.etr.--w. -01" Try?) peattsmoutii semi-weekly journal THURSDAY, HAY 2, 1913. PAGE TWO, Elks" Attention! All members requested to meet at club rooms promptly at 7 o'clock Friday evening to march in the parade. Be there on time! ALL APPETITES expected to congregate at Mollie Gobelman's HOT 'DOG KEWNEL all three nights of the fair. Canines without 1918 licenses will be served kind ness of Chief Barclay. Very toothsome baked horse, Liberty bread sand wiches, fish balls, cannon balls, moth balls and hot coffee. WEDDED PLATTS MOUTH GIRL HERE LAST SATURDAY WILLIAM BELL AND MISS MAR GARET WOLFORTH SPRING A LITTLE SURPRISE. Bills a Teacher in the Schools Here Groom Employee of Govern ment Arsenal in Illinois. l':. in Mnlays Daily list Saturday morning, Charles Dfll and brother. WW, hopped off ti e Turlington train from the east, and while ye reporter was busily en- gajrc.I looking for items for Satur day's Journal. Will said to his broth er. "Let's get around the corner be fore the reporter will get us." And so they beat a hasty retreat ere we had even got to see them. As merry as a marriage .bell, they made their way up from the depot, and in fact it was to be a "Married Bell," and Bil- lie was that Bell, but there was to be a riattsniouth belle who was to be a married Hell as well. While we were in the dark anil .:'! not catch a glimpse of them, the records of the county judge divulged the fact, and then other people saw the boys in town, yes both of them. Now. if Hilly had been alone we would not have been suspicious, but two of them made it look different. .Securing the proper papers and with a great, big afternoon off, Bil lie and his brother, Charles, went to the home of Miss Louise Gorder, i:i the presence of only the imnie "':.te family on the part of the bride and Charles Bell, brother of the groin. the Rev. A. F. Bloetz, min ister of the St. Paul's Evangelical church at Osmond, pronounced the fatal words which made William Tell of Davenport and Miss Margar et Wolforth husband and wife. The happy couple departed on the after noon Mifsouri Pacific train for Om aha, where they remained until this morning, returning in time for the bride to take up her duties as a teacher in the schools here. The groom, with his brother, de parted for their home at Davenport. Mrs. Bell will teach the remain !r of the present term, when Mr. iwll will return, and after a visit hrre. they will go to Davenport to make their home. The bride, who was born and raised in this city, is one of Platts liio'tth'b fairest of daughters, aud is an excellent teacher in the public tch'xds of the city. Her many local frieads will congratulate her in the selection of a life partner, for in lvl she has made an excellent choice. Will Bell was also born hero' aud lived here many years, but of late he has been elsewhere, leav ing here with his parents, Charles Bell. Sr. They first went to Bur lington, their old time home, and from there to Davenport, where thry have since resided. Will is an excellent young man, clean, elert, a W-O'i worker, capable and of a fine cnaracter. He is at present em ployed by the government, working in the Rock Island arsenal at Rock CASTOR 5 Mi a I ?or Infants and Children !:? tly ForOverSO Yecrs A!-" ill 7 Island, Illinois, which is just across the river from Davenport. lie is working on a 72 centimeter gun, which is a French gun, a number of this particular pattern being made in America just now. The newly married couple will make their home in Davenport, where Will has a cottage elegantly fitted up for the reception of the bride when her school-teaching days are over a few weeks hence. We join with their many friends in wish ing them a long and hapy life to gether. ' A FEW QUESTIONS Plattsniouth, Neb, April 29. Editor Plattsniouth Journal: Here are a few questions which I would like to ask of your many readers and citizens of Cas;s county: Do you know that there are hun dreds of men lying oil the battle field in France daily wounded, wait ing for the Red Cross to gather them up and care for them? Do you know that these men over there are fighting "Our Battle" and risking their -lives that this world may be free from cruelty and op pression? Do you know that the Red Cross is doing one of the greatest works ever done by any organization since the world began? To care for the wounded on the battlefield amidst danger to themselves? Do you know there are men in France from America who told the officers in charge, "It makes no dif ference of the danger if there are wounded men on the battlefield to be got, and no one else will go, call on us?" Do you know that the Red Cross has no other way to pay their ex penses but by subscriptions? Do you know that there is to be a Red Cross Fair in riattsniouth on May 2, 3 and 4, to raise money for the Red Cross expenses? Do you know that the Elks have donated their beautiful home for the Fair for the three d&ys and all the moneys will be turned over to the Red Cross? That there will be an old fashioned country store to sell anything you may donate from a fish hook to a bale of hay and that any thing you donate will be appreciat ed So let us all help a little. Be sure and be there. - Walk up. Jump" up, tumble up, or any way to get up. If you can't get up any other way just throw your money up. But be sure the Red Cross gets It. EBON W. BAKER.! EASY THING TO DECIDE If you suffer from some stomach trouble, 'indigestion, constipation, flatulence, headache, insomnia, ner vousness, general weaknessj-j-aiid if you are wise, you will take a de pendable remedy and will not wait until your condition becomes serious. The most dependable Temedy i?; TTiner's American: Elixir of Bitter Wine, which cleans the stomach and intestines, aids digestion, restores appetite and tones up the entire sys tem. At drug stores. Price $1.10. Tor colds and coughs which are now in season take Triner's Cough Seda tive, 25 and 50 cents at drug stores; by mail 35 aud 60 cents. For rheu matism anil neuralgia, Triner's Lin iment is without equal, 35 and 65 cents at durg stores; by mail 45 and 75 cents. Joseph Triner Company, 1 ""-1343 S. Ashland Avenue, Chi- cugo, Illinois. ml For a mild, easy action of lie bowels, try Doan's Regulets. a mod ern laxative. 30c at all stort-8, : WILL BUILD A NEW HOUSE. From Tuesday's Dally. - , Robert Shrader was in the city this morning looking after some busi ness and is moving from Weeping Water to near Murray, where he will make his home in the future.. lie has the home farm of his father Geoige W. Shrader, and will begin hauling lumber tomorrow to build a house on the place to replace the one which was destroyed by the cycline some years since. THE LOUISVILLE BOYS BAND. From Tuesday's Daily. N The High school band of Louisville all of which are High School boys will play in this city at the Red Cross Fair on Friday. This band is comprised of 22 pieces, and are all from the High School at Louis ville. They have been under The tutorage of Mr. E. II. Schuhloff of the city for a long time, and are well qualified to play, and they can pro duce the music and no mistake. They play such numbers as Sunset in Hawaii, Selections from Grand opera, and Southern melodies. This band is supported by the Municipality of Louisville and practice the year round. .NEARLY ALL GETTING THERE. From "Wednesday's Daily. The schools all over the county are getting in line with their Junior Red Cress, and one by one they are ap proximating the one hundred per cent. This shows the patriotism which is permeating the whole schools, and inculcating a love of country into the pupils. The follow ing are the ones to report just now on the achievement, giving district, location and teacher: 42, Plattsniouth pet.. Ida Tscher rin. 6, Plattsniouth pet. Ruth CI in p. .11, Cedar Creek. Myrtle Pariott. !)4. Avoca. Agnes Spearman. SS, Cedar Creek, Ida Nichols. Sl, Murdock. Katie Nichols. 5, Rock Bluffs, Bridge Barrett. 2, Plattsmovlh. FMr.r. Morrisou. OFFERED A POSITION IN STATE UNIVERSITY F;-om Wi-dnr .-k-a ys l:rily. This morning .lo. oyh K. llulin de parted for Lineal:?, where he goes to accept a position in the State Uni versity as insirm-ior in t lie tias Eng ine department of the course which the selectmen from Camp Funslon are to he given r.t that institution. Mr. Buli'.i was tendered the position by the University r.r.d goes to accept. Joe is well vors'.-d in the ii" engine, and is capable of giving a-l.'-uaic instruction.;. We are pleased to know of this recognition of hi abil ity and fitness for the position.. RED CROSS FAIR PARADE. From Wednesday's I);iily. The Red Cross Fair Parade will form at 7th and Main streets Fri day evening and will start promptly at 7 o'clock sharp. All those expect ing to participate in this parade must be there by 7 and will not wait for any one. Everybody is invited to join in this parade and do what they can to make it a success The following is the arrangement of the parade: . Uncle Sam will lead the parade. G. A. R. W. R. C. Service Flags. Red Cross Flags. Red Cross Float. Red Cross Workers. P. E. O. St. Mary's Guild. Camp Fire Girls P'loat No. 1 & 2. Girl's Club. Clergy of the city. Boy Scouts on wheels. Boy Scouts. ' Elk3. D. A. R. Float. T ' . D. A. R. Ladies. Burlington Co., employees. School Children Protestant aud Parochial. All Decorated Automobiles Chief of' Police Barc'ay will be Marshal of the evening. Any one wanting a position in this parade, kindly call committee by Fri day noon. DEPARTS THIS AFTERNOON. Clarence Ecal departed this after noon for Omaha, from where he will go to some station where he will re ceive Radio Instruction, and will be come a wireless operator for the government. Clarence is one of the fine young men of this city and wc are certain he wiU make an excel lent operator, an'i will do good ser vice in the United States army. REDUCED PRICES ON EGGS FOR HATCHING After May 1st my prices on S. C. R. I. Red eggs for hatching will "be. $1.00 per setting or $4.50 per 1C0. Telephone Plattsniouth 4021. W. B. Porter,' Mynard, Xebr. TIRED OF LIFE Constant Backache and Rheumatism Foley Kidney Pills fixed up Text brakamaa to he'a good ever. Almost down and out with kidney trouble. Rheumatism so bad he could scarcely get up when he sat down. Back ached all the time. No wonder Mr. F. A. Wo1ey, brake man on the road from Dallas to Jack son, Texas, "was tired of living:." "J saw Foley Kidney Pills adver tised," he said, "I took some and after a short time I was thoroughly cured and am having no more trouble. Your kidney ills will disappear and with thom the backache and rheu matism, by the use of Foley's Kidney Pills. Once your kidneys become stroiis and active, actios and pains will disappear like magic. There's nothings to equal the genu ine. Will help any case of kidney or bladder Jronble not beyond the rcacb of meJicines. ' Contain no harmful drugs. Try them. "SOLD EVERYWHERE." WILLARD STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY LISTED FOR SUNDAY Arrangements have been complet ed for a ball game for the coming Sunday, wherein the Red Sox will cross bats with the Willard Storage Battery Company ,team. This team has a good reputation,, and shorM put up a good game.. The game play ed last week considering the frac tious weather was a good one, and hopes are entertained we will have a better weather card than we had be fore. Come out and see what kind of batters this Battery team is. MEET AT PETERS HOME. From Wednesday's l:iily. St.. Mary's Guild cf St. Luke's par ish met at the home of Mrs. J. W. Peters yesterday afternoon. There was a large number in attendance. who enjoyed a delightful afternoon The regular business session was held, at which time the ladies made various plans for their work in the future. After the business session the ladies devoted the speeding mo ments to plying the- bucy needle and various other amusements, which af forded them considerable pleasure At a suitable time Mrs. Teters served delicious refreshments, which were very much appreciated by the ladies A little further .social time and then about 5:30 the ladies dispersed feel ing very much indebted to. Mrs Peters for her kind hospitality. ARE BUILDING NEW PORCH. From Wednesday's! laily. Haywood and Ray Eilcge aie building a new porch at the home of Sam G. Smith on north Sixth street. The added porch will be a great convenience, to tbe owner and his wife, besides adding greatly to the appearance of the home. IIAID0N BROWN TO RE TURN TO HOSPITAL Word has been received that Mal- don Brown who has just gotten tut of the hospital, where he was under quarantine r.s a carrier of Spi.ial Menengit"?, is to return to lender treatment. He having linen expose to the disease, is in the detention camp. Mrs. L. F. Trirape of Omaha is going to see her brother at Camp Cody, and will start tomorrow. GIVES PONY TO THE RED CROSS From Tuesday's Daily. Wm. Gilmour living south of the city has a fine spotted nduy which is of much value, and not having ready money ia giving the pony to the Red Cross, to be sold for the benefit of the cause, Later announce ments will be made as to when and how the pony shall be disposed of but it looks like it should create con siderable interest and realize a gocd ly sum for the cause. EGGS FOR HATCHING. Barred Plymouth Rock Egi-'s for s-:alc. Inquire of C. L. Wiles. Phone 3421. 4-22-2wkswkly For Sale Three cottages, four to six rooms, two lots, on North Seventh street; two on North Eightfi and corner lot near High School. Seven room house, 2V2 lots, only $1250. R. B. Windham. NEBRASKA Wc buy Rqgs, Rubber, Iron and Metal! Second Hand Furniture of all kinds! PAYS BEST fRICEO! S. CU&SEH, r.bnagcr Eighth and Vine Sts., . Plattsrnouthj Ncbaska TEL. 600 J HOUSE , NOTICE. TO CnEDlTO9., . The State of- Nebraska,' Ca.ua coun ty, ss: In the County Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Em ily A. Latta. Deceased: To the Creditors or said Estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in Platts niouth, in said county, on the 21st day of Alay, 1918. and on the 28tli day of Autrvst, 1918. to receive and examine all claims against said Estate with a view to their adjustment and allow ance. The time limited for the pre sentation of claims against said Es tate is three months from the 21st day of May, A. D. 1918, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 21st day of May, 1918. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 15th day of April, 1918. AL.L.EN J. 1JKKBUM, Countv Judge, r.y FLORENCE WHITE, (Keal)-a22-4w. Clerk. OUDKU OF HKAHIX: and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the County Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss. To Paul T. Eaton and Marcraret M. Eaton, and all persons interested in the estate of Henry w. ji.aion, u ceased : On readine- the netltlon of Ilorotny M. r.vmh nravine a final settlement and allowance of her account riled in tlila l-nurt on the 2L'nd iav or April. 1918, and for final distribution or said estate: it is heiebv ordered, that you and all personrs interested in said matter may. and do. appear at the County Court to be held in and lor saia coun- tv. on the 7th day of May, A. D. 191. at 10:00 nVlork. a. n. to show cause. if any there be. why the prayer or me petitioner should not be Kranted, and that notice of the pendency of said ix-titinn nd the hearinjr thereof be uriven to "all persons interested in said matter bv publishing a copy or mis order in the Plattsniouth Journal, u semi-weeklv newspaper printed in sahl county, for one week prior to saia aa of liearinsr. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal or said t ouii this 22nd day of April. A. n. 191S. (Seal) County Judge. 01(1)1011 OF IIEAItl.Vfi ii ml Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the County Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss To Paul 1. Katon and Marsaret M Eaton, and all persons interested in the estate of MaiK.net Eaton, I censed : On read ins tin petition of Dorothy M. Uyncii prayinf? a final ,s. 1 1 lenient and a 1 lowauce of her account tiled m this Court on the 22nd day of April 191S. iinu for final distribution ol soid estate: It Is hereby ordered, that you an all persons interested in said matte nvav, and do, appear at tins County Court to be held in and for said inun tv, on the 7th day of May. A. 1 . 1U1K at 10:00 o'docU, a. m., to show cause if any there be. why the player of the petitioner should not he granted, am thp.t notice of the pendency of sab net it Ion ;nd the heailr.s- thereof be riven to all parsons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsniouth Journal, seml-'.veeltly newspaper printed in sn.it' county, for one week prior to said dai or hearing:. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set mv hand and the Seal of said Com this 22nd day of April. A. I). 11S. allen" .1. i;i:ksn (Seal) County Judge. Mtii:w or iiK.Miivt; and Notice on Petition for ettli rncnt of Account. In Die County Court or Cass conn ty. Nebraska. State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss To a!I persons interested In the es tate of Jtshann (1. Statu, Deceased: On rcadinc the petit Ion of Henry A Tool, prayin'-c si linal settlement end siiluv.a mv of liis account tiled in tiii Court 011 the 2:rd day of April, "VIS and for such other and further order ainl proe-rotl inir"? "'vi i-iav be rcoiMred ?y the statutes in such cases made and orovided: It is hereby ordered, that you and all persons interested in said matter may, j:nd do, appear t the Coiint Court to be held in and Tor said roun ty. on the- 7t!i day of May. A. 1). 19 IS at--lu:oa o'clo; k, a: in., to show ause if any there be, why the prayer of th petitioner should "not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hea.'in;: thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a cony of thl on'.er in the Plat tsnw-uth Journal, semi-weekly newspaper p!ine-d in sard county. fer ene week prior to said day of hearing. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and tbe Seal erf said Court tins 23rd day of April. A. D. 19IK. ALLEN J. REESON. (Se-al) County Judge. ORDER OF iii:i:i(i on Petition for Appointment of Ad minist t-a tor or Administratrix. The State' of Ne-biaska, Cass coun ty. ss: In the County Court. In the matter of the Estate of.Clnis Una Peistrup. Deceased: On read ins: and filing the petition of Andrew J'eistrup praying tbat admin istration of said estate may be grant ed to himseir as Administrator: Ordered. That May 4th. A. D. J918 at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all Ter sons interested in said matter, mav appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted: and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hear lug thereof be given to all persons in lerested in said matter, by publishing a copy or nils oruer in ine I'lattsmoutl Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed Jn sale! county. lor three sue cessive weeks prior to said tlay of bearing. Dated April 12th. 1918. ALLEN J. BEESON. ' County Judge. T?y FLORENCE WHIT 10." (Seal) al5-3w. Clerk. OTICE TO CKr.DITOItS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss: t In the County Court. In the matter of the Estate of Oeorge J. Oldham. Deceased. To the e-reditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That T will sit at the County court room in Platts mouth in said -county, on the 14th day of May and the lfttli day of August, 1918. to rec-eive and examine all claims against said Estate, . with - a view to their adjustment and allowance Th time limited for the, presentation of claims Hgainsi saiu ji.sr.aie is inree months from the 14tn day or May, A D. 1918. and the time limtled for pay ment of debts is one year irom salt) i4tb dav or May. isiib. Witness my hantl , and the seal of said County Court this tn uay or Ap ril, 1918. ALLEN J. BEESON. , County Judge. By FLORENCE WHITE. (Seal) al5-4w Clerk. XT. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. 4 East cf Riley HoUL Coates Block, Second Floor. m .AJRTICXES OF IXCORpOllATIOX KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE SENTS: . That we whose names are hereto attached, have associated our selves together for the purpose of be coming a Co-Operatlve Association under the laws or the htate 01 xse braska, and for that purpose, do here by adopt these Articles of Incorpora tion. ARTICLE T: The name of this Cor poration shall he the Farmers' Union "o-Operatlvo Association. ARTICLE II: The principal plaeo of transacting' the business of thi ' ' - noration shall be at Alvo, c and such other places as the Diitvtvus shall elect. ARTICLE III: The general nature or the business to be transacted by said Comoration shall be the buyinjr .and selling- of grain, seed, hay, live stock and all products of the iarra, aiso merchandise of all kinds and . to ac quire by purchase or lease such real estate as may be necessary for the transaction of the business. ARTICLE IV: The Association shall continue for a period of fifty (50) years from date of incorporation, wiilcii shall be February 28, 1918. AKTICLE v: The amount or capital stock of this Corporation shall be JiiO.OOO, which shall be divided Into 1000 shares at $50.00 each. $6,200.00 shall be fully paid in at the time of commencement of business. This stock shall be non-assessable. The highest amount of Indebtedness to which this Corporation shall at any time subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of the paid up capital stock. AKTICLE VI: The affairs of this Corporation shall be conducted by a lioard of Seven Directors who shall be elected annually by the Stockholders The Board of Directors shall elect a President. Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer from their number. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The un dersigned have hereunto set their hands this 28tli day of February, A. D. 191. S J. L. HARDNOCK, C. 11. JORDAN W. A. HAfiDNOCIC wat. nickel, auo bornemf:iei:, N! Civ BECKER. LOT' IS .1. HKRMANN. CHRIST HOFFMAN, HARVEY E. RASP EM I L IIOKNE.M Kl ICR FI IAN K I OT ' ; ti E 1 IT X WILLIAM W1SBEY WM. KITZEL. S. C. HARDNOCK. AT.'OCST JOHNSON' O. D. OITHLLHORST, ELMER KLYVER, E. F. HI'RLBCT W. L. COPPLE, ; L. H. MICKLE, . ART KLYVER, " THOS. STOUT, 11. S. BORMEMEIER, HAURY A PPLKM AN, J. E. TAYLOR. KILN EST HOLLENDECN, C1IAS. EDWARDS. F. H. COOK, H. RICK K. JOHN A II RES, J. H. FOREMAN. State of Nebraska) Countv of Cass ) ss: On 1he iMh day of February. 1 91 S, before me, S. C. Boyles, Notary Public, personally appeared the above named, who personally are known to be the identical persons whose names are af rixed to the above Articles of Incor poration as parties hereto, and they severally acknowledge the instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. , Witness my h'and as aforesaid. . C. BOYLES. (Seal) Notary Public. Com. expires July 6, lSJO. State of Nebraska) Secretary's Office ) - L'ecelved and tiled for ree-ord March 12. 1918 and recorded in i'ook 31, .Mis cellaneous Incorporations. ; CilAKLES W. TOOL. Secretary of State. By Hugh L. Cooper. Deputy. NOTICE to cni:m nuts The Slate of Nebraska, Cass coun ty. s,s: In the County Court. In the matter of the Estate of Wil liam Butlie:. Deceased: To the Creditors of said Estate: You are hereby notified. That 1 will sit at the County Court room in Platts moulh in said countv, on the 7tii tlav of Atay. PJls, and the I'Sth day o"f August. PJ1S, st 9 o'clock a. ni. of each day to receive ami examine all claims atruinst said Estate, with a view ti llielr adjustment and allow ance. The time limited for presenta tion of claims against sard Estate i- three months from the .'7th dav of May, A. D. 1918, and the time limited for pavment of debts is one vear from said t"t lay of May, 191S. Witness ray hand and Hie seal e-f said County Court this 21th dav April, 191S. ALLEN J. BEKSON. (Seal)-ai'9-4w County Judc of p-T--t uw- .iwg.uaw.?oJJ .C KOiTMtt f r- t 1 r t- We have contracted for the County Agency for REPUBLIC TRUCKS and hereafter will sell and dis tribute Republic Trucks in Cass count3' along with our other business. The Republic Truck is too well and favorably known to need any introduction to the people of Cass county. Until our first order of Republic Trucks ar rives we will be glad to take any one interested to Omaha, where we can show the full line. PRICES AS FOLLOWS: 1,500-tb Truck . . .............;..$ 885.00 Special 34 "Ton Truck . 995.00 1-Ton Truck ......................... 1295.00- I Vz-Ton Truck . . .... ... 1650.00 2-Ton Truck 1975.00 3-Ton Truck 2950.00 PRICES AIL F. 0. B. FACTORY 3 per cent War Tax and Freight to be added here. For full particulars we invite you to call at our office. T-' M'.; Pollock itifa (chn . . . - Telephone No. . 1 III ill I 1 OF ALL KINDS and pay highest market price at all times. Bring in your rags, rubber. copper, brass, zihk, lead and Iron. Turn that stuff into money, for you can use the money. V BEilHAnS Main St. Opposite Perkins Hotel. Shop Phone 599. WERE DRIVING CAES TO TECUMSEH From Tuesday's Daily. Rev. V. R. Burbee of the Metho dist church of Tecumseh, and Ilev. F. E. Blanchard and H. II. McCoy of the same place, Avere in this city tcday stopping for dinner, on a trip to their home from Omaha, where they went for three Ford cars, which they are driving through for ThuTb er Brothers cf Tecumseh. Rev. V. R. Ilurheo was formerly in Plainview where ho was well acquainted with County Attorney Cole. FLYING AIR LINE FROM NEW YORK TO FRISCO IS GIVEN $500,000 "BOOST San Francisco, April 29. Direct ors cf the Panama-Pacific interna tional exposition have turned over to the Pucific Aero club part rf the exposition land known as the Ma rina,, valued at $300,000, to" be used as a landing place for airplanes. .Plans have been completed for the "Wood row Wilson" air line from New York to San Francisco, over which the Aero Club of Amer ica hopes to demonstrate the feasi bility of trans-continental transpor tation by airplane. EGGS FOR HATCHING S. C. Rhode Island Reds and S. O. White Orphington eggs for hatching at $1.25 rer 15, $6.00 per 100. A. O. Ramge, phone 3513. tfw F0R SALE Light Bramah egg fors hatching. 15 for $1.25. 50 for $3.50. 100 for $6.50. Mrs. John W. Stones, My nard, Neb. 3-ll-3mosT FOR SALE One new Satley corn planter, all attachments. Two registered Short Horn animals one year old. Also some young mules and horses. Inquire of a8-tfw.) CIIAS. T. PEACOCK Rand-McNally "war maps for sale at the Journal office. TRUCKS - - sk en ""sur .. Xw v m n v PLATTSMOUTH ON,