.63 IMA PLATT3M0UTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. KUP.5BAY. nrTMSEE 8RP. 191S- TT7 4. ACHES FMMS mm REIVED NEWS FROM ALVO -: Special Correspondence TO MEN! .J.-.! Ui-i.. fcJfc i ' KJ Essays 1 CiiHdrsn Cry for FEe-Scher's HWri mA M The Kind You Have Always Bought, and hich has teen in use for ever thirty years, has borne the signature cf y - and has been made under his pcr- Z y' t - fcUIliiA UUCi ViiiUil t:Uw'w Jli iUia.lL). 0'tZZ jiovv All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health tf Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What Is OAST Rl A Castcria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drtps and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Cpiua, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its p e is its guarantee. For mere than thirty years .it has been ia constant use for the relief cf Constipation, Flatuiancy, "Wind C:Iic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising lh;refrc:n. and by regulating the Stomach and Eovels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and na.uial tlscp. Iho Chilizcz Panaea Ibe Mother's l-ikz-l. genuine CASTOR ! A always -Bears the Is Use For Over SO Years The Hind Yot! !iave Always Scjgrri ADJUDGED OF HIND II GEOBGE METCAXF CF WEEPING WATER WAS GIVEN HEAH ING SATURDAY. Fmm Mimtay's Dally. On complaint of Constable? ot-l of Weeping Water who brought to this city last Saturday, George Met calf, of that city, he was given a hearing before the board of insan ity, which consists of M. Archer, James M. Robertson and Dr. 1$. F. Drendel. Upon the evidences offer ed and the examination had, it was the decision of the board that the ycunsj man was of unbound mind, and their finding was that he be committed to the state hospital for treatment. Yesterday he was taken to that institution at Lincoln by sheriff Quinton for treatment. BREAK BOTH CARS S03IE. From Monday's Dally. Yesterday while trying to avoid hitting one car, the car of Geo. Fnyder ran into the car of Harry Creamer, with the result, that both cars were damaged to some extent. The car of Mr. Snyder receiving the worst injuries, in the shape of a bent axle, while the other one was only injured in the fenders and mud guards. NOTICE. To All Manufacturers, Jobbers, Distributors. Dealers and Consum ers of Building Materials: Circular No. 21 issued by the War Industries Hoard provides that only buildings of an essential character may be constructed. You are therefore notified that you must apply to your Precinct Chairman of the County Council of defense fcr a permit, who will re port to Mr. J. M. Teegarden, Temp orary Chairman of the Building Committee. Mr. Teegarden will forward his recommendation to the Chairman of the County Council of Defense. Applicants must make a sworn ctatement as to kind of building they propose to erect, and whether it is absolutely necessary. Also lo cation, "section, township and range." Any additional informa tion required will be furnished by Mr. J. M. Teegarden, Weeping Water, Nebraska. By Order of the Committee. REMAINS WILL ARRIVE. The remains of the late James Fogerty will arrire from the west tihs evening on train number two of the Burlington, and will be taken to the home of Joseph Hiber sr., vrbere It. will lie until ten o'clock tomorrow, when the funeral will be bad from the St. John's church. Those who desire to view the re mains will please take notice to the time. . i Journal Want-AdJ ray J no one to deceive you in this. Sierncturc of - r r v: r jty, MSS. OSCAR WILSON EITP.OVIXG From Wednesday's Dally. 0car Wilson departed this morn ing for Omaha, where he goes to visit vith Mr;;. Wilson, v.-ho is no'..' rt covering at a hospital at that place where a short time since she underwent an operation for appendi citis, and internal lr. rnia. The re port from her bedside i i that she is making very satisfactory progre .,. YOUNG HAH DIE! Or MM JA2IES C. JORDAN. SOU OF JIP.S. IDA B. JORDAN DIED YES TERDAY AT CAI.I? DIX. Yesterday news was received of the deatli after but a few days ill ness of James ('. Jordan, son of Mrs. Ida P.. Jordan, who i.; inc.? her cf Mrs. Ida 1J. oJrdan, who is mother of Mrs. Thomas Young, and wr.a ir.ak-s her hme in this city. .Mr. Jordan was at fir.-.l reported t have had the Spani-h Influenza, but later it was. decided that it came from a rain which he was caught in while on a trip with a truck to Trenton, N. J., which is about thirty miles from Camp Dix. Mr. Jordan went to Camp Cody, and but for the quaran tine should have been overseas, be fore this time. He was united in marriage last summer, and Mrs. Jordan returning to Sioux Falls. So. Dakota. The remains starts from Camp Dix this morning enrcute to Sioux Falls, where the interment will be made. The mother Mrs. I '.a 15. Jordan, together with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Young, departed this afternoon for Sioux Falls, where with Mrs. James C. Jordan will ar range for the funeral and burial which will be held after the arrival of the remains. A Man's Cheerful Recommendation. W. II. Frear, C3 Myrtle Ave.? Al bany, N. Y., writes: "I thought kid ney trouble might be the cause of my run-down condition and weakness, so I took Foley Kidney Fills, and they did the work. I cheerfully recommand them." They relieve lame back, rheumatic pains, stiff joints, sore muscles. Sold every where. Lost On K. C. road between Omaha and Nebraska City, one roll bedding wrapped in gray army blanket. Phono this paper and party will call and identify articles. Reward. d&w Cut This Out It is Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup. Foley Kid ney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab lets. Sold everywhere. George Hall was in Ashland Fri day. John Newkirk was in Lincoln Tuesday. Ilenrv llcelcfsz cf Lincoln in town Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kitzel were- in Lincoln on business Thursday. O.-vIih1 Robertson and family were visi'ors in Palmyra. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Yickors at-ten-kd the theatre in Lincoln Tues day evening. W. il. Jordan and family v.crc t-irht fu-'. ing in Omaha end Council T,l-'ii; S-nulay. V::e Alvo llranch of the Rf-d (Tun flipped a box of clothing f-r the: Iiel'-.ians this week. j Kd. Stroemer has moved into the! ('. I). Rasp property recently vac-at-d"by P. H. Weidir.aa. i .Kd Cu.ey of Lincoln eam in Tu --d-ty et-!ii:-ir tr ra Omahr-. where he lr; . n vM'ii;:: his viother. V.'. A. Kniceiv and f.inily of Council Rhi.Ts I'v.i, v Li ted San d 'iv with Dr. L. Muir and family. The Young Married Peoples. Sun day School class held a weinie roast in the Foreman ;;rove last Wednes day night. Jjl.e Kamm opened a new moat market and grocery Saturday in the building recently vacate fl by P. II. We id ei nan. Miss Nita Mullen is clerking for him. Geo. L. S'.i-.ar and lamily ol cran ckerd, will nuve to Alvo, where O Mr. Sii.r'T has an interest in the garage and they will occupy Mrs. Win. Taylor's residence. Mr. an-! Mrs. Walter and .-ons visited Sunday form-r's brother Frank Pathbun w it li t h e Hat hbiin. who is home ; n a furlough from the navy, at Louisville, Nehr. Mrs. Joe Parsed! and son Ray Par--e'.l and Miss lin.ily Strong left Saturday afternoon for Ft. Dodge, l-::. to vLft Ralph Par-'dl. They returned Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams have moved into the Thomas store build ing and will open a restaurant, llerb y Toland and family have mov ed into the Williams residence. Mr. Clara Prso.ty and daughter Margaret of University Place was visiting relative? and friends here over Sunday and attended the fun eral of GrandpT Prout'y Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Casey or So. Side Omaha, passed through, town last week enrou.e to Denver, Colo., where they will spend the winter. They drove through in their auto. J. A. Shaffer returned homo last Thursday f-om a hunting trip in McPhcrson county, having vi-ited at Hastings and Kearney enroute. Dr. L. Muir met him in LincYdn. Melker Ryan of Osceola, Nebr., Stalmaker Ryan of Gro-ham, Nebr., Mrs. Cora Prouty Bennett of Fair bury, Nebr., attended the funeral o their uncle Abel Prouty, Monday. Mrs. M. L. Knouf who has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Roy S'c.vart the pn-t week has been call ed to her home at Norwalk, la., on account of the sickness of another daughter there. Aunt P.ina Kitzel who lias been doctoring in Lintdn, for several weeks past lias improved sufficiently to be ri 1 1 n to To lirni l , t 1 c f week. A trained nurse is caring for her at her home here. Mrs. V.. M. Stone is at home again after having spent some weeks in Lincoln, being treated for nervous exhaustion. Her friends hope that she may continue to improve and soon regain her former good health. Mrs. Geo. P. Foreman received word from her daughter Mrs. Min nei Whitman that she had arrived at her homo in New Orleans, La., and was getting along fairly well after having had her tonsils remov ed in Chicago, Illinois, a few weeks ago. The Friday Club held an interest ing meeting with Mrs. C. E. Connell Sept. 27. Mrs. Robt. F. Johnson was elected vice president to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. Roy Coatman. The next meeting Avill be Oct. 11, with Mrs. J. W. Vickers. The program will be "Pioneer Day". Every member is urged to be present as business of importance will be transacted. Obituary of Abel Prouty. Abel Prouty was born at Oswego, New York, July 30, 1836, aged 82 years, 1 month and 29 days. When nine years of age he moved with his parents to Delaware, Ohio, where he remained until he was 1C years of age, when the family moved to Ma haska county, Iowa. At" the age of 26, be was unite'd In marriage to Miss Sarah Ann Ryan, of Peoria, Iowa. To this union were born sev en children, two of whom with his faithful wife preceded him In death. In 1874 he moved with his family to Nebraska and settled on a farm 2Vi miles northwest of Alvo, where he resided until a short time before his death. At the age of 22 he unit ed with the M. E- church and re- coitens t::c cevcra Tut cn froc!y. Dort r :t in. Til-?- It: tcT.KlTl'Z r.r.ti:r3l!v. Y'l...t a tansi of :jothh:2 relief coca follows! External aches, j.titTr.er..-,, ccrer.-.c?. r-a".Dcd rav-icics, str-in-'l sa:v. a, l-ick" "cricks" t'so.-o atlmer.t --a'n fsit c:T the relieving qualiti-s A Sloan's L!n:::irr.t. Clean, convcmcr.t, r.-n-orrir-L At,!: ar.v dru'r-ii-t for it mianed a faithful christian until the end. dying in the triumphs of faith.. The surviving children are: Mr--'. G. P. Foreman. Fr.-d M. I'nuity, ar.ei .M. A. Prouty -f Alvo. Mi.rioii l'routy of Spokane. aWl.;., :tnd Mrs. W. A. Green of Delta, Canada, be sides 27 grand children and ten great grandchildren. Obituary. Mrs. Hannah Minerva Li-biuart was born in Illinois. October S. 1S4 4. and died at the home of her daugh ter. September 2:5, 1913, aged TT. years. On Oct. L':L ihe was united in marriage to Edwin Dimmitt, who died Feb. 1 1" 1!)0:'.. To which union were born ti children. three- cf who-n preceded her in death. On June ll'Oti. she was united in marriage with G . Lhrbheart. who died March 2nd. lft 11. The surviving children are, Lin coln Dimmitt of Alvo. Mrs. Cera Anderson, of Alvo and Mrs. J. -ie P.runkow residing in South Dakota. She was converted and muted with the Fntted Brethren church of whieh faith site remained until the tir.se of her death. The funeral jervices wvre cond'icf .'d at the home of h r daughter Mrs. Cora Andrson. n-ar Alvo. o'l We Inesday, Sert "nibt r 2". 1S1S by Rev. C. E. Connell, pastor ef the M. E. church at Alve. ai d the remaitis w-re hud to n"t in the Eitn wood cemetery. Card of Thanks. We desire to thank all those who so kindlv assisted us during the sickness, death and burial of emr beloved mother. MIL AND MUS. GEO. ANDERSON. MR. AND MRS. L. DIMMITT. Card cf Thanks, We dedre to thank all tho-o who so kindly assisted us during the sickness, death and burial ef our be loved father. Also for the beautiful floral offerings. MR. AND MRS. GKO. P. FOREMAN. MR. AND MLS. FUED M. PROUTY MR. M. A. PROUTY. TCEMEUT. I wish to announce1 to the public that on Nov. the ninth, I will -eM at the barn in Pacific Junction, Iowa. 100 head r.f Pig Type Poland, in cluding 11 fall .yearlings that far rowed litters this fall. 17 head far rowed last of February, 17 head farrow in Mav, nnd the balance of the 100 head will be from this fall litter. In dispersing my hcrel of big type Polancls, I am giving the swine raisers an opportunity to secure breeding seed that would be hard to equal in this part of Iowa. I am offering sows that have been tried, and proven worthy of a place in the best herd. They are the large kind that pro eluce the big typo, and if you don't want to raise the big kind, don't buy these hogs. You will bo able to buy hogs at' this sale that would not be offered for sale if I wasn't dispersing my sale. Write for mailing list. Yours for better swine, J. R. HODGES. Rartlctt, Iowa. ARE ATTENDING AK-SAR-BEN. Fro'.i Wednesday's Tuillv. 'A large number of people from this city were passengers to Omaha this afternoon going to attend the fall festivities, and to see the elec trical parade this evening. Among those to go on the early afternoon train of tho Burlington, were: Miss es Opal Fitzgerald, Florence White, Jennie Shrader, Verna Leonard, Ag nes Gradoville, Gretchen Donnelly and cousin Clara Hermann, from Watertown, Wisconsin, Mesdames, J. T. Begley, Tim Kahoutek, George Lamphear, Joseph Hadraba, Blanch Price, Leonard Jay, Messrs. E. Cook, John Swartz, Henry Perry and wife, John Fight, Hobert Black, ' Paul Sitzman, Henry Vroman, Eugene Maurer and wife. A few good used Fords for sale. T. E. Pollock, Garage. 28-tf . i i-i" ryffi- rcr.rr-T i.r- rjS.Vt 1 -ZVi-Jt. I'.' I i j ' ; i '( y .tin :.',.. nr.-,,.. ;:: : !.zr) i;: : : : ,. !;! :.; V ' :'('i :-yv'i t v; Two heavy suits of ur.- ? i r a er iv car cinu a siu:wy, i fat Liberty Bend, and and you're fixed fori the to inter. MURDOCK ITEMS Soeeial Corre: ;:iol :o e Mi-,; :,!;:';l!a Ti.i'd v coin Sat ure' jy. Mr. and .'.'.:. ( i.as. in Liu- L'jn: 0:::::!:a vi iters. l:;-t Thr.r: Little Miss Edna Pan.-ka. .in tl -it i e? v ecu Jan ;e ; is ! ; ();::: an. I an 1 i li) a i - rcv;t!inc -i. L " t r (live ten'l hi Al-r-ar-l r.i .! !i. Miv. D.:i P.in-ka : Ilrl.n Ir'i:e v.-re in Timr. day. -Irs. A. Lone; a.t i renw iieil re' !y t r (l-.u:-: :i a .-; ay i n 1 ) n ve r. Mr. Mirfcel of Huntl-'y l.r.. -pi :it a f 'V' (1 l'u:,. l.ter :.!r-, i!v. 1 Wit' '.lid. Lie : -Mr.-. Jerry .i';!:'1! an 1 cidhlron wore in .Mary. Catl'.erine' and Edwin Linccln seve el ays la -"I v. . with relat i vcs. MyrtleVdt Iitul the i": to fall n the v. j!!c ?i :i r ti:. :d u ne reiioid e'n; a .1- 1 md :.ish in her chin. C. P. Ilite 1. fi ti a a 1 !or Wert Pednt. Ne'er., wher will lai. h torn thi :-can:i. 1! the trip diivir.'r overland witli and wagron. lH- ;:t te:iri i;k r. nel :ni Lin- home Misses Eva and Until ho, Leona I'n.-h can-.e down i'r e-dn Paturdiv (v. :;;;i;r to vi: ft Iks over Sunday. e rd La.; heen rec-dved hy rela tives that Pernard P..'sach i.'u; cn v.enn.led in Frr.nee. lie i ' a nr.-iJiow -i : M. V. MeD m .! 'd and Mrs. Tiei rv T e 1 and iiv ,1 in lliii- vlaev when a little hoy. On Er;t'"" c-ven in; Mrs A. n. Schwab ivas very plenisant .y surpris ed hy her Simday School ciasr, it heins Iu-t ldrthday. She. received several nice present. A rn'.all ;-.ro-prani was arranged and everyone enjoyed themsoKos very nr.'.rh, after heinvr served, to a nice lunch, all de parted for their homes, wishine; i-.-r many hai;y returns of the ca..vir,n. Auto Accident. T.-ict sendr. v vl-en Mr. and Mrs. Ered CoreU"; and se:n Orvilie. Mr. Ansnst Paivcha and fen Y'm. Mey;r wore on their way to Crab Orthnrd they met with an accident which mit;ht have provoa latai i im whole party. V.'l'en they wre ap proacl.infr a crossing rear Sterling Xel.r.. another car was cominr,' from ancdn'r direction and coming at such :i rpoed that 31 rai.i.-lit the rear r-.,i nf Vred Cordis ear. turning th.o ear coinplettdy over and cross v1 in Ihe road. ' Mr. Pandca received several l-ruises about the shoulder. and head, hoint? partly u neon scions for a fev.' hours. Win. Meyers had two ribs broken. Mr. and Mrs. Fred rcrnned with a few bruises and their little son Orville without injury at all. In a few minutes fnvr.rii rc; roiieeted and the in- ,n; Jin - jurud were taken to Sterling under the care of the doctor. The other car was driven by a party named Schact of Cook, Nebr., who seemed to have lost control of the ear. The injured were brought home by J. Puiemelin and at present are getting alonjr nicely and expect to be as well as ever in a few days. V7. A. KVliL.lii.z.vu, Lav7-er. . Mt'rfrMT)riAlT . East of Riley Hotel. Coates Block, Second Flcor. You men to vhem a fit in underclothing is as important as your suit or your hat, we ask your inspection of the famous Vassar line. They are knitted to fit. Tall, slim and stout men, ask to see Vassar in light, medium and heavy cottons as well as woolens. You pay a little! more for the3e better garments. S - i sr.r (V' Others at $1.50 and Up We have some odds and ends in hlxiz and grey two piece cotton ribbed underwear, (better material and workman ship than in the new Fall stuff) which we ore closing out at 5Cc the garment. Get yours to-day. JlliUO chiOWtf- k. ,-j v p anasitieuc uspd. A cure fuarnntaed i n every cas-' aix-cpteu for treatmcLt. and en rr.ocpy t3 b! paid until cured. Write for bone on Kecta 1 Diseases, with names fiud testirr.utiais of i".oru tiiaulOCO i-romiaent people who Luve Lct-a perTiiar.eatly cured. A DK. ti. 41. TAriFiY 240 Ceo DuiJdlns Otf AHA, NEBRASKA 0R0. felfiGH a WMVt. f. The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Experts $ in charge cf all work. Lady attendant. MODERATE PRICES. M Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized H ty after using. j TriTHlB FLOOR, PAXTOF! BLOCK, CMAHA POLITICAL AlINOUITCZTrlEKTS. For rtei;ister cf Deeds. A. J. bnyuc-r, eanaielate ler ro - election, on democratic ballot for the onie'O of Ilfirister e.f Ik-ed. Your :Uj)n.;n d;ri!e d, and r.ny favor.s ex led n:e will Le thankfully re t ei ved. A. J. SNYDER. Fcr Float representative. I am a ca ndhlar.e for lh edhce of Kt-prv.-eniativo lrc-r-i t ;.rs anu O:oe coi.nty. o:i the democratic bal lot. Ilavina; rei ved one term in The h-:.i .-la t ure I believe I am in a good petition to care lor the voters inter-;-ts in the oor.-.iu.'r session. Your ui'TOit is solicited and v.iil be ap ..re :e iated. D. C. TODD. Tor Hcpresentative. I take this i.ietiicd of informrni; the voters of Cass and Otoe county that I am a candidate for the oiltce ef Ecpreeutat ive on the I'e publican ballot. In soliciting your supiort I wi.h to r.s.-ure you tliat any favors extended me v. ill be t ly appreciated. 11. IJ. EliAXTZ. Fcr County Conimis:icr-?r. Having received t!;e nomination on the Republican ballot for tho of fice ef County Commissioner, Sec ond Commi-ioner Dhtrict. 1 herebv i.soiicit the support eif the voters at 113 i i? W 1 Mm if you want them made of wool. We have them now and they are wonderful values $9.95 to $15 "He who hesitates is lost. Don't put ofr buying any kind of wool floods. W (C1 E.W "EVERYBODY'S STORE" 3SS .00 FistusSa Pay When" Cured j m.ja system c: ircarmpnt inni cuies ruei, i-isruia ana olher Kecta I Diseases in a short time, without a severe sur ical operation. Ko Chiorof jrrr, f.ther or other fieaersl TilS DENTISTS the eoi:iin?v XejVeiiiher elect io;i. Ymir r I'!.)rt and any favors e.vtendcd me will he greatlv a jipreeiat eel. j j Ly; C. E. JiAKRIS. Z YOUR HEALTH AND EUY 1'IORS LI S:cl;ne?s means wa?c loss and ex pense. If y&u can avoid it, yen can buy more Liberty Bonds. And you can avoid it, if you tahe care e,f your intestines and keu; them cde'.i which will pive full means of df-fen-e to vour blood. Triner's Amer ican Elixir of Hitter Win tho remedy for this purpose. E -pccially new. when tlie seasons are chan.s: insr. you must cLimi your r torn?. eh and tone up your languid bloeid to full vitality. Triner's remedy is the most reliable anu very palatable preparation. Every drucjAist has Triner's American Elixir on hand or can .net it for you. Price $1.10. If you suiVer from rheunr.it irm. neu ra!;:Sa. lumbaco. sprain?, swellings, etc.. ask for Triner's Liniment, tho best remedy for r.ll such pains. At dm.;- stores r and f cents, by mail 1.". and ".' cents. Joseph Triner e'ornpany. Mao.ufo.ct u.rin Chetnis!. t:LLt-i:il; S. Ashland Ave.. Chicago. Ph FOR SALE. Mcdcrn Tve room cottajre. well lo c;Md. Inquire of C. A. Kawls, own- i rr 2S-tfd5.-w BUY A SHARE IN VICTORY 4th Liberty Bonds lfillP -f 1 t fi