The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 23, 1918, Image 1

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No. 97.
Gills Crossed River on. Ferry Sunday
Jiormng and Walked Toward
Glenwood is the Report.
From Monday's Daily.
Just after noon today James Brab
l)its. father of one of the missing
South Omaha girls, together with
Chief of Police Barclay went out to
the Missouri river ferry and cross
ing, with the aid of John Richard
son, found the two missing girls,
who, upon being apprehended ran
like antelopes and gave the men a
right merry chase or nearly a mile
before they were finally overtaken.
The girls had attempted to jump
an east bound train leaving the
bridge and one of them, Pearl
Green had gotten safely on the lad
der of a box car when her companion
I-ibbie Brabbits. was thrown from
the car, her hold on the steps break
ing, and she rolled to the bottom of
the steep embankment at the east
end of the bridge.
The girls would not talk, but
maintained a sullen silence. The
father took them home. These are
declared to be the same girls who
had come to the camp north of the
city and who on Saturday appeared
af a farm house near the camp dres
sed iu men's apparel, but later re
appeared dressed in their dresses as
they were yesterday and today.
Yesterday twr strange girls were
soon loitering about the Burlington
station here, one of them having a
badly blackened eye that had turned
to "deep purple" and presenting oth
er evidences cf having received a
severe beating. About the time the
morning train left they sauntered
down towards the ferry, where they
crossed the river and walked to
wards Glenwood, Iowa.
The girls were missed during the
night by their parents and the Chief
of Police at South Omaha came to
this city yesterday to look for them.
It appears that the girls had gone
with two soldiers, who. after a night
spent in carousal, landed at the
Burlington station here with a Ford
touring car bearing license number
1C0.CC6, and which they left stand
ing near the station deserted. The
girls went inside the station and the
soldiers made their get-a-way. The
car stood there during the greater
portion of the day and this morn
ing was turned over to the sheriff,
by the Burlington people, who had
taken charge of it. As the records
show that a large number of cars
are stolen in and about Omaha ev
ery day, it is quite probable that this
one was secured in about such man
ner by the soldiers who drpve it.
It seems to this writer that some
way should be discovered to keep
young girls of tender age from run
ning away with soldiers or anyone
else, to engage in a night's debauch
ery and subsequent scandal which
will cling to them during their en
tire life. Society demands that such
things as this shall not be allowed.
and it would not exist, only for the
fact that there is something wrong
somewhere. Home ties may be lax
or relations in the household may
not be the best and the love of ex
citement and adventure may kindle
strong fires in the breast of young
and inexperienced girls who lack the
advantage of knowledge from old
er hands to guide them aright. But
the attendant dangers of one single
mis-step in the life of a woman is
of such grave importance that every
possible safe-guard known to
world should be thrown about these
youthful adventurers to save them
from the mechanicians of those who
have no care for the welfare of some
one else's sister, unthinking of the
fact that they have one themselves
cr, if not, a mother, whom they owe
more honor and respect.
Our social structure, at best, is a
weak and crumbling paradox and it
is fast growing no better.
The names of the two girls miss
ing from their homes in South Om
ara are Pearl Green and Libby
Erabbits. Mr. James Brabbits, the
father of the last named, was in the
city this morning looking for the
two wayward daughters who are
giving their parents countless mo
ments of anxiety about their welfare
as they galavant about over the
country in quest of life realistic
excitement and adventure. Hearing
that they had been at Glenwood, he
made a tVip over there, but without
avail and he is being assisted in his
search by Chief Barclay.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Mrs. H. G. McClusky received a
message this morning, conveying the
sad intelligence of the death of her
brother Clarence Hughes. Mr.
Hughes was accidentally killed at
Camp Mills, Long Island on Tues
day morning. The message did not
state just how the accident occurred
or how Mr. Hughes was killed. He
had just recently been transferrea
from Camp Sill, Texas, preparatory
to going over to France. The fun
eral services will be held at St.
Louis. Mr. Hughes was of a very
happy disposition and was well lik
ed by his soldier companions. The
many friends of Mrs. McClusky will
be sorry to learn of the loss of her
brother and extend their most sin
cere sympathy to her in this, her
hour of sorrow.
From "Wednesday's Daily.
The executive committee of the
Cass County Council of Defense, will
hold a meeting at the Wagner Ho
tel, at ten o'clock Friday morning
May 24th at which time they will
take up the mater of the-delinquencies
of a number of people who have
not met their assignment for the pur
chase of Liberty bonds. Some oth
er propositions will also be thrash
ed out for the better workings of
the government work which has been
placed under their care.
From Wednesday's Daily.
At the meeting of Plattsmouth
lodge No. G, A. F. & A. M., held on
Monday night, the election of offi
cers for the ensuing year was held,
and the following were elected:
Nelson Jean, W. M.; John Mc
Lean. S. W.; William Evers, J. W.;
H. A. Schneider, Treasurer and Will
Adams, Secretary.
The list of appointive officers has
not yet been announced from the re
spective stations.
From "Wednesday's Daily.
The Missouri Pacific train from
the south due here in the morning
at about six thirty, was delayed un
til near noon yesterday, occasioned
by a derailment of a freight train,
just this side of Falls City, in which
wreck a man was killed by being
crushed to death, under an oil tank
car. G. R. Olson who has been at
Junction City, Kansas, was coming
home to look, for a new location for
the Olson Photo Co., on account of
their having to move in order that
the Auto Power and Malleable Manu
facturing Company may have the
place to build upon. Mr. Olson says
business is good at Junction City,
they employing eight men and ceven
girls in the studio there.
Cut This Out It Is Worh Money.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with five cents to Foiey
& Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago,
111., writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive in return
a trial package containing Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs
colds and croup, Foley Kidney Pills
and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold
Good eight room house, barn and
sheds, located on Blocks 4, 5, 6.
Townseds addition, north Eighth St.
A bargain if taken at once. JT. F.
Goos. 5-17-tfd&w
Was Veteran of the Civil War An
Employ of Burlington Shops
from 1880 to 1916.
From Monday's Dally.
This morning at about two o'clock,
Wm. S. F. Porter, who was an em
ployee in the Burlington shops at
this place for more than a third of
a century, passed away at his late
home in the city from the effects of
a rupture of one of the small blood
vessels of the brain.
Mr. Porter was born in Tuscara
was county, Ohio, December 8, 1845.
He lived on a farm until the begin
ning of the Civil war, when he en
listed with the "Hundred Day" men,
and at the expiration of the enlist
ment period again enlisted, for the
duration of the war. At the close
of the war he returned to his home
and fanned during that and the fol
lowing year. September 20, 18G6 he
was united in marriage with the
companion ne now leaves behind,
and the same year came to Locona,
Iowa, where he farmed until coming
in Plattsmouth in 1880, where he
took up his residence and began
work in the Burlington shops the
same year as the construction of
the Burlington bridge . across the
Missouri river. He continued his
work in the Burlington shops until
about two years ago when his health
so far failed him as to compel him
to give up active work, and during
the past few weeks he has grown
feeble until the end came this morn-
The funeral will be held from the
Methodist church "on Wednesday af
ternoon at two o'clock, of which
church the deceased was a member.
and the sermon will be-delivered by
his pastor, Rev. T. A. Truscott. The
burial services will be at Oak Hill
cemetery under the direction of the
Grand Army of the Republic, of
which he was a member. Mr. Porter
was also a member of the Loyal Mys
tic Legion.
Besides the aged widow, the de
ceased leaves six children to mourn
his death. They are Mrs. Bertha A.'
Smith, Los Angeles; Mrs. Gertrude
Robertson, Sea Side, Calif; Miss Myr
tle 'Porter, Denver, Colorado; Mar
guerite and Earnest Porter of this
city and George Porter, of Kansas
From Wednesday's Daily.
Fred P. Busch returned this fore
noon from a buying trip to Kansas
City. The train on which he went
down Monday evening was delayed
by the Missouri Pacific wreck near
Falls City and did not reach Kansas
City until after noon, although due
in there at 7:25 in the morning.
Fred says Kansas City is sure alive
to the Red Cross drive this week,
and that coupled with merchants'
market makes for activity on every
hand. '
From Wednesday's Daily. -
Friends in the city have received
announcements of the marriage of
Miss Ida Frances Mitchell and Mr.
Francis D. Whelan, which occurred
at Omaha yesterday, May 21st, at
Sacred Heart Church. The couple
will be at home to their friends, af
ter June 1st, at 4133-North 18th St.,
Miss Mitchell is the oldest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell
and for a number of years with her
parents, resided in this city. Several
years ago the Mitchell family moved
to Omaha, where they have made
their home ever since,' Miss Frances
attended chool in this city for sev
eral years, was quite prominent in
social and church circles, and with
her carming manner made a host of
friends, whose best wishes will ever
attend her. Miss Mitchell has visited
her numerous friends in this city
at various times since her removal
to Omaha.
The groom is the oldest and only
son of Mr. and MYs. M. Whelan of
this city. He was born and grew to
manhood in this city, was a graduate
of the Plattsmouth High School.
He devoted several yars: to the study
of piano music and developed con
siderable talent, in this line of music.
After his graduation Francis was em
ployed at the Burlington shops for
a number of years and just recently
was transferred to Omaha. He has
a large number of friends, who will
join in wishing he and his oride
much happiness.
From "Wednesday's Dally.
This morning coming from Omaha,
Roy Cole and wife returned from a
trip which included the past two
weeks, and extended over much of
the state of Iowa, where they spent
the time with relatives at numerous
places in the state, first stopping at
Burlington, visiting there and at
Fort Madison and points in Lee
county. Later going- to Iowa City,
Cedar Rapids and Des Moines. Mr.
Cole is enthusiastic as to the coun
try there, and to prospects for an
abundant crop. They have been
having much rain there and every
thing in prime condition.
From "Wednesday's Daily.
Advance information gotten out
that there will be a change in the
time card of the Burlington in the
near future, and that after the sec
ond of June train fifteen, the one
going west via Omaha in the morn
ing, and which we have grown ac
customed to deignate as the 8:16,
will run an hour earlier, and will
then be the 7:16 train instead. This
train is known as No. 15, and when
the change in time comes will make
some people hum tA mak it. Many
people until they become accustom
ed to the change will have to salt
the dishes down until thev return in
the evening. Still they met the
change from the old to the new time,
with a smile why not this as well.
Look out after the second of June.
From WednesJny's Daily.
The boys who have been at Camp
Funston for so long, are all leaving
now for probably "over there". The
things which they have had at the
camp are being sent home and the
cars loaded. The camp will be de
serted by the older boys and a new
set will occupy the positions. Just
now there is being released from the
detention camps about fifteen hund
red per day, which wil' soon fill the
depleted barracks, with new people
for training. There is more signific
ance in the "On to Berlin" than a
mere joke for the irrepressable Amer
ican Spirit, is the thing which is go
ing to settle this trouble and settle
it right, and we will be surprised
that is at the end of this year the
Americans have not been the feature
which never won the cause of civil
ization and humanity.
From "Wednesday's Dally.
Last evening about eight-thirty, a
special train of eighteen cars on the
Burlington passed through this city,
going east, and were crowded with
soldiers, going to the concentration
camps, and really, on their way to
Berlin. On the side of the last car
was a large banner "Berlin or Bust"
Wyoming. These Wyoming boys were
on their way to solve one of the big
problems of the world, the restora
tion of the rights of man. We have
slept while the Liberties of people
have been stolen and now we have
to sacrifice for the things which
were and are by rights our own,
but which we have allowed Auto
cracy to usurp.
Helps To Keep Fit.
When the digestion Is out oi ord
er, it throws the whole physical being
out of gear. B. B. Hayward, Unailil
la, Ga., writes: "Foley Cathartic Tab
lets give me quicker relief than any
thing I have ever tried.". They re
lieve biliousness, bad breath, bloat
ing, gas. indigestion and constipa
tion. No griping or nausea. Soid
Subscribe for the Journal.
A Simple Little Story Skillfully Act
ed is Verdict of Those Who
Have Seen Rehearsal.
From Wednesday's Daily.
On Friday evening at the Perme-
le theater the senior class of the high
school will present the play "Back
to the Farm."
The play is a clean, refreshing
little comedy of three acts. It has
no war setting but it is particularly
appropriate at the present time when
every one is learning how to farm
and get all that they can from Moth
er Earth.
The play is a simple little story of
the rebellion of one generation
against the ways and methods of a
farmer. The weary monotony and
nervous strain of trying to make
a living on an old fahioned farm, re
sults in an explosion in a tense and
dramatic scene. As a result a whole
family is alienated but in the end
are brought together again and live
happy ever afterward. A delightful
ittle romance runs through the
whole play and but that would be
Cast of Characters.
Cliarles Merrill, a farmer of t lie old
school Leroy Winsoott
Merton Merrill, his son.. Henry Herold
Mrs. Merrill, the farmers tliriftv
wife Grettal Haekenltersr
Rose Meade, the school teacher
. . .-.Mary Ilosenrrans
Gus Anderson, the hired man
Fiaymond Cook
Reuben Allen, a neighbor . Albert Olson
Mr. Ashley, a lawyer and real es
tate atrent Vern Hutchinson
Roltert Powell, a senior at college..
Ludwig Halas
Marcerie I-anprdon. a society debu
tante Florence Kalasek
Hulila, the maid Marjraret Buttery
Acts and Scenes.
Act I The Merrill farm. Mid
autumn. Morning.
Act II. The University of Ne
braska. Five years later. At the
fraternity ball.
Act III. Merton's study at the
Merrill farm. Two years later.
Tickets go on sale atWeyrich &
Hadraba's tonight at 7:30.
L. H. Kearnes to A. M.
Sanders lot 1 pt. 2 blk.
1, Townsends addition
city of Plattsmouth W.
D. $1,500.00
G. W. Shrader to Verna
Rhoden pt. SW4 NW14
pt NWU SWiJ 32-11-14
Agusta Anderson to W. C.
Foster lot 7 blk. 43 city
W. D $1,400.00
C. W. Bish to A. L. Hoff
man lots 3 and 4 blk. 50
city of Weeping Water,
W. D $450.00
M. S. Briggs to Wm. Bar
clay lot 4 pt. 3 blk 44,
city W. D $1,000.00
From Tuesday's Daily.
John Chalfant and F. W. Young,
were in the city today from -heir
home near Union, looking after some
business at the office of the county
judge, coming up from Union this
morning. Speaking about the doings
of the Red Cross, they said "Union
is doing the thing right in that it is
gatheilng a car load of hog? from
the farmers and taking them to Ne
braska City, where they will be
marketed for the benefit of the Red
She Got Good Results.
This honest testimony from a
woman who has suffered should be
heeded by all afflicted with bark
ache, rheumatic pains, or any symp
tom of kidney and bladder trouble:
"I have got such good results from
Foley Kidney Pills that I sleep much
better. Mrs. Chas. Gray. 270 Sixth
St., Detroit, Mich." Sold everywhere.
Patriotic crepe paper decorations
at the Journal office.
From Tuesday's Daily.
The Social Workers of the Country
Club, south of the city held a very
interesting' meeting at the lion:0 of
one of the members Mrs. George S
Ray south of the city Wednesday
evening, at which time Mrs. Ray and
daughter Mrs. Thompson entertain
ed. Much business was done, and
after which a splendid program was
rendered, which was mirt.'i prm.'t
ing, and very entertaining. There
were a large number present and
much interest manifested.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Frank Kalocek sr.. who has attain
ed the age of seventy years, the time
when the return of the money be
gins, has settled with the Woodman
of the World for $501,50. His r-o-
icy was for one thousand dollars, and
which he has been carrying for the
past twenty-three years. At the time
he entered the lodge, by some mis
take he gave his age as two vears
younger than it really was anl for
that reason, did not pay into the
order by about one in payment of
dues, and taken the entire amount
now, which accounts for the reduced
From Tuesday's Dally.
This is a snake story. This noon
while Tone Lahoda and Joe Johnson
were coming from their dinner, re
turning they discovered a bull snake
about 7 feet in length, which they
proceeded to capture, going up the
street. Tone with the head grasped
just behind the jaws, while Joe was
bringing up the rear, holding to its
tail. The prohibition law is prettv
well enforced notwithstanding.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Yesterday while Wm. Barclay was
chasing the runaway girls, he cross
ed the river at the ferry with his
car and returning, the boat did not
get as well up on the shore as it
should have, and in coming off the
boat Mr. Barclay's car slipped into
water enough that the rear wheels
were covered, and the block and
tackle had to be used to pull it from
the river.
Wants To Help Other Men.
II. W. Taylor, Calvert, Aia.,
writes: "To Whom It May Concern:
I recommend Foley Kidney Pills, the
best I ever used. I tried different
remedies, but none gave me rel'tf
like Foley's." Thej restore
action of kidneys and bladder and
relieve backache, rheumatic pains,
stiff joints, sore muscles. Sold every
where. Large line of American flaers at the
Journal office.
When Dollars Come
arching Home
When you receive money which has been in
vested, interest on loans, or returns for stock,
produce or services
PUT IT TO WORK at this bank. You can
deposit money in our Certificatss of Deposit
for six months or a year. They are safe.
They are negotiable on endorsement. They
earn 4 interest. We back them with every
dollar of our resources.
First National Bank,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Describes Weather as Very Change
able There and Says Expects
to Move Before Long.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Oliver Harvey, who is in the Avia
tion department, at Kelly Field.
Texas, has written his mother a let
ter of remembrance under date of
Sunday, May 12th, which was. na
tionally observed as Mother's day.
His letter follows:
My Dear Mother:
I am writing you on this daj' of
all days, when the nation worships
its mother. This letter is to you
alone, my mother, the woman who
gave me birth and endured every-
hing for my sake. I hope this day
Cnds you well and I would like to
be with you to help you celebrate
it, but we little know what the year
holds, and it is all God's will, so we
must be content. I am still at Kel
ley Field, but expect to leave at any
time, so it will be of no use for you
to write until I know where I am
going. The wind has blown here
all day, but the atmosphere has been
rather cool though. You can talk
about the changeable weather in the
north, but it has nothing on the
south in Texas. We had a lovely
rain last night and I suppose the
corn has begun to show up. I hope
everything is coming along fine, be
cause surely we need a good crop
this year, of all years, because it
marks the second year of our war,
and the downing of the demon they
call the kaiser of Germany, and it
shall be American troops that will
decide the question of right and
wrong, and the defeat of tyranical
Germany shall lie at the door of
America, and a proud America it
shall be. But here is hoping the
awful carnage will not exist a year
from today.
Well, mother dear, I am well and
quite happy here. Your dear, sweet
face comes before me many times a
day, and I hope when I come back
to you I shall be as clean and as
wholesome as when I left, that I may
meet your sweet smile without any
cause for regret.
I remain, as ever, your dutiful
fon. Oliver Miles Harvey.