The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 25, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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ai!iil!ii HSiii.lllii:
FlATTSMQL'TH to the fron
Alre-idv Inlluenee of This Proposed
Iiev Industry is Being Felt
in Financial Circles.
l-"iri T-i-v.:i v"s Tni!y.
t.: tt evening at the auditorium of
iln' i'ulilic Library was held a meet
in .T of the pt-ople who have become
i::!-rioted in tlie new Auto Power
: ,-j Maln-ablt- .Manufacturing coni
Pny, wlh'-h proposes to establish a
1: malleable and machine plant
!?: Plattsmiouth. ,
Yl.f p!aJis of tlie company, togeth
er w it!i the work mapped out ahead
;:i:d the matter of profits that may
b- r ::oriably expected from invest
ir"iT in the enterprise was gona
. v r carefully by having the
tor Infants and Children
In Uss For Over 30 Years
Always bsars
fit- .: J
POR quick starting select
clean gasoline.
your engine speed, strength,
power and control.
We recommend Red Crown Gas
oline. It is frequently described by
its users as "The Quality Gasoline.'
Many who use it maintain that it
gives more miles per gallon and
more comfort per mile than any
Polarilie Oil is commended as
giving motor efficiency.
Look for the Red Crown sign.
G CftOWN ni
matter in charge, and as a result of
the conference nearly all of those
present at the meeting doubled their
stock holdings in the new company.
This rho.vs the faith of those closest
in touch with the proposition in tlie
paying qualities of tlie enterprise
and serves as a sort of barometer
of the value of stock.
There is no one but feels the
quickening of the pi'.lse of tlie real
ty market by reason of the location
of this enterprise in Plattsmouth.
The land necessary for the buildings
has all been secured with one sin-
1p xoonlion. that heitiff the r,rpse:it
home of the I. O. O. F. lodge, and j
that organization has a committee I
out now lookinsr inr a ni.nce. With
this institution contemplating lo-!
eating here and bringing such ma
terial benefits as it will to the town,
the interest of every one in Platts
mouth should be centered on doing
all'possible to help secure the plant.
And if we back that interest with
money invented in stock in the new
concern its success will be assured.
This is our war, anu we must do
what we can to win it. We must
contribute to the lied Cross, to the
Y. M. C. A. and invest in the pur-
chase of stamps and bonds. Put. al -
so, there "is a material side and out
of our large financial accumulations
that remain after these kindred mat
ters connected with the war have
been taken care of,; we should got surely cannot expect the building of
behind a move tending to develop this new enterprise to bring us pros
this material prosperity, and espec-' Perity and to increase -the value cf
ially when it is of such local nature'0111" holdings, while sitting back and
as the present instance. There is allowing someone else to do all the
no gainsaying the fact that we, as u!,ift5ng- It takes a lot of capital
nation, have prospered. Cass county
and Plattsmouth have shared in this
nation-wide prosperity and even at
the present time our coffers are fill-
(of Council Bluffs"
The Red
Red Sox Ball Park
The Council Bluffs Imperials is a
good fast team and their game here
promises to afford a good opening to
the baseball season. You have been
shut up indoors all winter. Get out
and witness this opening game.
3:00 SPARP
It gives
ed with uninvested dollars. Our peo
ple have made money and the rural
and farming communities are rich to
repletion. And now tlie question
arises of whether we should lay back
so to. speak in the enjoyment of this
wealth we have accumulated, as
signing as a reason that the nation
is at war. We believe not. Financial
interests everywhere are more active
today than ever before. And in the
particular activity before, vis now,
our money not only goes into an in
vestment but into an enterprise that
can and will do its part toward the
winning of the war. The demand
fur such products as this coniemplat-
ed factory will turn out is greater
than ever before. Malleable and oth-
foundry products are necessary to
! back up our boys "over there.
is up to us, and we are 'going to do
our full share to help win the war.
l nere win ne aays wnen tlie news
will look black, but there is nothing
surer than. that the cause of right
will prevail. We can help in kin
dred and divers ways and this is one
of them. But, should we fail, our
I t-r 1 U ,,.t1i ., 2 1 & n I
a"" a ay " lIIUUlTO l"
an undefeated enemy and we will
realize no return from Better to
iinvest il now to tne end of keeping
j b,Isiness ffoing than to ease up an1
j sit back in tne enjoyment of it be-
cause this happens to be war times.
Now, here in Plattsmputh,
to erect and place in operation an
enterprise of such enormity as
contemplated, along with push
,s ,
the part of everyone interested.
This city is expected to subscribe
$70,000 of the amount which Is to
be invested, that being less than 20
per cent of the total amount, which
is $450,000. And for every dollar
we subscribe we receive in return
stock in this enterprise. .
We have an instance of, how some
of our people look at this proposi
tion. A party who.has a piece of
property for which they were asking
$3,500, when the canvassers for the
sale of. stock went to them turned
the proposition down, but when the
Odd Fellows committee called upon
them to purchase the property for a
home, the price had been raised to
$7,000, or 100 per cent. The com
mittee took the report to the lodge
for its consideration but Jjefore the
meeting was held the price was
boosted another thousand dollar?.
Still no subscription had come to as
sist in securing the location of the
enterprise here, which very fac con
tributed to the advancement of the
price of the property in question
frpm $3,500 to $8,000.
There is plenty of money In this
city seeking investment, and those
who have in hand the matter of,
erecting tha new plant in Platts
mouth would like to have every one
who la interested in the development
of the town ninke a trip to the pres
ent Inadequate machine works to he
merged into the new and larger In
stttution and investigate what is be
ing done there under handicap.
True, there wan a Cbople engine
factory here noine time ago which
had a Houtowbnt ntormy existence,
but that enterjrle In not to be com
pared with the liiNtlt ut lou planning
to locate hr now. Thone who have
read the hsuo cf Hi In paper lately
will recall front tln to time t lie pro
gress that titia been Jiintle hy the
present operating machine works and
the extent It bax contributed to the
pruspi-rny in uie niwn i.y k.ym.k
I 1 ... A.. ..I. lit.. I . 1 .......
. .-I... . 1. . . t I .. I . ... I
,,,,,, , , , . , u. . Kur
xnow. we are an nurri'mru in
IMattsmouth and Itx xiieceMH. It i de
sired that all who have a home lice
make trip to the now operating
plant and see what Is being done
with work ahead valued at inon
than $200, 000. ou. A trip to this in
stitution should bo interesting and
profitable to the people who have re
sided here day after day, month nf-
AV llliMlt It iltk.l II Ttltl Villi P ill II.
... ........... ...... ...... ...... j
I ...... . . . . I
out iiieir lives, and yet who naven
much knowledge of the scope of this
lo not take rumors and reports
regarding the doings of this Instlt'i-
Hon and possibly regarding tho en
larged plant which is to eventually
covor tu-.Mitv.niio tois of t h r tv
with busy machines and still busier
ivnrbmnn Tl... nuutl..M la nr.. Il.i-v
worth while to Plattsmouth. Is the
stock in this concern a good invest
ment and is the patronage of the
employees it would bring to town
worth while. Come to the present
operating machine plant and Inves
tigate for yourself. See what the
institution here is turning out in the
way of work and become "acquainted
with what the -greater enterprise
will do after they have gotten the
plant built and equipped, with two
and one-half acres of machinery in
operation. ' '
The following citizens of this city.
have signified their intention to make
the Auto Power and Malleable Manu
facturing Company, and the city of
Plattsmouth a ?ure thing for success.
and who have placed their shoulder
to the wheel, and their good money
into the enterprise and have pinned
their faith to the institution and this
city, and will make it their object to
push this matter, and to make this
the biggest town on the map, with
but few exceptions in this state are,
the following.
Henry Goos.
II. X. Dovey.
Geo. Dovey.
K. J. Richoy.
II. A. Schneider.
J. M. Roberts.
Joe Fetzer.
Fred Wagner.
W. A. Robertson
J. C. Peterson.
Fred II. Mumm.
Kroehler Bros.
Wm. Schmidtmann
jess Warga.
T. M. Patterson
O. K. Garage.
J. K. Pollock.
John Gorder.
Charles Parmcle.
Tom Parmele.
Phil Thierolf.
Jno. Crabill.
F. G. Fricke.
Jno. Bauer.
E. A. Wurl.
J. P. -Falter.
G. E. Dovey.
E. II. Wescott.
Frank Bestor.
T. Li. Amick.
R. L.. Propst.
D. C. Morgan.
G. W. Morgan.
W. J. Smith.
J. A. McCrary.
W. L. Gilraore.
T l Ch.ff
Albert Tolander.
Mrs. T. Sullivan.
Miss M. Kaufman. A. G. Bach & Co.
Joseph W.-Peters. L. B. Egnbergcr.
Mrs. A. B. Taylor. Fred Egenberger.
C. E. Haney. Robt. Bates.
T. II. Pollock. Fred Ramge.
II. M. Soennichsen.
From Monday's Daily.
Arthur A. Alexander departed this
morning for Greenwood, where he
goes to make deliveries of trees sold
to the people in that neighborhood.
and shipped from the nursery here.
Heretofore the deliveries -have been
made by auto truck, to patrons in
this county, but the roads since the
recent rain, has made it more advis
able to -make shipment via the rail
roads, i -
You will always find the very best
in stationery at the Journal offce.
it Pirn
and pay highest market price at all
times. Bring in your rags, rubber,
copper, brass, zink, lead and iron.
Turn that stuff into money, for you
can use the money.
Main St. Opposite Perkins Hotel.
Shop Phone 599.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon while Otto
Kruger and Harry Pois:tll were work
ing on a steel car, In the Burlington
snP8' the Jack slipped, which was
supporting the portion of the "ar on
which they were working, allowing a
sheet of metal to slide upon Mr
Kruger, who was lying on the floor
under the car with his leg protrud
The piece of steel, which is heavy
on striking the foot, caused a frac
ture, of the foot below the ankle
and of the leg Just. above the ankle
It was some time before the sheet of
8(e0, coud he removed and the man
. flJt , r icated The Uurlington phypi-
Ir!nn wflti rvillpil nrwl In n rir 1itirrfo1
(o the 80ene of the accident, bringing
- the injurea man to the office up
town, where the injured limb was
dressed and the fracture reduced
The patient is greatly , relieved
from the pain, though still suffering
BUYS THE SANDOW TRUCK. Mum. t.-iv's 1 :t it v
i i john 0hscheidt, Jr., residing
Uhout nine miles south of Plaits
mouth lias placed one of those h'gh
gnido Sandow trucks with his al
ready excellent farm equipment. The
- jauto truck has become an essential
adjunct to the farm, and Mr. Ifob-
scneiut nas oeen anie 10 see me
I greatest, possibilities in the Sandow,
Blltl purchased OHO through the
Plattsmouth (larage dealer. J. K. Ma-
son, this week.
From Monday's I)aily.
W. I). Wassell, the manager of th
Cass County Monument company, of
this place, has purchased a car for
his personal and family use. Mr.
Wassell made the purchase through
the agency of the T. II. Pollock Auto
coir, pa n y. " v
After May 1st my prices on S. C.
R. I. Red eggs for hatching
$1.00 per setting or ?4.",0 per 1C;0.
Telephone Plattsmouth 4 021.
Porter, Mynard. Xebr.
Improved farm of 200 acre3
Weld County, Colorado, of which 2 20
acres is planted to wheat 20 acres to
corn and 20 acres to beans aid Q
acres of good pasture. Improvements
consist of new four room house, gar
age, windmill, well with plenty cf
water, all fenced and level. Bargain
price $0.00 per acre. Write Beltzer
Pros. Briggsdale. Colorado. 2f.-2tw
R. C Rhode Island Reds and S. C.
White Orphington eggs for hatching
at $1.25 per 15, $G.OO per 100. A. O. i
Ramge, phone 3.r13. fw
Practical models that adhere to the dominant idea simplicity, yet
possess more distinction and attractiveness than in any previcus season.
One only needs to see the garments to realize their Lecomingness and
superiority. , . 1
Having a graceful swing the result of a wide sweep without flare.
Some lave a slightly fitted back. The waistline is often emphasized
with belt effect. Collars are of the convertible and military types. .
The Ladi
Here! You
It isn't fair for us to
listening so YOU write
a suit of clothes I can depend upon. I want
one I can wear every day and be comfortable in.
I'd like to wear it on special occasions and feel
dressed up. Then it's got to have wear in it;
it's got to fit;" and it must be good looking and
look right ONME that means I must have
sensibl service with the suit. I'll spend, say
thirty dollars, and if you can show me what
want at twenty-five, I'll gladly invest the rest in
fixings ties, shirts, collars and sox.
What have you to offer?
Fair enough. Just step in, we'll show you a Cloth
craft Suit at $26.50 that fits that description. Also one
at $25 and another at $22.50. They are guaranteed by
the makers, and that out to mean a lot to you in times
like these. As for the fixings, we have world of values
in Shirts, Socks, Underwear and men's trimmings.
I-'rwn Mi?!l:iy's lal!
Li. K. Jones, who has been making
his home at Trenton, was a visitor
in this citv for a few davs. with his
sister, Mrs. G. If. Clossen, and hus
band, before going to his home
Jerome, Idaho, where he wishes to
visit with hi. mother previous to
iking iiis departure to enter the
service as an enlisted man in the P.
There will be a meeting of. the
Farmers of Salt Creek Precinct at
Greenwood, April 30th, Tuesday
evening, at 8 o'clock to organize that
precinct along the lines the farmers
are interested. ' L. R. SXIPES,
County Agricultural Ager.t,
4-24-ltwkly-tfd Weeping, Water,
25 head of good jroung horses. AV
broke Can be seen at the Tom Til-
son farm home
For particulars, see
Vallery & Tilson. 2-18-d&v
Styles that ars foremost in
The Suits
In serge, poplin, etc. present the charm of short
coats and plain skirts with conservation fullness.
Small colors with rolling notch revers predominate.
New styles this week on sale Thursday,
Friday and Saturday below manufacturers
cost. Don't fail to visit our suit and coat de
partment this week.
The Coats
ies I oggery.
FRED P. BUSCH, Manager
Write This Ad!
do all the talking, and you the
this ad your ad!
A good many people, when their
stomachs are out of order, are used
to taking alcoholic stomach bitters.
Such stimulants are only a very
dangerous comoufiage, because after
a short stimulation follows alwava
atja much worse reaction, the sickness
digs itself in and becomes an en
trenched enemy. But if you take a
real remedy, Triner's American Elix
ir of Bitter Wine, you will soon re
gain your he.'ilth. This reliable
remedy is prepared from bitter herbs.
roots and barks of eminent medici
nal value which clean the intes
tines and from pure natural red wine
which strengthens the entire sys
tem. Triner's American Elixir will
free you from constipation, indiges
tion, poor appetite, flatulence, head
ache, megrim, nervousness, lack of
energy, general weakness, etc. At
drug stores. Price $1.10. For rheu
matism, neuralgia, lumbago, sprains,
swellings, sore muscles, use Triner's
Liniment, a highly eflicient remedy.
?,T and fiii cents at drug stores; by
mail 5 4 and .75 cents. Joseph Trin
er Company, 1333-1343 S. Ashland.
Ave., Chicago, 111. a 25.
and oats!
a 9 i - 3