The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 01, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, APRIL I,l0l8.
Worry Over Giving Up Farm Life
and Son Going to War Assign
ed as Cause of Act
J'roni Thursday's Daily.
About eight o'clock Monday morn
ing. John Coppie, aged about sixty
live years and residing in Wabash,
vent to milk, ami some time later
the wife, thinking he was staying
an unusually long time, went to in
vestigate, whereupon she found her
husband with his throat cut so deep
ly that the wind pipe was entirely
t'opplo had been a farmer, was
fairly successful and had amassed
sufficient property to insure living
in plenty the balance of his life.
As he had attained to a ripe old age,
he concluded to move to town and
having two sons, both married, but
one com ins within the draft age,
and so situated as to be called for
service, he sold the old homestead
-and moving to Wabash but a short
time since, taking with him among
other things a cow to assist in keep
ing up the home needs and down the
His relations in Ihe home were
Pkh!. with nothing to complain of
whatever, having goil health and
r.o fi'.Kinciil troubles to worry about.
The thought of having to give up
farm life after these many years to
Mther with that of his son being
called to the service, are assigned
as the cause for his rash act.
V.'hen the wife found him in the
condition as stated, she secured help
and had the unfortunate man re
moved to the house and with prompt
medical assistance he was saved
from bleeding to death, as the jugu
lar veins had not been severed, nor
had the arteries.
It was thought for a time that
Lis life might be saved, but compli
cations ensued ami he grew worse,
showing no rallying power from the
effects of the shock to his system
Consequently, as a result, he died
Tuesday evening at his 'home.
Mr. t'opple slipped the razor with
which he had been accustomed to
shaviii? himself into his pocket; the
morning of ihe deed, just before he
s-tartod out to milk, and he had
milked about half an inch in the before he made the attempt to
lake his life.
The blood stained razor was found
where lie hail dropped it after saw
irg away until the windpipe had
been severed in twain, but the ar
teries and veins, being imbedded a
little deeper, were not reached, thus
preventing him from dying instant
ly I rum loss of blood.
Mr. (Vpple was ever a first class
t-iiizeu. a good neighbor and a hard
working farmer who' made his voca
t ion pay, and it is deeply to be re
grettcd that anything preyed so up
on his mind as to render him tin-
accountable to such an extent that
lie should take his own life.
l'rm "l ! u: s.i.i v s Dnily.
A utter yesterday from Percy
"Wart bun. who went to Camp Cody
on September 1 4th, last, with the
numbers of the "Dandy Sixth" from
Omaha, has orders to have his be
longings checked back to the gov
frument. pending his discharge from
the service for physical disability
He will return to his home here.
Y:u should write or telephone at
me to A. HOSl'K CO. of Omaha for
th ir list -f used pianos and for their
catalogues of new high grade guar
: ii teed player pianos ranging in
price from Z'.'.'.iZJM) up. They invite
orr-pondence and comparison.
S- 1-4 wkswkly.
Subscribe for the Journal.
Wc buy Rags, Rubber,
Iron and Metal!
S. CHflSEfr", Manager
Etililh and Vine Sts.,
i i ttsmouth, ffebaska
TEL- 08
From Friday's Daily.
S. C. Boyles to Farmers and
Merchants Bank, Alvo,
lots l and 2. block 4,
Alvo, W. D $1,550.00
V. .S. Campbell to W. F.
Leidig, lots 5 to 12,
block 10, Eagle Q. C. D. $325.00
Grace B. Christopherson to
W. F. Leidig, lots 5 to 12
block 10, Eagle W. D $1,067.00
"VYm. Wilkins to Fred Stock
SWU SWU SW'i 5-10-
11, N2 NWU NEU
S-ll-10 W. D $05,650.00
Bennett Christweisser to
Ray Christweisser
34-11-12 $1.00
Emma Charlboneau et al to
C. C. Parmele EY2 SWU
pt. W' SWU 9-11-14
pt. NWU NWU 16-11-
14 $4,500.00
Paul Stadelman to Chlora
Allen lot 4 block 56,
Plattsmouth $1,800.00
E. W. Thimgan to O. E.
McDonald lots 1 to 9
block 10. Murdock $750.00
Carl Eisenhunt to E. . W.
Thimgan pt. lots 13 to 16
block 13, Murdock $450.00
Simon Bohmier to G. W.
Davis NV2 NEU 16,10-
12 $5,300.00
W. II. Mark to G. M. Mark
pt. Wis NWU. Pt. SEU
SWU 23-10-13 W. !).$ 13.000.00
GI. Mark to Luther Mead,
same dis. M $13,000.00
From Thursday's Daily.
The time of year has come for the
planting of gardens and the Journal
would impress upon its readers the
advisability of looking well to this
important matter- Every one who
has any available ground should
utilize it for productive purposes.
With the advent Sunday of the new-
daylight savings bill, whereby the
clocks will be turned ahead an hour,
no one will labor so late but what
he will yet have time to work in
his garden by daylight and he should
by ail means do so. "We ..can't all
fight the enemy from the trenches,
but we can help to defeat them by
saving, conserving and producing
and of the three the last is as great
as the others. Let every man and
every woman, boy and girl put his or
her shoulder squarely against the
wheel and push. This is not a time
for drones, neither is it for any who
are out of sympathy with the ends
sought to be attained and true pa
triotism will reap its reward as well
as other virtues of manliness and
womanliness, of which" this is by no
means the smallest.
From Thursday's Daily.
The total of the sale of Thrift and
War Savings Stamns sold and pledg
ed in plattsmouth up to the present
time amount to something over
$30,000. Of this sum, on the even
ing of the drive the Parochial school
was able to announce pledges for
$1,545 worth, while all the other
schools was a trifle over $21 000
worth of these securities.
The above is a very credible show
ing for Plattsmouth, when it is con
sidered that -a large portion of the
population is made up of working
people, who labor by the sweat of
their brow for their daily bread and
who are really not able in these
times of high priced everything, to
invest a very large amount in these
securities, ' however gilt-edged they
might be as an investment. It is
such staggering totals, made possi
ble through liberal pledging on the
part of these people, that furnishes
a concrete example of what true pa
triotism really is- (
The large percentage of those in
vesting in this drive was made up of
working men and women, and in
some instances the purchase was
really a sacrifice on their part. It
isn't always the largest investor or
giver who is the most patriotic at
If I Were a Farmer.
If I were a farmer I would keep at
hand l few reliable medicines for
minor ailments that arc not so ser
ious as to require the attention of a
physician, such as Chamberlain's
Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy for
bowel complaints.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
coughs, colds and croup
Chamberlain's Liniment for
.sprains, bruises and rheumatic pains.
Chamberlain's Tablets for stomach
troubles, biliousness and constipa
tion. By having these articles at hand
it would often save the trouble of a
trip to town in the busiest season or
in the night, and would enable me
to treat slight ailments as soon as
they appear, and thereby avoid the
more serious diseases that so often
Hindenburg is Developing an Attack
Northward in the Arras Re
gion as Next Move.
London, March" 2 S. In the lao
twenty-four hours the Germans hav
made but one comparatively trifling
gain as the result of numerous mass
ed attacks along the whole front,
says Reuter's correspondent at Brit
ish headquarters. For the British
there may be claimed several dis
tinct local successes, either in com
pletely repelling enemy blows or in
wresting back ground won by coun
ter attacks.
Although the Germans continue
to use their infantry with ruthless
prodigality, the general pressure
along the front is for the moment
less determined. This may be at
tributed in part to the enemy wait
ing to bring up heavy. artillery prep
aratory to another great effort, and
in part to exhaustion.
British Taking Prisoners
London. March 2S. Prisoners
and machine guns have been captur
ed by the British, the war office an
nounces. The lighting continues
fiercely on both banks of the Somme
This morning the enemy opened
a heavy bombardment on the Brit
ish defenses east of Arras. An a
tack is developing i:i this sector.
Repeated attacks were made by
the enemy along the valley of the
Somme in the neighborhood of Beai-mont-llamel,
Pruisieux and Mayon-
neville. They were repulsed.
The reference in the official
British statement to an attack east
of Arras evidently means that the
Germans have widened their battle
front and are delivering a new and
great offensive stroke on the north
The battle was begun last week on
a front extending as far north as
the river Scarre. the junction of
which with the battle line is almost
due east of Arras. No fighting north
of the river has been reported.
The attacks which are developing
today mark the beginning of a sec
ond phase of the battle. German
military writers in the last few days
have been hinting that surprises
were, in store for the' British and
there has been much discussion of
the possibility of a German drive for
the coast with the channel ports of
Calais and Dunkirk as the objec
The statement follows:
"Severe fighting took place again
yesterday evening and during the
night astride the Somme and north
ward, from Albert to Boyelles. Re
peated attacks were made by the en
emy along the valley of the Somme,
and in the neighborhood of Beau
mont-llamel, Pruisieux and Moyen
neville. They were repulsed. We
captured a number of prisoners and
a number of machine guns.
"The fighting is continuing most
fiercely on both banks of the river
"This morning the enemy opened
a heavy bombardment on our de
fenses east of Arras and an attack
is developing in this sector."
From Thursday- Daily.
Ill the eyes of many, who profess
to know, the prospect looks good for
a long fight ahead of us before the
war is ended. Even though the
present drive of Germany may fail,
as we have reason to-believe it will,
if the kaiser can prevent internal
dissention in the Fatherland, the
armies entrenched in allied soil may
hang on for a long time. If so, we
will have to furnish more men, more
ships and more food and now is the
time to give heed to these requisites
and more especially to the latter.
The crying need of Europe is for
food stuffs and we are the one nation
looked to to furnish it.
Whooping Cough.
Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
to keep the cough loose and expec
toration easy. It is excellent.
Light Bramah egg fors hatching.
15 for $1.25. 50 for $3.50. 100 for
$6.50. Mrs. John W. Stones, My-
nard, Neb. 3-ll-3mo3vr
S -3
tl Isi wl b
This fifty year old remedy eases Sore
Throats and Bronchial ' affections;
soothes, : heals and gives quick relief.
Sold by au druggists
Dw3 mw
S t EH i
for Coughs s Golds
Keepvoar Stomach and Liver Healthy
A vigorous Stomach, perfect working
Liver and regular acting Bowels, if you
will use Dr. King's New Life Pills.
They correct Constipation have a
tonic effect on the system eliminate
poisons through the Bowels
From Thursday's raily.
Tuesday evening the Woodman
Circle held their regular meeting in
the M. W. A. hall. - The attendance
was not as large as it usually is,
owing to the fact that so many mem
bers are also members of the Red
Cross, they answering to the call
"Duty Before Pleasure" and were
absent on account of the Red Cross
It was our pleasure to have with
us Supreme Clerk Miss Dora Alex
antler from Omaha. In her remarks
to the Grove she expressed her de
light in hearing that our Grove had
purchased fifty dollars worth of War
Savings Stamps, saying that we
were the first in the state to tlo so.
Among many other good and instruc
tive suggestions Miss Alexander men
tioneu that we might organize a
Woodman Circle Auxiliary of the
Red Cross, same as they have in
Omaha, and the public may well ex
pect some active action from this
Grove tii the near future.
Quoting Miss Alexanders words
you may well be proud of your local
deputy Mrs. Droege who is untiring
in her efforts in securing members.
and never like now, has the need for
protection len more keenly felt.
After the business meeting a short
time was spent in a social way.
From Tl.n rsdav "s Pail v.
Somewhere in France, No Date
Dear Mother:
I will try and answer your letter
I received some time ago. I suppose
you think I have forgotten that 1
ever had a home, but it takes so long
t ) get an answer from over there,
that I dislike to write. Do not worry
about mo. for I am fine and ilim'y,
and hope this finds you all the same
Is Albert still at Doming. N'. M
I sure have had some experience
since I have been over here. I surely
will be glad when I can tell you all
about it. I do not think that you
would know me. now even if you
could ee me, lor I am taller than
when I left home, and have grown a
mustache. This is a great life bo
lieve me. How is everybody in
i'laitsnioutli. .1 heard Alice was
married, if so, who did she marry?
I sure would like to b? back in old
Plattsmouth,' and more 1 have three
months pay coming. I am carrying
$10,000 insurance, which I th'nk is
a pretty good thing. Do auy of you
ever see Ray II. Should you, please
tell him to answer my last leMer
Bye. bye, from George with much
love to Mother ami All.
O. K.
Earl M. Seflon,
1st Lieut. KiSth Inf.
From Thursday' Pally.
Mrs. Charles Finch, of Topeka.
Kansas, who is the daughter of Mr
Thomas Wiles, Jr., of this city, and
who with her husband, Chas. Finch,
has been at Rochester, Minn, for
some two weeks past, was operated
upon, for goiter at the Mayo Bros
hospital there a few days ago. Mr.
Finch has a doubre goiter, and the
operation for the removal of the
growth on one sitle was all that was
made at this time. It proved a com
plete success ami the growth from
the other side will be made later.
Do You Sleep Well?
To be at his best a man must, have
sound, refreshings sleep. When
wakeful and restless at night he is
in no condition for work or business
during the day. Wakefulness is of
ten caused by indigestion and consti
pation, and is quickly relieved by
Chamberlain's Tablets. TryNa dose
of these tablets and see how much
better you feel with a clear head and
good digestion.
East of Riley HoteL
Ceates' Block,
Second Floor. 1
Metal Braces Sawed Off ajid Rejoined
With Lead Otter
Washington, March 28. Stirred
by charges in the senate of delays
in the aircraft program, the senate
military committee this afternoon
summoned Major General Squier and
Colonel Deeds of the signal corps in
charge of aircraft production and
Howard Coffin, chairman of the air
craft board, to appear immediately.
Washington, March 28. Charges
that German spies were responsible
for this country's failure to keep up
in its airplane program were made
in the senate today by Senator Over
man, democrat of North Carolina. He
also charged that there were spies in
the Curtiss plant.
"If I were secretary of war I would
commandeer the Curtiss plant and
put out every man employed there
and hire Americans in their places,
declared Senator Overman.
Senator Overman declared spies
took metal braces and sawing them
in two, joined the pieces with lead
and then uainted over. The first
Bristol machine tried fell. An in
vestigation disclosed the defect.
Many other pieces also had been
tampered with and as a result the
building of Bristol machines was de
laved two months while inspectors
and government agents went over
and closely examined the various
parts to replace tampered pieces.
400,000 Spies.
Senator Overman stated it . had
been said there are 100,000 German
spies in this country but he believed
there were 400,000. He said he was
making no charge against any em
ploye of the Curtiss plant but assert
ed that some of their names sound
un-American and added that "we do
know that -spies are in the plant and
that they have delayed the delivery
of machines."
Mr. Overman announced that his
information had been obtained from
a detective whose name he intended
giving to Chairman Chamberlain of
the senate mlitary committee so that
he and others can be summoned be
fore the military committee.
Fim Thursday's Daily.
Last evening we passed the Red
Cross rooms, even at nine o'clock
and the ladies were working away
like busy bees in the room and the
room was completely filled with ev
ery one as busy as they could be
This is sure showing a great inter
est in the cause which is nearest the
heart of every patriotic woman in
the nation.
From Thursday's Daily.
Our old friend John M. Schwartz
of Nehawka was attending to some
business matters in this city :oday
Ho motored to this city with his sou
Henry and remained in this city this
morning and was a passenger to
Omaha this afternoon. I lis sou
Henry went on to Omaha in the car
this morning and will meet his fath
er and accompany them to their
home at Nehawka. We were very
much pleased to see our old friend
again, but sorry to learn that he was
not feeling the best. Mr. Schwartz's
grandson Mr. Allgaier was killed in
a recent auto accident, which was a
hard blow to Mr. Schwartz.
Young work team. Sound and
well broke. Also, 2 year old Foiled
Durham Bull. Also, thoroughbred
White Rock eggs for hatching. $1
per setting of l.r eggs or ?5.oo per
100 eggs. Ira Bates, Cedar Creek,
Neb. 3-27-4twkly
i. thi-: roiwrv tiiiiiT
of Cuss county, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. County of Cuss,
ss :
To itll persons interested in the es
tate of William Mudig, deceased:
On- reading the petition of Johanna
Hudig, prjiying that the instrument
filed in thin court on the 22nd day of
March. 1918, and purporting to be the
last will and testament of the said de
ceased, may be proved and allowed,
and recorded as the last will and tes
tament of William liudig, deceased;
that said instrument be admitted to
probate, and the administration of
said estate be granted to Johanna
Budis:. as executrix. It is hereby or
dered that you, and all persons in
terested in said matter, may, and do
appear at the County Court to be held
in and for said county on -the z2nd
day of April. A. D. 191S, at 10 o'clock
a. m., to show cause, if any there be.
why the prayer of the petitioner should
not be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition, and that
the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter, by
publishing a copy of this Order in
the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-week
ly newspaper printed in said county
for three successive weeks prior to
said day of hearing:
Witness my hand, and seal or said
court, this 26th day of March, A. D.,
(Seal)-al-3w - County Judge.
and Xotice on Petition for Settlement
of Account.
In the County Court of Cass county,
State of Nebraska, Cass cour.ty. s-s:
To all persons interested in tl"
tate of Mary C. Edgerton, Dc"iv
On reading the petition of J.
Edgerton praying: a final settK-int ai
and allowance of his account tiled in
this Court on the 2Sth day of March,
1918, and for assignment on residue of
the estate and determination of heir
ship; It is hereby ordered that you and all
persons interested in said matter may,
and do, appear at the County Court to
be held in and for said County on the
Cth day of April. A. .. 1918, at 10
o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any
there be, why the prayer of the peti
tioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof be
Riven to all persons interested in said
matter by publishing' a copy of this
order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a
semi-weekly newspaper printed in
said county for one week prior to said
day of hearing.
In witness whereof, I have hereun
to set mv hand and the Seal of said
Court, this 2Sth day of March. A. 1.,
County Judge.
(SeaD-al-lw Clerk.
on Petition for Apointment of Admin
istrator or Administratrix.
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss:
In the matter of the Estate of James
C. Kennedy, Deceased:
On reading and tiling the petition of
William Kennedy and James Kennedy
praying that Administration of said
Estate may 1? granted to Nora Ken
nedy, as Administratrix:
Ordered. That Monday. April S. A.
P. 191S. at 10 o'clock a. in., is assigned
for hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held
in and for said County. and show
cause why the prayer of petitioners
should not be granted; and that notice
of tiic pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
three succesive weeks, prior to said
day of hearing.
Dated March H. 191S.
(Seal) ml8-3w County Judge. OK 1IC A It IN i
and Notice on Petition for Settlement
of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss:
To all persons interested in the Es
tate of Nancy Elizabeth Wiles, de
ceased :
On reading the petition of Thomas
F. Wiles, Administrator, prayiiig a
final settlement and allowance of his
account filed in this Court on the 21st
day of March. 191S, and for n decree
assigning said estate and the dis
charge of said administrator;
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may, and do appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said Coun
ty, on the Mh day of April, A. D.,
1!18, at 10 o'clock a. in., to show cause
if any there be. why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition, and the hearing thereof be
given to all persons .interested in said
m. titer by publishing a copy of this
order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a
semi-weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for one week prior to said
day of hearing.
In witness whereof, I hove hereunto
set my hand and the Seal of said
Court, this 21st day of March, A. D.,
i Seal) ni23-lw County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the Estate-of Mar
tha Shelter. Deceased.
To all Creditors, Heirs and persona
interested in the estate of Martha
Sheffer, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that on the
tytn dav or January. 1918, Samuel H.
Loder filed a verified petition in the
Loimly Court or Cass county. Nebras
ka, setting forth that Martha Shelter
'lied intestate in Cass county. Nebras
ka, on the 17th day of August. 1891
seized Of the following described real
estate, to-wit: The Southwest quarter
isvvyi) or section Fifteen (15) Town
ship Twelve (12) North, Range Nine
(9 East of the 6th I'. M.. in Cass coun
ty. Nebraska: that they are now the
owners of all of the aforesaid lands
and that they acquired title to all of
the aforesaid real estate through deeds
oi conveyance, duly executed and ae
knowledge!, from the heirs of Martha
bherfer. deceased: that no administra
tion of the estate of the said Martha
Sheffer lias been had in the state of
Nebraska, and that not more than two
years has expired since her death;
they pray for a determination of the
time and place of the death of Mar
tha Sheffer, a determination of the
heirs of said deceased, their degree of
kinship and the right of the descent
or said real estate and that the credi
tors of Martha Sheffer be forever bar
red and enjoined from asserting any
claim upon said real estate.
Said petition will be heard before
said County Court at its rooms in the
City of Plattsmouth, In said countv
on the IStli day of March, 1918, at
10 o'clock a. m.
(By the Court)
(Seal) f21-3w. County Judge.
OIlUEIt of iikaici.m;
on I "ft it ion for Appointment of Ad
ministrator or Administratrix.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss:
In the County Court.
In the matter of the Estate of Em
ily A. La I la. Deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of
Samuel O. Latta, praying that admin
istration of said Estate mav bo irrant.
ed to Petitioner, as Administrator;
oruereu. runt April is. A. D.. I9is.
at ten o'clock a. ni., is assigned for
neanng saiu petition, when all ner-
sons interested In said matter mav
appear at a County Court to be held
in anu ior said County, and show
cause why the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted: and that no.
tlce of the pendency of said petition
Tested Seed omS
I have bad my corn tested at State University. General i uu 77
D. I am offerinc this corn for s1h at.
$3.00 Per Bnshel
and the hearing thereof be given to
all persons interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this order in
the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county,
for three successive weeks prior to
said day of hearing.
Dated March 21, 1918.
(Seal) Hi2u-3w County Judge.
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the County Clerk in Platts
mouth, Nebraska. up till NOON on
onday. April 8th, 1918. for building
i i ad, steel, and w ood ami steel bridges,
ooucrete arch and box culverts, and
other concrete work, such as wings
and abutments, for the year 1315s', as
provided by law.
Plans and specifications now on tile,
in the office of the County Clerk at
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Separate bids may be filed for each
class of bridge work and for concrete
arcli and box culvert work.
All bids to be opened on Tuesday,
April 9th. 191S, at eleven o'clock a. in.
The Board of County Commission
ers reserves the right to reject any
or all bids.
The Board of Commissioners reserves
the right to build all culverts and
bridges costing $."00.00 or less.
A certified check for $500.00 must
accompanv each bid.
(Seal) mll-4w. County Clerk.
on Petition for Apointment of Admin
istrator or Administratrix.
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss:
In the matter of the Estate of
George J. Oldham, Deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of
Mary L. Craig praying that Adminis
tration of said Estate may be granted
to Pauline Oldham, as Administratrix;
Ordered. That Tuesday. April , A.
D. 191S. at 10 o'clock a. m.. is assigned
j for hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held
In and for said County, and show
cause why the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted; and that liotii-e.
of the pendency of said petition aiid
the hearing thereof le Riven to all
persons interested in said matter ly
publishing a copy of this order in t ho
Plattsmouth Journal. a semi-weekly
newspaper printed In said county, for
three succesive weeks, prior to said
dav of hearing.
Dated March It. 191S.
(Seal) mlS-oW County Judge.
London, March 2S. The entire
Turkish force in the Hit area in
Mesopotamia has been captured or
destroyed by the British, the war
office announces. Three thousand
prisoners were taken.
Hit is on the Euphrates river 100
miles west of Bagdad. The town
was evacuated on March 9 by the
Turks, who fell back to Khan-Bagh-dadi,
twenty-two miles above Hit, be
fore the British column operating
along the Euphrates, which has been
conducting a vigorous and successful
Berlin (.via London), March 2S.
Concerning German losses, the Ger
man official report says:
"Our losses have been generally
kept within normal limits, although
at some of the most vital points they
were heavier. Out of every 10 0
wounded it is estimated that, from
sixty to seventy received slight injur
ies. "On the Lorraine front artillery
battles increased in violence."
Washington. D. C. Marcii 2S.
Formal announcement of the war
trade board tonight of the new ship
ping arrangement between the Unit
ed States and Japan shows that Japan
is to turn over to the American fleet
immediately, twelve big steamers of
100,000 tons dead weight capacity
in return for steel supplies.
Negotiations are proceeding for
the transfer of 200,000 tons of new
construction on the same basis.
For Bilious Troubles.
To promote a healthy action of
the liver and correct he disorders
caused by biliousness. Chamberlain's
Tablets are excellent. Try them and
see how quickly they give you a rel
ish for your food and banish that
dull and stupid feeling.
A good milch cow, with calf by
side. Inquire of V. Beloiilavy,
north west part of town. 28-2td2tw
Buff Orpington ggs for sale. V.
T. Richardson, Mynard, Neb. tfd&w
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
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