The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 10, 1918, Image 1

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No. 58.
Here Yesterday and Elected Officers
for the Ensuing Year Re
port Pleasing to All.
From "Wednesday's raily.
Yesterday the Platte Mutual In
surance company held its annual
meeting in this city, and heard the
reports of business for the past year,
which were eminently satisfactory.
The Platte Mutual Insurance com
pany and others like it are respon
sible for the greally reduced rates
of insurance that have prevailed for
some time. At this time the rates
which are in effect are about half of
the rates charged on the same class
of risk by the old line companies.
The Platte Mutual has something
over a half million dollars of insur
ance on its books, it being distribut
ed among a large number of policy
holders and covering risks in various
lines, all A-Xo. 1 class, as they do
not accept any but this kind. This
makes the carrying of a policy in
this company a first class invest
ment from the insurance standpoint,
and a policy written iu the Platte is
considered as goo, insurance as can
be procured, while the rates are con
sistently low with the 'class of risks
The losses, of which there are al
ways some in the insurance business.,
have been promptly' met iu the past
and the company is better prepared
financially now than ever before. No
risks are writtenjthat give promise
of impairing the stability of the
company or its ability to pay and in
this way the business goes on with
out interruption of any kind. The
conduct of the business during the
past few years has been in charge of
the secretary, Mr. J. C. Peterson, who
by working in closest co-operation
with the board of directors and oth
er officers of the company, has been
able to build up an enviable reputa
tion for honesty and careful busi-
The Platte Mutual pioneered in
' 0f the state in introduc-
"-urance and helping to
W. R,
e and put value in
1 is entitled to some
il Succeeded so well.
tni A3JC"TSvit is a home in-
I WO . . i t .
:r and conducted
Five Re. vwtprdav the fol-
pO -
. were tietica i
jJFresident, H. M. Soen-
nichsen; TToe-President, D. O. Dwy
er; Secretary, J. C. Petersen; Treas
urer, Dr. C. A. Marshall. The Board
of Directors is composed of H. M.
Soennichsen, D. O. Dwyer, Dr. C. A.
.Marshall, John M. Vorndran, John
Kopia and J. H. McMaken. The
company has now been in existance
for about twenty years, during all
of which time it has met promptly
its every obligation.
1,'.-rn-i Xfnmlav'K Tililv.
Edward Worl was n passenger to
Omaha this morning where he went
to accompany his wife to her home
at Rock Bluffs, after she has been at
a hospital at Omaha for the past
over a month. Mrs. Worl has been
in a critical condition much of the
time, and has been improving but
slowly, but recently has made con
siderable gains, and it is hoped they
will be of a lasting nature.
From Mondays Daifv.
John S. Hall of this city who is
the representative in the western
territory for the Lennox Furnace
Company, returned late Saturday
evening from theannual meeting of
the Company for which he works
and reports that he received tho
;two first prizes, given-the traveling
salesman for the company, one for
the largest volume cf work produced
by any of the salesman, which was
$r0.00, while the other was for
S2".nt and was for the last number
of new customers acquired during
the year, both of whtch Mr. Hall re
ceived. He is receiving also anoth
er substantial earning as well. The
.sales, which have been rated at
$22,000 per annum per salesman,
was exceeded by over eight thous
, and by .Mr. Hall on which he re-
ceives 2 and .! per cent, which will
make over two -.hundred dollars
j more. Surely it pays to make good,
j in a matter of doing business. If
you are working for an institution
or an individual do what your hands
find to do, and do it with your might,
is the only system.
From Moidav . "Paliy,
Mrs. Kmily Drew of Omaha, sister
of Mrs. J. C. Cummins, is in the city
a visitor at the home of her sister.
Mrs. Cummins, as is also Mrs. C. D.
Cummins, on account of the sickness
of Mrs. Cummins. C. D. Cummons of
Omaha and Dr. E. D. Cummins of
Lincoln were both here yesterday
called here by their mother's sick
ness, but she showing some slight
improvement, they returned to their
work last evening.
From Mondiv's Paily.
.Last Saturday afternoon, as a re
sult of a misstep and slip, Mrs. John
Bauer, Sr., fell down the cellar stair
way, with the result that one of her
arms was turned underneath her
body and a fracture of the bone oc
curred. The fracture was reduced.
and while the pain is not so excru
ciating, she is still suffering greatly
from the result of the accident. Her
many friends will be pained to learn
of her misfortune.
From Monday's Daily.
Last Saturday evening George N.
Halmas, who has been at a sanitar-
uur at Lincoln, where 'lie has "been
oceiving treatment for rheumatism.
returned home. Mr. was
feeling .somewhat badly, and his
imbs were ti'ving him consid-; :iM
tjouble, and especially his !;n. '. ,
and he thought it wouid be bcler
to j-o to the sanatariurr, for a suor
t:atment ber'"re he began pic-iv:
uV corn. When he has got loir to
t'l.- tanatarium, he was so bad with
t' rheumatism, that he has spoi.
all this time and now has to tralk
?!. pair of crutches. We h -p
he may soon be able to get around
a :.."! without the sticks.
From Tuesday's Daily.
On account of the sickness of Mrs.
C. A. Richardson at the home of her
parents at Great Meadow, Minn., de
taining Professor Richardson at her
bedside, the school here is a little
short of instructors. The faculty is
looking for Mr. Richardson any day
now and when he arrives all will be
n better position to go ahead with
the work. Until his return however,
things are bound to Ve crowded a
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Taylor will
be at home to their friends all day
Jan. 16th. When they will cele
brate their Golden Wedding anni
versary, cordial invitation extend
ed to all friends.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Louis Hild, wife and two sisters.
Misses Emma and Carrie all from
Macanaw, Illinois, are visiting with
lriends and relatives in this city and
near here. They are guests at the
home of the Hilds, here visiting with
the family of M. Hild today, and with
George Horn who is an uncle. They
also visited at Hayes Center with an
aunt Mrs. Edna Fornoff, they will
remain here about a week.
Had the Grip Three Weeks.
With January comes lagrlppe.
Lingering colds seem to settle in the
system, causing one to ache all over,
feel feverish and chilly, tired, heavy
and drooping. Mrs. Lizzie Tyles,
Henderson, Ky., writes: JMy daugh
ter ha" dlagrippe fo rt'hree weeks. I
gave her Foley's Honey and Tar and
now she is all right." Sold every
where. . '
The" finest line of Box Papers a'
the Journal office.
And Juice Will be Furnished Thru
High Power Transmission Cir
cuit from Red Oak, Iowa
From Wednesday's Dnily.
For pep and get-there, the c'.ty of
Murray, while not a metropolis, has
sure got the stuff in it lor the size
of the town. They have a commer
cial club which is always on the
alert and planning and looking into
the future for a realization of bet
ter conditions in the town and the
country surrounding it. When Mur
ray does things, and that is often,
she always does them right. As evi
dence of this fact, we point with par
donable pride to the new garage that
has just been completed and the
many fine and commodious residences
which are to be seen there. With
the possession of such things as
these, her people have been looking
forward to other things within their
grasp, among which the matter of
proper and adequate lighting has oc
cupied the minds of the members of
the commercial club and a large
number of citizens for no little time.
figures were compiled and the en
tire proposition schemed out with
the end in view of having their lit
tle city lighted.
For a time the most feasible prop
osition seemed to be that of build
ing a-planrr"tindsT)nTeme ago a
committee was sent to Omaha em
powered to purchase a suitable plant
and have it shipped to Murray. But
for some reason the committee did
not see fit to make the purchase, and
returned home. But they were not
disheartened, and so lately they have
been negotiating towards the receiv-
ng of a circuit from this city thru
he Nebraska Lighting company's
high power transmission lines from
he Red Oak plant, the same as wc
Yesterday a committee composed
of Glen Boedeker, George Xichols and
Frank Vallery came to this city em
powered to complete a contract with
the Nebraska Lighting company for
ighting the city and after some ne
gotiations, they entered into such a
contract. This means that the com
pany will, in the near future, have
its lines extended from this city to
Murray, and that metropolitan vil
lage will enjoy a great white way of
ts own.
The town of Murray and its hust
ling populace are to be congratulat
ed upon the successful termination
of their efforts to secure proper and
adequate light in keeping with its
flourishing condition. In the reali
zation of their hopes a little later
all will be happy and proud of the
accomplishment and people passing
through on the night Mop trains will
be reminded of the fact that a town
alive with ambition has succeeded in
finding that for which it has been
searching light.
From Wednesday's Daily.
For some days past C. H. Schop;.
has been loading posrts into a car for
shipment to his farm near lmperi;l.
vbere he will use them for fencing
Mr. Schopp went out this fall and
put in a large acreage of winter
vheat, which when he returned from
tiere was looking excellent, aiid
which he is expecting to make good
returns from the investment of
patting in the crop. Mr. Scho;.p
and family will return to the west
in the spring and make their hon.'
oil the farm which they purchased
atd which is abutting the corpo::i:
liuvts of the town of Impera!.
Frm Wednesday's Dailv.
Will Pearlman, for six years a
euographer fo rtbe Guarantee Fund
Life association, made a sacrifice of
salary when he left that position to
enroll himself among the defenders
of his country the first of last De
cember, but yesterday his father. I.
lVarlnian, 405 North Thirty-first
street, received from the 'association
a check for the diiTerence in salary
with the assurance that this will be
paid while the boy is in the army.
Young I'rarliiKin, who ha b;-en in
the quartermaster';; department at
Fort Logan. Colo., telegraphed his
father Monday that he was leaving
there, but did not know his deslina
t ion. Worid-I lerald.
This is the way this Omaha firm
did the matter, and sormed glad of
an opportunity to do thc-ir bit when
it came to the matter of putting up
the difference between the earning
of Mr. I'earlman as a stenographer
and a soldier. Willie Pearlman was
born in this city and attended the
schools here, and is well known by
the Plattsmouth young people.
From Wednesday's raily.
St. Mary's Guild of St. Luke's par
ish held their first meeting after the
Christmas holidays, yesterday after
noon and were entertained by Miss
Barbara Gering, at the pretty Gering
home on North Sixth St. Mrs. Sam
Shoemaker was to have assisted Miss
Barbara, but was detained at home
on account of illness. The ladies
held a very interesting business ses
sion, at which time reports were
made on the Christmas Shop, which
was held during the early part of
December. This report was most
pleasing to the ladies. During the
business session Mrs. J. E. McDaniel
was elected Directress of the Fancy
Work and Miss Dora Fricke Direct
ress of the Aprons. There being no
further business, the ladies adjourn
ed and devoted the few remaining
moments to a delightful social time.
The ladies enjoyed having Mrs. Ger
ing in their midst and were so much
pleased to find her able to be with
them. Father Leete too. who has
not been in the best of health for the
past few months, was also able to be
present. The hos-tess served de
licious refreshments, which were
thoroughly enjoyed by the ladies in- j
debted to the hostess for the splendid
afternoon afford them.
From Tuesday's Tnily.
The banquet which the Commer
cial Club, is to have on the sixteenth
of this month, is being prepared and
arrangements are going forward at
a rapid rate. The committee having
the matter in hand and consisting of
O. A. Moore, A. W. Cloidt and L. O.
Miner, is pushing the matter, and
have arranged to have the affair
come off at the Wagner Hotel.
These annual banquets are a means
of getting closer together as a com
mercial unit, for the making of a
better and more enterprising city.
Good speakers, with new ideas and
ones which will be for the better
working of each individual interest
would go towards unifying the
different business lines, to the end
that all will work together for the
upbuilding of the city in all ways.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Yesterday while shelling corn at
his home Emil J. Meisinger, had a
peculiar accident happen to him, in
that the corn sheller was over turn
ed, catching him on the back with
one of the sprocket wheels. The
be: had ran off the sheller from the
tngine, and in putting it on a twist
was formed in the belt, which jerked
the engine and sheller towards each
other, overturning the sheller, and
catching Mr. Meisinger as above
stated. The sprocket wheel left some
five marks on his back, but had about
spent its force by the time it had
gotten where he was and there did
not strike with the full force. Fort
unate it was for him, that he es
caped so. lucky.
He is sore and somewhat stiffened
from the experience, but hopes to be
all right again in a short time.
Our Jitney Offer This and 5c.
DON'T MIS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with five cents to Foley
& Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago,
111., writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive in return
a trial package containing Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup, .Foley Kid
ney Pills nad Foley Cathartic Tab
lets. Sold everywhere.
Subscribe for the Journal.
Lecturer Francis Dealt with Great
Question of the Day The
War and Its Cause.
From Wednesday Dally.
Last evening at the opera house,
was gathered together a large num
ber of people to hear the address
given, by Lecturer Francis, who ap
peared here as the fourth number on
the local lecture course.
The lecture was preceded by a four
minute talk by Attorney C. A. Bawls
who. in his excellent and pleasing
manner of presenting a subject, in
spired all to a little more sacrifice
on behalf of the Nation. He spoke
particularly of the matter of saving
by investing in Thrift Stamps, or
Baby bonds, as they are known and
thereby assisting the Government in
this time of stress, both in the mat
ter of lending the money to the gov
ernment by such purchase and in the
matter of benefits to be derived by
the purchaser himself in attaining
heretofore unt nought of habits of
thrift. He also requested of the
audience serious consideration of the
food conservation program advocated
by Mr. Hoover and his group of as
sistants who are giving their time
and attention to the matter and are
eminently fitted to know wherof they
speak in terms of foodstuffs.' In or
der that our soldiers niav'be fed it
is necessary that we curtail our own
rations a little, but, said Mr. Rawls.
no great sacrifice has yet been made
or even suggested, for it does no one
any harm (rather good) to go with
out meat one day a week or with
out wheat another day. Many, who
work and live, have subsisted with
out meat practically all the time and
we should not deeni it a hardship to
do without one day a week. Mr.
Rwls was greeted with applause,,
both upon his appearance and also
at, the completion of his address.
Following the brief remarks oi
Superintendent G. K. DeWolf, made
by way of introducing the speaker,
Mr. Francis came forward and was
welcomed with a ring of applause
that put him in good spirit for the
beginning of his address.
The first few moments wat- spent
in telling stories, which had the
end in view of making an acquain
tance with the crowd and feeling
out their sympathies and their likes
and dislikes, in order that the more
serious portion of- the talk might
run smoothly. The subject, of Alr.
Francis' lecture was, "An Old World
with a New Conscience." Like all
lecturers, he either addressed him
self to the subject or from it, but
in this instance he always -got back
to the essence of the theme. He be
gan by estimating the age of tht
world, which he assumed was great.
Illustrative of this to some extent, hf
told of having been at Benton. 111.,
recently to talk to a graduation class
and while there going down into a
coal mine a distance of three-quar
ters of a mile, when he was made to
realize that a long time had been
consumed in building up this amount
of earth on top of the coal deposit,
since it was placed there. After he
had spoken for some little time on
the magnitude of years which must
of needs have elapsed since the old
world was first made, he drifted in
to a discussion of the conditions gov
erning society, men, events and na
tions. This brought him squarely up
to a discussion of the cause of the
present world war which is devastat
ing the eastern hemisphere and
promises to take as toll the lives o
many noble young Americans if con
tinued. During the past three years
and some months of the war he said
nine million men have been killed
while twelve million more have been
so maimed as to jsake tti-scj: helpless
for life, while-'. mauy njiUioa more
were also vounded less seriously, to
say" nothing of the millfoap 5)add
homeless by reason of the struggle
Speaking about the cause of the
Avar the lecturer said it was in or
der to hold buck the desire for lib
erty being nurtured in the breasts
of the German people, for once the
Autocracy could get them to killing
peoples of other lands the govern
iiient rested supreme in the hands of
the despot rulers. Germany, he de
clared was carrying a chip on her
.shoulder waiting for some one to
knock it off, or Tor it to fall off in
order that, she might have excuse for
attacking pome one, and the Serbian
incident furnished just such excuse
In likening the conflict as one be
tween Democracy and Autocracy, he
used, in a measure, the expression of
brahani Lincoln, or at least enunci
ated the martyred president's idea,
as given thought in the saying that
i i l l luii vauuiH .Ulililiur iu rAi.i
half slaVe and half free," and which
Mr. Francis changed to make world
wide when he said, "This world can
not long endure partly ruled by Au
tocracy and partly by Democracy." It
must be all under the rule of the
Touching upon the theme of loy
alty to country, the speaker said:
"When a person shall have come to
this country, and here prospered be
cause of the better conditions and
more benificent laws, and a land of
Liberty, and then and then when
the time comes, he fails to give that
loyalty to his country of adoption,
which is right and Just, but rather
sympathizes with the former land.
wherein he was almost a begger, and
utters one word against his country
in favor of that other land which is
an enemy nation, he should be cloth
ed with the rags which he wore when
he arrived, his accumulations here
taken from him. and he be, at the
point' of a bayonet escorted to the
port and made to go back to that
land from which he came." With
this assertion, the temper of the
audience responded to the feeling of
patriotism by vociferous applause at
the sentiment so plain spnkingly ex
pressed by the speaker.
From Tuesday's Dally-
Yesterday at the St. Joseph hos
pital Roy F. Denson, who was horn
n this city some twenty-three years
ago. died of Spinal menengitis. Mr.
Denson who has been in the employ
of the Union Pacific, has just been
on a trip to Missouri for the com
pany, and on his return Sunday was
taken sick and getting so bad he was
rushed to the hospital for treatment.
Boy has been married but a short
time and leaves a wife, his father
and mother Mr. and Mrs. Fred E.
Denson. and two sisters Misses Thel
ma and Opal. Mrs. H. S. Barthold
of this city who have always been
neighbors with the Denson family
while they lived in Plattsmouth. re
ceived a phone message last evening
tejling of the sad affair, and this
morniing departed for Omaha, where
she will render what aid and com
fort to the stricken relatives possible.
Mrs. Barthold is also taking treat
ment with a specialist in Omaha her
Mrs. Frank Warren was a pass
enger to Omaha this afternoon where
she is visiting with her son Allen,
who is at a hospital where he is be
ing treated, and who she hopes to
find improving as he was when the'
visited him a few days since.
Keep your valuable papers in one of our
Safety Deposit Boxes
$1.00-Per. Year
Just received a limited number of boxes?
fml Uatioial Esak
Our vmtt r5 ABSOLUTELY Fir md
Reports Show Nice Balance on Hand
and a Good Business Last
Season Good Risks.
From Wel.?.r:n v's Paily.
Last Saturday the Farmers Mu
tual Insurance company held its an
nual meeting at the offices of the
company in the Coates block, at
which time the election of officers for
the coming year was held. The same
officers who have looked after the
company's business in such satisfac
tory manner during the past year,
were re-elected, namely: Mr. Jacob
Tritsch. president; John H. Becker.
vice-president; M. L. Friedrich. treas
urer; J. P. Falter, secretary.
This substantial company now ha
a little in excess of one and a half
million dollars worth of insurance
on its books. This immense busnes
is so spread out over various risks as
to make it almost entire safe r. a
combined risk. The rates charged
by the company are only about AO
per cent of those charged by the o!d
line companies. There are about nine
hundred policy holders in the com
pany at present, and there is not a
single unpaid loss nor has there been
a contest of any kind. The company
has ,.00-00 cash on hand and has
paid out a like amount during the
year just past.
The Farmers Mutual has been in
existance for twenty-eight yean and
during that time has paid out to pol
icy holders on losses sustained ap
proximately s20.000.00. It will be
readily seen, therefore, that the an
nual loss average has been less than
1.000.00. In fact, figuring it down
to fine points, a trifle less than nTIO
per year has been the amount aver
aged through the life of the com
pany. This is a pretty good record
for a company with over a million
and a half business on its books'
The company does a general farm
property insurance business and is
fortunate indeed at having no larger
loss than it has.
From Tiii1jv'? PaHv.
Roy McKinney, who for a long
time was assistant of the Hotel
Biley and who left here a number of
years ago, is now located in Los
Angeles. He was a delegate to San
Antonio. Texas, where there was a
convention and after attending the
convention, he concluded he would
return by the way of Plattsmouth
and see some of his old time friends.
He was in the city yesterday renew
ing his acquaintances, and telling of
what he is doing. He has grown
and is a good sized man now. He
will go from here to Omaha and then
west returning via Seattle.