riGE Fom plattsmouth semmyeekly journae. THURSDAY, MAY SO, 1918. MS TZbz plattsmoutb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Knterctl at Pobtofficc, Plattsmouth, Neb., us second-class mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE THEREFOR, DO IT NOW. Before the Huns can be overthrown. You've got to subscribe for the Lib erty ioan. :o: 3Iore raiu. :o: Fly time is here. :o: The gardens are booming:. :o:- Get out your lawn mower. :o: And no one has suggested Hoover ii'ms on spring poetry. :o: You may be in no position to whip the Kaiser, but you can lick a Thrift Stamp. ' :o: A retired banker at Baltimore has leeu arrested for loafing. Evidently his resources were not considered equal to his liability. :o: A Wisconsin girl yesterday threw a baseball 213 feet and 11 Inches. The dispatch docs not say in what direction she meant to throw it, and we guess the reporter was too polite to ask. :o: iA Kansas City man has brought liorce proceedings because he al leges Jiis wile said: "I hope my hus band will go to war, and then I will get a pcusion." .More war profiteer ing, eh? :o: Col. IJaer has been discharged from the army. Why, the dispatches tioes not tell. Col. Baer was born in Cass county arid lived a number of years near this city, where he has numerous relatives. :o: Another Nebraska newspaper says that Xorris for I'nited States senator is an impossible proposition and that Sloan gut in so bad early in the war that he is almost out of the question. The people are thinking. :o: While it is admitted that charges of airplane failures in America haven't proed much of anything, the llun raid on the hospitals Sunday night did. It proved that there are Mill holes ;n the Allied air line which must be plugged up :o: Why so many weeps from the base ball magnates over General Crowd it's latest order to work or fight? Why would not a big league of 1S-vear-old players be interesting? With Ty Cobb, who is over draft age, to traw the crowds, and a team of 1S- ear-olds to do the playing, the death ol baseball is yet afar off. Decoration Day next Thursday. :o:- - First find out you are right then go ahead. :o: There are no empty houses in Plattsmouth. -:o:- Everybody shtmld take part in the decoration exercises. :o: The man who would like to but hasn't the nerve, doesn't want to see anybody else have a good time. :o: American gunners on the western front are the admiration if not the wonder of their comrades in arms. -:o:- Qucen Elizabeth is credited with having worn the first pair of stock ings ever knitted. Hut this same queen in all her siatelinoss did not &o much as dream of the stocking glories in which even the dining room girls reel toda. You couldn't induce a school girl today to wear the best pair of toeks the queen ever owned. -:o: The seventeen million people who bought bonds of the Third Lihcrty Loan constitute a most formidable army at home and this knowledge cannot fail to encourage t lie boys who arc at the front in France. This means seventeen home people behind each soldier now oversoass, which is a pretty formidable display cf backing. Catarrhs! Deafness Cannot Be Cured br local appiicationa. aa they cannot reach th d.eaed portion of the ear. There la nly or.c way tj cure catarrhal deafness, t.d that ia by a cnitl tutlonai remedy. tarrha: I)ra(nef Is cauard by an ln rm1 condition of. the mucous lining of .?b Kuatachlan Tube. When this tube la ' I. nil in vd you have a rumbling sound or lm- rrtct f.Tins. and ben it' In 'entirely t (ontr-l. Xeafners la the result- Unless the i Infiamrnation can be reduced anil th.i tube .restored to Its normal condition, hearing 'wii! l destroyed forever. Many cases of (! a'(i''.i are ci us'd by catarrh, which Is n inr.arr.rd ccndition of the mucous sur faces 11a. 1 Catarrh Medicine acts thru tl.e blcod or the mucous surfaces of tha ystriTi. Ve vi:i p!v? One Hundred Dollars for any cjs of Cnnrrha! lMtnee that cannot b cured bv HalVs Catarrh Medicine. Cir culars free.. All Prurslts. 75c. T. J. CIIENEV & CO.. Toledo. O. The British will soon fix it that a man can go from Jerusalem to Jer icho without falling among thieves. to: 1 Junkerism lias been en trial. The world does not want it. It can pack its grip and flee into the outer darkness. :o: Have you helped the lied Cross save the soldier boy who is carrying your gun and. fighting your battles? It's never too late to do good. :o: In this war of science and inven tions are the greatest generals. That is where the United States counts far more than the number of its men in the trenches. :o: One of our friends who is a bit old-fashioned, says since they turned the clocks dp an hour he never knows where to look for the sun when he wants to sneeze. :o: Still, if George Creel were to run for his office by popular election, we know of one vote ho very likely would get. Unless, of course, lie was sick in bed on election day. :o: A new vacuum cleaner for the teeth has been patented and will soon be on the market. Why not a vacu um safety razor? It wouldn't pull much wose than some of the ordinary kinds. ; :o: When a loud-mouthed radical has for years expressed a desire to "blow the United States constitution to hell." they frequently turn up later at the bar of justice, thanking their stars that they didn't succeed. :o: The young lady who is suing the Hotel Baltimore for $10,000 because she was kissed in an elevator by an intoxicated man is strangely modest. Most girls would have denied for ever and ever that he was intoxicat ed. to: The United States produces more than one-diird of all the meat con sumed by the civilized world outside of China another of the one hund red reasons why other countries can light us but cannot whip us. What would the rest of them do without American meat and American Hour? -:o:- "Yellow Dog" friends of Kaiser Bill are circulating rumors in this country to the effect that American soldiers in Europe are losing their morals, sull'ering irom venereal dis eases, etc. Dan Poling, associated president of the United Society of Christian Endeavor, recently return ed from the front, bays the American soldiers at the front have no rum ration, as is the cse with the Brit ish and French soldiers and they are more tree from venereal diseases than the satuo number of civilians in America. General Pershing makes it his personal business, Mr. Poling says, to safeguard the moraU of the soldiers so'they can comeback home as clean as they wnet'away. When you hear a man say' the American soldiers are low in morality, just ask him Jiow he knows and insist on an answer. Smoke out the Hun propagandists. THE AMERICANS IN LONDON. "Very workmanlike looked these sons of the New World," says the London Times of the regiment of our national army that marched through the British capital. Its verdict was general. The Ob server saw the boys "in the pink of condition." King George remarked their "grit and determination." The Telegraph says that "in physique and morale they are equal to the fin est troops raised by any country at the time when the standard of the European manpower stood at its highest point." The crowd called them "tall cousins" and "huskies." Eight months ago these men were civilians. They were registered June Many of them marched down Fifth avenue September 4, in civilian garb, before going to camp tor the real final battle for the independ ence of the United States." Only in their spirit would they that day have merited their present encominums. What has happened is no miracle. With abundant food, open air and hard work they gained in eight months some of them in shorter time several pounds in average weight, and in height half an inch. which their soldierly erect ncss makes seem much more. They would have created a favor able impression in any capital on arth. They are the American army in sample. The London Post well says they mean the turning of the scale against Germany. New York World. :o: ' : DOING THEIli PART. It is possible that not enough is said about the patriotic workers in the home army. For example, there have been few songs of praise sung in honor of the commercial travelers of Nebraska, and yet, these "knights Oi the grni are constantly waging a determined war on the kaiser. They have enlisted for the period of the war for the patriotic service of defeating German propaganda and teaching Americanism. But their work does not stop at hunting; down the enemy or advancing American ization. They talk investment in government bonds and thrift stamp.;. they explain to the people they meet lat every penny loaned or giv-n to the government for the prosecution of the Avar is making the world bit ter. Also, the commercial travelers are right hand men to Mr. Hoover. e Nebraska "drumni"rs" refuse to patronize a hotel that does not prac tice food saving and they make it a usiness to report all violation to the food administration. Many offend ers have been brought to account by the traveling men. And so it is that the Nebraska commercial travelers are sharing their burden and performing their duty in this war. And it should be remembered that every man and woman can do in a way these things which the traveling men are doing. very person should consider it his duty to preach the principles of Americanism and battle the propa ganda of the kaiser-agent. Lincoln Star. :o:- THE OTHER SIDE. Due no doubt, to the unusual prob lems that have confronted President Wilson since his residence in the White House, the average persons usually thinks of him as a most ser ious and thoughtful man who works long and late at his ollicial desk K3k h' m You'll Be Sorry There is no worse folly nor one more certain of disires&ing consequence than to neglect a cold. If it leaves "a cough that bangs on," it threatens you wiih a most serious condition. Foley s Honey and Tar gives the curative influence of the vpinc Daisarn, logcincr wu liiu luuiiumg effect of the honey and ether healing ingredients. It btops the couh, eases the core feeling in the chest, end rases phlegm easily. It imparts a pleasant feeling of warmth and coir.fort. , ,t J. D. Enterkini Winitoq,' Gi.t nrrif?- "Foley's tyoney and Tir lock 'all th? srrrh:Ml away and cleared cy lunc of all cjnjsitioa.'' FOIl SALE BY ALL DEALLHS. . and always wrestling with some great problem of the day. It is true that . Air. llson has spent many sleepless nights since the beginning of the world war and it is true that ho is bearing one of the greatest burdens ever placed upon a public servant. However, it is a pleasure to know that he occasionally think in a lighter vein as others arc wont to do. The recorded savings of Mr. Wil son show him to be a man of humor as well as a man of serious occupa tion. It is said that he has even written limericks in days gone by, and he has not denied it. Here is t;no that is being cjuoted frequently nowadays and which is attributed to t ho president: "As a beauty I'm no star, There are others more handsome b far; Hut my face I don't mind it, Uecau.se I'm behind it! It's the people in lront get the jar." The president today has no time for such frivoltie, but never-the- 1. ss, the ramc strain of Scotch hu mor which produced that limerick is still within him, and ii is a good thing for all of us to know that men great in ability are not loo great to have a sense human appreciation and a taste for homely thoughts. Lin coln Star. :o: i.i:; ai. ri itiir vi n In tin- County Court of Cass coun- .. .Nebraska. State of Nebraska, C. unity of Cass. T all lu-r-sons ia ( rest d in Hie- i s- tali- of William . Crow n. !. -. -asi.il : t) rt'alin.r the petition if .Linus Jl. r.i-on-ii praylnir tliiiL tl:o i t rn m.-ii I fi!"'l in this eoiiit on th. lsih .hiv ol" Aiav, I'Ms, ami pti rport lair to P.-' ip.- last wiil at: 1 testa, men t of tin- s;ihl .c-aseil, may he proved ami allowed. Old leeoided :s t!ie last will a nd t"S- i.aient ot" William .. Iliowti. d.eeas- I; that said i ti.-I re n: ti r Pe admitted o proPate. and the administration of aid estate i.e granted to J.'iiialiae lown, as KNoiutriM: it is Pr.-Pv ordered that you. and i! p. rs.'r- iatete.-ted in said' Platter, I'.tv, ainl !o. appear at the- Cni"t 'oil to I.e !,!.! in and lor t;,i,i e'luty. on tim i:Ci da v of .lino- .. '. t:ls, at a oY!. k a. iii.. to s;v.-:ms.-, if anv thie I e. why the p ray or .'" th.- petitioner should not p.- ;;raot '. and that ni.il.c of the pendenev .if said petition ;.nd that the heai'n ' ereof he yivea to a'l persons inier-l.-d in said matter Py pu Pi is hi m.? a my of this r.P-r in ilie rialtsmoutii Ponnal. a -em i - week I y iiewi.a per rimed in said enmity, for three siu : i . e w eeks prior to said lay of i an a.;'. Witness my hand and seal of said Hill, this l.M!l day ot" Ma v. A. I . .'iiD-miu-Jtw. County Judge. I.l-H J I. MITK'K as A dm i n i-1 ra i - ' f'-te .1 . d it ha in, on wa y l! ha m, Connally. l'aol- T.i I'aiiline i;.!hani. i of the j-;.-t , i , ( ; '. eea --ill: I ; ill. a i d ' .; ;) .1 . I k'-i . I .a i a n o It!. II. am, l ay illdieim. John J. (h I am. .Ie- -ie I . Snyder, hhisun I,. hl- i - - til. .Iame: w . (:.!, :a'ii. Vera II. Mld- ain. roily Oldham, .Mary I.. Crai:;. and II persons i ii I e i .s ti-d in the estate of aekson ( ;. (ddham. I 'ee-as-J, ineltid- nvr i lelitors and i laimants: Von are lulehv noliiied that 0:1 the Iii day of May. 1 a 1 . plaintiff tiled a " Mtioti in Hie I'istri. t Court of Cass oatity, "ePraska, praying anions oih r things for an order to Pe e-n t i-re.l .;." the I'ourt I i 1 J 11 ii,,. admini-.--atti- of the estate of C.e.o'o .1. (M.I ii in, d.-eeased, to eonvey to plainti;'!' I." Xorlhw.-st i.'u.irlrr of the Nml h . 1 .-t ' jn.irt er of S.'et ion t hi rt -one :! 1 1 J"owiishi eleven (111. Kanvre fourteen 1 ! ), Cass eounty, NePr.isk :, iioii the avillent of tile halaiue of the joileiiase riee 111 ai.iudauee v.itli tin- eonlra'-i liteled into Pet w tell the plaint ill' and 1 said Ceore,,- J. 1 ddham, duriusV Pis i " time on the loth day of January, 1 s. Vou are further potilien there will 10 a liearhp; I'pon said petition, and ill the allegations thereof. In fine the ta.lue of tin- I'istriet Court of Ca -s ount-. XePia-ha, in the luslri.-t Court 00m at I'la I I s 111011 1 h, KeluasRa. oa the ': ml day of June, J : 1 . all of wliieh nid the al lei." a t ions of the petition you u ill take due tiotiee. FiiAN'IC J. l'hiir-.tiff. C. A. IIAWLS, $1595 conomy "IIE Cliandier Six has;aUv;iys 'been famous for its economy JL of operation- economy without- the sacrifice of .reserve power, without the sacrifice of readability, without the sacrifice of beauty cf design. Thousands of Chandler owners ail over America tell cf gasoline mileage cf lifiecii'to seventeen miles per gallon. set Fire n?.!ene of seven thousantl to nine thousand miles per of tires is commonplace amon& Chandler owners. Chandler owners and Chandler dealers say that the service upkeep of tho Chandler car is much less than that of other good cars which they have owned or sold. In the ownership of a Chandler Six you will possess a really great automobile great not merely from tho standpoint of economy of operation and maintenance, but, even more important, from the standpoint of mechanical excellence aiid daily performance. The Chandler motor, designed and built in our own factory, distinguishes the Chandler chassis, marked throughout by its simplicity and it;; sturdiness. The life, pick-up, get-away and endurance of this motor will astonish you quite as much as it pleases you. Bodies of most attractive design and of unusual comfort are mounted on the Chandler chassis. ' i ' ; SIX SPLENDID BODY TYPES Seven-Passenger Touring Cur, S1595 Four-Passenger Roadster, S1595 Ftittr-Passvngcr Dispatch Car, S1075 Convertible Sedan, S22V5 Convertible Coupe, S2195 Limousine, S2895 All prices f. o. b. Cleveland) COME CHOOSE YOUR CHANDLER NOW JOHN F- e Plattsmouth, Nebraska PTIAMniFP MOTOR C.Tt nOTTAMV flPVFI AWn nilin "ill. at I ' I a 1 1 s 1 1 . e . 1 1 ! . , V.-Pra -k.i. on liiih la ot' July. . l-. all of I ' h am! the allegations of the pi llion 011 v. : ! I take .me note,-. JOHN" 11. II.l.l.sTi:i .M. IMa iat ill". C. -. K.WVI.S. lliT-litw.) A t l"l liev. 1.1:4; l. I't MI.IC.X'l U Coil I t of C;i (oil Ii - CIII'V (if M'Tlli: TO 'ICI-:i)ITtlts The Slate- of Nebraska, Cass eo'.ia . -. ss ' Iii the County Court. In' the matter of the (.-state of John .'a a I fa lit. 1 ei eased : To tl:e ereditors of said Kstate: You are Inn Py noliiied that 1 will mt at tl.e County 1 onrt loom in the Ks.iser. Ma 1 1 siiiou !i in said euuntv. on the ."til day of June, 1 ! 1 S . and the Ill ihiv of Sept ill oer. I ! 1 S . at 1') o'eloek 1. 111., 011 eaeli day, to receive and e iiniue all claims against said Instate with a view to their adjustment and illowatiee. The tioie limited for pre sentation of claims against said es tate is three months, from the "'..th oay !' June, A. I . lMls, and the time uni ted for payment of dePts is one year 10m said ".lli d:;v of June, ) s. Witness my hand and the seal of aid County Court this L'lst day of aiay, 131 S. ALLI-JX J. liKKSUV. (Scal)-niJ"-I Uv. County JuUoC M:u.ii MiTiii: In the County v. N. i.raska. Slate ..f Ne'-raska, Cass u:itv. ss: To ail persoii-s inP rested in the o - lie of t'laieiiee UllLjiiie lhil.hill, de- - ise-l : m i.-adiie-r t!;e 1'etiti.m of Maud II. a'ol.itl pravin:;- li liar'.l s t I 1 e n . e ii t and !! inee of I er aeeonnt tiled ia the. 1,111 en 'lie list day of May, l'.'lN, ad for final si 1 1 l.-nient ; It i.; Iierchy oit'ei'.d that you ard II persons in tel'es 1 ed in said I. ailtor aia, aad do, appear at the County t'oiirl to he la id in and for sai'l eoiin iy, 011 ti:.- :;rd day uf June. A. I . IV 1 s. at la o'clock a. m.. to show came, if any there Pe, w iy the player of the petitioner should pot Pe granted, and that notice of tne pendency of said pe tition and the Hearing thereof -riven to all J. el sons i 11 1 -rested in said In. li ter hy pu PI i-h 1 ri:;" a copy of this or der in the 1 'hi 1 1 siiion t ii Journal a s lui v. cekly newspaper pi ':. I' d in said count", for one week pi ior to said day of Ie- t ri ne,-. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set mv hand and Ike Seal of said CoiM'i tliis :Mst day of .May, A. O. litis. -lu:x .1. - !n:i:s( x. (Seal) County Judge. MHK K OK D1IIM- ! H VTSIIl'S la the Idstrii-t Court of Cuss coiip (y. Xehr-.iska.. In the matter of the Application of John r. SattPr. us Ad m i 11 ist ra I or of tl.e estate of Kva K. I'l' ttiK, de eas ed, for a license to sell real estate to pay deht.s. To all persons interi-sted : Notice is herei.y ;i-n that in pur suance of an .Mill r of the Honor. tide J. 1 lacs T. :e.e,lev, jud";e of lh. dis trict court of 'ass county, Nchraska, made on the Kith day of .May, A. J . I!ip, for. the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, tin-re will he sold at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the South front door of the court house in the City of I 'la 1 1 saiout h. in said county, on the 1 ot li dav of June. A. 1 . 2 ! I S. com -luencin at the hour of two :.' o'clock p. 1:1. (new timei said sale to Pe upon for oiiti i.our, the following described rial estate: The north half fn'i) of lads live and six ."-i; in I'.lock one hundred, sily-oi.r;"vit (K-vi of the original id it of the City of rtatbnuouth, ia Cas couritv, Ncluaska. Dated this ls:b dav of May, IMS. JOilX 1 SATI 1.1. Ik 1 111' 0 - Z t w . - tl m '; a i s t r i 1 1 o r . Helps To Keep Fit. "When tlio (ligrstioti Is out of ord er, it throws the. whole physical being out of gear. U. IJ. Hay ward, Unaiiil la, t!a., writes: "Foley Catliartic Tab lets ,;ive me iuicker relief than any thing I have ever tried." Tln-y re lieve biliousness, bad breath, bloat ing, gas. indigestion and constipa tion. No griping or nausea. Soid everywhere. Julius Jfilfliclver was a business visitor in IM.it tsntouth this afternoon, driving in from his home near Cedar Creek. She Got Good Results. This honest testimony front a woman who has suffered should be heeded by all afflicted with ba It ache, rheumatic pains, or any symp tom of kidney and bladder trouble: "I have got such good results frtm Foley Kidney Fills that I sleep much better. Mrs. I'has. (!ray 270 Sixth St., Detroit, Mich." Sold cverywhcie. Hyspepsia is America's curse To restore digestion, normal weight, good health and purify the blood. ue Burdock Dlood Bitters. Sold at all drug stons. Price. $1.25. n n raw ? Hold on to &ur Dollar when you det them knd Keep mem aafe in Our Bank, To Pauline Oblhani, us Administrat or of the Kstate of Ce-ori;".- J. Oldham, liee.-ased: l:je;aid Conway Oldham, Cuz'a .1. linker: Lacuna Con na 1 1 y, I'anline olilhiin, Fay Oldham, .lohu .1. Oldham, Jcf-sie I . Snyder, Fllison I,, o-diiiiti". Jii!ii-- V. Ol-iham, ". ra 1 1. Old -ham. Polly Oldh.am iind Mary I-. Craipr: Vou are he;-, by lioiihcd that on tho ..... i ... . e "VI.,,. 1i.lv el.ii,liiY Cie.i 1IU O.I Ol 4U.I" , . l""o..., ..re, T TIT f. ...... .y, h petition ill the District Court ol. writes: lO 11 lumi ii nj Cass'couiuy. Nebraska praying amoiiir j j rt.toumit.n(i Foley Kidney l'illa, the Oilier l 1 1 I II Wants To Kelp Other Tien. II. XV. Taylor, Calvert, Aia., for an rod-'-r to be et,t e l ,v the court ilirei tins' tbc- a'iniin jstrnlrix of the estate of Gcoi'Kc J. Oldlium, dtcoascd, to conc-y to pp.in li'.l l.ots"one (1) i, nd tv.o (1) and-all i,,- : boi-i . th;-ef i::i and ton!- i Ii not ta'lct-p.bv Chicas-i'i u c-nue, in Ulock one 1 -ipdri ii si. '-!oiir '( 1 I 1 'ityof l'jatts- N".,l ... ... .... ti,.'. i piynieVii' ..of tin ; balance ' of the i stiff joiiito, sore muscles. Sold every- Tinrehase nvp-c in aceorua nci- lUi la best I ever used. I tried diii'crcnt remedies, but none gave rue rein f like Foley's." They restore reguvir action', of kidncyti and bladder and relieve'-' backache, rheumatic paii s, ee.t.l r:le ClltCl lll lUlo betWeCH: I il'-' jdatntiff find I he., said tjcyiw .1. Oi-1-Palii. duritii-'-his ';lil'e time, tm "the lOtli ilii v ot' Sept em Per, ll'li. where. Found Iiim and glass for front Vo.ii arc tuithT notinc-d that there jjnt Qf an automobile. Owner nuy calling p.f t Is if oll'ice ii: i . . , 1' , . .t- r. n ;ui,1 r.trittrtn 9i,(l on M he- n lit Colons ! hereof, before haVO Same b the J ud pro of tho District Court of r,o,-!n!r fnr this advertisement, tf Cass county, .Nebraska, in the District HOLD ON TO YOUR DOLLARS. WHILE YOU'VE GOT THEM -THEY AKE YOURS. WHILETHEY ARE YOURS. THEY ARE YOUR BFST FRIEND. WHEN ALL OTHERS FAIL YOU YOUR MONEY WILL ALWAYS HELP YOU OUT. IF YOU FUT IT IN OUR BANK IT WILL BE SAFE AND WILL GROW TO A FORTUNE. WHO GETS THE MONEY YOU EARN, YOUR FAMILY OR OTHERS? WE PAY 31-2 PER CENT ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS. , COME TO OUR BANK. Ii a r oners cstaie oanK THE NEW BANK.. THE NEW BANK OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS FROM 7:00 TO 9;00