Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers tiSilr Thrift Is Now a National Slogan The American people are waking up. They resent the charge that they are wasteful. Bank deposits all over the country are increasing by leaps and bounds. A re you a depositor ? If you are not, join the finan cial prepcrednecs army. Man age to lay aside a certain cmount of cash. We'll be glad to explain our banking system. 1fmm Pi t" Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY Mont Shrader was an" Omaha visi tor Thursday. Miss Vera Yardley was a county s?ut visitor Saturday. Charley Creamer was numbered with the sick this week. Mrs. (J i;s. Mir.niear has been quite ilck tor the past few days. Alex. Campbell was a county seat visitor last Saturday afternoon. .Mr. and Mrs. "Walter Sans spent the day in Omaha last Saturday. Mrs. Joe Hathaway spent Sunday wirh Mr. and Mrs. Verge Arnold. Mrs. Ray Campbell was a county seat visitor last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wheeler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Urunson Cline. Cnclc George Shrader has been numbered "with the sick for the past lew days. Anderson Davis, who lias been on the sick list for most of the spring, remains about the same. Mr. and Mrr. Joe Bounds are re joicing over the arrival of a fine new hoy at their home on Saturday, July 6th. J. I. Shrader and daughters Mar rvh? a" 1 .Marie cam? down from Oma ha and spent Sunday with Mr. Shra der's !uf!ier. Miss ; l:a Baker spent the Fourth with friends in Omaha, and came on home for a Friday and Saturday vis it with home folks, returning to Lin co!:i Sunday. Burn to Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph Mracek. a baby boy, on last Thurs day. July -5th. Both the mother and little i. ne are doing nicely. It is Kiid by the neighbors that Joe was very patriotic on the Fourth, but ft It like buying all the great big can-no:.- fireciickers that lie could find in the c?:. iinur.if y and firing them off in l,.i::ur of the new son born on the f;rt-at Independence day . Here's a special on Kiki EES The price which ve name here for quick action, is cheaper than the material could be bought to-day, to say nothing of labor, thread, buttons and increased freight to bring them to us. We bought them right, and here's your chance to buy them the same way. Ail sizes 5& Io3?0 Big roomy Unionalis just FJT Mi MURRAY, rvTfc BANK Mrs. George Shrader has been on the sick list for the past few days. Verge Arnold was looking after some business matters in Murray last Saturday evening. Mont Shrader and aunt, Georgia Creamer autoed out to Louisville on business last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Tat Campbell and feon Peter, were looking after busi ness in Murray Monday. John Jacob, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stones was on the sick list for a few days the past week. Mrs. Addie Stokes and sister, Mrs. Will Stokes were visiting with PlatUmouth friends last Saturday evening. Miss Laura Puis spent a few days in Lincoln last week, a guest of Miss 'Opha Baker, who has been attending college in the capital city. I). L. Adams, who has been living out near Bethany for the past two years, was in and near Murray for a couple of days this week looking after his farm in this county to which he wishes to move in time for the work next spring. Lou says he likes old Cass county better than anywhere else, and would be glad to locate with us again. We hope he finds some thing to his liking and he and his family will move back to Cass county. Miss Ogla Minford returned home from Lincoln last week, and has ac cepted a position in the Murray State Bank. Miss Ogla will make a very valuable assistant for Cashier Boe deker. and we predict will soon get in line with the work like an old time banker. Miss Jessie Barrows, who has been in the bank for the past few months will prepare herself for the winter term of school. She has accepted a school in North Dakota and will teach up there this winter. 5S33t the thing for harvest. L Tutt NEBRASKA Umonalls Lloyd Gapen was shelling out has corn Tuesday of this week. Duck eggs for sale at 50 cents a .etting. Oldham Stock Farm. Miss Clara Young was a Lincoln visitor last Saturday and Sunday. Minford & Creamer shipped a cr ?f l.otrj to Saih Omaha Tuesday Mrs. John Campbell has been num bered with the sick for the past few Jays. Lyle Lawton visited with his mother in Lincoln last Saturday and Sunday. Searle Davis snipped a car load of oss to Nebraska City Monday of his week. For Sale Young Red Poll Bull! Call Phone No. 1721. Frank Hogaie, Murray, Neb. G-27-tfdw George Lloyd shipped a car of Cat tle to the South Omaha market Tues day of this week. Frank Schlichtemeir shipped a :ar of cattle and one of sheep to the south Omaha market this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harris, of Iowa, are i.ere visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Crede Harris, east of Murray. Omar Schliehtemeier and George Lloyd shipped a mixed car of cattle and hogs to the South Omaha mar ket this week. W'm. Human and family, who have jeen working on the Schlichtemeir farm for the past season, are moving back to Murray this week. Mrs. W. E. Dull and sister, Mrs. Hanna and daughter Mary, were vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Rutherford in Plattsmouth ov er last San day. Word has been received here from Corpus Christi, Texas, to the etloei that Robt. Patterson, son of the late Silas Patterson, is confined to his home suffering with pneumonia. John Jenkins and wife, from over in Iowa, came down last Sunday for a few days visit in Murray, guests at the home of Mr. Jenkins' mother. Mrs. Levi llusterholz and Mrs. Ger tie Beckncr, si ml Mr. and Mrs. John Farris and f&n:Py were Sunday vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee I'a-ris, east of Murray. The greater portion of the harvest of this community has been com pleted and the small grain looks to be in a fair condition, but not up to the average crop in quantity. Aj B. Boedeker, who had his fing- er so badly injured a few days age, had th;t member removed on July 3d. He is getting along very nicely at this time and anticipates no furth er trouble from the injury. Searl-? Davis delivered an excel lent four-minute talk at the Puis & Gansemer hall on last Saturday eve ning. It did not really require four minutes of Searle's time to tell his audience what a true American was. and he done it right too. Marl; Furlong, who was so ser iously injured last week by a run away team hitched to a mower, is now reported out of danger. He is still suffering a great deal from his injuries. Mark's many friends hope that he will soon be out and enjoy ing lh:? best of health in the near future. Mrs. H. C. Long returned home from the hospital in South Omaha last Friday. She is slightly improv ed. It will be remembered that Mrs. Long is suffering with blood poison ing, received by running a rusty nail into her foot several months ago, and her improvement from the injury has been very slow. James Hendricks, who lias been r.t the Methodist hospital in Omaha, for the past few weeks, fur removal of cateract from his left eye, came down to Murray Monday and will remain here with his brother, Wm. Hendricks, until entirely recovered. Mr. Hendricks is a resident of Cedar county. The farm machinery repair busi ness has been keeping Ted Barrows, of the Murray Hardware and Impl mrnt Co.. on the run for the past two weeks. Everybody wants re pairs and they want them in a hurry at that. In the future it would be a wise thing for all the farmers to ex amine all their harvesting machinery before the season for their use ar rives and place their orders for re pairs in advance. It will save time. Fred Schaffer came in from the Schaffer Bros, ranch, at Ferguson, Nebraska, last Saturday, where he has been living looking after their interests for the past number of years. Mrs. Schaffer and little babe and daughter. Miss Ethel, have been here visiting with relatives for the past few weeks, and will return home with Mr. Schaffer Wednesday. Fred says all crops are looking good in the wcEtcrn part of the state. He has cut the second crop df alfalfa, and it made a good yield. If any of the readers of the Journal know of any social event or item of intertM In this vicinity, and will mall same to this office. It will ap pear under this beauine. We want all news Items Kditoh Miss Edith LaRue came down from Omaha last Sunday to spend the day with home folks. ! Mrs. Baumeister, of Plattsmouth, has been visiting at the home of Mrs. , Dull for the past few days. j The "fighters" for Liberty District No. S, will hold a meeting on Sat urday evening, July ICth, at nine o'clock sharp. Mr. Rawls, of Platts mouth, will be present and assist the organization in every way possible. Everyone in the district is requested to attend this meeting. A LETTER FROM CAI.IP DODGE. ! Co. H, C50 Inf., July 4, 191S. Mr. J. I. Fitch, My Dear Uncle:- I will write you a few lines today, as it is my birthday. We celebrated at the River View Park. It being the first time I had missed being at home for 2 6 years. I remember fif teen years ago today. We motored out to a celebration held in a grove of F. M. Young's near Murray. I said motored out. Well our car con sisted of a lumber wagon with the t-ide boards off, and two spring seats , and a chair or two in the back. Now I am taking it by land and foot. (Some change. ) I wish you could have been here yesterday. We had a big regimental parade, a contest t between the twelve companies. And the Col. picked on our company as being the best marching company in the regiment. Therefore the Col. ! presented us with the Regimental flag, and made the rest of the com panies come to present arms while we marched up and got the big flag. I'll tell you he was a beauty. Maybe you think our old Captain didn't rear his shoulders back and feel proud. And about us boys, well. I can't express cur feelings, only I ' know we whooped and yelled every step of the way home. You can imagine how we felt. I got to be company barber all right. This morning I was cutting our Lieut. 's hair. (He was a cow puncher before he got this office.) I asked what was on top for tomorrow. He said we were going down to the Depot brigade to a little neck-tie party, that is what he called it, but I have a different name for it from that. They are going to hang three negroes. I don't know just whether I want to indulge in it or not, but if they say so. I am there on the dot. Well I will give you a little rifle range news too. I think the rifle practice is the most interesting thing in the army life. If you could only have been here, am sure you would have enjoyed it as well as I did, the first time out. You can imagine about how one would feel the first time up. I never had shot a large rifle like that before, and among about eight thousand soldiers, where they were firing thousands of shots every minute. I'll tell you it would make the be&t of us shake a little if not a whole lot. The first ton shots fired 1 got ten bull's eyes and when the day wound up I was first over all, and that was the time I felt proud. The next day was rapid firing, and we were only supposed to shoot twenty times in two minutes, at the best that is, you only shot five shots and reloaded five more till you had shot the twen ty. I made the record in one minute and twenty seconds, scoring fifteen bull's tyes, which was the "oest again. So they took me off the range and gave me the job of coaching the rest of the boys, and telling them how to shoot. It is a snap only the noise is so bad; you have to keep cotton in both ears because you sit between two fellows shooting. We start at :.'!0 in the morning and shoot till i:00 at night. Then there are our iixty pound packs we have to march home under four miies think of that. We will have a ninty pounder to lug when we get over there. May the Lord help me when I have to carry that. We arc supposed to go from here to Italy in the near future. We sure get well fed here. Some of our meals taste like $5.00 -ones, especially when we return from a twenty mile hike. Well, I could set here and write all night and tell things that hap pen, but expect you all get tired reading this, so I will save the rest till I get back I mean till the war is over, for they wont give any passes to anyone. Give my regards to all, and tell them I am feeling fine. With love and good luck to you, I remain as ever, your nephew. E. Wayne Lewis. Rand-KcNally war maps Tor sale at the Journal offics. Murray Christian Church. Sunday School at 10 a. m. A class for every one. Morning Worship at 11 a. ni. Sub ject "The Christian Life" one of "Steadfast Persistence." Evening Worship at 8:30. Sub ject "As We Sow, We Reap." Come to the Church that has a message and a welcome for every one. C. E. HANNAN, Pastor. Mrs. George Parks and Mrs. Wm. Wiley will entertain the Christian Church Ladies Aid Society on Tues day afternoon, July 17th at their home. All members try to be present. EUGENE APPLEGATF. IS WOUNDED IN FRANCE From Monday's Daily. Word reached us Tuesday morn ing that Eugene Applegate. one of the first boys to enlist from this place had been wounded or the western front in France. is the first casuality from this place and came as a great shock to all. Eugene enlisted in the Marines about a year ago and has b3n in France several months The meager news received of his being wound ed states that he was woun led in the right hip and arm, but how ser ious is not tevealed, other thii that he was in a Paris hospita' and that he was getting along fine. We hope it is true and that his injuries are not serious. This newspaper received a letter from him just a few minutes oefore the news came of his being wounded. In the letter he stated he was well and getting along fine. As ne?r as could be determined from his letter he was in the trenches at the time which was May 27th. According to the last in formation 'he was wound ed June 5th. Union Ledger. CUTTING WHEAT WITH TRACTOR From Monday's Iaily. Robert L. Propst was cutting wheat with a tractor last week, and even if the weather was warm he was able to push the machine right into the grain, not hurting the hors es, pnd the machine was willing to work 24 hours in the day without any kicking. He says no one could get him to go back to the proposition of cutting with horses. HOW THEY ENJOY IT. To Plattsmouth Journal greetings. In Philadelphia, where I now am is St. Stephens church, one of the old est churches in the city, has become St. Stephens club for service men There are rest rooms, entertainment every evening and always refresh ments for both soul and bodj The little verses tells how we enjoy it: Gratefully I sing to you Old St. Stephen's club, How we service men do love, Your shows, and your grub. Old St. Stephens club, Organized for us, Nothing ever wearies you. Or seems to make you fuss. Tho when we share your bounties, We eat more than our shares, Or rest our very weary limbs. And go to sleep in your chairs. Oh, Philadelphia people, So gentle and so kind, I'm sure for all you do for us, A place in Heaven you'll find. So I sing St. Stephen's club, The service men all love. And we'll not forget your kindness, When we're called up above. Fred G. Dawson. FRANK REBAL IN FRANCE. From Holiday's Daily. The friends and relatives of Frank Rebal have received word of his safe arrival in France, which is making a quick, trip for him as he has only been gone from here for about sixty days. Frank joined the navy and has made rapid pro gress in becoming fitted for tl;a posi tion, which he went to serve in. A. Liebershal, wife and daughter Miss Hortense, of Marquette, Mich igan, are visiting in the city, for a week or so with their relatives and friends being guests at the home of Mr. Liebershall's brother and par ents, Frank J., Joseph and John Liebershal. W. R. YOUNG AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR NO PAY! REVERSE ALL. CALLS Telephone 1511 Hurray Exchange White Queens ware! A Fine Line just received at our store that we would like to show you. We expect a nice line of Decorated Queensware in the very near future, and you will do well to hold your orders until it arrives. E.-2- FC3UIT JARS at prices that are right! Puis & Gansemer, MURRAY, Come and See The Alamo Electric Unit For Farm Lighting THE Alamo Electric Unit is just what you have always had in mind a safe, complete, economical, trouble-proof, simple, compact electric light and power plant. Nowadays, when labor is short and every minute counts, the Alamo Unit will save its cost in actual work. All the Light and Power You Need rip. . . .... ... Electric Light you need about the and outbuildings. And plenty of power to run all light machine s, such as the churn, the sep arator, the water pump and other conve niences. Let Us Demonstrate We want to show you the Alamo Electric Unit and explain hi exclusive features to you whether you are ready to buy or not. At least see acd learn aboot it. L. H. Pols Garage, DEALER Murray, CELEBRATE THEIR FIFTH ANNIVERSARY From Monday's Dally. Mr. and Mrs. Fhillip Leiper and two children were spending the Sunday yesterday at Omaha and Council Bluffs. Yesterday wa the fifth anniversary of tneir marriage, and they took tho occarion for a holiday and picnic. Coming to tLe Our Service And What It Means to You We Have a Joint Interest in This Community And We Wish to Join With You in Every Way to Promote the Community's Interests. In a sense, this community is like a farm it pays according to the way in which it is treated. The successful farmer co-op-crates with his farm. Knowing that certain soil elements are necessary to heal thy crop growth, he sees to it that these elements arc main tained. The same principle holds good in community development. Our community is composed of two closely related elements town and country. They are both essential to healthy community growth. Ne glect or mistreatment of either of them by the other affects both it injures the whole com MURRAY Hardware and MURRAY, NEBRASKA 1 1 . U L- bouse, bam jfftKmi Nebraskn city they were going to Omn'-a on the earl3r train, but missing U they went via Pacific Junction, and cele brated the recurrance of th mar riage, by having a merry tinie any way. Now is the time to join the War Stamp limit Club. See Chas. C Parmele for particulars. munity. Doth elements must be maintained. Accomplishing this is t-imply a matter of sincere co-operation among all of us in this com munity. Our idea of our own part to play for community good in a business way is To sell only such implements as have the quality to give high grade results in the field. To consider good performance ,by our implements as a part of our obligation. To sell every implement at a fair price. To practice the square deal towards each and every custo mer. On this basis we invite the co-operation of every farmer in this community. Implement Go, NEBRASKA