. FRAXTZ. For County Commissioner. Having received the nominatior en the Republican ballot for the of fice of County Commissioner, Sec ond Commissioner District, I hereby .solicit the support of the voters ai the coming November election. Your support and any favors extended nu will be greatly appreciated. C. F. HARRIS. Miss Leona Rush of Lincoln is at home this week. Little Miss Edna Pauska has been lUite side tue past wc-eK. Mrs. H.nrv Tool is visiting rela tives in Stratton. Xebr.. fo weeks. Miss Gladys Sorick went to Lin coln Saturday evening, returning home Sunday. Louis Xeitzel. Alvin Xeitzel and familv motored to Omaha Sunday to visit relatives. Those who have had slight cases of Spanish influenza are now able to be out again. Mrs. Wm. Rush had the misfor tune to get her hand mashed in the json Lawrence of Plattsmouth were Sunday guests at the John Amgwert home. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mooney and daughter Mrs. Homer Hess, Win. Schewe and family were ' Sunday evening guests of George Mooney and wife. Clark Edsel arrived Oct. 9 and will make his home with Mr. and Mrs. Emil Miller till he is at least a few I twenty-one years old. The proud : parents are receiving congratula tions from their many frienis. FOR SALE. wringer uesUnv morning. FOR COUNTY CLERK. The nomination for county clerk, having been given me, and being so busy with the work of the office and the additional work caused by the Local Board. 1 will not have time to leave the ofiien during the cam paign, and hereby announce mv candidacy, for the position of coun ty clerk. Thanking those, who so kindly supported me for the nomi nation, and for what they may do at the election and assuring all that I appreciate their support, I am FRANK J. LIBERSIIAL. Democratic Candidate for Co. Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kuehn and hildren of Duel county is visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. McDonald and children Marguerite and Robert visited relatives in Plattsmouth Sunday. Millard Schewe had the misfor tune to have his arm dislocated at 'lie elbow, while playing at school last Thursday. Mrs. C. F. I lite. Mrs. John Amg wert and ?on Burton, motored to Alvo Monday afternoon where they were calling on friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Scott and laughters Norma and Wathcna and Big White Rock Cockerels $2.00 during October. Mrs. Ira Bates, Cedar Creek, Xebr. 17-4tw You can get those big fine gilts at Hodges, on tried sows at Pacific Junction. Ia., Nov. 9th. They are immune. itw IN DISTRICT COURT. From Monday's Dally. A matter between Lee Noble Han sen and J. E. Wheeler wherein the plaintiff had sued for the voidance of a contract, and the return of the property, to the former owners. The property in question being a livery stable at Weeping Water which Mr. Wheeler, had traded for a farm near Pawnee City. The plaintiff Mr. Hansen has sued to have the trade made void, and on hear, the case was dismissed at cost of plaintiff, the court not interfering with the status of ownership. la'fli ' WV'J 233 CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF. Having received the nomination for the office of County Sheriff on the Democratic ballot, I hereby announce my candidacy, and solicit the support of all voters of said county. If en trusted to my care the duties of the office will be performed to the best of my ability. W. M. BARCLAY. Qniit:ninnnnrrnnitrr)nrnnminm!itfiiitiniimiiiniiiititiNitnmttiifl lUUUUV FOR STATE SENATOR. The undersigned being a candi date for the office of State Senator on. the' Democratic ticket, I take this method of announcing my candidacy to those voters whom I will be un able to meet personally before the election. In soliciting your support I assure you that your best inter ests will always be looked after in the case that I am your choice at the November election. J. P. BAKER, Dunbar, Neb. 3sS - A For County Commissioner. Realizing that I will be unable to meet all the voters of Cass county before election, I take this method of announcing my candidacy for the office of County Commissioner, on SI j t;,, v.nll-t Tn cnliri t in tr I 1 ine ueuiuti n . . , j-our support I want to assure you that I will look after the duties of the office to the best of my ability, and tha.t I will be commissioner for the whole of Cass County. WM. STOHLMAN. These Cheney ties are so much better than ordinary ties that its difficult to make you see the difference until you have tried one. You know how quickly the ordinary tie wrinkles out of shape these dont why? because they're made of pure silk and the interlin ing bar tacked. Cheneys are the greatest silk manu facturers in the world. It naturally follows Cheney ties are best. Price 75c to $2. WimiiimiinniiiiiiinU. 'ifi"iiiHnii'HnHttim iu.iiuiu;tiiiuu'.ul'.,!!;. ff-.uin .lMlHIUUHUMIHIItUlilllUU C. E. Wescott's Sons EVERYBODY'S STORE."