THURSDAY,J lid 4. ivJib. PL ATTS MOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWO. nana A HARD FOUGHT BALL GAME. WILL TEACH AT WAYNE NORMAL Y From Tuesday's Dally. c N D L Mrs. Mae Morgan departed today for Wayne in the northern portion of the titate, wheru she will for the coming two weeks teach in the Nor Famous For Its Marvelous Motor mal school at that place., Mrs. Mor gan is well equipped for such work MANY GOOD PLAYS- MANY ER RORS MAKES THE NINE IN NINGS FOR VICTORS. OURS TO SPARE. having had an abundance of exper ience in work of this line, and being well qualified as to the education she possesses, and also as to her natural aptitude for this class of instruction. MASON STRIKES OUT 17 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEET TODAY R pIAi feat P if " r PJQJCOi?Z) TIRES are madein the ribbed tread familiarly associated with Cord Tires and in the fa ' mousFiskNon-SkidTread. No matter which of these tiresyou chooseyou cannot go wrong ! They are big, sturdy, beautiful combining re siliency, speed, mileage, safety and comfort. JOHN Plattsrnouth, Nebraska. CASS CO. FARM oliiiuii I-o(.hI to I ..-! I I nrieing lii(rrcl BUREAU NOTES - ThreLhing Time Economy. Farmers .-hoiild rake with g.irden rake all wa-te wheat in field, keep l fie loon wheat and tray bundles i:p fr'ii:: around the feeders and not allow then! to iile and waste. thres'i'T:.ta:i or 'armer should have a tarpaulin Jo place under the feeder ai'.d not allow on- sinrlo ker nel to rzo to waste. Save. Have. Save. Th r lien's Meeting Ke!d at Wcepinp- Wat 21. Al:iio;t every man :-ig::"d the pledge r.ird to .-save all wlitvi pnv sible. The priee of i :. resli i n ir was di:-eued. ;!- be-a methods of get ting the larg.-.M amount of the irrain out of the straw. To Cass County Newspaper I have considering what I may io to nuvke my u?'.v .-paper pu Il licit v for the County Aaent's work as possible . o .nil ,e ju-t as efuciiv Ijave two id'-as I would like wcrked out this tit'ie. li'ea. Xo. J i-- to suggest to you ;-.! new: paper men of fh county hat you put a sinu'o eoliurr. or ii.uhl, d:i-en box: d iicii'Mr over the Farm Uureau Neds, similar in design to the urn the r'lattsmouth Journal got up of 1; , o. u aetor I and for which it i ' ;-rvinu of p'r-;al liieiit ion. Idea Xi. J to n-'id rut frm time fo time, in addition to my reg ular miles, hc;u) articles to ! run M-n:ewhere in th" pa tier apart from the not e. Those 7' railed articles will n-f bo given you every we; k and if you lind it is iMlMcult lo use them at time- i will rot expect you to strain t.;o big a point to get tlotn in. in addition to ti- N'ofes. I will try t;i get them up in a short. rmipny way so ti 'hey will !e read, in fart I am Irvine to wife all of my -'uff so that it will ' Ret acres:-;- and appeal to the leaiier. Now as ! have indicated, f him sriviir; to do all that I ran to make the publicity from this office t ef-;v.-;ive possible, and let m? as sure you th:: I will appreeia'e any uggesi i n. you may make at any f::nf. I 'Ttainly .ant to thank the 'KFECT your Poultry and Hen houses with Semi Re fined Crude Oil. For safe by 17. 7. OIGHARDSOn entire newspaper fraternity of Cass Couniy for the splendid way they have handled all of the publicity ma terial from this office s?o rar. and I am sure I can depend upon your co operation in the future. Farm Bureau Notes. May crops are light, pasture very poor. Cane and Millet seed can he secured from our western farmers at a reasonable price. If interested. call or write the Comity A cent. Xo trouble to get reliable serum Write K. F. Marshall at Weeping j .vatcr or the t otsnty Agent and you ! ian have same at cost. $1.17 for , 100 e. c. and :J c. c. of virus free wiih 1 e.ich 100 c. c. of serum. 1 ! To preserve eggs the waterglass ami nine met noils are used or recom- jniei'de.l hy ih? Department of oul- jtry Husbandry of the University of 1 .fiirasKa. w aierjriass solution is j l .ade in ratio of one to nine quarts of !; :led water, that is. water that has been boiled and cooled. This ami itnf will be enough to preserve fifteen dozen eggs. Allow abo it two inches of this solution over the top layer of the e.-'gs and place the container in a cool, dry place with a tight cover so as to prevent evap oration. Dissolve two or three pound:? of unslacked lime in five gallons of water that n?s previously been boiled and al.owcd to coo!, and allow the mixture to stand until the lime settles and the liquid is clear. Plate clean, fresh eggs in a clean earthenware crock or jar and pour the clear lime water into the vessel until the eggs are covered. At least two inches of the solution should cover serve the top layer of eggs Pre- Fair Sized Good Natured Crowe En joyed the Best Ball Game of the Season. clean, unva test all eggs hed for onlv fresh eggs. Candle or cracks. The use of low grade fuels, such as kerosene or distillate, reduce fuel cost in .operating tractors very ma terially, according to tests conduct ed by t!)t Agricultural KncJne ring Depart men t of the I "ni versify of Ne braska. Tractors must be designed for there fuels in order to operate on them efficiently. L. Ii. SNIP'.S, County Agent. From Monday's Daily Yesterday afternoon at the hall park with the air just, the finest with the spicy tang of the pine for est, and the ball piayers all on their mettle, the game was called at three thirty with the Union Outfitting Company, at the bat. The old time pitcher away, and W. H. Mason was called in from left field, the place where he has played so well, and Joe McCarthy placed over from center. while Lawrence Spreacher was plac ed in center, the game began with many fears for the boys with the crimson sox. The first thing Mason did was to strike out three in regula tion order, this he kept up for four innings, with one exception Polan was put out on a fly. this making Mason for the first thirteen men up to bat eleven of them struck out. This looked good. well, too good to last, but during the game he made a record of seventeen strike outs. bare lie watKeu lour 01 the men. some intentionally. Kring, Jesse and Lane, each got a hit from him. but this looks to us like a pretty pood record. Just ten of the men I who were up to strike, got to first, I and there were thirty-seven of them I three of them made runs. Hoffman replaced Kisley in the ninth inning, but was not benefitted With us. we did not score the first two in nings for Turner alone saw first. In the third inning, the three boys, and husky lads they are when it comes to playing ball. Grass-ran. Sprecher and Martin were to bat, and people were counting it would be one. lv.i three, but the lads fooled everybody for two runs were made, one bv Grassman and one by Martin, while Sprecher was credited with the sac rifice for them. In the fourth Iler- old made the run. Mason was tagged at the home plate. Gradoville, reach e dthird, Sprecher second and Mart in first, when McCarthy was fannel out. In the fifth Turner adi'ed a run. making four. Edwards was tag ged at third. Mason and Gradwilk were struck out. In the sixth Grad oville saw third, and Sprecher sec ond, while Martin. Turner and Mc carty went to grass. The seventh and eighth was fanning out most al together, and the game was over. I'nion Co 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 u lied Sox o 0 2 1 .1 0 0 0 x 1 I'ltun Tuesday's Daily. Janu's M. Teagarden of Weeping Water. Dale Hoyles, of Alyo, and L. F. Langhorst. of Klmwood, were members of the executive conm ittee who were meeting in the city today to attend to the settling ot a con troversy between the Burlington shops and some of its workmen. SPEND VACATION HETPING. From Cs faily. Itev. A. J. Hargett is a man who believes in doing, he is taking a va cation during the month of July, de parting last evening for Lincoln, where he looked after some business, for a slfort time before going to Arapahoe, where he will spend the month, liev. Hargett has a fieiu of wheat there which is being cut at this time, and for the cutting of which he will assist 1:1 the work on the farm for the cutting and thresh ing. After which he will continue, until he has paid, what the time will allow, for the seeding of the ground again. Just recently he has been plowing corn at the home of Frank Good man when he was not able to find help, and was compelled to be at the house on account of sickness. DEPARTED TODAY FOR CAMP From Tuesday's Daily. This afternoon Clyde Jones and wife departed for Omaha, from where Mrs. Jones will go to Chicago, where she will make her home for the present with relatives, and re main until such a time as Clyde shall definitelv know where he will be located. Mr. Jones departs from Chicago tomorrow lor Jefferson racks. near St. louis, where he will enter the barracks as an electrician. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Fiv.m Tuesday's Daily. A. L. Tidd. trustee to Ne braska' Annual Confer ence lots 20, 21, Ivong's add. to Mynard trustees I). N. C Italph Vinton et a! to F. G. Delfs SU lots 1 2 blk. ."(' City W. D Aug Ossenkopp to T. K. Parniele lots, 1M, IS 2. pt. ISO Louisville W. 1). $3,000.00 15. Currance, et al to N. J. Anderson lot 11, Jones add. Greenwood. W. I) $4f.0.00 Unusual Economy Without Sacrifice TIIK Chandler Sis has always been famous for its economy of operation economy without the sacrifice of reserve power, without the sacrifice of roadability, without the sacrifice of beauty cf design. Thousands of Chandler owners all over America tell of gasoline mileage of fifteen to seventeen miles p?r gallon. lire mileage of seven thousand to nine thousand miles per set of tires is common place among Chandler owners. Chandler owners and Chandler dealers say that the service upkeep of the Chandler car is much less than that of any other ficd cars w hich they have owned cr sold. The owner of a Chandler Sis possesses a really great automobile great not merely from the standpoint of economy cf operation and maintenance, but, even more impor tant, from the standozint of mechanical excellence and daily performance. The Chandler motor, designed and huilt in our own factory, distinguishes the Chandler chassis, marked throughout by its simplicity and sturdiness. The life, pick up, get-away and endurance cf this motor will astonish you quite as much as it pleases you. liodies of most attractive design and of unusual comfort are mounted on the Chand ler chassis. Strven-Passenzer Ttmrlnx Car, St 795 Four-Passenger Roadster, 31795 For:--Passenger Dispatch Car, Slft75 Convertible Sedan, S2-95 Convertible Coupe, S2395 Limousine, 03095 Alt prices f.o. b. Clsx-cland iruuxj IT a V IT& Ud Plattsrnouth, Nebraska CHANDLER MOTOR-CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO 11 II i.i:; i. oTit i: .$1.00 c LATEST TIRE BULLETIN OFFICIAL BULLETIN NO ?53. FOR SALE 1 aire land. :: larre room house, two barn-, chicken house, corn crib, hotf hou.:e. two cave, 1 ciste-u, 20 feet dicp brick lined, plenty of fruit trcs. O-i Lincoln Ave. 1 milo fn.m town. Also, Kentlc driving horse, busy and harness, alnio?t new. One yrarlinj; colt and road cart. Will ell together or separate. Call cven- in.ys FRANK KOUIL' K. Iwkd2tw Plattsrnouth. Nehr. Your stock can be delivered in Sculh Omaha In fine saapc these hat days with an auto truck. Call le Plattsrnouth Garage for particulars. Now is the time lo.join the Vi Stamp Limit Clab. See Chas. C. Farmele for particulars. The State Headquarters at Lincoln have issued to the local boards and District boards the following bulle tin relative to dependency, and which supercedes former order number 2.'!; The following bein; order number 15-1711. "Instruct Local and P.strict P..ard:-; that in considering claims fo- de ferred classificatio.i on deneu'eii -v 'oundi they will disregard income provided by the state or municinaJi ties for the maintenance of depend ents while the reiristrai.t nnon .!um labors these perso:: are denenda?;t for support are in military service of the Failed States. Crowder". The following telegraphic order has been received from Provot .Mar shal general, and is known as Para graph (f Section 7 2 of the Draft Law. ".V.-!7:;:. Ft is reported to this olliee that in the reclassification of Ilgist rant s now in pro;rres some Local Hoards are basing the depend ency status of registrants on a find ing of whether or not the parents or relatives of the registrant or his de pendents are welling or able to pro vide for the dependents while the registrant is in t he, military service. Please call attention of all board to paragraph (f). Scctbn 72 S. S. R.. which clearly means that the ability or the willingness of the parents-in-law of a registrant to provide for his dependents must not be considered. Please further instruct all boards that this rule must be adhered to. Crowder." To feel strong, have good appetite and dlgestirn. sleep soundly and en jay life, use Hurdock Hlood Hitters, the family system tonic. Price $1.2.'. deceived at the Smith Garaae. Agents for Cass County. 1011 can get General Tires at the old priee until July ath excentinc ::0x::v plain and :!2x:! :. plain and cords. A new list price, is enclosed here with and a supply of these imprint ed with your name will to forward in a few da vs. Tim 1- .. 1 . over the supply of rubber and onlv ..11 1. 1 . uiiow runner manuiacturers seven sixteenths of the amount of rubber they used last year. This forces I hem fo cut their production accord ingly. in a snort time you will find tires mighty hard to buv at anv priee. i on are getting the advantage of the To I'auline Ohlliani. as Administrat or of the l-Jstale ot licnrnc .1. 0.111:1m, I nseil : ICioliatd Conway Ol.lham, 1'iizza .1. Maker: Laeiina l.onnaliy. I'auline ol.lliam. Fay Mlilliatn. John .1. iMilliam. Jessie I . Snyder. Kllison L. (ll.lliam. .lames V. 1 M!uun. era II. OI.I- liam. Folly Oldham ami Mary I.. Craig: Yon are hereby notified that m the .'L'nd day of May. 1!US, plaintiff tiled a petition in toe mstriei conn or 1 ass i.Minty, Nebraska, praying amonK other tliinys for an roJcr to he enter- l.v the curt directing the admin istratrix in llie estate n .eors;e .1. Oldham, deceased, to convey to plain tiff Lots one (1 and two J 1 and all of Lots three :! and four 4 not taken by Fhicajro avenue, mi 15!ock one uindred si.ty-four t 1 U 1'ity of l'latts- mouth. Cass county. Nebraska, upon the payment of the balance of the purchase price in accordance with the contract , entered into between the plaintiff and the said Ueorge .1. Old ham, during his life time, on the lOih dav of September, 1!17. You are further notified that there will be a hearinfr upon' said petition. and on the allegations thereof, before the Judge of the District Court of ass county. Nebraska, in the District Court, at I'lattsniKUth. Nebraska, on the Ultli day of July. 191S. all of which and the allegations of the pe tition you w'll take due notice. JOHN Jl. HALLSTKOM. Flaintilt. C. A. KAWLS, nu'.-Ctvv.) Attorney. THE PIONEERa ALWAYS LEADS. 1.1:1; l. Mi l h i: the State In the Countv court of Nebraska. I'ass county, ss: In the matter of the estate of Men- nett Ch lis w isser, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You ai" hereby notified, that. I will sit at the County court room m I'latts- month in said county on the '!th day of July, FUN. and on the :uii day or unusually big purchase we made I ( tobci . fjis. to receive and examine before the rai:e in prices April 22d. j view No thVIr adjustment and aiiow Manv of our dealers have taken ad- ?".:" ''"he time limited for t he persen- llalion 01 claims against saiu esiaie is vantage of this opportunity and ourlihree months from the ytn day .111 1 v. .. I'. i:m. anu ne Twenty-nine years ago Triuer's American Elixir of Bitter Wine was brought to the market, a pioneer in its branch. The popularity of this excellent remedy gre wincessantly,, and it leads always, no other prep aration being superior to Triner's American Elixir in cleaning the stomach and intestines, helping the digestion, restoring the appetite and invigorating the entire system. It removes the cause of constipation, indigestion, headaches, megrim, nervousness, general weakness, etc., but you must not accept any cheap imitation. Insist upon Triner's American Elixir! Price, $1.10. At drug stores. For rheumatism, neu ralgia, lumbago, sprains, swellings, sore muscles, tired feet, etc., the best remedy is Triner's Liniment. At drug stores, 35c and 65c. Hy mail. 45c and 75c. Joseph Triner Com pany, Mfg. Chemists. 1333-1343 S. Ashland ave., Chicago, 111. Stationery at the Journal office. i.i:c; i. mi'i k i:. To II. li. Hathaway. Ceorge W. Fair field, John S. Townsend. Fob. i t J. Lackey. Nicholas Fngle. A. F. Alexan der and to their unknown I eirs. de vises, legatees and personal represen tatives and to George J:. Mini, defend ants: You and each of you will take notice that on the 'tli day of June, l!ls, Hermia I-:. Windham filed her petition in the IMstrict court of I'ass county. Nebraska, against you an-J each of you, the object and prayer of which is that she may be adjudged owner in fee Simple of Lot 1 in Ulk. 11, Duke's addition to J "hit t snout t h. Nebiaska, and Lot 1 in Flock 1 ami Lot s in Flock in Townsend's addition to I'latts" mouth. Neb., freed from all claims of an estate or interest therein of any of the defendants, and sill persons claim ing by. through or under them, and that you and each of you be perpetual ly enjoined from claiming any right title, or interest or right of possession the title and rights of this plaintiff, her heirs or assigns, and from interfer ing with the peacable enjoyment of said lots by the plaintiff: and for such other and further relief as ejuity may require. You and each of you are reunited ( answer to said petition on or before Monday, the 1'tith day of August, FUN, as to any interest you may claim therein or your defaults will be enter ed therein ami the allegations of said petition taken as true. IIFUMIA L WINDHAM. K. E. Windham, Atty. i-l-i wks, wkly. Journal Want-Ads Pay! stock, purchased at the old price, will h-oon be exhausted. P.y buying at the old price you gel high grade (General Tires, guaran teed for 5.000 miles, at less than you would have to pay for cheaper tires guaranteed for 3.500 miles. We are always at your service for good tires. . THE SMITH GARAGE, Agents for General and United States Tire:; for Cass County. time limited for payment ot debts is one year lrom sab) :ith day of July. T!is. Witness my hand and the seal of aid county court, this l!th day ot June, 1!1S. ALLIEN .1. MLLS'O.N. (I wks.) County Judge. hound An automobile number plate So. l(iS45I. Owner may have same by calling at this office and paying for this advertisement. 0-28-tfd Have you just a few bogs or a truck load to hi? delivered in South Omaha? Call the Plattsrnouth Gar age, and we will do thi rest. i w. A. R0BEHTS0N. Lawyer: East of Riley Hotel Coates Block, Second Floor. i.i:i;i, mi hi:. In the County court, the States of Nebraska. I'ass county, ss: In the matters of the estate of il- liam A. Mrown, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: S'ou are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County court room In Platts rnouth in said county, on Julyy 22d, FUN. and October '::d, FHS, at 10 o'clock each day to receive and exam ine all claims against said estate, with u view to their adjustment and allow ance. The time limited for the pre sentation of claims against said estate is three months from the day of July, A. D. ll18, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said L'.'d day of July. 1918. Witness my hand and the seat of Id County court, this 10th day of June, 1S1S. ALLFU J. MKL'SOX. County Judge. F. IS. WINDHAM. Atty. for Estate. (-Jl 4 wks.) Let s deliver your hogs in South Omaha during these hot days. We will call rt your farm and deliver them safeiy. The Plattsrnouth Garage. The Charm of Your ome can be increased, the value enhanced, your excellent taste perfectly expressed if your walls are correctly decorated to bring out the true artistic value of your furnishings. Our experience will help you to give your Home that touch of refinement, that peaceful air, that perfect harmony which are so essential, and yet, so difficult to attain without experience. We anxiously await the opportunity to show you the wonderful effects we can produce in your Home. -CALL NO Wl- Max Dosterhoff, INTERIOR DECORATOR, Murdock, Nebraska r