The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 21, 1918, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Che plattsrnoutb lournal
Ittrd t P5it.ffU- at FUttimouth. Nb- a co-olaa mill rattr
R. A. BATES, Publisher
The more snow the more wheat.
Take vour medicine and don't
It pays to be loyal to your coun
try's flag.
If we saved what we spent on
folly we'd be rich.
:o: i
There are more calloused tongues
than calloused hands in the world.
:o; i -
Many married men boast that they
do as they please, but not one in a
million dees.
Apparently the Germans will be
much more impressed with what we
hare to say after we have proved to
them that we can fight.
Not withstanding the severe winter
weather we believe there has been
very little suffering among the poor
people of Plattsmouth for the real
necessaries of life.
Now. brother, just who do vou
think is the prettiest girl in this
town? There are several who think
they are. but fine clothes don't make
a beautiful girl by a long shot.
"God help the allies when the j
mighty llindenburg strikes!" That
saj ing has a familiar ring, and come .
to think about it. we've been hearing
it over since the days just before Ver
dun. :o:
A great many men encourage their
wives" curiosity, either because they
are curious themselves, or in the
hope that the wives will be turned
to salt like Lot's wife there is no
telling which.
Hill Maupin says if Uncle Sam
contemplates the abandonment of
any army camp, he hopes he begins
with Camp Cody. Will Maupin
ought, to know, he has been down
to inspect that rendezvous.
Alo he may generally be put down
as a good patriot who docs not try
to go all through the winter, on
the reputation acquired in his neigh
borhood by shoveling the first snow
fall from his sidewalk last Novem
ber. :o:
Every family has a skeleton In
the closet, it is said. Leave it there,
but take your "white elephant" to
the ladies of the Council cf Defense.
They are going to sell these. "ani
mals" and use the money for war
Hoover is going to draw our na
tional belt up tighter, and the real
pinch is expected to come this spring.
One may escape most of the pain of
this operation by substituting sus
jnders for his belt. These suspend
ers may be raised in any back yard
The fool aumnnstration has re
quested that all churches, lodges,
clubs, etc to dispense with the serv
ing of refreshments at their meet
ings. Now- if the members of these
various orders will cut out the "eats"
and lay aside their fancy work and
devote their time to lied Cross and
refucee relief work they will be
jaaking a fair showing of thir pat
Ho v's This ?
offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine
u.,v. r-nrart-h Medicine haa been taken
tir catarrh sufferers for the past thirty
fire rears, and has become known as the
roost reliable remedy for Catarrh HaU'a
iitarrh Medinlne acts thru the B!ood I on
the Mucosa rurfae. expe.l Ins -the Pol-
moa from the iJiooa anu :iw""s "
frZX-V'r-v. tken Hall's Catarrh
iled'eia- for a rfcort thro you will see a
Sll - lV.praven.ent in your general
FT tth rt takirs Half Cttarrh Medi
!Te c d ot rtd of catarrh. Send
ror t--a ToSito one.
Soli ty' all D.-usrrfsts. 75c.
f Kin tnrxnex
Wheat is looking good.
Criticism is all right in its place.
A war graft is something present
ed in the name of patriotism.
Tco much politics in congress, and
every fellow for himself.
IU appears that not all the Bol
sheviki are located in Ruesia.
And thus we find it written again:
That man shall not live by wheat
bread alone.
The greatest shortage in this
rcountry during the war is the short
age of common sense.
Notwithstanding the adage, it is
the pot and the kettle which are
constantly wrangling.
The mail service has been on the
bum for many weeks. Trains been
running late and the usual good ser
vice is being badl- missed.
High Schools in various parts of
the country are debating the ques
tion, "Which is easier, to get a boy
to bed at night or up in the morn.
It obviously was alcyig in line with
the popular feeling that nothing is
too good for soldiers that the govern-
ment decided candy
was bad for
There is this comfort Germany is
as worried over the vagaries of the
Bolshevik! as we are. And besides,
we are in better shape to worry than
Germany is.
The Breslauer Volkswacht has dis
covered that the Americans are com
ing. It had been suspected the cen
sorship couldn't conceal the fact from
Germany much longer
There must be something to that
divine right business after all. No
people on earth would go barefoot
and freeze and starve to keep a self
made man on the throne.
The name of Bismark, North Da
kota, is to be changed to Wilson, but
no movement has so far been started
to change the name of German
measles to Wilson measles.
The soldier reported recently from
Camp Funston as sharing his tent
with a mule has never been heard
of since. It is sincerely hoped that
this is another case of no news is
good news.
;o; . -
Papers all over the state report
that the political pot is beginning to
boil. And since the candidates all
are avowed patriots and conserva
tionists, it must be the burning of
campaign cigars which caused it.
America is probably as pure a de
mocracy as there is, but even the
America business man has no
voice in the supreme council of cus
tom cutters. Why not overthrow a
few style makers, and restore to the
American his old trousers, in which
he could sit down with perfect confi
dence? -:o:-
"Keep silence. Hold your tongues."
This is the terse command of Senator
Ollie James to the members of the
"greatest deliberative body in the
world" Thursday. He deplored criti
cism of our war machinery, investi
gation into its workings, as calcu
lated only to help and encourage the
kaiser. Leave it to 'the president,
was his advice. Let there rest upon
him all the burden, all the responsi
bility. Let him alone do the watch
ing, the thinking, the planning. If
anyone 'else speaks it only "shakes
the ropes;" it serves no other person
but to "annoy' him.
There are many member's of con
gress who are merely politicians;
that and nothing: more. They have
other trades. They are able fo hold
their places through politics, and
their only hope is to hold (hat way.
It seems -many would have the war
continue to give them' political ad
vantage They would surrender a
few of them if that gave them po
litical advantage. JThe wrangle that
has been going on the pa6t month ia
evidence of the charge made. Mem
bers of congress seek to divert the
attention of the people and to create
dissatisfaction with the manner in
which the war is being prosecuted.
With some of them, democrats and
republicans alike, they seem to care
nothing about winning, or ending,
the war. They support the presi
dent when it is popular to do so.
They oppose him.when they think it
may be to their political advantage.
Their criticism or condemnation is
ventured only with the ballot box
in view. There is coming a day of
reckoning for the congressman or the
senator who is playing politics. It
will not make any difference whether
the man is a democrat or a republi
can. When the people come to realize
that he has been or is playing poli
tics, he will "meet up" against a
stone wall. The best time for poli
tics is after the war is over the
politicians can too easily be "spotted
now". Fremont Herald.
Politics should not be considered
in our choosing a man to succeed
Senator Norris. What we want is a
man to back up this government,
whether he be democrat, republican
or whatnot Several candidates are
coming forth on each side, the most
conspicious on the republican side
is Congressman Sloan from our own
district. From his past record we
fail to see where we would be much
ahead in exchanging Norris for
Sloan. True, he has not be,etj quite
so outspoken against the administra
tion as has Norris but ie was among
the few congressmen to vote against
the war program of the president
and has failed lamentably to sup
port the administration in the whole
hearted manner that we should ex
pect from a true American. No
there is a whole lot better senatorial
timber in Nebraska than the Geneva
statesman. Let's trot them out.
Garrison News.
Volunteers for an army has been
the pet theory of the British for gen
erations. They gloried in it and de
clared that there was no conscrip
tion for an Englishman in any part
of the world. They relied upon it
when the present war broke out and
pointed with pride to the hundreds
of thousand of men who had volun
teered. The United States inherited
the theory from England and Lin
coln tried to fight the civil war with
volunteers. Both England and Lin
coln failed and had to resort to con
scription. It was found that the
volunteer system not only failed to
furnish the men, but made a very
unfair distribution of the burden of
defending the country. Of all the
democratic countries in the world,
France was the only one that main
tained compulsory military service,
and that probably saved mankind
from autocratic rule.
The United States while welcom
ing volunteers did not rely on that
system, but provided immediately af
ter the declaration of war for a se
lective draft. If England bad had
such a law a3 that when the war
broke out, and -srhich it was forced
to adopt after heavy losses, the mili
tary situation would be far different
today. When men declare that the
selective draft is the first step to
ward Prussianising this country it is
pretty evident that they .would Prus
sianize the whole world If they could,
for without such a system in demo
cratic countries a military autocracy
would soon conquer the world. When
militarism is destroyed and there is
a league of nations to preserve
peace, there may not be any necessity
for compulsory military service. Un-
I til that, time it is the only - saf e-
In the humble opinion of a good
many Americans, it is getting about
time to maUo an example of German
gpies. The worst that has yet been
done with them is to give them nice
ccmfortablc quarters in an intern-
in;nt camp. This country is now at
war, and the sooner we adopt the us
ual war methods the quicker the war
will be over. Fairbury News.
:o: .
From all reports, the bolshevik!
are laying the foundation for a reign
of terror similar to what occurred
in France. For weeks there has been
no reliable news from Russia. One
copy of jx late newspaper has come
through from which the following is
The present amount of Russian
paper money is estimated by the
Izvestia at IS, 000, 000,000 rubles as
against 1,633.000,000 before the
wcr. The xgold reserve, placed at j
1,004,000,000 rubles before the war,
is now much smaller. This paper
also estimates that Russia's nation-
al debt is now about SO, 000, 000, 000
rubles, of which 41,000,000,000
rubles represent war expenses. Prices j
of manufactured articles have
creased thirty to forty times.
It is also said that the bolsheviki
and the red guards are more feared
than the police and gendarmes of the
old regime. Domiciliary arrests and
searches are carried out constantly,
everything useful being appropriated.
Checks cannot be cashed and banks
are in charge of inexperiences clerks
under command of the bolsheviki.
Bank deposits are restricted to $12,
500 and proof that this sum was
honestly obtained must be furnished.
Loans are to be annulled and shares
certificates are to be destroyed as so
much rubbish.
The Russians generally are a
peaceful people and there may not
be as much blood shed as during
the "Reign of Terror" in Paris, but
something is going to happen before
leng. In all of the books on the so
cialist philosophy, there can be
found nothing on the functions of
money, banking or credit, beyond a
proposition to demonetize gold and
silver and issue labor certificates,
and yet money is one thing that
makes civilization possible.: World
Herald. :o:
Plan your garden now.
Buy Thrift Stamps and be patriot
When in doubt, kick the doubt
aside and push ahead.
The man who poses as a model citi
zen is usually the biggest fake in
Many a mother is like a candle,
lighting the whole house, but con
suming herself.
An exchange says burial in flour
will keep silver bright for a long
time. II 11, take silver we want
the flour.
"Owner foils effort to steal auto
during church'service". Again dem
onstrating the virtue of staying
awake in church.
Every true pessimist knew all
along that the pleasant weather early
in the week was merely the forerun
ner of something disagreeable.
Austria is said to'detest Germany.
However, as wc understand it, Ger
many doesn't mind what Austria
thinks so long as it performs.
1 i :;
Before starting to abuse your
neighbor, hadn't you better takc a
little inventory and see what kind of
a neighbor you are yourself.
For Infants and Children
In Uso ForOvcr 30 Years
.Always bears
guard for democracy,
Wc have been accustomed to think
of the, "yellow peril" in times past
as referring to the Asiastics and the
fear that this type of. people were
flocking to our shoes in numbers too
great for the safety of certain locali-
ties and that their privileges should
be abridged. In the present great
crisis in th world's affairs we are
' confronted by the "yellow peril" in
another form that of the yellow
paint peril. The danger, does not lie
in the paint itself, but rather in the
minds cf men who have devised uses
for it that may imperil the peace and
dignity and unity of entire communi
ties, and through the use of which
j perfectly good,, upright and loya
citizens may be made to suffer humil
iation at the hands of individuals
who do not measure up to this same
standard themselves. Its use in i
community, although perhaps right
ly applied from the viewpoint of
those who do it, opens the way for
irresponsibles to commit the same
kind of act and feel secure in the
apparent sanction of the popular
voice. Such irresponsible action
I might lead to the most serious condi
j tiens, even in a law abiding commun
I it y and generally speaking, cannot
lead to permanent good. Therein
lies the peril; not in the fact that
j some one has been made a public
mark by the application cf yellow
paint to their business house or
Aurora had its first visitation of
the yellow paint peril sometime be
tween last Saturday night and Sun
day morning. The Sun has not the
remotest knowledge as to who the
parties are who applied this paint to
the business houses in Aurora. We
are glad that ve do not know, be
cause we can express our views in
the matter without having any par
ticular individual in mind and with
out the least personal bias in the
premises. We do not approve of the
yellow paint method in the major
ity cf cases at least, and in making
our position known we feel that we
cave mil right so to speak, since
everything which we possess in the
world, including our sons, is at the
service of our country on call. And
m this same connection we state
just as emphatically that we do net
apologize for nor condone the action
cf any physically fit and unincumber
ed young man in attempting to evade
service fo his country at this time
There should be full and ample rea
son and not merely a technical rea-
man should seek shelter from the re
sponsibilities which his citizenship
imposes. Financial reasons alone are
not sufficient, because thousands of
men everywhere are making the
greatest of financial sacrifice that
their country may be victorious.
Eliminating the principals at
whom the act cf Saturday night was
aimed and dispensing with any
argument as to the right cr wrong of
their position, let us consider the
others who were indirectly made the
target. In one of the cases the part
ner in the business is the senior
member of the firm; he is a married
man and is above the conscription
age. His wife has been active in Red
Cross and other war work, and so far
as this paper knows this family has
shirked no responsibility that lias
come to it. In the cither case the
partner is also the senior member of
the firm and a man of unquestioned
loyalty and devotion to the cause of
his country. His only unmarried son
is in the service of the country new
and went into that service with phy
sical handicaps that might easily
have exempted him had he chosen -to
ask for exemption. These men are
not in Una to merit discourtesy from
their fellow men, nriich less to have
indignity and insult huried at them
because in a measure they share in
the sting of such attack, no matter
how well the public may understand
what was meant by Uiis action. These
men do not deserve it.
Let U3 in the best of spirit and
with only patriotic motive in mind,
seek to correct those who may be
trying to evade plain duty, but let
us not in so doing cemmit any act
that may bring regret or humilia
tion to those (o whom theue do not
belong As good Americans let us ob- !
oSjfet Contents 15Fluid Drccfonj
Bin w
lc&U-h' alcohol-;; pen cent.
tM r&f
B?r.l! otr OiKmaa8.""
,C C.,n'rani;(c Sf2
? :
t1s. ; Loss of
V-5 1 ! i "' a
c Wrapper.
serve those rules of "daylight" pat
riotism that do not permit the strik
ing of innocent men in the dark.
This is Aurora's first experience in
this regard Let us beware of the
yellow paint peril in the future.
Aurora (Xcb.) Sun.
No doubt mo?t of us have heard it
urged that Germany was more demo
cratic than the United States, or
that the president is a bigger auto
crat than the kaiser.
It is a proposition that received
frequent, vociferous and spiteful
affirmation a few months ago.
When the strikes broke out at Ber
lin recently the w6rld was given an
object lesson in the quality of tho
democracy of Prtissianism. The gov-
eminent flatly gave it out that the
strike must stop instantcr.
"This strike is stepped," proclaim
ed the army heads. "If any of ycu
have not found it out tomorrow morn
ing you will face the firing squad."
And so that strike, participated in
as it was by a people made desper
ate by starvation, subsided in a
It is only by remembering the big
strikes precipitated at critical mo
f siiuii:: l:na'.cFcc4 ly RaU
k&m I rirlheSvdcnndCcrcjsof
t .l.Tm T--.rrzztv'xr.E
XIX ;y I .. :-J;r.-.:rn;. Nov Aco
i . : , ; -- -
n-.'.nmrnutcSoUti I 1 I
i . k &
1 .To Infants and Children.
Oenuing Gastoria
Bears the
Signature J?
I fit' ft . hi
For Over
Thirty Years
u u. mm fcal
ments ih this country, involving war
industries, and threatening the na
tional welfare, and how the govern
ment patiently set about to allay
the trouble by persuasive mediation
between employer and employe, that
on can understand the difference be
tween the American and German
brand of democracy.
Of courre the American method of
allaying threatening strikes in war
time is not as efficient and expedi
tious as the Prussian method, but
it, did the business, despite German
propaganda, and is eminently demo
cratic. Lincoln Star.
We will excuse the Armenians if
they fail to wear sack cloth and
ashes over the death of old Abdul
Hamid, ex-sultaii of Turkey.
:o: .
Bolo Tasha's first wife is said to
be the only friend he has left. Only
an idict would expect all his wives
to agree on anything.
There are charges of extravagance
in building the Hog Island ship
yards. But what could you expect at
Hog Island?
Of course, the efficacy of municipal
ownership depends on who owns the
municipality. s
aft KeQpyourhionGy
State Bank