The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 15, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    THURSDAY, AUfttTST 15, IfciS,
rois six.
We have received a car load of Mobile and Polarine
Oils and are making special prices.
We carry a large stock of
We have just received
and are prepared to rebuild and remodel old Ford f
cars into
Arrhie Towle of South Een$' visit
ed John Murtey Tuesday forenoon
Wavne Swartz and Lyle Miller
were in Elm wood on business Tues
Golda Klyver and ColIsTa Dough
erty spent Wednesday and Thursday
with Evelyn Stout.
ffi daughters Evelyn and" May, left for
ac I their home in Kewanee, 111., Mon
day morning via the auto route.
Sunday guests at the Elmer Klyv
er home were Arthur Diers and fam
ily, Ben Taylor and family, Thos.
Stout and family and Robert Wiggs.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller visit
ed Miss Toletha Swartz at. St. Eliza
beth, in Lincoln weunesaay. J hey
found Miss Toletha getting along
Mrs. llattie Strain and little
daughter Fern came down Friday
Mrs. Con Ferry of Ilavelock, rame from their lome af nthanv to visit
Every farmer should have a
Ford Truck and
Fordson Tractor!
Come in and let us talk it over. We have a few good
used cars for sale.
Our government want Garages to close their shops
at 6 p. m. week days and not open shops or filling sta
tions on Sundays.
Our Garage Will Be Open Day and rSi'shi!
down Fridav to visit her sister Mrs.
Dan Williams and family.
Mrs. J. A. Shaffer returned Fri
day on No. 18 from Lincoln where
she is having dental work done.
Mrs. Sam Cashner went to Lincoln
Saturday evening to visit her hus
band who is ill In the hospital.
Mr. Thos. Stout and family and
their aunt Mrs. 1). A. Vincent for
several days.
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Staples, Master
Harold Staples, and Mrs. R. R.
Staples of Rurlington Junction, Mis
souri, visited Orville Robertson and
family Thursday.
Ralph Connell and Herbert Front y
have enlisted in the navy and left for
-Mr. Ren Taylor and family spent Qmaha to report Monday .Mrs .Clara
Our New Filling Station is flow Open and
We Solicit a Share of the Business.
Tel. No.l.
Plattsmouth, Neb. f.
Mirin: m-' m:nia.
i fi t y rMsir- f (
paid f-s-:it
tl: Matter of the Kstate
ti'Ia It-rfasfMi:
( persons interestc d in
tat. : ". iiitors and Heirs
Y"i are 'i-r!'V ti"t ifil Hint v.'r.liam
It. i:i' k 1 ;.s riled hi. petition in t !.:
...lit. :iHe-'inir that Matilda K.-si k. .
i:iT til s:t:.i rni;n . u'i iii', i'i
itid I'lTitv, -'n !' iih'i'it t
S-pi etnS--r. I'M", l.eimc ;i
i n t-it;. n t of said cauiity :tr-5 t f i own-
r of u follow i.iic described it-al s
t;itr I.ot -l,-v-n (Hi in Muck tl rce in
t!- vin.ii;, of Munlev. in Cass foimtv,
! :i k:t. and I'avih4 :i" her sol,- ari'l
nl ! ii" :it liw. the following named
j..-r -.i'-. t.. it :
William 1! F-Nick. I-i'sband, Minnie
I.. '!). a d:umM-r. ll-!eri I.. Coon, a
: i a 11 n M.r. M:iM- '..oii, a fjinnl-
.l,tr arid I:aljh Cnri. a ranil
- i'i. wiio are interested in ."aid prop-
n:o: .l.i'.ic to the i!-r-'-.r.-nt laws or
at- of NiVrask.i. ami prayins
! l-i ruination f t ! time of
:r.s a -.iinst said estate, aqd for
i olh-r f.iitii, r uiOts as nay
Countv s.-:n. a i on. c disposition
' j of s; i.l m;t Iter.
.-ai.i t-r 1-is 1 ..- n srt for a
I inn at ti - ( iiiity oomt room in I'latts
of Ma- :.;MMt. r-.-t:ntv on t... "vti, v
j f Anu'"i-t. llv at th.- I "iir" of nirio
o ,. ;i. ra.. at wiu. li tirnt' all pr-
soi -: i:itr.-st'.l may a;ji-;ir and con
t ,-s t s.i ill .,-t i t i"n.
T:v t;.- f'.mrt.
ai.i.k.n" .i. i : i:j :s .v.
'"iMiiuv J u
"1 !av r!Iaf l. .Inlv I'Ttli, 191.
si.lMit at.-l ! -1' HX M. r.i:Yn..
ttori.t-y for Ptlitionep.
:t v
xstm i: in ic i:irrotts.
Nfl.ra.-l.a, County of
tat" of MarK'ar-
Tl-f- S'at-
Ill tlu- Matt r of tii.- V.
t .iliimtii, ili-ri asi il:
In omil nr(.
To t!,c "i i ilitoi s of s-: j 1 licci'asiMl:
Vori a ii- 1 y not ili. -il tliat I will
sit at tl . County Court room in IMatts-
.!.-ri f of kialii; tl enof, snl tli
t i ir I : t of ilescf'nt of tli real property
loiiirini.' to !-ai"l 1. -.-l'Tit in tlif Htaf
f,,r ; ::iont .I. in .-;-iI -Minty. on the tirst ilav
I of S.-'.t. Ta'..'-:-. 1:. an.! on t.f 2d dav
.ti, ..f i.l 'M.-.tiMn k ili-ccnscil. i I"rnl or. ll'ls, at niti- o'clock a. Jn..
: : . . " . . . . , r ..i . . i , . : . . ,
t nums of i r If-ir" at law ami tne; - ' '' i-, , 14 ni t-amu.c an
cianns iiKairt sain estate, with a vl-v
to t!.'i!- a.ljiitpuiit and allowance.
Vie time limited for the pn sentathm
?.f claims u train st said state is thrco
o,..f.! - from tl e first day of Septem
ber. A. !.. 1 ami the time limited
f r toe I a rnei.t of dehts Is six months
t;-:iri s;'d !it.-f day of Heptcmher, 191 S.
Witness mv hand and the peal of said
Corny Court, tiis :11st ilav of Jnlv,
l!ls. Al.hK.V .1. 1JKESOX.
C'otinty JimIk'1.
raska. ::nd for ai ori'er harrinr
prdal Attrntluo lii l)liiri.M of AVomrn
nyes Tested and Glasses Fitted
Night Calls Answered After Hoars
and Sundays by Appointment.
8. CO a. m. to 12:00 1:30 p. m. to 5:30
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Coat,- lllork
I' k i 2rs
Estrayel, four spring calves, tak
en up on my farm, 4 miles north
v.e t of Murray. Owner can have
property by proving ownership and
paying expense. ('. F. DeJunjr.
Saturday at the Arthur Klvver home.
Mr?. II. A. Hailey and son Ken
neth went to Lincoln Wednesday to
visit her daughter Miss Grace Iiailey
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Slothower,
and Mr. Robert Slothower of Lincoln
were visitins at the J. 1J. Elliott sr.
home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale IJovles and
Mrs. S. V.. Boyles returned, last
Thursday from their Colorado trip
via the auto route.
Mrs. Minnie "Whitman of Xew Or
leans. La., and Mrs. G. K. Fox of
Chicago, 111., visited Sunday and
Monday in Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Pier and child
ren of Ilastintrs, came in Monday to
visit Mrs. Ditr's sister, Mrs. J. A.
Shaffer and Mr. Shaffer.
Mr. and Mrs. ("has. G. Anderson
returned Monday evc-ninf? from But-
terfield. Minn., where they visited
relatives the past few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Hen Taylor and
The following proposed amendment
to the constitution of the State of
Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth ia
full, is submitted to the electors ot
the State ot Nebraska to be voted
upon at the general election to be
held Tuesday, November 5th, A. D.
Sec:ion one (1) cf Article seven" (7)
of the Constitution of the State of
Be it Resolved by the Legislature of
Front y and little daufthter accom
panied them to Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Taylor and fam
ily from Kewanee, Illinois, visited
at the Thos. Stout home from Wed
nesday until Monday. Mrs. Taylor
being a cousin of Mrs. Stout.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Klyver and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Taylor and
family, Mrs. Thos. Stout, Misses
Mabelle, Elsie and little Evelyn
Stout motored to Lincoln Friday af
Dan Skinner of this place and Mrs.
Xervia Knott of Kearney were mar
ried Aus. 9, 191S at Kearney, Neb.,
and came to Alvo Sunday where
they will make their home two
miles cast of town.
The B. E. Girls met at the home of
Miss Mildred Godfrey Aug. 6. After
the business meeting was over a new
member was initiated into the club
and after many games were played
the girls went home having had a
good time.
The Alvo Chautauqua closed Men-
day evening with a splendid pro
gram. I he live days entertainment
was greatly enjoyed by the large
audiences which were in attendance
at both the afternoon and evening
Chas. F. Rosenow left Saturday
for a visit over Sunday with his
brother Dan Rosenow in Omaha.
and from there he goes to Fremont,
to attend as delegate the state con
vention of the Rural Carriers which
is held there this week.
Fred Weaver motored up from his
home at South Bend, Tuesday morn
ing to visit his neice Mrs. A. Dier
Jianiaus t-JSok Its Mamreloxrs 'Motor
( X
the State ot Nebraska
Section 1. That Section One of Ar- 1 and family from Hastings, who are
tide Soven of the Conrtftutioa of the
State cf Nebraska Le and the same
hereby is amended by striding out the
following vurd3:
"Second. Persons of foreign birth
who sL.all have declared their inten
tion to become citizens comformably
to the laws of the United States, on
the subject of naturalization, at least
thirty days prior to an election."
And Inserting In the place of the
words so fctrickea, the following
"Second. Persons of foreign birth
who shall have become citizens of the
United States by naturalization or
otherwise conformably to the laws of
the United States at least thirty days
nrior to an election. 1
Sec. 2. That at the general elec-;
tion nineteen hundred and eighteen
(191S) there shall be submitted to the;
electors of the state for their approval:
The Point of Climax
in Sedan Design
r I lIE seven-passenger convertible type of sedan is given its finest
A expression in the current Chandler model. This is a truly handsome
car, most graceful of line, splendidly finished and upholstered. It seats
seven with extreme comfort when the two auxiliary chairs are in use.
The four doors give ready entrance and exit without confusion or dis
turbance. Mounted on the standard Chandler chassis, distinguished for its
marvelous motor, the sedan is most serviceable in all seasons. The
windows may be lowered into the body panels, or entirely removed, and,
at any moment, the car may be entirely enclosed if desired.
The Chandler car is offered in other attractive models. Nearly fifty
thousand Chandler owners know the extraordinary worth of the
Chandler car. .
Choose Your Chandler Now
Seven 'Passenger Touring: Car, S1795 Four-Passenger Roadster. S1795
Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, SI 87 5
Convertible Sedan. S249S Convertible Coupe. $2393 Limousine, S3095
All prices fob. Cleveland
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
visiting at the J. A. Shaffer home.
Mr. Dier accompanied him home
and will return via Ashland, to his
home at Hastings.
Mrs. Wm. Taylor returned Wed
nesday from Caldwell, Kans., where
she and Mr. Taylor will locate, they
having motored down last week.
They visited Camp Funston enroute
and saw Lee Clark who is faring
fine. She is shipping their goods
this week. Mr. Taylor will run the
city's electric plant.
All the children of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. P. Foreman were in attendance
at a fain if y reunion held at their
home Thursday, August 8, when
their son Joe Foreman was home
from Camp Eustis, Va. lie had a
or rejection the foregoing proposed tPn tlav frlough with a five day ex-
araenumeci io me cunsiuuuuu reiai-;
lng to the right of suffrage. At such
election, on the ballot of each elector
voting for or atjiiinst said proposed
amendment, shall be written or printed
the words: "For proposed amend
ment to the constitution relating to
the right of suffrage." and "Against
said proposed amendment to the con
stitution relating to the right of
Sec. 3. If such amendment shall
be approved by a majority of all
electors voting at sucn election, said
amendment shall constitute Section
One (1) Article Seven (7) of the Con
stitution of the State of Nebraska.
Approved, April 0, 1918.
Attest: Governor.
Secretary of State.
tension, leaving Omaha for Camp
Tuesday. Mrs. Grace Thuresson re
turned to Chicago Friday and will
entertain her brother Joe enroute to
Camp Wednesday. Mrs. Minnie
Whitman of New Orleans. La., and
her daughter. Mrs. Hazel Fox of
Chicago, were also in attendance at
the reunion.
To Pauline Oldliam. as Administra
trix of the estate of ;eorf?e J. OUlliam,
Oeceaseil: Kichard Conway Oldham:
'uzza J. Haker: Laeuna Connauy:
Pauline Oldham: Fay Oldham: John J.
ldham: Jessie I. Snyder: Kllison l
)ldli;im: James W. Oldham: Vera II.
Mdham: I'ollv Oldham: Mary I. Craig.
jnd all nersons interested tn the estate
of Jackson el. Oldham. Ieceased, in-
chiding ereditors and claimants.
You are hereby notified that on the
Jth dav of Slav 1!M8. plaintiff tiled a
oetition in the District Court of Cass
County. Nebraska, prayinff anion? oth
er l!un?s for an order to he entcifd
hv the court directing th administra
trix of the estate of lleiuK J. Oldham.
deceased, to convey to plaintiff the
Northwest Ouarter of the .Northwest
Quarter of Section thirty-one CM)
Township eleven (11) Kanse lourteen
(14 Cass County. Nebraska, upon the
payment of the balance of the pur
chase price in accordance with the
contract entered into between the
plaintiff and the said fieorge J. Old-
lam. during his lifetime, on the i:tn
lay of January, lais, and to have the
Itle to said land quieted as against
the defendant. All persons interested
in the estate of Jackson G. Oldham.
leceased, including creditors and
Yn are further notified there will
h hearing upon said petition at the
District Court Koom In the Court
House, at IMattsmouth Cass County,
Nebraska, on the 3rd day of September
1918, at the hour or ten o ciock a.
to nil of which, and the allegations of
the petition, you will take due notice.
Attorney. I'laintm.
Fine box paper ana correspond-1 Journal stationery room. You will
ence cards is the main line in tht find them the best in the city.
I : r TmXoe for the -I f
This Style of Underwear
has been found so comfortable
and so practical that many men
wear it the year round. Being woven instead of knitted,
it does not cling and stick to the body, but gives the pores
of your skin a chance to breathe.
Genuine B. V. D. Union Suits $1.50
Other Makes Athletic Union Suits, 75c,
"J7w B VD Company
E. Wescoifs Sons
Timothy $4.50 to $4.75 per bu.
Alfalfa $10.00 to $13.00 per bu.
We buy field seeds. Send samDles.
Nebraska City, Nebr.
John Todd. Tillie Todd, Susie Klnps
ley, James V. Kinsrslay, (Jalena Cotv
1I?it, "Win. A. Coiizer, Victor Tliom
fis, Diana Thomas Zella Kast-in.-in,
Jols n Kastnian. Sylvia Jloefer,
and Lawrence Iloefer, defendants,
will take notice that on the :ilst
day of July, 1918, Harrv O. Todd plain
tiff, herein, filed his petition in the Dis
trict court of Cass county, Nebraska,
against said defendants and others,
the object and praver of which are to
quiet the title In the plaintiff to the
Southwest Quarter. SV 1-4) of the
Southeast Quarter (SR 1-4) of Sec
tion Thirty (30), Township Ten (10).
IJansre Fourteen (14), In Cass County
Nebraska, on the grounds that said
tract or land was erroneously omit
ted from a deed, thereon by
O. Todd, sr., to his wife. Lydla
The State of Nebraska, Cass County,
ss. In the county court.
In the Matter of Kstate of Adam
W. Melslnffer. Deceased.
To the Creditors of Said Kstate:
You are Hereby Notified. That I will
sit at the Countv Court Hoom in
IMattsmoutlf in said County, on the 9th
dav of September, 1918 and on the 10th
day of December, 1918. at 10 o'clock
A. M. of each day to receive and ex
amine all claims apainst said Kstate.
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the
nresentation of claims apramst said
lOstate Is 3 months from the 9th day
of September Av D. 1918. and the time
l m ted for navment or aems is one
Year from said 9th day of September
Vitness my hand and the seal or
said County Court, this day of
August 1918. ALLEN J. 11KESON,
(Seal) ' coutuy .niupe.
By v lorence w line, uerK.
nt Xrbrnakn. Cnnx County, mm.
Levi I In the Matter of the Kstai of Gallant
sr.. to his wire. Lydia A. r Estate
lodd. or date of July 26th, 1905, and Yoil i,erebv notified that I will
recorded in book 4 5. naee 127. and al-lsit nt th Countv Court room in Platts
so for the reason that plaintiff and Ills I mouth. In said county, on the 29th day
predecessors tn title have had actual. I cf Ausrust. and 29th clay or xsovemoer.
open, exclusive and adverse possess- I a. D.. 1918. at nine o'clock a. m.. or
ion of said real estate for more than leach dav. to- receive and examine all
ten years last past. I claims against said estate, with a view
on are reouired to answer said dp- I to their adlustment ana allowance.
tltlon on or before the lfith dav of I The time limited for the presentation
September. 1918. I of claims against said estate is three
Dated this 31st day of July. 1918. I months, from the 29th day or August.
HAUnY G. TODD. A. IX. 1918. and the time limited ior
I5y D. O. DWYKrt, Ills Attorney.
mi :
East of Riley Hotel.
Coates Block,
Second Floor.
n-ment of debts Is one year from
said 29th day of August. 1918.
Witness mv hand and the seal or
said County Court, this 20th day of
Ji'lV. -i8- . ,t
County Judge.
jjg H-KI-!-!-:-H-:-"H-W-H-H'
Itching piles provoke profanity.
but profanity won't remove them.
Doan's Ointment is recommended for
itching, bleeding or protruding pile3.
GOc at any drug store.
The United States Government has called upon us to supply a large
quantity of socks for the Army and Navy and to apply the product of a
certain portion of our output exclusively to this purpose "whether such
output is already sold for delivery to the civilian trade or not, as these
goods are required tor the present emergency to properly clothe men in
the service."
(Extract from bulletin of Interwoven Stocking Co.)
You have been listening to "shortage of this, and
shortage of that," but had you thot of a shortage of socks?
We are advised we shall receive but 50 and 75 of
our sock orders and no Cashmeres. In view of this
shortage and increased cost of goods coming in we must
be compelled to raise the prices on all stacks, in the very
near future. Better supply your needs now you may
not get them at all later.
Interwoven Silks $ .75
Interwoven Extra Silks. 1.00
Lisle 40
Other grade 25, 30 and .35
Automatic Work Sock, 3 pairs 50
1 BsasaggJ