MONDAY, MAY 20, 1918 TAGE TWO. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAB. . . . , . REPORTS READ LAST NIGHT SHOW RED CROSS FAIR TO HAVE BEEN GRAND SUCCESS COi.43 ! " 47.S4 " i 5.50 J 1 i?9 I M NEARLY $4,000 REALIZED AFTER ALL EXPENSES ARE DEDUCTED DISPOSITION OF ALL MONIES IS SHOWN BELOW LADIES HAVE EVERY REASON TO FEEL ELATED They Extend Thanks to the Elks, All Who Donated Cash or Merchandise and Everyone Having Any Part in Making Fair Succeed as It Did. The Plattsmouth Chapter, Red Cross, held a very interesting and enthusiastic business meeting at the Red Cross rooms last night. There was a largre attendance, not only of Red Cross workers, but also of the gen eral public present, which was most pleasing to the Red Cross workers, who are most anxious that the public shall know just what they are doing and how admirably the recent Red Cross Fair succeeded in raising money for the promulgation of the good work in which they are engaged. In the absence of Judge J. T. Degley and W. A. Robertson, Mrs. F. II. Dunbar, the Plattsmouth Chairman, took charge of the meeting. Miss Bern ice Newell, Treasurer, gave a most excellent and complete report, which was very pleasing to the ladies. Various other reports and business matters were transacted and then the ladies adjourned. The Red Cross workers will hold these business meetings one a month and a report of each meeting and every transaction will be publish ed in these columns in order that the people may know just what disposi tion is being mad? of the money they give so freely to aid in continuing the good work. The public is most cordially iiivited to come and co-operate with us in making it a success. De-low is given the Financial (monthly) report and a report of the Red Cross Fair together with a list of those donating cash or merchandise to the Fair. Other reports from the diffrent booths may be found else where in this issue of the Journal. ALMA LARSON, Chairman of Publicity. MONTHLY RED CROSS REPORT Receipts of Country Store. Receipts of Ice Cream and PCp booth. Receipts of Candy booth. Beads made by Helen W'url and Catherine Schneider. Amusements (Hit the Kaiser, Vaudeville, Dances, etc.). Receipts from Market (In connection with Fair) 331.31 Receipts from Hot Dog stand Realized from disposition of Dive Stock... Sold from lied Cross room since the Fair. 91.90 9sr..r.o 4.15 Total Receipts from Red Cross Fair .' $4,22:5.97 BILLS PAYABLE E. A. Wurl, for twine used $ .15 Henry Miller, merchandise S.!)3 Waterman Lumber Co., damage 'to lumber and drayagc !).5ft F. R. Gobolman, cards numbered and sign -1.00 Harry Newman, pop SI. CO Weyrich Sc Hadraba, cones.. 1.C5 Mauzy Drug Co., ice cream and cones 55. SO Guy Morgan, ice cream, cones and sum 31.25 Refund to Mr. Gilmore, from sale of pony to buy Lib. bond.. 50.00 Mauzy Drug Co., gum and cigars 2.40 H. M. Soennichsen, cambric 3.74 Mullis, tlowers purchased '..... 52.45 Stanfield, flowers purchased 51.15 , Journal Office, decorations Flower booth and White Klephant 7.20 Liberty Quartette, railroad fare 4.17 Mai Hi Mi.lvll Mum h A pjil April -M-rif April Apr;! t.T I 1 Apt .1 Api i! Ap: n A p r i 1 April April A pril April April Ai i i! April Apr:! April Apvil May ls- 4- 1- r.-- 10- 11-1 "0- 1 1- RECEIPTS -Last report, balance on hand $ -Rtirrw,-d from yarn fund -Matt rial sold Cedar Creek lied Cross -Kcccived from yarn fund -Minnie Guthniann (yarn sold) ". -Matt-rial sold Cedar Creek -Mateiial sold Weeping Water -Balance in market fund of March 12.! -Hisli Scho'.d girls' picture jliow -Apron sold Mrs. Eosencrans -Louisville Red Cross buttons .' -!;!. Mrs. C. A. Roscncrans bal. Xmas pack't fund -Yarn sold -W. . W. fiance for Red Cross -Murdoi-k Red Cross material sold -"me button sold -Red Cross Coffee by'Aid Sue, Ger. Luth. church... -Mateiial sold Cedar Creek -Donations received -Material sold Mynard -Material sold Murdock -Buttons s-old Fnion -Buttons sold Avoca -Kmblems sold' to Eagle chapter S!.4!) 22.00 337.71 3.75 35.61 .30 223.4 4 30: 13 1.25 5.00 loj.25 10. 00 . 37. SO 3.01 .05 S5.00 S.10 2.00 9.25 3.04 7.00 3.00 T T i L BECEIPTS Foil MONTH $1,222.71 $1, .71 DISBURSEMENTS Miti'th 22 E. A. Wurl, merchandise purchased.; J March 2 2 E. I. luivey, merchandise purchased March 22 10. I J. fiovey, merchandise purchased March 22 "11. M. Soennichsen. merchandise purchased........ Man h 22 Mrs. Frank Dunbar, drayage M.i t eh 27 R. F. Patterson, membership money, Cedar Creek. M.m Ii 2" Hoetel. drayage Man h ;;o Mrs. Lamphear, cleaning room April - 3 Refund Cedar Creek, error in bill April 10 I-:. A. Wurl, material purchased April 1 II. M. Soennichsen, material purchased Apiil 11 Rauer fc Black, gauze April 11 Postage, pa iter . April 12 St an Ii Id Store, material purchased April 12 Refund, Nehauka, material purchased Apnl iv American Radge Co., buttons Xinas drive Apiil D Nel.. Lighting Co., one elec. machine and .prii ' .mis. i Min ra r, stamps for postage April 27 .Mrs. Lamphear, cleaning room April 2 Mrs. C. A. Roscncrans, postage and parcel post...- Manh 2! Draft to Cent. Division, for supplies Aprii 20 Mrs. Lamphear, cleaning room May 3 Mrs. Lamphear, cleaning room and now 3 lamps. 13S.2S CO. 01 2.0 5.20 1.03 23.50 .70 2.00 1.00 179.24 23.45 27.40 1.78 1.79 1.26 CH.S7 22.55 2.00 2.00 1.35 166.00 3.00 2.00 total disbpbsemexts for month V Monthly balance on hand Money on hand from last market .$ 743.01 $ 74.1.01 .$ 479.70 209.50 BALANCE OX HAND (Exclus-ive of Red Cross Fair Receipts). REPORT OF RED 'CROSS FAIR CASH RECEIVED Donations from City cash Donations from Country cash R.ceipts of White "Klephant booth l.o, eipts of Plower booth R-iHpts of I'ancy Work booth , .$ 6S9.20 ..$331.20 . . ' 132.50 255.99 310.50 205.51 Various Summer Tours Season of 1918 'I Ik public is informed tlat, generally speaking, Summer Tour i-t lares ti Western resorts will be effective. . - $22.50 $30.50 TO COLORADO RES0IITS: N Ft on Central and Eastern Nebraska, representative rates would be: lif-nvcr, Colorado Springs, Pike's Peak region Ro l.y Mountain National Estcs Park., Colo., just north of Den ver, round trip, approximately (including autos to the Tark).. To Till: m:lTini, lil.ttu HILLS HEGIOX, Hot Springs, S. D., round trip, about .-.S20.73 To Tin: iti; lioitv Jlor.Tl. It knouts, in the Sheridar-Ranehes- tcr county, to Sheridan and return, approximately..... ;m.7.T Hi Tin: I'Wfus Tlli:itlO!MMs hot MMIIOS. the place of marvelous cures, via. Denver and Scenic Colorado, round trip, approximately... :H.r,o M:illt To I lis to ( Al.ll ()IIM, Hound trip, direct lines ux.oo H h:M.ohstom: I'VIIK, all-expense tour, "hotel way l.5 To i:i.I.I)UV(;m: VW.H, all-expense tour, "camping way"..! S-'.r.o ci s f,.r ,:t!"r tour, and railroad privileges all the same for t; : s r' or "bote! ' way. Ask us about rates. We are here to. eerve you to fi ;. the best possible care of our Summer vuiu-iiL- (..'.liiiV.'!. Y. It. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent. L. W. VVAiLELLY, Gcncr4 Passenger Agent 1,004 Farnara Street Oiraha, Nebraska Total expense connected with Red Cross Fair. .. 363. 9!) 363.9!) NET RAL.ANCR (Realized from Fair after all expenses paid) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - OF DONATIONS .?3,S59.9S Acknowledgment of the following cash and merchandise donations is gratefully made, as follows: Co. Cash Donations. Auto Power and Malleable Plattsmouth State Rank. Rank of Cass County. Farmers State Rank F. (.;. Pricke & Co .1. K. Pollock Dr. J. S. Livingston Matthew tiering John Bergman Mpha Petersen Nelson Jean Ac C. A. Atkinson P. J.' Flynn Frank Cummins K. ?. Rrown Adolph 3iese C. Harris Laundry.... Frank Schlater . O. Cole James Robertson Mrs. Then. Starkjohu .... AV. F. tlillispie V. Ve.ifla Mr. Rigsrs H. Waintronh V. T. Aciams I onaticm Lawrence Stull .;. O. Dovev (two war sta R. A. Hates (Adv. and bill Co. . , ps ) Country Donation! Stander. 1 hogs Ceor A. I. Todd. 1 ho: A. K. To.l.I K. -. Nelson . . . T. 10. Todd Clems Koke .... Frank Rlatzer . Ralph llaynie .. J no. W. Falter. I Albert Tschierum Philip Iftu n . . . . I, on it1 Horn C,. W". Stoehr . . . Fred C. H henna Joseph Sc-heissd, l.ouis Meisintrcr Job n N. I leek . . James R. Jcline Art Sullivan Frank i.illie ... Fred ISuechlor . . Johfi Propst Mark Furlong . . Mike I.utz Frank I lull Henr v Horn 1-M Tritsch Will Wchrb.Mii . 1-M win 1 yffy . . . . llolstein bull.. ii . Iti. . r.n.oo . rt.ii) . 2.v no . 1.1.00 . 10.00 . 10.00 . 10.00 . 10.00 . 10.00 . .1.00 . 5.00 r..oo . r..oo . r..oo . .1.00 . r.oo .1.00 . .1.00 . .1.00 . r..oo . .1.00 2.00 2.00 . 1.00 . 1.00 7.oo . 10.00 . S.'JO . CO. 00 .$15.00 . 2.1. 0O . HUM! .1.00 . lo.oo .1.00 5.'0 . 10.00 5.00 10.00 1 o.oo .1.00 2.00 .1.0 0 3.00 2.0' 2.O0 1.00 2.00 .1.0 0 2.50 2.O0 1 o.oo 1O.00 .1.00 1.00 Merchandise Donated. H. M. Soennichsen H. N. Dovey Fred Wagner W. T. Wassell Ke titer Shoe Co Popular Varlftv Store T. H. Pollock Auto Co Nebraska Righting Co J. W. Cra hi 11 Kroehler Bros John F. ("order . . . K. Caraire I-:. A. Wurl Hcstor Swatuk Hatt ;- Son , J. Richey S. S. Chase 1j. It. Kireiiborger (. AVcscott's Sons F. P. P.usch -. tl. lovey Weyrich i ll.ulraba Rov C. Smith K. P. Rut. John Rauer Philip Thieroll' A. r .P.aell V: Co F. ( . Kgeiiberger Jess Warga James Mauzy W. I-:. Rosencia us (Flowers).. P.. A. McKiwaiu Peoples Store Wm. Sel'.midtman J. i:. Mt-Daniel 1-M Donat J. R. Russell Waterman Lumber Co C. C. Fricke C. i-:. Hartford Lorenx Rros Avard iS McLean A. W. White t.'. A. Staniiehl Pave l-:bers)le '. L. Hergt-r !. !. Fricke Mis. J. S, Hall Ilarrv Newman M. L Johnson Pease - I 'hit tsmout h "aragi- ; m n I e r v Co Fr:t U '.fl'cl rn;i n Rote! Perkins Hotel Coos V:ii. Hoil I !. Wurl l'"rc-d II. Mnnini, Ptak A: P.ajcck . A. Roscncrans i.... Mrs. (. P. Montoe (!eori;-e ("orris Hritwn's Rcsta u r;' nt Oscar Wilson A. M. Allies R. A. Rates .$50.00 . 50.00 . 40.00 . 3.1.00 . 25.00 . 25.00 , 2-1.00 . 25.00 . 25.00 . 2.1.00 . 2.1.00 , 29.00 . 25.00 . 25.00 . 2.1.00 . 25.00 . 2.1.00 . 25.00 . 25.00 . 2.1.00 . 25.00 . 25.00 . 25.00 . 25.00 . 2.1.00 . 25.00 . 2.1. 00 . 25.00 . 25.00 . 20.OO . 20.00 . 15.00 . 1.1.00 . 15.00 . 15.00 . 1.1. (HI . 12.00 . 12.00 . 12.00 . 12.0(1 . 10.00 . 10.00 . lo.OO . 10.00 . 10.00 . 10.00 . 10.00 . 10.00 . 12.00 S.0 0 . 9. . N.L" . 1.1.00 . 7.50 . 6.00 . 6.00 . 5.00 .1.00 . .1.00 . 5.00 . .1.00 . :i.7." . 3.50 . 3.00 . 1.10 . 20.00 WE HAVE THE BLAiB MAN BEAT EN ON VMl PLATTSMOUTH HAS A NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEIT HERE LONGER THAN HE. From Thursday's Daily. T. AI. Carter, S2, of P.tair, Neb., who left his native state, Ohio, in April 1S55, in a covered wagon for Nebraska and arrived May 14 at the point where Omaha now stands, claims he has lived in Nebraska longer than any other person out side of Omaha. For a time he included Omaha in this claim, hut found that Fred Davis president of the First National bank came to Omaha in September, 1854. lie wants to know if anyone else, except Mr. Davis, has lived in Ne braska as long as he has. "When I arrived where Omaha now is a few board shanties and cot ton tents dotted the prairie, where now stands a deservedly prosperous metropolis of the west," Mr. Carter said. "I settled upon what is now the townsite of Hlair before the govern ment survey had been made and built a cabin. I farmed the land for ten years, donated the right-of-way for the building of the Sioux Citv branch- of the Union Pacific railroad and sold to the railroad all but twenty acres in 18CS. "I organized the first. Sunday school in Washington county at Do Soto in the spring of 1S5G. I was present at the Fort Calhoun ' claim fight in the summer of 1855 when Major Goss was killed and two others were wounded. When the Indians killed and scalped Porter and Demeree, two of our neighbors, on their claims while they were breaking prairie near Fontenelle, and many others, fled the country for safety, I and three companions stayed by our claims, slept on our arms and defied the red men. In October, 18C2, my brother, who had come to Nebraska with me, and I decided to spend the winter in the defensCof our country, so we en listed. We were looking for the Modoc Indian with the seven notches on his gunstock, representing an equal number of white men killed, J and the Apache Indian who displayed at his- belt the greatest number of imle face scalp:-. We did not find them." Omaha News. In the matter of having lived in Nebraska the longest, we have three with which we can successfully pit against Mr. T. M. Carter, in the race for seniority, and others who would run him a cio?e second. Wm. Gil- niour came to Bellevue, in 1S3H, and moved to Kock IUuITs about four years later, is stiil living here. A. W. O'Neill and sifter Mrs. Wm. Ilcr ol'l moved from across the river here in the spring of 1S54, with their father James O'Neill. They are still living here. L. 13. Brown, who makes his home at the Perkin3 Houce tit this time came here in March 1854, all these beating lur. Carter a year and more. On June 20th, lSEf, John McDaniel came here from Iowa, and made his home in Nebraska, ho was some six weeks later than Mr. Carter Many other'peoplc can be found who are near- that date. MAKES ANOTHER PURCHASE. From Friday's Daily. Wm. Barclay last evening coiuplet ed negotiations for the purchase of the A. J. Trilety residence on South Fifth street, which he will have for rental purposes. Mr. Trilety will occupy the place for the present and will during the summer build a home for . himself on the place which he has on south Chicago Avenue and which was formerly known as the McKonkie place. Mr. Trilety ex pects to build a home there which will he a comfortable place to live, and .will allow of the keeping of some stock, which he has on the place at present, but which with having to go out and hack morning and evening makes it inconvenient now. Do You Enjoy Life? A man in good physical condition is almost certain to enjoy life, whIe the bilious and dyspeptic are de spondent, do not enjoy their meals and feel miserable a good share of the time. This ill feeling is nearly always unnecessary. A few doses of Chamberlain's Tablets to tone up the stomach, improve the digestion and regulate the bowels is all that Is needed. Try it. Wanted Laborers for Packing House work. 40c per hour. Address Supt. Morton-Gregson Co., Nebraska City, Nebr. 5-1 3-3 tw IFOL Yyi CAR AND'MDS fg)OLARINE is the standard lubricant for ALL cars the "one oil that is as efficient in summer's heat as it is in winter's cold the oil that no engine t'jin feature can break up and nullify its lubricating qualities. Polarine is a pure oil, not a drop of acid in a barrel. And it burns up so clean that carbon is reduced to a minimum. The Polarine sign points out the place where you get the kind of oil your car needs. For maximum mileage and power use Red Crown Gasoline. STANDARD) SL COMPANY (Nebraska) OMAHA UU&BU3B yolanne, E MOTOR I m w ' n i p' Q PLAIN QUESTIONS TO .(Ticn to mrniTOKs PI A I LSI I i Every Platsmouth Reader Will Admit the Soundness of the Logic. Would Plattsmouth people recom mend Doan's Kidney Pills as they do if the medicine were not reliable? Would they confirm their statements after years have elapsed if their ex periences did not show the remedy to be deserving of it? Statements like the following must carry conviction fo the mind of every reader: . M. Barclay, chief of-police Fifth & Pearl Sts., Plattsmouth, says "I have bought Doan's Kidney Pills from the Crescent Pharmacy and can say they are all right. For lumbago and trouble from the kidney secre tiens Doan's are splendid. After : used them, the pain across my back left immediately.'' (Statement given December 29, 100S.) On February 22, 1916 Mr. Bar clay saidi "I have taken Doan's Kid ney Pills for years-and they have never failed to do good work when I have had need of a kidney medicine Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Chief Barclay had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. i,i:;.i, it iii,if.vTU TJ'. State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, us: In the County Court. In tho matter of the Estate of Gal lant Uakes, fleceaseii. On roariin;? nnil filinpr the petition or laiiio I... Kakes, prayinsr that ad ministration of said estate mav he granted to petitioner as Administra trix: Ordered. That May Hist, A. D. 1918. at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hcaritifc paid petition, when all per sons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be lield in anI for said County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be crranted: and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hear ing thereof shall be eriven to all per sons interested in said matter bv nuh- iisnins a copy or this order In the flatti-inouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for mree successive weeks urior to said tiay or Hearing. gm Dated May 3. 1318. V ALLEN J. BKESONV (Seal)-m6-3tw. County Judse. LUGA I, SOTICE In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss: To all persons interested in the estate of Andrew Dill, Deceased: On readme: the petition of Benjamrn Dill, Administrator, praying a final settlement and allowance of Ms ac count filed In this Court on tho 6th day of May, 1918, and for the distribution of said estate and his discharge as such Administrator; y It is hereby ordered, that you and all persons Interested in said matter may, and do, appear at the County Courtto be held In and for said coun ty on the 23th dav of Mav. A. D. 1918. at 9 o'clock a. m.. to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be grained, ana that notice of the pendency of eaid petition and the liearinsr thereof be triven to all persons interested In said matter by publishing; a eopy of tins order In the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed In said county for two successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of said court this 6th day of May, A. D. 1918. ALLEN J. BEI5SON, (Seal)-ml3-2w County Judge. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss: In the County Court. In the matter of the Estate of Chris tina l'iestrup. Deceased: To the creditors of said Estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room In I'latts nmuth in raid county on the 8th day of June, 1918, and on the 9th day of September, 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m. of eacli of said flays to receive and exam ine all claims aerainst said Estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The. time limited for the presentation of claims against said Estate is three months from the 8th day of June, A. D. 1918, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 8th day of June, 1918. Witness my hand and the seal of said Countv Court this 4th day of May. A. D. 191S. ALLEN .T. BEESOX. (Seal)-mC-'tv. County Judjje. LEGAL XOTICK To Pauline Oldham, as Administrat rix of the Estate of Georpre J. oldham. Deceased: Ilichard Conway Oldham, i.uzza J. Baker, Lacuna Connally. Paul ine Oldham, Fay Oldham, John J. Old ham. Jessie D. Snyder, Ellison L, Old ham, James V. Oldham, Vera II. Old ham, Polly Oldham, Mary L. Craiff. and all persons interested in the estate of Jackson ;. Oldham, Deceased, includ ing creditors and claimants; You are hereby notified that on the 1th day of May, 1918. plaintiff filed a petition in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, praying amoiiK oth er things for an order to be entered by the court directing the adminis tratrix of the estate of George J. Old ham, deceased, to convey to plaintiff the Northwest Quarter of the North west Quarter of Section thirty-one (31 Township eleven (11 ). Iianse fourteen (ID; Cass county, Nebraska, upon the payment of the balance of the purchase price in Etroriljinro with the contract entered into between the plaintiff and the said Ueorse J. Oldham, fluririn hi.s life time on the 15th day of January, 191 S. You are further notifien Ihore will be a hearing1 upon said petition, and on the allegations thereof, before tlus Judse of tlie District Court of Cass county. Nebraska, in the District Court room at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on the 22nd day of June, 191S, all of which and the allegations of the petition you will take due notice. - C. A. LI LI .IE. Plaintiff. BAWLS, MTICi: TO CKI'lllTOKS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss: In the County Court. In tho matter of the Estate of Wil liam l.udigr. Deceased: To the Creditors of said Estate: You are hereby notified, That I will sit at the County Court room in Plaits mouth in said county, on the 27th dav of May. 1918, and the 2Mh day of August. 191S, at 9 o'clock a. m. of each day to receive and examine all claims against said Estate, with u view to their adjustment and allow ance. The time limit 1 for presenta tion of claims n gainst said Estate is three months from the 27th dav of May, A. D. 191 S, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 27th flay of May. 1918. Witness my hand and the seal of said 'County Court this 2ith day c April, 1918. ALLEN J. BEESOX. (Seal)-a29-4w County Judge. 4-TT'iTEHrv'l Jr .'' y ' . SL:' 'Net Contents 15 fluid Prjrhpv .5:0-: fW4-yrigU l il'Iillflll n sir mmmms-- ci Ml fl S3 frSSl Ti TO H II 15 Si 3 KfiTl 1 tit7 iJ 11 X&f fcl HW U U 1 krit hit i.r- So CPU ' 2 r S3 1.2 c r he . T-rrr r. PNT. . . . . n :ff Ac. A cceiaoic i rcpirau" . - i iinMhSiomachsandBow!sor N -,5- Wty"ito5in4Dscstg. Signature ff a If uv rsu mm i For Infants and Childran. fMms Know That Genuine Castoria Always Jsears tlii ncimcr upiuiu, f Xf.-.1 Vr-rXAICOTIC AtxSmna I JtorhrUt SiJh transitu ouyur Constipation aiidDiarrhoca.! LOSS OF SLEEP 4 resutinrefiw Facsimile SijtwtureoL j. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Jr. b V In p$d Use jf For Over Thirty Years MAA i ii si in m mm v- US tS. iil mS U THI CENTAUR COMMUfT hiw roi Cl-T.