PAGE SIX- t ; PLATTSMOUTII EVENING JOURNAL THUESDAY, rTBEUAEY 21, 1913. : : v k I, IS! Ill : SATURDAY, February 23 TO SATURDAY, M arci The iosf inipertan! Sailing Event in the Past Two Ysars! i 3 ii CLOSE L . A'. TF8 H i l4 eferaary TO SATURDAY, if larcn 9th. hs fllosf imnorfanf m ialiing Event in the Fast Two Years! F IP3 ECONOMIC HI i Hill l-3 Sheets! Sheeting! Pillow Cases and Muslins: Yc Iiavc taken a complete inventory of all the bed linens we have in our- department, have removed from them their old pricos and have decorated them with new ones with figures much below their actual value today. House wives will do well to take advantage of the big reductions at which these linens are being offered and supply their bed needs, not only for the time being, but also for some time to come. All are of excellent quality, made for service and sure to give it. Clearing of Winter Undi rwear ? These lines are made up of brands that are well known, and much desired by careful buyers; lines that stand for the best there is in underwear, namely, high quality o f materials, even matching of seams, durability of stitching, absolute body comfort and excellent service. The assortments are in all weights and sizes. Much below the prices they are really worth. Blankets and Comforts get re-priced! In such times as these many merchants would say it was folly for us to remark blankets and comforts as low as this, because we will not be. able to get any more at such low prices. But we are here to serve our patrons and these offer ings are but an instance. Tempting reductions in Silks and Dress Fabrics! The best of this season's patterns, weaves, colors and textiles are now being offered at the most moderate prices that were ever charged for such high quality materials. These clearance sales will provide any wanted fabric at an excep tionally little cost. Come, make your selections now and get the best of the splendid offerings: SAVE and SERVE! It's our country's message to all patriot tic citizens, and as merchants we are better prepared than usual to help you "do your bit." We'll serve you so that ycu cz.u suvc. We are going to make this After-Inventory Clearing Sale give you a substantial relief from the present high cost of living, by offering you great stocks of the world's best merchandise at radical price reductions. Bargains in all departments. Here are wonderful opportunities to reap savings of eco nomic worth on desirable, dependable, seasonable, good quality, staple and fashionable merchandise which you can use for months to come. We are going to crowd this store with satisfied customers during these 1 3 days clearing sale and we earnestly invite you to come and get a big share of the remarkable values. It has always been our policy to allow no accumulations of stock in cur store from one season to another, and Saturday, Febru ary 23, when this clearing sale starts, we will offer you hundreds of things that you can use many of them items you must have at ! price reductions that are almost unbelievable in the midst of these ! "high cost" days, simply because we must adjust our stocks and ! make room to stock up with new goods. ! There are a multitude of savings during these sales! . . . Keep Posted on Additional EXTRA SPECIALS Look for the Prices on the RED PRICE TAGS As the sale progresses, all the de partments will come forward with their choicest savings. These are in addition to the general sales through out the store. The Extra Specials will be printed in bulletins the first of these will be issued on Saturday, Ask for a bulletin and keep posted on these extra specials. Every item in the store will bear a tag with the sale price thereon, so you can readily see tlic money-saving opportunities this sale oiFers. Your good judgment should therefore ad vise you to buy of everything as lib erally as you possibly can and so for tify yourself against a future of hih living costs. All Goods in This Sale, despite the Reduced Prices, carry our regular assurance of Satisfaction. It is simply that we need to clear our shelves and turn Surplus Goods into Money in Thirteen Days Time. Curtains, Scrims or Draperies makes the whole house look like new! Improve the looks' of your rooms and add the touch of co.iness and "hemcyness." by the uce of new hangings. There is a splendid variety of patterns and materials in this dis play each combination offering interesting suggestions for "making over" some room of the house. Prices bear favor r.ble comparison with those to be found anvwhere else in the citv. After Inventory Sale of Furs! many very beautiful models! This sale of furs is a bit of news that will be welcomed by all women in this territory who still have furs to buy. Furs are such an important accessory this season from a fashion standpoint, that we know of no women who will not want to wear furs now at these prices. The sale features collars, muffs and sets in many kinds of pelfs. Floor Coverings! 1 in g'ood variety. In this Clearing Sale you may choose from our regular stock of Rugs, Carpets, Linoleum, Etc., Etc. Excellent se lections of colors and patterns. And they are especially o and temptingly priced considering their high quality. There is room in your home to profitably use-such values as these. Women's Gloves, Hosiery, Neckwear, Etc. at clearing prices! ' ' You will undoubtedly find in our large and varied lines of tiiese dress accessories the very fashionable effect which you have been looking for, and could not find. Everything needed to round out women's wardrobe is here in a wide variety at Clearing Sale prices. , Plaitsmouth DOvEl Sm ill p Nebraska