The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 14, 1918, Image 1

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No. 69.
Innocent Young Single Couple Vic
tims of Their Treaclierv
X.&5 i,
From Tuesday's Daily.
-Miss ilillebranu. a popular young
lady el Plattsmouth. and Mr. Webb,
one of the linotype operators on the
Journal, were given the surprise of
their "young" lives last evening
when they were victims of a ueil
plar.iud, well-concealed plot at the
hands of thirtien couples of their
married friends. Su well were the
plans camouflaged that as the vic
tims were taken singly and sepa
rately to the M. W. A. hall, where
I ho crowd had gathered, by design
ing friends on smooth pretenses
evolve:! in the ferule minds of the
cunning wives and husbands, the
diil not even then "tumble" to the
situation until the twentv-five or
more in waiting for them sprang
from behind closed doors with laugh
ter and yells.
The Kroehler orchestra, which
plays for the dances given hy the
Amusu Married Folks Dancing club,
of which Miss Ilillebrand and Mr.
Webb are the only single members,
had been engaged to play and were
mi hand ready to begin. Before the
young couple had recovered from
the shock of such surprise as had
been thrust upon them, the word
was passed "On with the dance." and
to the strains of excellent music fur
nished by this promising young or
chestra of T'luttsirouth, dancing be
gan at about nine o'clock and con
tinued until the wee small hours.
At eleven o'clock the tables in the
adjoining dining hall were spread
and the ensemblage sat down to par
take of a most delicious luncheon
of sandwiches, pickles, coffee and
doughnuts. When all had done them
selves justice to this fine repast,
cigars were pushed to the men and
just as the honored guests cf the
evening were settling down to fur
ther enjoyment, they were doomed to
ee:i greater surprise. Mr. Webb war
called io his feet, and although pre
pared in mind to make the custo
mary little speech he expected would;
be demanded of hini on thi occasion,
ho was completely flabergasted when
chief of Police Wm. Barclay stepped
forward and addressed him on behalf
o: the crowd, presenting him at the
.same time with a beautiful wrist
watch of military design, to be worn
when he is inducted into the nation-'
al arjy at no far distant date, ad
lm.iiishing him to keep inviolate and
upperm-jr. the principles of Liberty
and Democracy, v.r.d expressing the
confidence of the friends there as
!;."mbled that he would meet the sit
uation aright Mid. along with the
thousands of other young men of the
country, do his part in the mainte
nance of right and the? overthrow
of autocracy. Tears swelled the eyes
t f many and it was with no small
cl.'ort that Mr. Webb pulled himself
together to make reply to the well
wishes of his friends so freely given.
Later the company adjourned to
the ball room and continued the
j leas ant dance through the hours
that followed each other almost like
minutes and it was nearly two
o'clock before anyone seemed to
think of. moreover want to go home.
By way of an appropriate good
night, Jack Ledgeway played bugle
call on his cornet while all stood at
From Tuesday's Daily.
R. B. Windham of this city has
a letter from his son. Ben, who is
on a naval ship, saying that he was
out of port for nine weeks, and that
he had left port on December 23rd,
and that during the time that there
was a storm for twenty-three days.
The letter which came from Norfolk,
Virginia, said Ben was well, had en
joyed good health with the exception
of an occasional spell of sea sickness
on account of the extremely rough
seas encountered. He had made two
trips -without having gotten t land,
thfc destination was not siven. He
says that one of the petty officers who
j had been 2S years in the service,
said that the storm at its climax was
the worst he had ever seen. Ben
himself described the storm as the
j grandest sight he had ever witnessed,
the waves running as high as the
bluffs along the .Missouri river. He
is in receipt of many Christmas pres
ents and much mail which ho will
answer when lie gets time.
From Wednesday's Iailv.
The Woodmen Circle lodge met in
regular session, at their lodge rooms
last evening, there being a large
number of the members in attend
ance. Considerable business was
transacted, after which three new
members were initiated into the
mysteries of this lodge. Another
ft-ature of business was that of pur
chasing war stamps to the amount
cf $r,o. which was a most patriotic
move and one of the steps toward
winning the war. The ladies are
well pleased at the growth of the
lodge and are especially pleased with
the untiring efforts of Mrs. Droege.
in securing and having members for
initiation at each meeting, as well as
always having the interest of the so
ciety and its welfare at all times.
From Wednesday's Dailv.
Years since W. H. Seybert and
wife adopted Mathew G. Dennison
as their son, who lived with them
until he became of age. and then
later enlisted in the U. S. Xavy,
where he has now served three
terms. At the en dof the second term
cf four years, and having been away
fcr eight years, he returned and
visited with the Seybert family, for
near a week, then returned and
re-enlisted, serving another four
years which has just terminated. He
had expected to hare taken a vaca
tion before re-enlistlng but the urg
ent need of men. caused him to de
cide to not come home this time.
About a year ago he sent a check of
$75.00 for the purchase of a diamond
for his foster sister Honor Seybert,
at the time saying that when the
other children's birthday,,., dropped
around he would remember them as
well. Today Mr. Seybert received a
letter from Mr. Dennison enclosing
$75.00 for each of the other children
Francis and William Jennings Sey
bert for each of them a diamond
ring. Mr. Dennison was at New
York when he sent the letter with
the enclosure.
From Wednesday's Daily.
R. W. Young who has been at the
home of his sister Mrs. C. It. Troop
in this city for some time since leav
ing the hospital at Omaha, where he
was for a number of months, being
treated for a broken hip is getting
along nicely, being able to get about
on crutches, but still having some
trouble by reason of his limb not be
ing strong enough to sustain his
weight. He hopes with the contin
ued improvement to be able to throw
the crutches, away some time in the
From Monday's Daily.
Inasmuch as Assistant Secretary
of Agriculture, Carl F. Vrooman, has
stated that, "The County Agents
constitute American agriculture's
first line of defense," and Secretary
of Agriculture, David Houston, states
that. "In the present war, he has
been ready to meet the emergency
and to concentrate all rural forces
and organizations in working out the
great problems of food production
and food conservation," end Con
gress, in recognition of his value as
a local leader, has provided funds
for the immediate extension of this
system to evers agricultural county
in the United States, the Nebraska
State Council of Defense urges all
State officers, organizations, and in
dividuals to assist the Government
and the State in accomplishing this
Worst Winter In Tears.
Snow, w-ind and extreme cold caus
ed mere colds this winter than in
years. Foley's Honey and Tar prov
ed its worth in thousands of homes.
Mrs. Edward Strevy, R. 37, Clinton,
O., sayn: "I think Foley's Honey
and Tar is the only medicine for
coughs and colds and reewmxaead tfc
highly l4oe for tfhfJSrtm. Sold j
everywhere. '
Writes Sister Here His Impressions
of Amy Life "Over There."
Say Tobacco Scarce.
From Tuesday's Daily.
John A. Doyle, a brother of
Mrs. Frank Rauen of this city,
and who himself lived here for
many years and is known by a
lot of Plattsmouth people, has
written his sister and family a
letter from France, where he
is seeing service with the Amer
ican Expeditionary Force, tell
ing of some of his experiences
in the war zone. Mr. Doyle
gives a graphic description of
the mode and habits of living
of the French people, which
i he has had occasion to observe
and we reproduce his letter be
; low for the benefit of our read
j er6. It -was written January 1st.
Dear Sister and Family :
I thought to write uiiil tell you all
is well. I hear from Maggie all th
time; she is well and getting along
all right, but is awful lonesome. I
had a good Christmas and a happy
New Year dinner. Last night we had
a hot time singing and raising the
deuce, bringing in the new year. We
all had in mind the folks at home in
our cngs and jokes.
I will be gosh darned if I did not
lofie the letter telling of Lily's hus
band's name. I told Maggie to send
her some present ; I hope she will get
it without any trouble with the rev
enue laws. How Is Pete? I have
not heard from him for some time.
We all received Red Cross pack
ages ana Christmas presents rrom
the good people of the United States.
That was the only present many a
boy received, to spread the news all
you caa to all who are engaged in
trying to make other people happy.
You should see the soldier smile
when he received his package, and
the older the soldier the broader the
smile. They all bestowed a blessing
on the sender of the package and
will endeavor to send their thanks
personally to thoe whose thought
fulness of them has been so mani
fest. Next year the same soldier may
not be here to receive the gift.
We received several donations of
tobacco from New York and they
came in mighty handy, as most of
the boys are endeavoring to purchase
one, two, three and some four Lib
erty bonds. Of course the bonds
when paid for will come to them hut
the majority are willing them to
their sweethearts, their mothers or
some one else. Most of the men have
allotted money of their earnings to
their mothers or their wives. This
is not like it was in the former wars
when the soldier drew all his money
and blowed it in the same night.
Here now every man is fit as a fiddle
and anxious to do his bit, and is
prepared for anything which may
come. Everything is mapped out for
the occasion whatever it may be that
can happen and, like the French
soldier, we will stick to the last
ditch. We fraternize with the jolly
French soldier, and it would make
you split your sides to see us trying
to talk to each other.. We mingle
and mix with one another and talk
Pigeon French and "County Sligo."
and when we put on eur vaudeville
you should hear them laugh. They
are a laughing people anyway, and
nothing seems to prevent them from
laughing, even in the face of the
worst reverses.
Tell Eva not to get discouraged
because I am slow writing, and that
she will be slow when she is my
age. I never hear from Maggie. Is
she too high toned to write? How
is Rose and baby? I suppose Dor
othy will soon be a big girl. How is
Frank; is his health good? He cer
tainly is a sticker on the job. I will
have my picture sent in a few days.
I wieh you ajl a happy New- Yffar.
Jy.V A.. OTLE.
t-rm Tuesday's Dally.
Dr. Zercher, who but a short time
since disposed of her practice in this
city to Dr. Leopold of Fairbury, and
who is here now ready for practice
and coming with the best of recom
mendations, from the place where he
formerly practiced, and with also the
best of success to his credit, will
leave here for a visit at her former
home at Topeka. Kansas. Dr. Zerch
er goes to her former Kansas home
for the purpose of meeting her broth
ers John and Joseph Zercher. who
are home for a short time before go
ing to the service in the army.
Dr. Zercher will later go to Web
ster Grave. Mo., which is about fifty
miles southwest of St. Louis, where
she will enter practice.
In a successor to Dr. Zercher it
would have been difficult to have
gotten one better equipped for the
position than is Dr. Leopold.
From Wednesday's Dnllv,
Miss Ada Knhn of Lincoln, coming
from the state offices of Nebraska,
was in the city yesterday and visited
the county farm just west of the city,
making an exhaustive inquiry as to
the conduct of the farm. The al
lignment of the work done, the
amount raised, the arrangement of
the home, and in general all that
pertains to the conduct of the farm,
in all its details. When the recruits
have beu. the number of this mak
ing their home at the county farm
the manner of caring for and hous
ing them, the cost per person for
care, the receipts, and all things con
nected with the conduct of the coun
ty farm. After having made the ex
amination and figured a percentage
of efficiency said that cut of the
ninety, one county so far examined
this county of Cass, showed the best
i'ariu conducted and had the highest
percent of efficiency.
My finely improved eighty acre
farm, 'four miles south of the Platts
mouth city postoffiee. For particu
lars and easy terms, apply to Major
Hall. Owner.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Last evening Leo. Stan wood of
Omaha, a young lad giving his ag
ariously from fourteen to eighteen
jeurs of age dropped off a south
bound Missouri Pacific train, for a
rest on his way to the large ranches
cf Texas, where he had an idea he
would like to punch cows. The offi
cers here gathered him in, and kept
him in the jail during the night.
When questioned he said his fath
er lived in Omaha, and was a car
penter giving his address, when he
was telephoned, said send the boy
home and he would be given another
trial. This morning Sheriff Quinton
took Leo to the Burlington station
and furnishing a ticket, sent him
back to Omaha.
From Wednesday's Daily.
James Rainey, who has been in
the west for the past few days re
turned this afternoon from Grant,
in Perkins county, where he has
been looking after some business and
reports that things are looking fine
out that way. In going out he left
here while there was a covering of
snow on the ground, but said that
snow ran out at about Grand Island.
James says that the wheat is looking
fine in the west growing and looking
green like spring. With nothing to
prevent from this out he looks for a
fine crop in the west.
Women Want the Best.
Woman is more finely constructed
than man and she requires the best
to be had in medicines when her sys
tem becomes disordered. Foly's Kid
ney Pills help the kidneys cleanse the
blood of impurities that cause aches
and pains in muscles and joints, hack-
ache, rheumatic pains and puffness
under eyes. Sold everywhere.
Send me your subscriptions to the
Omaha Daily News. "New or Re
newals" and help me win the Crow
Elkhart Touring car. I get special
votes until Feb. 15"tb. C. L- Pitt--sr&n,
Tlattsmoutb. Neb. l?.-ytdlt w
Subscribe for the Jmuual.
Training; Not Compulsory but Many
Will Avail Themselves of the
Opportunity Offered.
From Tuesday's Dailv.
The Journal is in receipt of
the following bulletin address
ed to selected men in Classes
one and two, sent out by the
State board lor Vocational
Training, at ' Lincoln, wherein
the Hoard proposes to offer a
varied list of courses of train
ing to the.e men. by way of
rendering a patriotic service
and aiding the men to step iu-
to higher positions as they may
show themselves worthy. This
taper has given space before to
this laudilde enterprise, and is
glad at this time to further
the cause by reproducing the
letter of the State Board, as the
time is most opportuue for lhe
entering of our young meu upon
such a course. The bulletin and
rules governing enrollment are
accordingly given below.
The Government needs urgently,
for army service, technicians and
mechanics of almost every kind. In
ii5. emergency the A-ny Authorii-
it; have placed upor Svte Boards of
Vocational Lducation the tesponsi
bllity cf providing through the
"ohotds of the country short courses
in the trades and industries" lor ad
ditional training of selected men
who are already somewhat proficient
in some needed line of work.
Workmen like the following are
called for: Auto and gas engine men,
truck drivers, blacksmiths. book
keepers, carpenters, concrete work
ers, draftsmen, engineers of all kinds,
foundry men. linemen, machinists,
nurses, pattern makers, plumbers,
surveyors, radio and wireless opera
tors. The above list only suggests
the variety of trained men needed.
The Nebraska State Board has
been assured by the Chancellor that
the University is willing and eager
to render a patriotic service by of
fering as many courses as possible.
In order to make the necessary prep
aration, the University must know
nrnroximatelv at the earliest possi-
- - . .
ble moment how many men will
take advantage of the offer and what
. . i ri
fnurses win oe caneu ior. i ne
courses will begin soon and continue
tii nit nnnliriitns are trained, or
the emergency no longer exists.
Certain rules will govern the en
rollment in classes:
1 Uri rolniet. t is limits! t' selert-
f men in Classes I and II wl:n wv j
passer! the exam;ii.;:;'"ri. jrrl
who have some haekfirroim-t ot i-ie-
vioiis experience as well hs a'.'ihty
neeessurv to unntruiKe in.. wori
(21 Iensth of lerni depend upon
the ability and application of the man.
3) Course of instruction :; tree,
but men will pay their own personal
4 I Nitrlit as well as day
li:;. v lie orKiUiized.
( .". No one is required l- take this
t as A man who attend? these class
es will he Riven a .statement to be
taken to the cantonment as evidence
of work he has done in preparation
for an occupation which the army
(7 Names of men in classes will
he tiled with the Army Authorities,
who will see to it that when men
reach the cantonments thev will he as
signed to appropriate duties. The fact
of this additional training insures tkat
a man will be assigned to work tor
which he lias made special preparation.
Watch the papers for further an
nouncements and pass the word
From Wednesday's Daily.
Mr. Hildebrand, who is conducting
the income tax school at the court
house, last evening received a letter
from Judge Loomis. in which Mr.
Loomis said that the work was so
great in volume, that it would be im
possible for him to get away from
the office to come to Plattsmouth for
the address on the tax, notwithstand
ing he "would hav liked to bav done
so. There was a meetios ol busjnees
rae and 90vs TarRBrs Us eviroiaf
nt the cmirt h.ofu.B, t rwlalCh, JXO
Hildebram'd pek, eBduetiff the
classes as heretofore. The school
was held today, during the morniug
and the afternoon, which concluded
them for this place. Mr. Hildebrand
departed this afternoon for Papillion.
where he will open a school for
lime at that place, in order that all
may have an opportunity to become
acquainted with the workings of the
From Wedriesdiiv's Dailv.
The agricultural college connected
with the state university, have been
furnishing books for farm bookkeep
ing, they having been provided by
the legislature funds for the sup
plying of .",000 copies of a book
which adapted for the purpose, hav
ing been especially designed and
manufactured for that purpose The
demand for the books have been so
reat, that the supply Las been ex
hausted, and still there is a demand
for the books, there is now one thous
and orders which are waiting to be
filled. As the funds have been ex
hausted for thiti item. it wjll be
necessary for the enclosing of fifteen
cents when ordering here after. All
can receive a copy of the book which
is self explanatory, and in which i
anyone ca.n keep his accounts and
at the end of the vear vou will know
where you are at, by making request
at the Farm Management Demon
strations University Farm, Lincoln.
Nebraska and enclosing the price. 1 :
rrom Wednesday's Daily.
Mrs. Inez Stenner departed this
morning for Omaha, where she goes
to visit with her daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Clarence Stenner, who is s.t a
hospital at that place, recovering
from an operation, through which
she was compelled to undergo some
time since. Mrs. Clarence Stenner
is progressing nicely and it is hoped
she will be so she can" return home
in the nr?r future.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Mrs. Clarence Cotner departed this
morning for Omaha, where she will
visit with her husband at the Ford
Hospital, where he is being treated
for injuries reoeived in the Burling
ton shops some time since, and to
which treatment be is responding
nicely now and is making more sat
isfactory progress than at any time
From tWUncsdav's Dailv.
Mrs. E. S. Setz departed this mor
ning tor Lincoln, where she will
visit with her parents. A. II. Van-
landingham aud wife of that city.
They formerly made their home at
I X7n c-1 a Kilt vt a1 "S F i -t r s 1 n rwn
i ".uu iv i.iu-u
two weeks since. Mrs. Yaclauding
ham has not been feeling well for
some days past ana Her aaugnter
goes to see her.
Two tires 32x4. also tire case.
number and tail light, that the own
er may have by calling at thi office
and paying for this ad.
Subscribe for the Journal.
This is the Time for Every
Citizen to Support the United
States Government.
Many are doing so at considerable cost or sacrifice
to themselves.
We have joined the Federal Reserve Banking Sys
tem established by the Government to give greater
financial stability and strength to the member banks
and protection to their depositors. You can give
your support to this great Government enterprise
National Bank
United States Depository
And May Not Ee if Enlistments are
Credited on Current Quota
Next Draft to Get 'Em
Fiom Monday's Iai!e.
The State Headquarters of the Se
lective draft service at Lincoln, has
Issued a bulletin under date of the
Sth. inst., wherein they warn iue;i
against quitting their jobs just ye:.
because they may happen to be in.
the lower list of men of class one.
The bulletin read.-:
In reply 10 a telegram from tips
Office to the Provost Marshal Gener
al, calling attention tu the fact that
the newspapers v. ere statins; tUr
our deferred contingent of current
quota had been called but that this
office had not yet received order
relatives thereto. Genera! t'rowder
'No call for deferred percen
tage of Nebraska quota has been
"Under th circumstances, we take
this to mean that Nebraska will u--:
at this time be called upon to send
the 15 per cent. There is a rumor
that enlistments and voluntary in
ductions from Nebraska are being
credited upon our current quota au 1
if such is the case, it is possible that
the 15 per cent will never be call
ed. You should therefore see. to it
that men in this 1T per cent do not
give up their jobs or quit work at
their present occupation until e
get something more definite about
the matter.
Fr'ori Wedrda v's Dailv.
Mrs. S. W. Dutton, of Riverside.
Calif., arrived in the city this after
noon and is visiting with old tim
friends, being the guest of Miss Mar
garet Hodgert while in the c:ty. Mr.
Dutton lived here many years ago
and departed for the west, where
she has made her home for seme ;ime.
Mrs. Duttcn is the mother of John
Dutton of Omaha, aud also Mrs. C.
A. Richey of Omaha.
From Wed.iesdav's Dailv.
Frank Warren and wife departed
this morning for Omaha, where they
go to brine their little son Allen
Warren, home who has been receiv
ing treatment for some time for a
nervous affliction. The little fellow
has been making very satis.factory
improvement for some time and is
now so that be is able to return
home aud will be entirely restored
to health it is hoped in a short time.
For Sale A number of white
Brahma Cockerels. Mrs. C. E. Heeb
ner. Nehawka.
and also obtain its protection
for your money by becoming
one of our depositors.