The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 03, 1918, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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(f Ip223 fp338
this wonderful picture in which are
shown scenes of staggering immensi
ty of what America is doing to down
the Hun and his socalled Kultur.
'Don't come to see this picture ex
pecting to be entertained by a sen
tamcntal love plot. But come to
get the bare facts of what is being
done both "over here" and "over
. 3c
. 5c
War Tax
Balcony and Downstairs
War Tax
(Children under 12, accompanied
by elders, 28c)
isnday 3 5hows!
Mat. 3:0C Eve. 7:00 and 9:00
Will start promptly at the above time. So
come early and get a good seat.
,'AV. .
A' IV H -1 .A' 'II -.T--3V V-:V if Z-3 ?,
i V
& 1
Wit i i , t.
.V:-,' . . .
Taken by U. S. Signal Corps and fJavy Photographers and the French General Staff.
this picture, which shows you where
the food you have saved goes to.
How the money you have given to
the Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., K. of
C. and other funds have been spent;
what the Government has done with
the money derived from the Liberty
Bonds you have subscribed to. All
these and a thousand other ques
tions are answered, and answered
correctly by this great Government
film. Also some of the first Ger
man prisoners being captured by
our own American soldiers. This
whole paper could be filled in tell
ing what can be seen in this picture
and still most of it would remain untold.
J I si'A 1 J
Monday 2 Shows!
Evening, 7:00 and 9:00
Will start promptly at the above time. So
come early and get a good seat.
V f-h.
See ad below tor program this week
Presented by Committee on Public Information of Washington, D- C.
See ad below for program this week
.to! Oct- 6 and 7
Tliirc has Iiecn a fal.e rumor tir-f-ulatcvl
;iu lo'vn that the I'armcle
Tlna'r' woiil.l lo without ht'at un
til Nov. 1st. rtanlk-ss of the
Wfiithcr coinlitvons. Tliin rumor is
a!olutly f:il.-e and without founda-ti:-i
as thf sttatn is now turned on
and tl' lioiiso will he warm and
romfurtal'le at all times in the fu
Flags at the Journal Office.
The riattsniouth Kclt;iutn Itelief
Committee wih to thank the peo
ple of IMattMiiouth and Cass county
for tlieir more than liheral response
to the IJelgium Relief rail. All
sections of the County have one
over the top. and the Plattsniouth
division have fent in five larj;e hox
es. containing over 700 pounds of
sood wearinpr apparel, while their
quota was only 400 pounds. The
commit tee wish to extend their
thankfulness to the many people
Rivinpr to this worthy cause.
Meeting Your Needs for
S vl Anyone who visits the apparel
sections will be impressed with
our present showing of Fall
skirts. The charm of the styles
is brought out fully with an in
teresting variation of color and
Each garment is carefully made
and fully in harmony with many
pretty blouses made for Fall
50 silk poplin skirts in all shades,
$13.50 and $12.50 values, very
special this week at
$6. 75 and $5. 75
75 silk skirts in stripes and plaids, $10.50 and $8.50
values, on sale this week at
$4.85 Only
ies I oggery,
FRED P. BUSCH, Manager
lee Lad
i slEloli LIS"
rn pi
liyLii I ifi
Fall of German Keystone
Opens Way to Marshal
Foch for Quick Advance
Americans, British and French Win Heavily Fortified Posi
tions as Remaining Portions of Old Hindenburg Line
Are Demolished; Belgian Wedge Driven Further In;
Disaster for Germans.
With the French Armies in Franco
Oct. 1. General liert helot V, troops,
widening the front of attack this af
ternoon, made further i;ains, occu
pying important observation points
that nive theiu views eastward, upon
the urniip tf hills northwest of
Kheims and northward toward the
Chemin-IH's-Dames. Three th('Us:'.!id
prisoners were taken.
Iiris, Oct. 1. Attacks conducted
hy the first army in conjunction
with the IJritish in tlie region of Ft.
Quentin, rays the War office an
onuncement tonight, have ohtainci
important lit.
French troops have penetrated St.
Quentin as far as tho caiial.
On the Ai.-ne front Meurival, Vcn
teelay, I'ouvencourt and St. Thierry
have been occupied, while north of
liouconvllie Autry wood and Vaux-Ler,-.Mauron
have been captured.
The enemy has been forced -to
abandon the plcateau between the
Aitne and Kheims anr has fallen
back alone; the w'lole line.
London, Oct. 1. Extremely heavy
lighti'ii?; lias heen in progress thro-
'uKhout the day alons? the Cambhai
. St Quentin sector, aceordin-- to the
I Field Marshal Hair's report tonight.
1 Notwithstanding increased German the I'iiii.h hac gained
inport.aut teriitory alotis the great
er pari of the line.
During the month of September
(he IWilUh captured, on the western
front, ;'.."')! prisoners and 700 ;uns.
lHiriny: the month of August and
September the P.rilish captured
1 2i,( I S prisoners and 1,400 guns.
Detween the Veslo and Aisnc
rivers tiie French continue to push
back the Germans north of the Aisne
while in the Champaigne the French
operating in conjunction with the
Americans, are .steadily advancing
northward. Their guns now domin
ate the Aire river valley running to
the north of thj Argonr.e forest,
while on the other side of the forest
the Americans are slowly coming up
the Aire valley from the south and
soon will be in a portion with the
French to nip the great wooded
bastion out of the German line.
In the mountain region of the
Italian front there has been 'a con
siderable increase in artillery activ
ity and it is probable' that Marshal
Foch soon will begin an offensive
here against the Austro-Ilungarians.
General Allenby in Palestine has
surrounded Pamoseus and French
cavalry is reported to be working its
way up the Mediterranean sea coast
toward lleyrout.
In the Macedonian theater west
of Lake Ochrida the Austrians are
evacuating territory in Albania
probably indicating that now Bul
garia is out of the war the Austro
llungarians realize they are in a ser
ious predicament, far from home and
with no allies to aid them.
Peace demonstrations have been
held in Perlin in which police inter
vention became necessary. Some
excesses were committed by the
crowds, such as the tearing down of
Don't You Need One Now?
Indigestion, biliousness, bad
breath, gas, constipation or any
condition arising from a mass of un
digested food in the stomach needs
immediate attention. Foley Ca
thartic Tablets are mild and gentle,
but sure in action. Cause no grip
ing, pain or nausea. Cleanse bow
els, sweeten stomach, and tone up
liver. Sold everywhere.
Paper Knitting Bags! the fad of
the moment and the talk of the
town! Have jou one? If not, you
must scoot right down to the Journal
office and buy one instander for
they have the very cleverest ones
I've seen. A very vogue-y picture
adorns the side of each of these
smart and durable bags.
The fine stock sale, where the firm
of Ilirz. Kummell and Schaefer will
conduct a sale of Jersey Duroc, at
the home of Henry Hirz, on the six
teenth of October, will be a rare op
portunity for the farmers to get their
herds up to the best.
" At this sale which will be held at
ths home farm of Henry Ilirz. six
miles west of Plattsniouth on Octo
ber, that will be fifty of fino
immune male hog3 to select from.
1 Remember the sale begins at one
o'clock, October 16th, at the home
of Henry Hirz, come and get one of
these hogs for your herd.
For Infants and Children
En Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature o
New Fine Assortment of
Huskers Ez Mittens!
Stop in and make out your selection.
Bestor & Swatek
Sincere Gratitude.
Mrs. William Bell, Logansport,
Ind., writes: "I deem it my duty to
express my gratitude for the good
Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea
Remedy did me when I had a severe
attack of diarrhoea three years ago.
It was the only medicine that re
lieved me."
Bronchial Trouble.
Mrs. A. F. Sidenberder, Hock field,
Ind., states: "For an attack of
bronchial trouble which usually as
sails me in the spring I find Cham
berlain's Cough Kemedy the only
thing that gives me relief. After
using it for a few days all signs of
bronchial trouble disappears."
0 : X.- ir , Xi
Heating! Plumbing!
Sheet Metal Work!