FLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THUBSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1313. in this city last evening having been visiting at the home cf her parents and returned to her home at Cedar Creel; k.ter in the evening. well along, makes it difficult for him to regain his strength and combat the disease also. Ira Bates of near Cedar Creek has just been down to B-rt Smith who has been making ! visit with him. Mit-r5 vr.ttot- Tnwn.l Win. Wegener of near Louisville t;.ti T.-.r rm iinmp Inst i WuS transactin - a'. i ai v i - - - i (evening cm a visit with his parents If at all now! There's no t:se ide-stc rping the ue. the short ape t wool is being J vi.-.t'.:: It bv u ill. I'relicti"!!? trll . ci.m!:i il. M. Smith ot t!iis city. II. II. Newell of S-ith Bend was a vi. iter in the city this morning, coin ing to visit his father who is not f lin-r vry veil, and also to look ;;fter .-nme bu-ir.vs here as well. i-ruuf Wile? anl f-o'i Leslie from We i ing Water and r.'.ir there were in tl.is cry t!iu atternoon, to 1 uk after -ome business : ;at t ' - : r- n. i ; there will 1 . elk: u.-i' is '.v:i.;fr. f f yon 1 : :i : : . . y : v. v. t ' :i '. : y ' ::; .lv bs II- .. ' : V.f-l! : ri- of v. I. Ti i'i. but it is an '. Ih-:: j !y y ..r v.;.::t e irly. ;! .,ti to buy nn r .1. but at t ! 1 1 - time ' i L tttimr the r ' ,; liv ings you do need. business in the city for the city having come down this morning. II. II. Stall was in this morning from Nehawka, nnd is serving as a juror in the present term of the dis trict court. Milton Irwin of near Union was a visitor in this city this morning, coming to look cfter tome business for the day. Albert Towle of South Bend was who has been in the city for a short s l.1,. .Ur,...tnJ this , : , Cr-iia lime laicijt urjjni iru niu nun uing fnr Omaha, where he is lookintr aftpr i snmp business at the live stock mar- t I TV I IP I a.-.-fc7.-:v,f 1 ;-.t the court la visitor in the city this afternoon i. , -r i looking after ; one i i r 1.0 i ! ' o'i can y,;t j.ri u tip to sv.p-V.- do r..;t ' til;1.'! yr::i Tid l ti: - v y . : . - f i::.:.. . : tyr.r w!:i:h i-. bin: Court. Mr:-. I' Srr. itli ! two and Ce-i! f I i 1 - , j b kmc in; :i ; '. city f": 'f'.ii:'." the tria ;i v -. (.: :ir A. Coon h.'d.l :n thi DL'trici c tu:rt Pirfip clkiatclL : cr Fmitl: and son Joyce daughter I.orena ;i:fiM. are viit inir ... . . i " 1 !'et.-r Sv'itl), .1. i.. Fv.ith of near N't1 ! v. l:a. r !. having come down via j !. r.ird route. Th.y speak of good I crops -.p tliat way. W. 1 1. F.:l v:vl Cel. W. II. KU- ;! s)'--ciaii'-t on s. who will Stetson Hats! Hddcaps! rassar Union Suits Adler Gloves! Carlicrtt Overalls! L U O i! i si; ,r:iy p" n- a s-a!o for tl;.? Puis Ctari on1?." aT'd IIarr:j".vri siort-s at Mur ray v e :r- irv the city last evening iroking after some business matters, and m ad i thi otlice a pleasant call whilL' b ro. II. J. Mav.pay of near Union was a vl-i:r i'i Hi" citv tliis morning! b.avin r a truck load I-. .".11 Ci i:. n Dill of below Murray was aiwul' " ' , ' . vi m. ;.,.tc.: on.h last Saturday i "Herein in;nen is .r.ngi.;s sun ; agaiiici -wr. c oon ior some payments on lands, bought though him as agent. Phillip Horn of Hay Springs ar rived yesterday and is visiting in the citv at the homo of Win. Ilassler and other friends in the city. Mr. Horn has been troubled much with rheu matism, but is now almost entirely over it. having but a slight twinge now and then of the malady. George Paumgratz. of Stewart, who has been visiting in this city and south of town at the home of his sister Mrs. Mike Uausladen departed this morning for his home in the north. Mr. Paumgratz formerly liv ed in this county and worked near Mynard, but has been in the north for some time past and is engaged in farming. ket. m A. D. Bakke, one of the auto me- j chanicians at the T. II. Pollock Auto ( Company ' repairing and rebuilding shop, is a new subscriber to the Journal, having added his name to the list this morning. Watson Howard of Greenwood is in the city attending the court pro ceedings as a juror. While he is not much acquainted here he has a num ber of relatives here being a cousin of Hoy Howard, and also of the children of L.. W. Nelson. Mark Wiles and wife from near business at the' seeping waitr was in me cuy last levelling coming to attend the case of abba i AND oioirosl jf;f r" y ! fr a ''.-.rt time, having a truck load i'V f3 l':7 2 f ):c: :mu1 chickens, ev. route to " - ' i S.smh O: y.ihi'.. He a load of fine -im ri'---'!.i v s ; .i ; . v. Lewis Crab tree r.f Mvnard p.irkers t.-n the trv.ck. placed upports acnu' while he has - tuo top on s of chickens. tr..nac:ing business in Plattsmouth tl.is aiterruon. :ir. laud:- ( rnith d: !at evening for V"ah."o. wiit- I ' .... . "" i w i v. carri'-.i era:-. Mrs. W. A. Sot-lye and three sons, i.rt. Jack r.nd Adr::.:'.. drove from '": l 1 i t'-eir l-.nir.e r.t Peoria. 111., to this o she? , . ...... .... . , i p: ii,1 to vi. it .ia i if Meier oi .m..-. V-'U vi-' f,ir " f'-v'' Ja-vs lA the homo.. ;,,,,v Mr,. i;. j. ;;,r.nelt and will l.er pan-nts. 1.;,. yT .f h to !;:ri - ? I frm v.-r of Myr-.rl : Kr ariv.-v. v.V.ere thev will vi -it with v..:- a vl-it:-.r In VL: t-niof.ih thi i ..ranjIa jo,., s.-elv-.f-.r a short time :.f'..rr.o., nlouking aft.:.- .-om. ! ::-'in- ; -!t...ir.v r,.;urn;:--T to t!.; :r homo i:i f. r a f v.v hours. ,,ast Co..ri-.- P, -::!dd: ff near O'J rr-k , , ... , . - Vy. J ( arvr.-. cl ' v -. -t Plains, l:!:i;1 -- a vi-ii:.r in this citv this " ' , , ... M; . . !,.) h-;s b.H"i visiting tit the !.i'--r:, i::'.'. t-omnic to h o,; ait.r r-om; ... , . . boi.-o !.; r- iaiiv. ; at (. ro:-.ton. IiV.a. I.!!. !i:o. - f,,r the dav. .... i .iriv--'. i'i tl:" c;v l;:'t rvuimg at:d I.y::i;v T. Ccuk departed last even- ? xUlxi: .lt tho iin5i;e (i her l)rth fir v- !:vre will vl.it f.f . A K(l;u .n v,;t of this at tl..- h..;ae of his Stor Mrs. W. (... f.r ft (i;:? K fore ?,jr.s to Colo Clack an I family f,:r a feu- days. fr,r Q to I;inke her J. W. Hner of Manley was in the :;r:.le v.-;t!: Mr. Carnes' folks for a ri'y this afternoon coming as a wit- time. ?Ir. C-irrie. being now in the :..--s. in the c-a-e . f tVPrii-n vs. C;-on. ,ra-n:ng c;-mn at Funston. vhich is holding the boards today. " 1 I'red F'vi.i'.inar. tl:e popular 1 ar- Cr.-m M'T- 'My'. 1 n ty. b-. r at Manlty was a visitor in thL Georae Kr. ager of wo-.t of Mynard :I-y. tol.iy f.-.aitii.-to a'v.. l rl.e tr:;-l with hi- family w .--re visiting in the of 0"P.r:e-n vs. Coon, and on which city y.- '.-rd;-y afierr.oon. he is a w-Itne-.--. r 1: i;f:VI( s was a visitor in the Go r; a:;d Phillip !" ;r:;f frc in c;-y thi- :;: ml tig from his hr.r.f? at n.-ar iv.i:ir "r-ek were in t !.o city Ulmv.T.od at: I is serving as a jury U i - morning loohi;, :.f:Cr some ir.r.n. bu-ine-ss for the morning having rhtla:i Hail c:f Heel: Bluff?, is driven in with their car. retorted as being very sick at hir, Mr-. Kc.be-rt Jordan was a vk-itc-r he :v.e an. 1 t::i with 1:1.-. age. whil? i '. I i 1 KV rY ft 'iv'- g ; LiaJ?7 iaax ti L Lsrc ijjs l2 -.,.-;-a LJ . j n ? P? i - 4 1 1 j Doys Glomes evening iook:nir i-.fter some biisitiess for a short time. John S. Livingston arrived in the city this morning from hi. home near Greenwood and is attending court as a juror. V.'. B. Banning of Union was a business visitor in this city for the day yesterday and returned to his home lust evening. .Glen Beedr.ker and family from Murray were in the city last Satur day evening looking after some busi ness for a few hours. A. Jourgenson of Weeping Water was in the city this morning com ing to look after some business be fore the county local board. A. Bell of near . Xehawka was a visitor in Plattsmouth for the day to dav. and was looking after some matters at the court house. John Busche of near Cedar Creek is in the city this morning coining to attend court, being one of the ree-ilar panel of the jury in the dis trict court. John Gakemeycr and August Wci'dt, cf near Murdock were in tho city yesterday clternoon, naving driven in with their car and spent some time here. Thomas Murtey, banker at Weep ing Water, and family were in the city yesterday for a few hours com ing to vi-it with their friends here for a short time. Jams Jordan who is located at the State Farm auto school in the army taking special training wiis a visitor at home over Sunday, and re turned to same la.st evening. J. Weyman and run.ily from Greenwood were in the city this morning looking sifter some business in the city and attending to some matters at the court house as well. Lecnard J. Meisinger who is lo cate 1 at Ft. Leavenworth, where he is in the Radio school, was up for over Sunday with his family, and returned to the school last evening. Jarres Kniss of Murray who is at the auto rchool at Lincoln, where he is taking special training in the ar my, was a visitor at heme over Sun day and returned to his work last evening. Thomas Tilson and Arthur Baker of Murray were in the city last evening for a short time while on their way to Omaha where they were visiting witU friends for a short time. James He.-senflow, the rural car rier from Cedar Creek was a visitor in this city last Saturday evening looking after some business for a '-hort time and returned home, hav ing driven with his car. Harry Long of South Bend was a visitor in the city this afternoon having been looking after some business at Omaha he came here to look after some matters and de parted for his home in the after noon. ' Charles Bates of Rock Bluffs was a passenger to Bartlett, Iowa, this ARE YOU HEADY AND WAITING ? morning, where he is engaged in working. He had some experience in an auto wreck near that town a few days since, in which he had one of his feet badly cut. have 20 points of excellence, which enables us to guarantee 6 months service! Do you know of any other boys' clothes that are goccl enough to be guaranteed? You owe it to your self to see these befcre buying. Our line is complete-come in. Prices $8.75, $12.75 and $16.75. 'Other good makes $3.50, $5.00 and $6.00. C.E.W escott s bosis 'EVERYBODY'S STORE.' From Weilnesilay's Daily. James Tigner of west of Murray was a visitor in Plattsmouth last evening, looking after some business matters. Harry Todd of Murray was In the j city last evening having driven with ins car to iook alter some business for a few hours. Mrs. Wm. Shipley of, LaPlatte was a visitor in Plattsmouth this morning for a short time coming to visit with her father 1). M. Graves. C.N1 Earhart, the city marshal of Louisville was a visitor in Platts mouth this morning coming down to look after some business., Edward Carroll and wife of near Murray were in the city last even ing doing some trading with the merchants and returned home last night. Wm. Troop from near Nehawka wa3 a visitor in the city last even ing, having some business here to look after, driving up in his car and returning home last night. Charles Chrisweisser of Nehawka, In the early days of July our boys called across the seas to us: "We are ready and waiting." Now. when the season of rheumatism of muscles and joints and of neuralgia is coming, can you also say that you are ready and waiting? You can say so, if you have Triner's Liniment at home. Then the old torturers may come, their offensive "w ill , fail. Triner's Liniment is without equal also for sprains, strains, swellings, etc. Price ?,' and C."i cents at drug stores, by mail A" and 7I cents. If your stom ach is out of order, your nerves weak ened, take Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine which will help your digestion, restore appetite and brace up the entire system. It cleans out the intestines without griping ami is very palatable. At all drug stores, $1.10. Joseph Trincr Company, 133o'-1343 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. 111. Wc will have one car cf Early Ohio Potatoes on track next Friday and Saturday. Price pes- bushel on track, $1.75 Our Car of Molisnd Seed Cabbage will be hero this week. Price in 100 lbs lots or more 32o per pound. I IS.'. P; ft Red Globe Onions per bushel $2.00 Place Your Orders MOW-' CALL PHONES 53 and 54. H. M. SOENNICHSEN m I FT- m 2 3 3f MURDOCK ITEMS Special Correspondence a. .. . . .. .. . n n 1 FOR SALE. 1 Ford car in good rhape. 10 head horses. 5 sets harness. ?, buggies. 1 carriage. 1 stake dray. 2 top delivery wagons. 1 carry-all. 1 T.-seated rig. 4 hacks. 17-ntdltw M. E. MANSPEAKEB. For Sale Cottage on easy terms. Two lots on North Eight street $550. Will loan money to build. K. B. Windham. d&w CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the r- t Poultry Wanted! A car load of live poultry to be delivered at poultry car near Bur lington depot, Plattsmouth, ZTebr., on Friday, Sept. 27th one day oniy, for which we will pay in cash : Hens 24c Springs 23c Old Roosters 15c Ducks, Full Feathered. 18c Geese, Full Feathered 15c Beef Hides 15c Horse Hides $5.00 We will be on hand rain or shine to take care of all poultry offered for U. S. Food Administration License Number G-0C149. W. E. KEENEY. " (). E. McDonald and family autoed to Murrav Sunday. Miss Dorothy Boelter of Lincoln is visiting Mrs. Louie Bornemeier. Jerry E. Mel I ugh and Edward Jumper autoed to Omaha last Thurs day. Dr. and Mrs. Carruthers of Lin- coin were Sunday guests of Louis Uornbeck and wife. Mrs. Gail McDonald and small daughter Norma of Hampton, Nebr. are visiting relatives here. Mrs. Harrv Gillespie returned Sunday from Hampton, Nebr., where she has been with relatives. John Amgwert and family return ed Mondav after spending the week end with relatives in Oakland, Nebr John Gakemeier, Ed Thimgan and Harrv Gillesnte returned Saturday from their hunting trip to western Nebraska. Mrs. E. T. Tool returned Friday evening from Shellsburg. Ia., where she has been the past two months with her sisters. Jacob Goehry jr.. returned last Thursday to his home in Brewster, Washington, after ten days spent here with his parents. Wm. Rush and wife. Ed. Brunkow and family motored to Avoca. Nebr., Sunday and then to Newport. R. I., Sunday, where they were visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Arres and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ilite motored to Lincoln Sunday, where they wer? visiting relatives. Miss Myrtle Albee who has been here the past week, returned home with them. The R. N. A. lodge here expect to entertain the members and their families at a six-thirty dinner, Wed nesday evening. October 2, at the M. W. A. hall. They will put on initiatory work in the afternoon. Erhart Goehry returned Sunday to Newport, Rhode Island, where he is stationed with the Ik S. navy, af ter spending two weeks here with relatives and friends. He was accom panied as far as Washington. D. C. by his sister, Miss Martha who has accepted a government position. ma Craig who will remain with them for some time. District Superintendent E. T. George preached a splendid sermon Sunday evening and held quarterly conference Monday evening at the M. E. Church. S. C. Boyles left Sunday for Chi cago, 111., to attend the 44th annual convention of the American Banker's Association. He was accompanied by Mr. Frantz of Eagle. Chas. Ingwerson and son Orville and daughters the Misses Mary, May and Eima autoed up Sunday from their home near Pawnee City, visit ing a few days with friends. Deibert and Alva Skinner went to Lincoln Thursday from which place Alva went to Deuol county to visit his sister Mrs. Pete Mick and family Deibert returned to AIvo the same day. There will be a reception held at the High School auditorium on next Thursday evening for Rev. C. E. Con nell and family, who will remain with us for another year and the teachers of the Alvo Consolidated Schools. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Cashner of Denver. Colo., who have been visit ing relatives here for the past few weeks left Monday morning in their car for Morehead. Hans., where they will visit the former's sister Mrs. Jesse Stone and family. Mrs. Minerva Leibhart died Mon dav morning at the home of her daughter Mrs. Geo. Anderson. at the age of 73 years. She was quite poorly the past two months. The funeral will be held from the home Wednesdav afternoon at one o'clock. FROM NEAR EAGLE. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Allen, from near Eagle, were in the city last Saturday, enroute to Red Oak, Iowa, for a visit with friends. They made a short stop here, and Mr. Allen made the Journal office a short call. Government Civil Service exami nations for Bookkeepers, Stenog raphers, Typists and Clerks, are be ing held every week in Nebraska, Kansas. South Dakota, Colorado and Wyoming. Salary $ 1,000-$2,000. Ex perience unnecessary. Any one de siring a Government position should write for free particulars to the well known. Grand Island Business Col lege, of Grand Island. Nebraska over thirty years successful experi ence in qualifying young people for Government, Banking and Business positions. Mrs. George Parks of near Murray' was a visitor in Plattsmouth this morning, coming to visit with friends for the daj. FOR SALE. Mcdern five room cottage, well lo cated. Inquire of C. A. Rawls. own er 2S-tfd&w CAR LOAD CABBAGE. We will have a car of large solid Wisconsin cabbaee. ?3.o0 hundred pounds in lots, delivered your town ;y express. Fine for kraut and winter keeping. Order at once. ill advise when car conies. Car Minne- cta Ohios $1.00 bu. Johnson Bros. Nebr. City. CHICHESTER S PILLS Wy--. THE IHAMO.NU BHAAU. A. 44&& l"la in Ke4 nJ TVtil fo, feai-ni witli Trl - V1 inrr. sir or Tnor I O I'rujycf-t. Ak fort ius liKs-TFIt r SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE HrnggUt for X inond BiindA told meiUiWT Blue Ribbon. V OH. H. C. LEOPOLD OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Special Attention to Dlneanea of Women ACUTE DISEASES TREATED Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted Night Calls Answered After Hoars and Sundays by Appointment. 8:30 a. m. to 12:00 1:30 d. m. to 5:30 vT0Zl"7 Plattsmouth. Neb. v NEWS FROM ALVO Special Correspondence in Weeping Henry Miller was Water Friday. Grandpa Frouty ha been quite poorly the past several days. Miss Grace Bailey of , Lincoln, spent Sunday with the home folks. Mr .and Mrs. Jos. W. inkers were in Lincoln Saturday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klyver left Sunday for a visit with relatives at Chicago, 111. Lieut. Carl Gauz, of Camp Funs- ton spent Saturday and Sunday here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner of University Flace autoed down Sun day to visit relatives. Tl. E. Reitz and family drove to Ashland Saturday on business. Mas ter Earl remained until Sunday even ing with relatives. Mrs. Ellen Rathbun, who has been visiting her son Walter Rathbun and family the past several days re turned to her heme at Louisville Thursday. Dr. L. Muir and family autoed to Lincoln Saturday evening. They were accompanied home by Grand- TO THE. PUBLIC! MURDOCK MEAT MARKET Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats MURDOCK, IMEBBRAKA We dress our beeves cattls are cheaper, so save money and buy the, best steer beef at these prices: SIRLOIN ) OTC fl P ( 30c PORTERHOUSE V I PHlll Per ROUND ) v 1 ( Pound A full line of Sausages and Cold Meats of all kinds. GORDON BLOCK, Prop. 0 c V h r