The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 28, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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ir ft T ' T r -. j .1 j
The X-Ray Sees
Where the Dentins
Eye Can't-
It removed the blindfold from the
eyes of the progressive dentist and
guides his hand to the root of the
It makes sure that the foundation is sound before it
allows the operator to build a new tooth.
It pives you dentistry, that cannot be compared with
the ordinary hind.
It ti Turds you lasting satisfaction instead of tempo
rary relief.
Dr. Flaupfher includes the X-ray in his examinations,
thereby shortening the treatment and giving dental relief
iii the shortest possible time.
-Ml extractions and other operations are made prac
tically painless through careful treatment and most mod
ern equipment.
620 Securities BIdg., Top Floor,
Farnam and Sixteenth
Phone Tyler 2756 Omaha, Neb.
:i;-.r.'y Unru-'.-r. of nrar VvA
: , Isiicr i .i P!attniouth to
i t on friend;--.
-. I ! r. n . f I'aiiKor H.
'-! r. v. ht l as been visiting
i- civt r S ".:u!ay, return-
-.1 tier who i.i at-
i i.t is visiting af.
r .;ir ..-i-.t Geo. V. Suyd
.'r few days,
a pre 1 1 :u;d son. Earl of
i i r i -r s in this city
I.. 1!
'l :
1 f'!,
.. '..a v . :
t. look
r sum...
i-i li'o to'nitv seat.
; rva
;'. .-. J. ; '..ipped a car of sheep
i ! li::.-- 1:r-i-n fectlin on his
!: v.-:-i of the city trTthe
i ?".. : ?: : rkot hist evt ninjr.
r of ();naha was in
aurday looking after
mutter- and vt;s a of hi; motiier at
"i of hawk a
r in 1 1 ! s cit y today,
. :'! to transact at
this o.hce and renewed his subscrip
tion to the Plattsnuuith Journal.
W. It. Virgin and wife who have
been visiting at Ashland for some
(ays past, called there by the sick
ness of a brother of Mrs. Virgin. Mr.
Win. Tucker found him much improv
ed, and left hiiu still hotter, passed
thrui:;-vh this city last evening for
their home at Murray.
Martin Itartlett and family, arriv
ed lust evening: from Murray, their
home where Mr. Uartlett is cniraged
in the barber business, and depart
ed for Imoene, Iowa, whore they
will vi it for a week with their
relatives, that having been their for
mer home. Will P. Cook of this city
is conducting the business at Mur
ray for Mr. Ikirtlett during his al)
sonce. Miss .Ngnes P.ajack. who has been
employed by the Kichey Lumber Co.
fiir.foine time past, has resigned her
position there to accept one at teach
ing school near Union. She takes the
school left vacant by the resignation
of Miss Jessie Whalen. who resign
ed to accept the position in the city
schools made vacant by the recent
resignation of Miss Gladys McMak-en.
friends and also will attend the
sreat wrestling match there tomor
row. John Meisinger and son-in-law
Philip Schaefer of Cedar Creek came
down to this city yesterday morning
to attend to some important busi
ness matters. While here Mr. Meis
inger called at this office and renew
ed his subscription.
Win. Diers and R. C. Gantz, the
latter the Mayor cf Louisville are
in the city today looking affer some
business and doing some rustling for
the cause of Liberty and Humanity,
in the shape of those bcnific&nces
which the government has fostered
such as the Y. M. C. A. and the Red
' Mrs. Frank Harris who has been
visiting for the past few days at Pa
cific Junction, Iowa, where she went
to assist in the celebration of the
79th birthday of her father,. Win.
Fields returned home this afternoon.
She reports when she arrived there
she found her father rather poorly
and is still fo having been confined
to his bed for the past five weeks.
a .;
;lso with tiie
A. n
V; t; ' Pa.rriott who t ..-;. --h-t1"
at Cedar Creek was
v in thi; city at the home of
:-':!'! r- and wife over- the
- -v.
' .t. V. I'-n' - t. o r.oii'sviile.
' ' : t hi:-, eii y today, 'cn-
1 h - a-;r : .ap." matters at
"t! t-en.-e and also to trans
?" la: ;in in 1 he fit v.
: : .-ie, M
, : . . : .
. . . . . i , I : : .
i ! i ;
l'-oviag !
I ; , . t ; i Pa!
r. ; for ,!-
: to aM
. f'ar!;. r, v. ho has ":een
horn.' in the Coranado
Iniing the past winter.
hi; own home in t he
rt ion of the city today.
d-'narted this mor- i
nwo.'d. Iowa, wl.ere he
;m a sa.le of Holstein
v. iili the t -lea of making a
!" nn animal for his ho-d.
Ward of X'.rth Platte,
i : 1 1-" f -h i r.g in t he pnhlie
are, was a visitor
gue at t lie home
; Ml-.
::r( Na
i:er, t
':. "e h
- ': . f C -.t
' ' ; in '. ' a ('' h
: . r r -. Mr. and Mrs. Kobert
:rl Sun 1 ay.
iiftse- i:. i v on ; and two son.
. r and G. rg- rl-nartad j-est etv
a. 'V
. j. :
ti 'i i !
i. :- for Norfolk, and Mead
v here they are vi iting
v d .ys and looi:ing after
inc--.-; u hic-h called them
: ; iii"--r of Cedar Creek was
r to :(.:.; business ir.attens
In r friends for a. shrt ti,ne
aTternooji iM this city. Mr.
p v. a j a ph?a;;fi:it cailer at
l--; -.:,: '!':-. la 's luily.
P. A. Hild of wet of Mynard was
looking after some business in Platts
mouth this morning.
Mrs. J. C. Dwyer of Omaha came
down today to this city to look after
some property which she lias her.
Pen I'eekinan was a visitor in this
city this morning coming from his
home near Murray to look after some
Louis Ilheinaele from near Murray
was a visitor in this city this morn
ing looking after some business for
the day.
Mrs. John Twiss of Louisville was
a visitor in this ctty today and wins
transacting some business at the
court house.
Ferdinand Ilenniugs jr., was look
ing after some business in the city
today, coming in from his home near
Cedar Creek.
Mrs. Frank P.latzer. Jr., who has
been visiting in this city for some
time past, returned last evening to
her home near Cedar Creek.
John Lloyd and wife from south
west of Murray were passengers to
Omaha this afternoon, where they
are looking after some business.
P.. C. AVenzel and J. I). Allen of
Kagle, were in t lie city today looking
after some business at the office of
the county clerk, and other matters
in the town.
C. L. Pitman departed this after
noon over the Missouri Pacific for
Xehawka where he is visiting with
From Thursday's Daily.
Oscar Keil of near Eagle was in
the city this morning- looking after
some business at the court house.
Frank Vallery of Murray was a
business visitor in this city this
morning, driving up with his car.
John Durnian and wife from Mur
ray were visiting in this city today
coining tip to look after some busi
ness. E. E. Nashen of near La Platte
was a visitor in this city this morn
ing returning to his homo this after
noon. .Chris Gauer of near Louisville one
of the prosperous farmers of that
vicinity was looking after some busi
ness in the county seat today.
Herman Pankonin. of Louisville,
was a visitor in this city yesterday,
looking after some business and re
turned to his home last evening.
Frank Grauf Irani rear Murray
was a busiii'r
today looking :
the court ha;:.
business wit!'
Fred Min'ha
of the pros;!"
farmers of the
ty was a hi::
today, coioirg
business a t!
Harry K. TV
a visitor in th.
to look'"
Mr. Davi-' fertv
of tho F.'P Teh
is now v I; y cl
visiter in this city
iter eoiae matters at
and transacting
he nn. rchant s.
'. J near Eaal-e. one
and sub.tantial
.-. t "lid of t he cone -.
e iter in t his city
;. look after some
me! house.
. of Louisville wa ;
city today coming
r.-ie.e bu-iness here,
ely was the manager
; ne Company, and
'.: of Louisville.
aotici: or appi.icatiox rou
To Jolm r. Frederick:
You are notilifd that N'ovemtjer 2i.
191.'). Lot S in Rloek 166 in City of
Pin ttsmout h, Nebraska, was sold to D.
Goliiing for tax dclinciuent for years
11105 to un.l irieUidiH!- l'JH. The Coun
ty Treasurer issueil tax sfile. certificate
No. '70!) to l)lirelia;c-r, who On Ieeeiii
liT t, lyi, aslgneil same to IJyron
ctolding. After tli fee months from
March 1 . lttlx. the as-signe? will ap
ply for ileeil of stiid in-upcily.
Iated tliis :!rl ilay of Kobruarv,
Pi the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the Kstate of Mar
tha Shei'ler. Ileeeased.
To all Creditors, Heirs and persons
interested in the estate of Martha
S!a t'fer, I oeeas-e(l.
Notice is In ri;iiv Riven that on the
lMth day of .January, 191X. Samuel II.
l.oder liled a veiiiied petition in the
County Court of c'ass county, Nebras
ka, setting forth that Martha Shelter
died intestate in Cass county, Nebras
ka, on the 17th day of August. 1 8 1 .
seized of the following described real
estate, to-wit: The Southwest quarter
SV) of Section Fifteen (15) Town
ship Twelve (lj) North, ll.uige Nine
CM Fast of the Uh P. M., in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska: that they arts now the
owners of all of the aforesaid lands
and that they acquired title to all of
the aforesaid real estate through deeds
of conveyance, duly executed and ac
knowledged, from the heirs of Martha
Shelter, deceased; that no administra
tion of the estate of the said Martha
SheftYr has been had in the state of
Nebraska, and that not more than two
years has expired since 1 er death:
thev pray for a- determination of the
time and place of the deatii of Mar
tha Shi fi'er. a d. . t erni i n at i on of the
loirs of said deceased, their degree of
kinship r.nd the right of the descent
of said real estate and that the eredi
tors of Martha SlielTer be forever bar
red and en.ioined from asserting any
claim upon said real estate.
Said pel it ion will be heard befoi
said County Court at its rooms in the
Citv of Plattsmouth. in said county,
on the 1Mb day of March, U1S, at
10 o'clock a. in.
(By the Court)
(Seal) f'l-.".v. County ,ludv.e
oitnrit to Mi4iv caim:
f Cass
In the Idstriet Court
t. Nehiaska.
Ja the matter of the
iteltha L. St.: leiley. C.u
bel t!h ;. . Il cpe st
St a hi! 1. y an! i -i:i
p'd ici 1 ion of
ian i f lit:-
Mab. 1
Minors, for h-a"
( n read r ir :i a.
duly . : iiii o. of
. ,. -i of it;;
Star.-Mev. Ma ' !
Siaadlev. a!! i.nio
I! l-i'.;!
' li.i.:;v t i'e
f-rth.i i,
it Siandl..-S.andl.'--
;-. for l:. ;-.,;
e t;lti
oet it ion
1 erai
e sell
ood Seed Corn!
-.-' it-jyj; a iimited amount of 1916 White Silver Mine
: on, i ( 0 per cent germination, in ear $5.00 bushel;
cLo !I7 White and Reids Yellow Dent, 100 per cent
germiiuc ion $5.00 in ear. All grown near here.
::;'vo I:;L C.103 per cert pure, $9.75; Red Clover, $17.C0;
1 r. ;t:c . i - ; vhite Sweet Clover, $18.00; Alsyke, $18.00; Cane,
:::.-uV, "3.C0: Millet, S3.25; Blue Grass.. $3.50; Red Top,
'0: r.r. $-2.50: Pod Paver Chios, $2.C0; Si:: Weeks, $2.00; Mar--rf...
r.-licnt, $3.00; Rape, 15c lb; Sr.daa Grass, 25c lb.
- T
From .t.i.i.:.iv- ' '.i i ! -. .
Ltist I"rif!: . cvnin;; Dr. Leiipohl ;;
wile ant! r.uua.i: I er Mrs. Dr. Ji. V.
P.laci; Mi!'' the doctor, with thiir
littlt' s::mi caiae to i'hit I iM'.iuit h 1'n n:
the former Itetiie r.t I'airhi:ry, Mr.-.
Leopold to lie here and Dr. Iihici.
ami far. illy to visit l"(,r a short time.
On the train the little child ci' l)r
Plack and vi:e. vhieh i.i a ha by l-o
of cme six months became r:- .itT:
pneumonia. The little one is t';y
sick, ami is receiving: the most care
ful at i cut ion. It i? hoped that the
little eiic will soim he hotter.
ll.e foitowiavr df -i rib' d real e.-tate: A 1 1
of i.ets Two c.i and 'I'aree ( :t ) !"l
K;oi k 'i in tin- i;v o: t mver-
sity !'!;! e, I :i'u ;,;er mil , X"!.;:is
ka. ;is ti i -atio is s- o.-. u npo.i t! e puli-
!isi: d ami reeor'ed plat thereof, f-
ti:e p.'; e;e of pt 1 t t ! : VT tile proceeds '
t!:er. of o r. t a, i'.tiii t or i v. - I i n :
ill sep.;e ; i . . ! , i i t t f s!ne.
It is ;!; ;-t i'e.;-!- .,.-:,. red toat lie- nei
of atfi ot sau! ai-.nors, ai .t ail ;a is' as
i-i. rest-! in l!:" i. !' --aid tninoi -
a' '.car i'o! i. a.- :l ! . a n . be r in tie
: rr 'lot ;;; t;: t i;y of I '! a 1 1 in o a 1 1
t '.!.-. coc'itv. Ne! :. k.t. on ti..- l.'.th i!a v
of ?.!a i . a . A. i ' . 1 -. at t n !cc':
i.i., t i : o , - .,;a-a. ,; a;v there t''.-. v. , v
l;eell--e .-!a)'.a! I'O 1 y'. lilted l. s il i . 1
l rt!.a I.. St:ind!e . 'taaidiaa. t soil
-;d r, al esla.te f -r the parti S" above
Mt fo'li;.
And it i l'urtti.T o-der -d t bat a !
of !:p; oi.l r !..- i ' I ' i 1 a ! e'o-,. ,.;
v.-. i i: tor talee s:tV, issue w cl.s in t t'e
1 ( a 1 1 s f 1 1 ' u 1 1 : .Iti'irr.ii:, a newspaper eir-
iei..liri-r in said noi; t y of (.'.iss.
I-ated .'t elaial'iis ia ;;i:.l t
county this lltii uay o 1 Ir ua l v. ,.
l.. ltlls.
.t a M i T. i:i:i i.i:v.
Jll'!j" of the !;.--;! it t t'oai t
l'h.-::w ;;:, t'ouaty. Ne! raska.
i.:; vi. : i i i:
! a the I l".- I . -;et ( 'Oiil t of t
t . '. ie ask a.
WiM iaM t. 1 'o't .'. ' 'la int i i'i'. v.
.lee i t,.-. .t at. I " !' a a . , 1 1 1 y.
To .Sam. .! akia---: .bd.i, Ni i.
- l.ose 1 1 a.; tiaai" is .'o
.la lie s
:: .)
Nets I. I
More big values for
at Dovey's After-Inventory Sales!
You will find this an excellent opportunity to get at a low price
things you have been wanting to, but have, for one reason or an
other put off getting.
The quantity is limited in the case of nearly all of the extra special
items, so that you will need to shop promptly to avoid possible dis
appointment. TABLE DAMASK, 29 CENTS A YARD
Two bolts, colored table cloth (blue) 60 inches wide, while
they last at per yard 29 Cents
42 garments, slightly water damaged in transit, sizes from 6
months creeper to 8-year girls dress. All go at one price,
Friday and Saturday choice 48 Cents
36-inch fancy silk, twill .finish, stripes and plaids, $2.00 quality
on sale Friday and Saturday at per yard $1.38
22-inch Foulard silk, mostly figured, extra special, per yd.. .37 Cents
One lot of odds and ends . of lace curtains, white and ecru ;
values up to $4, special each 48 Cents
Door pannels, bobinets, etc., while they last, each 19 Cents
Ladies 1 0c Handkerchiefs, Friday and Saturday special, each . . 5 Cents
Ladies plain handkerchiefs, Friday and Sat., special, 3 for. .10 Cents
Men's fine handkerchiefs, soft finish, a good 1 0 cent handker
chief, special at 3 for. . 19 Cents
Friday and Saturday
Regular size can peaches, special per can 20c
Regular size can Almrea grapes, special per can 20c
No. 3 size can spinach, special per can .' 15c
Hominy grits, special per package 8c
Washington Crisps, special per package 12c
Red beans, special per package. . 10c
Preserves, assorted in glass jars, special (a) 25s
The above prices are good for Friday and Saturday only, as
long as quantities last. At such reductions these extra additional
Specials will be bought up in no time, so come early and get your
portion before they are all gone.
Kroin Tuesday's l'aily.
Charles Lynch jr., has arrived. 11c
made his appearance yesterday morn-
ins ahout live o'clock. His happy
parents Charles Lynch sr., and wife
were over joyed to see him and a
merry time is having at the home
In fact they are feeling so good
that Charles cannot help hut smile
when he goes ahout his work whist
ling and singing snatches of songs
which seems to tell of his happy
thoughts. The mother and son are
both doing well.
III (lie District Court of the I'nitel
States for the Distriet of Nebraska :
Lincoln Division. Case Nn. "II.
In the matter of diver M. Ward
li;i a 1; r a l . in I la a k rti id "?r :
a ,i:; L'ttrd day of i 'e I .r ua ry. A. 1
I!'!, on reading ti e- petition uf tin
ahove named bankrupt for his dis-
c!i:ii-ee herein, it. is Oltl iKKKI) that ti.o
"'.Mil day of Man !i, A. I .. ltHS, he and
the same is hereby lied sis the date on
or before -which creditors of. and
all other persons interested in said es
tate and the mailer of the djseharae in
bankruptcy of tie- said bankrupt, shall,
if they desire to oppose the same, tile
in my office in Lincoln, Xelraska, in
said District, their appearance in writ
ing, in opposition to the f;ra riling; of
the said discharge, and also, within
ten days thereafter, tile in my said of
fice spe iliea t ions of the Ki'umid-s of
said opposition.
V JTN KSS my band bercto, at my of
fice in Lincoln. Xebraska. t iie ii.iv and
tate lirst aoove written.
f .'li (11 -wl ' lteferee in iin nkrupU y.
votk i: or imm irvrio I'oit
tx !-:-:
To (J race I). Copeland:
V'ou -are notified that November C,
1015. Lot 7 in mock i, in city of
I'lattsni.'jnth, Nebraska, was sold to
I. (luldf'iff for tax delimruent for
years lli0." to and tncludins 1!14. Coun
ty Treasurer issued tax sale eerti.'i
eute No. 4705 to purchaser, who, on
December :ill. 1 It 1 7. Jissiuned the 'same
to Myron (Joldinir. After three months
from March 1 H. 191S, the assignee will
Hpplv for a doted of said property.
Dated tlii' -i d day of Kebrua l y,
I -"ia--- .1 U j y ; . v i j . 1 ; ." I I I i Nei.-lit Ada::!
i. ; i .ud.ew Neish: Diekson
M i tier, ; -: a i t ' i ' is ! t ; c m n sc. I uf
i'ei r; i ;:. I-SM-, ;,.:, Wil.tata Miller:
Cat rick Id !!e : Mrs. 1 'a trick K.-lli-y
tir.-t i eat n;;!"e i : ! i i I vi'e. if li
ina; and if deeiasid. vidow " I'atri.!.
K !!!, i !i e. ; , . i 1 : .'alios Ka ne: .1 a 'c
Ki ..a : ,c Ke.: ne irsl real
name i n. w , i v.-if--. if livinir and ifi
deee.l.-ee.. Will i".' i f .tallllS lb
.aid: thiTUe W. W i ,:l l! (Ml I Mrs.
(leiT'.e V. 'la!t.'ii itiist real nam.
unknown! wife, if li.i:rr ard if de-eeas-ed.
v.-id-.w ni' C. orw U". W'ha rtoa.
deceaM'.i: t'ie e:ik'io'll liej;.-,, devisees.
li'Vaie.s, i.i'i': ;;l 1c 1. 1 c-c a i a t i cs iind
all other persons interested in the es-
lal" of .lame:- .l.-nkiiis. deceased; tin
unknown, Ie i i s. de is'i'S, legatees, p. r
soiia! le-.j i n t 1 1 i es and all other
persons int -listed i the estate ot
.Tokn Nei-h. deceased: Ike unknown
lii iis. ie isees, lo'rele pcisenal reti-
on. lOlaier I nr wt-rsoii. Alma Diwor-
oa. William Inuwi rsun and Clayton
In:; wet-son. Minors, for leave to sell
real estate.
Mi nadii.;r and tilint; the petition,
iliilv vcii tied, of Ciiatles K. lnj;werson
guardian of the persons and estates of
(!ille 1 liKwerson, klmcr limwerson.
Alma 1 nii v.ersoti. William liiKwrr.suti
and Clayton Inwerson. minors, for li-
ct use to si ll the interests of satil
minors in the inlhiwins iiescrtneii real
estate, to-wil: The west half (w'j) of
resen la I i ves a ml a 1 1
terested m the estate o C.eo'tTe .Icn-ljj,,,, t wen t y-eiwh t CJS) in Township
kins. i!.ceacil: tne unaiiown heirs. I ,.i,.vtM1 ,jl) north, of Kanue nine 1 1 )
bvisees. baatccs. personal represent a - I .... s , .1,,. ,;th I'. M.. and Lid tiirht IM
lives ami all other persons inieresic.i i:i,,(i t wen t v-foil r ' ' I ) in the tl
in the estate
.f Abia!
;i Neis
late of
all in Cass county. Xc-
ceil sen: ine niiKimu n r.eiis. ue isees, braska, for the purpose or raising
legatees, personal l p . a se n t a t . ves a a 1 r,. ,luS with wliich to educate said
ill other persons interested in the es-I ,,,,,,,, ,.s or tn. purpose of putting
ate of Adam .lenkins. deceased; lh' hint at interest the proceeds from said
unknown heirs, devisers, legatees, per-ls..i(. )r investine,- them in some pro-
sorial representatives. and all " 1 'u-' I , ;h t i v- slock, and it appearing: from
persons interested in the estate of An-I s;l j, petition that each of the said
Irew .Neish, deeea-ed. 1 eienja ills. I minors is the owner of only s n un-
Voii arid each of you are hen bv noli- divided one-ci trli t v -fou it h (1-Stl of
tied that nn the 1M!i day of h ebrua ry, s;l j, estate, si ml that the income
i:s. the plaintiff in the lorc-rome; e?:- I , nol.,. ,-,., ,s .small.
titled cause, tiled his petition m the I t js therefore ordered that the next
District Court of Cass cminty. e- I j. j ol- saj,t minors and all persons
braska, wherein each and alt ol yon I interested in said estates appear he-
are made parties defendant, the oh- f,,r(. m,. ;,t chamhors in the Court
ject. purpose and prayer of which said House in the City of l'laitsmoutli. Cass
petition is to obtain a decree 1 1 mu v. Nebiaska. on the L'::nl lay ol
s ; i III f Oil I I iCitIO J r I 4 e ooi. i i i .... o e y, ...... i . j :i i x i 111. IIII ti c IOC ft. 51. III.. I o
iiuietine; the title to the following de- I s,ow -Uuse, if anv there be, wliy li-
use shoiiiii imi re grrunieo iu sum
Charles I-;. 1 tr,'Wprson, .uuardiati. to
sell the interests of said minors in said
real estate for the purposes ahove set
forth, and4
It Is further ordered that a copy of
this order be served on all persons in
terested in said estates by liciiiK pub
lished three successive weeks in the
I'lattsmoiith .lourual, a newspaper
printed tied published in said County
of Cass. Xehraska.
Dated at IMa t tsmou I h, in (ass coun
ty. Nebraska, this loth oay of i-ebru-
ury, l'Jis.
flS-3w Judge ot the Dist. Court.
scribed real estate, in I'iaiatlll, Wil
liam I. Follz. to-wit:
The southwest quarter cf the
northeast quarter: the southeast
quarter of the northwest quar
ter: the cyst half of the south
west quarter and the wist half
of the southeast quarter, all in
Section Thirty-three t ::::). Township
eleven (11) North. in Cane
Twelve (IJ) Last of the tth J
M. in Cass county. Nebraska,
as against vou and each and till of
.T-,,, ' -i,..l to evclnde and enjoin you
nn.i'iiiih .nnd nil of you from over
selling or elaimiiifT any rii'l t. titie,
estate or interest in and to the real
ei:ite before described and as set
r..,t a in said net it ion. adverse to plain
tiff, by reason of I Ma in ti It's adverse I . AltTICI.KS OI I N CO It I'O It A TIO
possession of said premises tor more i of t)l(. Ka, ,)U.IS Kievator Co., of Cul
than ten years prior to iiio commence- ,OI, Nebniska.
ment of said action, ami lor sucu om- i Known all men by these present;
er and further relir as may be JusMThat we, the undersiKned residents of
and equitable. I Cass county. Ktate of Nebraska, do
This notice is ejven and publisheu I jjssoclato ourselves together for the
pursuant to an order entered by salu purpose of forming and becoming- a
Court. I eorporat io.i under the laws of the
You -a re required to answer .'ant P-jytate of Nebraska, for the transaction
tition on or before the 1st h'V of 0f the business hereinafter described.
Am i!. 1!)1S. or delauil win no e ii i Article 1
against you therein. . I NAM K: The name of the eorpora-
WibUAJt i. i i.K-i. I lion, shall le The Fanners Kievator
,r , ,v ' Co., of Cullom. Nebraska
l.y jun..'i- Article II
flS-tw ins auorncy. PLACE OF BUSINESS: The prinei
. j pal place of transacting- business shall
iitiii-i( '!( stiow CAl'SK I tie at Cullom, county of Cass, and State
i.. n, n;iri. i Court of Cuss i-oun- I of Nebraska.
xii in'- ' ' ' ' 1 v 1 1 ---- . . - , ...
... i i. - I .irmic
l, .fin,i.-ra. e I ill'VLMM! ViTIM!!-! Off nlVIVlNS:
I ,. lOMtler or Tne .! in ri u oil ul..o.iwim . , . - ....... ... .. .
.i .... t- Tr. .r-,o,in i imn hm or the I i ne nature ui uie uubwicob to oc
persuuij and estates of Orville Ingwer- acted by said corporation shall
the lui y i ii if and selling of all kinds of
grain and coal. the operation of an
elevator and the erection and main
tenance of such buildings and struc
tures as may be deemed necessary in
carrying on the aforesaid business.
Article IV
authorized capital stock of said cor
poration shall be Ten Thousand Dol
lars $10,000.00) in shares of One Hun
dred Dollars f$100.00) each, to be fully
pa til and non-assessable.
Article V
TION OF UFSINESS: The exlstance of
this corporation shall commence when.
Three Thousand Dollars t $:. 000.00 of
said stock is sold and continue during
the period of twenty-live vears.
rlicle VI
INDEBTEDNESS: The outs'tanding
indebtedness of said corporation shall
not at any time exceed the sum of
Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00).
Article VII
ness of said corporation shall be con
ducted by a board of five directors, to
tie eiectcii tiy the stockholders: such
election to take place at such time
and to lie conducted in such manner
as shall be prescribed by the Hy-Laws
of said corporation.
Article 1 1 1
AMENDMENTS: These Articles of
Incorporation may be amended bv a
majority vote of stockholders of " alt
of the stock sold of said corporation
in such manner as inav lie provided
for in the Uv-Laws.
.1. !. M KIS1XOKK,
Lot' ie i:oi:n
1". A. HOKN.
Witness to Signatures:
State of Nebraska. County of Cass, ss:
n this 7th day of October. r.17,' h-J
fore me. a Notary TuMic in and for
Cass county. Stale of Nebraska, per
sonally appeared the above named
Chas. T. Peacock, J. O. Meisinger, Lou
ie Horn. I. A. Horn and A. l:. Fornotf.
who are personally known to me to
Krt i . .
ii- luriiiiuii I'oisoris nose names
are atlixed to the above Articles of
Incorporation, as parties thereto, ami
they severally acknowledged the in
strument to bo their voluntary act
and deed.
AYitness my hand and notarial seal
the day and year last above writtca
fSeal) Notary rublic.
My commission expires Sept. S. lal'J.
The Plattsmouth Garai
For Service Livery Ail Hours!
Best Mechanics to Look After Your Troubles
Batteries Recharged!
Radiator Repaired! Storage!
On and after January 1st, wc will do a
strictly cash business.
Positively Wo Credit!
J. E. U2AS, Prop.