The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 05, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY. AUGUST 5, 1918.
Take Care f the
Victory Machine
The farm tractor will win the war against
food shortage. 1 500 have been sent to
France. Thousands are fighting for food
victory in America. To make yours do
its full share, keep it properly lubricated.
Gas Engine Tractor Oil
is especially manufactured to meet the unique
lubricating requirements of heavy duty, Uero
s:ns and heavy fuel burning tractor engines.
h has the body and the lubricating qualities
that keep compression tigfc. deliver the ut-.
most power to traction wheels or belt. It will
keep your engine running smoothly.
Fill your oil tank with Stanolind Gas Engine
Tractor Oil and cut down your carbon troubles.
Find out what your tractor can do when it is
properly lubricated.
( Nebraska)
, :n".- !" rci'i M i? :-hmary
,;v ward llt'an r.- f
; :. I". ':';. ':: h I I a jis.t meet
i:i the church
: . . ,: a was the open-
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: . i i.; n: n. tr ;:;?r. :r cf the rn.t
r- Mr.. r - a very
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Mrs. C. V
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'i' ti:. r ir :; ,.i ii:,. raitrds at the
: ! I-..-..- j-v I iiea t V y !iad .!.
p. ' tl :r '',!:. tlry w n- itivii-
' '.' il.- c'liircli p-ri '-s
t .r''r.e i-i i I. waf'-rs a';d
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.it;. I v. ill .' , ) !i , r.-f .
iJnt.rrri-jf tor irmnial
j j- i ' - i ; .o 'a v'' y - : r j , ' r .n.l ; . r- t''!i;-l hcaii'y. Coll i,,i O lavoit.T are
THE CODY GATEWAY OPENED: veiiow-,,,:,, .wrK,ru
will i- .i-5,d to l:t,''.v ' tlm'.'oiiy aulomohilo fo.i to Vcdlow
tonP'tU i- in ojiiratioti. Autos, in connection iti. Ilo- "1 Vi manenl
i.'aD".'.i;." I' ;ivr Coii) --.em ii oi nin'at S o'clock fiv the t 'am on.
GLACIER NATIONAL PARK, scenicallv f:iijo:is. the d in i. of
IJo. kv MoiinLain grander, will he open throtthont the Summer.
1 h- -i-iiiil i -oi a i.d ranches in the Ui"; Hor n Mounlaine, lht Kiack L'iJIs ar.d
a!('f'r 1 ' ' "'i ' Ko:ul tl.r"j'li the Abstiroka Mountains are all open and wil
: 'ii'Hiir .:
P i? ?1
l-'ri-i.! 's l:iily.
'.lev. I-:. T. tlcorge. . the presiding
.'.I.,- r" 'hi- district of 1 1 1 Metho-!;.-t
church was in the city last
cvtnir.s r.nd hold quarterly con-;
ur n-;. a::I this morning departed
for rniv.r.-iiy Place, where he will
;-:r :.! ho Epv.orth Assembly which
i- j'S--' lw.-s:nr.i:is: :;t this time. Rev.
and T. A. Tr;i5cctt accoiupan-
U d !-lev. Geurjii'. who made th trip
in hi- ear. lie v. Truseott and wife
'v ill remain durinj; the session f
; Ar semhly.
Krm i"i iday"i luily.
' J. I!. Thrasiier who is one of the
i t';- atliiur land mrks of this city, aud
jui 'i ha -5 made his home here for a
1' 'i;.' time, hat uiio for the past few
' y - ;.rs made his home most of
j ?!.. tiin-- in lK.r J.odye. .Morsl.. tame
! ; " v. I-. ; fiuc to visit with
J his mi. ay frh-nis here and enjuy
I I h" ;i uciati(.;; of the old town,
' ;- ' ' y ' d nntil this time in order that
he coald c(K'rate his hirtlulay with
his fri'MwN. II is !iirthdav occurred
today, l:e 1-eit;.'? 7S years of arv and
d and strong fit tl:i:t: a fine Ind-
lati he is too. Here's wis hit: ft that
on !n: liv. that much longer.
i. .vi i i:.
T .- .-'t;.i. .1 N.' I t:i . "Miiity,
.-. In l..' t'.i.inty 'ju:l In ll.- in:it
.i .-!;:(- :" .'aii!iie U l.-in. !,-
':i i i,.5i; ;i :i't liliiir tin- j.titiim of
V .!. S(!.i;M in;i-,iii tiiiir in i n i. -
I'.ili ! !' it- im;iv l.' ru'ttt'd
! ! i i : .'.'I in i 11 isl ! at .r.
i ! i !. Tii:tt Ai'uii-t l'.tli - . I .
;:t ... j... k . .M .. is ;s! fur
1 i.iinu s:t;.l I . 1 1 i i , . v t ri ;itl ersn
int. r -ii a in 'Mii n.;ii;. m;iv ,i;.(i ;.r
I " 1 1 1 1 ' - I'.. i. it ti l- In lil in ;iiiI
! r v;. ii i'.,i.-:'. :iinl .-l.i.w can-c why
11. .!;i'.-i nf : t iMiiM- st.i.ehl n"t !
i'il'll,-il; .11:.', Ii;;it rK'li... Of llif .ll.l-
:n v of : i i I iM'titien :mt l -ai :rii;
1! . I... LTivifi to ;t i I i'..-.ot:s ii-KT-,-:'.
I in Mini iii.itl'-r l.v .u 1.1 -. i j, m ;i
i ..p-.- ,.f tl is nt'.ii-r i;i I ; ri.OI.-mnuth
-I : i ; :i !. Sim i -"V -)i 1 '- in-. - ;-"-
!iiiii.. .11 .- .-l I . (..iinty. lor T I i i sii.-.!..-
ivi !!;, l rior to .jl .ia-. of
', ,i iTi'i :r.
t';H-l 17ti- filv.
ai.i.i;. .i. i tio ..
J K-. County Ju.lgi:.
Raml-McNallv war reaps Tor nh
it hp Jonrnal office.
jTivo ou :i most l.oii al le welcome.
t;oi;- jour Iir-i it' Htul J.-t a-i.-t on.
R. W. CLEMENT, Local Ticket Agent
S E. :r07AT.B. Imrjrgration A-cut, C. B. & Q. R.R.
1CG1 rp.rnari Street OmaLa, Ilcbrailia
From Friday's Dally.
Mr. Guy Kimball and MiSo Lil
lian Kuuz. both from near Kim wood
were in the citV this morning, driv
ing over in the cool of the day and
secured from the clerk in the otlice
of the county clerk, a license to
marry, and after having looked af
ter some business matters in the city
returned to their home in the wes
tern portion of the county, where
they vill be unitud in marriage this
evening. Iloth the young lady and
the groom are of the best families
of Western Cass county and were
born and grew to man and woman
hood in that vicinity and have a
host of friends there with whom
the Journal joins in wishing tho
newly married couple much joy. and
prosperity in this life.
From Friday's Daily.
The young ladies of the Olson
Photo t'o. studio here on the occa
sion of the departure of one of the
members of girls who have been em
ployed there, r.'iss Muriel Hurt hold
for i.y.Koln. where she wl'! uake
her home for j time, gave her a
farewell reception. The young la
dies had a very enjoyable time and
a little rest which added to the
pleasure of the evening-
From Friday's l;ily.
Al Tolander who has been innloy
td in the Western Machine and
Foundry company, while assisting
in setting a heavy iron bar for a
boiler got his lingers under the edge
of the base, with the result that
two fingers on his Ieit hand were
badly lacerated, and he is compelled
to retrain from work until they hav
gotten well.
We take this method of cxpre.sin
our most sincere thanks for the
manv acts of kindness shown by
our friends and neighbors during
the illness and death of our hus
band., father, son. and brother. We,
also, wish to thank the employes of
the Huriington Freight simp and
friends for tho beautiful floral tri
butes. MRS. KAKL t I1YDK.
The Stale of Nebraska. Cass t'unu
ty. .ss. In the County Court. In the
Matter of the Estate of Cits Splitt
Sr.. Deceased. To the Creditors of
said estate:
You are hereby notified. That 1
will sit at the County Court Room
in Flaltsmouth in said County, on
August 12th. lyiS. and November
14th. 191S. at 'J o'clock a. m. each
day to receive and examine all claims
against said Estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said Estate is three
mouths from the ll'th day of Aug
ust A. 1). IftlS. and the time limited
f ;r payment of debts is one year from
i-aid 12th day of August. 1'jlS.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 12th day of
J'uly. 10 IS.
;.",-4wks County Judge.
"li : n iii;iiim,.
Ill II, ('o'.ltity -oiilt of
.iii.l y ,
In li...,-!- of Hi.- tit 1 1- of
lii'iii i, a. I . , , as,-.) :
To ;. ,. int. r. sicil in s.ij.l -
.H.-. ..-. hi,. i s T I - i i- v i.i l:.w:
o.i h,.,v 1 1 ... I i li... 1 at Williiim
":. K-i'l luiw lis .. liti. m in tm
;""U. .-, II, xir.x 1 tint .Mulll.t.i Kssick.
'-' "r :iil oiMil. ini.-stiitf. in
-ill.l ...,,,,! , ;,.,,,. t tl(. -, ,,
i.T, m!..r. l!!t:".. I I i II 1. .vj.l.lll iltl.l
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"' "f I''' r-'llo;-. iu; .!:-, i i ;, . s-
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I';.''. ,,. j.x
JOHN M. I.i;vi., fa l',till,ir
A good ttofy -At.rk team. Weight
ibout 2:$0 11,.. Al-n. an auto trail
er. Mjuipp J win, Tlinkin Roller
bearinH. S,ti(J rultbr -1 i inch
tires. A. O. Ault, fdar Creek,
INebr. 7-28-2tw
General DuPort of Sixth Army Corps
Praises Splendid
Washington, i). C. Aug. 2. Trib
ute to the valor and lighting efli
tiency of the Forty-second (Kain
how division of the American army
hy Ceneral DuPort, commanding the
French Sixth army corps in Lor
raine, to which tiie Forty-second was
attached until the middle of last
June, is contained in general orders
issued hy the French commander,
holding farewell to the Americans
when they set out for the hattle
front on tho Aisne-Marne linei
where they arv today.
The text of the order follows:
'Headquarters Sixth Army Corps,
June 15. 191S:
"Six Army Corps, Ceneral Order;
No. ro.
"At the moment when the Foiiy
second United States infantry divi
sion is leaving the Lorraine front.
Hie commanding general of the
Sixth army corps desires to do hom
age to the line military qualities
which it 1ms continuously exhibited
and to the services which it h:s
rendered in the ilaccaral sector.
"The offensive ardor, the sense for
the utilization and the organization
of terrain as for the laison for the
arms, the spirit of method, the disci
pline shown hy all its officers and
men, the inspiration animating them,
prove that at the first call they can
luneeforth take a glorious place in
the new line of hattle.
"The commanding general of the
Sixth army corps expresses his tleep
ct gratitude to the Forty-second di
vision for fts precious collaboration.
He particularly thanks the disting
uished commander of this division.
Ceneral Menchcr. the officers under
his orders and his staff so brilliantly
directed hy Colonel MacArthur.
"It is with sincere regret that t'ae
entire Sixth army corps sees the
Forty-second division depart. Hut
the bonds of affectionate comrade
ship which have been formed here
will not be broken:- for us. in faith
ful memory, are united the living
and the dead of the Ilainbow divi
sion. I hose who are leaving for hard
combats and those who. after having
nobly sacrificed their lives, on the
land of the now rest there,
guarded over piously by friends.
"The sent inmn's of warm- esteem
will be more dieply affirmed dur
ing the impending struggles where
tii" fate of free peonies is to be de
cided. ".May our units, side by isde, eon
tribute valiantly to fiir triumph of
justice and right.
Ceneral MacArthur. if was learn
ed oliicielly tn.iay. has now been or-d'-red
bark to the Tinted States to
command a brigade of the new divi
sion to be organized at Camp
Meade. Md. lie already has been
decorated for valor by the French
army leaders, and his promotion to
the rank of brigadier general was
the direct result of his brilliant
work, both in organizing the Itaiu
bow division, composed of national
guard units from nearly thirty
states and in conducting the staff
work of the division at the front.
From -'ri. lay's laiir.
Henry .Miller and wife, accom
panied by their son. Lylo Miller,
and Ccorge 11. Swart?:, drove over
this morning from A!vo, and are
looking after some business in the
city for the day. Mrs. Miller will
remain for a visit extending over
th week, and will be the guest of
her hisfer. Mrs. Frank S. IJrinkman
whi! here and will vir-it with many
friends she has in f his. city. While
here Mr. .Miller and the boys will as
certain if they can secure a permit
to oiili.t in the navy, and prefer to
make the enlistment as a member
of the Radio terviye, but as they
will have to be able to receive fif
teen words per minute it will take
Rome preparation for that.
From Friday's Dally.
Mrs. Robert Walforth. accompan
ied by her little son Robort jr., re
turned last evening from Omaha.
where they have been for a number
of days, and where yesterday morn
ing at a hospital at that place, the
little son Robert was operated upon
for the removal of his tonsils which
have been giving liim some trouble
of late. The little fellow came out
of the ordeal in good shape aud is
getting along nicely.
Journal Want-Ada Pay!
From Saturday's Dally.
! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miuner. for
merly or Glcnwocd, but now living
in Council Ulufl's, were in Clenwood
j on Wednesday to see tlieir fourth
sou entrained for service with Uncle
1 Their "baby" boy enlisted some
'time ago and was sent to Ft. Logan,
'but was for some reason returned
This proud record gives- Mills
county a prestige along with num
erous other places for family rec
ords, llesidcs these four sons, there
is also a son-in-law in the service,
so that (here are now five members
of the M inner family on duty. Three
tf these live are now in France.
Sergt. Philip Minner, Company I,
enlisted in (Jlenwood; Carl Minner,
355th .U. S. Inf., went from Kearney,
Neb.; Lil burn Craig, son-in-law.
Company I. enluded in uienwoon;
Lewis Minner. :!55th Infantry at
Camp Dodge, went from Plattsmouth
and Fred Minner went from CJlen-
ood. Wednesday, entraining for
Forrest, Ga. CJleuwood tri
From Friday s Dailv.
Joseph Uerhl, departed this af
ternoon for the west, where he will
put in some two hundred and forty
acres of wheat on lands which he
has recently purchased near Crant.
Mr. Rerhl. is taking with him a
tractor purchased from John F.
Corder and other machinery which
he will use in the seeding of the
land in the west.
From Saturday's Daily.
Last evening Anton Hula and An
tone Toman jr.. departed via the
Huriington for Pes Moines where
they will visit with Camp Podge
boys who went from here to that
camp, and also boys from South
Omaha, who are in training there
at this time. Frank Aschenbrenner
also who was at Camp Funstou. and
was transferred to Camp Podge and
a Plattsmouth boys is also there.
i.i:;i. mti i:
.lo'oi Tod
1,'V. Jan ,'s
li -..!, Wn.
as. l!:l?U!
,1 Tilli,- Todd,
W. Kil'uslay,
A. I i ,!-,
Susie Kiiiirs-Cal.-na
l!a i:ast-
m-.iri. .lo'oi Kastirian. Sylvia Hoefer.
and Lawrene.- lto-t'er. defendants,
will take noii.e that on tlio .'list
d.iv of July. 191J., Hairy .!. Todd plain
tiff, herein, filed his petition In the Dis
trict court of ass county, Nebraska,
against ail defendants and others.
the ohied and prayer of which are to
niiet the title in tiie plaintiff to the
Southwest t."tii rter. SW 1-U of the
Soulhea.-t ijuartrr SK 1 1 of Sec
tion Thirty ::. Township Ten 1 .
'liinii.- Fourteen I I 4 . in i 'ass County
Nebraska. ,i the grounds that said
tru'-t of land was erroneously omit
ed from a deed t hereon by Levi
'I. sr.. to hii wife. Lydia
Todd, of dale of July I'Ktli. 1!iK. and
,,.! .!,'.! in I k I.".. pajre 1J7. and al
io for the reason that plaintiff and his
predecessors in title have had actual,
open, exclusive and adverse possess
ion of aid real estate for mine than
'en years last past.
You ate reunited to answer said pe
illon on or before the lttli day of
September. l!ti. s
Dated this ;Jlst dav of .tulv.
liv i. . I V V l-:r:. His Attornev.
mu m i: to t Hi:orioit..
lle of N-lirnkn, f'tinx oiiiil. mm.
tn tl. Matter of the Lstate of C'.allunt
Rakes, deceased:
To t'.e Creditors of said Kstate:
Von n i hereby notified that 1 will
it at the County Court room in l'latts
nouth. in said county, on the lOli day
of August, and 2!Mli day of Novcmler.
. I .. l'.'ls. at nine o'clock a. m., of
ach day. to receive and examine all
r-lalins .-iKainst said estate, -with a view
to t!i ir adjustment and allowance.
The time limited for the presentation
f claims against said estate Is three
Months, from the li:tli day f August,
A. D.. lyis. and the time limited for
,a iii. nl of debts is ini year from
ai! i'tli day of August. 1U1S.
Witness my hand and the seal of
aid Countv Court, this LT.tli dav of
Inly, I'J1.
County Judge.
t.i:t.i. otich.
't'o I'aiiliiie tlldliatu, as Adiu in ist ra -tiix
of the estate of (Jeorgo J. Oldham,
Dec-eased: lMchard Conway Oldliani:
Cuz.a J. t'.aker: l.aeuna Connally:
Pauline oUllimii: Fay Oldham: John .1.
).ham: .lessie 1 . Snyder: lOllison L
Oldham: .lames Y. iildham: Vera II.
imiliam: J'olly oi.iliam: Mary I.. Craig,
and all persons interested in the estate
of Jackson !. Oldham, Deceased, in
eluding creditors and claimants.
You are hereby notified that on the
4th day of May ISIS, plaintiff tiled a
petition in the District Court of Cass
County. Nebraska, praying among oth
er things for an order to be entered
by the court directing the administra
trix of tiie estate of (Jeorge J. Oldham.
deeensed. to convey to plaintiff tin,
Northwest Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter of .Section tlilrty-ono Otll
lownship eleven (III Kange fourteen
H) Cass County. Nebraska, upon thu
payment of. the balance of the pur
chase price in accordance with the
contract entered into between the
plaintiff and tiie said George J. Old
ham, .luring his lifetime, on tiie l'.th
day of January, lJMfc, and to have the
title to said land quieted as against
the defendant. All persons interested
in the estate of Jackson I. Oldham.
deceased. including creditors and
You are further notified there will
be it hearing upon said petition at the
District Court Koom In the Court
House, at Plattsmouth Cass County,
Nebraska, on the Urd day of September
19ia. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M.
to all of which, und the allegations of
the petition, you will take due notice.
Attorney. Plaintiff.
I have tiled for nomination on
Democratic Ticket for Representa
tive subject to the will of the voters
at the Primaries, August 20.
I am your friend,
No. 54.
What is known as the Urokcn
iJow Sanitary Uairy consisting of
a fve? acre tract located just inside
the city limits. Has a two ex.ory,
nine room frame residence, dairy
barn complete for 34 head of town,
hay mow with 40 ton capacity, ce
ment floor, electric milking ma
chine, hay fork ami hay carrier com
plete, two sijos of -50 ton capacity,
horse barn with hay mow and
granery for eight head of horses,
chicken house, two milk houses with
bottler and holler for sterilizing
complete, with 170 acres lying less
than SO rods from the dairy with
70 acres under cultivation, 3T acres
in alfalfa, fenced and cross fenced
with well and windmill. The dairy
has had this land leased for the
past eight jears. The dairy to
gether with this land is priced at
$21,750, half cash and the balance
on time to suit the purchaser. This
is one of the best opportunities for
somebody familiar with the dairy
business to establish himself in one
of the best towns in the west. The
improvements arc less than seven
years old and all in first class con
dition. The dairy will be sold with
out the land, or the land will be
sold without the dairy, but the two
together make a splendid proposi
tion for anybody interested in the
dairy business.
No. 58.
A well improved 320 acre farm
all valley land. 70 acres in alfal
fa, 30 acres wild hay. 30 acres pas
ture, 1P0 acres farm land. Lies just
two miles from the city limits. Good
seven room frame house, frame barn,
corn crib, hog house, chicken house
and complete water system. Price
$125 per acre. One half cash and
the balance on time.
No. 35.
A 14 20 acre ranch with 150 acres
under cultivation. Ten acres in al
falfa. 5 acres in timber, 300 acres
hay land with 8 miles of fence, 140
acres fenced hog tight. Water by
river and springs. This farm is lo
cated eleven and three-quarter miles
from the railroad station. The im
provements consist of a five room,
one and one-half story frame house,
barn 24x4S. frame granary, cattle
6hed, hog shed, windmill, branding
pen and correller. This is an ex
cellent stock ranch well located and
priced at $23.00 per acre. One-third
cash, balance to suit the purchaser
No. 37.
A 200 acre farm located three
and one half miles from Broken
Bow with a one story frame house
barn with hay carrier complete
frame granary, corn crib, shop, gar
age, all fenced with three wire,
five acres fenced hog tight, well and
windmill with 113 acres under cul
tivation and SO acres in pasture
fifteen acres in alfalfa. Price $60.00
per acre. Terms one-half cash, bal
ance to suit the purchaser at 6 per
cent interest.
No. 43.
A 240 acre farm located eight
miles from Broken Bow with a six
room frame house, frame barn 4 Ox
60, hog house, ruilk house, chicken
house, garage and granary, all fenc
ed and cross fenced with good well
and windmill and small orchard
School on the farm, one half mile
to church. 100 acres under culti
vation. 40 acres in alfalfa. Kn-
cumberance $5800 at 6 per cent in
terest due March 1. 1921. Price
SS0.00 per acre, purchaser to as
sume mortgage, pay $2,000 down
and $11,400 March 1. 1919.
No. 31.
A well improved ten acre tract
just out bide the city limits with
6 room house, frame barn, chicken
house, all fenced, hog tight with
well and windmill and cistern.
Orchard with 200 trees, one mile
from the post office. Price $3500
V v
No. 33.
A C00 acre tract with small four
room frame house, frame stable,
chicken house and other small out
buildings, all fenced except 60
For full particulars enquire of
Cass County Bank,
Let us deliver your hogs In South
Omaha during these hot days. We
will call at your farm and deliver
P mm
acreii. Well,
windmill and tank.
Ten miles from lirickson, uarneiu.
County. Nebraska. Price 1 15.00 per
tcre. One-half cash.
time at 6 per cent interest.
No. 46.
A 470 acre farm with 330 acres
under cultivation, 100 acres in pas
ture, 30 acres in alfalfa, ten acres
in timber, approximately SO acres
rough pasture land with six room
frame house, frame barn, granary
and corn crib, two wells and two
windmills, three and one-half miles
from Ansley, Neb., distance to school
one mile. Price $36,000, ? 1.000
cash, balance to suit the purchaser.
No. 48.
A 430 acre farm with 100 acres
under cultivation, 215 acres in pas
ture, 90 acres hay land, 25 acres of
alfalfa with a seven room frame
house, frame barn, granary, chicken
house, garage, all fenced and cross
fenced. 18 acres fenced hog tight,
good well, windmill and three cis
terns. Water piped to tanks. Dis
tance to railroad seven and one-half
miles, distance to school eight rods.
Price $50.00 per acre. Encumb
rance $4500. Terms cash abovo
I mortgage.
No. 49.
A 954 acre farm, 220 acres under
cultivation, 700 acres in pasture, 1
acres in alfalfa, plenty of timber.
Five room house, frame barn,
chicken house, hog house, all fenc
ed and two wells-and two wind
mills, four cisterns, small orchard,
four miles from railroad. Price $45
per acre. Encumbrance $13,000.
Terms cash above the mortgage.
No. 50.
A 1280 acre tract, 3S0 acres un
der cultivation, balance pasture and
hay laud. Six room frame house,
frame barn, corn crib and hog house,
all fenced. Two wells and two wind
mills. Six miles from Calloway,
Nebr., one mile from school. Prico
$35 per acre, encumbrance $30,000.
Terms cash, above the mortgage.
No. 51.
160 acre farm with 150 acres
under cultivation. This is all level
laud. Sevcu miles from railroad,
one-half mile to school. There aro
no improvements on this land.
There is an encumbrance of $4500
at 5 1-2 per cent interest due April
1, 1923. Terms cash above the mort
gage. No. 52.
A 320 acre farm, 220 acres un
der cultivation, 100 acres hay land
with small set of improvements all
fenced, well and windmill. Four
teen miles to railroad. Price $30.
000. $3,000 cash, balance March 1,
No. 56.
A 160 acre tract al! viiey land,
130 acres under cultivation, 30
acres pasture with small improve
ments, fenced and cross fenced, ly
ing 15 miles from Sargent. Priced
$125 per acre with reasonable
No. 57.
A 170 acre farm with 70 acres
under cultivation. 35 acres in al
falfa, fenced and cross fenced with
well and windmill, lying just one
mile from the Public Square in
Broken Bow. Price $75.00 per acre.
One-half cash and the balance on
time to suit purchaser.
No. 110.
A small ranch of 6 40 acres or
all of Section 16. 110 acres under
cultivation, 5S0 acres in pasture and
30 acres hay land. All of this land
can he cultivated out about 240
acres. All fenced and, cross fenced
with good well, windmill und sup
ply tanks. Six aud one-half miles
from Aiibley and six and one-half
miles from Mason City. This is nil
good clay land and well located.
rice $40.00 per acre. Terms $5,-
000 cash, balance to suit the pur
chaser. There is now an encum
brance of $11,000 at 5 per cent in
terest duo July 1, 1937.
Plattsmoull. Nh
- y m . .
them safe.'y. The Plattsmouth Gar
age. Head the Journal Ads It Pays.
.U '