MONDAY, JULY 8, 1918. PLATTSMOITTI1 REMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PARK TWO ;f ' 1 1 " i:- i j -I OIL'S THE THING In tractor operation the selection of the most suitable lubricant deter mines the life and work capacity of its engine. And this year every farm tractor is a war engine that deserves the most skillful care and operation. STANOL1ND GAS ENGINE TRACTOR OIL is especially made to meet the severe lubricating requirements of kerosene burning engines. It meets the speci fications of tractor manufacturers and has proved its efficiency by keeping tractor engines up to their gruelling task day in and day out in all weathers and under all conditions. It keeps compression tight, lubricates evenly, produces a minimum of car bon and can be depended on to give you a full day's work from your trac tor at highest motor efficiency. Fill your oil tank with Stanolind Gas En gine Tractor Oil and convince yourself. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NeW' OMAHA IT - . .1 GRANTED A SEPARATION. .Mr.-. lie i.i rrv.t y. ( r I ' ' ; ii ii at: erne. :i v: :u!rv Lar:-':;i'. vs. - ; i iul i' :ii t-ult Larson wherem a-i."M ii.r a sep:-ration wife, c li-.iruins extreme The c;t was prosecuted by it-.jr: :t y A. (.;. (' )V ar.-l : -y M Archer. after ' vi -i- v. ; II i:i ;ii:d tee m.:i ' io.r-t vi s nara- ! !: v. a-; i:ra!::il. where;.;- ;!ie lnjs ;.;;n i r . :; -n ! o rr i."' ::.-'.;e.I. ar-: i'.r i lit r en na:"' v j tored. WILL CD TO GREAT LAKES. r I.; -MM .;t. I tint a a : : iiini a r? !iir'p!:f to enter l:as lictil rvaf t-ii-f -r in! i - a i U " hero, . -ij-t ii fri'-nils vl,() are "ee l : r (('.-. in tl str- t-r.u;Uth nun, who prefer j-erv-their country in tl e ur';i! war ua tUi- ser. rutlier than in land Most ef th? would-be recruits want to ! now v. h-:t the pay i ; while train !: K. Tliey are iufenaed that it is ::i a month. i,lu b(,ard and lod iu:. a:ul the use of a unifimu. After :'.jiroxii:iately two nient'as on a ; raining ship, tiie Merchant Marine recruits are placed In the crev.s cf carpo or pasenner -vessels?, for mcr antii' voyages to various quarters of the jrlht. They ar? exc:npted from :i:ilitary .service. THE EEC CROSS DANCE. : e .f f!, v.-iM :i!,V.- f f.'.il' TV. '!r. Kirvonek ! !! 'f!'-r.t an fir the ' :vy ;.nd v.ili k-irn what tl.ere is to :io . ;..'.! 1d tl!-- thine.-: in th' best v i tl ;it fl::ii; be required of bim. Kr!ii I V i'lii y'f Daily. Tiie dance which the ladies of the V I Cr;:-.- were to jrivr-j n 'i:ie street near the pust.Ie. wa. ts'lven to the Kdjides Hall, where they a.i l an xeelU :it irie. but above all t !;.-y raised a i i;;n tf money, for the i:se f.f this branch of the Grod Sa naritan work cf the country in al I' viatins the distress of the people of all nations. The ball Ramos v.hicii v as a portion will be found .n brother column. FAEI-IERS' ATTEiTION. The time to buy Hinder Twine this year is when you cau iret it. Just rt i.i .v .- i-i.ity. ( received 14.000 pounds of IVering I'. ;. Fri('; ref : ;Iy i, j p i-.t '. ( Standard Twine, which we will sell. !i!)i;:i: aent tor the 1. S. Ship- j lor strictly easii, at -a'.jC per lb CH AIJCE TO CIRCLE THE GLOBE. jar'-: IVard Kecrnit iiv; Survie, rt-j- i ts numerous inquiries f rriu youn.s? JOHN V. G ORDER, :i-tfd&w. Plattsmouth, Nob. KEEP --IJitli YOUR M0NEraIi IW OUR BAN K Sip AiD HAVE SKILLED KEN HOE WANTED FOR ill SLEEPS ANY OLD WAY NOW. THE NEED OF TRAINED MEN IN ALL AVOCATIONS ARE NO'V NEEDED. Ml From Friday's laily. "I am r0 years old ;;nd never was tick until S yei-rs a.o when ! .ot tiomath trouble. I have pc:it a 1( rtun-; for medicine which did not cure. I kept on suffeiin.n and setting worse. A fellow worker told . me j.lout -Mayr's Wonderful Remedy. Af- ' IGED LADY CALLED AWAY FROM H OF IS, flARY COWLES The following is from tlie Pi-trict Uoard of Nebraska, and is i-ts'jed to all local boards. State Headquarters is in rcelpt of a telegram whidi will be ;;ive!i you l.elow indicating' that a call may be expected about July L'tM'i far skilled men for the Kngineer 'ois. Please noie carefully the imirue tions in the teleftiain has to in kind of registrants who mav vol unteer, but do not fend in any vamos or numbers to this olhce uut'.l you get a further bulletin, which v; !'" ini; prepared giving more pe'!ie in structions as to manner of reporting volunteers and availahles. In tliis call as in former calls this !'".( d -sires to not only know how many volunteers but hov many mer :m have available for draft and we are preparing a form upon which ye.u can make report. I am asking the newspapers (f the state to print tl.-1 newv of thi-- call and wish you would ask your local papers to advertise it as inii'li as they can prior to July J 7th. The telegram of the I'rovo.-.t .Mar shal General is a- follows- "No. K-17-0. The K:i;-i n .-er roip- is in lived of certain skilled men. Only white nu n qualilie-l f -r general military service may h ;u -cepled under this call. No man who i needed to till the July c:!'.s :1 rer.dy announced saould be allow v d to volunteer for this rervice. N'olun teers may be accepted froi i the 1 'j 1 S class provided 'he registrant:-, waives all time liaiits for classifica tion and examination. The following types of nun are desired: Auto repairmen, awuen. blacksmiths, boatmen, bridge car pen! ers. cabinet makers. caulkers, concrete foremen, concrete wor' construction foreman, cook. drafts men, electricians, gas engine men. stationary engine men, farriers, h o r ic h o . r s . 1 i 1 1 -. o g r a p h e r -. martin ists. bugh rs. photographers, plumb ers, powdermen, ei-aarry:nen, ri'-:g :--. shoemakers, surveyors, tailors, team sters, telephone operators, timber men and typographers. Please give the widest publicity to this matter using the "Na. ion's Want Column" method anil urging qualified registrants to present them selves to their local boards fur list ing. If a sufficient number f vol unteers are not secured, involun tary induction will be ued. m July lSth wire this ofllce the num ber cf qualified men listed in each o fthe above occupations v.jia'i we may expect from your state. Upon receipt of this information we v. ill make definite allotments and com plete mobilization details. T.ocal Hoards must understand t hor.uigh'y that these registrants are not to be inducted until orders are reeeicd as allotments and that no men .need ed to fill the July calis already an nounced shall be permitted to vol unteer. Volunteers for this service shall not be released to the Np.vy or ?.Iariue Corps or allowed to withdraw their application prior to Augu. t t. - CKOWDKU." LtTEST TIRE BULLETIN WHY DO YOU KEE? YOUR MONEY IN YOUR POCKET, OR YOUR HOUSE. WHEN 1H RE IS A SRFE PLACE; LIKE OUR BANK. TO PROTECT IT? WHEN YOUR MONEY IS IN YOUR HOUSE THERE IS A TEMPTATION TO SPLNDIT. WHEN IT IS IN OUR BANK THERE IS A TEMPTATION TO ADD TO IT. YOU HAVE PFACE OP MIND WHEN YOUR MONEY IS SAFE. PUT IT IN OUR BANK. WE PAY 3 1-2 PER CENT ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. COME TO OUR BANK. a ariiners o a. n a THE NEW BANK. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS FROM 7:00 TO 9;00 Received at the Smith Garage, Agents for Cass County. I You can get General Tires at the j old price until July .".th exce pting ilOx::1 plain and ll-xl'. plain and i cords. j A new list priro i-S enclosed hrre jWith and a supply of these imprint- led with vour name will go forward in a few days. The C H. government over the supply of rubber and only allow rubber manuf u ! urers snvcut sixteeiiths of the amount of rubber they used last year. This force.; them to cut their production accord ingly. In a short time jon wiil find tiros mighty hard to buy at any price. You aro get! in;; the advantage of the unusually hi;; purchase we madej before the raise in prices April 2nd. Many of our dealers have taken ad-! vantage of this opportunity and our stock, purchased at the old price, will soon be exhausted. t-r taking three doses I felt like a uift'ei'Uit man; before taking it I could not lie on my back r.or right .-i;'.e. Nov.' 1-. c in sleep anv old way." It is a simple. harmless preparation that removes the ca tarrhal niiicua from the intestinal traet and allays the inflammation which caie-os p'-acticaPy all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, in cluding appondic'tis.. One dose will convince or money .refunded. Wey rich SL lladraba. and druggists everywhere. PLATTSMOUTII E0Y MAKING GOOD Fierii Krii!:iy' h.iily. Word i--- just received of the pro motion of Ralph White, who K ;- l- ,r some time l.c'ii located with the American Hell Telephone Company a( Victoria. Tex::.-, to the pe-.itiou of the manager of that company's ofliee at ArmorlHa. Texas. wh'Oh is a much larger town and a larger and more important oiiice. carrying a much greater responsihilit v. and also a larger salary. The .many friends of .Mr. White in this city as well as elsewhere will be pleased to know of his good fortune in r e;v- ing tlsis camel promotion and recog ni;: n of his ability. THE TYLER HOME SOUTH OF TOWN SOLD I'i ! I'l i.'.i.v's l'.iily. 'he l.c'ii home :o:i;h oi tlr.-- iity which lias been the dwedltng nlace lor si me time .i .ur. e . I vier ami f.imily, has j :i -t i y recently changed har.ds. l-e-ing -sold to i!.- H. Arm strong through the negotiations of C. H. Schleicher of Omaha Thi has made .dr. i yier and tamuy a gvod home, and he has not detinitely decided ture. what he will do in th'- tu- WILL VISIT FOR SOME TIME. Vreni Vr:.t.i-s l.:i!y. Mrs. I ranu K. tiiitnamn ami son Paul departed this morning for Hoi.e. Idaho, w 1 re they will visit with Charies Cu'hmau ami family ,.i.d with. Herman IT. Xeif7;l and fatnilv for seine time. While it is nice to go and visit with the children that is not :ho only attrition for li e sieirk j iit iiiii.!.1 a vis't and lefi a grandson and son :'jr Mi. a. .1 .Mrs e haries (J-thman, whi"' h.'.-s smt 'liarms for Crandma CHAUTAUQUA GOES TO COLORADO From Friday's I'i'.ily. After a verv succetisf ul lecture ceuirse at this place, the prapal: nalia is being shipped to lirush. Co'Tado. where they v.ill give a course of en tertainments and -ectures the sr.nie as hero. The rotation ef the talent will arrive at that place in time to take mi the work in regular order as they appeared here. IN THE DISTRICT COURT. Of the 1'nited States for the Dis tnct of Nebraska. Lincoln Division In the Maiter of Charles L. Nor ma.!!, Hankrupt. Case No. In Ihinkrupf cy. On this: 1 -t day of June A 1) I It 1 S on filing and reading the petition of the above named bankrupt for hi.s discharge herein, it is 'OltDF.KHI) that the loth day of August. A. IV If) IS, be j;nd tl;r same is lierediy fix ed iis the- date on or before which all creditors of. and all other persems interested in, said estate and the i. -alter of the discharge in bank ruptcy of the said bankrupt shall, if they desire to oppose the same, file my ofiice in Lincoln. Nebraska, in i I s; id Dislricl. their appearance in I rti vn : ".riling, in opposition to the grant- I ing of the fa id discharge, and also within ten days thereafter, hie m my said office specification- of the gf .Mi'uis of said opposition. WITNKSS my hand hereto, at my o'lice in Lincoln. Nebr iska, the dav ami d ite lir.-.t above written. IAN!I:L II. M cC L K N A 1 1 A N. 7 -."-ltd II v Heferee in Uaukruptcy. A WORLD OF SUFFERING REWARD OF GOOD LIFE LOST. Wednesday evening, July llrd, be ;-"'.-!i Nebraska Oitv and I'latts- liiiouth an automobile tire, rim and Hy buying at the old price you gel ! carrier :;ix1. A reward of ?7.T,0 high grade General Tire teed for a.OOO guaran- v, jj j,r. paid for t!i);ir return or for InilCS, at le'S.S tlian'.Mliv Infnrm'ilinii l.-.-iri.tiT- i f llw rr- you would have to pay for cheaper ! Vl, wry of the same. 7-C tfIALw JOHN l (JOItDHIt. Flat tsjuoutli. Neb. tires guaranteed for li,T,U0 miles. We are always at your service for good tin::-. Tin: smith cahaci:, Vgeiito ft,.- Ie:ieraI and Cnited Siatei Tire., for C;u,.- County. e;i safe.'j lU.v.- is the time to join the War aa- Hjnp Limit Club. Sea Chas. C j . ! Parmele for particulars. Stationery at the Journal office. Let us deliver your hogs in South Omaha during these hot days. We v rull i t your farm ami deliver The I'lattsmouth Gar- Fioei Friday's Oaily. After a long illness and attended with much suffering from the na ture of her malady, which was can cer of the stomach, Mrs. Mary Cowles, just approaching the three quarters of a century mark, passed r.way near midnight. oT Tuesday, at the home of her daughter Mrs Inez Stenner in this city. Mrs. Cowles, formerly Miss Mary Brockham was born at Southport, Pa., June 4th, IS 4 4, where she lived for uiauy ears, and was united in marriage with Cyress Cowles from which un ion there were three children, they being Mrs. Inez Stenner, of this city, Mrs. Kin ma Hodgkin of Bar clay. Neb., Win. Cowles of Cedar ".apids. Iowa. Many years a?o she with her husband came to Illinois, and later moved to northwestern Kamas. where they liv-d for a num br of years, and about fifteen years ;:uco moved to this city. The hus band dying a number of vears ago. Since that time-the aged mother has i. ..If her home with children a por t:n of the time here. For some t me she has been staying with her daughter Mrs. Int-vs Stenner. The funeral was hold at the home of her (.aughter in this city, the Ilev. II. (1. McCluskey conducting the ceremon !is, and the interment made in Oak Hill cemetery. THE CARS GET TOGETHER. Fi"m Friday's laily. Last Wednesday evening jur.t at the closing of the Chautauqua, which had gotten alcng so nicely with the automobiles under the guidance of W. M. Barclay, the big Cadillsc of Fred T. Kamge. became obstreperous, and would not respond to the touch of the driver, Mr. ltamge's wife, and died on' the curb. The ma-tiinv evincing trails of animal life when roused by Mr. Kamge plunged for ward and struck the automobile of V. H. Livingston just behind the fifth rib, bending the frame and iloint; considerable damage to both the Iteo which Mr. Livingston was (.riving and the Cadillac as well. The gearing apparatus of the Cadillac v as elisarranged, but both were gotten to ihe hospital. No one was injured. i.k; i. Mirit i:. To I. 1. 1 latlia w ay. eJeoigo AV. Fair field, .leihn S. Townsenil. Kol.ert J. Lackey, Nil liolas Faille. A, K. Alexan der and to their unknown heirs. de vises, legatees and personal represen tatives and to eSeorge II. liird. defend ants : Yon and taeli of yon will take notice that rt the L'lUli day of June, 1!1K, Hcrinia 11. Windham filed her petition in i lie liistrict court of ('ass county. Nebraska, nuainst you and each of vnii, the ohject and prayer of which is that she may be adjudged owner in fee Simple of Lot 1 in Blk. 11, Duke's addition to 1'lattsmont h. Nebraska, and Lot 1 in llliuk 1 and Lot S in Block 2. in Townsend's addition, to Flatts nioutli. Neb., freed from all claims f an estate or interest therein of any of the defendants, and all persons claim ing by, through or under them,, and that you and each ef you tie perpetual ly enjoined from elaiuiing any rifjht title, or interest or right of possession the title and lights of this plaintiff, her heirs or assigns, and from interfer ing with the peacable enjoyment of said lots by the plaintiff: and for such other ami further relief as equity may require. Vou and e.-o-h of ymi are reiiireil to answer to said petition on or before Monday, the Jiitli day of August, 1!HS, to any Interest you may -laiiu therein or your defaults will be' enter ed therein and t lie allegations ef said petition taken as true. lllOIIMIA K. WINDHAM. II. I. Windham, Ally. i -1-4 w Ks. vvkiy. u:;i, :oti n:. In the County court of Hie State of Nebraska. 'ass county, ss: In the matter of the estate- of Iten liett i Mi l is w isser, deceased. To the e-reditors of said e-state: Vou are hereby notified, that I will sit at the I'ounty court room in IMatls montli in said county on the "."Hh dav of .July, l!)ls, and on the l'!Uh day of October, tills, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allow ance. The time limited for the persen tation of claims against said estate Is three months from the H'.ith dav nf .luly. A. I. litis, and the time limited for payment oi debts is nne vour fiutu said LMMh day of July, l!U.V Witness my hand and the i:.l .r said county court, this lSth dav ..i- June. ms. ALLFN J. liKFsUiV (I vvks.) County Judge. Net rnnfMifsl5riuid Dracfrd an. mm r?. lira m 1 1 v i M e 'sr. r-jLCf5liOL-3 PERCENT. f AVoetablcPrcparationror i .Z.inrnnA hvRcula- tithcStomachsandBsrf A "ft. and RestContains Mineral. KotNAHCOTIC JlocAe&Sali I .; nam i1 rnnt inalion and Diarrnoca. ii LossofSleeh WEE. rum e a Exact Copy of Yr3pper. ilf fill i For Infants and Children. Mers Know Bai Genuine Gastorsa Always Bears the CM . i. of 4Aj w o Eli a IB or Oyer Thirty Years m i mm TMC CriTHOR COVPNY. HIW VOUK C I TV a A it ATTENTION OWNEftS OF MOTOR CARS Do you know that tiie famous VV'at tcrs New Gas Saver and Carbon lie mover is a great success, and will actually keep the water in your car cool, and eliminate the accumula tion of carbon in the cylinders and spark plugs. This device will force steam in your car and thereby soften the carbon. You will pave from 25 to 40 per cent more on your bss, gives -your engine more "pep" and more pull, to say nothing of the more mileage you will get from a gallon cf gas. Thousands of satisfied users. One of Ours. 1 have one of the Wallers Gas and Carbon Itemovers on my car, and it sure does all j-ou claim for it. I get twenty-eight miles cut of cue gallon of gas, and besides it keeps the motor cool. ED. SCIIULHOK, Plattsmouth, Nebr. For sale at the office of Peters : Parker, Plattsmouth, Neb., Phone No. 35. tfd&w FEAR RABIES AND ARE TREATED From Friday's Dally. Last Sunday Robert Stivers who is a salesman employed in the store of Ashley Ault of Cedar Creek was bUten by a dog, and Mr. Ault brought him to this city and hyd the wound cauterized. Tuesday Sam O. Hackcnberg was trying to drive a sew into a pen which nas some little pigs and she was rather cross?, and in trying to head the animal off. Mr. I ackenberg- fell among the pigs, when the tow grasped his wrist in her mouth and shut down on it, causing an ugly wound Ashley Ault brought him down and had tne wound cauterized. At this time the wounds, both seem to be getting all right and it is hoped that nothing serious will come of (hem. THE PROPER CAUSE Information of Priceless Value to Every Plattsmouth Citizen Ho wto act in an emergency is knowledge of inestimable wort! , and this is particularly true of the. dis eases and ills of the human body. If you suffer with kidney back-iche, urinary disorders, or any form of kidney trouble, tiie advice contain ed in the following statemeii: should add a valuable asset to your Ft ore of knowledge. What could 1? more convincing proof of the efficiency of Doan's Kidney Pills than the state ment of a Plattsruouth citi'en who used them and who publicly tells of the benefit derived? Mrs. J. M. Hiber, 1-103 Vine Si., nays: "Once in a while 1 get a dull ache across my kidneys, but a few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills soon overcome this trouble. I couldn't recommend a better medicine for backache and kidney complaint." Price OCc, at all dealers. Don't s:mp!y ask for a kidney ren edy get Doan's Kidney Piils the "-ame that Mrs. Hiber had. Fos-ter-Mil-burn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y Your stock can be delivered in South Omaha in fine snapc these hot days with an auto truck. Call tee Plattsmouth Garage for particulars. W. A. ROBERTSON. Lawyer. East vt Riley Hotel. Coates Block. Second Floor. ',.T-.,, Read the Journal Ads It Pays. In the County eourt. the Kluli.u .r Nehr;isk;i. i c ounty. s: In the mutter of the iisliili. ,f YVII- liiim -. linnvn, ileeenxecl. lo tiie ereiiiiors of sahl rslule: ion are lieicliy um fii-il ii,-,t i' sit ( the County eourt room In I'latts- inioiin in said eountv. i.ii,-., -...j : 1U1S. ;iiii ijetolier L'iiil 1 i I .. ""i.t o i luek e;u h ilny to receiy,. a,,',l txam-: in- mi tins iimnrisr sulil estate with i view to their ml lust iiwi.i ,..i ..n..... iinee. The time limlte.l I,,,, ti t sen Hi I Ion of elalnm Htfalnst said estate! i uii'-n minims iiuiu the ",1 ,)av of1 July. A. I). i:iS. ami th.. II..... n;n.i' for payment of .1. I, is Is one f...i.. :iM L'.'ci day of .luly. lus. "hpii'mk my hand :.m,i u,n .....i -aiil I'iMiiity enui I. ilii. ini, .'..'.- Imi... inn ALf.KU J. HKKSOX. .Ooiintv Judse. l:. i:. wiNiiiiAJt, Atty. for .Estate. of of ' (6-14 wks.) i" i.."i hi iTrmmmm " t- -- ' 1 m MM mi. INTERIOR DECORATOR, RyRDOCgC, NEBRASKA AND "Keep the Home Fires Burning 99 ess;;