The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 15, 1918, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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. T"""g"AV AUGUST 15. 1018,
be plattsmouth journal
i;T,t,-ui! ;it J -st.rri e, I'la t ttmouth. Nil'., as ecorul-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Buy :i War Stamp.
::.te. aii'l we all live.
l..ii"li and r.row fat'
T. n " t tare.
'Me iiikI t'ott" w soon tliolvt
I IlXjVit
j. i rt i;Tship.
Siner tlif
i r i ir t he
discovery of wireless
l)us all want to K to
Ii thf Kaiser woiil'l put some
. : !' liis muis in c-oin maud d' arm
- it v. mild make our Uu-k e.n
.- I T.
- : (j :
-M.iiili;;t in t TTi t - is tva.
i: that don't i::ak any di lierenee
K-llows who art- in tin run-
S i' .-nple talk as if food r.m-
rvatinn was a hard.-hip. We have
. t .i the lirt pt-rsnn who has
.-!.;. illy ."i iio hungry because of i'
"t , a are not m j:..d rniMiin-:
!.... as 1 hey niiulit to he. 'I'll c
!'. trmiMe is tiny have to tep m
. . . - i M'f that their hat is oil
i r- '. pi to l.c v-i"
: i :, ' i r-. f.l j;i politic i hi--'
.r. I'll !:. n:- deeply i n ' r r- J !
: i !I .li(!.l'.''- l l-i" l'Ot pi-r Cent
'. . r;i .'.ti t.i '. t their rn'is.
i i
y i
1 an I
'! !: a!!
i i i ed t lit
i y. .: r .'.
I lis
: :'W
i I.
' r i i ; ; . ! v 1 -r
i i t i tor
.-u r. i sni'i
o l';n S;m;:.
1 to y-it dnwn to his
( i iw !' i le !1 Jia
- : n :
a.-.t 'c t h n i ri !
f 1 1 . I r.i i in- ! -l arh
'n t!ii I'r'd.iy niL.i t. I;
.! .-.'' a ft air. The parade
! : a m ;if',t; li th" la.ys who
t- lotii'irrnw. 'I'm-day.
.. -;'rr-i' !i !i:!s .- -r;.T hs in the
t t..:t ih p.irts fr ;ur scenes.
r. . l;,:ri'ow - - a r i'o'i'la'"- for
' ' i-i lim -rt'or fit tlii- r-p'il-
l "it. !! is " Mi ! I n;i It ill
i v n- .f tlo- I T iii ami va 1
r i f ti. V'-us lo r.- for a shall
. -. Hi- ;ii:ii!- !;;.'!iv fr:-mls htT'',
I -'"'oJ. ri-ii-iv'- i ry lip:: hi ira 11
Tlu sun now shines on our side t f
the 1'eiue.
(ttr boys keep on hitting goutl ami
hard over in France.
(lerr.ians are too busy saving their
liides to make much resistance.
Wo ate heirs of great happenings.
Snail e surrender our inheritance?
The IJ'irli'mtoTi crop report .says,
that the corn was damaged by the
hot wind.--.
There. is nothing in German that
can not hi- said better unit more
truthfully in English.
Fl it let t. hernia and nearsighted-
loss tioeMi t prevent a lot 01 young
fellows from dancing with the sold
ier hovs' sweethearts.
(Jive our hoys in the army and
navy every lighting chance. I 'Huge
Aourstlf ict save to the utmost of
your ability am! buy War-Savings
: o :
Win. S'oMaian, candidate for coni-
mis :oncr n il- second district.
shouhl be nominated and elected be-
r::::- he i.; veil flitted for the posi
tion. It.-ing a practical man in mat
ters 01" interest to the taxpayers I.e
The big shower of patriotism over
the Yankee victory at the -front
came just as the big" showers of rain
fell on the crops in America. Don't
both make a feller feel fine?
The last offensive of General Koch
against the Germans is described us
"using: the pincers again." Anyway,
he seems to have thrown a monkey
wrench into the machinery of the
Hun Army.
One by one the noble boys are
falling in defence of their native
land and humanity. Every mail
brings the sad news of some one or
two 0 our brave boys falling in
"Honesty is the best policy." That
is the very reason why Governor
Keith Neville should be nominated
and re-elected. He has been honest
and painstaking; in office and has
fulfilled his promise to the people of
will prov n
t ion.
I man in the po
AH candidates for office, both
state and county, should distinctly
understand that the nomination is
not equivalent Jo an election this
year. There is "many a slip be
tween the cup and the lip!"
The commander or a unit of Yank
troops on the west front informed
his superior officer that the Yanks
had to have some rest. "Why rest?"
asked the general. "Because they
are tired out trying to keep up with
the Huns," replied the unit com
mander. Yet we have been taught
these Huns were supermen invinci
ble in battle. That's what the
beasts wanted us to believe, but ho
many of the Yanks are from Mis
souri that they will take no man's
word that a thing is thus and so;
they must be shown.
Candidal for Republican domination
1 n .
;n ('; v i,iitv nr tin- noniina-
!;. vi.-i ri-r Known of a ral
Ui v T.-.-rH'ant wliii ti-vr advrrtfs-
.! . ' r i oiw: He w;i - annoyed
w i t M b. i'tli and v ,is ownor if a
V'afi rhnry watch: wIhmi Ik- was not
it, !'!-in:: wa. l'ti-v winding ti'"
v. A'-'aiu. ati un to farmer
"..;!! e'i l,ir- a man who v.iar; l;ic I
: :.'(.! wild a : Ir.nv hat. f"r wlo-ti h"
f .' larin;: hi; s!iii-:-- h H chasiii';
' V"-:-,r. - " -,V: t
Mi hat.
in cd
Wmn a fi Mow lords a frond: To
l.- ;. tr.ivilir-u man d inonsl ra t in z a
v i.-id. rful si lf starter for a starter
. s car. to have a big iovd around
'.'. car. and ti y-tart ihn starter and
i? won't start to ;--hfiVf and shove
;id work your font like a tteam
l.vrr and still nothing will happn
. to the crowd .smile whilo you
persp'ro and finally tr see them
Jninh and walk away and still you
pump with no result.
- .. : ; '-7mMm
. - . -' rv 'H -V' vr'tr.fjV:- .
-j A -.' SV?V.'.V'il1 . ' -i . :. Ti
M'W- 1
B.v,-V :- y.c- ;. !-',-"' i v k'.-V v& ,1
ictXAm , it m
Cnfarrh Cannot Ro Cured
rit'i !.0AI.' rrii.T!0.'S, as thr.y
r rn.t r--tti ns s-hi i n:-:
.:1-r is a Io.-al '!:' a. .. Krontly in--,j..n...i
b" con - tiMiti-iTi it :r.iition!. and
!-i r to cirfj it V"U Tri;?t t.i!:" an
t-t.r"--! rir';dy li.'s :.-t;;rrh Mi-
.'n "i.i ta'-i' H -tn-t arts thru
ti-.- t.i "! mn' -iik : ir'i' :c-i of tJi-': 'aUrr. MffJinrift wai
.ri ) ri- ! ! or." "f b't piiyt;;
s in;:ilT'V !' ....i...... i. ......
; .-i' :o:;? of 't"-c 1": r- ir:s k-own,
i r" vi M ret'i' ' tiia lsf. blooil
t iM'-'K'... I l "I ..". - -
... . . , . rro !u'-'- !-:. v.'o:jSuri h'-
-. -'.'i !-i'e:i" ha! C)U""i:Kr.3. .Sen t for
Tolcfo. O.
t, r Tr.-"ri..tion
For United Skies Senator
Congressman Sloan has a record Ion? and extensive enough to permit
of judgment by works as well as by words. He is no unknown quantity.'
He is a winning: candidate. . He has a political tally sheet which contains
not a single defeat. He is a loyal member of his party, devoted to its
principles and working in harmony with its leaders. He represents and
expresses party solidarity and in doing so is able to obtain those thing
in legislation which make" for the greatest general good. I
He has a congressional record that is eloquent in service well done.
He has risen to high ranks at Washington. There is no reason to assume
thnt he will belie his past achievements or rest under the laurels he has
already won. There is every reason to believe that if tho republicans of
Nebraska choose him as their candidate for senator and the citizens at
the later election ratify that choice by an election he will continue to
give to his state the same high order of faithful service that has distin
guished his congressional record.
For these reasons the Republican believes that Congressman Sloan
is the strongest senatorial candidate now before the people of Nebraska
and the republicans of the state should give him a stronj plurality vote
on August 20th. -The York Republican. . j
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the olhce of County
Commissioner, second commissioner
district, subject to the will of the
voters at the coming primaries on
August 20th. Your support will be
appreciated. WM. STOIILMAN.
1 hereby announce myself a candi
date for commissioner in the Second
district subject to the Primary to be
held on Ausust 20, 10 IS. It will be
impossible to see each and every
one personally, I therefore, solicit
your support at the Primary anil
I promise you if I am nominated
and elected to render an impartial
conservative and economical admin
istration, that each ward and pre
cinct shall have a just and equitble
distribution of improvements as far
as it lies in my power to give.
I am a candidate for the lower
louse of the legislature (eighth dis
trict, comprising of Cass and O'.oe
counties) on the republican ticket,
subject to the will of the voters at
the primary. August 20. 1 shall ap
preciate your support at the polls.
t;i:oRc,i: k. crownovkr,
Syracuse, Neb.
voters of the second Commissioner
District, at the primary which is
held August 20th.
Should I be elected it will be my
aim at all times to conserve the in
terests of the whole county. I solicit
the support f nil who believe in the
best for tho whole people.
tf Louisville, Neb.
To the Republican voters of Cass
county. I. C. F.. Maylield, have hied
for nomination for county commis
sioner subject to the decision of the
V ,'
1 Zmxui
vmum b. rose :
Bight years Assistant Attorney.
General. Ten years Judge of Supremo
Clark Perkins, tho well known pub-j
llaher. In Bpn.iklng of Judge Roe.
Bays: "He has weighed every ques-j
tlon on Its merits, formed his con-J
elusions fairly and expressed them'
courageously in his written opinions.'
An analysis of his record will show;
that It compares favorably with that,
of any Judge In the land." j
Three Judges of the Supremo Court
to be elected. Each voter may vole
for three. s i
Primaries Aug, 20 - Election Nov. 5.
i f f u
. jL . "V V
.6 O".. "TV
. ' jf i . .
:V 'W
l v.iA'Vj Jf, v .jt - f r7t V
5 ' v .ii ; ':.!.;
Judge Charles B. Leiton
His Experience is a
Valuable Asset
His Record Shows His Fitness
I havo filed for nomination on
Democratic Ticket for Representa
tive subject to the will of the votera
at the Primaries, August 20.
I am your friend,
li:gai ivotice.
In amounts from $100 to $1,000.00
or more. Interest payable quarterly.
For full information address Owner,
care Plattsmouth Journal. 23-2wsd-w
For earache, toothache, pains,
burns, scalds, sore throat, try Dr.
Thomas Eclectic Oil, a splendid
remedy for emergencies.
Notice to nor, Resident Defendants,
their unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in their estate.
To David Stotler, if living, if deceas
ed, liis unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in ids es
tate; tit'iUKO Stotler, Nettie Stotler,
Walter Stotler, Klla. W'ayant, Clarence
NVayant. Mary 1'opu and Joseph I'ope.
You nml cacii of you ate hereby notl
liid that Carey I-. Stotler, as plain
tiff, on the 10th dav of July !1S, tiled
hi petition in the J Mstrlcf. Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, wherein you
and eaeh of you arc defendants: the
b.ieet and prayer of which petition
is for the partition of
The Kast thirty-live (?!3V acres of
the Northeast Quarter of the South
east Quarter of Section nineteen (l'.O
Township ten (10) Kanp fourteen
(lt Kast 0th P. M. Cass County, Ne
braska. and the adjusting of tho claim of
plaintiff for Improvements by him
placed upon said premise.".
You and each of you are further
mditievt you are required to answer
said pi-tiiioii mi or before Monday the
I'JIrd day of September. 1H1S.
C. A. i:.VI.S. Plaintiff.
. X torney.
i.i:j i, MiTirK.
To Pauline Oldham, as A dm i n ist ra -tiix
nf the estate f (Jeore J. Oldham,
Peceased: Kiehard 'on way Oldham:
Cu.z.-i J. liakcr: Larunii Connally:
i'auliue Oldliaai: Fay Oblharn: John J.
Oldham: Jessie . Snyder: Kllisoti 1
oidham: James W. Oldham: Vera Ii.
Oldham: Polly Oldham anfl Mary I
Crvifu: are hereby notified that othe
County. Nebraska. PW-ntS ab2nterel
er things 'or n order to d
by the court directing theaa n
trix of the estate of erf J1 'uff Lots
deceased, to eonvey to ptalnuri
-t Witt zx P-c&
price n accordance with the contract
entered into between the plaintiff and
the said GeorKe J. Oldham, during his
life time on the 10th day of September
"you are further notified that there
will be a hearins upon eald Ptf,n :
the District Court Room h "r,1
House at Plattsmouth, Cass Count,
NebiaAku. on the Srd day of September
iail'of HvPhlihUadf t'lfe" allUons ?f
ineetition. you wll, uot,,ce.
C. A. P.AWLS. Plaintiff.
J22-6 wks.
Are you already for Chase county
Sunday evening? Wo are coins
apain Sunday evening, and would
like to have you go along. There is
some good land for sale in this coun
ty at the right price. See W. E.
Roscncrans about the trip.
Wall Parw, Faints, Glass, Pictor
Framing. Frank Gobelman.
"Kaiserites" and the "Bolsheviks
United States Senator
Every one-hundred per cent American, regard
less of birthplace or blood, should help nominate
Metcalfe at the
Primaries Tuesday, August 20th
Bloomincton, Neb., July 25th, 1918.
To ihc Loyal Democrats of Nebraska:
As the father of two boys, all that I have, who arc now
fighting at the front, and in behalf of these boys and the
thousands of other boys who are making similar sacrificesf
I appeal to you to nominate Richard L. Metcalfe as the
democratic candidate for United States Senator. When
men like Roosevelt are loosing their boys, and men like ex
Mayor Mitchell are giving their lives in this struggle, our
duty is plain to put none but the loyal on guard and our
candidate for United States Senator must be a hundred
per cent American.
As a democrat Iwant the democratic party to stand by
our boys, both now and when the war is over, by nominat
ing a man for Senator who is mentally capable of dealing
with the great questions that will have to be settled as well
as one whose loyalty is firm and unflinching. We must
not nominate a man for this high office who opposes the
President's war measures, fought the selective draft and
sought to prevent the soldiers going to France.
With Metcalfe as our nominee wc will have the sup
port of every loyal democrat. Let the others go to Berlin.
Respectfully yours,
This letter was written without the know
ledge or solicitation of Mr. Metcalfe and this
space is paid for by one-hundred 'per cent Amer
icans of Cass county.