The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 11, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Mr. Farmer:
If you wish to have
security earning
interest per annum, and exempt from personal taxes
in Nebraska. See
E. P. LUTZ, Plattsmouth, Neb.
From Saturday's Daily.
A. J. Schaeffer, from east of Mur
ray, was a visitor in th3 city today,
comins to look after some business
Car! Hofaker from near :.Iynard
was a visitor in this city today
looking after some business at the
county seat.
Will Ilice of near Murray was a
visitor in this city this morning,
coming up to look after some busi
ness for the day.
W. F. Krecklov. of Louisville, was
a visitor in Plattsmouth this morn
ins, com ins to look after some busi
ness at the county seat.
Henry Sanders. of near Cedar
Creek, was a visitor in Plattsiuoutii
t hi: coining to look after
some business for the day.
Phillip Fornoff, of near Cedar
Cretk, was a visitor in this city this
morning, he having some business
to transact at the court house.
Charles Hill of South Bend, was a
visitor in this city today from his
home coming to learn the intricacies
of the law regulating the tax on in
comes. I. K., who is working at
Cedar Creek cutting wood from some
land near there, came in this morn
iv.z to visit over Sunday with home
George Doerr, of Louisville, was a
visitor in Plattsmouth this morning.
looking after tome business and at-
I will tell at my home, 1T2 miles
Wf.-t and 1 mile south of Mynard, 6
miles southwest of Plattsmouth, on
the following described property to
v. it:
6 Head of Hcrses 6
1 l ay mare, eight years old, wt.
2 bay mare, ten years old, weight
1 lay horse, three years old, weight
1 black horse, tight years old,
v-.-ight llS'.h
I black mare, smooth mouth,
weight 11S".
1 bay horse, smooth mouth, weight
14 Head of Cattle U
" cows giving milk.
." yearlings heifers.
1 heifer three years old.
Farm Implements, Etc.
One Fuller & Johnson wagon.
One old wagon.
Two hay racks.
One carriage.
Two mowers.
One riding lister.
One walking lister. t
One walking plow.
One two-section harrow.
One roller.
Or.e two-row stalk cutter.
One Hnosier seeder.
One I. H. C. four horse engine.
One buzz saw.
Or. Iluckeye cider mill.
One Clover Leaf manure spreader.
One straw- spreader.
Ore corn elevator, all complete.
One corn sheller.
One disc sharpener.
One grinding stone.
One corn grinder.
One cross cut saw.
Or.e hay stacker.
One hay rake.
Two wood stove?.
One base burner.
2Z bushels of potatoes.
One Decker & Son piano.
Sale Commerces at 10 O'clock A. M. Will be Served at Noon by
W. A. Scott.
TERMS OF SALE: All sums of $10
and under cash; on all sums over
$10 a credit of eight months will be
given, purchaser giving bankable
r--'T. bearing eight per cent inter
ol. All property must be settled for
before being removed from the
COL. W. B. YOUNG. Auctioneer.
GEO. 0. DOVEY, Clerk.
your money on mortgage
tending the income lecture at the
court house.
Miss Blanche Sayles, who is teach
ing near Cedar Creek, was a visitor
at the home of her parents, George
It. 'Sayles and wife today and will
remain over Sunday.
Theodore Stander, of near Louis
ville, was a visitor in this city to
day, coining to look after some busi
ness and to do some trading with
the Plattsmouth merchants.
LeRoy Elliott, who is living on
the J. E. Wiles farm near Cedar
Creek, was a visitor iu the city this
morning, looking after some busi
ness and visiting with his brother,
F. W. Elliott.
Will A. Cleghorn. of Louisville,
arrived in the city this morning and
is looking after some business for
the day. He is also taking some
treatments of Dr. Leopold, who is
to succeed Dr. Zercher in the near
Carl Kastenschmidt, of Louisville,
was a visitor in mis cuy touay.
coming down to look after some
matters at the court house, and to
inquire regarding an appeal taken
on his classification by the local ex
emption board.
Miss Myrtle Pariott, who is teach
ing at the Cedar Creek school, was
a visitor in the city today, coming
to attend the lecture at the office of
the county superintendent which is
being given this afternoon by Prof.
Frank S. Jean, of the Peru Normal.
C. E. Lchnes, who is employed in
Omaha at the present time came
down this morning and spent the day
in Plattsmouth and this evening went
to his old home near Cedar Creek,
where he will visit for over Sunday
and return Monday to his work at
Frm Fr'f'av's Dart-
J. G. Meisinger from Cedar Creek
was a visitor in this city today com
ing to get a line up on the income
John Busche and Jacob Tritsch
from south of Cedar Creek were look
ing after some business in the city
II. J. Kreager from west of My
nard was a visitor in this city to
day coming to look after some legal
J. L. Smith of near Nehawka was
a visitor in this city today, coming
to look after some business at the
county seat.
Miss Alice Gobelman, a cousin of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gobelman of
this city is visiting with them from
her home near Lrnion.
Sam O. Hackenberg was in this
morning from his home near Cedar
Creek driving in with a team, and
returning this afternoon.
W. D. Kellison from west of My
nard was looking after some business
in the city today having driven in
with his team this morning.
John Lloyd from southwest of
Murray was a business visitor in the
city last evening, looking after some
business at the court house.
L. W. Renner and family from
west of Murray was in this city yes
terday afternoon looking after some
business at the court house.
Mrs. Gertrude Beckner "from west
of Mynard was a passenger to Oma
ha this morning, where she is tak
ing treatment with a specialist.
George Heil from near Louisville,
was looking after some business in
the city yesterday afternoon and re
turned to his home last evening.
Clarence G. Mayfield was a visitor
in this city today, coming from his
home in Louisville to listen to the
income tax lecture at the court
Frank Ileiter and Ben Gakemeir,
from near Manley were in the city
this morning looking after some
business at the office of the county
Grover Will and Anderson Rouse
were in from the Will Farm Home
west of Mynard yesterday and was
looking after some business at the
court house.
Jacob Knr;ger from west of My-
db a ioitor in Plattsmouth
last evening, listening to the address
touching the War Tax and looking
after some other business.
Julius Hilflicker from near Cedar
Creek was a visitor in Plattsmouth
yesterday afternoon, and after hav
ing attended to the matters which
called him to town, returned home in
his car.
Edward Huston from near Union
was a visitor in this city last even
ing, having come to look after some
business in the county seat and trans
act some business with the mer
chants. Tom Tennent and Otto Spricht, of
near Louisville, were in the city yes
terday having driven in, in the after
noon to attend the income tax lecture
during the afternoon and returned
home last evening.
August Krecklow of near Mauley
the road supervisor of the portion of
the county was in the city this morn
ing looking after some business at
the court house relative to his duties
and work as an officer.
Mrs. F. H. McCarthey of Union,
who is visiting in this city at the
present with her parent's Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Swoboda, was vvjth her
mother visiting in Omaha yesterday
returning home last evening, and
Mrs. McCarthy departing for her
home at Union last night later.
, Henry Kehne and son William
Kehne, from near Weeping Water,
was in the city last evening looking
after some business and listening to
the lecture on the income tax, de
parted last evening for their home
after visiting for a short time with
Mr. Fred Kehne who is a brother
of Henry Kehne.
From Thursday's Daily.
Charles Christ weisser, from Ne
hawka was in the city this morning
attending the income tax lectures.
Harry Long of near Soufch Bend
was a. visitor in Plattsmouth yester
day and returned home last evening.
Charles Vanscoye from near Louis
ville was a visitor in this city today
looking after some business at the
court house.
George Reynolds of near old Rock
Bluffs was a visitor in Plattsmouth,
this morning attending the lectures
at the court houso.
Win. Sporrrr. frcm near .Murray
was a visitor in PLtsmouth today,
coming to look v.iivr seme business at
the court houte.
Sam Dean 'vas a vititur in Platts
mouth today from his home near La
Platte coming :o 1-jok after some
business for the d iy.
Dave Janline, vZ Louisville was a
visitor in this city this morning and
was looking rfter tome business at
the court hnvs us well.
Henry d Y".;jli:;m Stanford came
in this morning from their home at
Louisville and ere attending the lec
tures on the income tax.
George Ileil from near Cedar
Creek was a visitor in this city this
morning and v. as looking after some
business at the court house.
Ray lieavvjr. of Louisville, was i;:
Plattsmouth -yesterday and v. as look
ing after seme business during the
day, returning home last night.
James W. Terryberry was a visitor
in Plattsmouth from his home south
of Cedar Creek, and was looking af
ter some business at the county
Andrew and Charles Shoe-man of
Louisville came in this morning from
their home and to attending the lec
tures on the inconietax at the court
house. .
George Bolin and son Victor from
Greenwood were in this city today
looking after some business and at
tending the lectures at the court
r- M. Davis from southwest of
Murray, was a visitor in this city
last evening, looking after some bus
iness and returned home later in
the day.
Peter Lenhart, of South IJend was
attending to some business matters
in this city Monday and while here
called at this office and subscribed
Protect your investment by having
your car insured by the Bankers
Automobile Insurance Co., who have
a special rate for farmers.
This Insurance costs you but $l.r0
per hundred per year or $3.50 per
hundred for three year covering
amounts to a very little and gives
you mighty good protection, if you
have a Ford it costs you but $5.00
or $6.00 per year. Could you afTord
to have it BURNED or STOLEN at
that price?
For more information inquire of
Leonard Meisinger
at Farmers' State Bank
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
for the Plattsmouth Journal in or
der that he might be kept posted on
happenings throughout the county.
Henry Kehne and son Will v of
Weeping Water came over to tnis
city this morning to attend to some
business matters and visit friends fo
a short time.
George S. Witten and Victor E.
Soward, both from the neighborhood
of South Bend, were in the city to
day looking after some business in
the court house. .
Frank and Homer Schliesthcmeir
of near Nehawka, were in the city
last evening attending the lectures
at the court house and returned
home later in the day. .
Joseph Tubbs, of west of Mynard
was in the city this morning looking
after some business at the court
house, as well as attending to some
matters about town.
Frank Marler, from near Ne
hawka, was in the city last evening
and returned home with his car af
ter having transacted the business
which called him here.
Robert Irvan and Andrew Stohl
man of Louisville were visitors in
Plattsmouth this morning, coming to
attend the lectures at the court
house on the income tax.
Joseph Flaria of Louisville was
in this, city this morning looking
after the application for citizenship
in the United States, he formerly
having lived in Austria.
Frank H. Johnson from near
Weeping Water vas a visitor in this
city today coming to look after some
business and to visit with his par
ent's J. W. Johnson and wife.
Ben Dill and wife and daughter.
Miss Fern, were visitors in this city
last evening, looking after FOr.e bus
iness and returned to their homo
southeast of Murray last night.
I it. Bates and wife were in the
city last evening from their h'me
near Cedar Creek, attending tho mar
riage of their daughter. Miss Pansy
Bates to Mr. Cliaries Muybt-e cf
this city.
Alfred Rohlfi of ne-ir Avoca was
a business visitor in this city today
coming to hok aiter some business
at ti" county seat ani to listen to
the lecture at the court hcue on tlu
income tax.
Lemon Bate, of Rock Bluffs, war
a visitor with his wife in fchio city,
thc-v coming to wit:: ess the? marriage
of his nephew. Fornloy B:tes, who
was united in rnr.rriage to Miss Mar
garet Lewis, of Venice. Ca'.; fornia.
Harry Ilm and Helen Horn, who
have been visiting ncr.r Creighfon.
for some time pa:-t returned home
today and wcrs met at Omaha by
their father Henry Horn, who wt-nt
from hi-3 home ikt.t Cedar Creel: for
that purpose.
Samuel W. Lodr of Greenwood
and If. A. Bryant an attorney from
Ashland, were in the city this morn
ing looking after r.o::ie action to
eleer the title to rnne lands ovned
by Mr. Lodar in the northwestern
portion of Cass county.
George Schoeman and George
He;. Jr., of Louisville canj down to
this city this morning to attend to
vonie business matters. While here
TJr. Heil called at this oflice and had
his subseri'ntion extended for anoth
er year.
B. F. Weaver of South Bend, wa
in thi:5 morning to take his physical
examination before the local board,
he having been at Bridgeport and the
card having to be forwarded lie did
net get it in time to appear on the
date mentioned on the card.
For Sale 10 head of coming C-
year-old mares and geldings, average
weight 1400 lbs. Green broke. The
kind you want. Inquire of J. P.
Falter or Chas. L. Parnicle, Platts
mouth. l-25-2wksd&w
I will offer for sale at Public Auc
tion at my farm, 4 miles southwest
of Mynard and 4 miles northwest of
Murray, on
the following High Grade Stock:
60 Head of High Grade
White Face Cattle 60
C5 of which are cows and heifers
that are bred to.a registered Hereford
10 yearling bulls that are "ready
for service.
Also one Registered Hereford Bull.
5 young horses will be offered for
sale. This stock is all in excellent
Sale Commences at 10. 0'Clock A. M.
Lunch Will Be Served at Noon by
W. A. Scott.
TERMS OF SALE: A credit of
eight, months will be given on all
purchases, with good bankable paper
bearing eight per cent from date. All
property must be settled for before
being removed.
J. R. VALIERY. Owner.
COL. W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer.
GEO. 0. DOVEY, Clerk.
Amsterdam, Feb. S. A telegram
frcm Berlin quotes the Boersen Ga-
ette that as a result of conferences
at Berlin, an agreement has been
reached regarding the peace terms
to be offered by the central powers
to Rumania.
The report is confirmed by the
Essener Allgemeine Zeitung, which
says that Rumania can obtain com
pensation in southwestern Bessara
bia for the annexation of Dobrudia
by Bulgaria. The newspaper sug
gests that Rumania and the Ukraine
make common cause against the
Russian bolsheviki.
Paris, Feb. 8. The Petit Pari
siene continues today publication of
official German documents, which it
says were brought to France by a
prominent French scientist, who ob
tained them from a Russian revolu
tionary paper. The latest install
ment consists of a series of docu
ments tending to show that the bol
shevik movement in Russia has been
financed by Germany.
Among these documents is a cir
cular dated March 2, 1917, from the
German Imperial bank to all repre
sentatives in Switzerland, instruct
ing them to honor all "demands for
money from Nikolai, Lenine, M. Zin
ovieff, Leon Trotzky, M. Kar.enelT,
one of the Russian representatives
at the JJrest-Litovsk peace negotia
tions; M. Soumenson and Mazitn
Koslovsky, who has been described
as the chief German agent in Rtr:
sin, all of which have taken a prom
inent part in the bolshevik move
2 Ford cars, 1 large c;ir simahl
for truck; 1 Harley-Davidon motor
cycle; 1 Excelsior motorcycle; J
Chopie Gas Engine. Inquire oJ J. 1'.
Mason, at Plattsmouth Garage.
The personal property cf the estate
of the late C. II. Vallery will be sold
2t public auction, at his lato Uome,
three miles weat cf Mynard,: Ne-
brasku, cn " '.
consisting of the following described
Sale Ccmmences at 10 0'Clock A. M
Lunch Will Ec Served at Noon by
W. A. Scott.
7 Head of Horses 7
One black team, 5 and 7 years old.
weight 24 00.
One gray team, S and 9 years old
weight 2 SCO.
One gray horse, smooth mouth.
weight 1200.
One bay horse, S year old, weight
One bay horse, S years old, weight
5 Head of Catile 5
Two cows, one fresh soon.
One heifer.
Two yearling calves.
7 Head of Hcgs 7
Three butchering lios.
One sow and three pigs.
Three shoats.
Farm Implements, Etc.
Two Newton wagons.
One hay rack.
One wood saw.
One Dcering binder.
One MeCormick mower.
On 2 wheat drill. -One
hay rake.
One Clover Leaf manure spreader.
Two riding listers.
One feed grinder.
One 2,,j horse International gas
Two Avery cultivators.
1 John Deere 2 row machine.
Four sets of l'i-inch work har
ness. One set of single harness.
One disc.
One stalk cutter.
One corn elevator.
One 4-horse power.
One 3-section harrow.
One loose ground lister.
One bay sweep.
One sulky plow.
One grindstone.
One hogshead.
8 dozen chickens.
Copper clad range; two heating
stoves and many other household
articles; also other articles too num
erous to mention.
TERMS: A credit of from six to
twelve months time will be given on
all sums over $10. All sums of ?10
and under cash. All property must
be settled for before being removed
from the premises.
COL. W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer.
GEO. 0. DOVEY, Clerk.
The Plattsmouth Garage
For Service Livery il Hours!
Best Mechanics to Look After Your Troubles
Batteries Recharged!
Radiator Repaired! Storage!
On and after January 1st, we will do a
strictly cash business.
Positively No Credit!
J. E. tU3ASONv Prop:
At my farm five miles southwest
of Murdock, Nebr., one black horse
with small white spot in forehead
and little white on right hind foot,
weight about tne hundred and fifty
pounds. Owner can have same by
proving ownership and pay for this
notice and for hoses board and keep.
P. F. Duerr. 2-4-3 wkswkly
For Sale 30 tons of choice wild
hay, baled. .See John AV. Falter,
riattsmouth. l-26-2wksd&w
rvoTic i: ok ;i iini 's sai.i-:
In the District Court of Cass coun
tv Nebraska.
In tlif matter of t!i" Api-iicatSon of II. Thorp. Ouaniian -f the
i'ersun ami Kstate of rinrtr.'P T!.orp,
a m'.:!r. for luense to sHi real estate.
Notice is hereby srUen that in pursuant-
of an onltr of Ui listrit
fourt in &r. f'r Ca.-s county. Nebras
ka. Honorable James T. r.jrlev. Jmle
of .ai! Court, made on ti e Hth day of
Jani:arv,'l'Jl. for the silc of the real
.state iifreinaftcr Ies-ri :ei. mere mil
!.- soM at public vcixluro to tl.e liisrl!
est bid.Ur for cash, at tlio South Front
t)o..r of the County Coert House in
the citv of lMattsniouth. in the county
i Cass, and state of Nebraska, on the
jrtrd day of February.. IDIS. at the
hour of ton o'clock a. m., the follow
ntf described real estate:
An undivided two-forty-fifth f'-V
of the Kast half of the Southeast quar
ter of Section the Southwest quar
ter of Section 24. the North half of the
North half of the Northwest quarter
of Sertion 2". and the North half of
the North haif "f th- Northeast quar
ter of Section all in Township 1,
F;ai:t:' !!. C;-ss nnMity, Nebraska: also
an undivided two-forty-fifths (2-4o of
h,ot 2. IJIock 10 in South T.end, ps sur
veyed, platted r.v.'l recorded in Cass
county, Nebraska.
Said srle will remain own one hour.
Dated this 2th day of January, A.
D. 191S.
Guardian of the I 'Orson nnd Kstate
of Florence Thorp, a Minor.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
In the matter of the Kstate of Mar
tha Sheffcr. Deceased.
To all Creditors, Heirs and persons
interested in the estate of Martha
Sheffcr, Deceased:
Notice is heid- given that on the
HUh day of January, 191$. Samuel H.
I .nder tiled a verified petition in the
County Court of Cass county, Nebras
ka, settins; forth that Martha ShefTer
died intestate in Cass county, Nebras
ka, on the 17th day of August, lsiH.
seized of the following described real
estate, to-wit: TheSouthwest quarter
(i?V!i of Section Fifteen 1G Town
ship (12) North. Nine ?'i:ast
of the 6th V. M., in Cass county. Ne
braska; that they are now the owners
of all of the aforesaid lands and that
they acquired title to all of the afore
said real estate through deeds of con
veyance, duly executed and acknow
ledged, from the heirs of Martha Shef
Ter, deceased; that no administration
of the estate of the sa d Martha Shef
fcr has been hud in the state of Ne
braska, and that not more than two
years lu:s expired since her death; they
pray for a determination of the time
anil place of the death of Martha Shef
fcr. a determination of the heirs of
said deceased, their degree of kin
ship, and the right of the descent of
said real estate, and that the creditors
of Martha Shelter be forever barred
and enjoined from assertintr any claim
upon aiu real estate.
Said petition will be heard before
said County Court at its rooms in the
City of Plattsmouth. in said eouritv.
on the 16th day of February, 131$. at
(y the Court)
ALI.l'V J. ni:i:so
(Seal)-j2$-3w County Judge.
IAA.M. lTlfli
Notioe to non-resident T lefen1:i n
their Heirs. Devisees, Legatees, Per
sonal Kepresentatives and All Pcr-
I f (ffil A P U Ci J' '?C 4"acre lrce iHncsten;! act
11 ill! W la E Ix'cn in force one year. Xcarlv
K??! !! CliflCfl? V 000000 fibres of rass-covercil I.
li sj) EilESbS 111 von'in ucrc Icl n Un
tlie vear loir. Ilunilrc!; of ;m
cciins ior inesc lands in J-.ast Central voniiiijj reached them
Douglas oji the lUirlin-ton's Casncr
croft, Gillette or Cleannont, on
east Wvomintr.
Although-the Government survev has not vet hetn imislw-d
would he well to look at these
early this season as possible.
Write-me for circular describinir these mi!c-smarr,.-
steatls. Three years' residence
each year. Information also at United States land offices at Doug
MM i
sons interested In their I".tte.
To William r.-.ul. Kay Caul. ICst! er
Paul. .m-Ua ?! Carter. Kd 'arter. Wil
liam S. IJethei. Hattie Dethe!, ! ra.ik
M. Ur-the-1. if living, if deeeased the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all persoti.s
interested in tie estate of l'rai.k -I.
IJethe!, deceased: Charles ;. lleti el. i"
living, if deceased, the unknown heir,
devisees, legatees, pvi' represen
tatives and all person.-- interest d in
the estate cf Charles, J. Uythel, de
ceased :
You and each of 'u fire hereby no
tified that iiiraey H. lnCIe:e; ; pla n
Uff on the 21st day o: January. l''i';.
filed his petition in the iijsirict Coit
of Cass county. Nebrasl;;.. wherein
and ai! of y :i defendants: the ob
ject and prs: of whleh j ettion
that the ci.ihM, interest r:c:ht. Ct and
estate of aeh a::d every : of y..-i in
an! to tie Must ' 'r.e ll::idr.-.! ad K'
ty-live (I4" f e' of hot iift.'-ri 1 '
in Jones' Addition to the ii:--re '
fJreen wood, Cajs county, Nebraska, i ;
held to le inva!
! that the title
to raid rr a' os-
be jtliefed :!S
and every one
t anv pii.'I all
:i by,
and that it be
of jabl plain
t a t e and e
acair.n you
of you, and
:in in ar.d
try part
and ee-h
a: ; train:
claims f any ;.ersj
throuirh or under yon.
ndjlld-J;ed iind decree, 1 that
all of yo;i whose urines are
forth, if livinc if deceased,
dov: sees. Uateos, person.- 1
tatives ;m 1 all other p; i s
estcd in the estate f each
each and
ahce y.-t
the heirs,
re pi ee n
ns inter
ned every
rr.e of yon. Iiave no risrht. title, iaim
or interest in and to said real estate-,
or any thereof, and th;t each and
all of m'M defendants, those rained,
ami tl.osr whose names are unknown,
and not stated, be forever barred front
cialmim-r or asserting any right, titles
interest or estate in and to said real
estate, cr any rrt thereof, and for tucii
other and furtner relict' us t the court
may set ni just ami equitable.
You and each of you arc further
r.otiiied that you are required to an
swer said petition "n r before Mon
day, tiie 1Mb dav of March.. IMS.
C. A. i:.VL5, Attorney.
original isoTici:
To Mary K. Jmi-f, Oliver
son :i!!.l wife. Dolhe Hudson;
tie Whittakrr and j
ence K. Whittnker: George-
son and wife, Marie Hudson;
nie Andes-son and hushand. Arthur
Anderson: Sidney Hudson and
wife. Hthtl Hudson; Cora Vo-iu-ker
and husband. K'.mer Your.ker;
5eorge Jones and wife Jcr.nio
Jones; Mary "ichards and hus
band. Oliver Kiehards; Lincoln
Jones and wife, Klia; -Maggie
Sponslcr and husband
Spor.sler; the unknown 1 eirs, dev
isees, legatees, poisonal represen
tatives and all persons inter st
ed in the estate of John Hudson,
deceased: the unknown heirs, dev
isees, legatees, personal represen
tative's and ail persons intcre.-tcd
in the estate of William Jones,
deceased; Kva Je.ries. if living, if
deceased, her unknown heirs dev
isors, legatees, peisoi.rl icprest n
tatives and all person.-- interested
in her estate and C. K. Wes-eott.
occupants and owners of l. t I'ivs
",) in Plock Nine C. i and Ij.Is
Twelve ?2 and Thirteen C.) in
Hlock Kight (M ail in svmth Park
Addition to the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska:
You and each cf you arc herobv i;o-
A. D..
that the undersigned. W. K.
on the Stli day of November.
l:Hr. purchased for the taes
thereon due and owing Lot Five
in Ploek Nine C'i and Ixds Twelve 12
at'l Thirteen (?. in Pdock Might
all in South Park Addittion to t'.o
City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne
braska. That said Lot Five (.") in P?ok Nin"
C.) was assessed in the nam. of George
J. Jones for the years HUH and lf'11.
and said Lots Twelve (12) and Thir
teen (i:: in Pdock Might S we
sensed in the name of Geurge J.
"e n.-JoTie-j
for the voars IMTn. 10')' l':p
13U. VJ1:: and mi.
That raid purchaser has
sequent taxes thereon for
191 .1 and
You are further, notified
paid sub
the years
that sai.i
purcnaser will apply- to the f'ountv
Treasurer of Cass Nebraska,
for deed to said lots on thed'tli dav
of May. A. D., llls, if not redeemed
from such tax sale prior to such date
J-l-Sw) W. M. MOP.SM.
main line and via T'nsoM V,
the heridan main line for X'ot
lands and make your .selection
rcriuircd. Five nioniiis'. vnmtmn
las.- Sundance and Buffalo, Wyoming. Let
me help you.
S. B. HOWARD, Immigration Agent, C. B. & Q. Ry.,
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska.