The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 25, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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buried in mm
Was Ilerabcrs of the Jewish Church
and Daughters of Rebecca,
Also Woodman Circle.
I'M' m Frihi 's Daily.
The M-iiiaius of the kite .Mrs.
Frvda V:;i:troiib wiro taken to Om
:.ha on the early afternoon train to
day hero the funeral was held ami
the hurial made in the Jewish ceme
tiry thr.t place.
rreda r.rasch was horn in
(I n. .any lifiy-nvti years a pro. and
win:-. a'.'c'H thirteen years of aye,
lo.-t her i.. other, her father marry-ir-r
a - ec-ord time and coining to
this c-.mitry when the deceased was
I, tit :-ovor.teea years of a Cf. -Miss
lira --h v. as 'united in marriage in
the i.ihMh oigh-ties at Ottawa, llii
to Mr. Herman Kirsehenblat t ,
a;..i the couple later moved to St.
Mo. Here Mr. Kirsclien
!. Ka vii-.g the mother anil
Uvn. Charles ami Louis. In
Si. Joseph she was united
ago to Herman Waintroub.
1 '
1 ,
this city, where sue mis.
r since. Mrs. Waint rcub
:,! r of the Jewish church
; ' ,-. i .i. "iK,t i f the Pamvhters of
Keh o a and alui Woodman Circle.
Mr-. Wai.i.rouh has one full broth
er, a twin. Mr. .V arc us Ilrasch. who
: b::s't!K .-s at Hook Tort.
i!- arrived here this morning
: I i! fv.r.-'ral. In addi-ion a
r of half- inters, daughters of
t't.-r's .-,'eo.ul marriage, live in
.o. Oi the five chUdrea. four
re to pay their last sad trih
i lov. to the mother who has
Mr. !.-.ui Kir.-eheiil latt. who
rad oj-.erator stationed at
:-; i.d. rear r. Francisco, was
: y : ' w'a.o coul l be present.
;;rd a furlough hut a short
ii-iv, a:,;! made his inotlur a
.,, !viii;; io g. t lonaer time in
t I :
:a: ho miuht re
main at lier
; -1
but was denied his request
tcn-do'i. as the necessity
i'ir u f his occupation to be on
t: .iub is great at present. Aecord-it..-'.j
l. rammed to his work in the
v -t : '. . I was uttable to he here to
at i :.-! t he funeral.
V: 1 : ici-e ti;c mother, who
!.; :.'o.: vs be- i good io her child
r.n a".d !.: been ( he Le.-t of a wife
io C:e h Mr-band, who with the
;,: -i an l--'.i to mu'.trn her tak
'n ;..;. j . While 1 i fo i sweet, the
lati r ha.:u r-;. i':iy ami yen weeks of
t'li; '! worn aa's life v ere at t rn
da"t v-ith very ae-iie sul'uring ami
the -v.d but relief to her long con
ti. .-entri!:;. as her tpirit has
av.-;;v to r-.--t ::. fence.
r.e. ' : ' - I 1 i : i . .
Ti'e (hier:.m.':i is dc irons of se
i:.--u ; a r v am! all designs which
iy ! av- he n invented i f air craft
aioi :-r i n i ; i n :-. the sendin.g of such
o ;' n ir.veniiag them with a d
rim on -(' tie iiiu.hl. mul its par
i i r -. Ti;t' perfeetio!i to
wi:!i-M !l - ii.ii:-: mr.ehine has been
h' i-i-.J, ' -; ii,e result i.-f thouaht and
t h a i ! I :' r ! ion the work of inanv
pcf.p!.- oi iii'u:y wavs. it we are :-o-
i-e. :.i r.po'. i by the experience ami
v : ! v-e hav to use all tbi
thi.i'o i t i r i ! . peiijdo to c(.f ijj f'.(
:--t rct-aio : io- wujtrovetm iu and re
sult (! ire 1. All plans drawing and
-.-i mm v ill l-o considered as con
,.h ::t ial.
. s:"cmi Mi!-r(iinr.iii tee on cngi-
' ' i'.u 1 1 ri -i 1 1 1 1; - lia bi-i-ii orga.niz
' to ist in examining inventions
1 1. ) ,'ui
r 're!..- , ! '.lily.
'.':";!i,:m Tucker for
: r a re:-iii.-;i ! j ri t !
. ' i;; re:ie'.;., 1 l(
a number of
is count v and
age- of eighty
j I. a re''-;o:y removed to near
. !.!; n 1 fr .:n hi:, foum-, h"me near
..'' i -.-1. a. h.-'s rir-fivi'd a stroke of
Mi -;?; xy, and is lying critically ill
: t his !.' ine r.' ar Ash'and. W.! :n,d wife from Murray were
in the riiy today on their way to .nti. v. hc-re they go to visit Mr.
T'.t-'i-er, who i-; a brot 'icr-in-laV of
;.Ir. Vir in. 'e : re h.oping that they
may find Mr. Tucker improvcl in arrival.
'' ie '
- hi'i"on. who v.-i 3 1 his
.. . .jv !".'-n laahing t:,cir Lome
t:0 I'orth:.':' pert iou of the state
r r;i..-; Tf tr Pandolph. for the past
live vcars, Luve returned to Platls-
mouth and will farm here in the fu
ture. Mrs. Hutchinson came in last
evening- on the late Burlington train
and will be followed by Mr. Hutch
inson and his brother Earnest, who
a short time since went there to as
sist in the moving.
I'rom Friday's laily.
C. li. Olson of the Olson Photo
Co.. who is staying most of the time
at Junction City, Kansas, is home for
a few days and this morning was a
passenger to Omaha, where he is
looking after some business pertain
ing to the plant here and also at
Junction City. He was looking after
the engaging of two more artists to
assist in the prosecution of the work
at the Kansas office.
From Friday's aily.
J. K. Wiles who has been at Omaha
attending the bedside of Harley
Wiles, his nephew, returned home
this morning and said that the young
man who is critically sick, had pass
ed the best night last night that he
has for a week. Mr. Harley Wiles is
still very sick, and is having a hard
struggle in his tight for recovery.
Dr. T. P. Livingston spent the night
with him at Omaha, returning home
this morning.
From Fi-:d:y's Daily.
Last evening W. T. Smith received
a message telling of the death of a
little grandson just two years of
age. sen of his daughter Nellie and
jaisband Mr. Audrey Cornel of
Amazonia, Mo. It was not known
here that the little one was sick un
til the sad news came of his death.
Mrs. W. T. Smith, the grandmother
was vi-iting at the time in Eagle
and Mr. Smith telephoned her of the
death, site immediately hastening to
the home of the stricken parents.
Nothing is as yet known as to the
funeral or burial.
Fn-m Fii.!;ty's Daily.
East evening at the home of Mr.
am! Mrs. l.uther F. Pickett was held
a reception in honor id the depart
ing of .Mr. and Mrs. Heorge Hood
man, who are moving to a farm
southwert of Murray for the sum
mer. Mr. Goodman is a member of
i i.oai tions i lass, wnue .Mr:
Moorman is a meuiner oi tiie I .oval
I'.iumvis v oi m,c i nrisiian i
Sunday School, and the occasion was I
an expression of good will towards
tho members who are removing from
this neighborhood. A large number
of young people were in attendance
and a musical program was had var
ied by social conversation and games
by tho younger portion of the as
semblage. The male quartette con
sisting of W. I). Wassell. A. M. Saud-
"rs, IJ. A. MeElwain and P. F. rendered some very bo-uitiful
numbers All had a very delightful
time and after the verv fine lunch.
- ....., ...v.. -iMi'i'i-i
thanking the host and hostess for the
..i .. .. , ...... , i cM iunganu v.isneu .ir. anu
Mrs. (.oodmnn linnidnesv: rinil unw. I
I'1"'.' ' "'is. new nomo.
,...- ... I I : . , i
i r.e,, i n. lay s Daily.
Clifford Forbes has been taken
lrom tho ranks of the private at
tamp I'uuston and made a corporal,
wiih tiie prospect of soon becoming
a Sergeant, and which ho could
have had at the time be was appoint-
:,rl" ;"'..r m :..r r.
. in, ii'. iivi, mi i
after having served as a corporal, he
will ho in better position for the tul-
vancci post than otherwise. We
iiie certain mat Cluiord will lie able
1 r. . . I
n care ior eiiiier position and more M'
than that, and wo expect to hear of
them coming to h
I'iiiiii I'riil.iv's Daily.
The Platte Mutual Insurance Com
pany, through their representative,
Mr. J. ('. Peterson, secretary of the
company, have already met and sat-
isfactorily adjusted the fire loss on
the IJeggs property in tho iiort!icr:i
part ot the city. The fire occurred
Tuesday night, and the claim paid
today is certainly very prompt action
on a fire loss, but this is the way the
Platte Mutual believe in doing bwsi-
ness. The property was occupied by
Hyron- Keed and family.
1 . ,. I
About Constipation.
Certain articles of diet tend to
.. i .i. ......, . . i
i.iiei:n iij ivemeiiis o iiue noweis. 'j he
mo:;t cotumou of these are cheese,
lea and boiled milk. On the other
band raw fruits, especially apples
and bananas, also graham bread and so
whole whoa! bread promote a move-
lent of If bowels. When .the
bowels are badly constipated, bow-
ever, the srurn v.ay is to take one or I
tv o of Chamberlain's Tab!et3 iuime
diately after supper.
From Friday's Daily.
Clothed with authority from (he
State Council of Defense, yesterday
a special committee, appointed for
the purpose of hearing compalints of
disloyalty, and consisting of L.. F.
Langhorst, who was not able to be
present, C. C. W'escott, J. M. Teegard
en and Dale Uoyles. held a hearing in
this city, at which these findings
were the result:
February 21, 19 IS.
The Executive Committee of the
Council of Defense meeting in execu
tive session at Plattsmouth, this date
after hearing the evidence in the
matter of charges of disloyalty
against "Win. Hassler made the fol
lowing findings:
First, That it has not been proven
that Win. Hassler is guilty of mak
ing disloyal remarks concerning the
government or the conduct of the
Second. That Wm. Hassler lias
been indiscreet in permitting the
gathering of citizens of Herman
birth in his place of business and
the discussions of war questions in
the German language.
The Executive Committee requires.
First. That Wm. Hassler place the
American flag in a tonpieious place
upon his blacksmith shop.
Second. That he forbid the fur
ther gathering of citizens of Herman
birth in his shop for the discussion
of questions of war ami governmental
policy, in the Herman language.
In t lie tream"nt of this case the
Executive Committee have taken this
further action:
First. That I he tru-teos d" the
(.I'liiiau Eva:;r.:lkv! Church
Plattsmouth 'm
largo America:! ;
position on -co
sa'd church. : :o'
Second. '!"':.
church. lie--. .. i
ed to disp'm y : a
prominent e
of his re-si.!. we:
ir d to phue
:n a cor.spiciou---
iv or i ron ; oi
I'm t or
euer. h
of vol
.corican fhu' in
: the outside- fron'.
A! o that
he re
quired to
. lMorica n bin -;ua l--.
'wherever ?
; to m e h i : hsf
endeavor-; to
'rttate i ui i he'- oat -
riotism am: n
1 h paoph
i ;iied )
Th" I.'X'-. Coiiimi'tt e.
.1. M. T! ! .N i'lUKX, Vice (
C. c. WCJCOTT, Secret ar;
dam: iuivr.Ks.
i. ! . l i ".'u i i, rrespient was u:i
able to he prt - nt. at this bt-arin
les,des ii:e aoo-.v t!;ere
numerous lomohunts io' disiovaltv.
and acts w-iich are ipiestionabl
... 7 , . ...
uiaue oeiore i;ie COi;imitt"", hut wen
not in a shane to be handled, at th.-i
time. T!u are being put in shao:
for handling and will be heard
,ui caiiy i ik 1'ivesngat ior
which was held yesterday is but ihe
l eginnimr of n mimhor wb;, i. m ...
!.. ..... l. .1 j ,
iiiui mi- pun isn iiient '
cases of i s ova v til b, r.,,n.!
, If. Ill IIMII'I
"iiu tnai action which imur cae
,1.... , ,
mmands. c are in a time when
no man's position as to this govern-
menr can no lelt in doubt, lie musf
be loyal, not nominally so and sileuj
on all questions of loilty to the
government, but tho people must
know where be stands, and where
the nuostion nriv-ou ! t u;o ,,,..;;..,.
and the findings is on the wrong side
1. " ,,.lw. r
" mi i.- iiH-n- is mi nail wjiv
measure which will answer the case.
1 '"'n Frulay's Daily.
(!- II- Olson, who has just arrived
from Junction City, Kansas, on his
way home came through Leaven
worth and says, "The Government is
now erecting a large new wing on
the prison at that place for I he
special purpose of caring for peopb
v - 1,0 aro being interned here on ac-
tyun( of heing pro-gertnan. From
,Ik' number of people of whom v
P"'11' accounts of dislovallv
to the
When You Have a Cold.
It is when you have a severe cold
that you appreciate the good quali
ties of Chamberlain' Cough Kern
edy. Mrs. Frank Crocker, Pana, III..
Wrilf-S- "Out.,lil c-,r, T- 1
. v. lll-JVeillll HI" iKKAk
caiiRht a severe cold last winter that
settled on his lungs and he had ter-
... . .
rioie coughing spells. Vvo v.ere
greatly worried about him as the
'medicine we gave him did not help
him in the least. A neighbor spoke
highly of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy that 1 got a bottle of it
The first dose benefited him so much
that I continued giving it to him
until he was cured.
Service Flass ft the Journal Office.
From Thursday's Daily.
O. C. Fasnacht, aged just turn
ing thirty-nine, a mere ship of a lad,
living at Randolph, Iowa, fell in love
with pretty Miss Lottie Mervhew,
just rounding out twenty-nine years
and as fair as a summer fhower, liv
ing at Thurman, Iowa. They had
talked the matter over when they
would wed and where they would
marry, and finally they concluded
they take a little trip over into Ne
braska, and have the ceremony per
formed there.
So arranging the matters so, they
arrived in this city yesterday after
noon, and going directly to the court
bouse, they procured a permit, and
making inquiry for the'-minister of
the Christian church, they hastened
there and were united in the bonds
of matrimony, just to have the cere
mony completed, when another
couple arrived for the same purpose.
However Mr. and Mrs. Fasnacht de
parted for their 'good old Iowa' on
the evening train to surprise the
From Thursday's Daily.
The II. P. O. E. will with their
ladies this evening at their hall in
this city celebrate the fiftieth anni
versary of the organization of the
order in this city with appropriate
ceremonies, which will be something
to eat. a card party and dancing.
The order has been in this city since
l'.lOl and has a large membership
They constructed their home here in
1 : 1 : ! , which makes a fine place for
their meetings and t lie celebrations
like the one which they are holding
this evening.
: r.e rua..a papers contain mo
record ot the issuance ot marriage
license, which shall permit the mar
riage of lia'ph Twiss c,f Louisville,
and Mi.s H inna. Eergreti of Omaha
.o:s llergreeii was lormerlv a resi
dent f Flat tsmout h arid since the
deat '.i;! i'lfr tatii'.T with her mother
.. ... . . .. - .
has 1. -i. im ,"-inu li -r home at Omaha
TV A"Tm a a
J J.IXjjj i. S Il'Kf
1T0W All!) THEV
i ui" i-'i i ' !: '.- I i.i i i .
We are posing as being patriotic.
and s;ji! ,;() , have a flag on Pub
lic I.i'rarv. or the Cite J fall. Of
!;iii'-c we knew liiat lovatlv is not
measured by the display of flags, for
many 'inies that is gallcrv play, but
a 11. ig now and then world not barm
one -v: .-.-.u:d be a prcttv good
thing to have me filiating around.
l'Ol'XI) A gettlY, silk muffler.
Owner may have same bv calling at
this oil'.eo and paing for this adver-
tl emeiit. 2-20-tftl
A Hint to the Aged
li pei i e juxst !s.ty '.ears or age
eould !e "'.-:i,!(l( - to go to bed as
so(,;i ha thrv ta
cold and remain
in bed for one or two davs.
vi;uld recover much more uuicklv.
.:..!?. . , ... , , ....
e.-,n-t i.iiiv u iin-j laivl I I Ul 111 OCT la 1 11 S
Cough Ii( ;m dy. There would also be
!o-; .l:.-,..,.r lb,, eol.t iminir foiioic-
" ' l ' v"" ' "
el by any of tiie more serious d is- I
Service Flags at. the Journal O.Ticc.
i?or Infants and Children
In Wss ForOvar30 Years
Always tcars
Sifuaruns c
Kat less meat, sugar, Hour and
laid. We carry a large line of sub-
stitutes: .
I'reah Halibut.
Can Salmon 2Gc. L'5c o5c
Mackerel l 15c
Sardines So &. 18c
Tuna fish
25c I
Shrimp 10c
Salt Mackerel 10c each
Lake Fish 15c lb.
Cod Fish 30c lb.
Salmon 30c lb.
Corn Meal 70c
Parley Flour j. 8 l-3c
Potato Flour, llice. Corn Starch,
Huckwheat, Corn (.'rockers, War
lircad. Victory Bread, ltye Bread,
Compound lard,, Troco Oleo, Nut
Labor Conditions Upset and Months
May Elapse Before Second
Call to Service Sent.
Washington, Feb. 20. Secretary
Baker authorized the statement to
day that no date has been selected
for the beginning of the . second
Various estimates have placed tho
time between March 1 and June 1.
These are declared to be guesses.
The government's disposition not
to disturb the labor situation, par
ticularly on farms at the planting
season, is one of the factors enter
ing into the situation.
The provost marshal general's of
fice, it is understood, is disinclined
to go ahead with the second draft
until congress has perfected the law
by pending amendments to change
the basis of apportionment and to
authorize the president to call into
the military service men skilled in
industry and agriculture regardless
of previous classification.
The remaining increments of the
iirst draft will begin to move for
ward to the camps beginning this
From Thursday's l.tily.
The county commissioners held a
fhort session this morning, having a
special mission alone to perform.
that of considering some petitions
asking the establishment of 'a Farm
, . , . .
Pureau and County Agent. The re-
I , i ji Ja, ,
I appeuueu oi lauu owners, ami me ue-
cision was arrived at to establish the
, .
rami JOircail ailU io appoint a
I I niinti' A -roiil ' ho o trotit
i -
I PI-Miteil mix will Do as .moii as Xo
primer man sliall have been selected
Chamberlain's Tablets.
These Tablets are intended
pS -
peeially for disorders of the stomach,
liver and bowels. If you are troub
led with heartburn, indigestion or
constipation they will do you good.
For Sale A number of while
Brahma Cockerels. Airs. C. E. llceb-
ncr, Nehav.ka.
Mini i: nut iiiviiiiMi
In the County Court of Cass i-ouu
Iv. Nebraska.
In the matter of the Kstate of Mal
tha ShctTer, Deceased.
To all Creditcrs. Heirs and tiersons
interest, ,i hi the estate of Maltha
Sh ff.-i- Deceased
Notice is hereby uiv.-n that on t lie
l!Mli dav of January, lais. Samuel 1 1.
1-o.lor tiled a veriiied iietition in the
I Count v Court of Cuss county. Nebras -
ka. setting forth that Martha Slieffer
led intestate in I'ass county. .e iras-
ka. on the 17lh dav of August. lt:l.said Court removing clouds from a nd
'l . ' .
I siii'ii oi I ie lotto w inir iiesci-i neii roa I
I -ri... ",.i........ . ....... ...-
I SV 'A of Section Fifteen (IT.) Town
1.1,,. ,'--!,. li"," k-l' 11 I ..1 .lll.lllltl
I ship Twelve (l-i North, Kangc Nine
ic.) l-.ast of the tilh 1. SI., in Cass ooun-
t y. Nebraska: that they are now tho
owners of all of the aforesaid lauds
and that they acquired title to all of
the aforesaid real estate through deeds
knowlcdged, from the heirs of Martha
shelter, deceased: that no administra
tion of the estate of the srtid Maltha
Sheffer has been bad in the state of
Nebraska, and that not more tlian two
years has expired since her death:
they pray for a iiclerm mat ion or l tie
time and place of the death of Mar-
tha Sheffer. a d. t erm ina t ton of the
heirs of said deceased, their degree of
kinship and the right of the descent
of said real estate and that the
tors of Martha Shelter be forever bar-
ed ami enjoined irom asserting any
(faim upon said real estate.
sam peiiiiou win no nearu iwub
said County Court at its rooms in t lie
( My ot I I a 1 1 sm oi 1 1 1 1, in said eon in ; -. i
on the lSth day of March, ltUS, at
10 o clock a. in.
(Py the Court)
alli;n j. i;i:r:sox.
(Seal! f.'l-:Jw. County Judge.
oitii:t io snow ( VI m
III tie
District ourt ot c ass coun
ty. Nebraska.
I n the. matter of the Application of
P.ertha X.. Stanillev, Cuariliau of llu
II.... 1., i- f.-,l...
.....i'i '. .,,",,'1 Vi ina Stiiiull'i-v all
..... .......
Minors, for leave to sell real estate. I
on leading and filing the pet i t ion. I
.i.,i. ,,r i:.itli:i I. Slum i'v I
a I e. ,, ..r II1I...1I SI n ,1. 1 1 e - Irene I
s:.n,.,iir., m.,1.,.1 siimilifv and Voina
. . - - . - .
. i. (-..iii.'vv I,..- il..s.i II. I real estate: All I
..... ip. , . ....,1 ti,...,. fi in 1
ijiim . 1 - -' ... , . ... I
Hlock Two 2). in the City of I'liiver-
sitv Place. Lancaster eouniy, .vcmas-
ka, as the same is shown upon the pub
lished and recorded plat tnereoi. ior
the liurnose of putting the proceeds
thereof out at interest or investing
in some productive stock.
It is therefore ordered that the next
of kin of said minors, and all persons
interested in the estates of said minors
appear before mo at chambers iti the
Court House in the city of.J'lattsmoutli.
('ass county, Nebraska, on the 16th day
of March, A. D., 11S, at ten o'clock a.
111., to show cause, if any there by, why
license should not he granted to said
llertlia L. Statidley, Guardian, to ncll
said real estate for the purpose above
set forth.
And it is further ordered that a copy
of this order be published once each
week for throe successive weeks in the
Plattsmouth. Journal, a newspaper cir
culating in said county of Cass.
Dated at chambers in said Cass
county this 14th day of February, A.
D., 1918.
Judge of the District Court
flS-uW Cass County, Nebraska.
nv mII oiii.oiw for 1 cense tosollieai estate.
The Plattsmouth Garage
For Service Livery All Hours!
Best Mechanics to Look After Your Troubles
Batteries Recharged!
Radiator Repaired! Storage!
On and after January 1st, we will do a
strictly cash business.
J. E. GtfIASl, Prop.
From Thursday's Daily.
E. li. Evans, the man who has been
doing the disc sharpening over the
county, aiid who has made his head
quarters at the home of C. E. Cook,
southwest of this city departed this
morning for his former home at
Ulenwood, Iowa, where he is looking
after some business for the day. Mr.
Evans while at the Uurlington sta
tion, awaiting for his train, said,
that he was going to enter the im
plement business here this spring,
and was making inquiry for a suit
able place for the business.
The Journal delivered at your door
for oniy 10 centa a week.
i.i:i;ai. MiTici:
In th lu'stiict Court of Fuss iduii
t v. Ncln'uska.
W'illlMin I. Foltz. Plaintiff, vs. James
Jenkins. -t al. Defendants.
Tn .lunipc T,nlrinv- Ifltn V i .O I n
I " v ....... . ... ....... .
I Wish whoso real name is John Neish)
Ilit-oi ire Jenkins: In aliam Nc-ish: Adam
I ,,.nkins: Al,-,w .svish: ni.-ks.m jt
Miller, a eo-partnersli i -impos-d of
!..!..., I ; w-..,. .,.,.1 Willi. n Miliar-
a'l.rv.wn .it, ....
i patruk Kellev; Mrs. Patrick Kelley
i .... . . .-.... .ai name unknown who. ir nv
I i it 17 ami it deceased, wuiow or l atraKi
K-ellov. , leased: James Kane: James
I I.PillM. All . .1 il 1 1 1 IV 11 lit Mil M I L 1 I
n;inu iinhtuiu n t wlfo. If livinir nn1 if
,locea.v mI. willow if James K-am W-
i t .. it- -t
ised: b-ort;e W. Wharton: Ml
cjoorjie W. Wharton nirst real name
unknown) wife, if living and if de
ceased, widow of Ceorjie W . Wharton
deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees
legatees, personal representatives ami
all oilier persons interested in the os
t;,te of James Jenkins, deceased; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representative and all other
persons interested in the estate of
John Neish, deceased: the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentat ives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Ueortfo Jen
kins, deceased: the unknown heirs,
devisees, icfiaiees. personal represenia
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Abraham Neish. de
(eased: the unknown heirs, devisees
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the os
tate of Adam Jenkins, deceased; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives, and all other
persons interested in the estate of An
drew Neish, deceased. Defendants
You and each of you are hereby noti-
I tied that on the IStli day of February,
IJsUS. tho plaintiff ill tiie forfgoniK on
I t it led cause. tilol bis petition in t lie
1 ist r ict Court of Cass county. N
biaska. wherein each and all of you
are made parties defendant, the ob-
I Jeet. purpose and prayer or whicli saul
l""""" '- "oiciiu m-cu-v "'n"
1 f..ii.:.,..
I 'I i ,nt- , e. ... -
scribed real estate, in Plaintiff. Wil-
.-- --- .
nam i. i-ouz, io-wu:
The southwest quarter of the
northeast quarter: the southeast
quarter of the northwest quar
ter; tho oast half of the south
west quarter and the west half
of the southeast quarter, all In
Section Thirty-throe t 33 ). Township
Kloven ill! North, in Kange
Twelve (PJ) Fast of the th 1.
M., in Cass county, Nebraska,
i,v ilKi""sl "u aco aim un "
vim . ami in exciuoe ano enjoin on
and eaen ami an oi you iroiu eei as-
I 1,1 ' ,ull"""i- n.. (.i. niT.iof said corporation.
I estate or iniciesi mi aim m. me icaii
csiaie oeioie oescnoco ano as set
io.1.1","1 alu ,lu,'"M; r'al""
'" icasou . i i.o ii no s am ei se
possession oi said premises Kr more
I 1 mi n icii eai pi 101 m me onnueiice-
"l -o, imi oi r-o, om-
11 "" icwci ua nt- ju.m
; M"."
I 1 nonet- is kocii ano imiomsuco
- . -.-..i. i,,iv...
P - imiii. ..I
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 1st day of
April, 111S. or default will bo taken
against you therein.
fis-lw J 1 is Attorney.
olIDI'.lt 'IO SHOW CAl SI-:
In the District Court of Cass conn- I
I Iv. Nebraska. I
In the matter of the Application of
wnaries j-.. ingerson, .11.1 1 o urn i i l
lei sons a no esi aies oi ( -r 1 1 ie i iikh ti -
son. r.iiii-r iiikhi'isiiii, iinin i ok i-i - i
Itigwersoti, Minors, for leave to sell!
-. . .
On l oading and filing Ihe iietition.
1 11 v verineo. or ( iiaries v.. 1 1 swerson. 1 (
- - ... .. . .-.-. .. . . . ;
Kuuruian 01 in persuns ano esiaies ui
There will be a Dance at Greenwood, Nebraska,
Thursday Night, February 28ih
rain or shine, at the De Luxe dancing pavilion. Floor
space 50x100 feet. Music by Desdiner s Colored Orches-
tra. We sing while you dance.
Follow the Crowd! Welcome!
Orville Inswerson, Flmer Iiigwerj-'-on,
Alma Inwerson, "William J iiffwi-rsnii
and Clayton Inpfwcrson. minors, for li
cense to sell t tie interests of said
minors in the following deserilx-d real
estate, to-wit: The west half (w'a) of
the northwest uaiter (nw'i of Sec
tion twenty-einlit l'S) in Township
cloven (111 north, of Kanp' nine
east of the Cth P. M.. and hut eiirlit im
in P.loek t wenty-four I L' i I in the Vil
lajre of Kasle, all in Cass eotinty. Xe-ln-aska,
for the purpose of raising
funds with whicli to ft said
minors and for the purpose of putting
out at interest the proeoeds from said
sale or investing them in some pro.
duetive stuck, and it appearing from
said petition that each of the said
minors is the owner of only an un
divided one-eiH:hty-fourth il-Mi of
said real estate, and that the income
therefrom is small.
It is therefore ordered that the net
of kin of said minors and all persons
interested in said estates appear le
fore me sit chaml-rs in the Court
House in the City of Plattsmouth. Cass
county, Xehraska. on the i':'.rd dav of
March, 1918, at 10:00 o'clock a. m.. to
show cause, if any there he. why li
cense should not I"- granted to said
Charles K. Iiikwoi-soh. guardian. to
soil the interests of said minors in said
real estate for the purposes ahove set
forth, and
It is further ordered that a ropy ot
this order be served on all persons in
terested in said estates hy lMnr pub
lished three successive wicks in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a newspaper
printed and published in said County
of Cass, Nebraska
Dated at Pla t tsuiou t h. in l 'ass c oun
ty, Nebraska, this 1.1th dav of Febru
ary, 19 IS.
jami-:s T. p.i:;m:y.
- fis-aw .Tiulste of the Dist. Court
AKTIt'LUS OF l( (lltl'lllt VTION
of the Farmers Flevator Co., of Cul
lom, Nebraska.
Known all men by tlx.-o presents:
That we. tiio undersigned residents ,if
I'ass county. State of Nebraska, do
associate ourselves together for the
purpose of forming- and becoming a
corporation under the taws of the
State of Nebraska, for the transaction
of the business hereinafter described..
Article I
N'.VMK: The name of the corpora
tion shall be The Farmers Flcvater
Co., of Cullom, Nebraska.
Article II
I'LACK OF msiNFSS: The prirvi
pal place of transacting business shall
bo at Cullom, county of Cass, and Stat-.-
I 0f Nebraska'
Article III
('i;xi:i;.h nati kf. of hfsinkss:
The nature of the business to be trans
acted by said corporation shall be
the buying and selling of all kinds of
grain and coal. the operation of an
elevator and the erection and main
tenance of such buildings and struc
tures as may be deemed necessary in
carry ins on the aforesaid business.
Arlielo IV
authorized capital stock of sai.l cor
poration shall be Ten Thousand Dol
lars ($10,000,001 in shares of One Hun
dred Dollars $J0O.0O) each, to be fully
paid and non-assessable.
Article V i:xci:m kxt axd tkiimixa-
T oV i il-' I il so N. I- stso -r 1... ..vit-m .f
... : ... ,.,..,. :,", ..,,',., .. .,..
...... ..... . ....
Three Thousand Dollars $.;.000.oo of
said stock is sold and continue during
the period of twenty-five years.
Article VI
Xhi:i!TI-:i).'l-:SS: The outstanding
indebtedness of said corporation shall
not at any time exceed the sum of
Three Thousand Dollars I $.:,00l).(i .
Article VII
P.OAIID OF DlKKl'ToKS: The busi
ness of said corporation shall be con
ducted by a board of live directors. Io
be elected by the stockholders! such
I elect ion to take place at such tinu
.,,, to ,,0 conducted in su, manner
as k1)jiM ,,t. prescribed bv the liv-Laws
Article lll
AMKNPMIIXTS: These Articles of
Incorporation may be amen. led by a
jnlj , v voU f stock Imbb I s of r 1 1
, stock sold of said -oi i.oi at i.u,
, s,u.i. manner as may be nrovided
f ,ll0 iv.,aus
i .1. i;. 11 KISI Xi ; 1
Witness to Signatures
ciaie or icnrasKa. i ouniy oi l ass, ss:
On this 7th day of October, 1M17, be
fore me, a Notary Public in and for
Cass county. State of Nebraska, per
sonally appeared the above naiiH',1.
I i lias. i. i-cacocK, a. (i. .ieisiiiger, l.on-
lie Born. P. A. Horn and A. 15. Forme
who arc personally known to mo to
'e the identical persons whoso name
are affixed to the above Articles of
i' " . ,
iiy; r-.-.c. ..... .e. i iiu in-
.-. i .nv . ... n Lli i. l
Witness my hand and notarial yea I
(.lit- ua.. j 00 e vime
,1.... .... ,1 !...- ..1
Notary Public-.
. ..... 1 ...... 1 .
Jif tjii.nn.-.nn:. i-ini" s-t-tn
S. luia.
Til rale