The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 04, 1918, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of the readers of the
Journal knew cf any social
event or item of interest in
this vicinity, and wiil mail
same vo this nSiee. it will ai
roar urcier this heading. We
watt all newsltetiiS Editob
1 1 j I. I I I I
ii i i rt (
Women Are
Statistics show that the num
ber of women depositors is rap
idly increasing.
We realize that women to
day are a big figure in the
business world.
We pay special attention to
their accounts.
Courteous tellers and clerks
will gladly explain anything
women want to know in the
banking line.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Iu Long v;ii? au Ouutl.a viitor John Imrman has been sporting
i ' !' ja line new Overland automobile this
Or. an 1 .Mr-. G. I!. Cilmore were we. k.
i.-i' i:;g in ia--t wiyk. j Mr.-. K. S. Tun and Miss Ktta
I' Re:: Bvckman was number-; Nickel.- were I'lattsn.outh visitors
I with the tick f-.r a lew days the 'hist Friday.
past v..-,.k. i ivn to Mr. and Mrs. I. A. War-
.Mrs. !Ian::a a:;! .Mrs. Hull were at-J i-CK- a baby boy, on Wednesday, the
'.:.dii:-: the Chautauqua in Piatts-' - ,;t h ' June.
mouth Tuesday. J y:r. ai:d Mrs. I . A. Voting were in
I. :!. the iitt mi;i of Mr. ar.i Phit -.-mouth attending the Chautau
Mrs. t; ru- Shrrob r. f.dl and cut aa T.icsdav.
!.: :ii! u:ly wound ju-i above hist
Ie Mavis was look in 2 after
f e Wednesday. j some matters of business in Platts-
Mr. and Mr.-. op nha ver and mouth Tu'.-day.
.Mrs. Addie Stokes ani son (Juy. ! Murray was well n -presented at
fr- ni mar Fnion. were Murray vis-ith" Chautauqua in I'lattsmouth on last Sunday. J Tuesday evening.
Born ?o Mr. a:.fl Mrs. Albert j Theo. Ronton, who has just cotn
Kakts. a girl, on Sunday. June 1 dieted the carpenter work on the
:.-"h. Roth mother and little one ! -it v home for Mr. and Mrs. L. II.
are d.ii' u nh!y. il'uls. w.-nt this week to t be farm
Mis-- Mu. LouhrbUo and :ii-s:u.'e of Philip lli'd. where he will
i.vdra Todd and Dwyer To l l were erect a modern home fr Mr. and
vid'hm wiri; Phittsmouth friends a j Mrs. liibl.
f hour- h st Saturday evening. j Louie Rh Inaeklo and family were
Mis Grace Jario-r-ou. of Lincoln, j i.-i lv.' and trading with county
hi.-- '." ii her- visiting for the mist ; seat friends Tr.esdav of this week.
a! the home of her
Mrs. fb-.irge Kluxlen continues to
sdst-r. I'r. at; Mrs. J. F. Brer.del. j ivprov- slow ly from her recent ill
To:.: ('roiri'.'.tH wa down from ness. e'i r.ding over a period of sev
i'.r:i::t. ."!.. lat week and boticht i .r:l months.
-::-. ho-. fro: i the Oldliam Stock i Fra Val!- rv and familv retr.rn-
Farm, timr will be placed in his ed h"iii- from an auio trip down to
herd on; in Perkins county. j Kan.-in rity. Mo.. Tuesday, where
Grandpa Slift. w!io lias bt e;i so 'they sp-nt a bw doys visiting and
s-t.i uiiy ill f.r the past we-k, re-! looking after sfme matters of busi
tii: i li- hiiu';; t!:e sanif. s!;o il!g ' nf
'!;; i!iiprov't:.ent. out ;js a.lvanc-i The f!iti rtainme::t given by the
ed ii':- n:a!-:t s improviuuenT rat her j r-'ing people i this vincinity for
.-low. i the benefit of the Senior Class ot
Tu:. Mr-
the V. P. Sumlav SchooJ last Thurs-
Pavis and Fay obiham !i:a'b war :: !day evt ning. was quite well attend
r!:. -o r.-'-V.. -rri es d-v.-n at the grovi-jed, and a succe.-s in every particu
oi Pinnan Tii--f'.ay. At least. Inr. The receipts were very goo'l,
they (: mtinu alter berries, ami I ami the promoters, as well as the
we take it for granted they were well pleased with the
h'-mt- with plenty of berries. I entertainment.
ira.w HLt Time!
It's the time of year when you need the Slaw Hat
to go with your best Sunday clothes. We have them
and at no advance in price:
Men's Genuine Panama Straw, pencil curl rim,
high crown, very latest styles $2.50
Men's Genuine Panama Straw, crusher crown,
pencil curl rim, black ribbon band 3.00
Men's large shape, crusher crown style, and a sure
good sun shade, extra quality 5.00
Men's Sailor Straws, medium or heavy straw. . . . 1.50
Men's Sailors, fine woven straw and extra value tit 1.25
Boys Straw for the dressy boy .50
Dan't pay more when you can buy them for less!
l 7a
Leonard Terryberry was a Platts
mouth visitor Tuesday.
Duck eggs for sale at 50 cents a
setting. Oldham Stock Farm.
Johnnie llobscheilt was a county
scat visitor Monday evening of this
W. J. Philpot shipped three cars of
cattle to the South Omaha market
last Friday.
Mrs. John Stones, who has been
quite ill for for the past few weeks,
has slightly improved at this time.
Mr. and Mrs. Krn Carroll went
to Omaha last Sunday evening with
their little son to consult a s -cialist
in regard to his health. They were
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. ('has.
Mrs. Will Stokes arrived here
from Cauada last Friday, but too late
to attend the funeral of he mother.
Mrs. Long, who was laid to rest on
Thursday afternoon. She will remain
for a few days visit with relatives
and friends, ami went over to Man
ley Sunday for visit with her siter,
Mrs. Miller.
All the sons and dau-hters of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Puis gathered at th.e
parental home la-t Sunday to spend
the day. There v. ere Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Puis an-! family. Mr. and Mrs.
L. II. Puis and family. Mr. and Mrs.
Oito Puis and family. Mr. am'. Mrs.
Philip Hild and family. Mr. ami Mrs.
All". (binemer and family, and Mr.
ami Mrs. Fred Lutz and family.
The day was a very pleasant one for
them all.
Dr. and Mrs. Ii. F. Eremlel. Dr.
and Mrs. J. W. P.rendel and Miss
Selma Marquardt. of Avoea. returned
home from their auto trip back in
Indiana. Tuesday about noon. They
report a tine trip, and a most enjoy
able visit with friends and relative
back in the old "llofisier" state,
where lr. ami Mrs. P. F. Prtndel
spent their early days. They met
most favorable weather ami travel
ing was good via the auto route on
the entire journey.
Mis-? Jennie Shrad-T, aecompaniel
by her friend. Mrs. A,nJ:rson. of Om
ah:'. came down Monday for a brief
visit at the home of Mrs. Georgia
Creamer sister of Miss Shrader, east
jof Murray, Monday for a brief visit.
jThe trip was ma le in Miss Shrader's
! m v.- auto. Miss Shrader is now !o
j can I on a farm near South Omaha,
land is doing well. She has forty
lucre-: rented, well stocked and evcry-
thing points to a prosperous year
for her in the new location.
Alf. Nickels, who has been down
at Hot Springs. Ark., for th.e past
' few months, where he has been re-
ceiving treatment for rheumatism,
i l as started for home. Th.e trip will
be made in his Ford car. and he left
on Tuesday of last week, so we may
expect to see him home most any
day. For some distance out of Hot
Springs he met with very rough roads
and only made 11 miles the tirst
three days. We trust that he w ill
arrive home feeling greatly improv
ed from the baths and treatments
L. II. Puis, the Murray Alamo
i Li-4!;t Plant Agent, has jitst com
jpleted the Installation of one of those
fine plants in the beautiful farm
: home of Wm. Peters, southeast of
Weeping Water. This plant in the
largest made by the Alamo company,
and covers the resilience ami every
outbuilding on the farm. It will
not only give perfect light all
over tlo- farm, but will furnish pow
er for all the minor machinery about
the home, such as separators, wash-
ling machines churn
farmers of Cass county are progress
ive and want everything modern in
and about the home. The Alamo
-olves the liUit quest ion -for them.
There will lie another social
dancegiven at the Puis & (Jansemer
hall in Murray, on Wednesday even
ing. July 10th. The music will be
furnished by Dandusdenes Famous
Colored Orchestra, of Omaha. Vou
are invited to come out anr have
a good time.
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far cr near.
Telephone 1511 Hurray Exchange
Geo. Nickles and Gertrude Long
motored to Omaha Sunday.
Lee- Xickles was looking after
business fn Xeha vka Sunday even
ing. A. I). Crunk and family were
guests at the William Nichols home
Mrs. II. C. Long who is in a hos
pital in Omaha is reported slightly
For Sale Young II d Poll Pull.
Call Phone Xo. 1721. Frank Hogue,
Murray, Xeb. G-27-tfdw
School District Xo. 7 War Saving
Stamps will hold a meeting Friday
tvening, July 7.
Jno. Hobschidt and family spent
Sunday with Frame Sia :!e and fam
ily at Rock liluiTs.
Will be service at L'wi.-tcn. Sun
day afternoon at - p. m. Ail are
cordially invited to come.
Mrs. Geo. Parle and family and
Mrs. Mary Yi!ey spent July 4th with
iriends in Plattsmouth.
Jno. liobchidt math- a truck trip
to Omaha Tuesday a. and one to
Nebraska City. Tue.-i'.:;y p. m.
A. F. Nichle-s w,n has iKen at the
T!;t Springs for past f- w mon'hs i
on his way home via th- Ford r.r,:!i.
Dr. J. R. Jackson left Thursday
forenoon driving to Omaha wit a his
sister. Mrs. Murchie nd hf r babe,
and in the evening tr.'-ing thrm to
tneir homo at Red Oak. Iowa. Later
in the week he drove o:t to his home
at Brookings, S. 1).
Tuesday evening cf this wee!: Dr.
and Mrs. Jack-on had a pleasant call
from Mr. and Mrs. Wvtbrntd: and
son. who drove up in their car from
t! eir home at Dunbar. While they
were here Rev. Godfrey and family,
who had b"en in Omaha for the day.
;'iso calb-i! for a lew minute-.
Rev. W. M. Jackson to. k hi- wife family to Plattsmouth Thurs
day morning to take a train for Red
Oak. Iowa, to viit fri nds in and
near that city. He :m-r. them again
on Monday afternoon on their re
turn. Tuesday morning they left
for their home in Ton-ka, Kan.
United Presbyterian Church Notes.
!t':oO a. m. Sabbath School.
11 :"( a. m. Sermon hy the pastor.
S;oo p. m. Preaching.
The musical entertainment given
th.e evening of the 27th by Mrs.
Jackson's class v ss well attended
; nd much njoyed by all. The young
people all did th' ir parts well. Much is to be given .Miss Lydia Todd
jud Miss Mae Loughrblgo who in a
very short time and despite many
circuities save the different per
formers such thorou-'h drill for the
evening p. riormance. The receipt-
v ere Mifhcient to meet th.e oecial
object for which the entertainment
was given.
OAS f bb
Many people say: "Why doesn't th
government do the work of the Rec
Cross';" There is n better reply t(
this question than to cite some of th
activities of the American Red Cross
Last August the American Red Cross
issued an order for an automobile tc
be given to a French hospital for
tlren of Toul. near Nancy. A lot o:
chintzes for the bedrooms were sen
down to brb-'hten them up. a bn nf toys
for the children French childret
brought in from the war zone, tot
young to keep on their gas masks. To
day ten R-'d Cross automobiles art
hauling to Red Cross hospitals ir
Franco French children whose parents
held in slavery in Germany, are noi
being dumped every day at Evi-jj. oi
th Franco-Swiss border.
Fancy our government doing fiat foi
French children. Yet it ".rt be dnn
if the French morale beliiod the line;
is to be kept up. These deeds of th
American Red Cross are just as mud
a part of our military policy in Franci
and Italy as though they were done ua
der articles of wax.
Fn mi t .laesii j 's Daily.
A letter from Mure Island, near
San Francisco, the station where
Radio Telegraphic school is located,
vas received from Clifford Squires.
d:o was one of the operators at this
station on the IJurlington and who
went away a short time since, says
that he is now located there.
Cliff is a good wire operator, and
should make good as a radio opera
te r. There is much demand for radio
operators, as the service is getting
More extended, it should be more
as time goes on.
Go out and try vour hand in the
harvest field.
Ground Won by Americans and
French and Held Against Violent
Counter Attack.
Hurling themselves at the tip of
the salient driven into the allied
lines by the Germans late in May,
the Americans and French have won
important ground near Chateau
Thierry. The attack was local in
character, but its success may prove
important in the future operations
in that part of the battle front near
est Paris.
The assault was aimed at the ham
let of Yaux. which is situated on the
south side of the Chateau Thierry-
Pari road and on the northern
shapes of hill 20 4. Yaux is about
two miles from Chateau Th'erry.
This was carried by the rush of the
French and Americans, who also oc
cupied two small patches of wood.s
in the immediate vicinity.
The Germans almost immediitely
began counter attacks in an attempt
to regain the lost positions. but
their efforts failed in every instance.
In th.e initial attack ami in their re
paated assaults against the new lines
held by the allies, the Germans have
suffered very heavy looses, at least
Ou prisoners having been taken by
th.e French and Americans. One en
tire German regiment is officially re
ported to have bten virtually an
nihilated in the battle
Thrilling Air Battle.
A thrilling air battle between
nine American airplanes and an
equal number of German machii es is
reported in the Chateau Thierry sec
tor. At leard three German plane?
were destroyed, while two American
machines have failed to return from
the encounter.
On June 7, the French reported
that they had recaptured hill 204. a
height dominating the city of Cha
teau Thierry. It appears, however,
that the Germans have been lidding
at least a part of the height, or that
they have, by an attack which has;
not been reported, succeeded in oc
cupying the hill once more. The al
lied attack on. the north side will
tend to make the enemy's position
ii the hill !-:ss secure and may force
the Germans to relocate their line
from the Marne northward to Torcy.
where the Americans have been suc
cessful in several fights and have
won important ground.
White Queens ware!
A Fine Line just received at our store that
we would like to show you.
We expect a nice line of
Decorated Queensware
in the very near future, and you will do well
to hold your orders until it arrives.
at prices that are right!
Puis & Gansemer,
Eritons Hold Gains.
Rritish forces; northwest of Albert
have been forced to fight bard to
hold positions they took from the
Germans Sunday right. A determ
ined attack by the enemy at that
point threatened to wrest the cap
tured ground from th- Rritish but
heavy counter attacks flung tho foe
out of all but one of the trenches he
had occupied.
The French front west of the Oise
and east of Rheims had been the
scene of considerable local lighting
in which prisoners were taken by
th.e allied forces. The French have
reoccupied the village of St. Pierre
Aigle. southwest of Soissons, which
they lost three weeks ago.
The German oiricial statement of
operations along the front says that
allied attacks at various points were
repulsed. It specilica'iy mentions
the attack west of Chateau Thierry
as being unsuccessful.
Arthur Dean who has been at
Omaha, where he has been taking
medical treatment arrived home this
:u --masarr
Come and See The
For Farm Lighting
Electric Unit
THE Alamo Electric Unit is just what you
have always had in mind
a safe, complete, economical, trouble-proof,
simple, compact electric light and power plant.
Nowadays, when labor is short and every minute
counts, the Alamo Unit will save its cost in actual work.
All the Light and Power You Need n
The Alamo Unit will supply you all the &&vril
louse, cam
Italians Score Another Success.
Italian forces which have been
gaining important ground on the
eastern side of the Aiago plateau
have suddenly shifted their attack
to the Monte Grappa region east of
(he Brenta river. Important Aus
trian positions have been carried and
nearly 600 prisoners captured by the
Italians. Czecho-SIovak troops fight
ing under the Italian flag, have tak
en part in the struggles of the last
few days in the mountains.
There is still no indication that
the German offensive i about to be
renewed in spite of the fact that it is
1 . I tiwnr. .nr.L-c I, C
north of Compiegne came to a stop.
American. Rritish and French
forces which have been landed at
Kola, on the Murmansk coast, to
protect vast stores transported there
before the collapse of Russia as a fac
tor iu the war, probably will be call
ed upon to face a serious attack soon.
Dispatches from Christiania say that
German and Finnish troops are push
ing northward toward the coast.
Electric Light you need about the hous
and outbuildings. And
plenty of power to run
as the churr., the sep
arator, the water pump
and other conveniences.
Lblv It
Let Us
We want to show
yen the Alamo Electric
Unit and explain its
exclusive features to
you whether yoa are
ready to buy or not.
At least see and leara
abott iu
II h3
1 M Mill t T
tn rill 11 V.
iitt ! CZ
ills Garage
George Becker was a visitor in
Omaha this afternoon.
Mrs. Grace O'Brien and daughter
Miss Laura, of Loup City, arrived
in the city yesterday and are visit
ing at the home of J. S. Benscoter.
who is the uncle of Mrs. O'Brien,
she being the daughter of Benscoter's
brother. They will moke a visit ex
tending over some two weeks.
Wm. Fields of Pacific Junction.
Iowa, who has been visiting in this
city at the home of per daughter
Mrs. Frank Harris depr' -d this af
ternoon. Mrs. Thomas J. Isner and little
son departed this afternoon for
Council Bluffs, Iowa, where she will
visit for over the Fourth with her
caughter Mrs. Charlie I-Mmonds.
Our S
And What It Cleans fo You
We Have a Joint Interest in
This Community
And We Wish to Join With You in Every Way to
Promote the Community's Interests.
In a sense, this community is
like a farm it pays according
to the way in which it is
The successful fanner co-op-crates
with his farm.
Knowing that certain s.oil
elements are necessary to heal
thy crop growth, he sees to it
that these elements are main
tained. The same principle holds
good in community development.
Our community is composed
of two closely related elements
town and country.
They are both essential io
healthy community growth. Ne
glect or mistreatment of tdther
of them by the other affects
both it injures the whole com
munity. Roth elements mu-t
be maintained.
Accomplishing this is simply
a matter of si:nre co-operation
among all ' us in this com
munity. Our iia of our own part to
pleVV for community good iu a
business way is
To sell only such implements
as have the quality to give high
grade results in the field.
To consider good performance
by our implements ai a part of
our obligation.
To sell every implement at
a fair price.
To practice the square deal
towards each and every custo
mer. On this basis we invite the
o-operation of every farmer in
this community.
Hardware and Implement Co.,