THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1918. PLATTSMOUTH &EMI-WETJKLY JOURNAL FADE TWO. II Children Cry tfor Fletcher's 'flP The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in uss for over thirty years, has borne the signature of and has been made unoer his per- -Wz-- sonal supervision since its infancy. K4&CC&&Z, Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and 44 Just-as-gcod " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants snd Children Experience against Experiment. What Is CASTOR I A Catcria is a harmless substitute fcr Castor Oil, Paregoric, Ircps and Socthing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains ceither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief cf Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishnsss arising therefrcm, and by regulating the Stomach and Ejv.-els, aids the assimilation of iFood; giving healthy and neural Bleep . The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. NEWBRANCH FAMILY RE-UNION ! miles vest of the city, and having to make a run for the train, but as George had the trusty Mitchell auto he let it drift along, and caught the ZHZ 31 is; COUNTY COUNCIL OF DEFENSE. GENUISS CASTOR I A always 'Bears the Signature of From Monday's Dally. Mr. and Mrs. Earl It. Travis en tertained at dinner last evening the ! train just as it was getting away two brother of Mrs. Travis and her j for Omaha. Mrs.' Stoehr came to sister. This is the first time In many J accompany her mother Mrs. Adam months that the four children of Kaffenberger and sister Miss Mable Mr.and Mrs. O. V. Newbranch have omana, (nii,r n:i it was ji iiuist Mable ia having her eyes treated. Utl U I. W V. IIIV a u - - - - happy occasion, the only regret be ing that their father and mother were not with them. Each of the children in this family. equipped i '" Tuesday Daily. with a college education at the Uni- ' versity of Nebraska has made good along some line. II. E. N'ewbrancli is editor of th World-Herald of Omaha and a writ er of more than Nebraska reputa tion. F. L. Newbranch is the Coun cil Bluffs representative of the World-Herald. Mrs. N. C. Abbott is matron at the Nebraska School for the mind. Nebraska City. Mrs. Travis was herself, previous to hor J ' . 1 . '1 i .. fl'lf' l I n!T S 1 111 I w w- --m-. . IIIClIAI.11. v - our local high school. The guests at the dinner party were Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Newbranch and daughter Katherine of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Newbranch of Council Bluffs; and Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Abbott and daughter Annabel of Nebraska City. ! fir.! Council of Defense will meet in this city on September 5th. when a number of things which is de uiaudiug "attention will be taken up for adjustment. Those who have matters which should be cared for such as cases of seditious titter ;uice or disloyal acta should report the same to the secretary Mr. C. C Wosrotf for filing with the council for their action and determination km v - , m .v a.- w tm '. - a cV PTf SLrAr F & s& f 4 "7 k Use For Over M fears The Kind You Have Always 3cuft O "V K f" W I ... . ...... CASS CO. FARM I 1. 1 hiii I)riil-il to :- I iical I a ruling IiKitc! 5 BUREAU NOTES T'.c-e ' M. thoil. Auir. :',ih I: tainu d by til I'euort iit later . the number of iurts :::e;t :ind f! ;iit cunned to iiiliov.i:: h:lies: Mr-;, i.. II. Snipe-iWeepinu' Wat'.r. Mr., II. I. I i Wabash. Jes:e Todd. I'nien. K. T. C-arhart. Avoca. Ed. !iwler. Wi-eping Wafr. Miiir;;e Wiles. Weeping. MiS: ! r .Mrs ..'r Mrs Mrs ;the solution over the grain, sliovel .ing the grain over to be certain that the solution comes in contact 'with all the kernels. Then cover i!w:tii oM canvass or old blankets and leave covered from six to eight .?., hours. The sacks or canvass should be wet in tlie solution before being :-:-: i used in order to thoroughly disin j feet tber.i. Alter uncovering the ( 'old ! grain should be spread thinly and tiian i stirred occasionally to faciTtate f rapid drying. It should be thor oughly dried Lei ore sowing so it will feed rapidly through the drill. In case the grain is swollen it may bt nfcessary to increase the feed of ih" drill to olYset this ond sow the proper amount. The drill should be disinfected with the above solution before used. L. It. SNIPES. County Agent. Will S'.-l:i;-idvr. Cre 1:. IiMt. l".r -man. A'.vo. Notice. !.: - !.'. r.e. c;-trle. see?.:!d h;i!id iii:i liir;t ry. a!:'l .-"ed v. it!t t'eis !: v. r an p'ir!i-li tlii-? is: ot'.r :'r--f :!! ii 11 -. i buy or :ell. I)o 'hi- by ;th. i.a:::!.- on the .vr-,'rn rr.n'e ca:: ! .iicrh? at wi;a ?i'C!;i-. a rea:-on-;i'b- pn.-. Any ia the I'-arket for ,-.-i l,.-aTf same through, the .;'":ee. To Treat Wlier.t For Srr.ut Use the Following T. t' gal. .f water add one pint or o-i!.d of e'.iitioejvial fornr.ilin. I I" ; r on' solution of formu'.de-bv-'ei. Spread t!e grain on a clean floor or in a wa-on t;ox. Sprinkle SURL BICG3 HERE FOR VISIT. r i i lU: ri ) s I'ailv. v!:-) :s at ih' tJreat Lake- training "L'tioii. arrived here Sunday morning for a vis;? of this w. ek sit the home of his parents and with Mrs. Iliggs his wife during a porfiiMi or' the wee-. iye likes the work there very well, and tells of tie boy; there from here getting along nicely. Farmers, mechanics, railroaders. Li'ooters. rely on Dr. Thomas Eclec tic Oil. Fine for cuts, burns, bruis e: . Should be kept in every home. :!Uc and fioe. A. want ad wJ brintr what you wanv A J '' 1 1 ' ; :t'V"' rUD YOU I THAT MONEY? WFLL YOU VORHED FOR IT, DID i'l YOU? WHY CAN'T YOU PUT SOME LITTLE PIECE OF IT IN THE BANK EACH PAY DAY, SO THAT SOME DAY IT CAM WORK FOR YOU? YOU WON'T ALWAYS BE ABLE TO WORK; EVEN IF YOU ARE WELL. THEN IT VILL BE A FINE FEELING TO HAVE THE MONEY YOU BANKED, WHILE YOU COULD WORK. WHICH IS HOW. BANK IT. WE ADD 31-2 PER CENT INTEREST ON SAVINGS AC COUNTS AND H PER CENT ON TIME CERTIFICATES. COME TO OUR BANK. JEFF D. LEWIS LOSES EROTHEIt I'reni Monday's r:ti;. Jeff 1. Lewis and wife with their son Lloyd and daughter Mrs. Mae Merritt were in the city this nicrn- FLNE EUP.CC JERSEY EOAHS ! l'roid Tuesday s )iiitv Will Uumiiul. Philip Hirz and Otto Schafer are preparing for combination sale of line Duroc-Jer sev boars, that will be he'.d at the Hir. home some time about the first of October. There will be offered in this sale about fifty head of extrt good animals, the best strain known to this popular all purpose hog. These men have all nnde i extra effort to get the very bes blood that could found at the head ot their herds, and of ourse inc. coming to dopart for Nodaway,. , . . , , . have some ot the finest stock ever Iowa, wnere a brother ot Mr. Jesse . .... ... , . loflered to breeders in this locality. Lewis aged Aixty years, yesterday died of a stroke of paralysis. They go to attend the funeral. No int'or- ! If you are looking for just a little better blood to place in your herd mathm of the arrangements which is known here as yet. tor i 'it might be well for you to wait for DID YOU SEE THE GAS MASK. Frot-. Tuesday's raily. Did you observe the gas mask which is on exhibition in the eust room of the C. E. Wescott's Sons, clothing store. lAok at it and you will wonder how it is constructed and how you will have to breatiie through the box, which contains drugs which will naturalize the ga. which is intended to do the great harm. RETURN FROM VISIT IN NORTH From s Pail v. Sunday noon John .1. Lutz and wit 3 arrived from their visit cov ering , several days in the north, where they wore guests at the home of Henry Zuckweiler and wife and Dewey Zuckweiler and wife. Th ?y found things very prosperous in the pert bland, with an abundance of rain, ana excellent crops. l li had one hundred and five acre: of wheat which made over thirty b.i;h els to the acre and sold for pr bmhel. and their corn is very good. besides an abundance of liav com r- ing hundreds of acres. Mrs. Lot; tells of the gardens which are fill ed with all kinds of vegetables. Tl.ev have a beautiful home which w ouilt la-t winter, wiih ,artci.iii water, and with furnace, heat, and evtrytiiing nxed to a nicety. i, y are well pleased with the place where they live and have no de-ire ret tire, to tins country. I h ir land- arc mostly level. and an farmed v.j;h tractor.--, which make the breaking and seeding of the lands an easy matter. this t-ale. the date of which will be announced in tiiis paper in the near future then write for a catalog am attend the sale. REGISTER. the has National Registration Day The law has not yet passed l'n it ed States Senate, neither the day of registration been vet. but will be with the passage of the Man Power bill; o important does Pro vost Marshall Crowder consider this matter that he has called to his as sistauce the. four minute men of the country in an endeavor to pass the word along. Men between the ages of is and 20, inclui've and between ?,2 and 4.".. inclusive, who have not yet registered, will be required to do so under the ne"v law. Tiie date of registration will be furnished by telegraph, jr.n as soon as the law passes the senate. RETURN FROM THE NORTHWEST l i oiii T:e- ' I a My. .Mrs. t;Un Edwjrds and Mrs. Le- land Mrigg.s arrive! in this city ltst evening from Winner, South Da kota, wliere Mrs. Jlrigt,s has bc-n working siuoo Leland entered the service, and where Mrs. Edwards has be;-:i visiting with In r .sistor Mrs. Lriggs lias given up her posi tion at Winner, and will reek em ployment at Lincoln. while hvr husband remains there, where ho is giving instruction:: in Auto Me chanics, to lh. (jimia. which is at the .-;tate farm for t-pecial training. WILL HAVE FINGER AMPUTATED i 'r. in ''ii-.ila s i My.' J i !.n M-itTt.v departed tl.i ; r:;orii ing lor Omaha, where- he goes to s-'v Dr. Kennedy of Mint city, re garding a linger which ia stiff and winch turns; into the palm of the hand. The linger which is the ring finger on the left hand, was effect ed by blood poisoning resulting from an injury some time sinre. and is in the way so that he cannot take hold of an object, with which he desired to work. The finger has been in the way of his use of the hand to that extent that he had concluded to have the member amputated. His errand to Omaha this morning is for that purpo-e. ITarrricrs State Ban THE NEW BANK. OPFN SATURDAY NIGHTS FPOM 7-.00 TO 9-.C0 IS HAVING EYES TREATED. Kr mii 'rwxOiy'w laMy. Mrs. C.orge Stoehr was a passeng er this morning for Omaha, coming iu from their home some thirteen WILL SOON TAKE A FURLOUGH From Tm-v. lav's I'.uly. A recent letter from Don Arries .vim is with Marion Dickson in Eranee. they being in the same di vision, will s-con havs a seven day furlough on account of having had four months overseas service and will then go down to Marseilles and Xiee on the Mediterranean ?ca for a few days to spend the time away frori the vortex of the war. This is accorded all when they have been in the service for that length ot time on the other side. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to cxt?nd our thanks for the kindness of the public, at the time of the death, and burial of our dear molhcr and grandmother. MR. AXD MRS. CARL KEXSMAX AND EAMILV. MIL AND MKS. IIENKY EVEUS, AXD FAMILY. JOHN" HADAEKEK. tunrroi: M' hi-: uiim v ik. titjon ror iiMnvi'Mi-:vr ot' tliMIMMitnoU 'II. e Slate f NV I rns kn , . Oein- l V. I oiml lirt. In tie- Matter of Use Estate of "W il 'i:ei K !.. li'i-i-:i st'tl : .. n-.nliti aie I lilint? tb: petition f ':. Ix.vev ,v Sou. irayinr tli:;t Al m i nisi i-m I i.ei 1' i-:ii.l 'State may he uiiint.-.l to .folia MeNiirlin, as A'tminis ( t-a l or. r.l. !-.-.! Iliat SiDKIlllxl- licit. A. 1 C'In. at I't im Ioi K A. M.. is assiKned for ln.arirr-r sai.l r-1 i t Ioti. when all per - .s ii.t . i i st. .1 in said matter may ,iptu in- al a c'oinitv ''nrt to ho held in ri ml s;'i.l i '.,!tii. and show c.-uixe wl.v l!..- of net i tioni-r rliouio not." I" urantid; aatl that notice of i tie i. i.-.ii - .if said DOtitlOil and the la : t f thereof t.- given to all persons int. i. l.-d mi sai.l iu;iin r hv ln"iisn im a l'n!.,- i.r ij;is ..nil.'!' iii tlii' i'latls- irioiilh .li.iiriial. a sell! I-w eeK 1 y liews i:ii .r v;-iiit,-d in Mai'l eounty lor thre I,. , ess, .. weeks. Ol ior to sain oay l:ea ri li'-T Haled Aa'iist 1 lib. IMS. ALLLX f. ISKESOX Couatv Jailare. t:y Klu re White, Clerk ( Seal. of Mcrici: th nii:i)iTns In the State of NcM'aska, Cass tjonn- tv, vs. In llt I oiihIv I onri. In the Matter of the Estate of Nannie 'iihsoii. oeeeas-f-d. T. the Creditors of Said Kslate: Yon are heiel.v imtilled that 1 "ill sit at the Comity Court room in I'lafts- tnijiitli in said county, on the J Mil oa of 1:)1S. anil on the lMli la of l'Jl, at !.(0 o clecK . M.. on oath day. to receive u.m a- inline all claims with a view to their ad.rni:i:u .it ami illowanee. The time limited tor the n-cseiita t ion of claims .cai.rt sa.l slate is I'-ur months fr.en the U'lli lay of August. A. !.. J".Hi. Mill ine inii. limited tor l.avmeni or dclil l- ........ .... . t . ::e x ea r trom J-in ii-t. 131 S. W itnes. niv hand and the n-al ot sa.a li REAL Sterling, n ESTATE, S3U UX I LOANS AND INSURANCE, Nebraska We have sold numbers of Cass county, Sanders county, Johnson county, Pawnee counnty, Riehardson county ;nd Iowa people land In Southeastern Nebraska. When vou buv (and in Otoe county, Nemaha county, Gage county, $75 and up per acre, you are getting i something that will make you a bank account instead of failures. We have some choice 40, 80, 120, 160, 240, 320 and 640 acre tracts of land, with very reasonable prices and good terms. Wc have the iargest and best land list in South eastern Nebraska. It will pay you to see us for a home or investment. mm I J 3 STERLING, NEBRASKA irznc i.i:ii. mith'i:. John Todd. Tillif Todd. Susie Kir.Ks lev. ,l;in es W. K iiiK-s'.ay, (iak-iu Cojt-li-ije.-. We. A. Co:-rlizcr, Victor Thom as. I'aiaa Tlionias, Zclla East man. .In'in Eattioui. Sylvia Iloel'er. and Lawrence Hoefer. defendants, will take notiie that on tlx 31nt lay of July. li)lS, Harry J. Todd plain tiff, herein, tiled" his petition in the Dis trict court of Cans county, Nebraska, against said defendants and others, the oh.iect anl prayir of which are to qiii-t the title in the plaintiff to the Southwest Quarter, SV l-t of the Sont. icast tjuartci-1 ISIO 1-4) of Sec tion Thirty ::. Township Ten 10l.i It.'inse Fourteen (tit, in Cass county N'el.raska. on the grounds that aiil tract of la .id was erroneously omit ted from a deed thereon by Levi C Todd. sr.. to his wife, I,ydia To.hl. of date of July 2tli, 190."), and J recorded ia book patre 1C7, ami al so for the reason that plaintiff and his predecessors in title have had actual, alien, exclusive and adverse possess ion of said leal estate for more than! ten yais last pasc. You are reoiiiroil to answer .said pe tition on or I cfore the 16th clay ot September, 1t. Dated this r.lst day of July. IMS. IIAUKY C. T)DI. l'luintiff. Uy 1). O. IYYi:i:, His Attorney. t i.i:;ai- MiTicn. To fauline Oldham, as Administra trix of tlie estate of ;corjs'e J. Oldham, Deceased: Kichard Conway Oldham: Cuzza J. linker: L,aeuria Connally: I'aaline Oldham: Kay Oldham: John J. Oldham: Jessie I. Snyder: IOllison I. Oldham: James V. Oldham: Vera H. Oldham: Tolly Oldham: Mary Crai. and all persons Interested In the estate of Jackson !. Oldham. Deceased, iu sludins creditors and claimants. You are herebv notified that on the 4th day of Mav 191. plaintiff filed a petition in tlie District Court of Cass County. Nebraska, praying anions oth er thintrs for an order to be entered b- the court directinar the administra trix of the estate of cjeorn J. Ohlhsni. deceased, to convey to plaintiff the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section thirty-one iSl) Township eleven (11 llansc fourteen (H lass C ounty, Nebraska, upon me navmeiit of the balance of the pur chase pvico in accordance with the contract entered into between the nlaintiiT and the said Oeorpre J. Old ham. diirinir his lifetime, on the l."tli lay of January, HUM, and to have th title to said land ouieted as a.uains the defendant. All persons interested In the estate of Jackson . Oldham deceased. incl ud i n li' creditors au .la i man t s. Yoe are further notiiled there will be a hearing' upon said petition at the District Court lioom In the court House, at riattsmouth Cass County Nebraska, on the 3rd day of September I'lls. sit the hour of ten o'clock A. M to all of which, and the alienation of the petition, you will take due notice, C. A. i:AWLS. ft ilAXMlv. J. L.I L.L.11-J. Attorney. I'laintni. tive thousand dollars ($25,000) di vided Into twi. hundred and fifty shares, of mo hundred dollars each, $u'rt.oii( of which shall be paid in." .MITICLK Number Six "The indebted ness of this corporation shall at no time exceed the amount of its paid in capital and sarpius except for deposits." AJiTICLF. Number Kisrht. "The af fairs of this corporation shall be un der the control and management of a board of directors consisting: of not less than three nor more than five .sliar.liolilors, whose term of office shall be for the period of one year. r until their successors are elected and qualified, not less than a majority of whom shall be resi dents of the county in which the bank is located or counties adjacent thereto. It shall be the duty of the board of directors to elect from their number a president and secre tary, and select a vice president and cashier, and they may also select an assistant cashier and such other clerks and assistants as the busi ness of the corporation may require. The term of office of the officers of this corporation shall be one year, or until their successors are elected and qualified. The board of direc tors may adopt such by-laws for the resrr.lation and management of the a Hairs and business of the corpor ation as is may deem proper." And I do further state under oath that the paid in capital stock of said bank was at said meeting by a unani mous vote of air the stock represented increases rrom 91 a. 000.00 authorized to authorized, of which $:'O,00O shall be paid in, and that the full amount of said increase viz, ;,oi Has been paid in. II. A. GUTHWAX.V Cashier. State of Nebraska, County of Cass. ss. Subscribed and sworn to before mo by H. A. Cut hinann. Cashier of the lank or Mnrdock, of Murdock, Nebras ka, this 5th dav of Atisrust. 191S. JEHKY i:. McHl'GH Notary Public. (SKAl.) My commission expires March 25, 1920. -OTICK TO CKEUlTOIf. LnG.lti NOTICE. i,i:r;.i. xoticr. The Slate of Nebraska. Cass County, In the Countv Court. In the Matter of Estate of Adam YV. Meisinser, Deceased. To the Creditors of Said I-.state: You are Hereby Notttied. Iliat I will it at the County Court Koom in l'lattsmouth in said County, on the !th day of September. 1P1S and on the loth day of December, IttlS. at 10 o'clock . M. of each day to receive and ex- irn i.e all claims rain j-.siiiie with u view to their adjustment anci allowance. The time limited tor the nrc.wnta lion or claims aiiainst sain Kst.'ite is 3 months from the th day r Sei.tember A. 1 . Jin, and tne time limited for payment of debts is One Year from said Ulli day or teepiemoer 1 il 1 9 Witness my nana ana me !eai oi . . . s ........ . .I. j r i . a . . . - nf :ll.l I fill Tl IV IJl.ll.. i il. ..... ...... Xlllist 1918. AI..L.H.N .1. UI.Ii.5-0.., (Stall County Juaye r lorence nunc, Licm KMIITIM. AMKMIMKNTS TO A II- IKIIIS UK lMIIHlMUMTIO OH" HM OK Jlt'ltlMltK, OF MIIIUOCK, NKIIRASK.. v.cnty Court, this day of ' :,.n;.yo rend asbows.: 1" orlzed amount of capital stock of b'ual, 1918. ALLEN J- .UESpOX. County jJude. I. H. A. (luthmann. Cuhier of the :ank of Murdock. of Murdock, ia the ountv of Cass, and the State of Ne .aska. do hereby certify that at the etrular annual meeting of th Stock holders of the said bank held on the rst lst day of July, tuts, ac wiucn iMeelin'-r more than two-tnirus or tne ipital Stock was represented, a lno- ioil was mane, secoiioeu h jm uiiciiii- monsly carried, that Articles numner our. Six nnd Kigrht or tne Articles r I neornoi it t Ion of said .bank be :TICI-E Number Four: "The auth this corporation shall be twenty- The State of Nebraska, County of In the Matter of the Instate of Margar et Mumm, deceased: In Coanlv Coiirl. To the Creditors of said Deceased: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth. in said countv. on the first rla' of September. 1918, and on the 2d day Plaintiff for improvements oecemoer. mis, at nine o'clock a. m.. peeu upon said premise, of each day to receive and examine all I You and each of you are claims against said estate-, with a view ; "u.l llta, ou are required to To I'auline Oldham, as Administra trix of the estate of cteorye J. Oldham, Deceased: Kichard t.'onwaj rbliiani: Cuzza J. Haker: Laeuna Connailv: I'auline Oldham: Fav Oldham: John J. Oldham: Jessie D. Snvder: IJDison U Oldham: James W. Oldham: Vera H. Oldham: Polly Oldham and Mary L. Crais: You are hereby notified that on the 22nd day of iay ltMX. plaintiff tiled a petition in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, i.rayli: anions oth er thiiiKs for an order to ).e eiitertMl by the court directing the administra trix of the estate of Course J. oldham, deceased, to convev to plaintiff Lots one (1) and two (2) and all of Lots tflree (3) and four (4 not taken bv Chicago Avenue, in lilock One Hundred Sixty-four (Hi4i City of I'ialismouth, Cass County, Nebraska, upon tiie pav ment of the balance of the purchase; price in accordance witti the contrac t entered into between the plaintiff and the said C.eorue J. Oldham, diiimar his life time on the loth day of September 1917. You are further notified that then; will be a hearintf upon said petition at the District Court Kooin tn tiie Court House, at Plattmout h. Cass Countv, Nebraska, on the 3rd day of September 191.S. at the hour of ten o'clock M to all of which anil the allegation of the petition, yon v ili take due nmici- t I,.-, 'tOHN H. HALLSTFJOM. " C. A. IIAWLS. Plaintiff. Attorney. J22-6 wks. M'GAL AOTRi;. Notice to Ttesident Defen Jants. their unknown heirs, devisees, legatees personal represtntatives and all other persons interested in their estate To David Stotler. if liv!n, if deceas ed. Ins unknown heirs. devisee legatees, personal representatives and' all other persons interested in his es tate: Georire Stotler. Nettie Stotler, Walter Motler, Ella Wayant. Clarence ayant, Mary Pope and Joseph Pope .ou.a,la acn or " hereby noti fied that Carey I. Stoller. as plain tiff, on the 10th day of Julv 11S filed his petition in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, wherein vou and each of yon are defendants; 'the object and player of which petition is for the partition of The East thirtv-ilvo riw .... the Northeast Quarter of the South east Quarter of Section nineteen (in lownship ten (10) llangp fourteen (141 East 6th P. M. Cass Countv. Nebraska. tiiu ine aiijusuns or the claim of by him to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims asainst said estate is three months from the first dav of Septem ber, A. D.. 1918, and the time limited for the payment of debts is six months from said first day of September. 1918. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this ::ist dav of July. 191S. ALLEN J. liEESON. County Judge. AOTicf: oi-' riv.1. sktti.kmkvt Iu he County Court of (am County, Nebraska i State of Nebraska. Cass County, ss. To all persons interested in the estates oi Mary c. ucii'ti, deceased: f urther f-aid petition on or before Moudav the 2Jrd day of September, pi is C. A. LALS. Plaiutiir. Attorney. IN TIIK msTlHc ( OI u p ol- 'oiti. m;iikk CASS In the Matter of the Ouardianshii.. r Affiles Havir. Mary Havir and Ce-c-ilic Havir, Minors. Order Co Show fauxr. This cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Mary I. Pelohlavv. as jruardian of the estate of Arihm Havir Mary Havir. and Cecilie Havir, Illinois' pray inn- for a license to sell II... On readins the petition of rirtx ' divided t - Interest tit' ea.-n ,.i . s- Lambert prayitiK for a tinal settlement !1,lr"'rs in t" the following ie- scroen real estate, to-wit: Lots 1 -:. and 4 in lihv k !, and Lot 10 ' n" nnd 12 in lilnck 10. all in Dnke'x' ad dition to the city of Plattsmouii, -ass county. Nebraska, Tor the minimi l' n.l maintenance and education of va id minors, there not being; sufficient per sonal property to furnish support a... I rnaintenante and expense or education or said minor. It Is therefore ordered that all per sons Interested in said estate mav nn jear before lae at the District Coin I room iu the said cit y of Plat tsmout h ass county, Nebraska, on the -r.i Jay of September. 1US. at 10 o'efock . .d.. to show causu win- li should not be irranted to i.l ........i an to sell so much o.- nil .r ,i described real estate as siial be nec essary for the sumnn'i ,,.i. ...... ........ and expense of education of said min ors and for their best Interests. T lis order shall be published in the Platts mouth Semi-Weekly Journal for a per- '.i.tOUr ?'eek', st''svely before date of hearinc. intted this 2::rd dav of Auifiist i-iik JAMES T. I!I.;,:mA- "' Judjje of the District Court. and allowance of his account filed in tins court on tiie.ttn dav of Anenst l!ls. and lor final settlement of aid estate ana msenarsie of the executor. It Is Hereby ordered that vou and all persons interested in said matter may. and do. appear at the County c.oun. i.c nciu in ana tor said coun ty, on the 9th day of September, A. D., i:mx. at in o ciock A. m.. to show cause. if any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner snouni not ie irranted. nnd that notice of the pendencv of said petition and the hearing thereof be riven to all persons interested In said matter by publishing: a copy of this order in the l'lattsmouth Journal. semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county tor one week prior to said day of hearing. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said court this 2 1tli day of Autrust. A. !., 191S. LLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) County JudKe. Uy Florence White, Clerk. MH-K"r W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. East of Riley Hotel. J Coates Block, J Second Floor. J :: 8-2- hv Dysjjepsia is America's curse T. restore digestion, normal woisht good health and purify the blond use Burdock Blood Bitters. Sold all drug stores. Price,-?1.23.