The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 12, 1918, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    . 4
f AHZ 10 HE.
MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1913-
he plattsmoistb journal
Kntt nU at !,: totfUo, riattsmouth, Ntl)., as second-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Nm quite m warm.
Cud "lii-liU help some.
Tiie ice dealer is liapjty.
Jkv is the apple crop, anyway?
Pr.-iir t y rii'Iit on with profit
V haven't seen any home jirown
! . 1 rs n the market yet.
Ii' politics is roll v 11 it is because
"-m.iI" eiti.ins fail to vole in
-: o : -
.e Iaf in iced that liuht re
f r. !,i!)mit : lighter and lighter
.1 l.vl 1 'lnrtii'iis th-se Mi;:arlo-s
': i -i- an -r;'.' i;- caiidUJate; for
t ( !.. !rt.'.-:ir..-r. rr' crd'. r. reprcseii
a':1' l'r,-t di.n't M-'iii h;ie
.;; ..pp.-ion in this primary.
'i al;-' i':n i not :ititlod
. t.t- ii:iit" in tin- primary or
!') ii. i'U't it will j.ruw-roii-
fi r the man who attempts
' . !... t!i- (I. , at ions conferr:"I
: i; (, t ; i iM (rown prince as a
i of 'us military e:Torts, that
. '1 ii": -ar t" .-'iinl !.y (Jvv.cral
'!. i i i. t of ! i n nil?"'.! hy the
' . i ' I - n : a '. "M os.
' .r :'! . I raio- wo !-
; ' v. .'!'! add r. Tin, e! ami ef
! i . ! .:'irr to tin.- tcrtnro if tho
!!; '. I-;'ii; a li ;ori n-oiit of
-I, i :!m.L;rrs over there and
; i .tv: (Im-im lot on th-ni.
.:.r are a'- in tho far N'orth-
- is -.,! t. 1. on t!'o way. litre's
I ; i : t ' i." r Mr. .Mi-A.i.Mi's tltr.f
t "at; a ! r! ii!M!t will ive i!
I - n i-e aiid a el; ar tra'k for
' !'.:'. r (" this n -ii. iiinent .
: o :
'ii f fa:! to v (, for John H.
''or! id for l"nited States Seiia
f " .' priieaiy Tio.'.-'Li y. Anpn
1'- rra'I- a splendid governor
; 1 ' :. i'l ; -oo t;,i riht man iti
' t n-Iit plao.- in th'' I'nito.l Ftutes
(' KiM.-cvr'i's I'oiirth of
1', !. rat ion i.f a poiioy to "M-at
; ? m:ni to per knee-" ynpjiets a
!-:.i:! t'.it may k.Ttio popular.
"(Ii f!',;i!iv on lo r V.imos h-inp for
P-are woul.l make poodle a peaee
that Mii!d I;Kt."
"l!o- imoM jokt" of the yc;ir has
1 11 tl.o government order to
! -.v.-;. iti' rs to sa" paper. The pov-
i!'."m-.i? rt'otjuh pr:per every
' ..r -.,r-t- than wastes it. f-ir it
( '!'. 11 r.- it w or! ly loit al-
'.- : out through the mails a
. : rt ! r ro r f moivy nouuli pa-
I- r ! run hilt the t:'w.-i;!i'Th in
ttme ynti :lih a Thrift
- V,'.;r S'4vin:.: S'amp oi oiir rard
e r il'i" v t-i vonrs-df
t'. h.- Tereive'l l'l'"r V. i t h iltrf.t.
' o-i-.ii,:' i;i t :: '.- .,:m'h is jojnt? to
l.e i.rffc tt-in "eti?is t i'i"''.v from
lie (." for v. :? h he it.ony r;ines
ti.r. r'-T'iindr fimt you ot. t ri hut '-d
f thr- preat vietory whieh (lien
will have C'i frmplrtely won.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
th hOCAh ArrL":..Tl')N.s, m thry
ia"ifil rach 'ho s-at of ttio lwafu
e.i'arr u lo al i'.r-'H.ti. irrr'atly in
H i- n'fl bv cfiisi'.iitiai.t! ':i;'l:t;nns, an-1
ip r i r 'o c'ro ii rrvist an
irf rnal r'-m-dy M '.!'': 'a':irrh Me1i-r-it.c
is taVrn ir.ternait ar,. ac'3 thru
t:-oti-"t 1 "-. tfio moooii-j 'irt.T-e? ot the
' ?!.. 1! :II's Catarrh .'.tciinrft
r.r'-.-'-ri'vci by ore of t'.ir ;tiyoiclan3
r. fm i" for yoar.;. It is 00m-1-..S--
: of j.-.rr.e th b'-ft 'or : : known. Aitli r-nr:t of ti e i tsf Ltoml
,. Ojiers. V.:' t-'1"''1"' '''i'ltton
t.0"; .-,i"iTt.j 5.1 ilP'.Vr .' .tat.
"-,. 1.- v-t "rifi: r'.'-n v. ei,,5,.vf
i 01 .it?.-r'l.i: i-Kiciitioiij. itn l for
'."j?t"'i',:s.r.v '.-. rrr"-. Toi'.-ii. c.
"Crazy with the heat" is a, very
common expression these tlaj'S.
Help your Covernnient ami your
self at the same time buy war-sav
ing stamps.
Speaking of camouflage; when
see two women kiss each other
that's real camouflage.
Slander travels faster than tho
shells from that German puii that
shoots seventy-four miles.
Some married woim 11 are so weak
that thev allow their husbands, to
keep part of their salaries.
Jitt think how warm the primary
lampaiuns m it lit have trow n if
politics hadn't been adjourned.
When out in society we discus;;
the situation from Swlssins to Iionz;
v. hen in the teietranh room, lrum
Soizous to lieems.
One of the hardest, things to per
uad a palriotie sirl of is that it's
better to bo a ;ood dish washer than
a poor ambulance driver.
Some people spend half their time
in worrying over that which doe;
not concern them, and which is not
of t he slightest importance.
German newspapers are sarcastic
hut the American troops in Fraina
--much more sarcastic than the
German soldiers facing the Ameri
cans are.
The doil people who argue in
t!iiir loni; faced way that the
v ar proves Christ ianitv a failure'
seem to overlook the fact that we're
toiiii; to lick- 'em.
If some candidates are defeated
at the primary one week from next
Tuesday, it may be because the vot
ers don't know that thev are in the
running. Announcements are in
A farmer not a thousand miles
from I'lai t smeuth has advertised in
vain for the loser of a watch he
found in his melon patch. The loser
probably fears that if he claims th"
walch he will pet more time than lie
v ants.
I'eminino knowledge of mechanic
is spreading to fields hitherto un
known. Women have long been
able to do a multitude of things
with hairpins. J'.ut last Weduesday
a woman dut; her way out of a
Missouri jail with a nail file.
11 you actually knew that by buy
ing only lhn;o Ihinss you absolute
ly to eded and by pulling your sav
ings into War Savings Stamps you
could t;ave lives, would you do it?
Take the word of the President that
you do save lives when you do this.
Merchants should be more prompt
m present inp their bills. A drus
ist in this town presented- a youtiK
nan with a bill two years old the
first part ff the bill was a charg"
Tor a box of chocolates and on the
latter end .vas a charge for a nurs
ing bottle. How time does fly!
Ilon. W. B. Ran n in?, of thia
county is a candidate for Lieuten
ant Governor on the democratic
ticket. Mr. liannin? has served
several terms in the Nebraska sen
ate, and no one has ever made a
better record. He is a clean man.
and when it comes to serving the
people he is always right. He should
carry Cass county by a large vote,
and we prophe-sy that he will be
nominated. Ho has the ability to
preside over the senate with honor
to himself and credit to the people.
From the battle iiclds in France
there comes an unspoken call that
should find an answer in every
American's heart. The recent great
events in Kurope, the successes of
American arms on the fields of
France should spur every American
to greater effort.
Our people at home should not
rest on the laurel of our soldiers in
France. Fvery death on the field
of honor in the line of duty and for
our country's cause should be a call
to us for every sacrifice and every
exertion to aid the cause for which
our soldiers are fighting, for which
our soldiers have died.
Increase production, decrease con
sumption, save, and lend to the gov
ernment. Kvery cent lent to the
United States is used to support,
strengthen, and aid our soldiers in
A German arrested in New Jersey
had a wireless outfit on his farm and
is suspected of communicating with
submarines. Tlu offense, if proved,
ks of the gravest sort. It would be
perfectly possible for a message to
be sent by wireless that would re
sult in the death of hundreds of
If the government has the evi
dence the man ought to be put to
death. There is no doubt the Ger
mans regard our humanitariauism
with derision. The Karl of Denbigh
is quoted in the Atlantic Monthly a;
repeating to the House of Lords a
statement from the German ex-
chancellor. Prince Hohenlohe: "Votir
people think we admire you with
your principles of humanity. Wo
don't. We think you are a lot of
damned fools."
The shooting of a few Germar
-pies in America would be a salutary
warning 10 a" people who re gar'.
mercv as a sign 01 cotiM-nipum'
weakuess. Kansas City Star.
The truth as to tiie brilliant ac
complishments of the United States
in the war is well stated by the Ar
my and Navy Journal, an organ of
the two services not subject to olli
eial influence which says emphat
ically that we have shattered a Ger
man delusion. We have shattered
sonic other tilings also, and this is
t he explanation :
Our army officers and our nav
officers have been able to accomplish
the enormous tasks that are to their
credit chiefly for one reason. asid
from their native ability. This is
that for the first time in one of our
wars the civilian has been forced
to keep his hands away from our
professional soldiers and sailors.
Never until now have our mili
tary enterprises been exclusively in
charge of trained men. Never until
now have the ttrindent-voiced war
riors of congress and the cross-roads
been ignored. Never until now have
the scheming politicians with their
tralogic campaigns and their long
lists of candidates for generalship
been set aside. We have had the
usual number of sclf-a'ipointcd he
roes, but they have not been allow
ed lo interfere with the program.
For this achievement the country
is under obligations chiefly to
President Wilson, Secretary of War
llakcr and Secretary of the Navy
Daniels. All three have been assail
ed, one. as an academic person, the
second hs a pacifist ami the third as
a lubberly country editor. Yet they
have been wise enough to insist
that all purely military matters
must le under control of trained
soldiers and sailors, and what has
been accomplished already com
mands tho admiration of the entire
world. New York World.
The Germain- now call t tie Amer
ican soldiers "Satans," says a Lon
don dispatch. Which indicates what
the Yanks have been giving them
in France.
The watch on the Rhine has noth
ing on the alarm clock on the Marne
Some years ago a good deal of
worry was caused by an announce
nient by the agricultural depart
ment that the "carry over" amount
of wheat was very small and that if
a good crop was not secured for the
coming harvest, disaster might fol
low. Now the department says that
the normal consumption require
ments of the exporting countries are
increasing with the growth of pop
illation instead of diminishing that
some losses in storage and transit
may be expected to continue; and
that it is highly desirable that a
surplus should be accumulated a1
Insurance against partial crop fail
ure next year.
Every Nebraska farmer should
take note of these announcements
and sow every acre of. wheat that it
is possible for him to get into the
ground. That is just as necessary
"war work" as the building of ships
or increasing the number of troops
in France. The tune lor tall w licit
sowing is near at hand and every
paper in the state should draw the
attention of farmers to the facts
presented. That is all that is neces
sary as far as the farmers are con
cerned. They will do their full du'y
in the future as in the past. With
the tractor in operation, the plant-,
ing of wheat is wholly machine
work. Seed and tractors is all the
farmers need to produce the biggest
crop ever raised in the state. It
will be to the interest of bankers
and everybody else to see to it that
the farmers get them. World Her
ald. :o:
1. 1.4; 1. Minn:.
Tn Pauline Udham. as A -Ini i u ?- 1 1 1 -trix
of tl'e ist:ilf of ;-orire J. i.i'ito'i.
I 'eeeastil : tiieliard Conway lUiaia:
Cu..a .1. Halter: Tao'min Connall'-:
Catiline i 't.lliaai : liv iHithain: .lohti .1.
ol.iham: .Jessie I . Suv.lii: i:ilis"ti I
!. -am: .liimes V. (Klliam: Vera M.
ti!i!lintn: Polly Olahaiu .-inl Mary I..
("rata: ,
Yon are lierel.v not iti.. J dat n tit.
Jl'iel day of May t!'t plultttiif til-l ;
petition in tlie )iti ii Court of C;:
County. Nebraska., fravlng anions; 0U1
r tilings for an or. lor to l.e
'.v the court I'.ireit iti'-r the ndinifii-t 1 : -f.i
of the estate of Corue .1. oiillim".
.J.-eeasil. to convey to plaintiff I.ots
one 1 atol two J) ami all of Lots
three CIl ami four (4 nt taken I v
-!., Avenue, in Hloik One Hu'flr- tl
Sixty-lour (lt4 City of Pla 1 1 sinoii t ii,
"as-s Coutitv, Nebraska, upon the oav-
ra. tit of the balanc e of the purchase
price in aci-or.ta toe w itTi the contra- '
eiitere.l into between the plaintiff ami
the said Coerce .1. OMh.mi. .luril-g his
life time on the loth Cay of S. j.U ml... r
You are further notitic.1 that theie
will be h bearinir upon sai.l petition ;t
the I'istriet Coui Poom In I lie I'ourl
House, at Plettsinout h. Cmss Count v.
Nebraska, on the Urd ilav of S, t teml. r
at the hour of ten o'clock A. M
lo all of which ami the allegations of
(lie petition vim will take ilue imiii .
C. A. HAWKS. Plaintiff.
.J .:-, w ks.
Wall Pajxv, Paints, Glast, Picture
riming. Frank Goblman.
The following proposed amendment
to the constitution of thn State of
Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth in
full, is submitted to the electors of
the 'State of Nebraska to be voted
upon at the general election to be
held Tuesday, November 5th, A. 1.
Section one (11 of Article seven (7
of tho Constitution of the State of
Be it Resolved by the Legislature of
the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. 'That Section One of Ar
ticle Seven of the Constitution of thfl
State of Nebraska be and the same
hereby is amended by finking out ti e
following words:
"Second. Persons of foreign birth
who shall have declared their inten
tion to become citizens comformably
to the laws of the United States, on
the fiubject of naturalization, at le-t
thirty days prior to an election."
And Inserting in the place of 1he
words so stricken, the following
"Second. Persons of foreign birth
who Phall have become citizens of the
United States by naturalization or
otherwise conformably to tho laws of
the United States at least thirty day 3
prior to an election.
Sec. 2. That at the- ;-ncral ele-v;
tion nineteen hundred and eighteen
(1918) there shall be snbmitted to thV
electors of the mate for their approval
or rejection the fores-Dins propose!
amendment to tho constitution relat
ing to the right of suffrage. At such'
election, on the ballot of each elector,
voting for or against said proposed
amendment, shall be written or printed
the words: "For proposed amend
ment to the constitution relating ti
the right of auffroge,' and "Against
said proposed amendment to the con
stitution relating to the right of
Sec. 3. If such amendment shall
be approved by a majority ot all
electors voting at such election, saii
amendment shall constitute Section
One (1) Article Seven (7) of the Con
atitution of the State of Nebraska.
Approved, April 0. 1318.
Attest: Governor.
Secretary of State.
Notice to nor. Jtesident Defendants,
their unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in their estate.
To David Stotler, if living, if deceas
ed, li is unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
ail other persons interested in his es
tate; Cleoi-fje Stutter. Nettie Stotler.
Walter Stotler, Ml la Wayant. Clarence
YVayant. Mary Pope and .Joseph Pope.
You and each of you are hereby noti
fied that Carey I,. Stotler. as 'plain
tiff, on the 0th day of .July PUS, tiled
his petition in the Itistrtct Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, wherein you
and each of you are defendants; the
vb.ieot and praver of which petition
is for the partition of
The Hast thirty-live acres of
the Northeast Quarter or the South
east Quarter of Section nineteen pi)
Township ten (10) liunsc fourteen
t Kast tith P. M. Cass County, Ne
braska. and the adjust in? of the claim of
"plaintiff for improvements by him
placed t1pi.ii said premise.-.
You and each of vim are further
notitied you are required to answer
said petition on or l-elore Monday the
"j;'rd dav of September, p'ls.
CAKKY I,. st(ti.i:i:.
C. A. PAWLS. PlaintilT.
A t lorney.
In amounts from $100 to $1,000.00
or more. Interest payable quarterly.
For full information address Owner,
care Plattsmouth Journal. 23-2wsd-w
Read the Journal Ads It Pays
The "Kaiserites" and the "Bolsheviks
For United States
Every one-hundred per cent American, regard
less of birthplace or blood, should help nominate
Metcalfe at the
Primaries Tuesday, August 20th
This letter was written without the know
ledge or solicitation of Mr. Metcalfe and this
space is paid for by one-hundred per cent Amer
icans of Cass county.
in-r its popularity as an attractive tourist locality. Colorado rasorts are
quickly and economically readied.
THE CODY GATEWAY OPENED: Yellowstone l ark tourists
will be pleased to know that the Cody scenic automobile road 10 Yellow
stone I 'ark is in operation. Autos, in connection with the -"Permanent
Camp Way," leave Cody every iHorninj at 8 o'clock for the Canyon.
GLACIER NATIONAL PARK, seenically famous, the climax of
llocky. Mountain "randeur, will he open throughout the Summer.
The usual resorts ami ranches in the li Horn Mountains, the Black Hills and
alon;.' the Cody Koad through the Absaroka Mountains are all open and wil
1004 Earnam
Bloomington, Neb., July 25th, 1918.
To the Loyal Democrats of Nebraska:
As the father of two boys, all that I have, who arc now
fighting at the front, and in behalf of these boys and the
thousands of other boys who are making similar sacrifices,
I appeal to you to nominate Richard L. Metcalfe as the
democratic candidate for United States Senator. When
men like Roosevelt are loosing their boys, and men like ex
Mayor Mitchell are giving their lives in this struggle, our
dut' is plain to put none but the loyal on guard and our
candidate for United States Senator must be a hundred
per cent American.
As a democrat I want the democratic parly to stand by
our boys, both now and when the war is over, by nominat
ing a man for Senator who is mentally capable of dealing
with the great questions that will have to be settled as well
as one whose loyalty is firm and unflinching. We must
not nominate a man for this high office who opposes the
President's war measures, fought the selective draft and
sought to prevent the soldiers going to France.
With Metcalfe as our nominee wc will have the sup
port of every loyal democrat. Let the others go to Berlin
Respectfully yours,
;ive you a most hospitable welcome.
Choose your locality and let us assist you.
R. W. CLEMENT, Local Ticket Agent
S. TJ. HOWARD, Immigration Agent, C. B. & Q. R.R.
Omaha, Nebraska
I 4 '