THITP.SE AY- JULY 55, 1915. PLATTSMOUTH CSMI-VEEKLT JOURNAL. - yk rs MANLEY STATE BANK MANLEY, NEB. MURRAY STATE MURRAY, NEB. BANK OF CASS COUNTY PIATTSKQUTH, NEB. V I COMMERCE FIRST SECURITY BANK CEDAR CREEK, NEB. LOUI3VJLLE, NEB. :o:- -:o:- -:o: :o:- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 313,000 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $15,000 CAPITAL ASD SURPLUS 583,000 UiSPITAL AfiO SURPLUS S23.0D0 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 510,000 -:o:- :o: :o:- -:o: :o:- OFFICERS FRANK STANDER A UG EST STAN DER A EG EST PAUTSCH THOMAS E. f'ARMELB VvM. J. KAU. DIRECTORS CIIAS. C. PARMELE. President. FRED NUTZMAN. Vice-President. W. GLEN BOEDER ER. Ccehler. OFFICERS CIIAS. C. PARMELE JACOB TRITSCJI 1VOMAS E. PARMELE R. F. PATTERSON. 1 G. EGKNEERGEP. OFFICERS THOMAS E. PARMELE. President. CIIAS. C. PARMELE, Vice-President. PAUL FITZGERALD, Cashier. RALPH R. LARSON. Asrt. Cashier. OFFICERS WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, President. W. H. LOHNES, Vice-President. THOMAS E. PARMELE, Director. corzomicaBSy and on this 9 Ki 9 a siness in lis County Promptly and far. X. X. If. X -V- MURDQCK ITEMS 1- " 'S- ! er. Maccn. Ga., the past few months, i ?:un ranska was visiting with rel- iatives here last week, and left Fri- 'day for Twin Falls. Idaho, having Jehu Amsrwert and family autoe-d j,i orders to report there on to Lincoln Saturday. July 2tth and go with a hunch of Mrs. II. Reeves was shopping in ' ,lruf;ed men for a training camp. He Wlii Lincoln last Saturday. Mis- ire 11.1a j-cnev.e as tu i .sitt r and family sr. k list last Saturday. .Mrs. A. Long was in Lincoln Wed- i o. . y and T bur? da E. McDonald : :x on frier. 1 in y nf last week. i.nd family were A-!: I and Sunday Skellor. c-f Omaha, was or friends here the latter part ier oi tne Hospital unit 4. wmcn .n. ii. .Meeker ana wue aim mer fj;!!:r.s been stationed at Camp Wheel- daughter Blanche and her children of Greenwood spent a few hours at the Geo. P. Foreman home one even ing last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen celebrated their "Golden Wedding" Friday. July Huh at their home in Greenwood. The day was greatly enjoyed by all. A stag party was held at theIiome of Sherman Wolfe Friday night in honor of John Skinner, Ralph Par sell and Walter Collins, who left Monday for Fort Dodge, Iowa. Geo. P. Foreman shippt-d two cur. of cattle to South Omaha Monday. Mr. Foreman accompanied the ship ment and from Omaha will go to I ig English walnut and horse-ehest- nut trees ana tr.g i. - ot grain and i i : . . m here all have win at Ogden, Utah with his on the way out. H- NEWS FROM ALV0 i :;-s i'o:;:i Li:;-d:i, were over .:' tr. : liters parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Moomey, of V.";.'5. .-'n. ate Sunday dinner with C. M"'::ey ani family. rdi.-s Marvel Amgwert visited a E1 Casey, of Lincoln, was in town I S;? i urday. Clarence Curyea went to Kansas las r-i.l llis I.pnna Hush, i , wuk to look after his crons on undav gr.ests i his farm there. with Mi Lil- fevv d.ivs last week Lan Curyea in Alvo. Mrs. A. Long was taken seriously ill Saturday noon, but is doing nice ly at the present writing. Martha Goehry went to Lin coln lat Wednesday where t-he is attending business college. Eddie i5rooks. a number of Uncle ; Walter Collins left Monday mornins Sam's navy, is visiting irimis here for a few Mr. Mr. a in Lincoln last Saturday evening. .Mrs. Elva Fosrg and daughter Win. Casey ?nd mother, of South Fid?, Omaha, spent the week end with friends here. C. H. Andersen accompanied J A. Schueike to his home in Minnesota, Sunday afternoon. Miss Grace Bailey came down from Lincoln Sunday, visiting the home folks for a few hours. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Reitz and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Fey at Unidilla. John Skinner, Ralph Parsell and to Erone in:"it el i his many old j for Ft. days. Mr. Dodge training camp. a::d Mrs. Emil Saphlin and ami Mrs. Jesse Landholm and daughter, of Lincoln, visited Mr. nd Mrs. Harry Gillespie were and Mrs. V. m. eager Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Rosenow. Mrs. Arthur Skinner and Miss Marie H -I n returned Friday evening to j Xt motored to Ashland Saturday :'a-ir home in Lincoln via the auto r aut e. Joe Ranney returned to Council I "dun's on Sunday after spending a :-v. davs at the L. Amgwert home, Muth of town. August Panska, m. Meyer. Emil Mever ami wife and Wright Gillett at the State Fish- were sightseeing tries Sunday. C. Moomev and into their new borne that they re cently purchased, the property being better known as the C. Wirth home. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Goehry re ceived a message Saturday from their sMii Erhart, who is in the navy, and was on the ship San Diego, which was sunk recently, stating that he was rescued and safe. A message was received Tuesday from Miss Anna Amgwert, stating she win n her way to New York, prior to sailing for France as a Red Cross nurse. Miss Anna was a mem- Little Miss Marvel Amgwert, of Murdock. visited from Tuesday un til Thursday with Miss Lillian Cur yea. Mrs. O. N. Magee and children autoed down from University Place Monday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Noel Foreman. Miss Irene Friend is visiting her uncle. Walter Skinner and family, and aunt, Bessie elites and family at Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. John Foreman, Mrs. Jno. Murtey and Mrs. Geo. P. Fore man and daughter Miss Aurel autoed to Lincoln Friday. The Misses Frances and Janey Sinclair of Gross, Nebr., visited from Saturday until Sunday evening with Miss Lois Keefer. Chas. Ingwerson and son Orville ?nd daughters, the Misses Mary, May and Elma of Pawnee City, visited friends here the latter part of the week. Tire Vulcanizing! Al! Kinds of Tire Repairing! LOW-OUTS, 9 RIM CUTS AND ALL TUBE REPAIRING! uick Work and Excellent Service Help Win the War by Saving Your Old Tires. H COLEMAN. Krug Building Caldwell's Old Stand Stewart. Nebr the week. Mrs. M. C. Keefer returned home from Lincoln Friday bringing ! er daughter Miss Lois home frcm the hospital where she underwent an operation, from which she is recov ering nicely. A reception wa Liven in Iiomt rf Alfred Hansen at his home in Green wood Friday evening as he left for Camp Dodg- for military service. The evening was enjoyed very much by his friends that were pre.-ent. Thcs. Barry cf I) :l:e, T.-ar. came in last week to vi.dt his daughters Mrs. C. S. Johns.. n and little Miss Anastacia Barry. The latter ac companied lier father to Omaha Monday where he went on busin:" -. The democratic caucus held here Monday night sent the following delegates to the Democratic County Convention held at Louisville Wed nesday: s. C. Bevies. John Murtey. Geo. P. Foreman. Dale S. Boyles. Mrs. Fannie Alley, whose home is in Los Angeles. Calif., is here vis iting her sister, Mrs. Ella Prouty and mother. Mrs. Perry and other relatives and friends. She expects to soon depart for North Dakota to visit her brother. Mrs. Clara Prouty and little daughter Margaret who wre guests, on an auto trip to Illinois, with Mr. and Mrs. Pcrey of University Place the past month returned home Friday. They visited the old home of the former's father and also th-" girlhood home of her mother bring ing souvenirs homo with her. Also visited at Ft. Madison. Iowa, and thoroughly enjoyed the fine trip. The republican caucus held here Wednesday night elected the fol lowing delegates to the County Con vention held at Weeping Water Fri day: James Greer, Turner McKin- non. Al. Jardine, Glen Armstrong, Alfred Anderson. Chas Godbey, Her man Bornemeier. Fred Clark, Arthur Bird and ('has. c. Bucknell, the lat ter five attending the convention. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rouse returned Thursday evening from a three weeks visit wilh their daughter, Mrs. Ralph Uhley and family who are now permanently located in St. Joe. Mo., having recently purchased i new home. Mr. Uhley is chief clerk and accountant for the Mis souri Pacific railroad at that place. They report plenty of rain . down there while they were there. Mrs. Geo. P. Foreman received a card from her friend, Mrs. Eva Mur tey who is spending the summer at Estes Park. Colo., and also a letter from her son Joe Foreman who has been transferred from Morrison, Va.. to the IT. S. Traintnsr Canin at j Eustis. Va.. Joe has been given a j ten day furlough and expects to j reach home this week, though part ds. Th a people as one can see U. 0, LHUQ IK rLlb I U ,m nearly every taMe. Th,re Is ? T A HQ TP fU an eld catlc n.r here ami it N Hf fi I iLlhrh ' W oui;, a to ,: The t-rounds i I t-ft C I LUUULU Jil artjiind it are certuia'y lie the lanes are t!ie jTtif.est saw. Neariv all oi the woi orii in t ::e iielu-, :.' can see t'iem tr.dng out in the larrnlng and re turning in the cveniti;.'. look-; itu r ij ;:s. Tiieve is a clover ov r here called crimen: clor.-r and has a dark 1 1 i '. I . l u . . i : r" r' m ft i! ? n ;'.ir ir.i ri n r 7 n r a Drs IVIach & Edach, TEie Dentists The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. ' &??TXri2&zS-n. Fvrwrt In charge of all worL Ladv attendant. Mod erate Prices. Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instru ments carefully sterilized after using. k1 THIRD FLOOR, PAXTON BLOCK, OMAHA r. .! flov-r tainly i- ; and got so small r-i ov- r th- -e. v. .K.n I ! .retty. v.e f f ti. ii to s ? o It ir .-o r-ni a:: 'I Carl to ,1 .... it w i : ; same a? the kind h arov.-s the certaits'y i.r be auti.'i! and yv.-".'. say so when yo;; h?.ve .-em it. ' are svveral fin prj Ire r.:i '..iter is as cold a can be. food here is rood r r d ' h.ave ty to eat and a food place o and have good clothing and v nc-at -ill Artillery Piavs Irnpcrtant Part As Zi:c:::y Continues to Fall Eack lioir.g Ecfenses and lianipenr.s" iiovement or Ineir Supplies. V v TT i t u" CKvai ib ;rxw wiihii i.eichii C? tvT"-, A miW system of treatment that cures Piles. Fifclola and 111 ui a Hil5'VSi' glt-al operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other general anesthetic ued. A cure guaranteed in every case accepted for tr;,t. and no mcney to be paid until cured. Vmtefor book on Rectal Diseases, with names etd testimonials of more than 10!tC prominent people who have been permanently cured. DR. E. R. TARRY 24C Ceo Bulldlns OMAHA, NEBRASKA . i 0 - V- tliing. I done a w.-.-diing tiris ::m;-: ing. there was a I' woman 'Ic ing her washing r. : the same raring rlso ten or twelve ether soldier toy:. Thf did r.r.t ;;.-e a wardi board, rhe itibbc'l the c'utin-s r.:i f flat stne and then beat t!i-:.- wi'li a paddle. Cu e;'n see .inrcr thinsrs and Aray-; over I:.-re. are no bells on th ra.iirr-ad anl I have not '.eon a farm here yet. They all us0 tw, carts. Tell '"::! most of the have a woe-den raould-b ard are walkinsr plow.--. The br cn the are only IS feet long RP.d will nnly l-nM S l.o.i.i of l ories. The cars have no coup lers like the on? 5 over there. The '.tilt the same e:t 1 - in;;, July 2 i. According to e.-t) mates warranting accept-:'- Hi t'.ter's c.rre:-pon i. lit en rich I!, nf. th-' Germans have '.I b-tveeii to and TO divis . ii'e Ui li and have lost i men killed, wounded and lie"; t t- : v .- a-:oncy Dispateii from that German losses since are appromimatcly 1.000. Martij 121 v. j;t uicn. With the American Army on the .Mi-r-.e-Marne Front, July 2:. In formation reaching the intelligence bureau of the American army tonight indicate that the Germans were still our: Inning their rotreat. I'ar beliind their line.? they are be i;ig subjected t-i heavy fire by both all or 2 0 engines ar m t 'r. Oh. ycr t'."i came today, they Anril IS and 2"th la 3 to hear from O! vo'ir 1 r ters cn were mailed and surely v.-as you again. Had one from :pa also, h was ...... j..-- um'i: mci.j , mi: giad to get them all as it is th f:i" '. I received in a month. Tiiere is quite few pre-ty French girls he-re but a fliow canrot talk to them unless he can speak their 1 a r gunge so nothing said so far ns I am crr. e. rned. There is Catholic church lure so will get a chanc" to cn on : li-T' ' u'-u'nr- --, i w:.-ij .v.-l,. t.l ! " French and American guns which ?!- ws , ... -.lout.-t ;e is'rir.g tne movement of their onorr.iotis supplies. At ba-t at one point the fighting v as more neariv in open order than ' I at h--en usual. M'ith a minimum artillery fire by both sides the Am ericans advanced their skirmish line over yellow wheat fields, dotted with poppies and through clumps of wood. It was Indian fighting modernized by machine gun work. well! The- Germans left on the field a I was i Trent number of marhme gunners m nest-s. ",r;v.iy of these guns were c:p"urel and the entire personnel of a machine gun company tonight is swelling the already big list cf pris oners taken by the Americans. Capture FcJiir Tanks. The Americans and French troops dear sister, I Sundays. v.'el! this finds all of you well, kiss the dear girl and Paul B.. for me. Write rocn anel tell me all the news and now do not worry if you do nt from me regular as it is-so far for the mail to go. Give my regards to August and Sam and Bob. V.'i'h love. Your brother, EMILE J. BARRY. Co. B, Tth Field Bn. Sig. Corps, A. E. F. . i. ! of ten days will be SDent on the way home and returning to camp. In France, May 22, 191S. Dear Sister and All: Well we have moved to a new place further in the country and like it just fine. There are so many nice fotitli of SvdFsons have cap ture-? four German tanks, which were operating against them in conjunct ion with tiie German infantry. The allied ariiliary immediately spotted tire tanks ns they came into action and quickly put four of thm out of commission. Four others retreated. Nort Iiwert of Chateau Thierry the artillary played an important part. Here the Americans encountered the tiffest resistance, a village in this rector being reduced by the Ameri can guns, as its occupation by the 'Jornmns was imminent. The enemy was thuci forced into the open, and kc-re heavy punishment was in flicted. Iiui:i Tells Over Battle Fields. A drizzling rain fell over the battle fields and made aerial operations al most iniposiblt in the morning, but it cleared somewhat in the afternoon CALLED TO THE SERVICE ! and the firing men went un. Their work, however, was limited. Late in Hie day the German planes c"davored to make observations ov er the Mnrr.e. where the enemy was a wars that all the usual operations of moving armies and supplies were in progress. The anti-aircraft gunsj their missions highly doubtful. 37 Planes Downed. rp vmi nirpadv Tr.-r rmrf-.- ! arts. July J..,. i inrtj'-ceven Ger- Sunday evening? We are going j man airplanes were brought down; again Sunday evening, and v.i.uld or Pt cut of commission by French j like to have you go along. There is j snd British airmen yesterday. Four j some good land for sale in this conn- jcar ,ive balloons were burned on Ger- i ty at the right price. See V. E. .man concentration points. This an- communication ised by the war office tonight. London. July 2-1. The Official .statement of at rind operations is sued by The air ministry tonight says: "I:.-a raid carried out on the af-t-r-rno.-ri o: the 22d instant the main station o Ol'l'enburg (Baden) was hit and bursts were seen on the sid inas. One hostile machine was de stroyed. All our machines returned KXS. GEOr.GS E. DOVEY ABOUT THE SAME Tire condition of Mrs. George E. Davey remains about the same. All of the children have reached her bedside except Mrs. Jack Uazzard and she will arrive in the morning. Efforts are being made to locate Charles, who is stationed on the U. S. S. Kentucky at Fortress Monroe, Virginia. THE KAISER'S SLAVERY. BRITISH AVIATION MISSION TO TOUR WESTERN STATES Washington, July 23. Brigadier General Charles F. Lee, head of the British aviation mission to the United States, anel several members of the mission are to tour the middle west ern states next month, giving exhi bition flights and lectures in the larger cities. The itinerary will be announced later. We are off for Chase county again on next Sunday evening. We would like to have j'ou go with us. See Rosencrans about the trip today, you will enjoy it. You are not compell ed to buy land, but Rosey would like to show you Chase countv. Mrs. Carl Fricke was a passenger to the metropolis this morning, where she is spending the day with friends. Reason for outrages committed against the young womanhood of Belgium by the officers and men of the German army is undoubtedly prpvided in the truths now coming to light of the insulting manner in which the kaiser himself has fre ejuently received prominent ladies. The kaiser is a slave to beauti ful hands and has ofen distressed ladies of the court by his bold, pub lic admiration and insulting insinu ations. Most of the rings and bracelets worn by the kaiser are duplicates of ornaments he has noticed on female hands while admiring and fondling them, even strangers, in public; but this is but one of many sensational peeps into the private life, the hab its and mannerisms of "The Mad Dog of Europe," as shown in Rupert Julian's startling screen production, "The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin," to be shown at the Gem Theatre on Saturday and Sunday, matinee and night. OBTAIN HOG CHOLERA SERUM LOCALLY Serum at cost $1.17 c. c. and virus free at rate of 3 c. c to 100 c. c. serum of E. F. Marshall of We .ping Water by any one needing it In Cass County. The Farm Bureau Board has arranged with Mr. Mar shall to keep a small supply of pur ity serum made at Sioux City. Iowa. L. R. SNIPES. County ? gent. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Letek of So. Omaha and their children who have been visiting in this city for some days past at the home of Mrs. Letak's parents, John Roetter and family departed this afternoon for their home in Omaha. Ros.oy is going to Chase crunty again next Sunday evening. Get ready ami go along. The trip' will be a pleasant one and you might sep something that will interest you. 4'ake your reservations for the trip right now. FIFTY THOUSAND NEGROES Washington, D. C, Jluy 23. Fif ty thousand negro registrants quali fied for general military service were called to the colors today by Provost Marshal General Crowder. They vill entrain between August 1 and 5 and will come from fortv-one states ; rendered and the District of Columbia. I Rosencrans about the trip. nouncement is made in the ofTiciel j ni---'$,'-i'-'3W' -?7 I x. m mm V-rTf ...... A, Sample-Hearts -vs- Tlie Red Sox Hed Sox Ball Park The Sample Hearts are coming for Sunday. They undoubtedly will put up a good game. The Red Sox just now in the prime of condition will try and let them have a real sample Sunday. Come one, come all. 3:00 SHARP