The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 29, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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from 2 to 7:30 p. m.f 3 E!i!es Southwest of Plattsrnouth on Southwest Corner of the Maxwell Farm, at
the (Northeast Corner of the Cross Roads, f of a EVlile East of Ulynard, and 1 (Vlile South of the
Jean's School House, on the Omaha-EC. C. Auto Road.
Mr. Ford's Factory Expert, MR. L. E. JONES, will be here to demonstrate and inform the public on the details of this wonderful Farm Tractor, which
Henry Ford has spent five years in perfecting, before placing on the market. The need for man saving farm machinery is very urgent under the present war
conditions and the Fordson Tractor is the answer, as to how we are going to operate our farms with less man power.
We hope every farmer in Cass county
Our first car
We have contracted for several extra
once, as same will be filled in the order in
High Commands on Both Sides May
Be Preparing for Combat From
Rheims to North Sea.
Washington, July 26. Hehind
the apparent lull in the struggle
around the Aisne-Marne salient to
day, the high commands of the al
lied and German armies may be
setting the stase for the decisive
battle of the war. In that event it
seems more than likely to observe
here that the fourth anniversary of
the conflict will see a flame of fight
ing raging from east of Rheims to
the North Sea, but with the crucial
conflict in progress somewhere just
north of the Marne.
There is nothing as yet in ceports
to show General Foch's plan. Flick
ers of fighting have occurred to the
north that may have more than lo
cal significance behind them. There
is some evidence of a feeling here
that tht time has not come yet when
r. sufficient American army has
l.cen assembled in France to "war
rant passing definitely to offensive
It was recalled today that Gen
eral March recently indicated to
members of congress that this was
r.ot to be expected until later in
the year. The situation has chang
ed greatly at the front since then,
however, and only developments
there will show what decision has
been made.
Tables Turned on Enemy.
At first it appeared that the
fierce counter attack launched by
General Foch on the western side
of the Aisne-Marne salient was in
tended only to offset the German ef
fort to encircle Rheims and further
exploit the menace toward Paris. As
success followed success for the
Franco-American troops, and as the
Italians and British joined, the na
ture of the operation changed. It
was clear that the tables had been
turned on the enemy and that the
nutcracker tactics he had attempt-
Henry Ford
lozd of seven Fordson
d so s-pply to Ilheiin.s were in turn
being applied to his armies.
The enemy was quick to realize
his danger. Behind a stubborn rear
guard he drew back across the
Marne and today was apparently
still struggling northward out of
t lie depth of the pocket in which he
had been caught. To save his ad
vanced forces here, reserves have
been called to bold apart the jaws
of the great trap until the armies
of the crown prince could escape.
Aims to Clear Pocket
Yesterday the advance of the
British northwestward from the
region of Ilheims aroused hope
among officials here that the allied
forces might be able to spring the
trnp. The lull today seemed to in
dicate General Foch was not pre
pared at this time to press his ad
vantages to his full power in that
The pocket is not as yet sufficient
ly narrowed at the top to prevent
withdrawal of the German armies
falling bick freni the Mr mo. offi
cers believe. That the main pres
sure of the allied troops today was
rather against the blunt apex than
against the extended sides of the
salient was taken as an indication
that the supreme commander was
bent on forc-ine: his opponent out
o fthe pocket than to trap him in
Should General Foch feel that he
should still await the corning of
more American troops to give a de
cided preponderance in numbers,
officers anticipated that he would
continue to harry the retiring ene
my, flank and front, exploiting his
present victories to the fullest pos
sible extent and forcing the enemy
to decide upon making a stand.
When that line was reached or ap
proached, however, a sudden trans
fer of allied offensive tactics to the
Picardy or more probably the Fland
ers front would be natural.
J. W. Kinser who is plastering a
few room at the home on the
ranch of M. E. Manspeaker on the
made land near the river front, has
to tend himself, mixing his mortar
and then going and putting it on
afterwards, then mixing more. This
makes it very inconvenient, but he
is getting there just the same.
Mrs. C. L. Petersen received a
telegram from her husband this
morning announcing his departure
for the other side this morning, the
boat on which he is sailing, leaving
Philadelphia this morning.
Ft kVA i-At vli .jnjs
JJ V::, V C
momistiratedl Wednesday, JwQy
will be present at this
Tractors are sold and will
car loads and are now prepared to accept orders,
which they are received by the undersigned.
From Saturday's Daily.
The following letter from Rev.
Truscott to E. II. Wescott which he
in a manner tells of his experiences
at Camp Dodge, but, he will give a
more detailed account in the ser
vices at the church on tomorrow
July 25th, 1918.
Dear Brother Wescott:
You will be glad fo know that I
have met most of the boys newly
drafted from Cass Co. I was fort
unate enough to get into their tent
barracks on the very day of their
arrival. This may not seem very
extraordinary to you until you
learn that all around the camp are
posted sentries. But I got through,
in company with an officer, in the
early morning and I stayed among
them, the new arrivals, all day, un
til six of the evening. It took me
finite a time to locate the Cass boys,
as it did any to be sought. Just
think of long avenues of tents, each
tent holding nine cots. Think of
twelve thousand men, all strangers,
even most of the boys from the same
county not knowing each other by
name. There is apparent but not
real confusion, and some of the men
are bewildered as to where and when
they shall eat and what they may or
may not do. A bugle call gives
them anxiety until they learn
whether it affects them or no.
Most of the Cass boys of the new
draft are near together and are in
Co. 36 and 37 of the 163 Depot Bri
gade. If I were addressing a let
ter, say to Minner, I would write,
Louis C. Minner, 3 6 Co. Depot Bri
gade, in Tent, Camp' Dodge, Iowa.
I tell you this for the guidance of
any who may care to write to the
The boys seemed well but tired af
ter their journay, some in the new
camp said they had been well cared
for and had had plenty to eat and
some complained. Some had their
-. j a
demonstration next Wednesday afternoon.
be delivered af
iftcr the
bod tick and had stuffed it with
straw and also had their quilted bed
and their blankets, but otiier.s were,
for some cause or other without any
thing but the bare springs c,f the
bed to lie on and felt like checker
boards. The cheerful ones felt it
would be alright before evening and
they would not have to so endure
all night but some professed doubt.
I felt anxious about them in the
evening when there came a heavy
rainfall. Only a most pleasant
evening would easily reconcile some
to the new environment. The camp
officers too, I know, had planned in
the very best way to cheer the boys.
The Depot Brigade band was to
play to them concerts for every
night of this week if rain did not
I went from tent to tent and
learned the names of the Cass boys
that I could find. Some I did not
find, but if I can get In there today
I will seek them again. I told the
boys I was there to help them in
any way I could but especially was
I there for their spiritual good. I
gave them the cards I carry asking
to pledge themselves to be "good
soldiers of Jesus Christ." I asked
if they would sign them and post
them to mother, or wife, or Pastor.
I was also able to explain the meth
od, more or less, of the classification
according to their previous occupa
tion and according to their school
ing, and then I was able to tell
them there was also another classi
fication, according to their charac
ter as it would be observed and
that would bunch the peaceful in
telligent fellows with kindrad spir
its and would place the tough in
clined among congenial company.
The army, as I observe it in this
camp, is as a perfectly regulated
machine, each part fitted in the
place for service for maximum use
fulness. I would say to the moth
ers and fathers of the boys and to
any who care for them that the
army experience will in nine cases
out of ten develop a better manhood
than civil life. The boy of good
parentage and good home training
is not likely to go wrong for there
are hundreds of reasons and induce
ments why he-should do right. But
of course there are some fellows in
the army who have no use for the
gymnastics, the library, or the Y.
M. C. A. Gambling and other vices
are as contrary to law in the army
as out of it, and law breakers are
more easily caught and more surely
punished. The fellow who goes
wrong has to deliberately choose his
it Acini
demonstration next Wednesday.
so those wanting the
Authorized Ford and Fordson Tractor Dealer,
Jvkn. Plattsrnouth, Nebraska.
companions. I have made friends
here with fellows, university men.
that say the army experience is
worth having. And they do not for
a moment regret the day of their
enlistment. I am thinking of one at
this moment, a Captain, who was a
Methodist preacher until he entered
the army. He is not a chaplain, he
is a soldier of Uncle Sam and a real
soldier of Jesus Christ. I think of
another, known to you, he lives in
Louisville, a splendid type, I mean
young Glen Dorsey, he is in the
350th infantry. He is cheerful,
glad, and I am sure will be just a
blessing to his Company. He took
some cards to try and get others to
become "Soldiers of Jesus Christ."
I wish I could take the space to
tell of my talks with others you
well know, such as Louis Rothman,
Henry Clapp. etc, but fear I have
run this present letter far enough.
Yet I would tell you of just one
other fellow you knew very well, I
had the pleasure of receiving him
into the Church, just last nignt. It
was nearly 10 p. m. and we were
visiting in the .Hostess' house. On
Sunday last I had had a talk with
him and he made an appointment
with me for last evening. He came
last night and his mind quite made
up to sign the card, so there, amid
the big crowd at a little table, he
sitting on one side and I the other
I took out the discipline and read
to him the questions and he gave
the satisfactory answers and then I
gave him the right hand of fellow
ship. Our esteemed professor Arlee
Walter Dewey, last known in Platts
rnouth as Principal of our High
school. Yours sincerely,
The Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus,
with its large 'menageries and co
teries of trained animals will be the
feature attraction at the State Fair
again this year, but with an entire
ly different program. This is the
gist of a statement issued by the
Nebraska State Board of Agricul
ture. The circus suffered a bad
wreck during the early part of the
summer in which a 'large number of
jives were lost, but the people kill
ed proved to be chiefly laborers and
the skilled acts of the circus stand
practically intact. Part of the
equipment last in the wreck has
been replaced and the circus that
appears before the grand stand at
the Fair-will be practically new.
Fordson Tractor should
In addition to the Circus there
will be an exceptionally strong
amusement program including the
Rice-Wortham Carnival, the. largest
carnival in the business, the Hagen-back-Wallace
Side Shows. Mid-Way
Shows, Auto Races and Horse Races.
"When my wife saw how much
good Tanlac was doing me, she
wanted to try it too. and now she is
Draisins Tanlac so much as I am,"
said George II. Baust, who is em
ployed by the Cudahy Packing Com
pany, and lives at 1115 Drexel St.,
Omaha the other day.
"For the past twenty years," he
continued, "my system was all out
of order, and I seemed to be getting
worse all the time in spite of every
thing I could do. My stomach was
badly out of shape, my food would
not digest properly, and after eat
ing anything I would suffer agonies
for hours. My liver did not act
right, and I was bilious most all the
time. Rheumatism got in my left
shoulder and it ached so bad I
could hardly stand it, and I had an
awful pain in the back of my neck
that worried night and day.
"After trying all kind of prepara
tions without getting any relief, I
got a bottle of Tanlac, and began to
improve almost from the first dose.
I have taken four bottles so far and
my troubles now are almost at an
end. My food digests with hardly
any after effects, the pain in my
neck is about gone, and my should
er feels pretty good, I would hardly
expect that four bottles of any med
icine would entirely relieve a
trouble of twenty years standing,
but I am sure it won't be long before
I shall be completely well."
Tanlac is sold in Plattsrnouth by
F. G. Fricke & Co., in Alvo by Alvo
Drug Co., in Avoca by O. E. Copes,
in South Bend by E. Sturzenegger, in
Greenwood by E. F. Smith, in Weep
ing Water by Meier Drug, Co., and
in Elmwood by L. A. Tyson.
James Bulin and wife departed
this afternoon for Omaha, where
they are looking after some busi
ness for the afternoon and will visit
with friends over Sunday.
MONDAY, JULY 29, 1918.
place their orders at
BE IN NEW $100,000
One of the strongest exhibits of
the State Fair, the hog exhibit,
should this year surpass itself under
the encouragement given in the new
$100,000 swine barn that is just
being completed on the Fair
Grounds at Lincoln. The building
is a mammoth structure, its dimen
sions being 350 feet by 240 feet and
will far more comfortably house the
big exhibit which has had as many
as 1,900 hogs.
Requests for pen reservations, ac
cording to the State Board of Agri
culture, were never so heavy, and
it would seem that the hog men or
the state are appreciative of what
the State Fair has done for them.
Mrs. Joseph Hadraba and daugh
ter Miss Helen, and Mrs. Blanche
Price and little daughter Miss Helen
Viriginia Price were passengers to
Omaha this afternoon, where they
are visiting with friends and where
they will look after some business
as well.
S. L. Furlong was a visitor in
Plattsrnouth today looking aftei
some business for the day.
Grover Ellege was a passenger to
Omaha this afternoon, where he is
looking after some business.
A car load of
Cherokee Kansas
at our coal yards in
c. e. FBICKI